Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair Tonlglit and Saturday. Max. 02; Mhi. Si. Porty-flfth Yenr. Dairy Tenth Year. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1915 NO. 195 THE ROYAL FAMILY OF GREEGE. AT OUTS WITH PARLIAMENT AND PEOPLE LIKELY TO CALL TAKE GUAY1S BY BULGARIANS WAN HERS GREECIAN K UN CLAMS VILLA PLANS 0 FROM PRESIDENT OVER DEFENSES NH DEFEAT NEW ELECTION AS SUPPLY BASE Former Secretary of State Comes Out Squarely Against Wilson's Prepar edness Program Is Departure From Traditions, Reversal of Na tional Policy, Menace to Peace. WASHINGTON', Nov. G. Former Secretary of State Bryan came, out sipiaroly against President Wilson's national defenso plan In a formal statement In which ho took Issuo with tho president's views as expressed last nlRht before the Manhattan club in New York. A doparturo from our traditions; a reversal of our national policy; n inenaco to our peace and safety, nnd u challenge to the spirit of Chris tianity, which teaches us to Influcnco others by example, rather than by exciting fear," Is Mr. Bryan's view of tho national dofenso plans. Tho former secretary of state's slntcment, which reiterates vlows ho has previously expressed on tho sub. jeet of preparedness for war, was ro gnrded as tho opening gun In tho fight which administration leaders expoct In congress against adoption of tho plan. Mr. Bryan's statement hays: Head In Sorrow "I have road tho president's speech at Now York with sorrow nnd con cern. Ho Is doing what ho believes to bo his duty nnd so long as a man follows his conscience and Judgment, wo cannot criticize his motives,! but wo may bo compelled to dissent from his conclusions. I feel It my duty to dissent, and as he has givcu his vlows with clearness nnd emphasis, thoso who differ from him arc under a like obligation to express themselves with cqunl clearness. "Ho says that his position Is dif ferent from that of tho prlvato indt- ldiiul, In that tho Individual Is frco to speak his own thoughts and risk his own opinion. This scntonco Is a little obscure. Insofar as ho express es his own opinion, ho does not dif fer from tho prlvato citizen except that ho speaks under a senso of offi cial responsibility1, but where n na tion's fate Is Involved In a policy every prlvato citizen who loves his country and tries to servo It Is con hclous of responsibility." Announces New Policy "Tho president will not assumo that ho Is moro deeply Interested In tho wolfaro of his country than tho millions who elected him to bn for a time being their spokesman. And If, as ho evidently believes, ho Is giving volco to tho opinions of his country men, ho Is, of course, anxious to hnvo them as frank with him as ho has been with them, how otherwise can ho know whether ho represents or mlsreprosonts their vlows, "Ho has announced n policy which has never beforo been adopted In this country and nevor endorsed by any party In tho country nnd ho Iiqb no way of knowing until ho hears from the pcoplo whether ho has cor rectly Interpreted tho will of tho pub lic. Ills apopal Is not to any party, but as ho says, to nion of 'all shades of opinion.' Ho asks for tho hearty support of tho country, meaning, of courso, that ho wants tho support, provided tho pcoplo favor tho policy which ho has outlined. Ho could not, of courso, ask them to support n policy which they did not endorse, (Continued on Last Page) SUIT WITH ATTORNEY NKW' YOItK, Nov. 6 AVhon tho Hov. Dr. Nev.0l Dwlght Hlllls re turns fiom Marengo, Ills., he will be Informed by officials of the Plymouth oliurou In Brooklyn, of whloh ho is pastor, that !U0 members of that church have suteoribod $5000 to fin- ango Dr. 111111b' legal corneal wmi Prank I Ferguson, formerly pros- ldont of the board of trustees of Plymouth church, and attorney for the (KuHor. The Hv. IJr. Hillto Instituted an iHaMry tbreugfc the courts eon earning .Mr. Ftrgtwon's oanduct of hte affair while acting under the power of attorney. FLOCK FINANCES Constantino Summons Leaders of All Parlies to Confer Probably Will Continue Zaimls Cabinet and Dis solve Parliament Course Is At tacked by Vcnizc!os. LONDON, Nov. G. Tho nll-night meeting of the Greek chamber, the new r.ttnek of Former Premier Ven izclos on Ihc policy of Ilic government anu my criticism of King Constan tino'!? interference with "constitu tional liberties" of the Greek oople arc recent stages of the new political crisis, which for the time being hah overshadowed the military bituntion in the Balkans. According to latest in formation from Athens, the king is expected to continue the Znimis cab inet nnd dissolve parliament rather than accept the other alternative of permitting M. Vcnizelos to return to power. King Opi.cs War King Constantino is said to bo in thorough sympathy with the conduct before the chamber of General Yannt- kitsas, war minister, whoso remarks brought on tho crisis, nnd to have demonstrated appreciation of the minister's force by appointing him an aide do camp. Kui": Constantino bus bumiuoncil lenders of nil parties to confer on the situation resulting- from tho overthrow of the Znimis cnbinct, nnd it is ex pected the ministerial crisis will end within twenty-four hours. Poi tons of tho address of Former Premier Veniclos of Grccco to the chamber of deputies just before tin; defeat of the Znimis ministry nro ghen as follows by the Huvns cor respondent nt Athens. Vcnizelos Defiance "The foreign policy of the govern ment does not have our confidence. Moreover, wo consider it fatal for the country. In recent days wo have felt more profoundly still the pain of seo ing our country menaced by our eter nal enemy, which will turn on us lif ter having crushed Seibiu. "Wo are saddened by tbe thought that tomorrow we shall be alone, with out friends or allies, in face of a for midable enemy." At this point M. Vcnizelos was In tel runted by a deputy, who asked whether he thought King Constantino desired the ruin of tho country. "1 would linvo preferred to omit the name of the king in this discussion," M. Venizelns responded, "but since oti usk tbi question I shall answer ns I should. Under the constitutional regime, the king can have no rosmn ubilily." Illumes King's Advisers K.-Prcmior Vcnizelos said, bow- ever, that be did not menu to throw upon tho king responsibility for tho present situation in Greece. Ho blam ed those who had failed to advise hi majesty as they ought, nnd said the crown could not refuso to recognizo the vuto of confidence accorded by the chamber of deputies to tho pre ceding cabinet. M. Gonnnris, minister of tho inter ior, interrupting, snid ho thought the policy of M. Venizolos would lead tho country to niiii Mid to take opposition against tho central powers, which would bo dLsiifetrous for Greece and Seibin. Says War Inevitable M. Tlicnludix, minister of cominun (Continued on last page) $15,000 BY PUGILIST SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 5, Papers naming Miss Paulino Lord, an actress as defondant In a 113,000 damage suit for alienating tho affections of Billy Hoehe. prlie fight promotor and rofeiee of New York, are on record toils) as having been Mrved on Miss tho couiulainant being Mrs. Nellie Hocho, of San Francis. After accepting service, MlM Lord assorted that she bud married Itoche la Newark. NJ.. sevoral years ago and that she hd no knawlwlge that he had aneihor wift until three rmn afterwanl, whn he taW hor of a former marriage and a suhawjuent divorce. fc jt "ySj luit, J&i ft- WBBXBPBV iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 5i $ ifB tbm v'j KiBtMiMiEBBMTIK(H " bIbIIV fiKy $1 j VbWH pftAi wRfTSNfoBinHm jBTbbbT ubV Hyf jj nti wz23iK(nm mf BBBBFhihhy--bbBbbHI v? jmmmmmmmsmmimmm Tho picture shows from left, to right: Prinro Paulos, Queen Sophie, Prince Alevnndroi, Princess Iriie, King Constantino and tho Crown Prince Jeorgols. The king lias two other daughters, Princess lleleno and Piln rws Catherine. I SERBS FIGHTING PRESIDENT'S MO VALIANTLY AGAINST STRIKES SMALL BOY INVADING HORDES INJURY Iff SLIGHT PARIS, Niiv.i. Heports from tho Serbian front indicate that determin ed resistance is still being offered to the Bulgarian foiccs which invaded tho southern part of the country. Tho I lavas cot respondent at Salouiki, tel egraphing under yesterday's date, says the Serbians nro holding out firmly in the Bnliuna pass and that the Bulgarians are suffering serious losses in tho fighting there. Tho Soibian city of Monastir, in the soutbwost coiner of tho country near the Greek border, is said by the correspondent to bo safe for tho pres ent ; as is Prilep, twenty-five miles northeast of Monastir. Tho Bulgarians bombarded Ficneh positions nt Krivfllnk Wednesday, but uitluut tangible nults. Hi OIBl IT- Telcgrnphif! conununieution i tillarm and knockod him over in tho being maintained tor tlto c.ncIihuko oi official mcHt-atjot. between Snlnniki and Monastir and Salouiki ami Nih. A dispatch from Alliens to the F.. chunno Tolegruph company sny that in tho fighting in Bahunu pass the Bulgarians wore defeated nflor three severe battles. Tho dispatch said that two Britih Jhin'ou are now nppro.uhinir th Bulgnrliui trout nnd that other units are following. L BALTIMOBF, o. .1. General Clinton L. Bigg of tin-, city, u mem ber o the Philippine mmiiu--ton, and secretary of eoinmerce and police, to dny announced that ho hud rexigiied his post and that !u ieignation hud been accepted by the picaluVnt. Gen end Biggs said that hu took tln te .becuuse ho "found it uniHMktblo to submit my view and action to the apiNiront wiho of the diniuilrM tion, as exprvMed by the governor general." Turkish Attacks Are Repulsed LONDON. Nov. 5 The Tvrktoh forces in the Dardanelles took the offensive on Nov. 4. and made lour attaeks on the poelttous of the en tente atlie. All lhe aitucka wore repuUed, it Is announced In an el Ciol statement iwued here today. GENERA QUITS PHILLIPINES NKW YOIHC, Nov. G. President Wilson's automobile struck and In jured a small boy horo Into todny, whllo tho president was motoring to tho Pennsylvania stntlon to catch his train for Washington. Tho boy was apparently moro frightened than hurt. After stopping his car nnd ascer taining that tho accident was trivial, tho president continued to tho station and boarded tho 3:30 train for Wash ington. Tho nccldont occurred as tho pres ident's car turned a comer in front of tho Pennsylvania station. Mario I'iissI, tho boy who was hurt, darted from tho sldowalk across tho streot directly In tho path of tho car. Tho joungstor oscnpod tho whcols, but a mudgunrd briishod against his loft streot. - Within a momont tho boy boundod to his foot and liogan to rub his arm. Tho spcit sorvlco mon, following In another oar, ran to him and asked him If ho had boon hurt. President Wilson ordorod the prosldential car, a limouslno, stopped. Loaning out the window tho prosl dont awaltod tho boy's reply to tho secret sorvlco men. Whan tho llttlo follow, who nppearod to bo about 7 years old, shook his houd and stoutly said ho was not hurt, Prosldont Wil son ordorod his cur to contlnuo, Tho youngster ran back to tho sldowalk, wiped his faco on his sleovo and watchod the prosldont drive off. Mr, Wilson glanced back, Tho boy was standing on the curb rubbing hli arm and grinning. Prosldont Wilson and his party wore motoring from tho hoiuo of Cleveland II. Dodge, whoro tho pres ident mid hi fiancee, Mrs. Norman (Jult had lunched with Mr. Dodge. HEM SNOW CHECKS WARFARE IN HIPS OI&'KVA, mu J'aiw, X. V -Owing to heavy know . MMinuliei, iHtliUr)' ojrntioii in the Cum it Alps, exempt lor encoiiHtor between jMtrulat, ure at a sttMiliiUU fur the irMMt. Both the Aituifikui uad UhI UU aaldieni in thu reyioH " -nu-i iMK greatly as a rtaolt of thr cold ami snow m ttw iieMeho. fipqtfHExr LAST VESSEL OF ITHGOL NOMK, Alaska, Nov. 5 Tho steam ship Victoria sailed for Soattlo Into last night, tho last vessel to leavo Nome this soavou. Until noxt Juno, whon navigation In Bering soa Is opened, Nomo will bo shut off from tho outsldo world except by travel ovor 2000 miles of snow trail to tho opon porta in Southwestern Alaska, Tho Victoria Is carrying 250 passon gors, business men and miners who will pass thu winter In tho stntes, and a largo shipment of gold bullion, About 2500 pcoplo will romaln In Nomo. Tho winter nlrcady has begun horo. Sovoro storniB aro swooping ovor Sownrd peninsula, accompanied by In touso cold and much snow. Theru Is already much ko off Nomo and tho floos liomm moving Into tho road stoad just boforo tho Victoria sailed Tho Victoria sailing Is unusually into, tho underwriter's regulations requir ing all steamors to bo out of Boring ion boforo November 1. Tho rovenuu cuttor Boar loft Nomo for Soattlo Wednesday and will koop In touch with tho Victoria to lender asslstanco should the big liner becomo endan gored by tho Ico. TOKIO IS ABLAZE OF J'tKK), Ni.. r. Tokio (omglit wi'- bbl.ize viih j'lilit in honor of the ('(irouutiiiu of j'liuperor YoKlilbito, mIucIi tak plate on November 10. The disdny on the Giuhii, tho broad -unv of 'iokio, outdid thtt of th hnxhtertt paiUol ita oceidentol eoun torpurt in its uoat fvtio array. Or ients1 color u Ktven bv loiyj ruw- of utpr lunlfi-ti Hud sun fln, to uetuor with florul arvbea MirMviintcd hy ildra sphinx -like pliutU. A feature of thf di)iJav was the llNrHne ot a iimliitude of okildrou alined ui i In- hnchle-.t kimontia. The -liiaax r( I Ik ili--nativ M-bawo Was a tritiiniiiMiit uri-li m trout of M wl- . wiiii i inuui.lutl Htvh in fiwit i -lit- iii!in.. with a floral idii and omaiaMtal towers lighted by aTi cient torches. SEASONFROWINOME W D BULLION R CORONATION MIKADO YO Pari of French Contingent Landed at Salonlki Routed and Part Made Prisoners Is German Assertion Move to Cut Serb Retreat In Mon tenegro Russians on Offensive. IIISRLIK, Nov. r.. It is officially reported that the Hul;arinns hnye completely dofcnled nt n point north east of Prilep llio French forces which wcro landed nt Salouiki. Part of tho French contingent was routed njul tho others were made prisoners. fho first of tho French prisoners hnve arrived nt Kustciidd. To Cut Off ItetrtNit I1HHL1N, Nov. fi. A new move niont to cut cfC tho ret rent of tho Serbum nnny is reported by tho Overseas News Agency. Tho Aiistri una nro snid to hnvo begun nn nltuck iiIoiib tho western border of .Monte negro, in which country the Serbian forces are o.pcetcd to seek refuge. Tlioso uttacks nro bcinc; mndc, the nows ngeney snys, to tho oust of Trehinyc, in llerzcsovinn, nbout -10 milctt north of Cutluro. Thus tin Monlcneurins uvo living1 threatened from the west, near tho const, ns well us from tho north, where fighting has been c,'oint,' on for soino time. Tho news agency points out Hint tho Soibian retreat into Montenegro is undo still more difficult by tho junction which lind been effected be tween the forces of General Von Koevess nnd the Austrian troops, which hnvo iuvnded Serbia from Bos ni.i north of Vi3hcgrad.v Advances nil uloug tho line by tho Teutonic forces invndine; Serbia nro nniioiiticed in today's officinl state ment by Ocnnnti nnny hcudqiinricrd. Tho capture of '2700 Serbians is re ported. On Ittivslau Front HKHLIN, Nov. fi. Tho lliibsiuns are still on Hut offensive in the reg ion southwest of Dviusk, but their attacks nuiiiust the Oeniinn lines have been futilo mid they hnvo suffered heavy losses, German nnny heiid (piurterH uiiuouneed today. Itecapturo of u ticueli northeast of Lemesiiil in tho Chnmpugiio district, which the French had held since Oc tober 21, was officially announced by Gcrmnti nnny headquarters today. A eounlor-uttuek by tho French ngaiiihl positions ouptured by thu Germans to tho north of Massiges failed with heavy losses to thu attack ing forces. luwulcrs Neailng Nlsh LONDON, Nov. fi. The in willing IlulgariaiiH are reported to hnvo reached u point six miles northeast of Nish and to havo advanced iimong thu hills east nnd southeast of the city to positions utmost as near. The Germans on the north Serbian front are not so fortuuato in their nltuck, but are slowly pressing buck their op ponents. Tho promised assistance for tbe Scibiuns is not mutoriuli.iuj.'. uccording to advices from Saluuiki, nnd two divisions of Ilrtish troop hnvo arrived lit StrumiUu, joining tlu French. Gorman nnd Auntriun official re ports, ulthnugh indicating thintfs am going well for the Teutons on tho IttiSbiaii front, make it clear that they uiu now occupied chiefly with defend ing thttiueohori nguiiibt Itussiaii ul tueks. Hxeept in tlio way of couu-tvr-attaoks, thoir own initiative up purontly has been spout. I'artiuu larly fiereo t(itHiin ut tacks nro iu eoidcd along tiie Dvina and Stupu. T NKW YOItK". Nov. .'.. Director of the Pacific .Mail Stoauuhip company, wlH'ih ia uontrolled hy tho Southern Psuifie ooriipnuy, today ordered n dis tribution of .fJ5 u share, imyablo to atoekhiddera nn Douumber l'. Thia dietnbutMin follow a recent rediio tion of the company' oupital atoek from $'i(),000,000 to rl.UOO.OOO on iU abandonment of tho tmua-Pueifie I mde nnd the -ale of iU veel iu (but bruueh of tlio yrvi, After Recoupina Military Strength, Will Move on Mexico City Ameri can Doctors Not Dead, But Taken Prisoners to Caro for Villa's Wounded. WASHINGTON, Nov. fi.-Confi-dcntinl reports to tho war department from official sources in Mexico in dicate that General Villa ia lib movement to Nnco fa carrying out part of n plnn to Btriko from thoro through tho interior of tlio Pacific, coast to capture tho port of Gimyinns to get n bnso of supplies nnd then, after recouping his military strength, probably move on toward Mexico City. Villa's first plnn was tp got supplies nt Agun, I'riota if possible, but Hint it was planned long ago to move on to Nnco, to llcnnosillo nnd then on to the const, whoro tho Amer ican ctuhnrgo on nnim will not pre vent tho receipt of munitions, i i Villa's Cnmimlgn DOUGLAS, Ariz., Nov. G.Vila'H plan of campaign, us revealed hero today by Colonel Cristobal Martinez, it wounded stuff officer on parole, was to draw Alvnrn Obregon's nnny to tho northwestern boundnry, cap ture Agun l'u'cta nnd then strike southwestwnrd through Sonorn nnd Siimlno to Jnliscd. Noxt ho planned to move eastward, cut Obregon off from his bnso nnd then dush for Mox ico City. That it fnilcd, ns far ns it concern ed Agun Prictn, nt lonst, is duo to two factors, according to Martinez. Tlio recognition of Carrnilzn by the Pnn. Amoricnn powers nnd General Fred crick Fuuston'8 plain statement to Villa last Tuesday,., that if tlio Agun I'riotn fighting caused fitr'fh'or danger to Amorionn lives nnd property, there would bo tho United States army to reckon with. Villn Ilroken Ifwrtwl Uroken-hcnrtcd, nccording to Mur tiuoz, Villn is now prepared to nt loin t carrying out tho remainder of his progrum. lie will abandon tho border, it was said, and attempt to strengthen his control of tho interior of Sonorn and of Slunlon by driving Cnrrnnxn troops tinder General l)io gucis out of tlioso states. The Agun. Prietn battlefield, still dotted with tho slain of Monday and Tuusduy's fierce fighting, bl'camo of fensive today and burial parties were hurried out by General Cnlles with orders to burn bodies to prevent dan ger of pestilence. Goncinl Al vitro Obregon is expect ed hero tonight to take command of a campaign ugaiiiHt Villa. Cnlles' al leged failure to tnko advantage of n number of opportunities to decisively defeat and perhaps diMiorsu Villa's army has caused some dissatisfaction. T BY VILLA'S ORDER DOl'GLAS, Ariz., Nov. 5. General Villa bus ordered tho rolcaso of Drs. Thigpen and Miller and tho two Ainer icau chauffeurs whom ho reported dond yostorday, according to a mes sage received this afternoon. Tho men were prisoners nt Cananea. The doctors, however, will remain at Can anea to euro for the wounded. Villa snid ho was mistaken when hu report ed tho four killed. Ho said ho now belioved tho men slain soiithwoat of Agua I'riotn Wed nendjy were four Amorioun teatustor-i who came with him from Cbihunhuu. 1 lant nnd WiUon, thu chautfeurs, .will return to tho border. KL PASO, Tox., Nov. G.Tho only American toainstors reported to havo followed Villa from Casus Grande were Mormon of thu Casus Graiidon colony. A mount report hero stated that. Jhiium Whipple, Lynn Hatch and Chuiles Tin ley, all Mormons of tho Ciiass Grande (list rial, drove for Villa in the hojo of got ting their stock bank when they reached thu Chihuu-uua-Souoia lines. It was reported aud Inter denied tiiuL they bud bcci tjjiiK-d bj tbe Villa forces, DOC ORSREPORTEO KILLED RELEASED ksn