raniu srx Tmi)7i,OT?D MA TTJ TRIBrNE, MTCDFORD, oWfOV. FI!TT)T. XOVFM11EK 10T ' 'HOW TO CREATE LOGA MARKEFFDR CINE TS WHAT ZEPPELINS ARE DOING TO CITY OF LONDON HV V W WVTSOV Thin nrtldp in written for ovorv woman In Kogtio rher vallnj who ttacfl rnnnoil fruit ami rnnnod Mig otnlilcH mid for oTory fnnnur In Hojwq rlvor valloy who line liml, linn now or would Illio to linvu fruit nnd vfij lnlilon to sail to (i convenient innrkot for cash, llio al8 bolny marie to such a mnrkut m would keen tho mono In rlrciilutloii at lioiu. in tlio uncuiid Imitation, tlio fnrm pm ennnot cranio micli n ninrkrt wlioll) by siiiinlylntr It with n good qunlitj of ti raw product of thalr fiirniH,tliiv und tlio niniket I hoy en courage now! thq onrnewt nnd ton atnnt co-oncratloji of the womun ulio - liny micli ffoods nnd tlio iimn and u onion lmhlnd tlio cotinium hIio $t f Koodn lo inmtaln It, Tor II teat with the laltor uliiiovt wholly lt maln Inln and cnlnrKD tho imi'tnliifgH of htioli a inmknt The muNt provoklnnly Indirfcrnnt pcrnoti In the valluy who jirotund to cam an I ion cut living known noaliivn ly that wo liavo Out labor lo proilueo tho raw jsooiJh for the faetoo to turn out In thn form of thu flnlahed pro duct at a piuNt to all eoiireruml, if - the market for IIiuno piodiii'ln In r 'iiimlu u real (lilnj; of hiitlmN tntlt and maljitulix'il liy Uioru who mm Himli prodiiclB. Thla can bo dono only by iisIiik evury dollar !iiploed In thn pnrchiiflo of niicIi thliiKH In bnylnc tho homo piodiict. TIiIh Ih u almplo I'roposltlon, lun't II'' We Haia l.oiiil Ciuiiiiiy The ItOBiio Hhor Valley Cuniilnx '" company, lorntod In Medford and mnnuKi'd h It. I). Ilokn, an oxpnit rnnngr who hnn no Riipnrlor on thn connt, paid out for farm and ftardmi prodnco thin neason and for thn labor ncrcaa.il)' to convert It Into tho fin lulled product, tho sum of JfiOOO. if i tho output of that cannery woio ton times creator, Itn outlay In money at homo would ho 00,0)0, wouldn't it? And It would bo ton Union ki out er If thoBo dlrortly IntoroHtml had . inliid It to create and maintain a market. , Without much help at homo, tho nmnnBer of thin onnnnry aucoooded In douhlliiK tlio output tlila year over that of hiRt hoiihoii. Tho boat ludp ho haH had una tlio oxtianrdlnnry r quality of every can of kmoiI ho put out. 1 1 Ih oxtrn fancy iinllt) of Jlnrl- " lull iimra nnd IokuiiIionIoh mid lo canborry Julco; bin oxlrn atandaid Koutitcky Wonder atrliiK hoaua and the anme claaa of to ma too, aolld pud. the par oxcullonco of hla ap ple and, Indoud. I'vcritlilti. ho can, linn nofar done tho work for him, ' ttftor un expenditure of $(1000 for prodnco and labor and naarly 13000 for ImprnvemuutM and (uIIIIoiihI ina- ' chluory. Willi thnaa Improvomouta mid adilltloiiH, ho can oaally turn out threo Union an much KooiU,mxt year na proilni'tiil thU noaaou. Hut will ho have thu market? Can he, on u $11000 onpltullxntlou, afford to put nut thrno tltntm nn much kooiIh, pnMiiR $ IS, 000 for help mid prodnco, and tako a Ionic chance on lliiiol) Halo of (ho output? Ho uipln)od thl kookoii froli 3f. to -lo people Can ho afford to employ mo persojiH no.xt )ear on audi ihanco? "Illllfh IIlM ltll.UVH." Did 1 (iiiur voiuu mid any; "Tbnt'a hi bului " It I) unda ur Med foril-HKo, In a inomont of thuuuht leHsuenK. I,ot un aoo wbatlior or nut it'a hla biigliuwa or in) liuliieu and oir. The otalilHh)icnt of that ennneiy 'horo alUnulatud Ujo prodiutlon )f fruit and ou,oiuuloa of oxrollont niiallt) by lhpo wo muvv)f felt the nond of oiieouraKinK a lopnl market 1 lot ihwr farm and gunlfn piuduop. Tbv aold it tw I Ma oawnw). made u piofii pu tkolr lulwr aiu iwt lljv iiiimi'j. wa t that tuair uummT Thlity-flvo or forty needy iwriHinu , obtuinoil employment tlirouabout tha . j.oanon tit that cannor and Kol the - mono) for lliolr lalmr. Wakii'i thui Iheli bualuoaa In Ihla prweaa of dellwiiiiK ihU 'finiaiiod piodurt to the hungry orld. from the aoll to the consumer rioin 1 the raw stuff, whlvh U HMU huit fgol, to. thu prximrwl dlcac fit loi any gaatrauowlr otilcur, whathvr ho live In the )ioor houao or n palace tho manager thl out j 0008. waking a urm. to ha Mirei but he put in ufHfii bdf; Ihte the plant m Ue rau hay nmko pro- iiuov and hire mom holp xt year. lta)igg on! ilcilir thna auNl to local HHio . ii ii unolh hi hauv, .. iiKM' in ii nui. lii i ,tn.ilip raalll). n p.irt of ioiii liiialm . nuU im iiiihI Jioa to In In bun in In li yuu aa4 nn? I.el nit on lo Un (4 ntr and tb -woi kiiiiin iii. i it i m trtomu Ihlag (o iu' i.riMi.,.. unit labor, worth jtooil miuih , uii'l i ii ii j M to fls4 a inarhrl i il iin rbrka Jt WMIII' I UUhi I ..I ' ' -.'!) ft (hi radl." niiiK i i i in .-(rtfejir. in iM 'bin i.i (HKetui. ui. i 7zv. r- Twimrr.' A.rm - ji . . tsz..' . .h.T . l h- wmmrrmmm "? woSjrJ ".i tff?y,Kv, ummm$3fr& mMWfi&sm '' ' r " ?.--v. V WJK :'? && w1M',.iU1..ri, '.. .: -i ir. ; 'jniSK' ikyrSjii . ""-, rHaSJKTSCOTW'5WwMlMfti v ,-- v : TC3iwMaKw m'tZ - A: "Jm&Esr J&rsv! "tk .. .&'?' . ,?:zr tSmFj? r. &?mm- .59 a-'fWV-Wk. ift r . "'Mttr "" u nwisoi -i-'viFJ; ?- 'i'rvwi Hat 9BW,y -...? ."" liZSS&Z&L. t-v v 'ase-rw.w. '- .&tmi'?zs hym?.1irmitS3!&X2l&SZ2l m IBTTrT- zmi a 'IIiIh phtiiie, siiii(iiK Mm ilii'iinu .hum I Uy llio lull J '.oipolln mill, Im iist boon io H, .1 fnm, P ,, ,,,T ,,,(. - . r,.M. Uhoiillnucil tho plitllM In lie iitallod UHU4 Mils .i tin- I , U or It: "IkiiIU) uh.n l.nmli loll lulvurn lunlinus s, Ik.Iiik oil loll bod ulioio iniilbor und ibiiiitliior um lluotwi lulu llio tnoi, nuil on (In Hutu hpol whoio bn w.is jn-unoil iliiwn l.j ionr." of aoiil. la t lint )oiir hiialnoM? win men and women who have the aoll, (oiI'h i;ioatoHt herltngo (o ohlldion of tho earth In which to rnlae the pioduce and jet havo no market for It. Im It your hiisluean, you inon nnd w onion who have the labor to null and can find uobod) to buy 117 la It, those of on who are Hopurntcd from boKitary only by the veil of luodenty pendant from that fragile imn! ciiIIihI thn nplrlt of poraounl pttdn? Tho Cuiinoiy Itself Tmiwin iiu I will lull nii rifimnMiliiw about thla canneiv llaelf. ua a bua-1 ft ';!"u'e,, un 'V J ( f " lo" H I IncKa luatltutlon, aud how you can!, ( """ w t j find It a cohllona ploaauro to help It I1'"1, 1llr,vriU 1,tt ,W" lMO,. You will aiMovor that.lt i jourl '"' ,,lu til iiiUioii n , biiDluow. aa well aa that-of Maimiier ' " """J UHU rHU" ' mw ie. i nui Hoke'. The farmer wliu anpplloa it 'ui"H lm rtll,',' iruWwit1iiHiunr with tho product of hla farm will f,'r ' "' r- H. hit pint, dlacover that ho haa a oaah. intereat ,,,! ,""' ilm lrliiMilar n.iunioii I'm In It lllKOallll.il In nvni'v 1na.il ilf raw iiiioii i(M)',ooii urjiimiiu mo uuu niooxK iintv, ( 'umiiiinM, who luul boon fnendly to the uiMnrA'tit. had trawled on tho home tram with (Tlii i, niiutliii in llio Dailv Mail TrilinnoV soin-s ol nntrnilf u'f io nloiitiitl Mi.iilitio. Kiljtnr.) WAaillN'OTON, n. C, Nov. B. Win ii plnHutf lioU op (lie lopulilioitn iri)-AM.yoi.iloNKe prcciiloiilinl noiiiiii- iilinn rnoe of 101(1, il h well to tnl.o j mntetlal ho ilollvwi. go. In llko uian iiur, can the workman leant that U, too, la liitoroalPd iu (he output" of that oamiory to th extent or the dollara and cent ho gttf in evhang far hla hthor In It. The bo ma market utlng the pro. ductal of the homo farm, riata!IUd Id home labor Into ataplo merchan dlMO for homo oouaiiinplloit, thete homo gouda paid for by home money, aoiinda ci inueh llko wealth "Mude In Modfoid," dooau't Ii? ATTEIVIPTTOWRECK L TRAIN SVy niM ls'0. h ,5,-fl'aa. aengoiM mi-Mug todaj on Owl train of the Southern l'atlflc from Im An. Heloa. rejiort that m attoiupt aa mad) to mk tht train eariy.tbla wornlug at a point bom teui uiilea metk of Kreano, ifoof' on hiH thloi ii tiipa. So Cutnmins plmod hit Mlitioul bet on lite failure of the bull muimo art uii1 naniumcd u ivpiiblit'eu. lie inade n hhhhIi be I ore the Alaiiiiolto club of Chicago, in which ho mux I no tod us -ayinif (tbtro im xome queMtion an to the iinthontifit, ) that tlio woVrf ieHiblioflii in bolter limn the bet domoonit. Wliioh. Iroin mun who )un placed the ndo of in iloieiuloiit nil lii Mlticii life, wtu lailun Kluti'kiiijr. While the iroi;r'sii cm hg.ve not !:" o liiu-k ami uiinouiioed Iheir do -uo to nto for huoIi ua Hotit, I)ur- t iok or Cniritniikx, their uli'u -treixtli It II off two vewrx ngo uml the r imbliiiiiu itiiiUd (hat Inlbuu off .im a M':n the drill would be to them. A little while ej.'o, indeed, the old liidNi ri'pubhoiiiiH toil thht their nln would be t wulsMttuv niul lad iiIiiiukI bemui i Huhlle uer who Hiiouht ll.iu- the i'iiinel rnu o( I ho imrti HHHiiiintHtn. 'imiMiinw hnd ItHiked uhi'Ail in it lime when it would Im- lU-MmluV Iu 1111110 the prr"".iio i"r . tht ) vMv y; J8Skdk l&fiXS&C'sntiEl&aMumam mspjmsusaskt AUfttU It. Ciiimiili, iiihiii i Un nUll ,iu him, even il I, W1 ill HI. II I III. , i, wiHUted it: il it di-i't il him. .in I l III I'll ' '1 ll olid tin I ho Killll mo. WithlHll ll -Hp M ll- Jlto In hi uti would nt huve nut luo 1 1 don I death t I rude iii!)Miinn. Ciimiiiiin iimio nfi 11. mi!iIioh iu IllU'll IllklltlWlll.! I llA .kl.l till..... .. .l.l II t .. ... ..,., ,,;, , .. . .,,,,,.,, ,. ,, ,,,. S yd,,, a .( ,, , jH 11111(1 thiiie nnd tho inilrond inliiuii-. llo lie wh uluinlod in tin pnl.li. mno un run 'i.niijnu m iinni mil- " III hill III tlTlll- ' 1 'I'S I. Ill, (il (III -l'l, I It'll Mil lit b til Ii. Vlli-iill. II. uil. 1.. jiUotod in I'ihii i.'iil nuotn lt, i)j . The lawn i.iudiilute is dl oiir. loud rnt I 1 I iu in r, (. wn- -l'llll.l bi'tii 1 lie i ,1 v e In v"i In 11 1 1 --1 id Imur n I'ollll. I. Ill L h Tno opening of lie box ball alloy I THE VALLEY Tho uleeoa of bet Iron, about a iiunrtnr of un Inch thick, aud four mud Hiundt v.de. uml he ..v,M.r,Mi ,ww . nr.v HfWU .nn - i iu' ,1 oouiliduto H.ittnblo fur thui aiaa. 100 niua 4cxu ou m j ,.IM,,,-u,U.f Professor It I) Uetxe.. mre.tor of the extension ilu.in mom ,.r ,,, ..... at 38 North t.upoat nbiht lrovad Bgr,niUuiB roUrlt , ,,onHl. a. a treat auoee unaVwauy of oar brt ' couipaulod b ciaudo c r,,le. ,ouni) rttlsana could i aaoa with alfe)a agoui of thv college tor l num c.un- rolled up (IhIiUu, Im wpodea aoJ. iters fqr all tho orM a If their live . are in Meuroni and oibri point of the vallej Thurla on oftlclal utua oaia mi t a ram u r over j Hut 111 .mo rt t t 'uimuiu miw.l the ollnw wtiHout laavlag . track, j.U n ie,ml,l,.uu bee ,u .,.... .m ..rr, ,M.rn, u. irwra,,,,! w v ilwlUlv fr II IHMt. I'reauo to luveMlgalo Ha 1 1 road man ,ulM(, iN'ltov. ihat tbr attempt at wr.ek. I i,. tttfl w,,i,w th Wk uH .aa .Mtrt of the ,4,mUia of Iha,,,, of 1lrt , (. tutor, whloh haaraalt)dUtlholaa(ltlie uio iu.t w,uh... .k..,.. ... ua wool. iU iu i.nrHha of numr . irw,uU b wy iruld hug-, r..-.1 .rm building, .,nd .he dvatruotlon of , ,. TnlSr.' , ' w priHlitnilH heo oviileullv doiidod 1 un ol .' Httaui iiit lmk for a new and n near j of k. oidac H Cinnniina in -it ling n the !.. r stop with a tAeMini nuiJc and witl. ru it it uf j i.ij.. Cllimaiplr - I be iiyli bup flelda PRICELESS ART IS puncHASgu port sqkr Kl. PAtt. Tex.. xr. . -rivo p'llntingx believed to Ut by Mnrtlla. valutHt nt ..e,oim. batonginc ta tn Uumao t'ai hollo I Italian Hafetw Do deluded on their getting a goad bunlneaa. leaving for iho nmih in u, eeore Manx of iitom rtlil got good evening. It la probable ihut I'rof eiorea and wer. highly pleoaed with j HoUel will take up the matter or e thelr recreation leettug a permuiient rouui) p.uholo- A numitci 01 ladloa attended andiglat for Jackaou louniv, following enjojod tlio ..ime aqngll) a oil. the retirement of IMor. Iliudorion All wont awa r imrttag n good time. I and the temiHtrary apiwtntuunt of l.. The nianais. n...nt will be ready to ,11. Oentner. The lauer Kenlleiuun unnounre tbur i.hiaa for forming a haa aciiired a donorved degree of box hill Imjw In l.ajtue and the tlv-' iiUril as llio oounu pntbolugUt ilia of ,11 . s ii, 1 mm borl time ;ilnc iiU apiiointniont Hint hla m,iu (irolo of frlndn would ln pleaaod lo llh I11I font tin !e u -Mart tnra marti) learn of hU rotentiun - i-tiiwuiiv iiei'wen 1 :';trr'iT-j Great Old Remedy nt ki odf aaimi. J For Skin Diseases i th "lUWil lilaM . ulll Ii u 1. ll.ut il... ..1.1 f fi o e-,t nt r r- Oca of Han l.nU I'otoat. ahlch ara!lH.wUv Imtf v., iUJi, aJ w .. I ?' " ' r"P , i, it 1 1 .im 1 in 1 in oirt InUa Lw AllldM Atf u....u ..l.,... --w , .. ,,.. w viwa.1 1 Uot tair to Uu u . 101. rvnintand Md aniuuM to th I Dlte4 0A it a , , tt.lr wham I her are aaUl to tova'ai.. i.m..i funnuu .. bon old fr 0. hava ati rwiv- . um , ,,; B,rf v lt or.d Tb intlBtiuga ar being bald ,.,, ,, UM Wl v. -... 1 ) nipivtua pumoruim ia now Tata i.l ,. il, 1 hy ara wild to haw baaa amng- , , gld to th United tftfttna N had- I clothing by a ion who a tfMraat ! af thalr iraal vain. i KHMtll tile u i.te n d ilur' ii, di-- iu- 1 10 s .'. U'lkk M TradtAtn.iJad .11 the eoao, ( u u,iu ,JeJ. tions Drives Poison From the System. (Bat It tid hi jratcr gnlM that i,ktu awtnttona. s.rutii,. aVaagag. burului: llohiug akin una all tkta dhwwtaa ar due m r.iy ta tagmra gd (BfWtad Moon if ttn ttnab'a waa Si ta ouui.to of ttaf kln, by aigM waabhu- an itn It caaia i.mjiu ar . r tallwaa, an I .alv. xow ,. tUt UlUi MM. and your trouble ran be re UoMil you can be vutlrely rtwtorvd tw health. S. S. S. hi a purely veisetu. bl treatwaut that )ou eau nwure from your own druggiai it U a blood tuuic that will purify your blued aud i-aune a utoat decided abatement of )i:r trouble, a ad Anally wake you I'litirel) well. Fifty year ago S. S. S. waa illai-overed and gtxeu to auffertug maiikiiid. luiiug tbl iierlod ll una ,iuven ita reaiarkable curutit uroo ortle aa a blood purlder aud tonkx jnti baa relleed twaaauda of eaa uf ilUe.io cuuard by pour or Ununrr blotxl. and rhnattia or InkartltW hWl UHtaoa Yoa can be rvlleeJ, but! )ii luuat take S. S. S. Take It If euly idrnpti-a apitar. for lb) tlruot bad aiiHiU. 1 1 mi) (" f .iiwiti by tbt I auff frti fi.ii 1 t 1 iriut; akla erapi thtna. l 1 1 1 . aui. liuu't tab! , iuuii tint & S S. front f - .w 1 If yaavg imlaleaav 1. - . xcgt xjaHlaiil . u i. i. . v.oH Atlaota, On. RrSfto rjSSKroP Buy Snowflake Sodas in the new family box The useful tin box keeps crackers always crisp and fresh. It is a household utensil you will cherish long after the Snowflakes are eaten. 50c at all dealers alio In 10c ami 25c cartons and In bulk PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY PORTLAND, OKKCON tMOixixeaxjAvtTJiCK2wseitJuwK3aBmxtiKmut Your Question Should Not Be "is rmiiK a md .ion FOK' mir Unit "AM J IfKAUVroltAIiHUOH?" The "Mi". lili" is mrv i I" x n will pri'ium- lor if. Prepare I ntlh" iMefiford Commerclai College I "Tiie Siiiimi ui r.cvi 1, '(.stiiis" DAV.'MkI (.I1T SCHOOL now iii.seMoii al, M NOK'Tll (Mi Pi:STI'LKT - CUMMINS HOPEFULLY WAITS 10 BE HIT BY A COMPROMISE wwTgtcSii )&$ i COLUMBIA YARNS, lTLl,IWe CELEBRATED FOR !! $x,iA$ EittilBice of ODdlitr ! ! Liid ETtncess of i! Tired, Pore Dyes and Beauti ful Mm f4 tifgr I at Tr Btrl, Jlaalar tMala. Columbia Zephyr, 2, 4 & 8 fold. Columbia Germantown, 4 & 8 fold. Columbia Saxony, 2, 3 & 4 fold. Columbia Spanish. Columbia Knitting Yarns. Columbia Shetland Floss. Columbia Shetland Wool. Thi bot Yarm For Sale t Lttdlng iobbiri indS Z Retailers throughout the United SUtet. Z "- ' II A N I) f C R A V T S II O P a ! iaui4T armiiiaiaa fiaaaaii i aaiM i a w In D 7M f AtUbbU -ST'.'fcW ft WfisM m Let the Victrola furnish the music foryour dances Everybody who dances enjoys dancing to such ex cellent music everybody danccs their best to such perfect music. It is the best dance music to be had anywhere, and it can be enjoyed in every home. v. The Fox Trot" Maxixc," and all the other new dances are easy to learn and a pleas ure to dance with the music of the Victrola. ' Come in nnd hear some of the latest dance numbers, and find out , - T w wf Hale Piano House J IGHTS GO OUT B JLJ "m .u (lie ilieani ilu In .s.m runclMii, for the Panama-Pacific Exposition "I DECEMBER, 1915 '"i i intoi ufionl lo ,ut nrr i" .onu.r vouriMliioiulu ti.. Ii wiu un lnttifit.( Kllen. '" uiriiiina-. in ,,1iini.i , 1'uiiiciiimri.. in , i. n. ktui,- Of tilt Ml thlnuil UI I 111- Mjw. Hon alii UI4 vou in riaaarial wa LOW RATBS arc Still l KfflH!t 0II 10 SHASTA ROUTE SOUTHERN PACIFIC V. hi. IN.rilMM.1 i...