PAGE UTTK Freckles and His Friends By Blosser MTCDFORT) MAIL TUTBUNE, MFinFOUD, OREGON. PATlTHDAY. NOVKUTWR i 1015 IAN SUGAR V B M n r E VALLEY OF ROGUE Jii the iiioh of V C. Wilkes ns. dstaut jjcneinl freigh mill passenger ngent ol' tin1 Spukimu, Portland & So nttle railway nystt'in, Hoguo Hivor valley is setting n pneo which will foou bring sunt hum Oicgon back to ito former prosperous condition, l.nok of rnin lint caused a shortage of fruit mid utliur crops tint liwl fmv years, myn the Portland Telegram. "Three netivilios- of tho people of Ilujtiic llivor valley will restore pood liinos in southern Otegon," snid .Mr. Wilkes, who hni been mnktnr an in spection of the l'.iuilie & Eastern lino of the Hill system, running thiity three miles northeast from Medford. "Probably foienwwt m the immmiuvo thnt the alley will see the successful launching of a beet sugar factor)' in HH'i Contracts for flowing beets are being fieelv signed bv hind own er". It is believed that through th" assistance of C. K. (late.s, a Medford uiiiii. enough ncrengo will be signed up to satisfy the conditions imposed by the Utah proinoteis. "Of c(iial iinpoilnnee i the satis fneloiy progicss made on the I'at Welch irrigation project of 2.",0(10 aeies. A dam is Iicinjr erected to store the water of Fish lake. TJy raising the height of the dniu and iniikini: Four Mile hike also n storage reservoir, IIO.OOO tieios ailditional can be brouisht under irrigation, insuring frui' and other crops against failure. "And in the third place, a highway will be chnslruclod from the lluttc Falls terminus of the I'ueifie & Kasl eni to l'iosieet. connecting with tho road to Crater hike, reducing the dis timce from 80 to 17 miles, nnd lb" I'd it) from $18 to ft). During this year Ci -iter inko' was visited bv l'--(1110 tourists." STAR ADDS ANOTHER The Star bus added another feat iii o for Sundays. It is the l'utlie Cold Rooster lilhns. The fitst, ''Via Wiielos-,1' Sunday, November 7, fea tures (tail Kane and J I nice Mcltau ami a splendid oust. Marsh, a diaughtHiiiiu in the gun factory of John Diirnnt, is swindled bv Kdwnrd I'iukuey, Duruut's gcu uial iiiiiiiaitei', out of the huge loy ally to be puid should a gun of Miuv-h's invention prove a suece-. I'iukuey love. Jluisie, but is outiiv aled by I.iuntenant Soniers, V. S. JC. Somei'h nlo bus invented a gun which ho givi1- to be east to the Uur aut iron works, uud which, it suc cessful, will do I'iukuey out of his expected graft on tho inven tion. I'inkney takes good euro tluil the Suuiur gun in ''killed" in imik ing. Me tlion misiepw.uils Somen, to M'tihio and her father, and though Mnisio Iovom the lieutenant, she feel lio miibt g'ivt linn up. Aeeompauied by her mother and I'inkney, shu goes in the Dnrnnt vaeht for a cruise. The bout hit u mine, and in the rush to loae her, .Maine, is (nipped in the wiroleww mom. She scuds out the S. 0 S, Nijiiml taught her bv l.ieiiteuaiK Sumor. Til.- lieutenant, nhoind a i iiut'u isiaie- cruiser, mines at lite side of the doomed ship just m time to niuke it sensational rescue. At the Churches L ', i lHH.'M 'I",. Kplseoal Si a. m. Holy Communion. 11) a. m. Sunday sohonl. 11 a. in. Holy Communion, , T:JtU p. m. Evening iirnyur. WM. H. HAMILTON, Vk-ur. embolic (South Unkdulo Avnntio) Flrt man Sunday at S u. in. Second mass at 10:30 a. ni. - Itvuplng service at 7:30 p. m. . REV. JOHN POWERS, Rector, O.lkilalii Ave. .Methodist SO lul ay sehool at 10 a. in. PreuuhliiR at 11 a. m. Subject. "Tbe Mlwionary Cause." ThU wil W tkM btMlnnlni; of a week of ruor by tk W. M. ?. lSpworth I.eacHo at 0:ii y. in. I'rHshlH at 7.J0 t. m. I'rujor weotlaK Thurtda ove. AH M invlMt. SUrhrom are wleom H. W. IIUAWUil. Pastor. I1ui (Jliiiich of (fl'il-t, riitlnmlkt natty mmm y li gHtfwu. sk Jt. " V4a M iryiea Man mmtkm " AU ate tpNlsUy lrti mmU arbool ai ! a'rktrk Ail ndr (! M f 9 r wtl$me. FACTORY TO REVIV , Tir? I RUDOLF, TOECKLES C : 1 WY f " i "' - " ' ' 1 W-. HkSNT COME HOME -AN A (?; . 7 X,;X( f JY -fi 2Ti22) mA v ' s f-lflf'Vr Heading room In church edifice, 212 North Oakunlo, open from 1:30 to 4:S0 dally except Sundays and hol IdayH. Kreo MctlKHltst Sunday school 10 n. m. Preaching at 1 1 n. in. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday ut 7:30 p. m. Conic to theso services. You nre welcome. J. K. HHADI.KV. Pastor. .Allnlstc'iial .VMsocintloa Mcts Monduy morning 9:30 in pub lic library. All members nro urged to attend and all visiting ministers cordially Invltod. Itov. 1 W. Carstcns will give 'a paper on some vital fiicstlons of tho hour. From timo to tlmo wo will dlsciiBB qucflllonn ot vital Interest. IU3V. H. 15. TUCKBIt, Itov. Wlloy, Sec. Picsidont. I'li-sl llaptlst The Pastor Pack In his Pulpit. A llvo church with a cordial welcome. Morning sorvico It o'clock. Sub ject, "A Handful of Clay" (Van Ijyko) Kov. F. V. Carstens, Pastor. nvenlug sorvico will bo conducted by tho pastor nBslsted by laymen. Pralso sorvico, II. C. Camett; prayer, Wm. Davis; Scrlpturo lesson, II. S. Stlue; Tho l.esnon analyzed, (Chalk Talk) V C. Allaway; Van Dyko's Last Word, P. W. Mcars. Special music at botli sorvlces. Sunday school, "tlio school with n vim," ! : 4 5 a. m. II. Y. P. U. C:30 p. m. Topic, "Tasks That nro Waiting for tho Church of Christ." Leader, L'aii Kclzur. First .Methodist Kpisropnl (Dr. J. C. Holllns, Pastor.) Suuday tcliool at 9: 15 o'clock. Strangers are cordially invited. Tho Upworth League meets at 0:1.' p. m. All young pcoplo are urged to attend. Public worship nt 1 1 a. in. nnd 7:30 p. m. Tho pastor will preach at both services. Special music at tho morning hour. Tho pcoplo nro urged to bo on tlmo. Tho public Is cordially Invited tu nil tho servicer of tho day. Special music for the evening. Anthem, "Whllo tho Karth Hu nuilncth." Quartet, "Watchman, toll us of the Night." Shelly. Soprauo Solo, MIhh Doss Uryan, Soleoled. Tho church of tho ford ward look lllVltOH OII conio First (Miiislbiii (Cor. 9th and Oakdnlu) Tho chin eh witli- a living mossago for nil. Morning sorvico 10:15. Subject, "Tho I.lfo Which I Now Live." Kvunlug at 7:30. Sermon on fun damentals of Christianity. Christian Kndeavor Society will glvo a banquet and program tonight In tho Christian church. Sunday school at 9:4fi. Homoui bur the slogan and as you slowly re peat it. begin to carry It out. Able officers and teaohors, Mid-week prayer niuotlng ThurBduy evening at 7:30. Choir practice overy Friday oven lug at 7: 16. C. H. meets at C:30 In tho lucturo room. Klchard Hobson will bo hero No vember 21. Conio to ehuroh. w want jou. y.HHY U. TUCKHU, Jlluistcr. InckMintillt I'rcsbjlcrtiui Morning womblp with srmoii nt 11 o'clock Subject: "The Durablo I'UMXout In Lift." Itveriouo has u ilwp bHtwl daalre to powers that klih t)AdnrMi; In human life It Is :fi to lb In4tvliual to make his Iwiee. In tk toornlHg thoMo wo will iteieratno what tke durable o DiHt la IICh U. nnd hew It may ba tlIMd HvNlng wrbl wltb sorweN at 7 SI o'ctots ydibWt "Tbe Mwlwrn SaMsrttau ' in iM terMn It will bn nr put ! iu 114 out feat oren w lb th blfllMK nllllHB la utwt vrn M?al IU, tb 'UU u( th an- . , r1 " u g l iiW THE, riteKTET,l WUNU tKv V b .aWJ ANDVOUKNOVj QP PORK Vl I . -ft I ;tTBi. WE-DE WOL0lMG-rr-N 1 CUtyx t W '.' fi U YJFm J SUPPER k jM k I1JJ wT ' ' 7 '&. sA.Xjs MF0RlTMx! A (Zl?' 7, ' m BBP aaLoK! fes "C. dent Samaritan may still bo retain ed and mado effective. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Mr. W. H. Johnson, superintendent. Young Pcoplo's Devotional meeting a 0:15 p. m. Mliu Mabel Kccvcs is tho lender. Pivsbyterinii (Cor. Main and Holly Sts., Weston K. Shields, Hector. Prcnchlng at 11 a. m. Subject, "Hedoinptlon's Difficult Task." Sunday school at 10 a. in. Kindergarten tit 11a. m. Y. P. S. O. 13. at 0:30 p. m. Sub ject, "Tasks of tho Church of ChrlBt," Luko 1:11:21. Kvculng scrvlco at 7130. Subject, '"Singers Mentioned In tho Illblo. This will bo a iiiuhIcuI service, nnd the following program of music will bo rendered: Solo, "Saved by Crnco." by Stob bins, Miss Olmljii Juno Illuinan. Violin duct. "Crudto Song" by Rod nrd; "Moment Musical" by Shubort, Mrs. Zola White Paloy and Mr. Carl ton Janes. Piano solo, "I.iobcstruuino," by I.lst, MIkh Veintn Hamilton. Solo, "O Heart Divine," by Gerald Lime, Mrs. Kd Amlrows. Anthem, selected, The, Choir. Violin solo, "Llobesfrutid," by I'rlt. Krolslerj "Orlcntalo," by Cesar Cul, .Mrs. Zola Whlto Palcy. Hymn by the congregation. Lndles' Aid Tuesday at ! a. m. for all days work. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7.30 p. ni. A cordial Invitation to ever) body to these services. Tlitinksgiing titiiut M'ruees will be held nt the I'rcshxtcriiin chinch at 10::i0 a. in., November '2',. The ser mon will be bv Hex. V. .1. Douglass, puotor of the Methodist chinch. Full choral accompaniments on en elabor ate scale will supplement the text. The Miuisttna! t'uion, as oigauied for the winlei inoulh, is ofticeied b. Hev. It. r. Faiipihar, Congrcgation alist, piesideiit and bend linesman; Hev. C. 15. I.angdon, Nazaiene, ice president and (piarteibiiek; Kov. A. II, Itl.ickstotiL', llnptist, secietar treasuier, ulso adopted as coach. Tlio Itnmip will be aiipplemcutcd by subs ft out unions oilier oithodtiM tt'ams. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McCuidy of Minneapolis,' tho latter a sister of A. M. Heaver, arrived Wednesday ftr an o;.tumled visit with lolatnus heie. previous to making the rounds of the expositions and other California at tractions. ..loiiii Kag"i, chief dispatcher in (he Southern I'aeJlie otficet. nt Hoschurg, vva n'licvimc an old neipiuintaneo with Aseiil Ki.iiner on Wislnckdav, hound south with Mrs. Kwtor for a vacation visit nt Snn Francisco. XofioliHtions .tie Mill pending on the q t with tho Oingou-.Califoriiia Power itompnuv in bohall oi tiii mun icipal light plant for a loan ot juu'o sufficient lo tide over an cini'riiic.v when the waters m AmIiIiiiiiI creek tm at a low ebb, as has hreu the w for boiuo time past, 'flic council think' it s09 its witv rlour to mako such an uiruuttcuuiui pcrmupuut, in spitu of the fnnt (hut the ptoposition op a larger scule was tinned down at a loeunt Mpeeial election. The original fplan provided tr the purchase of uurient at wholesulo ratos, tho power eoiiiiMilty tu vacate tlm local tield. On tho principle that thine is no lots without some small jcnin,- the foipiun euipnmtion ruuld wall afford tu en ter into the arrangement, inasmuch as it has lot-fiitlv levitsl an a mint of $1 sr bwaru on tU (a pita I fctoak, imlicalins a shortagtt in rcv- CHHlsi. Urutl qhnrH I, frotarhtl ehampi'n HBkiwflffct Ih.k r f MtittttrH t )' Hil A4iIm.i in luirticuUr, homt ion dlll thi lior -'lilHirj 4tp.rtmut of Ik Hot. I In lubbtr. Morn hi - "! t. ihi Man ayvHiOut n l'is ". Huf LiiwMrHn ii'Mi..' r jii.-.i i Mil. Wr Ut tI" ' '.Imii.-iiI TIm- r't ru ii-ii MNlluibt . nw r'KtlNsJ lu iIm htlutt Uilcli A;HI ANn ANH VICINITY "w'"-'"w ",w """" 'or, tho trenches during the nhjht hours being t','low with the to flee turns from dozens of lantern electroliers, which east dim ennnine shadows over the lntidscape in competition with city lights flickering inlcimittcutlv. Holmes Hros., jjiocers, havo in 'tnllrd a red front annex adjacent to their sotre, which is devoted eolus ivory to a miiltiplieity of advertising novelties very tastily displayed. Anticipating the Commercial club function, Indies of tho Civic Improve incut organization will give a luncheon ut Hotel Oregon Tuocduy, November 0, The repast n( 1 p. in. will bo fol lowed by a regular meeting of the club in the hotel parlors at !!::I0, at which time will be held tho annual election of otficers, Tickets to the luncheon are four hits. The social feature will take tho form of a get accpiaiuted gathering. Ikdlevimv school distiicl N'O. 711 met Wednesday evening, when patrons joined with trustee in iccotumciidiiig a budget for, the forthcoming year. A lew of li mills was decided upon. Tho school Riounds, originally onu icio in extent, lme been incrased to live nercs, the playgrounds being re inforced with baseball, tenuis and other facilities. The school in general is one of the uio-t progressive in th county. COURT HOUSE NEWS Reported by Jackson County Ab tract Co., Sixth and Fir Bti. f'luiilt ' S. F. Hcu'h'it v -. Josephine bioov Sijiilh. cost lull. II. M. McFailaud vs. .1. (I. (ioble et ul.r suit li foreclose mortgage. Piobati Kstate of I.ouis ('. Severs, bond, Ivxtate of John Uuggiin, voucheiN. Kstatc of John II. Il.veily, oideriii' timo and place for filial hearing, final account, uidci discharging adminis tratrix. Kstato of Do Laakiu ! Mathes, or der appniuttng 'ilny for final settle ment, fiit and .final, aroount. Kstnto of Christina Orcluud, peti tion, order appointing administrator. Ileal Kstato Transfeiii l'etor V. Young et ux to (1. II. Stowoll, Inud in sees. 'JO nnd iM.:i!5.nv t'J.OUO Mnlilou I'uidiu cl ux to V. A. I.ovehice lot on Cen'nil nvii. uud I'onttv street. Mcdfoid .")."0 Augiihta H. Wood ot vir to .1. A. Audcrson, lot in Fabtie'ti unreuorded pint, Medfnrd 11) Augusta It. Wood et vir to '. K. Dill, lot in Fahiick't. un recorded plat, Med ford ID F. W. I'a.vne et n. to .lackxon Countv lluiidiiig k Loan au koeiation, lot -I. block .'I, Hose avenue, Mcdfoid 10 Aila K. Wal to Wju. Davis et u., lot li and north hull' ol lot '), block 1(1, Medtord 10 Notice to City Subscribers After November 1 all accounts for I taper must be paid hefoio 2.')th of mouth or pr will be htopjied. Col lector will not miiko moro thmi two eallH. CollectioiiH will he made at place of delivery, iihIcsh arraugu niunU are made otherwiso. IIOMKIt HOTIIKHMI'L, Cilv Ciicul.itor. IXTRHUIIUAN Al'HJ CAU CO. Tlmo Tnblo Leave Medford dally except Hun day for Ashiand, Talent and Phoanlx HOTEL OXFORD Newest and Best in GRANTS PASS, ORE. KniloJle every convenient- anil omfort fouiiil In a modern liotul. Hut and told water, stuaiu heal and tiihen In overy room lru Attordil lobby wltb open fire. Well MkIiIhI rinmpln IIimiiiin. ItatM m4rai Auto bus lo all tiin. MMlfard trade MmUiit solPllud. F. W. STREETS, Prop. mmrmm p-mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm irtJw ii 1 NO, THIS AIWT FEQ HY DOS; U ITS FER. SUPPED) JT- ,at S a. in., 1:15, 3.30 nnd 5:15 and 10:15 p. ru. (Saturday at n:i5 p. ai.) Sunday leavo at 8:00 find 11:00 &. m., 1:00, 5:00 and 9:30 p. m. ' Lonvo Ashland dally except Sunday at 9:00 n. in., 12:60, 2:30, 4:30 and 7:00 p. m. and Sunday at 10:00 a. m.. 12 nnon. 4:00, C and 10:30 p. m. FOlt ItKNT HUOSKKKKNNG llOOMS FOIt luirnrodorn nirnishcd housekeeping rooms, cheap; clono In. 23 1 Kant Utb. 208 FOIt ItK.l PUltninTlKli IXOOSIH KoiMtKNTFitrnuiioTl "rooins"" nnfi nlso liouso kcoplng rooms, closo in. 30 1 South Central. KOIt UKNT IIOUSIC8 FOIt Hi:NT Modem C-rooin bunga low. Phono 3J9-J, or liuiulro at 010 S. Oakdnlu. 101 POH HKNTTIiq HobertH liouso on South Onkdolo. CJeo. L, Ticlchler, phono 72 1-J. 11)8 FoiPlT ijNTNFceij f iiTiiuhcd bnn galow. Phono 1!2!-V. 199 KOH ItBXT nicely furnished 5-room bungalow, $12.50 per month. 820 West 12th street. 197 FOH HUNT Mil lesldonco on Oak dalo avenue. Col. II. II. Sargont. 190 FOH UKNT Modern six room bun galow, cheap. 929-W. FOH UKNT Furnished 4-rooni liouso, strictly inndern, closo In, lights and witter furnished. Phone, 931-L. or tall nt 200 W. Main. FOH HUNT Pirst class bungalow, gno nnd wood ranges, buds, etc., included. Phono H8-X. FOH ItKXT Furnlshod " modern house W II. Lverhard, 1013 W. 9thyitreet. FOH HUNT Well furnished modern bungalow. 42 South Laurel. POH HUNT .Ms,U!!l. LAN KOIJS FOIt I.IC ASK i'CqtiTlipca'idacVr ndno? Gold Hay Heulty Co. FOH LKASK Hlch liver bottom land. Finn for guideulug. corn and potatoes. H., care Mull Tri bune. FOK HALF. UKAb KSTATM FO?rJSu7F6tTnirorclioni'"ttto lots Central Point, block 70. Lot tie Polio, Trail, Oregon. 100 FOR SALR Farm land, fruit land, timber land, land from C,00 por aero upwards on long tlmo. Gold Hay Ileal ty Co. FOH 8ALK MlbCHMiANKODS i'O It 8 A 1 . K So nuT nrt xod pulVe?s. Medford Poultry Ai Kgg Co., Phono 5b3. 197 FOH SALK 'ilny u fancy droased milk fed capon for your Sunday dinner, (J pounds up, 2c pnr lb. Order at Mnrsh llonnott'B Friday for Saturday dullvury. 93 FOH SALK Kltehfiii range for wood or coal, Iron bed, crib, dresser, sow ing machine, etc. Phonu 913-J, or oall 103 Hoosevolt five. 198 FOH BALK Peel room ut a bnigalu. O. P., enro Mall Tribune. 190 FOH SALK Polo mountain buggy, good an new. Palmer Investment Co., Modoc Orchil! d. FOH SALIC Work hainewi, plow, cultivator, hay rake, spring tooth harrow, buggy, single, harness, hay, Grain. G Adder, Hoss Lane. I'Jtl FOH SAI.K-FonrtourliiK car. iii" iUlni at Xash Hutel. FOH SALU Stamp mill, mining cars and track rail, pumps, hoists, air compressor, nlr drills, milling m-u chlnery, tools and supplies, Iron ami hydraulic plpu all hUos, nt half price Address M, caio Tribune NEW TODAY I have onu ot thf fiiiont outlaying stork raiithua iu tlio county. Four hundred acres nearly all of It Is ag ricultural laud, and half of It Irri gated. Fine Improvements, well out in the free outrange. About fSOOO north of psmoiinl property goec with It Price $21,040, uud a grunt buy at that prleo FIno ilttlo plaro lo to paveintHtt In Grants Pass, l acres, some ai laltn, and soma fruit Would trails elar for Modfurd property. g:d:t-ioon ,llwm 10, JtukM'ii County IWinW llbln. ' i ' i ,,..... OU ETTGR WURRV, HOME OR YOU'LL BE LVTE FOR SUPPER I i'IOUMCt MAN ! FOn SALE-x-ailMTftliliAJfKOUS FOH SALH Fine, heating stove, good as now, nt a bargain. W. J. Wnmcr, Oil South Oakdale, Phone C9C-M. 199 FOIt SALE Ucnrdlcss nnd bearded bnrloy. Phono 30, Or. Clancy. FOH SALE Angora goats. Kd Whlto, Climax, Ore. 212 HEAL i:8TATHFOH BALB-All kinds ot property for sain or oi. change. Gold Hny Realty Co. t FOK MAtR---IitrKSTOCK FOR SALE Pair of iniilps. Nnsh Stable. 199 FOR SALE Or trade, bay nmro, liar noss, buggy, wagon, Jqrsoy cow, prlco $100 for nil. Frltscho, Hox 33, Houto 2, Medford. 198 FOR 3ALE15 horses, 12 heavy work mnrcs. Inqutro Vinson's Unrn, N. Riverside Avo. 210 IIKLP WA.VTKI .MALE SALFSMVxPockot. sldn lino; novv live iiroposlllon, all inarchanta Iu towns of 100,000 and under want It; pays Ki commission on each saloj no collecting, no risk to merchant; wo tako back unsold goods. Ens lust, biggest paying sldo line over offered. Cunficld Mfg. Co., 208 Slgel St., Chlcngo. HELP WANTED---AGENTS ACT QL'ICK Automobile gasoline going up; sell Gaso-Tonlo; equals. gnsolliiQ ut 3c a gallon; ellmlnntca carbon; dollar tin hour profit; salot guaranteed. Whlto Mfg. Co,. Uept. Ill, Cincinnati. O. WAN11CT) MTU.iTlO.N8 WANTED FlrL-cla"sa oTcoimtant will accejil temporary or perma nent work iih bookkeeper. Local refereiicos. . Address It-1, box 7S, Medrord, or phono 403-R-2. 190 WANTED Work by day. hour or Job by man with team; also wo linvo alfalfa, grain, hny and straw and wood for sale. Leo Young, Phouq 7-FL 221 WANTED WANTED Old rolna" wVntod wTTl pay $2 for 1904 dollar proof; 10c for 1912 nickels S. Mint; $100 for dime 1894 S. Mint; we want thous ands coins; ninny are circulating; wo offer up to $1000 for' certain dntes. Scud 1c now for our largo coin circular. Nuiulsmntlo Hunk, Dept. 10, Fort Worth, Tox. WANTED Good milk cow to winter for use. Phonu 8&7-H. 198 WANTED To buy, flat lou'deslc.liox' Desk, Mall Tribune 190 WANTED- A toiiiirfor 11b' keep" for thu winter. Hox Team, Mull Trlb. une. WANTED Socoud hand 3-4 or 1-3 inch water pipe; also to tradq wagon, buggy or horse for A-l milk cows. Phono 148-X. WANTED Largo knitting mill In vltes correspondence from women desirous ot earning money, part or full tlmo. Good pay. Experience unnecessary, International Mills, Inc., Norrlstown, Pa, 200 KOIt HXUIIrtmiK FOH TRADE 3 W In. wagon. Phono 778-.I. 201 POUND TAKEN I'P At my ranch, ono black sow marked half crop and under bit in left ear, split upper bit and half crop Iu right ear. Owner please cull, pay ohargus nnd tako sumo away G L, Schormqrhorn, Hox 1, It It 4, Medford. 19G WHY? IT IH YOUR ISUfUXKSS TO SEE MR Uecause my a(oc la trade la to have optioned at tho lowest cash prlco the best buy In this county. I have been un tno ground look ing out for you for the past five yesra. Nearly everyday I havo in vestigated some "good thing." I have eliminated eveiylblng except those deals which I am convinced will se cure me satisfied customers, In a few hours time 1 can give you the benefit ot this roswirch. It Is my busluess tu show you over thu county and Introduce you tu the possibilities and opportunities horn. Hod Mad furd first and J. C. BARNES 10 W(t Main rHrv t ' r&i ivie ouf , s H nEAT I 7 W IJL LHEC'- It W fl V : ,-Wsl JFA -V U 1 SiMH 7-. .. M ! rTf "1 'mtijfa&J!2VJ ' ) Mn lUnwi'T ) A .,,., yvn i, i m 11USLVESS DIRECTORY Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Wo arr. operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Use our springs whon others fall. Sold under guar antee. 2G North Fifteenth St., Portland, Ore. Attorney GEO? W. CHERRYAttornoyBnd ....Notary. Room 9, Jackson County ....Hank llulldlng, Medford, Oro. PORTER J. NEFF, WJL P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Lflw, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Rank bldg. A. E. RBAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. O. M. RODERTS Lawyer. Moil ford National Rank Building. Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN 8C0Y00 DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnctt-Coroy Illdg,, ulto 310 Medford, Oro. Phono SCO. Collections nnd Itcporta COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Wa collected some accounts 14 years old, Wo know how to got the, money. Tho Iliiuock Mercantile Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2,' 3, Han kins' Illdg., 21C E. Mnln St. Engineer anil Contractor FRED N7 CUMMINGS Snglnoor nnd contractor, 401 M. F. & II. Illdg. Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation drnlnago, orchard and Innd im provement. Gni lingo OAUDAGE Get your promlsos cleaned up fur tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good sorvico. Phono 274-L. F. Y. Alton. Instruction In Miiflc HAfGHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401, Gnrnett-Corey bldg. Fred Al ton Halglit, piano; Mrs. Florence Hnllldny Halght, volco. Phouo I f Physicians unit Surgeons DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 410-417 Garnott-Corey bldg., phone 103G-L. Hesldcnco 20 South Laurel at. P0B DH. W. W. IIOWAHD Osteopnthlo physlclnu, 303 Garnott-Corey building. Phono 901-M. DH. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested nnd glnsscs sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for 8. P. U. H. Co, Offices M. F. & II. Co. bldg., opposlto P. O. Phouo 507. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physlcir.n nnd surgeon Phones, offlro 30, resi dence 724-J. Offico hours, 10 to 12. 2 to 6. DR. 8. A. LOCKAVOOD DR. MYRTLE 8. LOCICWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Office 309-310-311. M. F. & H. bldg. Phonos, resldeuce 31I-J2, office 814. DR. MARTIN C. HARDER -Physician and surgeon, Headaches and block, opposlto Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110 J. T. G. HEINE, M. D. Eye, Ear. Noso nnd Throat. Headaches and nervous conditions relieved by properly fitted glasses. Cross oyos straightened. Offico 228 E. Main St., phono 303, Consultation freo. Printers ami Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tho best equipped printing offico In couthorn Oregon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prlios. 27 North I'll Bt. Public Stenographer .A M T EDWARDS. Steogrnphor and Multlgraphlng, Rooms 409-410 Garnott-Corey building. Office phono 709-J, resldenco phone 1U3-H. Transfcik BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 48 North Front st Phone 3 IU Prices right. Servloo guar anteed 1 I.KAItN Wl'irilM Wll.N'O ""Take tho right step now- pleasant, prolltnlilo work not overdene: few mouths learning: positions guaran teed, write for references uud parlle ulars. Portland Watchmaking, Ha grnvliiK and Optlpal Srhnol 218 Cola inoiiwoallh Illdg., Gib and Atlkenf. rortumli Orufoii . , 4