Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 04, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mrs. M. A. Tnnnoll, of UiIb city,
nccompanlcd by Mrs. J. It. lllnck,
wll larrlvo tomorrow from an extend
ed vlult to tho I'armma exposition.
Mrs. lllnck, whoso homo Is nt Clif
ton, Arizona, hut who formerly via
Hod In this city at tho homo of Mm.
T.unnoll, will remain horo during tho
winter, bo charmed la bIio with tho
beauties of this valley and climate.
J. O. Oorklns, tho best all around
photographer In nouthcrn Oregon.
Always rollahlo. Negatives mado nny
whoro, tlmo or jilnco. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-.T.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Furey of Now York
'nro visitors In this city today.
Postage stamps, at Voo's. .
Tho stork loft at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs, Hamilton I'atton, or this
city, this morning, a baby daughter.
Sinoko a King SplU cigar, fie.
Thoy aro home-made.
Tho I'liltcd States agricultural de
partment, Washington, I). 0., recently
sent to Uncle Hilly Angle, or this
city, for a statement concerning his
oxpcrlrmco with Sudan grass. Ho
promptly forwarded n copy of tho
.Mall Trlbuno containing an Intcrvlow
with him on that mntter.
Huy Mcdford tnado candy at the
Mrs. William Stone, who has bron
Visiting at CorvnlllH and other Wil
lamette valley towns during recent
weeks, returned homo last evoulng.
Uuttoruut brpad at Do Voo's.
Heal cstate'iuen report that a num
ber of peoplo eagdr to roninlu in this
valley and engage In sugar beet pro
duction aro marking tlmo until tho
question of tho sugar factory In this
valley shall have been dotormlnod.
Many of thorn am renters In south
ern Oregon, outsldo of Hoguo river
valley, and In Northern California.
Thoy would profor to rent hero If
they enn raise sugar beets with tho
nsHiiraiiro that, a factory hero will In
sure a cash market for tho product.
Weston Camera Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
I Three young men who hnve home
jjjtteiids In tho foothills about this vnl
"ioy yesterday agreed to rent sugar
Client laud and devote their "ofr time"
'from the lioniCHtond to making n Ut
ile money on beet raising. Manager
Onion of tho committee will seo that
they obtain tho acreage thoy doslre.
Do Voo buys bcor bottles.
. Hert Welch, of 1'rosser, Washing-
ton, Is looking about tho valloy with
n view to locating. Ho says ho
knows nothing about sugar beet cul
ture and results, except from data
'supplied to him from entirely rolln
blo Hourco and on that he Is wlll
tnt tp rely.
'Shoo ropalrlug guaranteed nt III
don's. 201
Fire In the home or .1. C. IlllllngH
nt 18 Myrtle streot, at il o'clock this
morning, caused a loss or $200 to the
Interior or tltfl bouse and furniture
therein, fully covered by Insurance.
Members of tho family wore all ab
sent at tho time, but It Is believed
that tho fire whs earned by sparks
from a stove. The fire department re
sponded very promptly and soon ex
tinguished the flitnio.
IttHldPiu your l.lngett .t Myers cou
pons nt Medford Cigar Store. I D 7
abort " Miles hits returned from
"a delightful summer In tho hills."
Insure your auto In tho Alliance
against tboJft lire. C. V. Ttmpwnhl.
Mrs. Helen Spencer, of this olt,
who is visiting lelstlves nt Oakland,
OHllforiita, writes Hint she will not
return this full as nntlclimtml, but
may remain on tho southern ooiist all
Ill) urrw Unite Creek bottom, all
tinilcu Irrlguliun at n cost or tun rents
h Ineli. Will jirow all jcralM. al
falfa, olover, onions, celery, sugar
IwoU; une fourth inllo to depot. TIiIh
la n ioK)ltlou tlmt will Interest you
If jim want miiiiutliliia good nt almost
tile coal of water. From tho owner
to sou. Hon lit, Kuala Point.
I'lojd t'liarlr. Mrs. Clay Cbnrle
and Mrs. Minute tlUuleloit have Just
iHlurneil irom a two eek' visit to
tho fair at Ran Francisco.
J'rep. a 10c tin of 8tau smoking
wMth onrb IBc pip at Mdfonl Cigar
Ittiro. 1T
Peggy, th olgbtMN month old
laughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Miller,
who was uperatod upon Tum4m at
th Sarrotl Haart hospital fur Intaa-
tlaal tropUip. Is rMrt4l as rtoln as
wall as could u expctl, w Ith ext-el-
lMt rhanrea fur complat rscny
Uutta Falls Wood Yard, Phono 4S
or S3S: wood all klnda. SOS
Th l o. o. V KiuannimoMl after
tbrti lodge iii.hIIu Wodnesday night
went lu Ataooit's bokUall alUtya and
had a pWasant avMilitf. X. J. Wll1) ill hlahaat seer.
Double g. ft H. siM tr44las
i in t'M glra on wall naiw nun iiasos
1 i ni. and Haturday at Water.
m Willis. Juat wiunivd from an
i i.hih-l alt with her aunt, sir
;. t.niii. . Bolsw, Mtho, mill
i.r -it iu ih.n U Mail H .,
t. mpicu 4 ttiui la a nrlral arbool
Hot Tamaloj at the Shasta.
Fred Mowlncr, of the Jacksonville
vineyard district, fell Irom a scaffold
yesterday and broko his right wrist.
Try n King Spitz clgnr and en
courage homo Industry.
Mrs. Maryland Onston, or Pueblo,
Colorado, Is visiting with her sister,
Mrs. Hnrry Cleorge, of West Twelfth
street, this city.
"Destiny, or tho Soul of n Woman"
was presented at tho Page thtmtcf
Wednesday night beforo n largo au
dience Tho play was well recolved
and wns of unusual merit. Mnny of
tho nitdlenco compared It to "Kvcry
Woman," a Henry W. Snvago play
scon In this city two years ago. Tho
film will be presented again tonight.
Allen Scoflcld, of ICllensburg, Wn.,
will locate In this valloy, near Tal
ent, this month, having, slnco his ro
turn home, sold his Interest In a meat
business In the Washington town.
Uldon's shoo repair shop moved
across streot from old stand. 201
W. "W. Usshor, of Asblnnd, Is n
valley metropolis visitor today on
business, asjisual.
Dra. A. It. and Loulso Hedges, chi
ropractic physicians, Stownri build
ing, 2.1G Kast Main St.
Much more rain fell In tho Phoenix
district than hero last evening nnd
during tho night and that, too, In
lace or tho fnct that tho Phoenix
rnrmors will hnvo Irrigation during
tho coming season.
Chocolato creams, caramels, chips,
poanuts, etc., only 30c a lb. nt Do
Loss than n fifth of an Inch of
rain fell last night In this vicinity,
hut that and the showers during tho
past few days will bo sufficient prob
ably to start tho germlnntlou of the
seed sown tor cover and grain crops.
Should a period or dry weather pro
vail for some days, It will produco n
serious effect on such crops, for tho
Jdunts, having been encouraged to
peep through tho Riirfnce, will dlo or
thirst, thus disappointing thnso who
have gone to the expouso of planting
their fields to crops for enrly winter
growth. This embarrassment could
enslly bo ovorcomo with Irrigation.
Tho wenther report possesses llttlo
value to fanners who hnvo Irrigation.
Probation Officer C. It. Cay loft
last evening tor Salem with John
Wallenberg, Glenn Noblo nnd Hoy
Nally, tho boys who wore sentenced
by Judgo Ton Velio yesterday to tho
stnto reform school.
(let Hleh Quick Wnlllngford. Head
It In tho Oregnuliln and Kxamluer
and seo tho plcturo at tho Star theater
Friday, Nov. 12th.
Harold Abbott, of Ilosoburg, Is In
the valley watching the progress be
ing made by the sugar lieel commit
toes, believing' that,' If tho factory
shall he assured by tho acroago sub
scription, there will be an abundance
or work here for tlioso who need It,
Ills family will remain nt Ilosoburg,
pending decision as to the sugar mill.
Tho best styles, tho best qualities
and tho best prices nro found in tho
millinery dopnrtmont of tho M. M.
Dopt. Storo. 190
Herbert l.nne, of North Ynklma,
Washington, has remnvod to a farm
In this valley, near Phoenix, whore
ho will bo employed as an Irrigator.
Chile con enruo, hot (amnios nnd
lunches nt Cnstllllau drill, Cnrnett
Corey Hlilg., So. (Irnpo. 191
Hen Tree, of Yreka, California, Is
n visitor In the valley, looking up n
bunch or fat steers.
Mrs. I.ench, AhdoSupport nnd
Hnroley surgical corset, at 32(5 N.
Fred Olson Is lu the city from tho
Applegnte country today,
Seo Hnvo Wood nhout that flra In
itirnnro policy. OfHce Mall Trlbuno
C 11 Wise and 1 11. Ossuiau, or
Trail, are doing business lu the elt
Whsn better insurance is sold
Holmes Tho Insuranco Mnn will sell
Wm. II Thomas, of Hun Jose, Cal
ifornia. Is doing outline and observ
ing things lu Medfnrd and lclnlty
Fresh rossted peanuts at Do Voo's.
If. M. Cpsou and wire, of ('rand
Fork. N. D., are turning In Medfoid
today, on their way to San Francisco,
lending acquaintances with former
neighbors lu the Dakota country Mr.
Cpsou Is an extensive grain producer
In North Dakota.
Home mado taffy at Do Voo's.
J. tC. Williams, of Portland. Is a
busliiesM visitor In this ct today.
Hoose.v slsterk' homluy nt tho lead
lug Krortrs ovtry Thursday, 195
ICdltor Crane, of tho Central Point
llernld. Is a business visitor In the
vall, metropolis tod. He reports
progress la the simar beet campaign
In his dlkirtct and lielleves that the
result will compare very favorabl)
tth thai nr un oilier district In
the vslle
Bulled ham and union at IVeVoe's
" '
O. W. Howard, of Hornbrook, Cal
ifornia, Is doing business In Mcdford
town today.
Do Voo delivers tho Orcgonlan to
you every dny for 7Cc n. month.
Senator If. Von dor Hellen of Wcl
len was a Mcdford visitor Thursday,
Try otid of those big ico cold 6 cent
milkshakes nt Do Voo's.
I. like Hynn, of tho firm of Ulrlch
& Itynn, or this city, is In Jackson
ville today on business.
Hrliig those old mr.gazlncs nnd pc-
rlodlcitls to tho Mali
I. W. Lucas, representing the Llg-gett-Myern
Co., will prolong his bus
iness visit In this city another weak.
This Is one ol Mr. Lucas' busiest
points on the line.
Hook binding ot nny kind nt tho
Mall Trlbuno offlco.
Tho local sugar committee reports
fair progress today, with beet sugar
converts coming In with n promising
mensure of regularity. Thono who
have tho lists In the Hold nro very
busy, reporting that Indecision among
tho fanners ns to what Is really host
tor them Is the chief ciiuho or delay In
signing up acreage, but thoy aro be
ginning to sue the value or tho beet
proposition, not only as a crop pro
duced for profit, but that It will af
ford, Immediate cash at harvest tlmo,
right bore nt home.
"No trcspnss" signs for ealo nt
Mnll Trlbuno office.
Coo. K. Crop, of Memphis, Teun.,
Is lu tho city nnd other parts of tho
valley this week, studying conditions
In tho farm districts. Ho owns ex
tonnlvo farm Interests lu the south,
hut has grown tired ot the climate.
NKW YOHK, Nov. I. Onl one
proposed constitutional amendment
granting suffrage to women will bo
Introduced In the next congress, ac
cording to Indications In nn nnnounce-
Trlbuno for'uicnt mado toda by tho national
PARIS, Xo. I. The lirst llntisli
contingent mriveil Friday ul (luo
gueli, iu tlie Serbian theater, afford
ing to n IIiiwik dixputfli Tiled Satur
day ui Sulouiki, but dulnved. The
Htitisli I'm ce will net hh u curntc
unit, hut iu eulliilioriitioii with the
French troops, (luevgueli is jul
nerosa the (lied; holder, 1'urly miles
imitliwcht of Sulouiki.
i i i
Hotter progress wns made In tho
securing of hoot sugar acreage Wed
nesday than at any tlmo since tho
opoulng of tho enmpnlgu, nnd tho
committees will ho busy tho remain
der of tho wcok lu the country dis
tricts, Those In charge or tho work
wore much oncourngod by tho day's
results, and n hopeful nlr porvnded
tho headquarters at tho Commercial
club. All of tho commlttofa are active.
W. II. (lore, J. C. Haruos, and Mr.
X.undell, tho luttor n raiser of boots
lu other states will tako tho fluid to
day for work, and boast that thoy will
bring back substantial acreages. Tho
last two days there has boon an In
creusn lu tho slgutures for small
tracts which Is what the beet sugar
peoplo aro looking for.
A meeting has been arranged for
Saturday at 1 o'clock at Hoglo Point.
It wns arranged by Dr. F. C. Page.
Tuesday 11. I.. Wallhers, II. A. Thler
ol(, and J. C. Humes visited tho Table
Hock district and secured good prom
ises for acreage with signatures. To
day Jack Merrill will use hU .into,
assisted by Joe Hccmun and John 1).
Heed In securing xignci-. Ii. thr Cold
Hill dlstrlrt.
SBATTl.K. Nov. d.-Thfl Alaska
Sioiuhii riiiiMiii,' Mourner Mur
posa, which wont on the vwU near
llelle Holla, It. (',, October t has been
floated mid towed to McUtiighlm bnv
lor teiupqiaiv uiau, aeeerdinv: to lvci'iwd bv the -tnniHit today
board of the National Woman Suf
rrago aoroclntlon. The board stated
It had notified tho cougrosslonnl com
mittee not to Introduco tho Shafroth
nmondmont In tho next congress un
less ordered to do so by tho suffrage
convention to bo hold In Washington
noxt month.
The Shafroth amendment would
provide for an nmondnint to tho con
stitution through stiffrngo refcrcn
diinis In the various stalos.
Stiffrngo loaders horo bellovo that
the announcement inonnt the only
suffrage umcnduicul to ho Introduced
this )onr would be In the form or tho
Susan I). Anthony amendment which
baa been placed bcroro every con
gress during tho last I" years.
ACIU'llN, N. V, Nov. I. When
thev meet in Sou Finni-mro next
week, members of the National A-o
eiatioii of I'rofeoiouul lln-clinll
Cltlis will he tf-ked by n repre-enla
tie nf the Cnrransa goveinnuiit lot
teiritory for a lucebnll leattiie in
nerlhern Me.ieo, the gnnic to he
pl.iyi-i' iu llml tciiitor.v under the
rules of orguni'ed hitsehnll in the
I'nitcd Stuti-h. This win mntlo known
here lodny by '.John II. Furrell, -ceie
tury of thu nHMiciatiou, just belore
he left for tlie west tonllend th"
Tlie Cnriiinn '.' eminent roeenlly
uuiiouiieed Hint (he Amerieuti imtionnl
.'ttme would Mippleut hull iigliN in
Mexico. So'Mitavy Furrell snid llml
the nnlioiiul tumid of arbitration will
coiiMder s(cml hundred di -pule
luiHeljiill enes on Hie npueial Irein en
route li'im Chu .i-.o to Sun Fruiicisi-o.
OMAHA, X-j. I.- A tc uinrirv m
iunetion was upuili'd in llo- I iitted
States court toila. to pri-witi llu u
foreemenl l the Nehriko 'J-ei-nt
passrimer rate law so Utv ns the Mi
souri Piuil'ir niihyn i i unerucd.
How To Make the
Quickcst.Simplcst Cough
Murh IlMlrr Ihnn llir Hrnily.
Inilr lihiil mill Vou Mc '.
1'iillj- (iuaruiilrril
This boiuc-mailc rough t rup is now
UM'd in nuire henu limn nn ether ceiigb
rciju'dv. Ju prempiiiciut, cum.1 and cer
tainty in i'iiiu'niig dikirt'Ming t'uiiutiH,
chert mid colds is really remark
able. uu i' .in lU'tually feci it take held,
A la's n w v ill ukiiiiHv ocreiiiie the
ordinary niiih irlier cm-ii whooping
reiiuh iiuii'klv. Spli'iulnl, too. for bron.
eliltls, iHbiaodio cioup, broiKlunl aistluim
mid winur imiyliH.
i'b iro ill uuv (iruu-uiSL - ouiui'b oi
VJ Pinox (.ill cut x woi lb i , pour it hi u pint
iKittlemul till the bottle with pliuu gr.iiiir
luted sugar ivrup. Tin given joti at n
FOR SAI.K Fine heatlux ion.-
good as ae. at a tmrguln v i
Warren, 1 1 South Oakdale, I'h.nir
8M-M. !'
FIUt.Rl'alroiwulea .l.
table. 1
WAKTSD- For the later to7 It
keeo, geatle gre wlla bugg
and harneae IH receive tti' '""t ,
ul vsre. Tel C71-J1. !'
SUtn bii(lerei try this new salve
compound of healing herbs. D'Kmn
shut vou iiiHinnt relief from the ll--
trcMi oi et-cma and nil forms of skm
dlstMie. Piniplee vanish in a nlgbt
We are the only druggists (u ths
town from whom lVUvmn, tho great
herbal balm, can bo secured. Come
lu toda and ask iu about our nionev
back guarantee in bring ou relief
Wet Side I'li.iinuicy
V (or
Infants end Invalids
The Food-Drink for all Ages ,
Rich milk, milted grain, in powder form. .
For infant, invalid tU growing children.
Pure nut tition, upbuilding df whole body, '
Invigorate nurung mother uJ the aged.
) More hetlthful than tea or coHee
Unlena you say "HOtUIOtCV
you may gut l auti9tltut0
iHMt of oulv .it ci'iita .i full unit of htilltir
isiiigh iup than ou txnild buy for $'a.').
TiiWs but a Irw minutes to prepare. Full
dilution with PIiiv. Tastes good ami
ni'Utr seoilh.
Yen v ill he pVHSHUtly surprised how
quickly it )iKVMiidrv. hwph or tiulit
eougliH, Hiid IwaU the inilnnicd incin
liriini' in ii ixiiiifiil iHtiigh. It alo vtopi
the furniHtioii of phlcHiu in the throat
nun itroiKiiiHi iiiiiw, inns viuiiiig me per
hlhU'llt loOMU CDIIL'll.
J'inex is a most vnliiahle concciitraicd
conipoiUMl if geipilnr orJV pine !
irni'i, cipii in giiiiiiirei, witH'n u bo neae
iu t
tlie membranes.
"Bull" Durham, the Smoke of Hospitality
At fashionable house-parties, gay week-end ga therings wherever
smart American men assemble for recreation, mellow Bull Durham
tobacco adds to their enjoyment. It iscoj-rec, up-to-date, notably
stylish to "roll your own" cigarettes with "Bull" Durham-sjamps
you as a smoker of experience-and that delicate, distinctive Bull
Durham fragrance is always very agreeable to the ladies or the party.
is unique among the world's high-class smoking
been for generations. Millions or smokers find
in th fashion to their own likinff from this
"Bull" Durham
tobaccos and has
in the fresh cigarettes they fashion to their own
dehciously mild, Fragrant tobacco, supreme
enjoyment and satisfaction obtainable in no
other way.
Roll a cigarette with "Bull" Durham today.
Learn that original, exquisite aroma
refreshing smoothness and mellowness -
irresistible appeal of this world-famous tobat
ago af"iapas$ "
u'l'fi cocj 5c e-fU
An Illustrated Bool;!"!. -'"".-ing
correct way to "Roll Your
Own" Cicnrcttcs, and a pack
age of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free,
to any address in U.S. on request. Address "Bull"
Durham, Durham, N. C.
cne it WwtMJ
the Bsss&KMan
I WHwffl
r-tS?Z- ' ro
EBST5W?i '
mmmmc !;
LxiW'ff-MaMiitaagiBtdrflira ..
Compensation Insurance for Injured Employes !
TIip Apdiii Lil'p liisui'jiiiff Citnipany is now prcimrcri t ofl'cr, in ((impfti
titin with tlit Oi'f.uoirliKliistrijil Accident (iiiiiiiirticiii. iiiifoiuutic fiiiiipoiis.iliuii
1h nt'lits pav.'thlc tn injurnl I'liiplnycs.aDil nililitiiiiuil liciurits in fa vol ! th vm
nlovcr against all other fontinuencics innrl tin. i.,w,.i,t ..,..,,. n,.,iL. ;.,,i;,.it.
A that (licv aro many), at a cot nr $1.59 for each $100 of estimated annual pay-
X roll.
: No contribution from omployos reouiredhvourCnmnnnv.
Y The State Industrial Accident CommiRsion has publicly solicited our ims-
Y inc.vs tit rates n ai-yinir from $2 to $5 on each $100 of payroll, plus a contribution
i of onocontadaytohedctliiiicd frointh.. ..uiploves' wa-'os and in addition'
Y theioto a tax on tho general vniblic .imnnnHncr in ftn.en,rM. e m. i '
J " .ft vw wv,ovvUUlll Ul tllU kUllili.
Thi'SlatoIndiisli-wl Ai-iMiU'iitC'iuiuiiiNJi.Mi enjoys a compulsory subsidy
iiuiu uu: w.H,uyiS .a wigu ui uregou, wiini, r the peritMl eiidinir Jm
IV t
Tn moil ilnniiiiintiMi'iil 1m' miri mill .
iik vMir urui;i:ii iur smi uiinoi'H i'in,
ami don't Rn'i'pt iiiivtliinu tli
A iii,iriniv of ttliioliit Dutif.iclion,
or iiionrv promptly refunded jw with
tlun iiii-ii.H.itiuiu Ulio 1'incx Co., IU
uyuc, lud. i
til .
. .; r - . o-' .-.. ...i nn- hiiimi imhiiiil; J 111 '" '
MM. I. lll'CII '( lllir ll tilt .'MIIIIImI i-..i,i.( ..V il. . . ' . . " . . i .1
v : " " 'M"'1 "' nil' iinui llsii ill nisi nuniiMi'ii) i
A amounted to $90,345.22, out of a total fund ,-,.ll,.,-t,,i ;lf umi d-ito "from employ-
& era, employes and the State at largo of $020,032.04. This contribution from .
v ' J "'SV" i,,.l,0"y e ttuouort the POHK BARREL PROVIS-
ION of the present act tin, ,s ,,ni.,ue !lW,m,. ,,,!,,, state eo,,,pe,,siti..i law '
SViluMh-H H !UVVv I I "' ,,1,,,,"alI ,a-MM,Xl' u " compenlat o i fund. H !
,,,vl -'" i me teirisiat lire rolls around.
e offer to the far. ue rs Uud horlieullnral iuiereNts of the State of -'U"'i
ln provulS alKnlul,. s.vnHly nl ml.-qwit.. h.rvc bmiiis.- l Hie
:.. ' .i.,i. .i ,r."i""'.v y "llllill.SlUllr. so iU';isi I..V 1.- .til' U'
T .
.t. in i :ui' i'iiiiii iu inns wmip run stoi-n r...i
i -.,.,--..-. ....... vi.v. umivc iiuiu nns nn Mmioi ,. j .i,,ff ic
i N
i:);lit Swplallic
i .... .
l .' llllMl llll "l 111 lil'i f..f Uftvof. -. ..
(nt enrtf) of $2.26 and upwards? "m"p'mmoa 8t . Stale Fund Eat
I '''"' r"r'"'V 1'"Hi' ' "M"" .- .! n.i, l., .,.,. ,ls. t,.,,,,!,.,,, 1
Aetna Life Insurance Co ., ,.-
Aetna Accident & Liability Oo. &l,RVta Bui!llms
Automobile Insurance Oo.