PAGE FOUR ftfEDFORD KAIL TRIBUNE, MrcDFORD, OKEd'OX, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191.1 W. ft B H r ' It M ii v ' "I J f.n. '.'I I MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AI INhRPDNDftNT NfiWSPAPnil rUULIHIIICi) KVRKV AKTKIINOON i:xckpt hunuay iiy run MUDKOHL) J'ltlNTma CO. Offlco Mall Tribune Hulldln, 2G-27-29 North PI street, telephone 71. The Democratic) Time, The Medford Moll. Tho Idcdford Trbunc. The Mouth em Orconan, The Anhlntid Trbunc. SUBSCRIPTION KATES One year, by mnl fB.OO One month, by mall DO l'rr mnnth, delivered by carrier In .MeiUoru, j'lioenlx, Jacksonville and Cehtrnl Point GO Saturday only, by mall, per year.... S.oo Weekly, per year. 1.60 A MAELSTROM OF DEBT dfflolnt Paper of tho City of Medford, Official l'nper of Jackson County. Knterod on sis?oiid-cln matter at Metlforil, Oregon, under the act of March J, 1S79. Hwotit Circulation for 1914, ItBJ. Pull leased wire .Associated Press din-atches. K Subscribers railing to recelvo papers promptly, phono CIrcu- latlon Manager nt 4. HONG KONG KOLUM mm m&Hmw W FiTV 5) i. . t i i . v r jzSx. ' JBBPWWBW Oi:ilAt.niM-:-f"uy you mimicum leddy ir want Job In orflce. Why not ily to got Job riltnR? . . OY! IP i Iiltii run lit Hum Your Twill Yiiiikrd! B- CASKV, 111., Oct. .10. Tho man- ngoment of the Hallowe'en fair hero viilvcrtldcs: "Pomo anil enjoy Urn "M'.veuliig Willi ua." I)r. r. T. I.iiinli 'ml tla:'1" For tho bent boy makeup tin. tier i( yearn two teeth extracted free." ' ... ' TOR HAI.K 30 loo ernam horses. Advertisement. (To tin rim veil with animal crnokors and glngorbrond.) - Chicago Trlljuno. f ' l . How In (ho Win hi? "Robert, dear," sold tho home-coin, lug wlto, "how do ou aupposu Oioho tlozetis of empty bottles ever not lu our collar?" "I ohii't Imagine, my dour," re turned hnr husband, "for I never bought mi empty bottle In my lire." Tliiy Bay Ilrynn Ih gotllng fat. (Ireiit hcnvonsl What If ho woro to sot a iloublo chin! Now Vork Times. WE ni'p fold by advocates of the lodynski bonding seliemp wliieli proposes to tho total pity In debtednpss nparly hall' a million dollars in ordpr to reini burse property owners with imviug asspssnipuls paid, with no -rain to tlip municipality itself, milking the city's total indebtedness $1,70JJ.r)0 upon an assesspd vnlun'tion of 1,200,000, That the bonds would be easily sold because Grants Pass sold .some .f 200,000 six per cent' railroad bonds at DO cents. Grants Puss' assessed valuation was $2.97.1,963. Jts 1 I i S i a . jv,.,.. ... lucieDteuuess cpinprises $i.'ajUU trunk sewer bonds, $fw00 fire atlto bonds. $80,000 refunding bonds. $10ti,K12 Bun croft nut improvement bonds, $200,000 railroad bonds; total 410,812. Grants Pass is bonded for 14 per cent of its assessed valuation. Medford, under the .Medynslci plan, will be bonded for 10 per cent of its assessed valua tion. Some difference in the security offered. AVe are also told by those who hope to profit at nublie. pxppnse that because Ashland found a market for its au.v- :liary water bonds, JMedlord could easily dispose of its pro posed colossal issue. Ashland's assessed valuation was .,152,117. Its in debtedness totals (fr)i)0.204. divided as follews: Electric light, $90,000; water, $r8,000: street intersections, $37,500: trunk sewer and septie tank. 14,000; fire, $1000: auxil iary water, $17f,000; Bancroft act improvement bonds, $171,7(jl. Ashland's total debt is 17.5 per cent of its as sessed valuation. Bedford's will be 40 per cent. Comparisons are intpresting. though odious, to the bond advocates. Klamath Kalis' assessed valuation is $.r,()00,000. Its total indebtedness, $119,709, or 11 per cent. The, Dalles' assessed valuation is $'1,215,482. The total indebtedness is $2I.'1,44S, or ( per cent. Afltoria'.s assessed valuation is $5,(100.572: the state board's valuation, as equalised, 9,502,((il. The total in debtedness is $810,300, or 15 per cent of the county as .sosscd valuation, or 9 pur cent of the equalized valuation. 1..l....i9. -., -..I --..1 I P" firtn r nt i i mi kits iiHHtwseu valuation is ,o,Mi);). ijip i.oial in debtedness is $050,000, or 12 percent. Salem's assessed valuation is $12,500,000. Its total in debtedness is $1,1313,502, or .0 per cent. Roseburg's assessed valuation is 3,100,00:), its indebt edness $.51 1,1)5.), or 10 per pent. Eugene's assessed valuation is 9,250,000. Its indebt edness $1,333,530, or M.4 percent. Albany's assessed valuation is 1,000,000. Its indebt edness 300,119, or 7 per cent. Jf. tho Modynski scheme carries -Medford will be sad dled with the greatest debt of any pity in Oregon, outside of Portland a debt greater thaii the combined debts of Ashland, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls and Roseburg- a debt half again as great as that of Salem, which has dou ble thp population; a debt double the debt of Astoria, wit!, half again as much population::! greater debt than Eugene and Albany put together, three times the debt of Maker. Wo appeal to the patriotic and public-spirited eifisauis ol .Medlord is tins the way to build up the cit to nlunire it into a hopeless maelstrom of debt, with no resultant benefits? Is the heavy taxation thereby entailed the way to at tract capital, industries and population'.' On the contrary, it will drive it away. Shamp upon those who would sacrifice the eitv's wel- lare for a little personal gain! Such deplorable eitixenshii i l ..i.!i.i:..i. ....w.v.i. ! .. .i i ' Mini, ruimiMi, himusii iiuauct iriunieipnl wrcelc and ruin. N BULDNG AT EXPOSITION FOR AH L AND PARK 7 ASHLAND, Nov. 2. I.itliin Park, In thin city, tuny be ailorncJ bv llm instnlliitiim of the On 'yon bitilditiu at tlie Piiiiiiiun-l'uoilic exposition wilhiii its limits, a eircumlmtro which would bo a uliruux to tin; park's otiiii inenl. The plan is to di-iiumtlc the strtifturc niul remove it to thi'. viein il.v, "knoeked clown.' Word comes from San Fi-iinei-co that the project in meeting with eiieounisynifnt theie, not to lueutiou the enthusiasm vtjth which Hie HiipxcHtion i Ijfiiir reeled here on every hide. The Sotillium I'neit'ie has expressed a willimne to co-operate in the movement, either by way t' icmoMiijr (lie wreehniro to thin vicinity liee of charge or for merely n nominal Mini. The eol of the removal project Iiiih been f-ct at a $1 0,000 fijrure, and iiiiiHiniieli ns reports- indicate that .f")0,00ll of the original nppropnatiou of .-riT.'i.OOO is ''till on hand, no i'liiaueial I'uuM'dern tious should stand in I lie wnv of in trodiioiin; this icnaissaneo fealiirc. COMMUNICATIONS 1 means nothing hut The lei feet Memory "lias Jouot a notiil memoryt" "I Rhould Hay ho tins! lie can in momber the nniueti of hIx vloo prtv lilontH of tho I'ntlnil aialtih!" i Tiulay'.i Hull Kinder SuriiKtut Jurrh or tliH Now Vork police fnrro wm botliii'd hy 'iirchiiu on t ho ICaHtildv ho Initialed on play iui In iui tain tompomrUy forbidden courtyard. Finally lie oornered kt .Marl. "Didn't 1 tell you. lkey," bantin tho gijrHeiiiit fitornly. "uovor to ' Ut me oatoh you hoio neuiii?" t.MI rii;Ut, Mr. Juig," onmn Iwck IKty, "hut you ain't caught mo yot." Stella's IIiiikoIii diiintcr JijstuHd of tha good olil-ratthlonod mkio of "duekliiR for Rpplctt," youiiK :t$Mh Ui'lW tW lu for eorklnllH and . uMftiU ffii tk flljarrtHB. ' MR. BRYAN Mlv. BRVAX'S act in resigning from the cabinet is now known by all honest minds to have been a timely, wel-advisetl and powerful demonstration which has grimily availed to keep us out of this foreign war. This inestimable service lo our country and humanity at large may well compensate .Mr. llryan for the abuse f a section of the press and the depreciation of tho ignorant. Mis resignation was the Diggest act of his career, and as suredly the bnt vest, in view of the criticism certain to be encountered from his own partisans as well as opponents. It showed the bold, intuitive genius of the man, and that absolute devotion io principle which has illumined his entire public career It proved him the foremost ex ponent of true demoi raev in our count ry-Mho greatest living force in holding this republic to its' just traditions. nryaugaw uie war ikio rising ami uiirateneng to carry the administration with it He measured the powerful in fluences thitt were seeking to push the nation into the maelstrom of worldwide war. He estimated the irrational cmov or n stupid or sinister press, falselv claiming to voice Jhe sentiment, of the whole people, lie knew that lhe eonvputions of his office held him to certain subor dination and sileu.-e. Ho rpalized that he must meet this great public danger in the open as a free man, without warty or official tninuuels. lie acted accordingly, and pel imps wo shall never fully know how much reason we hne to be glad of his decision. There is probably one pornm who entirely realizes it--tho president of the United State. Mr. llrvan Hung himself into the breach with charac teristic and sagacious daring and instantlv effect i vol v or- plumed the countei revolution against war, that has iHiined ihe phots of the war party. It was a brilliant, mas ;a.i)ly and iuioiunarnble piece of work, and as a public scr PHJij cannot be overestimated. Lot your imagination take rbirdseye view of the slaughter pit ol Europe, ami then .reflect how near c were to bringing the same Into upon ttUDSe-lves. if Ji'he glory of having done much to svert the horrors ftfvwgfj; from thte country by an act of courage nud patriot ifffii 'H'til doubt htw iveoncilo .Mr. Hryiui to the iibiirie and HtUtliiUU r tlu i!'etw uf luivilege, mid the deep praise of .i ItaaU HtiMtQii ai whhii no iiuiiwc eau (lejirive nun, win UIIOW'U lllP UJ' -hrn of Lhi liiallgunitt pitass, llotv Will Tlios Itouds Sell? Last I'rlday'H Mall Trlbunn haa a valuabln editorial treating on our prcHcnt cltydebt and what It will be. under tho .MedynskI plan; nnd bIiow liiK how our debt will then compare with that of other Oregon cities In tho ratio of debt lo nHaeHRcd valua tion. for limtnnce the Tribune riKiirea that our debt will then bo 40 per rent of our valuation, while Salem'rt In only ! pui-cent, ItoKoburj-'H in por cent, Ciikciio'n 14.1 percent and Al Iiiiu.v'h 7 per cent. 1 nuiHt admit a nomewhat I.iiko ills crepanoy betwepn the Tribune's flR ureH and my own In Home of my for mer artlclea on thin debt .situation. And on looking tho matter up I must further admit that u part at leant of tho dlBcroyatio Ik "one on mo." I did not allow to fuller facts that when the Medyimkl bonds are nold they are supposed to wlpo out" our piesent unpaid pavliiK debt, now counted oh a debt on tho city, though If tho lloncroft paving act Is any good It Is really a dubtou tho Individ mil proporty ownors, though of course the city iR.bolilnil them with the bond holders, anil will havo to pay tho debt If tho propertvowners do not. Hut on the othor hand, tho Trib une's figures for our future debt, un der Mcdyiiftki, are much too small, so far as covering the total amount our city must pay Interest on. Thus tho Tribune loaves out entire ly our city school dobt of $121,000, of which umouiit at least !T. por cent fulls on property Inside the Med to id corporation. Also to get the trim amount of debt wu must be taxed on, should be added , another $12,000, as Mod ford's proportionate iharo of tho countVs Interest bearing debt, and still further must be added $11,- 000 of the city's flouting wnrrants. Adding those other amounts to tho Tribune's figures will leave Medford piOlng tines on fl.KOi'.ono, aftor tho MedMiskl plan gets lu action, nnd that Is about as near $2,000,000 as "you can put your ringer In your eo" as tho saying Is. And it also routes mont awfully rlo to a 50 por cunt debt on our total valuation. Hut there Is still another very Im portant consideration right lu this connection, which our people sown- Ingly have paid hut little attention to. and vet it is one of tho most remark able fMturos lu this most remarkable ficheiuo. Now It will tuko a little pretty closo attention to understand this now fea ture, especially If you 8ro not much used to thinking about financial mat ters, so I will illustrate tho matter first b ii little parable: Mr. Smith owes Mr. .lonos $100. Jones u uius tho money, and Smith hasn't not it. Which Inst two condi tions are sure tn prevail In an acute degree. In Medford now and a good deal aiuter under Modynski, especial ly It Smith and .In pen depend on days work or raising fruit for their grub Smith writes out his note for J 100 and oes to tho hank and asks to borrow that amount on the nolo. Tho bank CMdalns to Smith that his credit Is not quite so gltt-odged as it used to !, und that $75 Is the limit on this floa uote. Smith takes tho mono) ii ud Rmw away owing the hank J 100. II nays Jones the $75 and still ones him $!tft. llo thus owes $1S". todat, where osterda he owed only $to. nnd has nothing to the good to how for thp extra $2 Now mii' Hi's rondinon alter this truliSMi lO'ii otih M good deal wor and more of It, Is what Medford's condition will bo tinder the dispensa tion or th6 Mcdynskl plan, tho blessed. When the clly has taken over bod ily tho $r.('0,000 of unpaid paving debt, which tho property owners now owe to somebody; and lu ndditlon thereto creates a new debt of $170, 000, representing the paid up paving debt, mid which nobody now owes to mi) body, but Is to be used to carry out the free gift enterprise known ns the refund: and the city has made Its bond issue of $l,ori0,00(j to cover these debts, then what? Just this Out of whatever amount tho $1,030,000 bond Issue realizes In tho bond market, the lucky fellows who have their names In the grand refund, free gift, Jack-pot, will get theirs In full. Then whntever Is left from the bond sale will go toward reducing the unpaid paving debt, of $5(10,000 the city has taken off the property owners. Now keep your mind on this next statement: lly whatever amount this new bond .Issue has to be discounted, that Is by whatever sum less than the full $1,0110,000 they are sold for, then by Just that much will tjia unpaid paving dobt bo left ns an nddltlonnl debt on the city; Just as thnt addi tional $21 was left on poor old Smith's back, In tho above parable. And thnt uncancelled pnvlng debt will draw Interest for tho taxpayers lo pay, day and night, seven days In the week Juat as all tho rest of our city debts are doing and will continue to do. As lo how much of n discount tho bonds will have to be sold for, one man has as good n right to guess ns onoiner. i nongn ono man's gnos may bo very much nearer tho right figure than tho other man's. Our original six- per cent paving bonds sold at HO cents on tho dollar, nnd that too at a time when all of Med ford's prospeots worn bright and promising, and our credit gllt-edgeil, II Is n pretty safe guess to mi) Hint now these five per cent bonds, Issued nt n tlmo when Medford's pros ent condition nnd future prospects are so deplorable and the furthor fact becomes known that the weakness of our city charter makes possible even still further acts of such crnzy fin ance ns this Medynskl plan, thnt the discount will bo of a magnitude to make the former pnvlng bond dis count of four per cent, look like n good henlthy promlum. That tho bonds will bring ns much as !iu cents on the dollar looks to me like a wild nnd fevered dream. And us to soiling them on "the popu lar loan plan," which Is the only al ternative the Medynsk: act leaves to the city council from selling them for the best price offered, that Is a wlldor d renin yet. Itlght around home hero Is the only chance of putting out n popular loan of any magnitude, and where Is there any bank or capitalist near here who will put any of his be loved kale Into shnkv ."i por cent bonds, whun people are falling over themselves to borrow nil thero Is looo at S per cent on the best real estate tecurlt ? We auk vou where? Hut don't all speak at mice. Anyhow, If anv such good luck hap pens as the bonds selling for 00 cents on the dollar, oven that will leave $IOo,ooo of the original unpaid pav ing debt for us to pay Interest oil. While if thoy bring only so cents on the dollar, which Is a much more llkol figure, thou It will b $200,000 left to add to the $2,000,000 Medford must bogln to dig up Interest on, tho morning after tho bright sun of tho Medynskl millonlum begins to Irrndl ate the landsonpo. O. K. MAItSIIAI.h. FLUFFY RUFFLES BARREDBYWOMEN AI GOTHAM POLLS MOW YOIIIC, Xov. 2.- The Wom an's Political Tnlon nnd the Woman's Suffrage partv which shared control of the arraiiRoments of the suffra gists to watch today's election, Is sued to their watchers at the polls today the following list of "dont's": ''Don't bubble with exuberance at the polls; bo merely pleasant. "Don't wear fluffy ruffles; mnko yourself small; most polling plncos are. limited lu spnee. "Don't ask the Inspectors to shar pon jour pencils; do your own work. "Don't Jog the chnlr of the Inspec tor. "Don't talk, hut keep your eyes ami ears open. "Don't rognrd yourself ns an ex ception and Important. "He dignified; be serious. Do not argue with any. one." EAT BIG MEALS! NO snnuGH NDIGESTION OR H "I'llpCS IIIU-H-IISHI" Is Q,,!, Sinvsl Stoiiuuii Jtcllcf It unit ii Try 1(J Time Itt Papo's DlnpepB n win. gest anything you eat nnd overco-j ST. I.Ol'IS, Xo. . Life under, wrier liere today ctmmtcil thnt 1(10.011(1 iiiMirfliicc would become p.iynhle llii'iiuifh Hie deatli of Kilwnnl I.. I'lecioim-, pi-o-iilcnt or the (ler miiii American l'ies nisociution, publisher- of I lie St. I.uui- Time niul I lit Vetlich I'n-t. who onuimilUd suicide vi-lciilay. I lull ol tins Mini, :t was sniil, would gu In Mr. I'rcetor ii!'' widow- nnd llie other hull lo I tin publishinv company. Mr. 1'iveloriu will be buried foiuorrow ullciuoon. n sour, gassy or out-of-order Ftomji surely witnin rivo minutes If your nienlH'don't fit comfortad or wont you eat ilea like a lumn lead lu your stomach, or If m j,,, lieartuiirn, mat is a sign of intlg( lion. (lot from your phnrmnrM a fift cont case of Pope's Dlapci -n 8t! take a doso Just ns soon ai ou eai Thore will lie no sour risings, bolclilng of undigested food ml,, with acid, no stomach gas oi heai burn, fullness or heavy feeling inn sloninch, nausea, debilitating hei aches, dizziness or intestinal prln!&B This will nil go, and, besides, the will be no sour food left over In t stomach to poison your breath hh nauseous. odors. Pope's Dlapepsln Is a certain cm for out-of-order stomachs, bccnino takes hold of your food niul dlci It Just the samo as It your ploniail wasn't there. Keller in fivo minutes from JB stomach misery Is wnltlng for you any drug storo. Thero large flft-rent cas-es conla enough "Panes Dlapepsln" to krt the entire fnmllv free from fomar; dlorders nnd Indigestion for ma months. It belongs In jour Our Seller Wo are selling more of Metitol I'rzemn Itemed)' than all the others put together. This largo snlo Is due to the fart that It Is a preparation of unusual merit, inado expressly for one purpose, eczema lu Its various forms. If you are afflicted with this loathsome disease, do not delay using Morltol Rczoma Remedy. Prices "ifle and $1 oo. "exclusive Agency Unsklns Drug Store. IOT A GHOST OF A CHANCCJj PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos trils and l-'ud Ilcjil-Colds. You Uvl hue m a f.w momenU. Your cold in lii-nil i.r catarrh will ) foil,.. Your clogged im-triU will im-h. ilie sir iU4Jlges of iiiii head w rlMr aid yon can Input lie frtflv. No inure dull iicsh, lioaddriw. iki hawking. KimUlillg, iiiurous diis-tiMriic or dryiio; no rttug ghng for hieuth ut night. Tell jour druggist ou wsnt a smsll Ixittlt of riy Cream lUhn. Apply a little of thU fragrant. untWptip ereiiin in )isir hcmI rll. bt it smctrle tbroiigli every air tmugf of the linul: MttitTii nml heal t swollen, iiilt.umsi iniu'inii uieuiliriine. and relief cobum fiinlmitlv. It it jnt wltst etirt imc and cutart'k iitfi ii ii ! Do "t ttrf fetiif.l-iti of yon'r belli): disappointed -vlthl this particular offcX-ing its Tin; nitv mti'st fMViatSAI, FILM COMPWVS "Beauty Contestl Showing all contestants votfd tbi !'n tile -t women In their particular state TIIKIlKAIti: IO ItKAl'TIKS SHOWN IX THIS IMVPi: K,M ii you aiimire pretty wonitn, yoi should not m'ss sec-lug tin- pi. tun 1 lorn otiicii m:i:i.s of the riilvirs L.-t iikttiu- Willi shown on tln ,ir?Tinm TODAY ONLY ." nml 10c To the Kdlter: Will you please lot mo havo a lit tle spare In your paper to ask Mr. Miles the following questien: If the monsuro fathered by Mr. Modynski nnij later placed on tho in itiative petition by over tioo citizens and by so doing became the people's measure, was so unjust as jou paint It, why did you offer to compromise on tho basis of tio-'O mid later 5o-"i0 on the dollar with If There's k reason Please tell the public, Mr Miles D T HOWARDS. JoHra A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant JW S, lUlW.IWT I'lione M. 17 sod -t7-J iBibjUnc- Hertlcw 0rr i SaVe The Baby Use the reliable HORLICK'S ORIGINAL Malted Milk Upbuilds every part of tha body efficiently. Endorsed by thousands of Physicians, Mothers and Nuiscs the world over for more than a quarter of a century. Convenient, no cooking nor additional milk required. Simply duol vein u uier, Agitts when other foods often (i. Sample fret, HORUCK'S, Racine, Wit. ffWNo Substitute ls4JutasCood" at, HORLICK'S, tha Original THE PAGEi Medford's Leading Theater TONIGHT "Harvest" An adaption of the well known drama lu 3 acts. An all star cast. Mr. and Mis. .Sidney Drew tho two clever comedians "A Safe Investment" Isabel Ilea In n one net drama "Arline's Cliauffeui , "On the Turn Of a Card" clinch drat a Matliift i. I u n ii,- lo i.v ''CLEAN .SPLENDID1 COMEDY AND DRAMA. mil ixo Tin nsD n TWO SHOWS IX OM' A Double I'm minium Hill "IIOOST HHY" and "thi: max ox tiii: t si- Sovon reelH of the bet i let' enrth. They Invc no ct . A New Home For DAISY II mm A U T Sold on Mmitlilv lnstnlliiKMU IMnu. POWELL AUTO CO. Jr " 'i tt K5u ii t. m TiLv 'tfl i ji i , Paul's Electric Store BUTTER Up-To-Date Dairy Store u ill I,,, opi iute.1 y..xr Mum Htits-t WhiteVelvet Ice tream Col Wmu ww ,--