Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Friday Fair, Cooler Tonight. Max. 58; .Mill. 41.5, Fro. .10. SECOND EDITION 'ortv-flfth Tear. MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER , 1915 NO. 19-1 gnlly Tenth Your. OF LAST PHOTOGRAPH DF EDITH CAVELL VILLA CONFERS w Fl X , . -"." $ sV4W. s V- , vO. Kfci . REEK PREMIER'S FOREIGN POLICY CAUSES DEFEAT GERMAN PEACE SERBS FIGHTING BRAVELY ilLE AWAITING 1 EFFORTS DENIED WH 1 Luat hmm j VHBHaHg r W v4 -4f n' W rt BYVQNBUELOW ACROSS BORDER Zalnils Government Defeated in par liament and Is Expected to Resign Majority Favor Active Support of Serbia Against Bulgaria Vcni zclos Again Triumphant. ATHENS, via London, Nov. 4. Following Its defeat in parliament today the cabinet resigned. The lmnicdlato causa ot tho defeat was a remark made- by war Mlnlstor tjynnnkltsns, which was considered by former Premier Vcnlzclos as insulting to tho national assembly. M. Vcni- I zclos demanded an lmnicdlato apol ogy. Premier Zalmls thereupon dcclnr- Iod tho government stood liohlnd tho war minister and demanded a voto of confidence Tho Central News correspondent At AthotiB says that after iPromier Zalmls handed his resignation to King Constantino, tho chamber of deputies again assembled and thcro tvjib n striking demonstration in honor of former Premier Vcnlzclos. Itltnlio to Knlmts PAIIIS, Nov. A. Tho Znltuas gov ernment in Athens was defeated In Ta discussion of foreign policies in par- Qlamcnt today and Is expected to re- elgn, snys a Havas dispatch from Rubens. A discussion of proposed military laws, tho report says, raised a ques tion between tho minister of wnr, General Yanakltsas, and tho majority party of former Premier Vcnlzolos. On this Issuo Prcmlor Znimas decid ed to ask n voto of confidence Foreign Policy Issuo Tho discussion then turned to tho foreign policy of tho government. M. .Vcnlzclos declared It was Impossi ble for his party longer to sustain tho government, whoso policy lio consid ered hnrmful to tho Interests of tho country. All tho party leaders engaged in tho discission. Tho final voto was 1747 against tho government to 111 for. Premier Zalmls has been In offlco less than a month, having been asked jjy King Constantino to form n cab inet aftor tho resignation of M. Vonl 5clos on October C. Tho rotlrcinont of tho Vcnlzclos ministry grow out of Its policy in favor of entering tho war with Sorbin against Bulgaria, to !lo which M. Vonlzolos mnlutalncd, Greece was bound by hor treaty obli gations. Tho king took tho ground that In tho rlrcumstnnccs Oroeco was not obligated to tako up anus, cXulmls to Iteslgn M, VenUelon resigned tho premier ship In April owing to disagreement with tho king on n similar question of forolgn policy, but won a pro nounced victory In thp general elec tions In Juno and returned to offlco In August. Ills majority In parlia ment remained Intact nftor his retire ment last month and tho Zalmls min istry was ablo to maintain Itself be fore parliament only by tho acquies cence by M. Vcnlzolos. In n speech on Ocotobor 13 tho former premier paid Greece should not allow Bulgaria to crush Serbia. Atcr tho vote which put the gov- ! eminent in n minority was taken, Premier Zuimis usked tho chamber to isusioiid its woik until u new cabinet was toniK'd. LONDON, Nov. I. Tho Athens correspondent of tho Kxchango Tele graph company asserts that following his defeat in tho chamber of depu ties Premier Zalmls will resign. Tho Greek mlnlstor at London, Joannes Gennadlus, said this after- noon he bad received no official in- (formation of tho reported defeat of tho Zalmls government. GERMAN UNDER SEA THK HAGl K. Nov. 4. A German submarine In distress was towod In to Tershelltng. a Dillon island in the sorth sea a Dutch life boat this norninK. A Dutch torpedo boat saw Ithe rot kel signals sent up by the sub marine and escorted her to as anchor- luge The unuersea oosi oms riogeli cuarded. ( DISTRESS 4 w .. f 4 LONDON, Nov. .(."There were nenrly 2000 women in Scr- bin's nnny when I left, nnd more women soldiers wcro he- ing organized," snid Dr. Omiteli, "" n Serhinn nrmy doctor now in Loudon, lodny. "Tho women nre " not in special battalions. Some " " of them wear the complete uni- "" form of n soldier for tho sake of comfort, whilo others wear "" skiits with n. blue tunic. Tho " younger women go w''h their " brothers or husbnnds. These " women nre not nfrnitl. Nobody "" in .Serbia is nfrnid mid tho wo- "" men in llio ranks do not loo " their nervo under flic." f TWELVE ARE DEAD F MAHSHFIKLD, Or., Nov. !. Twelve persons are known to luive lost their lives nnd four passengers nre still unaccounted for in tho wreck of the steamship Sunta Clara, which went ashore on tho south spit of Coos bay Tuesday. No bodies in nd ditiou to those tuken from the surf Tuesday night hud been found up to noon today, but all hope for four men missing from tho crew litis been abandoned. Tho four missing members of tho crow nre: John Wollor, first nssist nnt engineer; Manuel Tillo, firemnn; Robert Shearer, winch driver; Jack Fnrrcll, inessboy. Nino , passengers woro reported missing last night, but five wcro found today in private homes where tliey bad been taken in after being rescued. In ease tho missing fio wcro drowned tho total deaths will number sixteen. Tho North Pacific Steamship company's agent hero is hopeful, however, that at lenst two or three of them nro safe. Three little boys, l'ugeno Oillinwa ter, Dehuar llogno nnd Alfred Crow Icy, who were diowncd when a life boat capsized, were buried hero to day. Hnrry'Andrnde, nn oiler on tho Snntu Clnrii, also will bo buried here. The bodies of Mrs. M. .1. Dunn oC Butte, Mrs. S. Caldbeek of Salem nnd Mrs. H Ciillfti of I'oitlnnd will bo shipped to their homes for liuiiiO, whilo that of Mis. I). II. Thorne of Hood River will bo cremated in San Francisco. Although a guai d was mnintaiucd on (he beach, thieves innilo their way to tho ship and stole part of tho cargo and much personnl property belonging to the passengers. CLEARYlisl" I FOR E KS AC WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. William V. Cleary, former town clerk of Hav ortsraw, N. Y., acquitted last January of tho murder of his son in law, Ku geno M, Newman, after a sensational trial, was arrested hero today on a warrant charging larceny of 10,000 from tho town of Havorstraw. Cloary has been missing from Hav erstraw slnco an investigation ot tho manner In which tho murder trial was conducted disclosed alleged Irregu larltlos In his office. LAST RUES FOR NEW YOUK, Nov. 4 Tho funeral of Herman iliddor, publisher of tho New York Staats Zeitung, was held today in the Church ot tho IJlessod Sacramont in tho presence of many former assoelatoa and friends. Car dinal Farley took part in the core monies. The Publishers' association ot Now York City today sent to Mr. Bidder's relative a resolution paying tribute to his' memory, his "stern Integrity and upright life" MISSING BAY WRECK Former Chancellor States That He Had Not Come to Switzerland to Discuss Peace Says Germany Re solved to Continue War to Its Con clusion by Arms. LUCERNE, Switzerland, Nov. 4. Prince Von Duclow, former German chancellor, informed tho Associated Press today that ho had not como to Switzerland on a peace mission. Ho declared Germany was resolved to continue tho war to its conclusion by arms. Not Going to Washington Tho prlnco made It clear that ho is not going to Washington to seo I'rcs idont Wilson or to Madrid to sou King Alfonzo In relation to terms of which Germany might bo willing to discuss peace. Tho prlnco tnlkcd of various as pects of tho war with conBldorablo freedom, although stipulating that his views on thoso points must not bo mado public. "For I am hero as a private per son," ho explained, "and will not talk politics." Tho only allsulon on his pnrt to American affairs was nn expression of regret 'at tho death of Herman Iliddor of Now York. Tho prlnco nnd princess mnko dally trips by automobllo to places of In terest. Met No Diplomats PorsoiiB in Lucerne who havo had Prlnco Von IJuolow under observa tion during tho eight days ho has been In Luccrno nro convinced ho con ferred with no distinguished strnng ors, sucli as Monsgr. Mnrchitti, papal delegate to Switzerland; Premier Salnndra or Foreign Minister Son nlno of Italy, or Former Promior Glolettl of Italy, each ot whom has boon reported nt various times to havo visited him. BERLIN, Nov. 4. Tho Nordduos rho Algolnilno Zeitung, which fre quently express tho vlows of tho gov ernment, declnrcs It would bo pre matura to speak of pcaco conditions nt this time. IN WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 Private W. L. Dudshcck, of tho mnrlno corps, was seriously wounded and flvo Mai dens wcro killed jostenlny In a fight botweon a mnrlno patrol and natives near Lo Troul, Haiti. Hear Admiral Caporton reportod today that (pilot provalled olsowhera in tho Island. To tho Editer: I venturu to gio n few reasons that compel mo to opposo tho so-called Medvnbkl plan of unsafe finance. I condemn no ono who supports it; they who blindly lend nnd those who nre blindly led, I leave for tho future to decide. Hut let each nnd all of us lay upon n common altar of sacrifice for the good of Medford, as much as we can of our selfish interests nnd our per honiil piques nnd prejudices beforo wo Oast our ote; then vote for the right ns each shull hee tho right. Neor i'oigetting, however, that truth (right) m bo the ultimate of all. I shall voto against the jredynski plan because: It will increase our present burden some city debt nearly $"i00,000. It will make tho city pay in thirty years for intetest nlone, on the Medynski bonds $027,000, or $27,000 more than tho street impioemonl debt was tit the boginuing. It will requite a Kl-inill annual levy to meet that intercut and a still heav ier millnge tax when we begin to pay off the bomb. A bonded aebt of the city is a firt mortgage upon every miuTs homo, wkudi may preveut him from rauing a little loan on his honse and lot to asMfet himself with it he dtwtres so to do. JUDGE GROWELL ANALYZES MEOYNSKI BONDING PLAN This picture, of tho English niii-so who wis shot to death by Urn Ger mans nt Brussels was taken nt hot- home In England Just lcforo slio left for the front. L JURY IS PROBING PLOT TO NEW YOKK, Nov. -J. -Tho fcilcml grand jurj- continue!! today it in vestifjation of tho'ilctiviticH of Nob crt Fay nnd fivo others nccugcil of conspiracy to blow up vc-sels enrry ins? war munitions from New Yoik to tho allied nations of Kit rope. One of the important witnesses to be called was C. L. Wolliir, n obein isl, who is said to havo dmulosul the fact that he hold explosive iugrcdi- U'titH to Home of tho men alloyed to bo invohnd in tho plot. Tho an nouncement from Wnsbit.Kton yester day that tho department of justice will undertake (he prosecution of tho alleged conspirators sIiowh that tho alleged plot had wido nullification throughout tho country. Ten or more men woro under nr rcst today in West New York, charg ed with the tliolts of magnetos nnd automobllo tires lrom automobile trucks in tho yards of tho West Shore railroad it YVceliuwkeii nnd in freight yards nt West New York. These trucks were shipicd to the European nllies fro mmnldle wttent cilic. It wiih alleged Hint eight cm loads of 'tires, valued nt $11,000, nnd uiiiiiv The percentage of our city debt s ulrendy larger than that of any other city in Oicgon. Tho adoption of the Medynski plan will make us the butt of rhliculo for every intelligent man of every city und overy financial institution in Or egon, nnd wherever else tho fact of its ndoption is mado known. Whenever we travel abroad and in form anyone wheio wo reside, the re mark will be: "Oh I you live in that urn ay town of Medford, wheio they get rich by run ning deeper in debt." The plan will be fought through the courts, and a long delay in the final settlement of our street improvement debt will bo the result nnd in the meantime our fwniicc, uliuitdy tan gled, will m involved in giouter eon fusion. To save Him city's orcdit, during this period of protracted litigation, a millngo tux of 8 mills will have to be levied annually to pay Hie inleiot upon tho prcocnt outstanding im provement bonds, until that unknown period arrive when all the teiinir questions growing out of lbs ski fully shall have buwi finally set tled. Tkre is nothing in Die du la pre vent tka Medynski bond frw bun old for 7.1 or SO cent oh lb dollar if that sum hould happen to be tbe kiglHMt ami bt bul offor4. FEDERA BLOW-UP VESSELS COPPELL ELECTED GRANDE HEAD BY GOULD FORCES NHW YOltlC, Nov. I. Arthur Cop pell was elected president ot tho Donvor & Illo Grnudo railway, Klng don Gould, vlco-prcstdont, and I. C. Jeffory, chairman of tho board, nt tho meeting of tho road's directors late today. Tho oxccutlvo commlttoa ot tho road, It was announced, was com posed of Oeorgo Gould, K. C. Jeffrey, Klngdon Gould, Arthur Coppoll and K, L. Marston, Tho Gould faction was said to havo favored tho election of II. U. Mm! go, farmer president of tho Chicago, Hock Island and Pacific to tho pres idency. Arthur Coppoll, tho newly elected president, was a director ot tho road prior to today's meeting, llo Is n mombor of the brokerngo firm of Maltland, Coppoll & Co., with offices In this city. Ho Is also a director In tho Illo Grnndo Southern, several steamship companies nnd sovoral hotel and real nstnto organizations. hundred bugs of sugar huo been stolen. A fi'-tomnrv provi-ion in all bond ing plans is that bonds shall be sold for not h" than par and nccrued in terest, to the highest and best bidder, 'ho Modynski plan bus no such safety claiifeo. Jf it carries, our debt will bo in creased to $1,030,000, $130,000 moro tliiiu the firt uost of nil street im provement. llunning in debt will not get us out of debt or improv u our credit. The ndoption of tho plan will be illegal beouuse "the plan" submitted is not in nil purticulura the pluu that the petitioners proposed. Any amendment of, the plan nftor tbe petition was filed would bo il legal und void without a new petition to .upport the amended plun. The pooplo who havo mid it pait of their street (ucmunts only paid their own debt. So doing gives them no legdl elsim against the city for n penny of the txmyeiV money. The Medynski plan oariiud to its last Haalysis would oumpol the uity to assume and itpay all th delita vvltieb nil its citixeus have ever Hid to ov rbod.r for anythinir. Tbe lofical rasttlt of such u course siIU fully and financial ruin. Wo helming, I cflunot tomrtbiri uusiy sni(wrt the Medynski juan. Your wry truly, WILLIAM S. CKOWKLL. American Commander Did Not Open Fire Bccauso Both Mexican Lend ers Did All Possible to Prevent In jury to American Lives and Prop ertyImmediate Danger Past. WASHINGTON, Nov. !. Cnrranza troops were the main offenders in filing across tho border in tho battle at Agim l'rieln, according to a re port from Major General Fauston ro eeivcil today nt tho war depaitmcnt. Tho general snys both Cnllcs niu'i Villa did nil thoy could to prevent injury to Amerienn lives nnd property. "I could not in fnirncm luivo op enrd firo on Villa without treating Cnllcs the mme," ho ndded. General Kuuston's report dcHCiibcd conditions ns satisfactory and ndded: "I consider tho immediate danger passed. It doHciibed a conference iielw'ccn General Fiitistnu nnd rilla nt the border, of which Genernl Funs ton hiivr: "His (Villa's) altitude was (jullo friondly." Villa Meets Fiiustou Genernl Funston reported tlni whcrcahoiitH of Villa and his main force wiik not definitely known hist night, nlthough it wns rumored ho wns at Cnbiilloun, south of Agua Pn eta .recuperating bis men for nnotber nltnck. A few of his pien nnd Home of bis bnggugo trniiiH havo reached Nnco, Sonorn. General I-uuston esti mntcil Villa's cntiro force nt nbout 12,000, with thirty-six picccH of field nrtillory and n lnrgo number of nm chino guns. General Fnunton'o lepnrt follows : "Yesterday General Villa sent u re quest to me for an interview, nnd though I had serious doubts ns to whether mv notion would bo approved, I finally concluded to meet him. "We met on tho boundary ono mile east of Agun I'rictn trenches, nnd talked in Spanish about (en minuter. His attitude was quite friendly. Sort In is Kcpubici! "Six hundred Cnllcs cnvalryincii mado n sortie, but wmo driven back after u sharp engagement. In the mcautiiuo the Villa troops from tho vvcstwnrd arrived nnd begnu pnssngo nrouud lown, being vigorously shell ed by the Callos batteries, but hiic cccdcd in making the )assnge. Practically all those affairs wcro in plain view of us. Tho shooting of CnllnV aitillerv was fairly good and conduct of Villa under rather severo shell fire was excellent. It mny not bn understood nt the war depaitmcnt why, in view of investing order, I hnvo not fired upon the contending prut ion. considering tho fact that some bul lets und shells struck on American side and three men of tho Seventh in fantry vveio wounded. This was not dnuo because of tho evident fact Hint both comninndors were doing nil they could to prevent injury to Americans. "Tho principal faults were commit ted by Calles' men, nnd I could not in fairness have opened firo on Villa without treating Cnllcs tho same. Tho Villa foico consists of about 12,000 men, 30 guns and nn unknown niimbot of machine guns, I lis men suffered terribly during operations here from ll.irt and hunger, but their spirit ii shown by Hie fact that loss than a dozen deserted to our tide. All wom en, children nnd camp followers usii allv to be found with a Mexican force vvcie left at Cases Graudes, und h has with him nothing but fighting men." CITY OF BAGDAD LONDON, Nov 1 A Central Now dispatch from Amsterdam quotes tho Cologne Gazette's Horlln correspond ent with regard to tho progress ot tho British forcos In Mesopotamia, tho gist or his comment bolng that with tho aid ot gunboats on tho Kuphratos rlvor. the Hrltish have beon ablo to get olose to llugdad with a relatively mall display of force. Tho newspaper adda, howevor, that It Is too soon to mf whether tho ilritUh will be ablo to occupy tho city. BRITISH IARING Franco-British Allies Maklnrj Them selves Felt In South Russia Con centrates Great Army for Bulrjarian Invasion Teutonic Troops Stead ily Fercinn Serbs Back. LONDON, Nov. -1. Whilo the Ser bians nro fighting doggedly to keep the wny open for their retreat into Montenegro, their Frnnco-Hritisli al lies nro beginning tq mnko their pres ence felt in Macedonia', where, ac cording to unofficial reports, they hnvo gained n success on tho Istip front. Tho Scrbinn army is relrcntlng steadily toward its central dofenscs, but its fighting qualities npporcntly hnvo not been seriously impnircd by tho tremendous battering it has re ceived from the invndois. The only success for the Serbinns ndmittcd hv Ilcrlin is one nlong tho Nisbavn river, whero tho Bulgarians have been thrown buck townrd Ffll ankn by "superior forces," but tho invaders now nro only tvvclvo nnd a half inile3 from tho temporary Serb ian enpitnl nnd n cheek nlong tho Nisbavn is not likely to givo the har assed defenders muoh lespite. ItUKslaiis Concentrating From Bucharest comes n report Hint the Russians nro concentrating great forces at tho port of Hon!, in nessnrnbin, from which plaeo theynro cvpectcd to make n direct lnndhig on Bulgarian territory if munnnin gives nn interpretation of tho intcrnntionnl izntion of tho Hivor Dnnube friendly to Ilusfiia, by which men nnd nluni lions may bo conveyed by Hip rivor into Bulgaria. Teutonic troop&prcsslngllic Ser bians southward have captured Krn llovo, nbout twenty miles southeast of Cnenk, nlong the railroad which runs from northwestern Serbia to Nisb, nnd npproximntcljj, tho snmo distnuco southvvost of Krnguyovntz. Biilgnrinn troops havo stormed tho town of Knlafat, thus reaehintr n point onlv nbout six miles from Nisb. Jn southern Sorbin tho Bulgarians, who nre mnrching on Monnslir, nrn being held in cheek near I'rilip, about twenty.fivo milos northwest of Mon astir, u Snloniki dispatch states. On Iistern Front Along tho eastern front Russin con tinues to claim n series of success ful ntlncks on tho Aiistro-Germau positions. From tho most northerly point nlong the eastern bnttle lino conies n report which has n Russian pourcc Hint the Gennnn oommnnder, Field Mnrshal Von Hiudcnburg, de spairing of the enpluto of Riga nnd Dvinsk, is prcpnring winter qunrtcrs near his present position nlong that front. Field Marshal Von Ilindenburg'H troops hnvo pushed their wny back to tho line in tho lake district southwest of Dvinsk, from which they weru obliged to withdraw veeently under Russian proesure, the German war office nnnounees. Berlin reports tho capture of 800 yards of n French trench near MaH Mges, in tho Chiimpnguo district. Tho current French report clnims that tho ini'jor portion of tho ground gained liv tho Germans in tho Mnssiges sec tor was regained in countor-nttneks. VKIIA CIU7, Nov. I -I'muto mail aJvicts today from Vera Cnns sav an upiikiug independent of tho ViHn or Zapata inovoraents is being hatehed in Vera Cruz, where demon sttationh aliendv have begun. Amilo or mere of track on the Mexican mil. w,i lias bt'cu toiu up. THIRTY-FIRST CHILD BORN TO PRESIDENT YUAN OF CHINA f 4- 41 I'F.KING, Nov. -l.r-Tho six teeiith sou of I'riMident Yuan Shi Kni w born odny. Tho president, now hiw thiity-ouu children. t tttftT M ?