PA0T3UTvT0 , Freckles and His Friends ByBl osser MftDEORD MAIL.TftlBUfrE, MtiTFOK 1), PRgON, WMDNKFUMY, 00TOHRU 27, 1015 ASHLAND ID VICINITY Mrs. II. G. Enders Jr. went lo Klamath Falls on Monday to attend the funeral of Judge Noland, the fam ilies being Intimate acquaintances. I). 1), Grant of Eugene, was In town Tuesday, on his way to Texas and Mexico on an important business deal. , Will Edwards, who has been living on tho original Patterson fruit rnncli, now being operated by Arthur Gra ham nnd Paul Williams of (his clfy, has returned to Oktahonm. His wife and two children loft Monday, ho following Inter with a car of stock nnd household goods. Tho round trip rate from Ashland to the exposition on an excursion from tho valley being gotten up by Scott Davis of Medford, Is $31, which Includes railroad fare, hotel accom modations and sight seeing attract ions for an eight day trip beginning about Nov. 1 0. A faction of n church following hero in connection with perennial revival services which aro over on tho flow Instead of tho ebb, claim to have ar rived at n period of snucllficatloti, whereby they are enabled to speak in "unknown tongues." A bunch of agnostics, In order to test tho merits A the claim, plan to attend tho ser vices nnd find nut if tho language used Is plain United States, or whether in line with Scripture proph ecy It Is in reality n polyglot Jargon. On tho Illnlto, Tuesday morning, two citizens, one high in city councils and the other somewhat clovntod in commercial circles, allowed temper to get tho better part of discretion in a talk over municipal improvement matters, with the result that No. 1 ordered No. 2 out of his placo of bus iness, tho party of the first part Incas, tho party of the second part to come out in tho open and receive a pounding. In tho absence of tho pollen, n deputy sheriff happened along who quelled tho Incipient riot. State Representative Irwin of Now port, has been In Ashland for some tlmo past, trying tho benoflts of n chnnga of cllmato for asthmatic troubles. Ho Is slopping at tho Hotel Columbia. Llttlb Miss Helen Loralno Strattou, daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Strat tou of Portland, had tho honor of having her picture In last Sunday's Orcgonlnn ns tho possessor of remnrk nblo musical tnlonl at tho ago of thrco years. Her homo Is at 804 East Mill street. Her mothor was formerly Mlsn Jessie Wobd, daughter of Mrs. Mary Wood, residing hero on Laurel Htreet, and to pursuo tho ancestral genealogy further It might bo added that Tom Fuson of Medford, lu an uncle of Miss Helen Loralnc. A. L, Lamb, pagoda contractor on park embellishment, is scheduled In tho last report of tho state Industrial commlKslon, on tho accident uldo of tho ledger, as having lost n finger. Mm. Pansy Chltds Is subntltuto teacher for the tlmo being In tho first grade, Fast school, until tho plnco mnda vacant by tho resignation of Miss Vlda Foley Is permanently fill ed. Educators npd Btudents of a pre vious generation who well remember Howe's Grammar, published In the east many jours ago, will bo Interest ed to kuow that ono of tho authors of tho textbook, Prof. Edward P. Howo, died In Sacramento recently, ut tho age of 7ti years. First Co., C. A. C of this city, will attend the dedicatory cxerlcsen of tho Medfortl armory Wednesday evening In a body, under command of Capt. C. A. Malone. Mr. Mnlono will at tend the social function given in honor of Gov. With combo and party incident to the dedication. On Thurs day Capt. Mnlono, as a uicmbor of tho Sinernor'K staff, will accompany tlu chief executive and party to tho ex position, whore they will take part In tho observance of "Oregon Participa tion Day," Oct. 30. The title of tho high tidiool anni versary play, to bo gwen in Novem ber Is "A Hebo of Plymouth Town," puggcstlvo of Now England colonial ..nys, Eight students participuu-, and although John Alden Is not in tho cast "Prlsullla" Is In tho person of Ml As Carnahan. Others aro Lelth and Ernest Abbott, I.oulso Glllotto, Elbert Fnrlow, Italph Hurrls, Dorothy Hdwards and Gertrude Harbor. Miss lllfrelda Merz. instructor In English, Is coaching tho cast nnd directing the play generally. Mrs. W. W. L'shhor has been elect ed vice president of tho Oregon con grots of Mothers and Parent-Teach-or associations In recent session as hombled at'corvallls. Monday, Nov. 1, lit designated as Ashland dn at tho Land Products show in Portlttnd. The evening of tho same date Is to be devoted to a general gathering of members of the lllk's order Mr. and Mn. Q. F. Hillings left Tttewlay for a visit to the exposition. Kittort automobile driven, motor ing a little more leisurely on tho re tar trip fiom the recent non-Mop nad test from Tia Juanu, Maxloo, to Vsseouver, II. C enuftrm the report ttjal tit dtanco. 1S08 miles, was 6vsrtA In 117 hitwr without tho tibppniio of 0 wheel from the Mex letM lo Canadian boiuidnrltu. On I $ "fi YOU 60 (N AW acJ tii rtiich" fsrs in rcuLCK, lUAT DRAWS OS, IP HE'S FOUNP JVKJA.MP PPDVOiJ ner-an1 we'll i Ij71" sUr tho way north they passed through Ashland in the early morning hours. Tho car was a Chandler, manned by Den Kropf, mechanician, and Joo Waddcll, moving plcturo operator, who took along Charley Hunter, man ager of tho Chandler Motor Car Co. of California, Al "Waddoll, auto edi tor of tho Los Angeles Times, nnd Jack Griffin, common every any pas senger. Monrad Nyby, who recently traded his premises nt the head of Mnplo street to Emerson Hough for Port land property, has gone to tho Iloso City to reside. He Is a bricklayer by trade. Hough Is occupying his now purchase of two acres, on which Is an abundance of fruit, garden patch and substantial houso. Itev. Dr. Matt Hughes, well known Chautauqua lecturer, and who has appeared on tho local assembly plat form, Ih mentioned an a candldato for bishop of tho M. E. church at tho forthcoming national conference nt Saratoga, N. V. Ho Is at prosont pas tor of a leading church In Lon An geles. If chosen, ho will tunko tho second selection out of ono family, his brother, Nov. Dr. Ed Hughes, hold ing a similar position in San Fran cisco. Ashland families remember tho Hughes boys ns students of Iowa collcgo at Grlnnoll. A coroner's Jury nt Hilt censured tho Fruit Growers Supply Co., of that town In a recent verdict regarding the accidental death of Earl Vottel, who recently lost his life In tho log ging camp of that corporation. Tho high school monthly will re turn to the annual form of publica tion. Mr. Ilollenhcuk of Prospect died Friday mommy; nt Salem, thin state, and was buried Sunday ut Antiooli. Mrx. Moouey nnd I'd Ilollenbenk have the .sincere sympathy of till their ac (Mininlunces. Mr. Irwin took Air. nnd Mr. Mooney to Medford J'riday night in his ear mid Mr. Ilollenbenk nnd family diove through. A. C. Howlctt was looking after the Medford Mail Tribuno subscribers in this pait lust neck. Ho visited Flounce Hock K"liool nnd nuide n speech lo the children. Then was tiite n fin burning lines: of Red Blanket last neck. A dozen men were ent up from Medford to fi;ht the file, nnd it vns soon under control. The fires hnvo not seemed to bum ery fiercely in spito of the drv weather. tlnincK Peyton icturiicd Suturduy from Sun Fmneihoo. John Oriee made n liufineis trip lo the valley lubt week nnd leturucd Saturday. Itoliert Diojiliy U visitfn homo folks non. Mr. Manning, lias been 'work inu at Mr. lJroomfield's for bomn time, went homo Saturday. Mr Lewis of Flounce Itoek raueli went to Medfotd Tuecdav. Miss Margery KrHkine made n visit home nt tho wiek end nnd nNo spent ono night with Mrn. Ulunuhard. Alfn-d (fonirui nail Hlnier Dawson ninde n tup to Fort Klamuth last week. Kail Pity ton is opending liin vaca tion nt liome. Mr. Jaekson of liar View, Or., re eently viited liU will friend, Mr. nnd Mr. Urophy, i OnV Lawn. Mr?. VniiKhnii underwent a minor operation nt f)e Saeied Honit hospi tal Sunday. She is doins; nieeh now.! Hobait Ditswoith nnd bin eousin nnd Ouy I'obley arriod t Fiank Ditswoith's Monday. IUY Vaujl:tn went to the ollev Monday. Mi- sister, Mr. Ditsworth, atfi'ompanied Uilu t be with Iut mother. Tat Walker wnt to Medf-nd l.i-l Tfcurdy, retununir Monda Whd. in the vtiltey li iittended Mi !! lenbenk'n funerHl dmn, Mr. and .Mnt. SliMUn mhiI U ' n.1 drvn nn4 Mr d Mt. inn .1 i Iam Anodic, eawe in Sniiiiil.iv n nutomiihilo to iM nt Mi P ' it 'lltIM ltlk.l im St. .rt II eitMls h! (r. I'ovtoH TU M Wi'ij rxxY L0 c FLOUNCE ROCK FRILLS lOOWS"1' 1 ,' pleaped with tins country and hope to locale here. Miss Helen Pinker, who teaches the Rroiihv school, ninde n visit to her home in Central Point recently. Mr, Peterson made n bewildering numbci of trips up nnd down the rond last week, lie visited the wheels on sonto of his trips. r. MeKce luotored to Mcdford Snndhy. Wes Kelso nnd family have moved to thejr home near Derby. Mrs. (I).iWHon nnd tlnughter nnd Mr?. A very V children spent Sunday fit Mr. Peyton's. Mrs. Stenrna brought fifteen to Sunday school in the automobile. They were mostly mnnll children. Misses Lillian Nye and Flossie Tucker took dinner with Violel Hits worth and Inter ntlendcd Sunday school. Mr. Conlev took a hunch of cuttle. down from Iniunhu Sunday and some men took a bunch of Mr. Rowei' cat tle up to Ited Blanket Monday. iti.vrOcHlim ;eo ukeySIAehrotel Miss Clarke of Talent is spending tho week with Miss Kulh Kennedy. Roland Hurkholz has been on tho wick list yevernl days this week Frank McKcc and party motoied to Sleepy Hollow ranch Monday after noon, j. 0. M. Kennedy returned from n very MicccfNl'ul husiness trip to Klamath Falln. M"rs. W. I). Clarke was called to Portland on account of tho serious ill ness of her grandfather. The business meeting of the Grange was held nt the sehoolhoiiso Saturday evening, after which a cry good pio gram was rendered. Mr. nnd Mrs. Croft's two children have been seriously ill for two weeks. Mrs. Austin of Central Point is Inking cure of the etise. Albert Forgey and Harold Gudmiin son of tho Seventh company, Med ford, attended the dedication of the now nnsory nnd inilitniy hall Wed nesday. Mrs. W. A. Thompson and Mrs. Minnie MeKee attended the bridge pnity given bv tho Klks of Medfoid Wednesday. Roy nnd George Nichols' mother nnd father expect to letiiin to the valley, to i cumin during the winter. Will Lewis and John Sixty motored to Medford Thursday to shake hands with their friend, Dill Thompson, tho present mayor of Chicagiw Dr. If. C. Smith of Newport, Tenn., isited (Icoryci P. Minis several day lust week. Mr. Smith and Mr. Minis have been friends since childhood. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil at Its meeting to bo held Novem ber 3, 11)15, for n llconso to soil malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In quantities less than n gallon nt Its place of business nt 33 North Front street, In tho city of Medford until January 1, 1910. Dated Oct. 18. 1915. M. & E. J. ADAMS. .SCHOOL WARRANTS FOIt KALK School District No. 74, P O. Trail, Oregon. Warrants for nalo. Amount One Thousand Dollars, In 50 units, to run from one to five years, with logal Interest. J W MILLER, 190 Clerk. GOTHIC THE NEW ARROW 2 cT2sc COLLAR IT FITS THE CRAVAT mr J L r -f ART WILLOW SPRINGS CtUCTT ftAtOBYiCO, Uft Mf 'v i n i t iv f iwfy,i.i ' II 1 1 ; w&pi'j r r -, HAVE VA' 60T I ) BOV! " VLLf $ A WAME PICKED ,-- A 11 r rwm S0tlK 'J - "' --w ' 1 jar kxns- DARK, THICK, GLOSSY Look years youngerl Try Grandma's recipe of Sage and Sulphur and nobody will know. Alraoat everyone knows that Sngn Te nnd Sulphur, properly comoundc5, brings back Hie nnlural color nnd Itutro to the hnlr when faded, streaked or gray; nlno ends dandruff, Itching scnlp nnd stops falling h&ir. Years ago the only way to get thin mixture wan to nuiko it nt home, whioh is rnuesy nnd trouble noma Nowadays wo nimply nk nt nay driig ntoro for "WyoUi'n Sago nnd Sulphur Hnlr Remedy." Vou will get n largo lioitlo for nbout 60 cents. Brerybody um4 Uil old, famous recipe, bccnUM no one oan ponslbly tell that you dnrkoned your hair, nn It docs it to naturally nnd evenly. You dnmpcn a spongo or soft brush with it nnd draw thin through your hair, taking ono small strand at a tlmoi by morning tho gray hnlr dlsap iwirs, nnd after wiotlior nppllcatlcm or two, your hnlr liooomw beautifully dark, thick nnd glousy and you look yen. younger. , Reported by Jnckson County Ab tract Co., Sixth and Fir BU, Circuit Hliu J. Lewis vs. ). S. Harnett et al., aelioii for luiinc.Vt William Ulnch vs. Clinton Textor, dceiec. cost lull. . Fanners' k Fniitgiowers' Hank vn. M. V. Rcddy, deposition. It. L. Sahiu vs. W. K. Iluehnunn et ul default. State of Oregon s. Chailes Aus tin, order of Miraigument. State of Oregon vs. Charles Aus tin, older on pica, I'. II. Potter vs. Rose P.. Loar, mo tion by defendant for judgment on pleadings. Kenneth H. Mninett vs. O. R. Chuf fec et nl., reply. Prohnto Guardianship of Cut lis Anderson et al., report of guardian and Dctitinu for discharge, order, Kstate of Frank R. Unbelts, order appointing appraisers; bond. Ileal ICstato Tmusfers I'nited States lo Wjlliam 1. Mooic, land in sec. (l-:i.i.:iW.Pnteut Loltio Howell to Liuinj-lnu Realty Co., land in bee. 'J-ilH- W s) I M. Bollinger et ux to Joseph A. Luucop, lot -1, block 1, New town Add., Mcdrord -100 NOTICH Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil nt its meeting to bo held Novem ber 3, 1015, for a llccnso to noil malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in qautltlen less than it gallon nt Rs plnce of business on lot 11, block 20, Ity of Medford until January 1, 19 1C. Dated October 9, 1915. HELSHY & KENNEDY. 22 North Front St. Xofjer of Kliciirr Knlc t'niler Execu tion Jn J'oi-er lusuio Lou D Jones, Plaintiff, vs .liidrnn G. Goble. HcHSln M. (Joblo, and F. IZ. Merrick as Truteo, Dofondants Ily lrtuo of an execution and order of sale (lulv issued out of and under tho seal of tho circuit court of tho Stato of Oregon, In and for the Coun ty nf Jackson, duted tho Oth dav of Octobor, 191 ., In n cortaln foreclos ure suit tlu rein, wherein Lou D Jones, as plaintiff, on tho 2nd (jay of HOTEL OXFORD Newest and Best in GRANTS PASS, ORE. Embodies every convenience and comfort found In a modern hotel, lot and cold water, steam heat and clephone in erery room Largo herrful lobby with open fire. Well Liuhtcd Sample ltoom. Rates moderate Auto-bus to all (rains. Medford trade especially solicited F. W. STREETS, Prop. GOURTHOUSENEWS October, 1'JlG, rccovcrod n judgment against tho defendant Judson G, Goble, in tho sum of $3,(179.00 to gether with $31.00 costs, and secured a decreo against tho other defendants herein, Public notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tho commands of said execution and order of Bale, I will on Tuesday, tho 16th day of No vember, lDin, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at tho front door of tho Court Hauso In Jackson ville, Jncknon County, Oregon, offer for sale and will soli at public mic tion, nubject to redemption ns is by law provided, nil of tho right, title, and Interest of the defendants In and to tho following real property to-wlt: Commencing nt tho Southeast cor ner of tho 1. J, Philips reservation in tho City of Medford, whero Sixth Street Intcrsccta with tho County Itbnd (Iltversldo Avcnuo); thence in a ttdrthorly direction, along tho Went nldn of said road, ono hundred (100) feet; thence in n westerly direction, parallel with Sixth street, ono hun dred (100) feet; thenco In a South erly direction parallel with naid coun ty rond, one hundred (100) feot to Sixth street, thenco in nn easterly di rection, along tho north lino of Sixth stient; one hundred (100) feet to tho placo of beginning, being n parcol ut lnnd 100 feet by 100 foot in tdzo. All of tho above land will bo Bold at said tlmo nnd placo In tho manner provided by law for tho nalo of real property to satisfy tho Judgment, costs and accruing costs of thiH nolo. Dated this Nth day of October, 1015. W. II. SINGLEH. Shorlff. Hy E. V. Wilson. Deputy. i'OK itKNT IIUtTHRKKKl'taa noo.MR FOIt ItKNT -Modern furnliiaed housekeeping rooms, cheap; closo In. !2!H East Oth. 208 ervjs rem hunt nousKfl FOR RENT Six room modern bun galow. Phono 319-J or Inquire Gld H. Onkdalc, 187 FOR RENT Furnished modem house. W. II. Everhnrd, 1013 W. Oth Btroot. FOR RENT Modern C-room bunga low. 12-G0. Phono 13-X. 187 FOR RENT Wall ttirulMied modern bungalow. 42.! South Laurel. FOR IUCNT I-UimnriKD flOOMH FOR RENT FurnlBhed rooms unO also houso keeping ruoiuu, dose lu, 30t South Central. ran rent .mihukllanicouh FOR LEASE Equipped placor mlno, Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR LEASE Rich river bottom land. Kino for gardening, com nnd potatoes. It., caro Mall Tri bune. 7T" I t rll -ir-SWT '! , r I FOR BALK ItKAli KSTAT FOR SALE Tho'HatejlSmt'lCO acre farm on tho Rondo river, be ing part Section 32, Townfihlp 33, Range 1 East, house, barn, alfalfa, fruit trees, timber and pnsturo, fishing, hunting and health; best offer takes it; terms. Writu Ken noth MacRne, Medford, Oregon, un til Oct. 30th, 187 FOR SALE 00 acres land, fine, deep noil, deeded water right, 7 room houso, electric lighted, modern, 4fix3G barn, fenced Page wlro, 40 acres In alfalfa, corn, sugar beets and small gnrdon truck, 20 acres in pears, Rartlett and D'Anoit, small peach orchard, team horses, cow, farm Implements and nil crop goon with placo, For prlco and particular!), address Rex 00, R. F. D, No. 4, L. M. C. Central Point, Oro. REAL "ESTATE FOR 8ALE All kinds of property for snlo or ex change. Gold Rny Realty Co. FOR HALE Farm land, fruit land, timber land, land from 10.00 por aero upwards on long time, Gold Ray Realty Co. NEW TODAY I have ono of tho finest outlawing stock rani hen In tho county Four hundred acres nearly all of It in ag ricultural laud, and halt of It irri gated. I'lnu improvements, well out In tho free outrange About $5000 worth of personal property noes with It Price $11,000, and a great hu ut that price. Pine little plate rlosc to pavement in Grant Pum, six acres, some al falfa, und some fruit Would trade clwir for Alndford properl). C. D. HOON Room Id, Jickyii County Iwtnk llhig. FOR BALBv-MfrrOtttiljANKbUS FOR SALE 8 vinegar barrels, cheap. Taylor & Sons, phono 204-11. 186 FOR SALE Buy :i fancy dressed milk fed capon for your Sunday dinner, 0 pounds up, 20c per lb. Order nt Marnh A. Ilennett's Friday for Saturday delivery. FOR )R , SALE Angora gonts. Ed Whlio, CUmnx, Ore. 212 FOR SALE Rugn, sowing machine, stovea, hod, kitchen cabinet, dishes, etc. Inquire Mrs. C. P, Drown at Golden Rule or 614 W. 1 1th. FOR SALE Ono dresser, ono lounge, 4 rocking chairs, thrco quarter bed, small rugs. Phono 328-11. Call 227 North Oakdalc. FOR SALE Corn, beardless and bearded barloy. Phono 36, Dr. Clancy. FOit SALE Polo mountain buggy, good as new. Palmer Investment Co., Modoc Orchard. FOR SALE Stamp mill, mining cars nnd track rail, pumps, hoists, air compressor, air drills, mining mn chlncry, tools and supplies, Iron nnd hydraulic plpn all niees, at half prlco. Addrcns M, card Tribuno. ., ...., Jy,, rOU HAfJU-IiHrMBTOOK FOR SALE- Good young Jersey cow. Phono 468-R-l, illO FOR SALE liny more, harness, buggy, wagon, shot gun (Winches ter), glrl'n bicycle, Jersey cow, Frltscho, IIox 33-A, Route 2, Med ford. 191 FOR SAL)' Horse, one horso farm wagon, good ulnglo harness for name, 140.00. 20 S. Peach at. 18ft FOR SALE Choico registered Duroc gclts, young hoars, nnd woanllngn. L. II. Houston, 1 mild west of Tal ent, Phono 3-F12. 180 FOR HALE 12 heavy work maren, well brolto. vlnaon'tf Ilnrn, North Riverside nvenuo. 188 FOR SALE Must nacrltlcn several good cows for Inch of feed. Address Rex E. Q, 8., Mali Tribune. 200 WANTRD Mlnirt4ljAWrX)U8 WANTED Furnished roem: giro dentistry. Cull Dr. Jones, 204 E. MaluSt. 01 WANTED Fresh cows. O. E. Rluck Ingtou, Gold Hill, Oro. 18S WANTED Second hand 3-4 or 1-2 inch water pipe; also to trade wagon, buggy or horso for A-l milk cows. Phono 14 8-X. WANTED Largo knitting mill In vltes corrospoudonco from women desirous of earning inonoy, part or full tlmo. Good pay. Experience unnecessary. International Mills, Inc., NorrUtown, Pa, 200 HELP WANTED VVAlAw WANTiiD-AVouVaD paekoror Me ford prcrcrred. Phono 40K-R-2. - 187 lIEfilMVANTLIttvJlALK W ANTKDA' man who wTii uno lits brains and feet for eight hours n day. ran secure a splendid position with good Income with (bo Pacific Mutual Llfp Insurance Co. Acci dent and Health Department, 301 2 Title &. Trust Rldg . Portland, Oregon. 189 WAMKr--fln O.tTlONB WANTED Dressmaking Phono 479-M. 144 South Central. . li.rrj- -; .fl 1OS1 LOST--Nearly wifto fox terrier, (nuster) Strayed from James Owens' placo Sunday. Notify E. D. Klwopd. Medford. 188 WHY? IT IH YOUR HURIMCSH TO SEE MK necausft my toc. m trade la to have optioned at tho lowest cash prlco tho best buy In this county. I have boon on tne ground look ing out for you for the past flv years. Nearly everyday I havo In vestigated some "good thing." I have eliminated everything except tboso deals which I am convinced will -".oro me satisfied customers. In a few hours time I can give you tho benefit of this research. It It my business to show you over the county and.lntroduce you to the possibilities and opportunities here. Bee Med ford first tad J. C. BARNES I (Hi Wel HftiB Kirvtt t&&2Ker' Ill'taNKSS DIRECTORY Auto Supplies LAlIEn AUTO SPRING CO. We are oporntlhg tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 26 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Ore. Attorney. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MHALBT Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Dank bldg. A. n. REAMES, LAWYER Garnelt Corey bldg. G. M. RORERTS Lawyer. Medford National Dank Building. -.-. 1-U.-.J. P- Dentlsui Dr. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. O. VAN SCOYOC Dcntlstn Gnrnott-Coroy Dldg., ulto 310 Modfbrd, Oro. Phono 8GG. Collections nnd ltcportn COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Wo collected some accounts 14 yenrs old. Wo know how to got tho money. Tho Dmfock Mercantile Agency. Inc., Rooms I, 2, 3, Hna klns' Dldg., 216 E. Main nt. ICnglnccr nnd Contractor FRED N. CUMMINGS Snglneor and contractor, 4"4 M. F. & II. Dldg. Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation dralnnca, orchard and land Im provement. cs. Garbage GARRAGK Got your promisee cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good Hcrvicu. Phono 274-L. !', Y. Alien. Instruction In Music HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401, Gnrnott-Coroy bldg. Fred Al ton Halght, pluuo; Mrs. Florence Halliday Halght, Voice. Phoae 72. PlijNlclniit nnd Surgeons DR. F. d. CALOwi" DIL EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostcopathro physicians, 410-417 Oarnott-Coroy bldg., phono 1036-L. Residence 26 South Lnurel at. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia phynlclan, 303 Gnrnott-Coroy building. Phono 904-M. DR. .1. J. E.MMEN8 Physician and Hiirnbon. Practice limited to eye, cur, nose nnd throat. Eyes Helen tlflcally tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist nnd Aurlst for S. P. R. R, Co. Offices M. F. & H Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phono 507. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician mid nurgeon Phonos, offico 36, resi dence 724-J. Offico hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. 8, A. LOCKWOOD DR MYRTLE 8. IX)CKWOOD Physicians nnd surgeons, Office 300-310-311, M. F. & II. bldfc. Phonos, rosldcnco S14-J2, offico S14. DR. MARTIN C. HARDER- Physi cian and nurgeon. Headaches and block, npposlto Nash hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. T. (J. HEINE, M. V.- Eye, Ear. Noso nnd Throat. Headaches and nervous conditions relieved by properly fitted glasses. Cross oyos Straightened, orflco 228 E. Matn st., phono 303. Consultation free. Printers ami 1'iibllsbcrt MEDFORD PRINTING CO., hns thft beit equipped printing offico In Eouthorn Oregon; book binding-, loose leaf ledKors, billing sfctoms, etc. Portland priced. 27 North Fit' flt lublle Htenogrnpher M T EDWARDS, Stcograpiier and Multlgraphlng, Rooms 409-410 Garnett-Coroy building. Office phono 709-J, rosldcnco phone 163-R. TrAiisfers EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, -Office 42 North Front Bt. Phone 310. Prices right. Service guaranteed. H ll I III I I II II II I I II I im . LEARN WATCHMAKING Take tho right step now; pleaiant, profitable work not overdene: few months learning, positions guaran teed; write for references and partic ulars. Portland Watchmaking. Kh xrnvluu ami Optical School. 2 IS Com monwealth illdg . tit h npd .HHwV Portland, Pregou, . t L fv m: e. v Jfr1 " ff r-Hv'W('Wl '' ,"" .