Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 29, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Partly Clouily Tonight ami
Stunlay. .Mm-. 7a, .Mln. ,13.
cTorty-flfth Tear.
Daily Tenth Year.
MEDFORD, OREGON. PR 1 DAY, 00T011ER 29. U)ir
Kaiser Attains Objective in Serbia
and Now Able to Send Munitions tn
Bulgrins ami Turks No Vital
Changes on East ur West Front
Hindenburn Halted.
Teutons Scatter Malevolent Tales to
Influence Balkans Report Visit to
King Ferdinand and Plan to Attack
Entente Forces at Salonlki
LONDON", Oct. 2, 12: '18 p. m.
Tho first phase of. the Aitstrian-Gor
lniiii-Hiilgminn campaign in Seibin is
complcteu. 2ot only liavo tlio invad
ers t'f Si'ihta realized tho important
.objective of joining hands in the
noithensterii corner of the country,
lint they have enhanced lliis military
ml vantage by procuring free passngo
lovn the Danube.
A flotilla of steamer i said to bo
nlre.idy waiting to transport war mn-
leiinl and if, as slated confidently by
AiiMrn-Germnn and Iitilgnrinn lend
ers, Serbia cannot intcrfero with
these arrangements, Hulgnria's am
inunilion shortage bhmild soon bo re
lieved and her offensive power great
ly strengthened.
The progress of Hulgnrinn troops
casl and norlhenst of Nis. both
threatens the eily mid place the Ser
bian army in a position of increased
danger. Moreover, liko the union of
Hulirarian and Teutonio armies, fur
ther north, the capture of Nish would
have more than mere military or
strategic ndvantngc, pincc it would
Hi'ilfc possible rapid establishment of
railway enminnnienlion through Del
grade. Nili mid Sofia, anions Aus
tria, Oeimnny and their allies.
From tho north the Germans mid
AuMiinns arc ndvniiciiig over n wide
from Valvcvo and swings in n broad
front which runs slightly southeast
curve eouthoasl almost (o the Dan
ube -it KhndnVo, wheio it joins the
.rnjht whip; of the Ititlgnriiins.
Humor continues to nscvibc to the
Check- government iutenlions hostile
to the entente powers, even going so
far as to say Greece has an under
stmiiliiii wilh llulgnria and at the
psychological iiioiiionl will fall upon
the allied troops which lauded at
Saloniki. Xo such designs are really
cieditcd to Greece. ii Loudon, but
hnyliiiul .and France continue to
watch the political situation at Ath
ens with unconcealed niiMfty.
Sir Kdward Grey, tho foreign sec
velnry, said today that Greece's es
pousal of tho cause of the central
powers Mas an impossibility and sim
ilar nsMirnnoea eomo from authori
tative Greek sources.
The activity which has marked the
situation on tho western front for
some time is tt ill unbroken. In the
ejiht Field Marshal Von Ilindenburg's
attack in the Hign district has enter
ed upon no nen phnse.
LONDON, Oct. 20, 2:17 p. m. Tho
Greek legation in Loudon, in it state
ment issued today, disposes of re
ports from vaiious sources recently
spread broadcast regit t ding the posi
tion of Greece.
"Lately." says the statement,
"there have appeared in the presi
various items of news derived from
German, Austrian and Unitarian
lotirnnls and news nuclides, and
bearing upon the altitude and iuten
tioim of Greece, such as a m.Mhieal
mission of M. St.phoulis (former gov
ernor of Macedonia) to King Ferdi
nand; a refusal of King Ootihtnntino
to receive ministers of the entente
powers; nn intention by Greece to
mennco the security of the allied
troops at Sulom'ki, etc.
"Tho Greek minister lias received
telegraphic instructions from Prem
ier Ziiimis to coiitradiit in the most
caicgoneai manner titeso rumors,
which, in spite of repented denials,
were ptopagated even in Athens, anil
the malevolent object of which is only
too evident in the endeavor to preju
dice public opinion ami sow suspic
ion and 'hostility between the cntcito
power mid Greece."
Vivian) Resigns That Unity of All
Parties May Be Affected Secret
Sessions of Deputies and War Is
sues Cause of Split M. Briand to
Name New Members.
Charley White, Chicago, and
Wells, England, lightweights.
are to
meet in a ten-round, no-decision bo.
inyr bout here tonight. White is a
slhjlit favorite in the betting.
XFW YORK. Oct. 20. -Supreme
Court Justice Kelly, llrooklyu, today
granted the motion mink by attorneys
for Fraifk L. Ferguson to vncato an
order iillou insj attorneys for the Rev.
Dr. Xcwell Dwight IlillK, pastor of
Plymouth church, Miooklvu. to ex
amine I'trgiiMui before trial of the
proceedings brought by Dr. Ilillis to
procure an accounting of his affairs
handled by Ferguson.
Ferguson was formerly business
manager for Ilillis in the hitter's
liritish Columbia business. Dr. Willis
in ai affidiiMt stated that in J 910
ho went on n threc-yoar lecture tour,
during which time Ferguson had his
power of ntter.'cy, as well as vari
ous bonds, fcccurities and deeds to
.timber IjikIs. FersiiFon filed nn af
fidavit in reply, contending that he
had given Dr. Hillis nn accounting
in full and tinned over all hceuritius
and document connected with the
pastor's timber biiMi'c-s,
$26,000 FINE FOR
- -
ATHENS, Ool. afl, via ondon,
5:30 p. in. The llcttjii mw it
has learned (nun x diplomatic
onree that tHeia aro iiulicutioii
KuuMitia will accept the ptvpo.
wis of toe nU'utt nUifM tur jmii
MC with thorn. It i highly pmli
akle, I be uawapajwr aaya, that
Jfuian force mmk eairatal uu
tk HiitMuiiuiii fiHHtliot will
iaioiufh Itnouaia to no U the
HMhUi ur Sffcia.
TIn fH .a. imwr, it k aaid,
inlMd to .iti-fv Kmuuiiim' aui
fcjja, WtrllldWM hvr 4min far
territory in Bmmmmii rVrtibia.
SHATTLH, Oct. 20. Alfred Holt
& Company, owners of tho Iilue Kun
n el lino steamship Calchas, which was
fined 120,000 by tho United Statea
collector of custoniH because. $75,000
worth of smuggled opium was found
on the boat bore, huvo petitioned
1'nlted States JiuIko Neterer for a
hearing and remission of tho fine.
The officers of tho company declare
thoy were In uo manner responslblo
for the opium bolng placed on tho
PARIS, Oct. 20. President Poln
raro today received tho formal col
lective resignation of tho cilro Vlv-
lanl ministry, giving official form to
tho decision of tho cabinet yesterday
to retire. Tho president requested
Arlstldo llrlnnd to form a new cabinet.
At n meelliiB held In tho foreign
otflco this morning under tho presi
dency of M. Vlvlanl, tho declslou was
reached to submit tho resignations
M. llrlnnd Immediately took up tho
work of forming a now ministry,
which already was well advanced In
anticipation of President Polncaro'a
formal request.
Ono of M. Urland'n first conferences
brought together former Premiers
Kmllo Combes, Leon llourgcols and
Jules Mellne; Donya Cochin, Alexan
dre IUbot, Marcel Sembat and Jules
Guesde, members of tho present cab
lnot, and Ktlenno Clomentol and Prof.
Paul Palnlovo, all of whom were ex
pected to figure In tho porsonnol of
tho now ministry, together with other
prominent leaders who did not nt
tend tho conference.
M. Ilrland conferred later with
Jules Cambon, who was ambassador
to aormii'iy at tho outbreak of tho
war and Is expected to take an im
portant part In tho Ilrland mllnstry as
general secretary of tho foreign of
fice. Id this capacity ho is to glvo
special attention to diplomatic ques
tions arising from tho war.
M. Hrland requested his colleagues
to confer again with him lato In tho
afternoon, when It was expected a
definite conclusion would bo reached
concerning distribution of tho var
ious portfolios.
M. Vlvlanl's letter of resignation
reviews the difficulties which ho has
encountered slnco an Important group
in parliament Insisted upon secret
sessions of tho chamber of deputies
which ho disapproved. The letter
also points out that niorohan lfiO
members of tho chamber declined to
vote on his recent request for a vote
of confidence.
Under tho circumstances, M. Vlv
lanl said ho and his colleagues were
united In tho belief that there should
bo constructed a cabinet which would
bo secure in unanimity and consoli
date all elements around tho govern
ment. "I think that another person could
bettor accomplish this purposo of uni
fication," M. Vlvlanl concluded, "and
for that reason I submit my resigna
tion and that of oil my colclaguos."
4i wik k7 jdtk m
li ?p- ixmtmmi hum m
Pancho in Desert Land, No Food, No
Water, Must Elthrr Win or Face
Finish Draw Lines of Battle
United States Troops on Guard
and Ready.
. i--M
AImho Is Kdllk Cm ell, ihc llrltlsli
war nurv, who was Mail to death roc
sploiuigo at the oilier of (Jen. oo
Hissing, Cennaii kovciiioc of llclgliini
who is shown lxlow.
K WftRHWCHt marking the original
imrw of OmnImI lioons and bit) wife,
ItukMca Ilrn Itaon, was dtNlicattMl
at Urxaa Mtrr h mutiny. Cer
MAIM wr MH4r th auaflfM of
tM mthft t lb AiMtrtwui Koto-
Tk BMiiMHtMit U a kuf craiiiU
bul4r front ik OMrk MMiiaialaa.
LONDON, Oct. 20.- I)ntih casual
ties from the beginning of. the wni
to October 'J were l!):),21l.
Dritish casualties up to Augu.t 21,
ns given oflicially on Septembpr M,
were 381,083. This hhows a total bo
tween that time mid October 0 of
111,31, or n daily average of 2271.
Loi.hes between Juno 1) and Auguat 21.
axeraged abput 1.500 daily. Tho
marked inorcao in the fall umr th
hummer lotsj may by accounted for
primarily by the homy rijjhtinjc on
tho wthitarn front at the timu of tho
UntiMi mid I'tciich otlcni move
miit Irnt month.
Millar Galloway Killed
NORTH YAKIMA. Vk , Ort. 3fl.
Miller It. Galloway, u capUaiiat axd
fur eUtN yiwi pruuiinnt in cowtral
WaahittKliMi nffair-, a. kilkd Uiat
uifai Ui an autuinubik) whirh b
a tinting ltjHHl ift an HwlwHk
nvst Md tumoti our. Mm. CUIIo
Mny, who wa bIm m thi marhiM,
. ifj injury. Mr. (JUoti)'. knt
LONDON, Oct. 2!) -A hen ice n!
St Paul'M cathedral today hi memory
of .Miss Kdith Cavell, the llntisi1
nurho who was executed in IlrusselM,
was nltendcil by n Huong which re
cnlled I he funeral of Lord Ilobcrtw at
the eatlicdral iilmol a year ago.
Ik-fore 8 ti'olock a great crowd
ntood Bhivering in the lirnt cold four
of tho sciihon, awnilinsf the opening
oi the iloors.
Shortly after 10 r.Vlook hiuns bear
ing the words "chinch full" wore hung
at nil the doors except tho one rccrv
ed for ticket-hobleri.
Conspicuous niiiong the crowd
which waited patiently in the gloomy
fog until the doorh were open was a
large number of wounded fioldicrs,
(it tended by Hod ( rus nursoh. The
Roinbro clothing of the congregation
which packed the v'reat edifice wan
relieved hero and there by spots of
color of tho uniforms of tho soldier
and hailors, when military and naval
dimiitnrio.s took their plncos. The
only other heals reserved were for
tho lord mayor, the diplomatic corps
of tho entente allies ami 000 of .Miss
On veil's follow nurse.
Tho servico was begun with the
"Dead Maieh." played on tho organ.
Then came "Abide Willi .Me," by h
First Lifo (luards hand. Kxccpt for
the Lord's prayer and tho readiner of
one lesson, the si-nice wus enlirch
iiiu.icnl, no ern'on bung delivered.
DOl-'OLAS, Ail., Oct. 2D.-Addi
tioiuil aitillery was lcceivcd here to
day for the defense of Amm l'ricta,
Sonorn, jnt ncross the boitlcr,
amiinst an expected attack by Villa
forces ami word was received that
fiOOl) Cnrntnrn troops were coming to
trenglhen the gnriMin coinmamled
b. fleneiiil 1'. Klias Oallcs.
Twenty-fiv'o hundied men. with
their anus in hand in n sealed ear,
will auivc here from Piedras Ncgra
tonight or tomorrow, it was Mated by
Hodoll'o Oarduna, Mexican consul
lieie. A similar force, will follow on
Sunday or Monday.
Sixteen T.Vmillimetio or three-inch
guns and twenty-two machine gun
ariivcd here today in bond for (Jen-
em I Oallcs, OmiMil (laiduna said
ihc illa iorccs liavo not been
sighted yet, hut nn attack is expect
ed at any hour. Villa's hituation. it
was slated, will permit of no ulterua
tive, for his troops are in a country
practically without water, with scant
provisions ami no excess iimiuuni
tion. His forces are between tho
border and the Cnrraimi troops tin
dcr General Dieguz, which are re
ported moving northeastward from
the (liiuymas di'trict in southern Ho
nor.!. In Dieguz' path, however, is
Urbalajo, with 800 Yiupii Indians
holding Anavaeahi pass, fillecn miles
west of here.
It is believed in some qua iters (lint
Villa's oiigiiial intention Was to at
tack Douglas itself in order to prc
eipilule intervention, but wilh up
prosimately (1000 American HoJdieiM
on guard with sixteen thm'-iuel
gun., this eontinireiiey is rogunled
now as u thini: ot tho past.
Seven American employes of tho
LI ligre Mining company, who loft
Kl Tigrc. southi-nut of hero, M'ontliiy,
nave not lioen heard from, J-'riends
of the men express themselves us
worried, but it is bulicved the men nro
being bold by Villa troop r round
l'rontoras to prevent infoniinlion of
Villa's movements reaching the bor
der. A detachment of fifteen .Mexican
oldi'irs, suppohtd to he u Villa for-
uge party, drove off Hovoral head of
emtio ami Iiorseh from tho Slaughter
ranch, on the border twenty mile
cant of here, laat night.
Urigntlicr Geuoral Thomas V. Da
vis of the Sixth infantry hrigado as
sullied command today of tho Tailed
States troops horo. It is said Major
General Frederick Funstoii will nr
rivo soon to tuke command.
Japan Signs Anrecment to Make No
Separate Terms With Germany-
Italy Also Afjrccs to Pact Arjrce
merit in Treaty Form and Binds
One and All.
oSO. 189
tumbles from
LONDON, Oct. 20, 2:10 p. m.
Japan has become u parly to tho
aifrernriit not to eoneludo a separ
ate peace.
Announcement vvit.t made today
iiuii. .i iioiu was auiir'sscti lo tiio
ilapaneso government on October 10,
inviting it to give adherence to the
declaration or Great Di-haiti, Franco
nnd Uussia', signed on Septeinbur'T) of
last year, that none f these nation i
would eoneludo n scpamle peace. On
the same day that this request w
made. Count Inouye. .lapancse am
bassador to Great llritain, implied
that ho had heen authorized by hi
governiuent to givo 'their full and
coinplcto adlierenco lo tho teims of
this declaration."
Italy is also n paity lo this agree
ment, having given adhesion to h
treaty at the time she cntoiul the war
last May.
nuler at Review of Troops In Franca
Soldiers Cheer, Horse Rears and
Falls and His Majesty Sustains
Severe Bruises Full Details Aro
Clouded by Censor
TOKIO, Oct. 20. Official an
nouncement was mndo by tho foreign
office today that Japan had request
ed China to postpono tho project for
ro-ostubllshmont of a inonarchlal
form of Kovernmont. Tho foreign of
flco statoment declares that an un
dercurrent of opposition to a mon
archy oxIstB atnoiiK tho Chlnoso, 'and
that It Ih far stronger than has noon
IninKlnod. In fact, tho forolun office
says, a feolliiK of unrest Is spreading
In nil parts of China.
Tho foreign offlro prnlRos tho ad
ministration of 1'resldont Yuan Shi
Kal, hut fours tho sudden movo to re
establish tho monarchy Is llkoly In
view of tho widespread opposition,
to eauso (Unorders such uh would en
danger the future of China.
LONDON, Oct. 20, 2:35 p. m. An
accident to tho king linppcncd yester-
lay moining.
Tho following official announce
ment, wns mnde:
'WJiilo the king tlii.s monn'n
(Thursduy) was inspecting his army
in tho field, his horso, excited by lhr
cheers of the troops, reared up nnd
fell. Tho king wns bruised severely
nnd will bo confined to bed Jor tho
A later bulletin, under today's dote,
"The king has had n fair night,
with some sleep. Tho temperature is
now 09.2 nnd pulso 75. His majesty's
gcnernl condition has improved and
no complications liavo arisen."
It is understood that tho nccideut
to th king wns not sorious, nlthough
no details huvo been made publio bo
yond those disclosed in thu official
Announcement was mado on Mon
day that King George wns in France,
having gone to visit tho Hritish army.
On Tuesday tho king, with tho Princo
of Wales, President Poinenro nnd tho
then French war minister. Alexiindro
Millorand, reviewed tho Ilritish troops.
lie men called, on Uenural Joffre, and
witnessed n review 6r"Ffencn' colon
ial (mops.
Tho Princo of Wnles arrived at
lliicklnghain palace this nftornoon, on
loavo from Kranco, whero ho was la
closo attendanco on his father during
tho king's Inspection of his troops nt
tho front. It Is hollovUd tho princo
haH returned for tho purposo of reas
suring Queen Mary as to tho king's
Ills presenco horo Is taken as con
firmation of tho statement that tho
accident was not sorious.
Doom mku4 .W .lu rr kit Krove.jfj.jjrw, j in uKl
LONDON, O.I. 2 1-33 p.m. The
Huuibiirger Nacbrichten, as quoted bv
Ituuter'h Anisic i ilnm correspondent,
vnyfc in an ni tit U under the hcadniK
"Onvell Cant," Uu.t tho reoont trial of
the coiikpirstoM ipivtg Unit Gennun
officmlM, wIijm- duty, tho iicwkwnt
wya, Is to Ian e mid bridlo IVIkhioi,
will net allow "anv KnilUh wowun r
ii aiibjtHiil of an, thir Imatilc natiuii
to take ahtdtcr tuittcr llio cover ot
oaarity ur the i.i una of g nute m
order lo nii unr atHMOHM bebm I
tba b'k t .ur w.irruira.
"We have lrut(ci atiliiiuilul
it," (uiitiiiod iIj.- S ii'hrwbl -ii.
rb- urtt.p.i .i . , that Mi i ..
veil lid- bci hi i il Jnu' if A f i.i
Mnix-iU iiinl an 1 ilriiok Ii ilioiial
mat, but "lt did n fijkt Hilh Ihfl
bniMij ut the nu.-i-l, m Hr Wtt hn- ;
attd h cr! ut th; uliir.M
OALVKSTO.V, Oct. 29Tho do fac
to govornmont In Mexico hns no pres
ent liitontlon or flouting a forolgu
loan, arcordlng to a Btatoment from
tho actlg soorotary of flnanco, which
was recolvod at tho local constitu
tional consulato today from Mexico
Contemplated economies In admin
istration will, It Is holleved, onulilo
tho Bovernmont to build up a largo
surplus. Payments on forolgn In
doutednow will shortly ho rosumod If
administration plans matorlallzo.
All Imiios of papor money, other
than that of tho constitutionalist
governmont will ho nulllflod, tho sue.
rotary aald. It l oxpocmd shortly to
laauuiH tho eolnago of aold and all.
ver. It la liollevod that ZaUi, Villa
aad oihora kava laauod about 90, doltara of countorfolt Con
timtloHaitat paiMr wom. ths alato
tuvat aays. This will Im of no vaius
and may raaait Ih Miaaldarualu oat
to ii-riatM baitka aud aaeMlalra who
are Mid tu ka takon a ebaco oh I la
iMUmptloa by th Carraaaa gsvarN
uiat aud hu aulrd ara 'luantl
Urn ot It.
PAKIS, Oct. 20, 2.30 p. in. -A dis-
patch to the Havas News ngeiiev from
Hucliarest, fded last Sunday and de
layed in traiismiiuiioii, any u vloloiit
public deuioiistnition iijntiiiNt tho pol
icy of tho government took place
there on that day. Ono Jauticiu of
tho imuiifoatniita fcought lo roach the
palace, but was prevented gy troops
Leaders inked for an Hinhem;o with
Kim: reidiuaiid.
Dispatches fnai Amsferdain nnd
Uerliu on Tuesday retenvd briclly to
Ibis d"uionstratioii, which was said
to Iiiim been oivamid hi lav or of thu
entente able-.
LANSING, Mich., Oct. 20. After
flvo days on tho road, tho Oregon
Agricultural collego football squad
that will play tho Michigan Agglea
hero Bulurduy afternoon, arrived la
Lansing today In good condition.
Coach Ktowart said hla mon etood
tho Iook trip well nnd aro roady for
a hard battle Tho westorners wont
to Collego field, whero they engaged
lu a loin; signal practlco. Although
outwolghod in tho lino, tho Oregon
Agglos averaged only a few pounda
lighter than M. A. C.
THIS PAS, Manitoba. Oct. 2a-Two
Catholle prloata and two proiector
rn roponeu to iiavu boon murdored
by ltoklmoH north of Choatorflold In
Ut, lladaon bay, nrcordlntr to Captain
M)ekhart of th Itoyal NortliRt po.
Km boat VIIUko Hall, which arrlva!
horo today fro hi northern watera.
CupUlH Lorkhart aald k bvilaved
tko four iin had baon murdered by
tka aaiut trltw of Itokimoa (bat nt
tikst Uadford wad itraat, tba ox
plorr. l'Mful akura Itakliiioa
t4d klw that tk iSaktHMi wora vory
awaiileltfua of tMraagara. and bald cou-
tewpt fur all who utrd their et-tloment.
- -
OLF.VFLAND, O., Oct. 20.
A horrified crowd today Raw a "
doath dal hixty feet lit thu air
on mi arch of the now bleb level
bridge over the Guynhoga river, ""
hi which Frank Wiight, n Ktorc-
kH'r for bridge oontmotorH. ""
ns killed by a fellow.vorkman
with an iron bar. Tho Wlllm,'
hbs vvitnowsod by Wright's wife,
who was iiiakiiur her way up to
him with hi. lunch Politic havo "
arroatcd .lack Hrowning in con- f
paction vlth tho eiiiMo,
Tie klUitw wiu prrMjlcil by ft
trim atrurl in vyJiIoU'fhe two
iimm wrwitld Imalc ami forth on
Uk HCuk. aad lioili am mmr in -f
" falbiiK into tko livor several
f 4-
'-i4 f f i4.ft