Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 28, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Fnlr Tonight and Friday.
Mux 0j ML. JI7.
Forty-fifth Year.
Dally Tntti Year.
NO. 188
Fire Sweeps Through Threc-Slcy
Brick Parochial School at Pea
hotly, Mass., Burning or Driving'to
Death in Panic That Follows Alarm
Probably Thirty Pupils.
PKA110DY, Mum., Oct. 28. Fire
swept through Uio throe-story brick
building occupied by tbo SI. Jolui't
pnrochiol school today, burning or
driving to death in the panic (hut fol
lowed tlio nliinn twenty of tbo (!00
linys nnd skirls who n few minutes be
fore bad assembled for their daily
fbo students, who ranged in yeais
from 7 to l',, were- in ulittrgo of hi.x
tei'ii sisters. When tbo firo broke
out they niursbaled their charges as
for n firo drill and started them from
the building. Tbo processions wore
orderly until those from the third
floor joined others pouring from the
elassrooms on tlio second floor.
I'utilc Among T.lttlo Ones
Suddenly there wns a ery of fenr
from ono of the throng. It was taken
up hy it hundred others, and panic
ensued. Tbo sisters made frantic ef
forts to Htop the pushing, struggling
mass, but to no avail. Tbo smaller
children fell under the feet of those
behind them and soon the vestibule
was so jmnjiu'il-wiili. .living amV dead
,thiil Hie firciuoii could not foreo an
'ifntraneo. Tlio si.tcon sisters es
eapod. The flames, it U supposed, started
in the bneinont, and, nceording to
s-otne, wero caused by tbu explosion of
a Ktcnm boilor from which the build
inur whh lieateil. There is doubt, how
ever, ah tn tbo exact origin of the
A largo percentage of tbo pupils
woio ehildion of fmoign parentage.
In tbo number wore many of IrNh and
Itiiliau descent. The firemen fought
tbo fire from ladders while the police
cleared tbo vestibule.
llunioil Ileyond Itcrogiillloii
' The bodies of tbo dead generally
wore' bunicd' beyond recognition.
Miry 'Leeds nnd Marion Hayes
wore found in tbo crush, badly burn
ed, hut nlivo, and wore removud to a
Tbo first alarm bronchi a bundled
distracted mothers to thr school yard,
where soon they were joined by other
joint ivos of the pupils, until tbo build
ing was surrounded bv a great croud
Of hysterical men and women who
inched the police lines in a wild effort
to reach lhcir children. The police
were powerless to'stop the rush, but
what they failed to do was occom-pli-hed
iivsently by tho flames,
which, shooing from the wijidows of
(Continued on page two.)
.WASHINGTON", Oct. 28. Siibmn
lino IM, in wliiuh twoiity-one officers
and men of the navy lost their lives
lu?t March at Honolulu, will not be
repaired. Nnw officials said today
tho vobsc! s injunoa wero so o.ton
fciv.tbat it was not oonsidoied prae-
tii'.tlo repair and refit tho boat.
Tho other threo boats of the P
elans will ho towed to San Francisco
for refitting and have alreaily been
taken out of commission until this i
doiio. Conjries will ho nked tlii
winter to provide for new engines and
' butteries for the bo&U, as the p run
out equipment i uiuwtjefaetory.
Tlio iwiHirt of the board of olficer
wkiuh cxmmHcd the F- bus houn
fccwt to all aiubuiHriiMi eounwutdurs in
tho imvy ia onler tlmt they ihny be
warbwl tr u'nioli far kitftt of OOIllli-
. tiuim such at Uiuae which resulted iu
Jilt IV VI in? i'-i.
American Ambassador Confers With
Emperor No Authorization of
Conference or Report Received by
Lansing Rumored Monarch Took
Advantage of Visit.
- -
LONDON, Oct. 28. -An cm-
"" phntio denial that Great Britain
was engaged in any peace nego-
tiations, direct or indirect, was
t made by David Lloyd-George,
f- llin minwlitp fiP nuiniliniis. in re- '
"" ply to a quostion in tlio bouso of ""
r commons today.
WASHINGTON, Oct. J8. Ambas
sador Oerard's recent conference with
Kmpcror William is causing much
speculation in official epiarters here.
Secretary Lusoing. stated today that
Gerard had not been directed to visit
the emperor and that no report of the
conference had been received.
Tho possibility that Kmpcror Will
iam might htivo taken advantage of
tbo opportunity to express to Ambas
sador Gerard Gonnnny'rf views on
pence was generally tallied of hero
today, particularly us a conseueneo
of published reports that Germany
soon intended to mako known tho
basis on which she would mnko
peace. KeportH tliut rrinco von niic
low, foimcr Gormnn chancellor, and
ambassador to Italy, was to visit Kin.-;
Alfonso of Spain and later tho Lull
ed States, have attracted much atten
tion here because of the belief that
he might bo entrusted with the task
of explaining Germany's iewpoiut.
President WiNon has made clear
that until ouo of tbo belligerents itidi
rated plainly u ilotiro to accept medi
ation there would ho no initiative oa
the part of the American government.
Tlio fact that King Alfonso of Spain
U mentiincd as a mediator is regard
oil here as significant bccniiso for
somo time it has been indicated that
tho king of Spain was desirous of not
ing in harmony with President Wilson
when the lime for making cnoe nr
NFAV YORK, Oct. t!8. F.fforis of
federal prosecutors and secret scrvtco
agents hero wero directed today to an
investigation of the financial bucking
of the leaders of the conspiracy to
blow up war munition plants and
ships, of which Lieutenant Itohert
Fay of the Gcminn tinny is alleged to
bo the head.
William J. Flynn, chief of the Unit
ed States secret service, was quoted
today as saying:
"I beliove we nro going to get the
financier of this plot, Fny said ho
bad spent onlv .1000. Pnul Siebs
says that Fay told hi til ho had .f7f00
when he started for this country. Wo
beliove Fav spent $.10,000."
United States District Attorney II.
Snow den Marshall does not hollow
that the most important of the con
spirators have vet been captured and
expect that other aiTets will be
The federal officials said that if
tlio men who furnished money for
Fay and bis nisiatnnU are discovered
they will ho called upon to fnem
chsiyojj ii4 aorious as thona against
tho men Hlrondy nrroatad.
Paul Sietis snid today that be whs
going to appear against the alleged
eoijirator a witne fur the
"tatc herainw ho hud boiu deevivod
and ltd mto a trap.
Teutons and Bulgars Gradually Push
ing Back Gallant Defenders Allies'
Troops Insufficient to Stem Ad
vanceFrench Report Success In
South, as Russians Bombard Varna
TlOmt, Oct. 28. A Uni'hnresl dis
pntch to the Stefani News agency
filed yesterday says that tbo Ilus
sians hnvo begun an attack on the
lJliidc sea. coast of niilgnria.
"A Hussian fleet arrived at I
o'clock this morning off the IJnIirnr
iau coast," the correspondent wires,
"and immediately begun a bombard
ment of Vnrnn. Shelling was still
proceeding nt 11 o'clock. Consider
able damage bus been dono to the
Genua ns Utislitug South
BK11L1N". Oct. 128 (by wireless to
Snyvillo). Tbo Austro-Geminn in
vasion of Set bin has been pushed fur
ther to the south. Army heiidipmr
tets announced todny that further
ground had been gained mill that tho
army of General Gnlhvitz had taken
20311 prisoners since October 'J.'l.
The Ilulguriiiiis have .captured Zaj
ecnr and Kniujevals, having cnissed
the Timok o'er n largo front.
Znjecur nnd Kninjevuts nro on the
mil road from Negotin to Nish,
ngninst which tho Unitarians arc now
mnj-nhing. .Knjnjevats is about thirty
miles from Nish.
Tito height of, Krcnovnclnva, nboul
fifteen miles noilbwcst of Pirot (east
of Nish) has also been occupied by
the llulgnnnns, who hnvo captured
other strong positions,
Tho official statement of todny
concerning operations iu Serbia fol fel fol
eows: Continue to Adviiuro
"The nrmics pf Generals Von Kocs
and Von Gnlluitr. continue to advance.
Since October '2'. tlio army of Gen
eral Von Onllwitv. has taken liOIIJ
prisoneifl mid several machino guii.
"Tho nrnty of General Hoyadjioff
(the niilgarinii commander) hns taken
Za(jnc,nr. West of Kniajcvnt7. tho
Timok lias been crossed over a wido
front. Kuinjovat. is in Bulgarian
bands. Siveral suns have been cap
tured. Tho height of Krenovaclnvn,
twenty-five meters (about fifteen
miles) northwest of Pirot, has been
WHIidrnp Prom Usknp
LONDON, Oct. 29. Unofficial re
ports from Greek sources represent
tho bituation iu southern Serbia ns
somewhat moro favorable to tho en
tente allies. A dispatch from Athens
which has not been confirmed slates
that the Bulgarians have withdrawn
from Uskup. Advices from Snloniki
tell of a fierco bnttle along the Vclos
Komanovo front, with tho Bulgarians
retreating. Hopo is being revived iu
Loudon tbnt the Serbians will he able
to reform their linos along tho Mon
astic front.
The Germans having effoetcd n
junction with their Bulgarian allies,
it is nnssihlo that the campaign will
be shifted from an effort to relieve
Sorbin to an attempt to cut communi
cntious with Constantinople. In this
connection several critics hazard the
I'iicbs that the entente allies nro not
likely to withdraw from Salomki, no
matter what happens to Serbia.
AMSTKHDAM, Oct 28 Tho Tel
egraaf hears from Liege, Belgium,
that two more persons havo been sen
tenced to death there by court mar
tial. Their namos are Franz I.aquay
and Andrea Oarot. Three others',
Orlal Simon, Amadous Ilesso and
Constant Ilerck already have boon
shot at Liege,
Nothing is known concerning tho
fato or Anna Benazot of Vervtera,
Belgium, who was sentenced to death
by a Gorman court martial on Moii-day.
BIJHLIN, Oct. 2S iliv wireless to
Snyvillo), ItcpuUc of ltussmn nl
taeks in the Dviusk region mid near
the central part of the lino iu the east
as well as a success lor General Von
Liiisiugcn'ri troops iu tbo southern
sector, mil recorded in today's of
ficial sUitcmcnt by Gorman army
Field Marshal Vou Iliiidenbiirg's
nnuy hns repulsed Itussinn attacks
miido against tbo positions recently
taken hy tbo Germans northeast of
Onrhunowkii, in the Dviusk sector,
nnd German troops again have occu
pied tlio cemetery of Susznly, in this
region, evacuation of which was re
ported yostordny. Two officers and
150 men wero taken prisoners.
Tho failure of a strong attack by
the lttissinns against troops of tic
army of Prince Leopold of Bavaria
near Ihtshers.y is announced.
General von Liitsenen'i army, in
the southern sector, bus captured
Hudl.a, to tho west of Czartorjsk.
LONDON", Oct. 2fi Sir Bryan Mil
lion hns taken command of the Brit
ish forces in Sorbin. This announce
ment was nindn iu the hniiso of com
mons this afternoon hy 'Harold J.
Toiinnnl, paihninciilarv underccre
tury for wur.
IMTTSnnifl, O. t. J8. The head
less body of Mi" Sophia McCnlliu,
daughter of the late William C. Mc
Cnlhn, former nwr of PitUhui-K,
was found Into lut night on tho
Pennsylvania railroud trnuk at Koup,
a passenger tdntiou within tlio city
limits. Tho body was so badly unifi
ed tbnt idntiliculiuii wnj linKHsihlf
until this moniiug, when hor mIjsciicc
from the ot'luc ot E. S. .Morrow, citv
comptroller, whose wcrulury she wh,
started ttu nuiiury. lilojilifieatiuu
was ostablislu'd hv a d hi maud u
bearing her name, 'the cirouutntances
U'udiug to hor death uro uukuowu,
Tlio liliiiM'jtMl, golden liativd, four-year-old
orphan, who Is today I'Jnlcy
.lay Sliepjiid, one of tlio richest, littlo
hojs In tho uoild. i h known ns
.loliu Hoe o. 101 of I or ho was found
iilNiudoiied on tho Miqw of St. Pat
rick's cothislnil Iu New York on tlio
night of Sept. IL, DM I. Alloc socret
ly ami uusurfessfiilly eillng overy
Hssllilo inctiiis lo find his ivnl Mir
eiils, I'luley Jay Shcpnrd unci his wife,
formerly Helen Could, adopted tho
joiuiKster by formal jiiixxmsIIiiks In
JOHANNUSIUma. Oct. 28. Tho
last duys of tho South African repub
lic figured In a trial that opened hero
today. Premier Botha Is proceeding
iiKalnst Mannlk, u nationalist candi
date for parliament, chanting that
during tho recent political campaign
Mannlk slnndorod him by asking tho
premier what ho had dono with 13J
bars of gold vnluod at 750,000 pounds
storllng left In possession of Botha
nnd two others on tho doparturo of
l'uul Kruger, lato president of tho
Transvaal, and never accounted for.
Botha pointed out that ha becamo
commandant gonoral In 1900 and had
nothing to do with ndmlnlstratlvo af
fairs. The defonduut, ho said, had
muny opportunities to ink about tho
burs, but tlio promlor had nover bo
foro hoard any statement concerning
him. Thoro woro rumors that tho
Hold was hidden In tho Voldt, hut
Ilotha had ulwuys stated openly since
tho gold came Into tho hands of tho
republican government tliut nothing
was iuImIuk.
MILAN, Oct. S. Tho Corrloro
Delia Horn learns from a illplomatlo
iKiure that Owiural Uadko Dlmltrlpff
will commit! the Russian forooa nont
against llttlgarlu. U U now at Bu
ehureat trying to fntaraat the Ituumii.
Ian government to permit tho pus
sago of Buaalau troops through llu-mania,
ins y
Premier Vlvlanl Ruslnns ami Will Bo
Minister of Justice In Rcornanlzcil
Cabinet Galltcnl to Be Minister of
War Former Premiers to. Tac
Seats Is Coalition Affair.
PAUIS, Oct. 2S. Tho Vlclnnl min
istry resigned todny. Premier Vlv
lanl retired from bin present ponltlon
In favor of Arlstldo Brlnitd, former
prouder, and M. Vlvlnut will bo mints
tor of JiiHtlco In tho reorganized cab
inet. Paul Doschnnct, president ot tho
chnmbor, will move an adjournment
until tomdrrow, when tho work of re
construction will bo romftlotn.
Information now available Indicates
that M. Brlniid will become foreign
minister ns well ns premier, with
Jules Cnnibon, who wns ambassador
to Germany nt tho outbreak of tho
war, as bin principal secretary. In
addition to M. Vlvlanl, probable des
ignations nre:
I'rohnMo Selections
Minister of War, (loaoral J. S.
Onlllonl, military governor of Paris,
Minister of Marino, Hear Admiral
Minister of Agriculture, Ktlenno
Clomontnl, former minister ot agri
culture mid of flumico.
Minister of Commerce, h. L. Klotz,
former minister of tho Interior mid of
finance, or Joseph Th lorry, under sec
retary in tho ministry of war,
.Minister of Instruction, Kmllo
Combos, former promlor.
Tho other members ot tho present
cabinet, according to this program,
will continue In tholr present posi
tions. Tho Journal status that thcVo will
bo six mlulstors or stato without port
folios, ot whom four will bo senators
and two deputies ,
LONDON, Oct. 28. Tho British
cruiser Argyll has run aground and
may bo a total wrork. All hands woro
rescued. This was mado known by
tho admiralty today In tho follow
ing nnnouncament:
"II. M. H. Argyll, Captain Juntos
Tancred, It. N., grounded this morn
ing off tho 'Hist const ot Hcotland.
Owing to bad weather prevailing It
la feared sho may hocomo a total
wreck. All hor offlcors and tho crow
havo boon saved."
Tho Argyll, ot 10,860 tons dis
placement, was laid down In 1902.
Hor normal complement Is 055, Sho
Is -(50 foot long, Her largost guns
aro 7.5 inchos, of which she carrloa
four, Sho has six G-Inch, two 3-Inch,
and twenty two :i -pound guns and two
torpedo tubes.
WASHINGTON, Ort. 2S fiovor
nor Ferguson of Texas telegraphed to
l'retttdont Wilson today urging that
ho into the Influence ot the adminis
tration with General Curranzu to pro
vout further raids on tho Texas bor
der. Tho president, It was stated, will
consult Secretaries Garrison and Lam
sing before noting. It has been report,
oil that Governor Forguson planned
to call uisin the president for moro
federal troops to be tent to Browns
ville, but no sueli roquest has been
Blind Boss of Miotic Island Employed
hy Railroad Directors to Block the
Passayc of Measures hy Legislature
" Authoriziiiii Construction of Inde
pendent Trolley Lines.
NBV YOBIC, Oct. 28. Testimony
disclosing tbnt the late General Chns.
It. Bi nylon, "the blind boss of Rhode
Island," wna employed by tbo New
York, Now lfnven & llnrtford to block
the pnsHttgo of bills in the llhnilc Isl
mitl legtslnturo, authorizing tho con
struction of trolloy linen which would
compete with the Now Haven, emtsed
a snnsntinn nt tho trial of tho cloven
former directors of tho Now Haven
How Much Was Paid
It dovclopcd that tbo government's
evidence iu regard to General Bray
ton's activities had been discovered
after tho filing of tho indictment mid
when the morning session adjourned
counsel were in tho midst of n hcatod
wrangle over tho admission of n let
ter intended to show how much Bray
ton was paid for his services ns tho
New Haven's legislntivo ngent. Tim
testimony obviously canto as a sur
prise to tlio defense, which raised the
objection that neither tho indictments
nor the Rovenunonl'ft bill of particu
lars, specified the nets which the gov
ernment wns trying to prove.. ,,
Willi C'burlcs S. Mellon ns tho
identifying witnoss, tbo government
put the surprise testimony into tho
record in the form of it letter, dated
April HI, ISO."), from John M. Hall,
vico-president of tbo Now Haven, to
Genornl Bmyton.
Objictors (Jrcot Kvldenco
Whon the government enmo to pre
senting its letter to show tho compen
sation received by Genornl Drayton,
five nltomoys for tlio defense, who
hud been in coiiforonco, put in their
objections. Kivo of them argued the
Hint tor successively.
If, L. Units, attorney for the gov
ernment, conceded that tho matter
had not been beforo tho grand jury,
but thill this, nevertheless, constituted
ii concrete onso of tlio Now Iluven'a
purpose to monopolize.
"Wo nro going to bltow," ho Rnid,
"that General Braylon was paid a
largo sum to accomplish tbo Now
Haven's ends iu this matter. Not only
whh General lint j ton paid, but other
legislntivo agents wore paid largo
sums to prevent tho proper develop
ment of tluse propeitioH, Wo hnvo
gotten hold ot additional facts."
WASHINGTON', Oct. 28. An indi-
cntioit of gonornl iinprovouiout of con
ditions iu Mexico came today iu of
ficial tologrmas telling tlmt traiu ser
vice betwooii Vora Crua mid Mexico
City, hitherto interrupted by raiding
bunds, i now rostorod and that many
conventionalist uffieers and troopd
had surrendered to tho do faoto gov
ernment and asked amnobly.
The dopiirtmoitt wns informed that
General Dioguez nt Quaymus, tho
Cumina eommnmlor, bus given re
newed iiHuumncos regarding tho pro
tei tit. n of foreignors nnd their, prop
n tv in tho Yaqui volley, mid at Lom
Morl.ts, Genornl I)icgtiC4 promised
tliut an adoqitnto grtiiison Would bo
maintained to gunrnutco protection.
Conditions on tho west const uro re
ported quiet.
MessAgea to tho Mexican embassy
heio said tlmt many couvettiontilist
oldie r who hnvo laid down t licit
unit nre HCoeptingUuiiosty and dur
ing the laat fuw dnya nearly 5000
hnvo arrived iu Mixioo City, Acccpt
mieo of mnnoty nppenrti to bo very
veil i' rul throughoiit tha southern part
of tho republic.