ir V MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1915 PiVO&THREE ! VI. w ! fc V 4. MWi Willi (1 ra nnTTun -XI If lli Tlu social senson wns moHliiuspIo-' loiinly uhored in by the reception ami military ball given by the officers nnd members of Company Seven rtt their new liomc Wednesday nijjht in honor of Governor and Mrs. Jnincrf Withyennibe, the occasion provinu to be one of the most enjoyable nml uc t'cssftil social events ever held in southern Oregon. The spacious and well-appointed clubrooins, parlors nnil danco hall were taxed to their capacity by the 'J.'iO guests present liciiifr tin1 scene of the utmost palely Jind splendor from the bcpiiiiing of iho rccc)tion at 8 o'clock until the: blisle sounded "tups" at 12:30. Tho various rooms were hcuutifulfy decorated with flowers, ferns, palms, pennants and pioturcs, while tho. main room wns appropriately arrayed in tho national colors mtistically nr rnnp'tl. The color scheme wns also cm lied out in tho lighting effect from nivroiid Japanese lanterns which shed n soft, diffused glow over the de lightful gathering. The military idea was emphasized. )v tho brilliant evening and dress uni form? of the staff and localofficei's,' n well as the brass-buttoned and icd-hraulcd coast artillery boys., There wns also an extensive and var ied assortment of exquisite and stun ning gowns worn by n. galaxy of beautiful women mid pretty young Indies. The intricate! evolutions of tho grand march were executed with mili tary precision by 100 couples, led by the governor and his wife, immedi ately followed by his staff and (he local officers, according to rank, with their ladies., Willi Governor and Mrs. Withy combo in the receiving lino wore the following, including tho patronesses 'and reception cemmittee: Mcsdnmcs II. II. Sargent, W. h. Oppcnioll, C. Stnfrin, If. W. Collins, C. A. Mulone, A. ,T. Vance, W. I), ninke, J. V. Muudy, S. S. Smith, W. II. Gore, It. W. Ituhl, Icit Anderson, Gus New bury, Horace I'dlonA .C. Mann, J. H. Andrews, II. L. Wfllthor and A. K. Kennies; Misses Mabel Withycombe, less Itryan, Susan Deuel, Klizabcth Putnam, Ituth Whitney, Frances Kenny, Luoilo Davis, Nena Greer and I'lora Welch; Cohtuels Clennnl Mo Liiughlin nnd II. II. Sargent, Major Willa nl ,. C'oppcrnell: Captains Itob crt W Collins. C. Stafrin, M. Gehlar. lien J. A. Pi-roiii, Lcrov Woods, A. .1. Vanco and Clyde A Malone; Kirsl Lieutenants Elinor 1. I'oss and Clyde 11 Dean; Second Lieutenants W. I). Jllnko and Halbert S. Deuel; Ensign It. Wof.t; Messrs. C. E. Gates, Win. II. Gnre, licit Andcison, John C. Maun, Gus Newbury, S. S. Smith, A. Kwin Kennies, V. V. Medynski, A. S. Hoenbuum, J. V. Mundy, J. 11. An drews, Horace l'clton, II. L. Walthcr ami Robert W. Ituhl. The floor commit Ice was composed of tho officers and "non-coms" of tho .Seventh Cempany: Captain A. J. SKniice, First Lieutenant Elmer Foss. Ifiocond Lieutenant llalhcrt Deuel. ht Sergeant Lyle I'urdiu, Qunr- llenunstcr Senreant Horace L. lliiim- Vyft Sergeants Alva ,1. Vnnce, Jr., 'Witltor .S. Hi own nnd Donald It. hrtsoj Corporals Xoide 1). Caughth. jftSJlKobert II. Sower., Wnlter Fain- .rJHdEarI II Ling. livo Kebeknh lodge entertained jfhureday ecning in Junior of Mrs. llose Puliiu'r of linker City, president io Itobekah nssenibly. Mrs. Fal uns hero to inspect tho liwlgo rk and expressed herself as being satisfit'd with the officers' work gave tho team several compli ments on their woik. She also sug gested n line or two of work that illicit bo taken up hv tho Itcbekahs that i oulil bo to their advantage. Guests wore present from Ashland, Central Point, Jaoksonvillo and Tal ent. Some ery interesting remarks were riven by tho different guests and Mrs. McCoy of Talent oiitortuincil iih n reading, "Elevated," that was thy hit of theovoning. Miss Fein Wing gave an instrumental selection. An hour's chat was followed by an imitation to the banquet loom, where noffee, sandwiches, eako. fruit nnd cider were honed. Among the beau tiful autumn lonww nnd vine that decorated tho tables were found pumpkins, witches, black eats nnd lints, reminding ono that Hnllowo'un was at hand. Mi Drowning I'tinlm entertained nt dinner Wuduosdny ovooing Juhm nutto Patterson, Mildred Wick, All, son O'Jiriw, Hol IlrowH, Latim Oa(c, IjifrMmi Cowjjill, Dorothy Tkurno, Merevd Itarimr, Iluuri An- tlo. .Mr. T. K. ImumIh w wti l the Kullo Hndtrr club nt Wr how on SukivH Iliulii Thurdnv nMer- luOII. ,. v rofiti Mw'pr Sunday evening, October 21, lOl.'i, nt Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Itoot occurred the mnrriage of Miss Norma Gage to Earl Conkliu. Prompt ly nt fi o'clock the bridal couple, at tended by Miss Mildred Gage, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, nnd Earl Isaac, (as best man, entered to the strnins of Wagner's Loh'cngriii wedding march, played by Mr. and Mrs. Itoot. The ceremony was per formed under mi nreh of pink nnd white by Dr. Rollins of tho Methodist church. The ring sorxieo wns used. The bride wore n dainty gown of white crepe do chenu alid carried a bouquet of white carnations. The rooms were decorated with roses, car rying out a color scheme of pink and white. Immediately after the cere mony a supper wns served for tho bridal couple. During tho evening several vocal selections were given by Forest Edmonds. Mr. and Mrs. Conk Jin arc both Medford young people nnd enter their new life with the hearty congratulations of their friends nnd relatives. They are at home to their friends at 001 l'Juin street. The regulnr monthly homecoming of tho Ladies' Aid society of the First Methodist church of Medford was held last Wednesday afternoon nt the church. This affair has come to be ono of the important events of thi society, as it is the time when nil the smaller departments of the Aid como together for a social tune. This gathering wns largely attended by tho members and other visitors. A short program was rendered, consisting of u song by the society, rcndjng of the IScatitudcs; violin solo, Miss lone Flynn, accompanied by Miss Lorain IJliton; vocal solo, Mrs. Hublcr, and nn interesting talk was made by tho new pastor, ltev. Rollins. At tho closo of the program refreshments were son oil by tho members of tho Queen Esther circle. It wns decided at this meeting to hold another rummage sale tho first Friday and Saturday In November in tho Cuthbcrt building, iioith of tho postofficc. Mrs. II. P. Hargrove and Mrs. W. II. McGownn were hostesses nt n bridge party Friday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. McGowu on Mistletoe street, for tho pleasure of Mrs. Wal ter Harrington of Tacoinn. Tho house wns prettily decorated with yellow chrysanthemums in keeping with tho Hallowe'en season. A dainty two eoursu luncheon was served. Tho guests included: Mrs. Walter Har rington, Mrs. E. F. Schmidt, Mrs. Jonas Wold, Mrs. It. A. Holmes, Mrs. W. F. Quisenberry, Mrs. Gus New bury, Mrs. J. E. Stewart, Mrs. J. A. Perry, Mrs. Uanieburg, Mrs. G. L. Sclietincrlioni, Mrs. Young, .Mrs. M. Purdin, Mrs. Orr, Mrs. O'lliioii, Mrs. Antic and Miss Dahl. Hon. H. F. Mulkey and wife were given a farewell reception nt the Red Men's hall, Wednesday, October 27, from 2 to 4 p. in. by the G. A. It. Post and W. It. C. ladies. Mr. Car penter escorted Mr. mid Mrs. Mulkey to scuts of honor. .Music and read ings won listened to, after which Mr. Cnipputer, after a few words of tip precintion for tho services Mr. Mulkey had rendered tho post nnd corps, pre sented Mr. Mulkey with a joint reso lution of appreciation for scnieos rendered by the post and corps. Mr. Mulkey thanked tlioui in u few well- chosen words. A farewell surprise party wns given li. F. .Mulkey nnd family Tuos day evening nt their homo on Quince stroot by tho ladies' liililu class and their husbands of the Christian church. About thirtv were present nnd tho owning was spent with social conversation and music. Mr. Mulkey has hron teacher of the class for sev eral years and will be greatly missed At the close of tho evening refresh- incuts wore served. Mrw. M. W. Wagner ciitortqiucd with nn informal card party anil luncheon at her home on West Ham ilton, Tuesday afternoon, for the fol lowing guests: Mis. O. C. King. Mrs. J. II. Itowmnn, Mis. W. C. Cart wright, Mrs. Thomas Fuson, Mrs. IJ. U. Gregory. Mrs. II. 11. Corliss, Mrs. O. I). Frnzec, Mi. Fred Colvig and Mrs. H. Smith. a Mr. E. K. SuoJy nnd Mi. Portor J. Noff returned Thurdu) morning Iroin hulom, whore thov titloudud the State Podurution of Women's Clubs hs dolugNtos from Mwlford. Mrw. Noff whs the guoU of MU Marvin, tate librarian, while in ShImu. Mc. and Mrs. Hum' Litiily ef Contrnl Point will Iwvvc Tucitov for Ohio, where the will mole llmr lu lu re llitJC A very enjoyable pupils' recital was given by Mrs. Alice H. S. Rowell nnd Edward Chailes Root, assisted by Mrs. II. C. Stocckinun, on Friday eve ning ul their studio in the Garnett- Corcy building. The following pro gram wns rendered . "Edris Mazurka" (lltiznt), pupils' orchestra; grade 1 piano work. Har old' Fisk, Lorraine Stoltz, Hester Wnkcficld, Irene Ends, Ituth Stocck inun, Hcnnie Trowbridge; piano solos, "Romnncc Sans Pnrolcs" (Streabog), Edith Garrioon; "Mnrtha" (Floto Wallace), John Ncff; "Sarabandc'' (llilx). Miss Young; musical culture class work, James Mears, Frederick Moars, Riley Davis, Hownrd Ray mond. John Ncff ; guitar solo, "Mes sage of Love'' (Chcncl), Mrs. II. C. Stoccknian. Violin soles: Mazurka, op. 218 (Herrmann), Hoe Rowell; "Sing, Smile, Slumber'' (Gounod), Hownrd Raymond; "Hearts and Mow ers" (Tohnni), Richnrd Stocknm; "Humoreskc" (Dvornk), Riley Davis; march, "Grand Avenue" (Hazel), pu pils' orchestra, Hopo Rowell, Keith Cole, Howard Raymond, Riley Davis, Richard Stockam, Manol Williams, Vniighau Qunckenbush, William Ilillis. The first Edison reoitnl given last Saturday night by the Palluer Piano Place, assisted by Miss Hess liryan, soprano, wns n highly Miccossful af fair. The program consisted of selec tions from, some of tho world's great est artists and held the attention of nil. The wonderfully clear nnd jor fecl reproduction without auv'mc chanienl effects was n rovclation to many who had never heard the new Edison diamond disc phonograph. Miss Drytin wns in splendid voice, which she has under crfect control. Her inlorprctntiniiH were those of an earnest, finished nnd thoroughly ex perienced nrtist. As only a small portion of those who eanio to tho re cital were able to gain admittance, another concert wns given Monday evening. Mr. Edmendes demonstrat ed tho machine, explaining each num ber as it was ilaeed on the machine. Jack Sullivan entertained n number of his friends with n masquerade party at his Immo on Geneva, street, Thursday evening. Tho house wnf decorated wjth jack o' lanterns and cornstalks in keeping with Hallow ejen. The evening wns spent with )Iuying games' nnd telling ghost stories-, after which light refreshments wehe served. Those present were: Kutherine Hanley, Florence Trow bridge, Frances Medley, Winnifrcd Clancy, Jcnnuctto Richardson, Russell Coleman, Worth Hnrelrigg, Theodore Noble, Louis Jtichnrdson, Robert Duff, Lnurcneo Duff, Junior Ilnnlcy, Bud DcUcI, Robert Clancy nnd Elder CoiiBcr. Mrs. John Wilkinson eutertniiicd wilh n Hallowe'en party nt her home on South Newtown Thursday after noon. After nn afternoon spent with sewing, conversation and music, a dainty two-course luncheon was served. The table was decorated with hilvcr candlesticks with green shades, with a centerpiece of yellow chrysanthemums. Tho guests included Mrs. Wnlter Harrington, Mrs. E. F. Schmidt, Mrs. Jonas Wold, Mrs. W. F. Quisenberry, Mrs. O. O. Alcnderfer, Mrs. William Cunningham, Mrs. J, J. liucbtcr, Mrs. Sam Richardson, Nn, Fred Colxng, Mrs. Leo Miksche and Mr. Arthur Hazclrigg. The W. C H. U. mel in the M. E. church South Thursday afternoon. The following program was enjeyed: Song, "The Fight Is On"; prayer by Mrs. Riley D. Ilonson; lliblo lesson, John, Mth chnpter, Mrs. J. C. Wood; song, "Yield Not to Temptation"; nd dross, "Tho Significance of the Pic ture Show; Whut It Means to tho Children," by Mrs. A. J. Ilauby: rending, "Mnrio," Mrs. McDonald; paper, "The Prodigal Girl,'' Mrs. Jane Carroll; addiess, "The County's Aims," Mis. I. A. Howell; talk on the local work, Mrs. . C. Wood; address, "Our National W. C. T. l Woik," by Mrs. Eniniu L. Iticke of Sterling, Colo.; benediction. Mi Riley D. Ilonson entertained her Sunday clnss at dinner Thursday eo. Games and music were enjoyed. The piano solos by Misses essie Stringer and Helen liyrd desene spe I'inl mention. Those present were: Misses Jessie Stringer, Gladys Lewis, Ruth Stringer, Helen Uyrd, Fay Lewis, Ruth McLean nnd Adaline Honrdman, Dr. and Mrs. E. II. Porter una their son, accompanied by W. A. Fol ger und daughter, returned Tliuixltiy from a tvn days' pleasure trip through California's most attractive regions, including a visit to the Pan ama oxK)sition nt San Franei.eo. The IniliOb of the Altar society of Hid Catholic church entertained with a ton mid social nttonioun nt the wiitili hall Wednesday. Mm. W. C. Debloy and Mr. George Coram wer hutuhc. The M. II. M. S. of tho M. K. rhureli South will intxit with Mw. W. Dennett, Tmlor stiect, Wi-diicduv utteruoou ul J .10. Tho Golden Link ltlblo elnSw of tho First DnpUnt church hold its regular monthly social meeting Wednesday evening at the homo ot Mm. Frank I.oilor. The meeting took tho form of a Hallowe'en, party, the class indmbers entertaining their husbands. The houne was made most nttractivo with unique papor decorations suitable for tho occasion. The com;any, in sheets and pillow cases, formed for a grand mnrch, after which masks wero re moved amtil shouts or laughter, as partners recognized nnu greeted each other. Mr. J. F. llomslrecl then gnvo a short slight of hnnd performance which greater interested nnd amused his audience. The remainder of tho evening wns spent In playing Hallow e'en games nnd In the telling of for tunes, after which refreshments wero served. Tho company broke up nt a lato hour, thanking tho conimllteen who had so cleverly planned nndjcnr ried through a most enjoyable even ing's entertainment. Thoso present were: Messrs. and Mcsdnmes (t. E. Mdrsh, J. W. Hnlrrl son, F. Stlnson, Chns. Hoover, U. G. Hench, J. K. liomstrcct, F, W. Mears, II. D. Allawny, C. II. Baldwin, J. W. I'cnrt, Karl Kelzur, Hoy Kelzur, Fred Purdin, J. M. arcsslcy, Leo Hall, Louis lU-unctt, Goo. L. Howard, Leon Hownrd, Mr. and Mrs. Poole, Herbert Lnuiispnch, C. C. Onnlt, C. A. Gault, Q. C. Hlco, C. A. Wlilllock, Frank iKidcr, Mrs. lleaiicmnj), Mrs. Kmnui Penrce, Mrs. V. K. Halch,-Mrs. A. T. Lathrop, Mr. W. C.'.Allawoy. A delightful surprlso was given Mr. and Mrs. Jap Andrews by their friends Thursday evening at their homo on South Ornngo street, tho event being their silver wedding anni versary. Cards Wero enjoyed tho greater part of tho evening, and inter tho guests adjourned to tho homo of C. I. Hutchinson wlicro a inout dellc JoUa luncheon nwnltea them. A hand somo silver comport wns presented to Mr and Mrs. Andrews by the guests. Thoso present wero Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Knight, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. K. Wakcman, Dr. arid Mts. E. O. Itlddcll, Dr. nnd Mrs. 10. B. Plckol, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Merrick, Judgo and Mrs. M. Purdin, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Kcntner, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. I. Hutchinson, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. U. Lumsdon, Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Budge, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ous Nowbury, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. L. Wnlthcrs, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Vnwtor, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. L. Irwin, nnd Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Daniels. V A very delightful time was had by members and friends of tho Epworth league at the Methodist church Fri. drty evenitig nt n Hallowe'en party. J no inrge lent near the church whom the bocinl took place was ileeomfod wilh pumpkins, cornstalks nnd ap ples. The usual witches nnd ghosts weic present nnd other "creatures" in masked costumes of various kinds never seen before. Tho witches' chant was very much enjoyed, which wns sung by n quartet of girls in witch costume. Mrs. Hovious of the Medford Conservatory delighted nil present with two rendingH. Tho tell ing of fortunes nnd games were then enjoyed, after which refreshments wero sonoil by the committee in charge. Miss Mnbcllo Scnutlin eutertniiicd with n bridge jsirty Tuesday evening til ncr home on iNortli Orange street in honor of Miss Frances Heath of Eagle Point, who leaves this week for Chicago, where sho will hpend the winter. The tmesis included! Tim Misses Frances Heath, Jean Ander son, rrunces Keiinv. Dcncl. Jean Hortou, Orbn Natwick of Eagle Point nnd Gertrude Taylor; Iltilbcrt Deuel. Leon Socek. Curtis Anderson. Ned Vilns, Fletcher nnd Theodore rtsli, Dave and Harry Roseiihurg mid Mr. Genry. The entertainment given by tho I'arcnt-Tcaehcri.' Circle and minils nf tho Roosevelt school Friday evening was a urand success, fnr execi'dinn- tho fondest hoss of tho circle. 'I hey arc glad to see that the men tire be couiiutr interested, there boinir n lurwe number jn-esent. Tho program giu'i; ly the pupils was very interesting ami showed tho nro"l('SS thco urn nuiLim. in school. The proceeds will more than pay tho indebtedness on the piano. Tho Woman's Missionarv society of tho Presbyterian ohureli meets at the homo of Mrs. E. N. Wtirncr-Tuesday afternoon at 2:.I0. All the Indies of, the congregation are invited. Miss Loraino Cowirill will entertaiii this evening nt the home of Mr. mid Mrs. Van It. Pieuon with n musque rnde party for about forty of her high hchool inimds. Mis. Allan Dnielinreed bus re turned from n nmt with friendi, uud rclativos nt Minneapolis, Minn. Mm. T. V.. Dnnioh, will leave to- day for a vixit to tho fuir mid other puinU in sonthom Culiforniu. Mr. nnd Mm. II. L Iryin left to day fur a vUit to Sun I'ranoinco und the tupoitiM. Mts. Arthur NVwmuu of Koxv Ann is waiting Mt .Hid Mi-. Ri'ev D Heiuou. ,.. ., The program of tho Greater Med ford club to be hold nt the public lib rary Monday afternoon nt 2:30 nnd to which nil tire cordially invited, promises to he of unusual interest and attractiveness mid is as follews: Plauo solo, "Hungarian Dance"1 (Ilmiuns), Miss Venitn Hamilton; vo I cnl solo, selected, Miss Ross IJryan", violin solo, "Liebcs Fiend" (Frit Krcisler), Mrs. Pnley. Mrs. Charles Schieffelin, who was delegate from tho Greater Medford club to the State Fcftcrntion conven tion held nt Salem, will then give her report to the club mid it promises to be brim full of interest. Women hnvo developed ns much of n bump for pol ities as men ever did, nnd politics was woven in nnd through uud about the whole convention, and it is of gicat importance that nil women who ore at all interested in club work should bo present, an Mrs. Schieffelin intends to make u full report of tho convention in till its phases. Mr. and Mrs, J, 11. Harrison and Miss Esther Harrison entertained tho Central Point school faculty and n number of their Medford friends Fri. ilny evening. The evening wns u Hallowe'en frolic, tho rooms being decorated in yellow nnd black. Ono feat mo of the evening wns that eauh couple had to prepare some part of tho refreshments. Those present were: Mcsdnmcs 1L G. Heach, Leu M. Hall, T. J. Gifford; Misses Juno White, Abbio Kiibs, Myrtle Dunteti Margaret Dnvidson, Myrtlo Glcason, Alta Noroross, Albin, Horr, Wicdcn ceht, Hurd; Messrs. E. C. Morris, Emmit Palmer, V. A. Davis, C. P. Krilis, Moses, E. D. Stanley, It. G. Bench, Leo M. Hall, T. J. Gifford. Miss Hess Kcntner entortnincd the Pmi-Hellenic association ut her home on Genevn nvenuo last Saturday nf ternoon, October 23. After a short business meeting n resuuio of the ploy "Daddy Long Legs," wns rend by Mis. Ehlon nnd was greatly appreciat ed by nil present. The next meeting will bo held nl the homo of Miss Susan Deuel, tho fourth Saturday in No vember. Thosu present were: Mrs. Ollen Arnspigcr, Mrs. Vernon Vnwtor, Mrs. Robert Hammond, Mrs. It. W. Ehlcn, Mrs. J. It. Harrison and Misses ouiso Williamson, Tlieouo Cnrkiti, Susan Deuel mid Hess Kcntner. The Eustcm Slur held their vegu tar monthly social evening in the Ma sonic hall Wednesday evening. Curds nnd dancing wero enjoyed. The mu sic was furnished by II. Howell nnd Miss Florence Clark. Mrs. E. M. Me Kinnou gave two very interesting readings. The hall wns tastefully decorated with autumn leaves and red dahlias. Delicious refreshments wero served in tho banquet room nl the close of the evening. Mr. Woodford was chairman of the social commit tee nnd wns assisted by nbout twenty indies. Tho young ladies of the Catholic church entertained Fridny evening with a masquerade dancing party ut the parish Iiall for nbout twonty-fivo couple. The hall presented an attrac tive appearance in its decorations of a Hallowe'en character. Hazclrigg and Kerns furnished music for the evening. A very enjoytiblo limo wns had by till present. Tho Political Rricnco club met Thursday nftcrnoon at tho public lib rary, Miss Towno presiding, and had a cry good attendance. Parliament aiy law was outlined und the pure food code discussed. Tho next meet ing, which will bo held tho second Thursday in November, will be pre- sidcdi over by Mrs. Piatt. A number of the young people nl tended u pretty Hnllowo'eu dancing party at haglo Point 1-riday evening, given by Miss Orbio Nntwick ut tho Eagle Point hall, which was tastefully decorated with autumn colors and fir boughs suggestive of the day. Medford lodge, No. 83, I. O. O. F., will meet in regulnr session Mondnj evening, November 1, nt 7:30. lie sides regular routine business, there will bo work in the initiatory degree Members nnd visiting In others urc es pecially urged to attend. w m Mrs. S. Vilns Ilcekwith entertained with n dinner party Monday evening for Mr. nnd Mrs. Lincoln MoConuuck, Mr. mid Mis. Coming Kculey uud Mrs, W. L. Hollowny. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin .Molt of St Paul will nnivo Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. nnd Mis. T. M. Swent. Mi's. Mntt is Mrs. Swem'n sister. For tho pleasure of her children, Helen Man'o and "IJillio" I).. Mrs. Piatt gave a children's masquerade party Tuesday nftcrnoon. The Girls' Thursday Bridge club wan entertained ut the home of Miss Susnu Deuel, nn South Oakdale, Thursduy afternoon. Mrs. A. F. NotJi ontertftlned tho Five Huudmd otuli nt her home on North Holly stieot Thurdnv ul'ier noon. With Medford Tro la Medftrd Mad Corset Fittings In MovingPictures Special Matinee At STAR THEATRE Wednesday Afternoon, Nov. 3rd o m S I i IP WMrv lr llv m I mi 1 Bi mJCor,,,f (lassard GOTSBTS Tiqylace In Front We Have a Few Buggies and Spring Wagons Loft, which wo nro olToi'ing ut Very Low Prices H you need anything in this line, !oiuc in and sco what wo have before buyiuy. Hubbard THE UNIVERSAL CAR ri0R.2 1 H Ford earn were sold last year. "The Universal Car." Your neces sity. They servo everybody, please everybody, save money for everybody by reliable service, economical opera tion and maintenance. Why experi ment? "Watch the Fords go by. Tulle willi the owners of Ford cars. Inves tigate for yourself. Prices lower than ever. Uunabout $300; Touring Car $110; Town Car $fil0, f. o. b. Detroit. Why pay more? On sale at c. E. GATES' Xx. tiasisaa for Ladies Only The -; r i '! 1 Begin planning now to attend this mntlnco. Tho film shown , has 'ona of tho clnsHlest stories produced by Tho ICBsnnnj Film Co., of Chicago. Tho tltlo Is "How Mnrjorlo Won a Career." The story was written by a feature writer for tho Kssanay company and part of tho film shows an interior of tholr studio. Tho part that will Interest you most, how ever, Is tho, actual fitting ot. GOSSARD Corsets on Living Figures You can boo Just how many different types of figures aro transfdriuciflnto beautiful figures through iho correct fitting of n Gossard Corset. Every figure typo shown In tho film can be correctly fitted nt thin storo. Complimentary pnsses will be issued by un and you can obtain as tunny ns you ltko for yourself nnd your friends by calling nt our Corset Department. The demand for scats will bo hcavj; and oven though wo havo engaged tho Star Theater for tho entire," nftfe'r noon, wo know Hint soma women ijvjll bo disappointed. Call and got your tickets Monday. jThe MAY Cog i'i. (Ur' SB ., i Brothers 8t ; A