Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair Tonight intl Sunday. .Vox. 01; Mln. as. Forty-fifth Ycnr. Dull? Tenth Tear. arEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER (J, 1915 NO. 196 J ; f y RB A A N! H A U BY B A AN Three Days nf Fifllitlnn. Ends in Cap ture of Capital More Than Half of Serbia Now in Possession of In vaders, Who Havo Taken Lower Part of Country's Railroad System. UHUMN, Nov. C Tho cnpluro of Ntali, Sorbin, by tho Bulgarians was announced officially hero today. Capture of Varvnrln, on tho Mo rnva river In Serbia, nbout 40 miles northwest of Nlsli, was announced today by tho Gorman foreign office JUoro than 3000 Serbians wore taken rrlsoncr, Tho town of Krnllovo, 35 miles southwest of Kraguyovats, also has been captured by tho nermann, who nro pursuing the Serbians to tho cast or that point. Tluvo lnys of Bat (to Tho Bulgarian conquest of NIhIi was effected after thrco days of heavy fighting. In theso engagements tho Bulgarians captured 350 Ser bians and two cannon. Near Lukovo, tho Bulgarians defeated tho Serbians and In the vicinity of Sokobanya nfso they won n victory, taking moro than 500 prisoners and six cannon. Bul garian and German forces got In touch with each other near Krivlvlr. J! ore than half of Sorbla Is now in poHscsHlon of tho Invaders who also havo taken tho lower part of tho country's railroad system. Tho now junction effected between Austro Ucrmnn and Bulgarian forces report Kid by Berlin today, completes tho Homl-clrcular wall of hostllo armies about the recreating Serbians. Second largest City "With tho exception of Belgrade, N'IkIi Is tho largest city In Serbia. foon after tho outbreak of tho war tho capital was transferred from Hoi j'lnuo to Msli. Tliero tho govern ment remained until tho city was threatened by tho invndors. in tho Ian month various towns havo Icon mentioned ns tho temporary seat of tho government. There are no recent statistics of Its population, which 20 years ago was 21,500. IRE is PHILADELPHIA, Nov. fi.-l A. 11 Widencr. widely Known financier, died nt his home nt Klkins Park, near Ik-re, today. Mr. Widencr hud been ill for some tunc. lie was n iloniinnnt fnetor in the street niilwny systems of this city, New Yoik, Chicago and other cities, llu was 81 yonra old, Ufa Hi is believed to liave been due to advanced age. .Mr. Widenor started his liuhiiiQits career horc as n butcher. For moro than twenty years lie bore an active jwrt in nil the impottuiit political movements of the city. Ho was a can didate for- mayor, but was defented for the nomination bv Mayor Stokloy. He i' said to have aecuinulnted a for tune citimutcd at inoie than .?G0, 000,000. E LONDON", Nov. G. IJiimunnin au thorities liavo lakon the noecestirv steps to brine into Itumuninu harbor and disarm vecl fljing the Kussian flag which are loaded with nmwUiil nmmiinitioii for Serbia, sayt n suou official statement issued at Buchar est and received hew by wiroloM from Berlin. Tin. action haa hum Ukoa, it u announced, borano of the Aiieiro-Gii-man occupation of tho irbin liHiik of the Danulw. ItuteMU ni a t-ar which fled into th Rowanum lirlr'l liruia aireadv hnve boon ili-.iiiu. .1 .iiul the rrw, liiuwbeiiny 6oo. mti mnl mi KiMeudj. rwirywea at Canby are 4lncMlng n ckMw factor)'. MM N me DEAD RUMNA ZE AM RB1A And Lo! Medford Will Lead All SHOWING INDEBTEDNESS OF OREGONIGITIES AS COMPARED WITH MEDFORD IF MEDYNSKI SCHEME PASSES Relative size of Medford 's debt if Medynski bond scheme passes, with that of other cities. Medford Eugene m Salem- u Astoria m Baker B La Grande m Ashland m Klamath Palls., Grants Pass...,. Roseburg Albany The Dalles AFFAIR-REAMES Rehondlnn Proposal Fraught With Many Dangers, Declares Wcll Known Attorney Most Serious Blum'cr to Vote Bonds Solution Offered a Dangerous One. To the Kdiler: I lmvo not horclufore said anything publicly upon the .Medynski plan. I would not do so now if I did not con scientiously feel that iliJndordJon.vYill involve .the city in a serious fiiuineinl crisis. I have thought the matter over carefully from both bides. 1 renlize that n grcnt miiiy honest, con scientious pcoplo have come to tho conclusion that the Medynski plan of. fern the only relief from the present cmbarrusHiig condition. I also np prcciato that Mr. Medynski and his associates have given much time and a great deal of careful consideration in an honest effort to ariivu at tho best solution of the difficulty. How ever, the adoption of tho plan seem to mo to bo fraught with such dan gers as to amount almost to a life ard dealli pioposilion to the cily, and that it is a time when uery patriotic citizen ought to speak. lmposlltcl to Brpliico Mains The saddling of moic than one mil lion dollars' additional debt on tho property of the city will put its bond ed indebtediiQSN so near its assessed valuation that tho cilv would never be able to borrow any substantial amount of money for any improve meat, however necessnrv. For in stance, we have some thirty miles oi more of wooden water mains, the linger poiliou of which will havo to be replaced in tho course of n few years. This is a matter to which 1 have given some consideration befor" tho prcsonl question arose. If wo voto this bond issue and bad to ro place tl.e pipe line it would be impos sible to procure the money to do it, and we would be ngniu pumping wa ter out of JJonr creek. There in't the slightest doubt ii. tho woild but whnt tha paving assess menU nro n logul chnrge and can bo collided. Notwithstanding the Salem case, cited in the press, nnd whioh in't much in point, there is a very M'tiou'. legal question ns to the valid- (Continued on Page Two) ll5 LAW HELD INVALID I'OHTI.VN'U. Nov. 0 Oregon's Sunday closing law, which ha beu on the tatutc main enr, but vv'iiUi mo atlemtit hav lxnm wud (o onton-r until a waalh ! dcHiod in valid by the atiu nri-uii' eourt hero today. Dm KttiUlxi, groearyuian, cl.araed with tiolaiin the low, u foaad not uuillv. Tlf Imw h de clared invalid in tl.e t' ihgtt it peifi! Ibat rtuin Ion-.- of bni Kf fekouU not be conluctt4 on ib lord's Uy." Tin coart bM Uu to Ik- irliiiu dtovriauauUutt. MEDYNSK AN U AN n V If the Medynski bonding and bankruptcy scheme carries, Medford will have a greater indebtedness by far than any city in Oregon outside Portland, a greater debt than the other four cities of Southern Oregon, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Ashland and Klamath Falls combined, a greater debt than Roseburg and Eugene combined, a greater debt than Salem, The Dalles and Albany combined, a greater debt, than Baker, La Grande, The Dalles and Hoseburg combined. If the Medynski bonding scheme carries, the per capita .debt for every man, woman and child in Medford will be $189 a greater per capita indebtedness by far than in any other city in Oregon greater than that of Salem and Grants Pass put together. And' this colossal debt, with 150 percent additional in interest, must be paid by direct taxation upon the real and personal property in Medford, if the Medynski scheme carries. What kind of a handicap is this to place uponjhe city ? PUT PATRIOTISM To tho People of Medferd: ' I have been irrcstdont of Medford for 11 yearn. During that tlmo I have planted and brought Into hour lug the largest commercial orchard In tho county. Also, I havo acquired property in Medford and hnve erected building thorcon. This monoy was Invested Decauso of my faith In the (uturo of tho city. I hollovo for the pcoplo of tho city of Medford to adopt tho Medynski plan would bo disastrously calami tous. I havo paid all of my paving assessments and under tho Medynski plan I would got my money back. This Is a tlmo when every cltlzon of Medford Bhoutd put patriotism for his homo city nbovo wolfish purposes. 1 nppoal to ono and all to voto .gainst tho Medynski plan. J. A. WESTmtl.yND. TWENTY PERISH i NEW YOItK, Nov. C Twenty men , and girls wero killed and more than fifty others woro Injured according to police, In a tire that swept through u four-story wooden factory bulldlns on North Sixth street, In tho Wil liamsburg section of Drooklyn today. Ambulances and physicians woro rushed to tho scono from all parts of Drooklyn and numerous temporary hospitals wcro established for tho many pontons Injured In escaping from tho burning building. Firemen thought the firo started on tho first floor of tho building, as survivors reported that tho stairways from tho second to the first, and third to second floors woro a ma3 of flamos and all possibility of escape In that way was cut off. A majority of tho 500 employes in tho building wcro said to havo been on tho upper floors occupied by tho Essex Shirt company and a cloak manufacturing concern. Tho Diamond Candy com pany occupied the two lower floors. Fifteen bodlos. noarly all Klrla, had boon earrlod out of tbo building at I o'eloek. Plremon said a nutnWor of olbor kodloa wore lying Juit Inside window flpQRlnga Into tbo oMapea and iber eoUmaUd tbat tbe number of 4ad would bo at leaat twenty. At tbia tlmo jwrt of the roof eoltaiwod, tnterforiag for a tltue with tbe ro eovery of bodtei. ABOVE SELFISHNESS SAYS WESTERLUND swans BROOKLYN FY the Rest for Debt Debt. $1,701,250 1,333,530 1,133,502 810,300 052,800 5!)8,000 550,000 -119,709 -110,812 311,055 300,119 213,500 SPELLS DISASTER To tlu People of Medfoidf ' -A3 among the pioneer iiiuiebailtif of the city of Medford, it lias been a matter of pride with us to live in a city (bat hap in the last quarter of a conlury increased in population from one to ten thousand. Duriiu nil those yearn we have been willing taxpayers1 nnd have nt all times en deavored to keep faith in public mut ters with the people of our axlopled city. We havo been and arc paying our assessments from time to time. We nre willing to go even further nnd see tho city assume some portion of tho unpaid paving obligations. In our judgment, for the good pVople of Medford to adopt tho .Medynski plan spells disaster in every respect. Wo cannot expect capitalists to invest their money in a debt -ridden cily. The city will be ho incumbircd with all of its various 'obligations Hint it will be unable to hold out any inducement to any factory, cannery, saw mill Oi other enterprise. Our appeal is to ofo against the Mcdynnki plan. IUT01IISOX & LUMSDKX. DECISIVE BAHLE WASIUNOTON, Xov. 6. Carranza forces to thu north and soulh of Villa's retreating army aro concen trating for n blow which the do facto leaders hope will end tlui strife m northern Mexico. Major General Kiiiiston rcpoited today that General Olirogon, Carriuiza's nhiuf comman der, would arrive at Douglas, Ariz., tomorrow, to begin orguuizing a emu pa ign. Villa intends going toward Jlonno sillo and aliouily u moving toward Villa Vordc Uuueial Fuiidlon baa been infomid that Villa demanded and received $'JA,000 in gold from tliu Canano.i Copper company, with ten tons of flout nnd other iupdiM, nnd has call od on the Mouteanwa Copper ooin pnny and the Kl Tigre eouipuny for $25,000 oaeh. The laat two ooia)ii io, Aiberiean concern, ivfitkad to comply, and Villa atated that unhm they did ba would duatiov thuir property. The MoataiUMWi ouiHnjr kaa a plant vanied at uttwanU tf ntUli'Ni daUaro. Oimarol Villa tM Ike Connuei CotUo ooNt)ttiiv that ho yroHoil Uk lake tU oHtire herd ut 3Q,gfJ0 acttio for hh of hu a.iu). IN LN STATE MERCHANTS ARRANZA S CONCENTRATE F if the Medynski Relative size of per capita indebtedness of Medynski scheme carries) with other i To the Pcoplo of Medferd: I'ivo ycara ngo I camb to .Medford iiid Invested all I had In tho uiorcun lilo buplnoss. I was attrnctod to tho city becauso of Its energotlc, splen did citizenship and Its progronslvo Riilrlt. Shortly after I enmo business depression set In nil over tho United States, with tho result that nonu of us havo succeeded ns wo expected. Tho merchants of Medford havo about all tho burdens they can boar. For tho city of Medford to nssiimo tho cntlra paving debt would bo n procedure without precedent so far ns my knowledge goes. I do not own nay business property In Medford but am paying rent on tho bash of tho street Improvements already exist ing. Thoro In no just reason why tho merchants of Medford should bo taxed on their merchandise for tho payment of unpaid assessments, JOHN C. MANN. i . CONFLICTINGCLAIMS T JIIIIIMN, Nov. (i. -The Austro. (icrmun tones in (Julicw arc suid by tlio war office today to hnve won a further victory over the Kusbians in the fiehtin; along tho Stripn riror. The Ktusinne were thrown bank to llioir old potations on tho east bank of the river. Jn tho roitent fighting there fifty officers and (1000 Kuasiuno have been eaptuid Tiie army of (linoral Von l.inson guu captured fiiilber Itussian posi tinno northoiiNt of Itiulkn. ltussiau attempta to broak tbroiiKh the Ocniian line, or. the l)vink front wuie 1 utile. VAIUS, Nov. . A ficta flenmm attack Htraiuat tb French Miition at I.aoourtiuo haa rwwtlted in iailiirr, nuaniding to nniiounceojit made this HftariK-un by the l'reiich war oft ice. LONDON. Nov. o. The fortuuee of war nre knowing- the cutowry fltM MmU)U aluuv tha faslf m front. VI- oiina I'vwrtx (nut tm nus-ian uiruni rIoavt lb" Klripa ha Ihh-h icult ouiaphr'.ilv. 'J(M)0 men bwnu cupturad. i'ft'' -Td iixncit- that the jltlM'k of tb ..tdr. t-t f Dlinsk WHH m , l.a.t uilli KHHI of tlirir dead ( i , tl..- ii. i.l. (u tbo dclniNf f ijiKA ti. Uuian troM aro im ai tr,j bv warbip, wMok nova been fdr..b; icruMU poUmu at ikhievk, WORK HARDSHIP UPON MERCHANTS DECLARES MANN OF V CTORY ALONG RUSSIAN FRON Scheme Carries! Medford (if cities. Per Capita Popuhi- Debt. tion. $189 9,000 133 10,000 75 15,000 81 10,000 92 7,000 119 5,000 91 0,000 105 1,000 102 '1,000 02 5,000 01 5,000 '18 5,000 --i MEDFORD FOOL F Attorney Gus Newbury Discusses Le gal Phases Opposes Medynski Scheme, as It Throttles Enterprise and Imposes Stnoncrinn Taxation, Kllllnn Pronress of City. To tho IMiter: One hours much ciubsiono (all; among the citizens of Medford to tho effect tbnt the Hnuoroft bonding act, under whioh tho paving in 'Medford was nuthorized, vvns not constitu tional, and that thereloro the paving assessments could not be collected. In order to set at rest (his talk about tho constitiitionaltiv of this act, tho attention of Iho people who urge this ns a reason for supporting tho Mo- dynnki plan is directed lo the case of Laiid vs. Gumbcll, ill Oregon, page .Jin, in which tho supremo court of Oregon decided that thu law was con stitutional. Individual Contracts Fnither, nbout DO per cent of the people, bcfoio whose properly tho paving wasions! moled, uppeared bo i'oru the cily recorder and cnlorcd into a contract agreeing lo pay the paving assessments in ten annual iu stnlhnenls, and thereforo vvhalevcr ir regularity, if any there might havo been in any of the proceedings, nro entirely waived by lliu bolcmnity of this contract obligation on tho part of the parties who signed tho contract plan. Tho paving obligation is there. foro placed upon the same footing mat an agreement to pay n grocery bill is placed and can bo unforced tho proporty with equal oufce. The only consideration Unit should actuate uny voters at the election on Tuosday is, What will be tho bust in terests of the eily? uud a voters' self ish interest mid what ho might expect lo receive as n rebate should not prompt him in his vole; for if it does, "the nickel close to his eye will ob scure the quarter out at the cud of his nose," Sciva Capital Avruy Placing an additional bonded in dublediifsH of half u million, making tho total bonded iudebleducks some thing liko .$1,700,000, will certainly not be any recommendation to any monuved interests contemplating an investment in the oily of Medford Tho tax into will be (f pur ciuit. If tho beet sugar industry oliould sign up Miiffieiwil acreage and this Mo dvnski plan should carry, do you think tins nn' would expend $SOO,000 (Continued on page two.) 4 SAX KHAXriM o, N... l I., i. MpuiiMf to mitK.r tint the Panama Paciftr rkMMttiuu a to cimiImihi after Donoosher 4, Iho oflwwl duaia? data. I'rt-idxnt '. 1 . lloorr mad- u lUtUUle HumvwmummL Uttl Uial tb CiHilo WwmM mi ivmmin opoo Of- ter fiat date, BONDING MAKES on KITCHENER OFF TO LEAD BRIT SH IN KAN Secretary of War Entrusted With Im portant Mission in Near East neilrjnation Only. DelayedWill Determine by Personal Inspection Proper Policy. --4 LONDON, Nov. 0. Tho Post says tlmt Kurt Kitchener, socrotnry for war, hns been intrusted with an im portant mission to thu near cns.t, nnd already hns dopnrlcd from Loudon. Tho policy of tho British govern ment in rrspoct of both tho Dardan elles expedition nnd tho Serbian cam paign has been subjected to sovcro criticism in England, nnd if the state ment of tho Post is correct, tho war secretary presumably Lrr been sent to tho near cast to determine by per sonal inspection the proper polioy for Great Britain or to supervise somo movement of importance already de cided upon. "It is generally believed," says tho Posf, "Hint Karl Kitchener's busi ness will necessitate n slay bo pro longed Hint it will bo necessary to fill his placo nt tho war offico before long. It is true that he hns not re signed, but tho importnnco of bin present errand makes it certain that Iiis resignation is only delayed. "Tho suggestion hns been mndo Hint Lord Ilulduno be brought back to tho war office, but this is probably un founded." , Iteitoration of (ho report that Erirl Kitchener lind placed his resignation ns secretary of stnto for wnr in this. hnnto of tho king, has brought forth an official report to tho contrary. According to tho Daily Graphic, Karl Kitchener saw the king Thurs dny night, ns vvns announced .yester day, nt the king's own request. Tho Graphic, urging (he government not lo delay Iho disclosuro of (ho ac tual facts, suggests that Lord Derby, who is now in chnrgo of British re cruiting, would make an excellent war minister. PRINCETON 10-6 PIIINTKTON, N. J., Nov. 0. Hnr vurd won its fourth straight football victory from Princeton today. Tho score was 1(1 to (3. Harvard scored a touchdown with goal, and a field goal. Pi laud oil's sooio wns mado on two field goals. Tho game dragged at limes, especi ally when Harvard had tho ball. The orimion pin) era appeared uucortaiu of (heir signals and frequently de layed the giimo while gelling together on the next play. However, (hoy put up a good mechanical game and had tho power to score. Princeton Jack ed the punch (o put the ball over when she got into the Harvard territory. The weather was fino uud a great crowd saw tnc contest. 00REG0N TO ENDEAVOR TO OUST VILLA FROM S0N0RA i ' ' DOlTiLAS, AriR., Nov. 0. General Alvaro Obrogon, Currauza's principal military commander, louohed Aguo- I'riota today to prosecute a campaign, to drive Villa nut of Souora. Tho general and staff arrived in Douglas from Kl J'aso aboard a spe cial car wliieh was awilohud norow tho border. Football Scores Harvard JO, Priuuotou 0, Yolo 0, Brow u. 'I. Virginia -lo. Vnndeihllt 10. Cornell 31, Michigan 7. Annv 0, Notre Damo 7. Washington and Joffordou 0, Uni versity of PitUburj? 17. CHir.egie Tooli. 27, Cao U. Navy 111, Bueknuli .1. Noiirnakii HO, Nebraska Wosleyau Q. Dnrtmotitk 7, .L'uiveratty of Punu aylvaoiia 3. 11rt peiiml, Wahinjjton 10, Cali fornia 0. First iwtiod, Oretfon Aflifiw 7, IdalM. 0. MiowMtri dt NurUivyootaru 31. Cmiilo m, Iloly Ctom Ul. . John Hvpfciue 'M. otivliiirg7V MhIiiwii AnHao OS. ilnriiireTu? tf. Iowa 13. Punlae 1ft. Cvluwhw 1, Cvuuvetioul SUt 0. mm of s '"-??!