MEDFORT) MAIL TRTBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON". TUESDAY, NOVKMBKIl !), 1915 PAGE THREE WD A THIEVES ARRESTED AI LOS ANGELES The men who stole V. II. Lyilianl's 'nutumobile oh the evenine; of October 128 ami csenpcll with it to Los Angeles, Cnl., Imvo bt'on nrrestetl in tho latter feity and aro held Htilijcct to the com- rinnm. of tho Oregon authorities They tliavc confessed the crime, it is re- hiortctl. Clitef. of Police llittson received a Melesrnpliie incsngc from Police (Chief Snlvcly of the California oily, yesterday livening, eontiiinitifr the Inbove information, includinj; tho as- Mtrniico that it is llio Lydinrd ma- Pehinc, having been identified by limn er and otherwise. . The men pive their iiames n Ucorco Sluclonkey and Tliomas McDonald, and unhesitatingly admit lhat they took tho automobile with felonious aforethought. Lydliml in California Jlr. Lydiard, who offered a reward jlf .foO for the recovery of the anto, 1H now in San Francisco looking foi lit. Chief llittson endeavored to get Pinto communication with him last flight, but ho far has not been nblo to reach him. When Lvdiard shall have been notified, it is assumed that lie will go directly to Los Angeles and drive his machine back to Jfudford. j no j.vitinni auto, a lord, was Minuting iigniimt the curbing nt the. jinrk, near the I'tclivtcritin church, with that of C. E. Oaten, tho Ford agent in I hi city, htanding next to it. The thieves had to back the agent's machine to release the Lyd iard auto from the curbing, Hut dates' machine had the dealers' tag on display and the hurrying tourists were wise enough to leave it unmo lested, knowing that every Ford agent in tho country would bo after them as soon as the theft was announced. May Ihi Tried In Los Angeles Prosecuting Attorney Kelly is in communication with the California authorities at Los Angeles to deter mine if the self-confessed thieves can receive sentence at that place for hav ing taken stolen property into (hat Mate. If so, that would reduce the expense of their conviction and im prisonment. It may develop, however, Hint those who would appear against them would prefer to have tlum tried for the crime in this district and this possi bility may influence the adjustment of. the matter. News From Our Neighbors EAGLE POINI EAGLETS By A. C. Oowlett GOLD HILL NUGGETS OREGON APPLES ATTRACT ATTENTON H. Klum, the advertising man of Jnckson county, came out with two other men and erected a frame on the corner of the lot facing Main street nnd Hamilton avenue, and later he in tends to cover the frame with a metal covering, and the structure is to bo used for general advertising. The bill hoard will not add much to the bounty of the place, hut Sir. Klum says that he has so arranged the structure that there will bo no pasto drop on the sidewalk and that he intends to clean up the entire lot and try as much as possiuie 10 improve us appearance. Messrs. Hoefft, jio owns a fine farm on Little Ilutto creek, near Lake creek, and Ernest Kithlos, who owns a farm between Mdford and Central Point, were hero Thursday for dinner, nnd I noticed when they left town that they took several sacks of flour on homo with them from one of our stores. Arden Tyrrcl of Lake Creek was also with us at the same time, and 'so was Henry Moycix of llrowim lioro. lie brought out a load of fine looking potatoes for some of our citi zens. (Jus Peck, nnothcr one of the Lake Creek farmers, was also doing business here that day and was a guest at the Sunnydde, besides four strangers whom I did not know. C. A. Chntman nnd wife eame in Thursday afternoon, after taking the .wrong road, coming out from Med tord and going across Dry creek into the Wellen neighhoihood, and having an experience in sticky. They were tired and hungry when they reached here and so spent the night with us, and tho next day went up to the I long- In ml lnnch nnd back and spent Friday night with u. They arc" agents for the Singer sewing machines. Arnold Ilanholcer of Hutto Fall alls came out Thursday on the P. & EJlz' bo treated by Dr. W. P. Holt. Ho seems to be having tumble with his heart. He has taken u room at the Siinnyside. Joseph Proll and Art Vestal, the men who look the contract to build the schoolliouse nt Derby, were doing business with our merchants Thurs day. Mr. Stimson and nnotl er man, bolh in tho employ of the 0. & C. Power Co., came out Thursday and installed two eleetii,; heaters for .1. V. Mela tyle in his home. I believe the first ones to be used in our town, but if Guv L. Hcrriek of Helena, Mont., has returned from the Frisco exposi tion, where he lift Mrs. llerrick for a visit with his father-in-law, Georg L. McClellnn, and fninily. Mrs. Der rick will nrrivc toon. F. W. Dodge and Fritz Dean, em ploycs of the It. K. P. S., were Visitors at the head office in Grunts Pass the first of the week. Minor A. Foster, the weather prophet of alCnes creek, leaves to morrow night (btiiidnyj tor hand Lake, Mich., where he will spend the winter with a married daughter. A'moug the names of the lost in the Wreck of the Santa Clara steamer off Coos Kay is that of Deloiar'Hoguo of GohfUill. He was about seven years of age and was accompanying his mother, Mrs. C. Ilogue, nnd two older brothers, Wilbur and Henry, for a with his oldest brother, Hoy, who is employed at Marshfield. The father and husband is nt Cook's In let, Alaska, wlieic he has woik at the salmon fisheries. Mrs. Ilogue and the bovs left Gold Hill several months ii;to for Tangent, Or., for a visit with her brother. Mr. , i KcNcy was a Medford visitor Wednesday. L. 0. Walker, locally known as "Deacon." is spending his vacation at San Francisco, having left here Fn- AT BIGiEXPOolIN day morning. M". Wulkcr is in tho CONSERVATORY NOTES hxcellcnt results nro being ob tained In the public speaking depart ment. Platform work has Uegun nnd the surccsg of this clnss lies In tho fact that tho mcmherti nro getting down to the fundamental essentials of Bpoech building nnd nro brlnglnR In subjects which nro of common In terest. Dcbato work begins this week. The physical training and athletic dancing clnss, composed of twenty high frchool girls, met Thursday of this week liiHtend of Tuesday In or dcr that (ho girls might attend tho McdfonMvlamtitli game. .Mrs. Houln of .14 Koso street Is n new member of tho Indies' physical training cinss which meets ench loudny nt 4:00 p. in. Llttlo Marlnn Van (Jllder of tho music department gnvo nn Informal recital Krldny evening which was en Joyed by those prosont. The classes of St. Mnry'a Academy under tho Instruction of Mrs. Ha vlous, nro very enthusiastic over tholr work. Llttlo Agnottn Itodolph Is making wondorful progress In tho art of boil- lly expression nnd relnxatlon. Master Itobnrt Holllns, son of Itov, nnd .Mrs. Holllns, tins unrolled In tho music department of tho conserva tory. Mrs. Snoarly of the music depart ment Is visiting In Portland this week. "The Lark," n story In tho fourth A grndo English, lias beon dramatized by Cornl Fay Hnvlous nnd will bo put on, ns an English lesson, by onio of the tth grado puplla In Miss Forgusoa's room. Mrs. Hovlous of tho expression department, has been us-kod to coach the children. The Interpretation and expression class, composed of high school girls, employ of the H. It. P. S. at their hi cal power station, and is thus enjoy ing his much-needed vacation. C. P. Easley, recently S. P. agent at this station, left for Asbestos last week, where he has leased the Hill billy ranch of II. II. Lampman, hav ing deserted the key for the calm of the hills. Mrs. Lampmau arrived hero Saturday for a visit with her son, Pen II. Lampmau, and family. .Mr. 11. H. will remain on the ranch until Mr. Easley becomes acentoincd to tho "rounds." Hallowe'en night tho hillside hen roost owned by W. W. Trua.v was raided with devastating effect. Tho following morning discovered the chicken coop broken open, with its feathered inmates frightened ami scattered through the nearby brush.. When the fowls were finally rounded up for a census, after u forenoon of effort, the loss was found to bo thirty-five of the finest. All through the summer season the Truax chick ens have been levied upon by someone nt scmi-ocensionnl intervals, but tho they prove a success there will prob- good-natured owner preferred to ably be several more put in. chnrgo tho loss to foraving hawks. A son of lort Hubbard and two more men who had been working up at Fish Lake came out and spent Thursday night here on their way to Medford. They report that the If. L. L Co. have completed tho first sec tion of the dam, having built it twenty feet high, nnd have moved their camp. Paul Opdvke was here Friday and took a load of supplies home from one of our stores. A. 0. Itisliop, who is fnteiested in the Hollyu'ood orchard, was in town Friday on business. II. C. Stock of Ahlaud brought out a let of cankets for F. L. Heath. ono ot our local undortak'r. last Friday. Frank Lewis, cue of our confection. ers, mid J T. Zmuneily, proprietor of the runner' hotel, took a hike for the hi'ls last Friday. Some said they were going to prospect for gold and take an online. Pert A. Xaren, one of (he forest hargo This last calamity destroyed both his theory and his faith, along with his liking for the chicken business, nnd tho remainder of his flock have been crated and hhipped to a Medford com mission house. SAX FHAXCLSCO, Xov. 0. Fifty boxes of Spitrenburg apples from Ashland, fifty from Medford, fifty from the Willamette valley, fifty from Hood Hivcr tun! fifty from custom Oregon me being placed on display in the Oregon building, and on November 1.") will be given to the thousands cer tain to bo uttractcd by Oregon Apple day. Thcc npplcs arc of the JlU-to-the-box sire, and with fruit already on hand to be given away, no less than 25,0(1(1 to .'10,(100 people will be given u big, juicy npple from Oregon on this greatest of fruit days. This will fill a long-felt want, for through out the season nltcndants have been constantly besieged with the plea for an Oregon npple, 4j-l ono sample" of the fruit Of which all visitors have heard and so few tasted. Loganberry juice, prui es fresh and stewed, enst crn Oregon popcorn, (asadia mineral water, Tillamook clcese, Klamath county honey and cheese, Oregon roses nnd Willamette valley cherries have been given away at the Oregon building, with such spludges and pro grams as to attract wide attention, but r.ot before this time has an apple been offered. Certain it is that the demand in the San Francisco markets has been in creased, and some of the dealers re port an increaso of 300 per cent. The real display of Oregon apples at this time is that in the palace of horticulture, thin being comprised of the 100 boxes sent for competitive purpose, llicso apples come wholly from Hood Hiverand Hoguc Hiver val leys and arc tho finest those famed sections can produce. More than thirty varieties are represented, and the display, just now being finished for judgment by the jury of awards, is beautiful beyond compare. Ore gon has a larger number of competi tive entries than any other state and there is confidence that the jury will find that Oregon has the finest fruit being shown at the exposition. The display is set in the center of the Ore gon pavilion at the palace of horticul ture, cannot be pned by the thous anils and will not bo hushiM by nny who catch cen a glimpse, for it is one of those displuys that holds tho attention mid bring out those satisfy ing "ohs!" All Fall Suits at Big Reductions for Quick Selling ABOUT 40 OF THESE SUITS TO CHOOSE FR0M-N0T AN OLD SUIT IN THE LOT, BUT EVERY ONE OF THEM ARE THIS SEASON'S STYLES, SOME OF WHICH HAVE BEEN IN THE STORE ONLY A SHORT TIME. &, ALL MUST GO It's our timo of season to close out this stock, and we intend that tho prices will do it. Mostly regular sizes and colors, many of which are the navy blue, sizes 16 to 44. DONTSCOLDJOIR! THE CROSS CHILD IS win meet Tnursdayafternoo.n at 4 o'clock. This class wlPput on several pluys throughout the coming somes- tor, which we hope, tho public may I attend. Our llcst Seller Wo aro soiling more of Merltol Kezema Homed)- than all the others lut together This largo sale Is due to the fart that it It a preparation of unusual merit, made exftreitly for one .iirKXK, enema In IU varleus form f ou are afflicted with thli loathsome dUeaie, ilo net delay uttns Merltol Kciema Remedy. Price &8e and 1 oo Kxtliuive Asw Haaklns Look at Tongue! If Coated, Clean Little Stomaili, Liver, llouols Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. See It tonguo Is coated; this Is a sure sign Its llttlo stomach, llvor and bowels aro clogged with sour waste. i When litslcss, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, Bleep or act naturally, has stom ach-ache, Indigestion, diarrhoea, glvo a toaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all tho foul waste, the sour bile and fermented food passes out of the bowels and you have a well and playful child again. Children lovo this harmloss "fruit laxative," and mothers can rest easy after giving It, because It never fulls to make their little "Insldos" clean and sweet. Keep it handy Mother! A little given today saves a siek child tomor row, but get the genuine. Ask jour druggist for a SO-cent bottle of "Cal ifornia Syrup of FiM." which has directions for bablcw, children of all ages and for grown-upc plainly en the bottle. Hemember thorn are counter foils gold here, so surely look and ee that yours Is made by the "Cal ifornia Pig Syrup Comiwny " Hand hark with roalrmnt any other fig rangers, spent Friday night with us on his way to Trail with a load of flooring. Messrs. Meyer and Mann, the two men who are managing the big truck that is taking tho big lot of lumber front here up to he used on the It. It. I. Co.' big ditch, when they came in for dinner reported that a Swede who had been working on the big ditch dropped dead Saturday morning near ramp !, near the Lake Creek iost office. The coioucr wnt up to take charge of the corpse this morning. Among the guests here for dinner Saturday were ('. II. Willi-on, one of our grocery salesmen, wife and ihughcr: O. V. Mvers nnd V. K. Miiun nnd William Nickel, wife and two children. Since my last report, Thomas Ves tal has renewed his subscription to the I). M. T. Help! Help! Help! Tu lo Abso- lutelv Nothing! (From Helllngham, Minn. Times) Your correspondent will need somo help next week as he Is about snowed under for lack of news. AU$15 to $20 Suits All 20 to 25 Suits All 25 to All 30 to All 35 to 30 Suits 35 Suits 40 Suits Now $12.50 Now 16.50 Now 19.50 Now 24.50 Now 27.50 All Millinery One-Half Every lot to be closed out new Fall shapes many pattern hats in the lot and black velvet shapes both small and large yet all are moderately priced. Entire stock to go at the one price. THE MAY CO . ;J Walk With Ease Dr. K. C5. Mann, Chiropodist and Foot .Specialist, Is In tho city nnd located at tho I'alm Rooming llouso, 130 West Main St. Ilcmovcs corns, nnd Ingrowing toe-nails without pain or loss of blood, and treats bunions nlbo. Examination nnd consultation rice, Offlro hours !) a. m. to 8:110 p, in. Special appointments by phono 34 8. K. Adv. Deafness Cannot Be Cured br locil application! aa tliry cannot rrarb tht itltraird portion of lb. nr. Tbrm 1 onl? out MIT tocur ilralnrti, and thai I. by cmiatltullun' al rrmrdlr.. tfealnr.l la rauint tr n liidaninl rendition nf bn muroua lining of Inn Kuitarhlan Tub. Wbro Ibla tub. la luflainnl you ha a rumbling aound or Imnrrfrct hrarlng, and Hbrn It It rntlrrlr rlox'd Dvafnua la Urn mult, and imlraa the Inflammation can U tnkrn out and till. uti r.itorrd to Ita normal mudlllon, bear tug- will tx d"trojrd forftrr, nine c' out ( Irn art. canard lir Catarrh, nhlrh la nothing- but an Inflamed condition nf Oik nivroiia aurfarra. W will il onn llundrrd Dollara fur anr " of Dtafnn (rauard br catarrbl that rauuol In cured by Haifa L'atanb Cure. Send for clrcu. lara, tree. I' J Clli:S'i:V & CO., Toledo, O. Sold br Prufgtata, TBc Taka Haifa faulty I'lIK for ronatlpallvD. SAN FRANCISCO Corner Gury and Jonei Sts. HOTEL KENSINGTON "A. date I at Rtllarmtat." IVnlrallr located wllliln tlnatro nnd hopping ilUtrlct.. 110 uninv oiitalilu roomt with tMtli. Jtoatutlfully luriiltlinl. On direct rr lino In tlio KXPOgiTlO-.N- TKN MINl'TEU JIIDK. Kcvcn itory Hwl and mncruto bulIJItif, RATIS: irio2.50 a ty Vrnm Kerry or ItorxtU UVn 'TN'IVIJWAIa III ' t "lir iiitHinan. or any Ikary atrutciir paasuj lliu iloor. Wrltn (or IltMiVlit Till: ItOV.W. TVPUWIHTini will wrlto a lotter, a post card or a label without a change It has no paper fingers to adjust. CO.Ml'Altr; THK WOIUC Wo will ho very glad to demon strate the many convcnloncon of tho Itoyal and show you why It In a modern machine for quicker, hotter and harder work. WcjfjdBcmo, WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 108 East Main Btrcot Medford Tho Only Exclusive Oomraorcial Photographer! in Southorn Oregon Negatives Made any time ot place by appointmont Phono 147-J Well do the rest 1. D. WXBTOM. Proo INSIST ON HOME PRODUCTS THESE GOODS AEE MADE IN THE ROGUE EIVER VALLEY KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME We Want You to Try ROGUE SPRAY Flour In such an Important food product you only want tho best you'll find Uoguo Spray flour equal of any much higher priced product, a flour that Is really the poor of them all duo simply to down-to. duto milling methods, eo lettlou of choicest wheat. Just try It. Medford Roller Mills H. A. Nordwick, Prop. Phono 507 A Handsome Porch adds iinnioniol to the appoaranco of a house and the comfort and satisfac tion of tho owupantn. To know how easily It can be had just come and look ovor our ralll-workcd ooIuhiiis, railings, etc . all so perfectly made and adjusted that you nan pHt them tin ourself, aud the cost It so little' USg THE PRODUCTS OF Rogue River Valley Cannery The Best Made Help Home Industry. Try Loganberry Juice and Sherbets at the fountains and Ice cream par- lors. For GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER and IRRIGATING TIPE Oo to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. .. Telephone B!X) ; Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. Gonoral Foundry and Machino "Works Phone 401: Res. Phono 5033 Patronize tho institution lhat maintains tho Largest Payroll in Medford. The Medford Printing. Co. Tho Best Equipped Job Plant in Oregon outsido of Portland. Ask Your Grocer and Butcher They Are j Home" Crown FOIt ROGUC RIVERj AND T' . o. - srr &&&& I vrK rir.-iriSIH-J I U. fLi rbanhLD V iJ ; c- -r w. M.vrrv vji if ? C V jV XSeY y, 'yJVO" Tfix.a'.., BAC iicy.c tne Best Ever MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO.! Drug Store. "" I'OMYSW ruj. . .