Wc" wia-fJSijnfaJMJijnjMMnanBjBSialnnBMSsnSfcSsanSMnnaan f-fipyr' f, Sf ' t- m '4 !I .PAGE .TWO UlUDFOltD MAIL TRLBUNK MEDFORD. OHMOX TUESDAY, MOVI5AII5KU . 1U1.1 TOCAL AND IMPERSONAL ..------..-- --- , Postmnstor K, J. Knlsor, of Ash land, was KrcotliiK ohl-tlmo friends, on tlio Hlrt-cits of Medford today. Not withstanding tho Importance of Ills federal billet niul hln Interest In thn cluctlon btislnosa of thin city today, lio was not pormlltod to voto, lili temporary 'transfer from IiIb polllnu ward In Ashland IipIiib of no until ho re. Good dry wood $1.60 per Her on protind. H. 1'. Montgomery, C19 8. Ulvcrsldo. 221 13. H. Ooro, of tlio flr,rn of Warner, Worlman & Core, retnrnoii tills morn ing from n trip to Portlnnd, hnvlnK takon a load of Iiorb to tlio metrop olis on Saturday ovonlnj,'. "And I found tlio prlco down liulf a cent," said Mr. Goro without a ninth'. "Our Mr. Wortinnn Is up and able to walk from IiIh chair to tlio door, hut ho In very weak and palo ol," mid Mr. Goro. I.calhor will ho Uip most used ma tnrlal for nice Klfift (IiIm year. Our lino In varied and carefully selected. Medford Hook Storo. Tlio next Important football con test lp this vnlloy will ho founht on tlio Medford grounds on tbo 1.1th lriHt.. butwoon tlio warrior from Ashland and our local regiment. Kx- lonslvo preparation In being mado for u hlK Riuno. .1. O. Grrkhifj. tbo boat nil nrnund photoRrnphor In noutliorn Oregon. Always rollablo. NogatlvcR mado nny wlinro, (lino or plnco Studio 228 Main fit. Phonn 320-.!. . . Prod SlnRlu, accompanied by Mrs. flaple, motored ovor from Couulllu. nrlrvlns In thin city thin mornliiB. Mrs Slagtn Ih n sister of Iloraco Nicholson of HiIr oily. Sim In n na tive daughter of Hnguo river valloy Olid flhu and her husband luivo many friends hero who will greet thorn, with n warm welcome. Podlago stamps nr Y. Voo'fl. H. N. llutler. of Hoguo Illvur, (Woodvlllo), iiccouipnnled by Mrs. llutler are visiting In this city to Auv Vllnnd, Parker, Carpontor, Tuck, l)vitt and all the other noted shops nro represented by our lino of Xiiiiih cards for this soason. Medford Hook Store. J. II Jolly, n Hiigar beet man from Union county, hnvlng had oxtonslvo oxperlonco In that Industry In Utah 'and olsowhoro, ban already concluded to locate In thin valley, believing Unit the sugar mill Ih an admired fact, lie iniiy, ho content to rent n farm for the presunt, In order to get on to land now under Irrigation for tlio purpotio of railing heels. Mr. Jolly nvor that. If he possessed a certain 200 aero trttot ho has examined since hi nrlrval, ho would' plant the entire acreftKo to HiigHr beolH. Cot Ulch Qulek Wnlllngfoid. Uwil It In tbo Oregonlau and Kxamluor and see tbo plcturo at tbo Star theater Prlday, Nov. 12th. J. W. Gasoy, trnvolliiK pHasoimor uncut for (he ChlotiHO, Milwaukee & Si PhiiI, dropped off In Mad ford on business today. Kmnk a KltiK Spitz clanr, Re. Thv are hnme-mado. W. It. Uoott vice prosldsnt Mlitl aenernl manager of the Hmitherii Ph. lfle, latssod throus.lt thl city taut evening In his prlvnto car Del Monte. Auto top. IlKhtN, curtains, suck Ions, covers, and hoods, ul Tant Ke tory. lfi N. Prout. 2ii:t J. C. Mann and Mm. Mnn will Iohvc Walti0Mlar for vlll to tlio IiIk fair at Kmii Prneloo. Iliiy Medford made candy at thi Simula. AtluriiAjr Gui .Vvbur antl family will l(vu tgmurniw for 8 Pranolwo lo nee the woHdoin of Hit PHiwma exposition and altatid to other bus tnw. Mr l.ik. Abdo-SuiM)rt anil (Urtler surirlmil oanot, at G N. HvUtt. TU Hou ltlver ChmI romiwio hUI put narh n huudrctl mMt to work lu tb fonittrurtlon of the main onal ftndtn toward tlio tVnlral Pftiitt district an noon as the weather will prtnll tbt work to l done to Miitfft. They III hetiin ntr th Htle klchway uear the junction of Ttii I & If. u with the it u tb H'' 11. Qnr place, and puxh the ex tafOH work rapidly. UntU)ruut UrtMtil at Da Vo'a. nwr DAntBllit, a workman for Ik CattforMluOrtfuu Power com pany, who rN from houtoi on Wmi Jackson strvft, while wiring it laturtUjr. la reoverlB trim hU tn JnrlM ImIv. lie fell one awd a half tnriM Hlirhtlna on tils faal with itp sMult fnsthlx paial atrMlta war oniii4raU ' lammad Hi." nthrla h was not much hurl. U'ia Oasaara Mop for flral otajs K'a4ak nalaklng and Kodak atippltM. fol. II II. iaraaat, wlw has pur-pIimm-i thn Jrr Nuttau piourl la tlif Vuii Vlvw addition to Jackson v ihsrs about Novoaibor Wl'l VlIlK 16. ,'hen c tainMsts iUa yUM HU TboRpworth League will give sacred concerts and evangelistic er vlces at the M. K. church on Wednes day, Thursday and Krlday evenings of this week. Shoo repairing guaranteed at BU don's. 2ft J Tlio beet fitigar meeting bold at ICaglo Point Snturday afternoon Ins already been productive of good re sults, thoHO who are canvassing that district for Biigar beet acreage hav ing reported promlso of wcellnnt re sults. There Is miieh good noil In that vicinity for tho growth of bettor tbnn Htnndard bouts. IiiBuro jour auto In tbo Alliance against Iheft, fire. ('. Y. Tengwald. M. C. MnliigHr, inniinaor of the Wlillo House grocery In Ashland, wn a Medford visitor last evening on hllHlUOM. . ino acres Hutto Creek bottom, all under Irrigation at u coil of ten cents an Inch. Will grow all grains, al falfa, clover, onloiiH, celery, augnr heolH; one fourth mile to depot. This Is ii proposition that will Interest you If you want something good at almost the ost of water. Prom tho owner to you. Ilox HI, Kaglo Point. Messrs. Angle, .Torgenson and Hall, whoso herds have been feasting on tbo pnsturngp of the government re serves for somo years, are grateful to M. L. Krlckson, forest supervisor for this district, for tbo assurance that they will nut bo disturbed In their use of the reserve ranges after tbo ir.tli of October, when weather conditions will permit. Knowing what the law Is, Ihey have been fear ful that to Ignore It might be to In vile trouble. Bronchos, rlngv, scarf ptnn, and cuff links made from local ngatos. I do not sond tliln work out of town, bonco enn give you a lower prlco. Johnson tho Jeweler. 100 Mr. and Mrs. C. v Palmor will lesve thin nfternoon for n visit of several days to the Panama exposi tion. lint Tnmnlos nt tho Shasta. It. K. Pettlt, special reprosontntlvo of tbo Multnomah ' hotel, Portland, tarried two or three dayH in this city and vicinity on his return home from a visit to San Pranclsco and tbo fair, lie assured Medford that ho would biivp many good IhlngH to suy about It, as a tesult of wliat bo discovered while hero. Cbocolato creams, caramels, chips, peanuts, etc., only 30c a lb, at Do Von's. A quarter of an Inch of rain has fallen since the showers began on Hiiuday. Occasional showers are pro dieted by the weather huieau tonight and tomorrow. The clouds lifted suf ficiently nt noon to nxpose the rug ged shoulders of surrounding moun tains covered with snow. So far, the farmers hun been benefitted but Ut ile, tho rsul advantage relying on u continuation of the showers. Other wise, tbo slight precipitation will le ant iiKnlust the life of the grain fields and cover orrfps. Do Von delivers the Oregoulan to vou every day for "tut a month. Garfield White and family returned today from Huch. Something new. Metal tops for work hags. Handicraft Shop, W. 1. Mclutyre, of Jacksonville, was a city visitor today. Try oiid of those big ten cold fi cant niHI;bnl:on at Do Voo'fl. Leonard Carpenter wn doing bus iness In Medford this morning, re turning to tho Veritas orchards this a'ternoon. Urs. A. It. and Loulio Hodges, chi ropractic physicians, Stewart build ing, tn ICnst Mala St. ICtuuiett Palmer, of Central Point, did buslnesa In tlio valloy metropolis today. 8. & W. asparagus, tho young lou der shoots, 20 seats the (In. Sclilef feltu's (Iructtry Medford lodge I. O. O. P. No. S3, did an unusual aniouul of business at Its regular smlon last evening Thlrt) members of the lodge and their wives will attend the Central Point lodge upt Thursday evening Ih a sort of boine-comlng giootintf Mlilan's shoo repair shop moved serosa street from old stand. 201 The Washington school has been closed temporal t ou account of the apoparaiu'ti of three slight usex of 'csrletlns. The school management desired to funilgato the entire build ing -and this has been dune, from cellar to garret. There la no real (-auto for alarm about tho mt., statos Buporlutendriu Hillls. The o port unity glvsu to (watlgate the obi building Is timely. Hobm mads taffy at D Von's Judge M Purdln.. aaeonnaulet Mrs Purdln, will loava for (alt J. W. Itood of Snn Pranclsco, Is reg-j Istered nt tho Hotol Medford during' n brief stay In this city on business, I Unite Falls Wood Yard, Phono 48 ' or 223; wood all kinds. 20:1 ! lloury Wlprut, of Salt l.akc, is In j t...1r..l l -...i ... imiutij uii uuniiiein aim niiiy ii'iiiiiui several days. Do Voe buys beer bottles. II. 0. lenders, a merchant of Ash land, Is doing business In Medford today. Boiled bam and nncon at DeVno'a l"roh roasted peanuts at Do Voo's. All bats greatly reduced nt I.oltle llownrd's. The regular monthly Bible study and business meeting of the Amoma Hum will be held nt tho home of Mrs Stewurt, r.ei Pciumjlvaniu ave., WedncMday evening nt 7.30. All old and new members nie urged lo be piesent A E AUD1ENC E HEARS CAMPAIGN ssu EDI SCUSSED ODDS IN FAVOR OF ASHLAND TEAM Ashland Is much pleased with their football team, which Is conched by Hutchison, former captain of Pur due, and well they might he, for their goal lino has yet to be crossed this season. I'd lews tbo local blgh school ers show more consistent ability than they have displayed so far, Ashland's clean slate of victories hid fair to chalk up another Item on tho credit side. At times the Medford hoys put up a stellar brand of football, but n reliable machine has not shown Itself us yet. In tho second quarter of the Klamath game. Medford pulled off somo real football; they played with form which wna bncked up with a fighting spirit. Tho question Is, has this nggresslvonoss come (o stay or did It move on after tho game? One thing sure, the local fans can see what a hunch of green material will do against n football machine such ns Ashland will have working on the Jackson Held next .Saturday. SIS VALLEY Mr. niul Mr. !'. A. .lvern were tixiling relatives in Rogue lfner Suu duy. The cnlcrtuinment nt (he -ebool-lioiist' which wo nre nitlier late in re porting1 proved u Nticce-s with the I'M'eptiou of loo few boxes, The scheme of (lie irorniu wax well plan ned. The iio.MNt wore sold Jiv the nue lioneeriunr of the fair lad km' had own, uliicli were grotexpie nud prov ed mi uiuiiriiug entertainment of it elf. Mown dollnix ami xivlv-five cuH, the amount realised, will it" well toward improving the iuteiior of the school building:. Mic Kntlienue llinig returned to her liouie in Meolonl aftor it soveni' days' vihit with Mr. Prnuk M.mm1. .Mchhi. Tivslmui nud Hull returned Inst week from n xueeeoMfiil huiiliuir I rip. O. T. Wilson wim ihitinj in Tahle Uoek Sutulny. At IhkI the min lins hrougkt the broad amile o the fniuierh' face and the straw huts hue liieil to the gur tel. Mi. S. A. Van Hunletibnrtr of Ten tml Point was visiting friend here ope tlav Innl week. W. C. Ketiuev t loi'tli.."! a ear of wheat for the A "bland imuket (. T. Wilon took in to s!ii id u couple of young fat lwiv la-i week. Mr. (lore of WortniMti & Hois-, ot Medford. linn hern in our precinct h)klUU for eel tie. lit foruis tomorrow. Thay will visit ttie ixiolilon ties of that aula while w v In a King tl MV n courage hrnua Indusirf. Mr A Flare wilt tfafMrt for 8an Krunilni o tomorrow tor aa extended visit und will eujo) Ida Paitauia show while there Paw watch wor UMU aallaflaa, Jokason the Jewlar. lie aatarl Rioroy, lata aall aaau ot AgM, la la tbo ally laxta) on bual- a tfcave VV9d ujja' Utt tlr tn arajsto paDlty. Qmi Mail Triune. Hlf DURR M'INTOCH VPATHE I ' ' l l 1 I ' l . lv III- n, - -I, ,. ', I, p. .- i I. ' .U I ! i I I A Inrje 'nudii !' Mini fie Xnlfl toriiuii Monday tviMiiu I" henr em pnivn isHiie- licu'--ed. Cliw Xebiir presided ni chairman, cud v iiruroiti- fpeeelien n'niilt the .MedMi"ki re hondiug itsue weie made liv file elininniin, W. I. .iwler, A. K. lieiimei nud Colonel II. ti. S.uuetil. .Mr. Vnwler wi'H inleimpted in his "pcech by Mr. I'Mil, who elmtlcngeil the eity to hiio bun lot' delimpienl pavitij' nswwmenls, nud Mr. N'nttte "ugeit(il llint the eilv neecpt the cliullcnjtc nt once. Banies Civutts lllverslon When Colonel Snrnent eoneluiled, J. C. Brinies reifucJed pennisiion to H'iih mid nppenied uhiii the stng"!' mtli n hliickhohid mien which he be gun to liguie with liuhlniuir rapidity, i'c('1nriu hi Colonel Salient s fig ures lied, nud intiiuutiu tlial Mr. Sar. gent wok u lift i. tvlicioupoii the colo nel si-iiuieil off fur attack, hut Chair man Xettliury inlerfercil. Mr. Hume told -f poor women with moitgii(;es upon their plnce, and proreeilod to figure out prosponlv from the bond isMie. His nrillinielie wtih called into question fioin the uudience, nnd fig ures chnnged to .oiit the oeension. The crowd hojrau leaving rapidly nud in the shuffle of lift Mr. Humes' ora tory was drowned, whciciipou he crabbed his hlriekboiud nnd escaped, with Colonel Hmgenl iiiieMiuiiiiit; his figure. Mr. Bennies iwell upon ha legnl piim of tin Medynski plan, snyinj: in pari: "But" said Mr. Koamos, "I bellovo that If tbo Medynskl plan Bhould pass It would ho a gront calamity nnd fool ing that wny I have come here tonight to do what I can to dofeat Jt. I don't llko .thoso public differences, T don't llko to enter Into factlonnl controversies, but feeling as 1 do I considered It m public duty to coino hero tonight and do what I can to prevent tho peoplo of tho city from making wjint bellovo would bo a sorlouu und fatal mistake." Assessments Legal "Thoro la, no question about tho legnllty of usscnsmeutH under tho Bnncroft act, they havo been sustain ed by tho supremo court of this stnto many times, theyhnvo been sustained by the suprdlno court, of tho United States. I don't npprnvo of tho meth od of speclnl improvement assess ments which places thn total exponso against tho property affected. If tho city should ntmutno 7D per cent nnd the property 25 per cent It would In my opinion be morn equitable. But wo nre not facing a theory tonight, wo aro fneliiK a font." "The fact tin that tho people of Medford havo signed a contract to pay these assessments In ten annual payments, they hnvo voluntarily waiv ed all defects nnd Irregularities In proccoduro, nud Ibis amounts to a Judgment lu court. The people In othor words' w'Iiobo property has boon paved havo liad tholr day In court. That contract then Is binding, nnd every court tu tho land would Sustain that contract nnd protect tho urchns er of those bonds." Itestilts In ('linos "Now If tho Medynskl plan passes the measure roleases tho property from the liens ngalnst II, The city take upon itself tho debts voluntarily contracted by thoso property owners, and forces thn. city to pay thoso debts, My opinion Is worth no moro than anyone else's opinion but it Is my absolute conviction that no court In the laud wl'l sustain such a proceed ing And If not what then Tho rlt will liae those bonds which nro Illegal, and seeiiilty for thn present bonds will lie gone. The bond houses will demand their money and Med ford w HI havo to raise that money. ' Ladles and Kontlomen! our great est nct is our cie.Bt. I lovo the Bogue Mcr vnly. So do you. I; want to M.t hero. So do you. But; w t'i i lie i- ...nt of this city gone who J win a in re, who can stay here' If ( i'ms b.m 1 -ue should be passed, wo i will hi. i bonded Indebtedness w' ib ' i'M tie us hand and foot. In I'tpc it four ears wo must have new water in mi-., wo should have storm mwci tin ip are man needed 1m . ... .1 provemenis which must ue inauo, out with our ability to borrow gone they can't bo made. Once destroy tho credit of a city and that city Is done." CHRiSTANENDEAVOR JhT" bn lilted Exposition Hoitofs RALLY A SUCCESS The sniitherii Oregon district of. Christian Hndeavor held n rally at the Christian church, beginning Sat urday evening, Nov. fith, with n sup per in the basement of tbo chtirch, which was followed by a business meeting for the purpose of electing officers for the coming yoar. Seventy Kiideavorers, thirty of whom wero delegates from Grants Pans, Ashland anil Phoenix, were served at tho sup per, during which several talks on Christian Kndenvor work were made, nnd at the conclusion of the meal, a business meeting was held in tho aud itorium or tho church. Officers for the coming year wero electod ns fol fel fol eows: President, A. B. Chase of Med ford; vice-president, Bny Wright of Phoenix; second vlco-prosldent, (1 II. flrovor of Medford; third vice president, Margaret Schell of Ash land; secretary, Clara Calhoun of (runts Pass; treasurer, Wynne Hays ot Ashland; Supt. of Junior work, Harry Kennies ot Phoenix; of Quiet Hour, Mrs. Kllen TJirnshor of Grnnts Pass; of Tenth Legion, May Benedict ot Ashland, A devotional service was held early Sunday morning, nnd in the afternoon u final meeting was held, at which soveral Interesting nnd up-to-the-mlntito talks wero given, tho topics being "Our Relation to tho State Christian Kndoavor Union," covered by Wynno Ilnys; "Kcgular Correspon dence Among tho Societies of tho Dis trict," J. II. Harrison; "Kfflcloncy Through Study of Toxlbook MJxport Kndenvor' ", Agnos Koblnson. Thoso gatherings nro held ovory fall, to eloct officers, transact busi ness, nnd prepare for tho stato con ventions. Tho next convention will tnko plnco In Grants Pass, Fob. 18-10, 1910. ytW 4 isar n m W&i&SBmk it Highest in lubricatine.efliciency high est among the many oils competing1' a triumph for lubricatinL' oil made from asphalt-base crude. ZEROLENE 2$?c Standard Oitfar Motor Cars The Jury of Awards at San Fran-, ciixo and San Diego awarded Zero- ene the gold medal in recognition of its superiority. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaliUn.nJ) CELEBRATE WITH US oW'lZ AfrfS- H ("4 ,(i ' V! ' o town!1 at ,t . n -vsrrrviTvrv! rrj'-YrtVflirtnnw fV3 UA IZmiG&JA lllw&ilxwdA PAUL'S ELECTRIC SHOP ZAPATA HORDE IS FAST ON THE WANE WASHINGTON, Xov !i. -'npnta'M army In noutliorn Mexico Is decreas ing rapidly according to cnblo ndvlces recolvod last night by the Cnrranxn agoncy horo. General Pablo Gonzalez marching through Morelos nt tho head of a largo forro, is expected to moot with little resistance. "Throe thousand members of Za pata's foreign followers surrendered yosterday nnd wore xlven ainnosty," said the message, "and for many' duys groups of soldiers lively in. nrms hnvo been bringing lu their rlflos." We have a few high grade Driving Coats and Rain Coats which, to close out, we will sell at greatly reduced prices A snap if we haye your size DON'T FORGET Your WEED CHAINS C. E. GATES WOMKN SIIOI'M) TAKK WABNINC If the statement mado at a New York assembly of women, tbnt dealt by American women aio so rare that I buy tiro almost extlnut, is true, It Is time for tho women of America to take wanting and look to their health, it may ho honrbachos, back aches, dragging down pnlus, nervous ness, mental depression that are tell-tale symptoms of somo organic derangement for which I.ydln K. Plnkhnm's Vegetable Compound a simple rented) made fiom roots ami berbs Is a i-peilflc and inuv be re llod upon to restore women to a henltln normal condition. ( .ilKTKTTOT'mMr I - ---LML UIIIIIIIIB' s -nrmaMtMijirw r - -wratfjtTsry -vaSWB-.nm ihiu'ajilt vjamirznr mimm HilB ty ffl Docs Not Rub Off, Lasts 4 Times ns len; Others, Saves Wo.l. Get a Can Today TOO UVTII 1t CUSSIIT. roll Ki'T H acres, parti In bear ni; oit'hnnl; lieKSe nail tools ). in lien truMi oily limits. I'll. me .s. J :i i Meiitul White l.inliiu-nt is a splen did upl'lliMtiou for More Throat. Cold on the Luucs. Crouit and Pains Ih tho (Hirst, aataralr a nlaoa pi ftoa aal rlolh aUk ina Uaiutaal and una aa a plaatar. l la vary aaaaiifiing. and attacttva. Priaaa lac. . U.f. HaaklM' Unn atra. Ttw Baaar CW nowar idaal not supph i mi rent Ur arodid Urfttu KOH SAl K -Bayarntar, as good as aw PlionaSOI. -'ot t-Ok 8AI.P ClsaajCtwo Cpbars In eabalors ModtlH Hanch, Central Point lho ftftO-JS Joe W.XTfcl Ktrflalaaaooak. loo-J:! Call worulisa. 20e I'A.VTkh iaTKka' whaat. Ad dftma II O. MssMW Hwi, Aah laad. ! VanTK' A anjaWwa a.ai. atrMaw for mm wmk. fttnl M trb tltou ! I IPIir ffi i LgiaV iM m. mf ZW BHarTBaal 'hi S BjjK WML We Have a Few Buggies and Spring Wagons Left, which we are offering at Very Low Prices If yon need anything in this lino, como in and soe what wo havo hofore "buying. Hubbard Brothers MYOPIA In iti lrn iws h. curreited Ut nil 'I i I I' lll.l . I U-.mi (fj.i.n i ..ibl'h jiv b) ba Ihk me Mtimix litem DR.. RICKERT lt)tnli:ht 8mciAlikt ,Madford. ... Orecsnf The Logical Way EAST Is via California 10 DAYS STOPOVER at San Franolkoo lve an npportunlt to visit tho PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO Practically no additional ex pense en route to Dip east via the Ogden Route UIsb tlaaa train serrloe with throat alaanars to Denver, Omasa, Kansas City, Chlcajro, aud St. ltuts. A POSTAL will brine our booklets Wayslda Solas" sad "Mdo Trips on Ogden Home' or s naaraat ant for Information and tlckota. Southern Pacific-Union Pacific John M. Snt, CiMHtmi p(iH.iiiuar Aueitt Pol timid. Oivcon