Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 10, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Occasional Italn Thursday.
Mil. 18, Mln. 33, Pro. 01.
rorty.flfth Tear.
EMUlv Tenth Yi'ar.
jjnllan Passenrjcr Steamer Ancona
iSink by Submarine In Mediterran-
can 270 Reported Saved out of
!B42 Aboard Two Americans on tho
.Vessel Many Women Lost.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Two
Ifahun-Ameiienns sciilcd from Na
ples on tlio steamer Aneoiin. accord
ing lo a diBputeh to (ho state depart
iSent tndey from (.'omul White. One
of them was Mr. Frnucesca Mnrolo
ifomura ('ntu-ul Wlnto cabled it was
verbally repoitcd in Naples that 270
pctfioiiK had been baved out of the
642 aboard.
Consul White's dispatch said Hip
other Vt Amerieun citizen was an in-
fanl child.
The consul qave Ihe names of no
Ruber passengers. His dispatch was
tlie first concerning the Anemia to bo
received nt the Htate department.
Jonsul While's dispatch said Ihe An-
eo:in wns torpedoed off llircrtn, on
the .Mediterranean sen, Noilh Africa.
Attempted to INntiM)
M'Kl.IN, Nov. 10 (by wireless to
Sn.willc). "Infomintion from a re-
liab'o source is tliat the steamship
Kicona was sunk by an Austro-llun-Ktirisir-
submarine," says tho Overseas
News agency. "She attempted to es
cape olid thus eoiiiH'lled the subma
rine to uc her guns."
HO.Mi:, Nov. 10. The Italian liner
fAiieonii, earryii.;.' -182 passengers and
InTerew of 1(!0, has been sunk by an
Butstrian stibmarine flying the Gorman
flog in tho Jlcdilerranonn. The los
of life is eslinuted at exceeding !100,
mo-My women r.nd children imiui
JcrnuK There were 81! first-class
enhin paBsengers, CO second cabin
nd 3.'I0 ?teora;c. Tlio vessel left
Nnrles vcitorday for New Yoik and
was mi:'k homewiiere between tlio wes
tern end of Sicily, the southern end of
Sardinia nml IHerla. Two hundred
and tu only-nine passenger and crew
hue been lauded at vurioiw points.
Passengers liuidcd
IOiip bundled and thirty passongers,
nj number of them injured, are ro-
potted to luixe- been landed tit llicitti.
while a Inter message stated two of
the Aieona's boats with 31 of the
grew, had landed at Cape Hon, Tunis,
about 70 miles cast of Ilizortn;
A mcwise from Malta states that
four passengers and 11 of the crew
Ki' the Ancona have been landed there.
One bundled shells were fired into
fihe Aueonu belore she was torpe-
Amnng those aboard tho Ancc.n.i
Tis I'niice Cassniio Kiinicii.
Not n TrausMiit
Ki:' YORK, Nov. 10. The An-
(Continued on pago eIx)
(LONDON. Nov. 10 - Telegrams ro-
Wived here from Alglorns, .Morocco,
Ito way of Madrid, report a Ilrltlsh
eriilser has sunk two Gorman sub
iSarlncs lu tho straits of Gibraltar.
ll.ONDON, Nov. 10. Tho Ilrltlsh
lwaiuor Moorinn has been tiiuk.
l.ONIJON Nov. 10. Tho Ilrltlsh
steamer California!!, a vossol of G'.23
It ens, bus beon sunk.
Erhe steamship Moorlua was In tho
Mrrlre of tho Ilrltlsh govornmont and
tWjwe are no retords of bor recent
jneyements. Hor not tonnage was
The Californlan was a Leyland
liner of 0223 tons grots roglstor. Sho
jhaai been taken over by the Ilrltlsh
Eforlgoxernment service.
friie t'aliforuian figured prominent-
Imn the stor of the Titanic, having
been ix sr the hum ef the wreck,
Wat ii "t luxiug gone to the reacue.
London. Nor. i The IlrUlak
steamer CUu Mm AUiMer has b(HW
tfh,e Mkc Alliaef. -list tOM tMMt.
M owned in Qlasw.
Situation (or Allies Grows Steadily
Worse in the North, But Offers En
couragement in the South French
Recapture Veins Four Days' Bat
tle Raginy.
LONDON. Nov. 10.4 From the paint
of view of Ihe allies, the Scibinn sit
uation grows steadily worse in tlio
north, but offers fresh ground for
encouragement in tho otith. All of
the important railway lino through
Nish that remains in .Serbian bauds
is a small section near Alekstnae,
north of Nish, and this is doubly
threatened by th" llulgarian advance
to tho Moravn river anil tlio contin
ued southward ill he of tho Gorman
foiccs from Knievnc, both converg
ing upon Aleksinnc, whore it seems
likely that a junction soon will be
South of Ni.h the railway is un
doubtedly in the hands of tho Unitar
ians as far as Vole-, since I.eskovau
lias been rocenll, taken bv them, but
south of Voles, in the neighhoihood of
ICiivolak, the situation has taken a
turn decidedly more favorable for the
allies. The Hiilgarians are still per
sistently attacking this point, but
Saloniki di-patch8 report they have
been driven back no fewer then four
times nml the net result of tho Hiil
garians' dcpcuito attempt to work
thcnis'-hcs behind the Serbian armv
has been heavy losses without tiieir
gaining a foot of territory.
Dcclslio Offensive
French and Ilrilish troops figured
conspicuously in this llulgnrinn ro
pulnc, and it is confidently believed
here that, reinforced by troops now
arriving in large numbers, a decisive
offensive by the allies will be pos
sible in the nenr future.
Serbians' Victorious
LONDON, No". 10. Sorbinns op
erating in the defiles of Kutchnmk
aiminst tho Ihilgaiiaus udwiucing
from I'skup to l'ns Hum! report an
important success, according to ad
vice f i oni Saloniki.
In the region of Strumitsa, Hritish
troopi iiavo received reinforcements
and rep'aced tho French north of Doi
rnn. with the object of harassing the
flank of the Uutairiuns, who are at
tempting o reach Doiran nnd Gucv-
'Claim Trench Defeat
IlKRLIN, Nov 10 )by wireless to
Sayville). A defeat for the French
and Hritish hoop in southern Serbia
with losni'n which are doncribed at--enormous
is repotted in n dispatch
from Sofia by wny ol Budapest.
According to Ibis information, the
battle oeeiirred between Krivoluk and
Prilep. The allies made a violent at
tack upon defensive positions of the
lu addition to heavy losses in killed
or wounded of tho allies, it is icport
I'd a lap,'!! number of their troops
were captured.
Four Hays' Hattlo
PARIS, Nov. 10, 10:'', a. m.-Dispatches
to the Palris of Alliens from
Salenik: state that for four days n
violent battle lm been in progre s in
( Iia ieiuitv of Strumitsa between
French and Itultriirinu foieet. At 'nst
accounts the fighting was still going
on. The French were outnumbered bv
the Hiilgarians. General Snrail, the
Fn'iich commander in chief, has sent
reinlorccirents to this front
UUHI.IN, No 10, b wireless to
Seville Altliouish tho profits of
tho Krupp works last year amounted
to t l,500,ooo and would permit of
payment of a 2 1 percent dividend, tho
owners will make no extra profit on
account ef the war. After parwent
or a dividend of 12 percent, the
amount distributed Inst year, a sur
plus of about ?.. IH be de
voted to ekarttr- To the reltof fund
tor fnwitkw qf MMtora killed in tat
U $i.M.M will k h'n and
Iftl.M will bo to Ike eoral re
lief fund.
Mikado Enthroned as Emperor of Ja
pan Amid Mystic Ceremonies of
Ancestor Worship Will Continue
Work of Father In Buildina Up Em
pire and Strcnrjthcnlnn Frlcnshlps.
KIOTO, Nov. 10. In Kioto, the an
cient capital of Japan, Yoshihito was
consecrated emperor todnv.
For days th'j weather has been wet
and gloomy. At tho moment Yoshi
hito bowed down before the ancestral
sua goddess today, the rnvs of sun
fhishid ovor the mountain, dissipating
the clouds. According to legend, the
sun goddess m prehistoric- ages
emerged from her rocky cave and fill
ed the whole universe with glorv.
Tho appearance of the sun today is
interpreted by the people of Japan as
a good omen of an auspicious reign
of Yoshihito and of the destiny of the
Ancestor Worship
The first part of the principal cere
monies held this morning consoled of
a ritual service of ancestor worship,
whiih struck a note of religious mys
ticism. This afternoon Yoshihito was
enthroned. Tho morning ceremony
was addressed lo tlio gods, it seemed,
and the other lo tho people.
foreigners who witnessed tho cor
onation wero deeply impressed. The
American women wero particularly
interested in tho sight of the Japan
ese noblo women, in ancient court
robes. Tlio American ambassador,
George W. Guthrie, expressed himself
as moved by tho solemnity of tho oc
casion. Post Wheeler, first secretary
of tho America nembassy, who is
studying tho mythology of Japan,
spoko of the immobility and sileneo of
the people until Premier Okuma called
I'Hanrail Banzai!" when the onlook
ing throng took up tho cry and ac
claimed the monarchy.
Continues I'nllici's Woik
The emperor todnv issued an im
porinl rescript in which he declared
bo will continue tlio work of his
father, who "conceived the great pol
icy of opening tho country to foreign
intercourse," in tho buihlinir iu of tho
empire and the strengthening of
tncndships with other nations. Fol
lowing Is tho paitial te.t of tho re
script: "Having ascended tho iiiineriul
throno of dhlno origin, wo hereby por-
lorin tho ceremony ol accession.
"Our forefathers hae been con
stant and loyal to tho imperial bonne,
thus consecrated by ties that unite
sovereign and subjects with the
strength of n bond between father
and sou. Our empire has developed a
character which has no equal on this
Strengthen I'liendsblits
"Now that wo have inherited the
grand work of our father, it is our
will to ficouro tho ponnnnout stability
of tho state by consolidating its foun
dation, nnd to shuro the benefits of
leaco and harmony by strengthening
friendship with other nntioiiK. Muv
tho hoavenly spirit of our ancestors
witness our determination that we ful
fill our mission by diligently laboring
day and night.
"Wo trust our loynl subjects will
guard and maintain tho prosonty of
tho throne by performing with nssuid.
itv their respcetivo duties. It is our
wish to make cer more brilliant the
glory of our country bv tho unitml
virtue and harmonious co-operation
of nil. Wo command vu, our sub
H'cts, to be guided by these, our
WASHINCiTO.V, Nov. in pr0sl
dent AVllson will begin work next
wook on his message to congress. Ho
has called a cabinet meeting tenta
tively for next Friday or tho follow
ing Tuesday tho first held since last
Julv at whleh outlines of tho worx
of tho govornmont department! and
the estimate for the eontlng year will
be dlacunsod. Tho president, seconi.
ing to his witeiM, probably will de
liver tho metswae In peraon.
Next week the preatdent will Ms
for with the onetrewlonal budget
iii A TS. 1 --"
n-pnf (VtWMr'' J-" iflRBV'IHfHlrr V XsZlXJ )L -. iters
IkK-ir.- JHK1 fMSS9mtUKmJ fi
lw -cKBiy KifMsnrgfSaffift m
Eirf' f d(sssrfBwKiiil73lTsiiX ?aK,XfaWmHB5t, t
M mmj
To tho People of tho Rogue 1th or
Tho Ijoo L sugar proportion will be
a flzzlo unless tho peoplo got It out
of tliolr minds that It will go anyway,
whether tlioy help It or not. I havo
sjiont uoarly three wooku on this
work, loavlng my busluueg to do so.
There are busliioss men lu this town,
owning land, whom I havo called on
sovoral tlmos. They aro too busy to
talk to mo and request that I como
again; or thoy aro not ready to sign
now, but will talk It ovor and sec
mo lator.
Now, I do as much business as any
huKlnosfl man In town and It Is of ns
much Inturnst to others an It Is to
mo. If I can spare my tlmo lu full,
otbors can surely spare part of their
Now, what I wnnt ami must havo
Is co-operation, If I do not got It, I
might Just as woll closo my dosk and
go back to tho store and lot tlio boot
sugar proposition go by tho boaid.
C. K. flATKB,
Mann nor Iloet Ruuar Cauipalgu.
DATE 2,099,454
10. Ctvriiittii he Irom Qetoher 10
to Novejnhar 12 in iHud, wounded mid
misiuf were 7rt,.'IT(l, neoording to
figures published bv tho CoiirHiit,
which irimnuii4 lloe uHOuUiM re
late to tint ('hninpagiie.
Tho tol'tl I' Iuhmw to date,
(ho MHr says, have umu a.OIJO, ).'),
not ineludiiiy 'J :n Kuxaiioiis, 2'X
Wurteinburg, 2'' Saxon nnd 50 uay
li.-li. and (ho b of offieeru nnd
noneoiiiini-xioiK il li. rent who haw
bi't-n lo,t win! Jijiimg with tbu
LONIMJX, No I e. --The resiguu
tlfiH of anotlit-r iiK-mlier of tb Hu
glnn cabinet is reported by )luuir'
nrroauondent nt Ptrogr4. Tiiu 4'
MUh ss.14 V. V. Hukbloff, minister of
KWSBunlcAUon, hag rottrod nnd that
the esniMror hM eoaforroxl on bint tk
Order of AJesnnder Nersky.
XOVEiNfBER, 10, into
,1-j, ro) ,
LONDON. Nov. 10. -The see ion of
the pros favorable to tlu Greek gov
ruincnt nffiium that a decice dissolv
uig tho chumhet will bo iiromulgalcd
tomorrow, miy an Athens dispatch to
the Kxchiingc Telegraph company.
Tho loan by Ihe allien to Urwe,
deliniirly anuouiieed today, will, it i
tliought, tend to cement friendly sen
time'it and by showing the confidence
of Ihe eutenlu powers in (Irueuo To
meie than ol'feis of ttriitory or other
iiidueeiiieuts to (miction that coun
try's benevolent inclinations into pos
itive iiction.
Ipor' differ hh to Ihe probabil
ity of Ihe dissolution of the present
Greek chamber, some stilting that dis
solution i imminent nnd a decree on
(he point of being promulgated, and
others (hel foimer Premier Vcui'iilorf
mid ollicis that foimer Premier Von
icloK and bib party mo prepared to
Mipoort the Skouloudis oahiiiPt. Osn
eral opinion seems to be that all tho
lininK lire nnioii- to aoid nw
iticil iDiilc-t i mli'i n pioM'iit dis
I llll" ll COI.dllllM ".
LO.NUO.V, Nov. 10.- Promlor An
ipiith will ask the house of commons
toiUy for a veto of credit of 100,000
000. This will maku the total amount
voted for war purposes lu tho curront
yenr 1.300,000,000.
With the amount voted In tho flu
es 1 enr of 101 1-1015 tho sum allot
ted for tho war, Including new oto
of credit will resell tho aggregate of
1, (;;, ooo, ooo.
iiI.VK8TO.V. Texas. Nov. 10.
One hnudred Villa officers left Denn
is. Aris., for IMedraa Nocrna, at T
ovUxk last nlgbt, having aoedplad
amnesty, aeordlng to A mongggo
from Uoaoral Calloa, Carmnwt cow-
aaander at Agita PHota rooolvod by
tho Mexican eoennbntu hor. Tho
eoaaao ataiM ttat tka oitiaoM will
rotnni to tboir kowsa In Magtao fraiM
Piedras Nrgras.
Machinery nnd War Material Worth
Many Millions of Dollars Consumed
by Flames Fire Results From a
Spark From Electric Lamp Which
Exploded, Fnlllnn Into Peel of Oil.
10. A fire which virtually
(be No. I machine hhop of the llethle
hem Slcol company hcie today, wan
finally n.xtiuguMicd this at'ternoou
after can. iut; damiiKe estimated at
from 1, 0(10.000 lo f 1,000.000.
The buibliiu; destroyed wiik recenl
lv reeotiHtruelcd and eipuppcd with
aluah!c mtichinrry at a cost of about
0,000,000. Kiht hundred jjuui,
nlonjr with other war material, were
in procc.HH of mauufactuie in Ihe shop.
Tiieve puiH wcio viilued at nearly
1, 000,001). The buildim; was ulmnt
cemplelely burned and the mucliiuery
nnd '..'11118 ruined or ilnmnycd. The
cuiiH were ludinj made for the 'ntenle
alli' and for the United Slulcn ov-
Duo lo (ToxsinI WIiws
Tho company iwd a Htnteincnt
that tho fire viih due lo a crowed
electric liahl wire circuit, which ig
nited oil in Ihe hoi hit; mill.
The firo spread rapidly nnd soon
Ihe entile building was wrapped in
ilnmcH. The file department of the
steel plant was called into action, iih
well as the department)! from four
neijfhliorimr Iowiih.
1si lotals .Millions
Tlie'vnlue of Ihe trtins nlono in the
shop is said to bo Kcvorul million dol
lars. There wcio about 1000 ma
chines of different kindn in the build
in?, running from lathers, KhuperB,
drillM on down lo borim; muebiues.
Theo maehinoH weie worth from
$100 lo several thoiisnml dollars
each, end it is estimated (hat the
Milue of the machinery wtu several
millirii dollars.
The burni'd shop wiih 2."0 feel
wide, .100' fegt lonir and four stories
high On I hose four floors, '.'0.10 luou
were employed in duy ntid uiulit
shills. In (he neitthhoihooil of 800
men were nt woik when thu fire start
ed, and so rapidly did it spread that
some employes hnd to inuko their es
nape by means of ropes,
Fioni workmen it wns learned that
tho firo stalled in oil near tho en
trance (o (ho plant. There was only
a spark of fne at first vheu some
workmen started to nut it out b
throwing- on water. Then followed a
mighty lln-li and up lenpod a flame
an bijili us tho structure,
I'Iimii, follapMi
General alarms wcio Hounded
throughout Ihe boroughs of South
llethlehom, Ilelbhihem, Fouutuiii Hill
and Northampton Heights,
Tlio fire stalled on tho south side
of the huildiutr mid soon nlo iU way
(hro-Hfh the slruuturo. Floor ufter
floor lo-ided down wilb iiai-lunen
collapsed nnd fell to tho first floor,
wbeio it lay in a jumbled iiuo.s. A
fur as known tliuio wan no loss of
life The fire probably will burn nil
lift v.
Iteeully Ihe burned huildiiu; was
rebiilt and eunided and eipiipped
at a erst said lo ho $.'1,000,000. It
was given over to Ibo lunuufuutiiro of
guns of Minuiu calibre for the Unit
f il Slater, Kiuilnnd, and some of these
guns wi'ie in pioii-.-. of lnniiufaelure
when llm fire bnl.i- oi.l.
M'ULIN', Nov. 10 Uiv wnele to
Sayville). -An ofteuMe inoeiuent
iiudertuken by Ihe Ituaainus in the
ltigu Jistriet is uid by the war office
today to hue failed. An advance wa
attempted uiwly ngatuat tho Oonaun
IHMitions near Ivautwern, 'JO soil
west of Riga. Strong Uuesiag at
tuck ut Jneohstadi also wort icpule
ed and una officer and 117 awn wore
Thr Russians aUo took the ff. n
aitr in thr region of Caarto' v-l flu
gdimprei to brvak throu'.-li thr Hit
in. hi bin- north ts Badka. bui wire
I'bet li-tl nml bv a aoewit'i utt " k Men
thrown baek lo their turner hmu-
NO. 199
Steamer Znalandla Boarded by Brit
ish Officers In Mexican Port and
Awaited by British Cruiser Outside
Reported to Have Aboard Ger
man Officers Interned at Norfolk.
"WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Tho
American stcamor Zealandla was for
cibly searched by a party from a Brit
lull cruiser last week whlto lying In
tho port of 1'rogresBo, Mexico. Tho
American consul thoro reports tho
cruiser now Is lying outHldo, presum
ably waiting to solzo tho ship.
On tho faco ot uuch a report as tho
consul sent, oven though Incomplete,
Iho ofNctul conclusion hero is that
tho Hritish naval authorities not only
violated Mexican neutrality, but far
exceeded tholr rights In forcibly
Hoarchlng an American Blilp In a neu
tral port.
To Attack Oil Tnulo
Tho Zcalandla figured much of Into
In reports of tho Investigations ot
Hritish ngonts on tho trail of ships
supposed to bo fitting out In tho Unit
ed Statos for attacking oil carrying
ships from Mexican oil fields whore,
tho Ilrltlsh navy draws a groat pro
portion of Its supply of fuol oil.
On October 7, tho Kolandla, for
merly n Hawaiian ship, inyBtorlounly
loft Pcnsacola, Kin., nt night for Tarn
ptco, Mexico, carrying a largo stock
of provisions and manned principally
by Germans. An American flag
painted on her hull had boon painted
over and It was reported that while
at soa sho flow tho German colors,
although this was flatly donlcd by her
Ship's Movements
Tho ship moved from Tampco to
Cnmpccho, whoro Ilrltlsh agents lo
cated hor and reported that bIio boro
a largo quantity of rosin for which
thoro was no ostcrislblo ubo In Moxlco,
although It Is usod largely for making
shrapnel. Thoy also reported their
suspicions that slid boro n largo quan
tity ot copper and tho Ilrltlsh view
was that thu ship was waiting for ait
opportunity to slip out with tho cargo
for hoiuo port whoro It would find Itu
wny to Groat Ilrttnln's enemies.
Nothing further of hor movements
wns reported until today when tho
American consul roportod sho had
been forcibly searched In port by a
party from tho Ilrltlsh crulsor which
had been lying outablo. "What tho
soarchoru found, tho consul did not
roport, but Inasmuch as ho reported
tho cruiser still lying In wait It was
supposed they found something
aboard that gavo them a reason to
await tho Zolandla's departure.
Tho Zolandla Is reported to havo
taken on board sovoral officers who
oscapod from the Interned German
auxiliary orulser Kronprliu Wllholni
at Norfolk, Va , ntid fitted out for tho
use of Germans Inp osslblo ralda
against lit UhU commerce lu thu re
gion of the Gulf of Moxlco.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 M Del.
val, a Dolgluit oniployed by tho Unit
ed Statue us counsellor to thu lega
tion at UriiHKola, has left llolgluiu
and will not return to his post bu
cutiKU Germany has given notice that
Dolval Is pornonii nun grata. Tho
statu department will not admit that
DoUal has been reinovod, but an
nounced today that ho hud loft Uol
Klum and will nut return.
PAItlS. X... 10.- A Clemuin attack
near the fun! of Oiteuelry wim ous
Hy repiil-inl by Fiuueh trttoj, lie
eliding lo an uouounceiiieut iipujc this
iiftrio4m by Uib Fiwialtpr office,
win!,- at hn same tLaftilfrjyiuih hut
trrii , in the cii nixt.riU uYsfnot nonr
Tahuro responded with Oiturgy to u
German aiiillety attack.