PAGE TWO MKDtfOltD MATIi TPJHUNK MIWORI). OkF'jOX, STTR1)AY, NOVRM13F.R G, 1915 s mi . 9fr m M vi rr - 10CAL AND 'PERSONAL I). McCluIn mmlo Iho highest ecoro on Frlilny at (ho llox I3nll alloys, llo Is nlso limiting rooiI on simros. A,, 11. Cotfcon followed n closo second. Oood dry wood $1.G0 per tlor on Rrottnd. It. K. Montgomery, C19 B. Hlversldo. 221 , J. A. P. Pcndloton of Talilo Hock spent flaturilny In Mcdtord. 'J, O. Ocrltlng, tho bent nil around pliotograplior In southern Orogon. Always reliable Negatives mado any wlioro, tlmo or plnco. Studio 228 Mala St. 1'hono 320-T. Clem Morrison and .Tarn en Mason, accompanied by Mrs. Homwny, Mr. Morrison's mother, all of Heno, No vada, motored to tho San Krnnclsco, and then began n journoy by auto Into Oregon, stopping first lit this valley, famed for Its beauty, lis cll ninto and tho iiroiluctlvonosH of Itn soil. They will tarry In Mudford and vicinity for some days and then pro ceed to Hood Illvnr, If tho weather re mains tolerable. Postage stamps nt Y.t Voo's. Two of tho most noted lcndors of tho nntl-sniooii forces In America, lion. Illchard P. ijobson and Eilwln I. Htoarns,,thd national lecturer of that organization, will speak at tho nation al prohllHlon-'-ally to bo held at tho Page theater Nnvomlior 21, at :i o'clock In tho afternoon. Admission free. All nro welcome. (Jet? Men Quick Walllngford. Head It In tho Oregonlan and Examiner and seo tho picture at tho Star theater Friday, Nov. 'ISflt. ' Clark W. Kelly, accompanied by Mrs. Kelley, or Devil's I.ako, North Dakota, tarried a day In Madford on their way to tho exposition. They will probably contlnito their journey today. All goods left from Ilummago Sale nt your own prlco on Tuesday and Wednesday. Putnam J. Long, visiting with rel atives. In Ashland, Is visiting also a day In Mcdford beforo his final start for homo near Carrolton, Mlponurl. Mr. Long Is delighted with Itoguo rlVor valley climate, scenery and nat ural resources, llo cannot under stand why wo aro content to ship Into tho valley from other districts less tnvmotl than ours those things which U'n can produce nt homo In such hhttndauco. Ho lias abotu concluded (o return and help uh to make up tho deficiency In production of homo staples, . , Hinoko n King Spitz cigar, fie. Tliny- am homo-made. i Tho second crop of crab apples of two varieties fiom tho Wosterluud Orchard tracts attests tho vlrtuo of Irrigation. The crabs of ono variety aro largsr than iiinll'a oggH and tho other nearly ns Urge Thoy aio on exhibit at tho Commercial club as an anomaly In tho matter of second growth of tree fruit In this valley. Tho best stylos, tho best qualities and tho best prlqes aro found In tho millinery department of tho M. M. Dopt. Store. 190 M. A. Dlckerson, of flrlffln creek, has on ONhlblttou nt tho Commercial club a fine box of Jonathan apples that would bo liniilm xool In H.vni metry of growth, color and luitoh In any climate. Tho Jonathan Is ono of tho prime apple products of tho lloguu river valloy. lluy Medford made candy nt tho Shasta. , Mrs. J, 1). Itlckeit, who Is In Port laud. Is luipiolnu rapidly, much to the delight uf liur many fileiuU. Mra, I.onoh, Alido-fUippert and Hiuoluy HiirKlivil eorset. ut S2U N. llnrtliilt, 1". 1 1. Adoton and wife, of Venice, Ciillfuniln, arrived In Mudfnril Tlim. day, Mr. Andoiion hnviug otiuia to icropt tho position of organist at tlia Phho thonter. Cross .t Hluokwoll Scotch Oat Meal. SalilvffHllii'a (tnieery. ManaRHr 8. A. Kruarliul of Hm Jatkkoii County Creamory will re turn from outside district eaily noxl week, after a hurried inialiia trip llutturnut brand at Da Voo's. K. It. Cue, a crttamwr man of V natuliltt, WaahlHgUtn. twoiuiumed by Al Jleflii. an Hitplu man or ilia tautH oily, ni tn Modioli) and vtotn,- to day and uw find It luuvunlaut to rbiaslu a uhiuIhm of days on bualtiiM. lueUlotfitally. thr aro utaUlna ura eaieful itston ul our bttnlaaaa opitor tHHltlaa. Voton Camera Shop for first olaat Kodak fluUhlHS and Kodak sunplltw. J. OUvw. TtprtMwntiiiC ! WulUw Ch.. lMtdsn ImiH buyers uit dealer, to In tku tit wt twain fur Ul firm. Seo Dave Wood about that flrsln. aiirmico nollay, oyite Mall Tribune IllilK. J (,' Jmk-vii a -rk.ittal or Attaint, In ib city on imMaesx anil ik.'a i re oiu blued IV o but tr hotllM II L und W '' Widn .1.. I it.VIT frUdH'-U Hi" I' ' ' ill- I'll itii-lnwHI I u oii i ,ii 'Jadiuliatfo for uui in . i. Turt-Miua valki n i i- i. Y to tkM U4 to 'lur. Kate I, owls, of Ashland, Is In tho city on busings Bloday. Ho ili to main over Sundn" to visit with friends. Shoo repairing guarantocd at Dl den's. 201 Art Jorgenscn, of Montague, C.i' Ifornla, Is a valley nu tiopolls visit" When bettor insurance Is sold Holmes Tho Insurance Man will coll It. Wnyno Seliolcr, of Weed, Is so journing a fow days In Rogue river valloy. Ho Is n will known lumber man of California. Hedooni your Liggett & Myors cou pons nt Mpdford Cigar Store.. t)7 Mrs. M. W. Dltrv.oti, of Chloago, U a Medford visitor today. Insure your nuto In tho Alliance against theft, fire. 0. Y. Tongwold. X. W. Tonbrook and M. L. Colin, o Xow York, are In t' o city today on LiMlness. , 110 acres Hutto Crook bottom, all under Irrigation nt a cost of ten cents nn Inch. Will grow nil grains, al falfa, clovor, onions, color, sugar beets; one fourth mile to depot. This Is a proposition that will Interest you If you want something good nt almost the coBt of water. From tho owner to you. Ilox 111, Kaglo Point. 0. !:. Knight, of Canton, Ohio, Is a business visitor In Medford and vi cinity today. Ilroachcs, rings, scarf pins, mid cuff links made from local agates. I do not send this work out of town, hence can give on u lower prlije. Johnson tho Jeweler. 100 X. W. Simpson, of Philadelphia, Is doing business In Medford todny. Fresh roasted peanuts at Do Voo's. Tho Medford National ltlflo club will hold a shoot Sunday nt ! a. m. nt tho homo of Vem Marshall. Ilia South Oakdale. Do Voo delivers tho Orogonlan to you overy dny for 75c n month. O, K. Merwln, a business man of Salem, was a visitor to tho Southern Oregon metropolis, yestorday and oxp1 resiled A 'fervent desire to prolong his stay In this dollghtfiil climate. Dm. A. It. and Louisa Hodges, chi ropractic physicians, Stowart build ing, 2.15 Knst Main St. Kills Thorpo, of Cnrnicl, Ills., Is tarrying In tho valley on his return from tho big show at San Francisco. Ho confesses Hint tho Jnoksou county exhibit nt tho exposition inspired In 111 m a desire to visit tho Itoguo river country, about which ho had read in licit Interesting literature. "Hut," ho said, "I wanted to clap my optics on somo of your beautiful scenery." Home mado taffy nt Do Voo's, Jay Katou, of llrlshano, ArUouu, is visiting with his uncle, Jerry Lane, whoso farm Is In tho Central Point district. "Tho Arizona climate and long period of drouth have dlscour aged mo,'1 ho said. "Hut 1 find that water for Irrigation purposes hero Is essential to the assurance of good crops, Just as It Is In most sections of tho desert slate from whloh I came. Why your fiirmois have done m long on half crops without wator, when water Is so plentiful hero, I can't Imagine," ho continued. Nor can any other progroftslio farmer, ho might have added, with nsstirtincn. Christian Science books, cards mid book marks. Hoautlfully done. Mod ford Hook Store. Wallace Kenton, who came to the valley last January from Jacksonville, Ills., Is still awaiting n definite op pression of enterprise by the farm ers who own tho hind thoy eultlsnto, as to their purpose to have Irrigation and to vote somo other progiosslvo thitiKs the valloy needs. Tho host oil In the woild Is only dirt, If loft In an arid condition during the sonnm of plant Krnwth. lloosoy sisters' hominy ut tho load ing ureters eiory Thursday. lt)f Adalbert Cuniuii, of Sums valloy, has lost three valuable horsoa diirlm, the past mouth. A post-uiortoni ex amination of tho third one lost by death failed to dlseloav a probable WW. Polled ham and uncou nt DaVon's Tluno who had water with which to Irrigate Ihwlr fa hum near the foot hills ieport that the vetch they sow ed about the first or September Is up and xrowlug excellently Thev use It as a cnsr crop slid, being able to put their soil In condition for proper cultivation aarly in the season and to give It moisture since. thc will ha tli benefit of wluuble pasturage dur- ItiMt iLtu u'luliiM Htiiii tlmi it tit nlilu I rip i riw ntHUTi ilii II v nir u'i' I an to ki Hoe a uiofllahh, for which 1 1 i soy find rd sale, to be Hiiro Hot Tumulus nt tho Shnstn t'oi reHiudet School ntudeiits and ualasim are all users of the Corona tviwrttr NUdford Hook Store will dtMUMtuimt Tuwm ha ai wandering win Iho salts of tr furiun tu thin vllo are not o ufoiiurilve a tiie wre ouu vars af will ftd i maluu that thf rlilf vtaatAMU or fwrttltu li whol bolo Iho ihla nifsie l,.Mr tby aavt bo InjoovarUhing ) tii. UnUn o-crN iyum and -in I low oluwlug (n) have aiveu anl ar. l giving llMsir ram In1 tu m u tM up ho virgin soil and kImh it nmUUUIW mk Ik vruiMi dvuiand u. wtlk UMiMr oulUvaiioa. tuov m tn uttM Ifc i lva hiosi agrMibl uii tealifeMr ytoU. yaV. tUtMH HUg assukikg Uh. aork tl sjlw ( M4fr4 iig (Mora ! ; "AN UNWILLING THIEF," AT THE PAGE THEATER SUNDAY SKi mmimMmm B?KwBrMW''i- JWlTaaVmoUu-- r'K,"irVui F8& -wis ? "1TT TM r-MUMT "C . .W.LBmi?Ti ' VCI WlB.nfTf UL i fi V:rt.,4 HlK (fr9 m&MW&w mmmmmmmmm i if IP ; mfmmmm juuiild nil ol ittl tlnolllc nil eouluui I )l iled ui'crprirti", tliird, thai the mt" of tnwitiiii would bo sliifjgeini: and iinpi Hsible t.i meet unit would plnco linn ril et a tinfllr-till for twenty iillls. liua ArjUlHl. LIFE AND DEATH AFFAIR The Greater Medford club has per fectod plans for much civic Improve ment work during tho wlutor and spring seasons, its members should bo oncournged In overy practical way to execute those plans fully and suc cessfully. Such work will go a long way toward helping to crouto n great er and bettor .Medford. Hook binding of any kind nt tho Mall Tribune office. Tho person who holpod himself to n mlunturo state map that hung uoRr Secietnry Latin's desk In tho Com mercial club office Ih requested not to forget to bring It back when ho shall finish with It. Otherwise the patient FOOLS OF OREGON FAMILY ( Conttnued trout pago ono) lin tlio citv of .Medford, where its taxea would amount tn ,f Ifc.OOO Hr jour. Wo nro ninbitious to fret a Mmrmill anil n box fiiolon ft,ihlihcri in Mod find when nfe lumlicriiijr indu-trv iigiiiu opeiiH up. Tint would leipiiiv an e.tpenillhW of pel Imps .-JOO,000. Would (iiijffjiuilevil iuleivt-i -pond -l()(l.00l) mh eity ot.Me.lroid, whieli il iho MuiUojAki fdnii enrriex will "nglit off pav .f J 1,00 itu li rinT' 1)0 rofiiii,Ml In fe liMt aiiiiuiill.v, with oii'i'-iiirnvMHin!; rwto In unci th fits mi mill in viiidi omu hid (iiuiuill 1 i, , . . secretary will call him u petty nr. !,Ilf','l' ll'l'''' ' Al .vuki plni.f pniB, Oentml J'oitil. IMioeniv. Tolo or nny conlst. Chocolate creams, caramels, chips, peanuts, etc., only 30c a lb. at Do Voo'n. Dr. F. C. Page, Alex Xlbloy and C. 10. Gates wont to Knglo Point toujny to attend a sugar heel mooting to be held (hero nt 2 p. m. A largo attendance is promised, much enthus iasm fur the sugar factory havluw already lieu oxprossod by furinorB of this district. Try on.i of those big Ico cold f cent milkshakes nt Do Voo's. ol'd phuo vbiihl eeitiiitily I'uinNIi them u more inviting field. This .Meiljnxki plan will iiriiiiiiie il grenily imren-ed ty rale and no coinmunity wan ever vet made wealthy llirouj'li nu ii erensod liiirden of lux CM. Fool of Oifgon Family Tlie prtiiit rinmieiiil conditioii oi Hie eity of Aiedlnril liohoou it lo striiin every itlott to iiiiloiul its liur ileu of ilgfVt riitliii tliuii lo ineiense tlutt iuiiiton nt ohliitalion; mid llu- Goo. Mnnsflold, of Prospect district. Medyiiaici ivlan will eeiluinlv rneiene Is doing business in Medford toin . i thnt debt ko that it will lie 1,7(10,0011 lif.ttlittr li.m.t.rlit ... 1 1 1m I. It., I...i ,l..t .l..,,,, ., ,,llb,lll. 1.1.(1 III), I tlVIII . tllj I upper valloy a breozo of renl optlm Ism. For wntch work that Hntlsflos, Johnson tho Jeweler. 220 Grunt Fleming, accompanied by Mrs. Fleming, arrived today from Kalians City, Mo., to visit with Mr. mid Mrs. Ilnynes of this city. Hutto Fulls Wood Yard, Phono AH really an, npp;i!ii.jf fiKtiro ol' inileht eluess tu'coiitiiiiplulu h u eity !ia inj; no urcuter limn 10,000 pnpuln lion. If Jnrs heme rorritfh we .luiil lie liv"lniitlnnic stnek of the I'aeil" eoriKt. unit Hi-leud of lu'liig .ioken ot eoiuniondulJK llnouyliyut the ne-, a-. M- ltvo liiMilnfv, lor imr enter prine, pimli rnl ilelliaent eitiiMisliip, nliall.liv tiiiiit4j ( ns the find ul' or 22;i; wood all kinds. U03 , hi- Oretr Kiniily. J. It. Pin coll, of CholiHlla, Wagh-I ' "pfrpd to Hi- .ld,Mkt pln'i Ington, arrived In .Medford today with '' lie'leiiMlJ'. I'ir-I. tlmi uiuier tli" a view to locating hero, either n'i,v" tl'eW'jV.-.iiienl .'ii w eidlect farm ownar or renter. 'l; ,'riil, nfli t the l.-alii-Mi pbn Try a King Suits cigar and on-, - - ' " ' - cournrn home Industry. Mis. Mr iv Hedfleld. it crayon .ti tlst or Pijyallnp, Waolilngton, arrived by auto today to remain In the Tlogue river valloy dm lug the winter. .Ins. Mellon, who brouuht her In his Over land, 'iiimlt the run without an acci dent or dclai. He says the roads are fairly good all the way. Mr. Mollou will proceed to Sun Francisco, where his wife and daughter are aiKht-soo-Ing. Dillon's shoo repair shop niovod across street from old stand. 201 (Continued from pago ono) . - . - , it ol' I'l" bonds Hint would he indued. J it, iluiiur tlutt (hex would be le- 'al, it wiuild incan- tue miiiuiui ol this ilmtioiiiif ih'lil'And the iiiimeili nle i inj; over ta HhJm? wIid Imvo in' ill their nHt.e,isiHPti(, fjoiiu $.i0.- 1 000, o'er $10.0110 uf wlneli wbnlil be ... . , ., . at u' '' paid io me raiiroau com oiini i 'ul lor wliieli the cit voiild be hm l 'or. tliiitv yonif. Vote Piopotltlon Down , It ) ceilainlv Hie eoneenius ol opinion of btisinoW' men wliom you ip'-et here fiom n ditiinee. or whom ,ou meet in I'orllaud anil other pi u-, (lint Medrord would make t ii'"-t seiioii' liluiiiler liv tile putliiut out of tliono bond!-. A mutter of n initeb impoitauce ought to liave more deliberiite eoiisiderntiou. H is nil right lo' giie some relief to thoe of iik who are liuideiieil wit'u tho-0 ntMcsHinents, lut would it not be belter now lo vote Hip. piopo-ilion down, mid to tnke the time lo fijiur.) out Home more eiiiitublu mid lc lmifroroiiH j-nlu(ion.' II it U Hie de iie lo meet thce nbliatioim by Iun- ntion, there me ways in which this emi lie done without making ii u delit mraintt Clio it . I feel very Mir Hint we emi woik out.Miiuelliinir wliieh will accomplish (lie pin poses ilenired without the eilv lo n point wlioro it eredit will be doMiroyeil. !u nuv event, theie will be pleuU of lime in adopt this plan, if it fiiiullv deleriuiued to be Hie he-t, mid nny careful linsinesH mini ouulit eor tnmly lo bo very sure Hint this i.s tho only solution before mortgugiiiir Hie eity beyond its nbiiilv to pav. A. F.. It KAMI'S. V Caution "7 VACiOAHOTBiVl "wsiir(niilrii-ranr ii i-" H0RUC THE OKSGWAL ALTED SVIBL 2g? THE FOOO-DjNK FOR ALL AGES TAKE A PACKAC4S HOME o jrjSKO SUBSTITUTE IS "JUST. AS CUB" 6? u c c F & COMES ONLY TO THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR IT Propniv N()N I'll Vu'ii' Fntnrc Snctcss )y AUt'iidinir tin Me.dford CommerdaS College "rhoSdiool ol' Host Kosnlts" DA Y uiid Nl ( J J IT SCHOOL now in session al :uNoimruprcsT,?KHT '& TiiG fm Suffrage Thought of Wosnen AuS 5 im3 & UKlSBSM p rc v ox -ri ww s a N. , fLDAJPCJsJ N V 103- Sotitli Keeping Busy Since people hnvc learned how much Wdlnrd Service means towards good start ing and lighting, wc haven't much tunc for loafing. aKB3H 2 Free inspection of any battery at any time fcJK5r&e'lfc7fe2 105 Ccn'ral 6f THE ELECTRIC SHOP pi 22-j araKnwwaBiwaa- 1 anxszszsa. w irswl Mntherhnrxl in alway uDnerinrat In wnimn' lllil. A ll ultli It mmM thnuihtii nf lum-1 la rriliut! unit iiTrrmme tho rnl in nnil dl- i itfAtt of tho nriltml. An external rrnmly, "Mother'n Kriend," 14 hlshl)' rrronirofnill. lliindroiH or jmip-j mntlirrs write lmr rejoiced the)' were nt tho abienco or mnrnlujr Klrknev. nerTou-nr nnd nlhrr illitrewet. Oct n toltle nr "Vtotlicr's Krlenil" nt any itrns; Mure. Slmiily nnpl)' It over tho itnmirh muele mil rut nMiireit nf rierrect nirety anil roi'iTirt div nml nlslit Wrlts to UrmlSeM lli culnler lo. lot l-iiunr IIIcICm Atlnntn. On., tor their hnndMino anil tnntnirtlrn tinnk. CHICHEBTER S PILLS tf7-v . TIIK llMONI UltlNU. X ft) M I L tit v fj r 5i: ii4i ami. jnr urvE i.t 1 rA rilHln lirj I c.l.l r-i.llh.Vv S ..r I' I III I e K. a. X JVi V mlitr. I'mt or tour V lllluilil. H rl II I.I III ..Ttlin u.l. Ill VUilMI lll.lMl I'll I4.l,gj,aiL. i i.t A-., I dwi U IDBVDRlGGISTSEVIRIIfRE MONEY Saved I1.1 leltlni; 1110 do your work, Wntchos mill Clocl.s elonned $1.00, Main SprlitKS $1 00. AkiiIo (iiludlui; 'J0c mid up. Diamond SettliiK. All kinds ot Jewelry repnlrlm;. .Special cut on finished ncutcs, llargalns In watches. I will savo Mm iiiouoy on all work. Kverythlm; Riiaranteed sat lafactorv. Clocks called for and de livered any pines in the city. I'AV i:. 1H.VMONI), 1-M i: Main St. IM10110 S7S-I. ' We Would Appreciate an opportunity to inoie the many wna In which your ban! "" nti " t' c mid he bettor served by us. Cinii erclal md PavliiKs Department under Oov crnnuut Supervision. OVEP 22 VEAnS UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT L MflBaifflxjagagagti.acrga-aigreMej Our Ho?.t Seller Wo are sollliiK more of Meritol Kesema Itemedy than all the otheiH put toaothr. This largu sale H due to the fact that It Is a irei ir.iHon or unusual merit, mude c:roi -i tor 0110 purpoKO, ecsoaia in Its tr,ius rnima. If ou are ariliit"d lh i'iIs loHthsome dlsfase, do nut dclav 11 nu Meritol ICeieiiui ltwuiedy. I'llces . c mid II 00. hlMluaivo Auouoy llnsklns DriiK Store. Too i..ti: n gissii'v. WA.NTltD- llava iHut)1 to loot slrlU l modern bungalow, well Imated either rumlahed or iiuriiiiiUlu-d lleuiieit Iniestnieiit to I COLUMBIA YARNS. iirt WW?1 tWHSl CELEBRATED FOR Eictllence of Onalitr Hi Eyeioess or TlraJ, Pure Djes and BsaatI ful state ,a Ct4br IU T44 lri, jiBur uti f Columbia Zephyr, 2, 4 & 8 fold. uoiumMri uormantown, 4 & u toiu. Columbia Saxony, 2, 3 & 4 fold. Columbia Spanish. Columbia Knitting Yarns. Columbia Shetland Floss. Columbia Shetland Wool. . Iht bo Yimi For Sil b Ludlng Jobbin (nd , stiiiori inrougnoui me unnea sui, II A IS D I G R A F '1? S Ii () P AN ARIA1 Js ih ,i "M aitio'l on a n;i'mul )iano. Ii U'lirwili ord.uifflitt ri tlio ) ooh ronnn nu imiml voii'i' t;iu Jiit tin' adMiutue of 'I'l 1 10 U Mi I IT PIANO, which is rlio hcrt iV I'oiid tirand, sold Ii; PALMERS PIANO PLAGE li" Noitli (Vnlral Ave, m-ai the I'nstniTire. yiwiwsnaiiiiTnBWMrafficaycHPCgHwaasa Oua&P' z1a vl. so zy s'v S-W Geo. Agent JL bsih inn rri iiini ri inn iiinsmii aim laaswisai --. jif .v-i-rMMIIi K . -nt'iji i.v i-jr2n.-ja4rj e jTrwm'il&MtT 1 mmmsmm SKiWSCMfaaWilUTTW I'HK S gsssaamB wm a i py U t ll i El il SfSBSKw m The Popular All-Service Cars Best Value For The Price $ m m uiuiiaiai itiiiiw iwiaai9VitaKmMmmmrimmMKammJwminvr3MmMPi .... S II THE UNIVERSAL CAR llll n li III road for every ear of i S 3 ani'tlier make. More tluui U00.UIU) now i 9 j in usi evervwliere.' Thin could not ... 1....1 ..... i fill llilU IHM, llllll Wil ii .. ... .1 LT reicnier Medford A Kord on tin another make. in tisi evervw he if i he Ford not proviiur ilssiiuurioi'it.v vcv in all iaru; of u wui'ld. The Htuixly, litfht-woithl . economical Ford ear, uxeful to evei'yhiHiy, saviutiinoiuy for e er IkmIv at a jnie within reach of e er ImkIv. Kunahmit iJ90; Touring Car &U0: Town Car frM, (. . hlh troit. On Mile nt C. E. GATES' ii i a II v&ssm I 1 II II m If t II i 111 JsaataMafc4SMBmakiShMkk V X