wni ' f. fa six flfEDFORP MATL TRTP.UNE, MEDFORD, OREGON". WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1915 POL Tl ICAL SCIENCE CLASS Fi OR WOMEN OPENS THURSDAY TIip politicnl -scicneo clnfcs wjll meet Tluuisdny oftumuun at tho public lib rnry nt 2:30 under the direction (if IIhs Ifariun Tovnic, president, nnd tin1 prornui uill include iirlininunl (try drill, n contimtntion of tlio dm ouHsiou ol' tlio pnro fond eodu nnd current cvcntH, nnd nil the women of Medford arc invited to nttend. Tlio women of .Mcdfonl nro inking a keen interest in the qucstioim of the tiny, rvnlirju thnt their votes count nnd tlmt lliey should cither vote in tel!ij;cntly or not nt nil. The meet inns, which will he held every two weeks nt tho public library, M'lll be conducted on pnrlinincntnry Jin-'S, the diffpienl members Inking tuniH ns presiding officer, o tlio Inu ui'l be tliorouglily learned, The cur's program includes pnrlin jnenlnry lnw, xvorkinfinien'H eotiipen snlinn net, pure, food code, tabor lnws, property lntvn, connlitutionnl Inw, in .lintito nnd referendum nnd recall, dectiei: Iimvh, abolition of the state bcinte, free school books, school laws, prohibition InwH ns innjor subjcctH, together wltli current events and such minor snibjccts oh may bo of general inteicht, SUDAN GRASS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS OF STOCK GROWERS IE (KM AT PAGE Gcorsc Cnssmcre, comedian with 7'unch Jones1 company, is the boy who urota ''Memphis Hints," one of tho liijr song hits of tlm veiir, and ho Mncs it in the olio of tho minstrel nhow at the Piigo Wednehdny, nnd If you want to see an eccentric dancer you want to heo C'asHincrc, for ho Ls there a million ways. There arc manv big features to tho Punch Jones show. While It is nn unknown slum here, it has been tlio M5 lilt over the Pnulnae's timo for four years, nnd the miiiio liixti-olaH-t allow will ho hi aped hero for two lights oilb nnd cntiro eliniigu each day. J'arody singers, plimtation Finders, grand opera and nig time, with tli't uch nggrcsiiii'iu ol mincers ever gathered together, will bo seen, "lid with the lili special fculinc pic ture offered it will prove some at traction. HALLOWE'EN LARK TO BE HELD AT GOLD HILL (SOLD HILL, Ore, Oct. 27.- Hal low e'en observance In Mils rlty this Hcaaon will not bo confined (o tho frolicsome forays of tho smnll boy or his elder Imitators. DoubtlcsH tho person whose front-nato was iiilfuln' last year will again hold tho annual Indignation nicotine with IiIh nolgh lor, whoso cow was pnstnred on tho blied-roof, Tho Greater Gold Hill club realizes thnt Us jurisdiction does not extend to tho correction of such matters, "Whllo Its members do not openly np prove of tlm mlschcvlous innnncr of celebration they ucro oneo boju tlicmsolvcs. TIih Renorsl approbation of tho club for bo mo saner form of observance Is shown In the announcement of a Hal lotto'en ball, to be held lip's Saturday evening In their dancing pavilion, which has been completely enclosed and will tin heateil for tho winter sea son. Qualut favors, In tlio llkenenH of witches cnpH, will bo Given to tho Kiiests, whllo the hall will bo decor ated In lieoplrig with tho mystic ovo of lioliKoUlliiH and happiness, All proceeds ol club dances nro used for tho promotion of progress In the valley, and tho pleasantly Infor mal affairs hnvn became ipilto thn fad with tho southern Oregon social set. .Medfoiil HuUM'MiVCH, l.lMrn Sir. Xordukk, proprietor of the Medford Holler Mills, Is desirous of ticcurlng the uumes of tho Mcdfonl liousowlves who have used .Medford made flour and arc pleased with It "Won't you please call up phono No. p07, or mall a K)stl card to tho Med ford Holler Mills, kIvIiik your name, btruet numbor, nnd tho kind of flour you aro using. Mr. Nordwlck knows there aro u great many houBOwhes In thu city who aro loyal to tho "mado In Medford kind" of flour, but ho wants to know Just who tho loyal ones aro. t By complying with tho above re quest you will help materially In placing this Medford product Into tho homes of tho city, IIY W. W. WATSON. Undo Billy Angle, retired farmer, stockman nnd pioneer, with a resi dence on Knst Main street, Medford, and a stock ranch of HO ncrcs on Dry creek, In the Antelope district, has discovered tho Inst blade In grass hay production. It Is Sudan grass, Whether or not It originally enmo from Africa, India, Java or Jeru salem doesn't matter. "It's Sudan grass becnuse that's what It Is," ob serves Undo Billy and he doesn't stop to stammer when ho talks about It. Tact Is, It seems to be just v. lint ho claims for It. Prom n 100 foot row of It In his garden, grown this yenr for tho first timo In Southern Oro gon, ho hai gathoro already about 30 pounds of flno looking seed, fed many heavy armloads of hay from It to a flno milch cow and ono would scarce ly bnllovo that ho has disturbed It. Sonio of tho bundles have, grown to a height of olght feet nnd, If tho frost hadn't come about tho middle of this month to nip It a little, It doubtlesH would havo been growing yet. Tho stniks, not ulto as largo as a load pencil, filled with n Juicy jilth and very brllllo, uro abundantly Jolncd nnd from nearly ovory Joint another stalk has grown, each stem bounti fully covered with generous blades, making a wonderful ylold of fodder, somewhat sorghum-llkn. Young grass, Just above tho crowns nnd In tho shelter afforded by tho parent stalks, Is yet growing verdantly. Moro I'VkmI Vnluo to Ami "Grnln, liny and wild oats aro tho principal bay crops on our stock ranch," snld Mr. Anglo to a Mall Trlbuno man today. "Tho ylold per ncro, considering the food vnluo of tho product, Is not sufficient to bo satisfactorily' profitable," ho contin ued. "I hnvo been looking for some thing, bettor nnd I believe I hnvo found H. I'll toll you why. I re ceived a package of Sudan grass seed from tho U. S, department of agricul ture, through tho good offices of Con gressman llawluy. Tho result of my planting It carefully Konietlmo Inst May Is seen In that row In tho gardon. It looks like n hedge row of the doll. catcrornamontnl kind,- doesn't If I havo fed tho cows generously from It nnd I had to pan tho chickens up to keep them from eating nil of tho seods as fast as thoy appeared. Poul try Is very fond of It, tho seeds being oily nnd full of meat. During tho summer, as tho heads ripened, I gathered somo of Ilium for seed, ob taining about ,10 pounds already. That will sow quite an noreago and that's thn way 1 will get my start of Sudan grass. I havo great confi dence In It. It's a wonderful pro ducer nnd Its food vnluo In twice thnt of Johnson, Uormudn or timothy hay. Tho average yield Is 3.83 tons per ucre, as given In twenty tests In Chll llcotho, Texas, district, from -which all of tho need wan obtained for e pertinents throughout tho 1 nil til .States." Tho leading tests of Sudan grass, both as to yield and feeding value, havo been mado at tho various sub stations In Texas, four of which have found the average yield per aero to uo 7flo pounds, protein content UT0, fnt 1 17, crudo fiber 2291, nltro-gen-free extract .'1187, and ash 777: Johnson grass, 1000 pounds per acre, 319 -protein content, 84 fat, 1328 crudo fiber, 1951 nltrogcn-frce ex tract nnd 31C ash: Bermuda grass, 4000 pounds per acre, 438 protein, 91 fat, 1020 crudo fiber, 20C2 nitrogen freo extract and 338 ash. These fig ures show that Sudan grnss excels cither of the other grasses named Ih protoln nnd carbohydrates (nitrogen- free extract,) with an excess of crudo fiber, while It contnlns a third moro of fnt. It fnr exceeds timothy hay In all of tho osncntlal points of ex cellence In all of the experiments al Ohio experiment stutlons. One Hollar n Pound Sudan grnss Is nn niinunl. Three or four cuttings of hay may bo ob tained from It In a season, approxi mately sixty days Intervening be tween tho hnrvests. As a fodder It Is tender and Juicy, stock relishing It avidly. Its seed mnke a flno poultry feed, both In protein nnd ash. On account of Us cxccsslvo fat content, enro should bo exercised In feeding It to laying lions. Tho seeds aro about two-thirds thn size of amber sorghum sied and nearly the samo iinnpo. II yields ns high as 700 to 1200 pounds of seed per acre and, by the way, tho seed Is worth a dol lar a pound. Tho soil generally and tho cllmato wholly aro very favorablo for tho production of Sudan grass In thin val ley. It will bear (and I bellovo It will fully Justiry) further careful In vestigation by our progressive farm ers. Undo Billy Angle and this paper will bo glad to answor correspondents who may enro to know more about It. ENG KIN LAND'S ADMIRES HEROIC F DEED OF N PA MS, Oct. '27. The follow iug order of the tiny was issued by (Jen era I Joffre, tho French reminnnder: "If jmes me pleusurc to transmit to tho nnnv nn order of the dnv which his majesty, the king of Knghintl, lias graciously addrpbscd to you on the occasion of bin visit to the French frent: '"Soldiers of France: I am happy to hnve been nblc to utilize u deiie long held in iiiv heait nnd to express my, profound mlniinitfon for your heroic deeds nnd for your tenacity of purpose nnd admirable mihtnrv mlnr, which nre the wot thy heritage ol the nnnv of France "Tntlcr the brilliant direction of your eminent commiinder-in-eliief nnd the distinguished officers associated with him, von officers nnd mm lane won the rognrd of your beloved coun try, which will nlwayn recojnwo your valiant efforts to safeguard and de fend it. " 'My armies nre proud to fishl beside you nnd to hnve you ns their comrades. May the ties which unite von be permanent, nnd may the two countries ever be united by intimate tic. " 'Seldiers: Accept my most cordial ui'd sincere salutatiens: I do not doubt thnt you will continue this gigantic: struggle to a victorious con clusion. In the nnme of my Joldicr-t and in the nnme of mv country I ex press to you my most cordinl j;rcct- iiih and mv best wishes "1 he president of the republic, who iiceompnuied the kin? of England on his trip, joins with him in extending his personal congrntulntions to thost) who nre addressed by his majesty," ALONG ROGUE RIVER .Mr and Mis. Frank .Miller of Cen- tral Point spent the week-end with lehitives here. Anion- those who attended the fu unral of the late Mrs. Murthn llollen beak at Antioeh Sundny were: Mr. nnd Mrs. .Jasper Hannah, Mrs. Jim Daily, Joe Ilannnh, Jr. nnd Perry Foster. Miss Hnrel Warner and Wallace Cushinnn of Trail were married Inst week. Their many friends wish them a lonjr. hiippy life. Miss Mniy Gage of IJcnglc nnd Kd. ward Linux illc of Portland were mar ried ii Jacksonville, October 'J12 by Justice Dox. Mrs. Linnvillc wore a pretty dress of peach-colored silk and white luce. Mrs. LnuiMlle is the daughter of Mr. Mary Onge and Mr. Liuinille is u former Sam's Valley boy nnd is the son of, Mr. nnd Mk Jeff Linnvillc of Condon, Or., nnd n nephew of George Stncey of Hcagle. Karl Woods spent Monday night with Edwnrd and JJen Bellows. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Castor have moved -to the Marshall Mintcr place. Monday evening oer eighty people, friends nnd relatives, gave them an old-fashioned charivari iwirty nt the Gage home nnd they were treated to candy nnd nuts. The ovening was scnt in dancing nnd conversation, and dainty refreshments of sand wiches, pie, enke nnd coffee were served. About midnight the party de parted, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Linn villc mn'iy years of happy mnrried life. Mr. and Airs. Linuvillo leave for Portland Friday, where he has pre pared n homo for his bride. Mrs. Linnvillc will he greatly missed at tho social gatherings. I'm! "Hollow is the guest of hU brother, Kugcnc. John Foster visited the French nnd Foster families last week. Mrs. Henry French called on Mm. Gene Ilellows Friday. W. W. Willets of Persist returned to his home from tho alley Mondny. i Allen & Lewis of Portland expect to build n warehouse in Eugene. EVERY THREE MINUTES ONE DIES IN THE U. S. The Anti-Tuberculosis Society illus trates the frightful toll of consumption by extinguishing a light every three minutes, and shows that it is the man or woman, girl or boy, who neglects colds, whose blood is impure, who feels weak and languid, uho is the very one to contract tuberculosis aim none arc immune. During changing scasonsj or after sickness, blood-quality is most impor tant, and if you and your family will take Scott's Emulsion after meals it will charge your blood with health sustaining- richness, quicken circulation, and strengthen both lungs and throat. Scott's Is free from alcohol easy to take it cannot harm. Get a bottle to-day. Scott & Domic. Dloomficltl, N. J. U-:j A. t r t r r c & ::.mJm$mj HAND BAGS .Wade of all leather, new styles, fitted with mirror and poekethook, up to $2.00 values, now at, ffl AA each tPl.UU JQ .anm TTheWomarfs Store CORSETS .100 pairs New Model Corsets, made of good eoutn, nas two pairs nose sup- pom-ra, worm if i.uu, now, a pair ? t r ! 59c i Y 3L SALTS IS FINE FOR T I Flush tho Kidneys at onco when Back hurts or Bladder bothors Meat forms urio acid. ? Clearance Sale of Fall and Winter Suits X Every Suit In The House Reduced for Quick Selling Buy Now At Prices ap Low as They Will Ever Be No mAn or woman who eat monl rrcu Inrly can mnkn a ml-tako by llunhlnc; the kidneys occasionally, gnjs a well known authority, jrcat formi urlo cld which clogi tho kidney porei no they ulitKRUlily filter or utraln only part of the waits and polnonn from tho blood, then, you net sick. Nearly all rhcumv tlim, limUcli-, liver trouble, nervou nci, contptlon, dlulntis, lepltsin-M, blnihler diiordera come from sluggish kid nevi. flie moment you frel a dull ache In tlio kidney or your back hurts, or If tlm urine la cloudy, oITcosItc, full of null, ment, Irregular of pa-iago or attended by n Bonaation of acaldlni. act about four ounces of .Tad Salts from any reliable phsrmncy and take a tablrjpoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will thtn act !. iu iniiiiMin nmia in inauo iron! tha acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com blned with llthU and has Urn tired for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate- them to activity, also to neu tralinMho nclds In urine so it no longer rallies Irritation, thus ending bladder (1U orders. Jad Salts la Inexpensive and can not Injuret makes a delightful effer descent lithla-water drink which all reg ular mrnt caters should take now and then to keen tho kidneys clean and the Mood pure, thereby avoiding serious kid ury complications. 1 f r t r r I t ? t r y ? t ? T ? ? ? ? t r ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . l(v?Ti4 f 2.1 "Women's Suits, nitide of fine hroadeloth, last j'ear's styles, up to $10 values, to ho soul Tnursuay at tue un heard-of price, C.'ll'll $5.00 All $20.00 Suits now S15.00 All $27.50 Suits now $22.50 All $05.00 Suits now S27.50 4.11 $J5.00 Suits now $37.50 Owing to this reduetion in price a slight charge will ho made for alterations. 2-Big Winter Coat Bargains-- 2 ' "Vn's Heavy AVinter Coats, last year's styles, good colors, sold as high as $25, to close out quicklyi each $5.98 "Women's Corduroy Coats, in all colors, lined throughout, cheap at $10.00, this sale only ! t T T t ? t t T T t T ? T t ? T JL Special Sale of Taffetta Petticoats 50 lkand New Silk Taf feta Petticoats, all col ors, cheap at $1.00, sale price, each, at $2.48 Buy Your Millinery Here and Secure Supreme Satisfaction lNTKItUim,N ADTO CAll CO. Timo Table Leave Medford dally except Sun day for Ashiand, Talent and Phocnli at 8 a. ni, 115. 3. at) and 5:16 and 18:15 p, m. (Saturday at 11:16 p. w'() gunday leave at 8:00 and 11;00 a, n., 1:00, 5:00 and &.-3C v. m, Leave Ashland dally except Sunday a 9:00 . , 13 50, 1:30, 4:30 and S:$t 9. bs. and Sunday at 10:00 a. pi., It . 4:00, 6 and 10:30 p. m. irwsv 11 I , I artfi I r - m x 10 heatitiful new Adjust able Top All-Silk Taf feta Petticoats, good $5 values, now.flj A Q t'neh. . . D,3.40 Thursday is Remnant Day Kemnaiits of Dress G'oods, Silks, tJiiighains, Cre tonnes, Outing Flannel, .Muslins, Table, Linens, etc., on sale Thursday at about One-Half Price. Some New Waists on Sale 100 new Whito Waists, high neck, long sleeves, made of fine voiles, val ues up to $2, (U i A A lis sale, ea.4) l.UU tli 25 brand new Silk Waists, in plain and fan cv, manv of them worth $1.00, this sale, each $2.98 t KVi. via WA The $6.48 '4 V .?. it Da ns ant ANEW HTHE reputation that this store enjoys for satisfying its cus tomers, both in style and in price is well sustained this sea son. Miss Lounsbury At M & M Department Store We Give S & II Green Trading Stamps r T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 33 13 OFF-SAMPLE LINE OF ART GOODS ON SALE--33 13 OFF f ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t'HoTT'MSMi'TM? Kon ect SKIRT Jlnclo mMi the ".OXIUI"' 1'lnckot It lio-s Just JUTiVCll, nntl jihIkIiik fiinn Its npjioniiuico it Ls an nsMiwxl .snccoM. Ilcautlfully tailored, mndo with a deep, closely gathered silk yoke, mndo of KUiir untccd nil wool matorlnU, tho "DAXSANT" Ih in reality n much better uklrt tliiin tho price would Indicate. Mado I11 hlnck, navy, hrown nnd Kroen serKC and In u nlco nssortinent of plaids nnd stripes. All lengths, waist bands from 22 to 30 at $.1.;S A full nssortinent of other new models In broadcloths poplins gaberdines sorses Scotch plaids fancy twetjds mannish strlpod chuddahs and satins. A Complete Showing in All Sizes, Including Extra Mauds I'rlrrt Rsnglng From $5.00 to $12.50 New Arrivals in Dress Goods Fancy I Maid Silks for "Waists, in manv new patterns, now, yard 98c 89c Ilti-inch guaranteed Lin ing Satin, all colors. worth $1.25, sale price, yd... 10-iuch VU-Silk- Crepe de Chen', a good M.5f grade, cr dT " Q special, d. iJP 1 1 J .'Mi-inch H lack and Color ed Taffeta, cheap at $l.b, very special, vd. 10-inch Silk and Wool Poplin, all colors, $1.25 grade, very special, vd. . 5ti-iuch Coatings, in plain and fancy, worth $2.50, sale D 1 H C priee, yd. H) X O $1.39 98c Hosiery and Underwear Fancy Silk Ilosjerv, the latest fad, verv special jg'.r: . $1.50 AVomen's Fleeced Lined Fast Black Hose, all sizes, 20c grade, now, pair Boys' Jleavv Wool Fleece Shirts and Draw ers, 75c grade, to close out, ea. 15c 25c Women's Vnion Suits, fleeced lined, worth 75e, sale price, a A Q suit 4oC Women's and Children's fine grade Vests and Pants, lule OQr grade, now ea... jLsC Children's Heavy fib bed Casnmere Hose, all biZes.vory r s)e'ial, )air JU U CVCTs'-kkfiks - --i MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED W .-. . SM MAIL OR EXPRESS PREPAID &vt&& v ' '-" --.-- T .. .