Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 27, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The influence of .puRur leot I'tiHurc
on ngrieullurc mid its 1 elation to nn
tionnl economies, ineludinr the hijrh
cost of living ns affected by the in
creased yield of oilier crop4 when
grown in rotation with Mipnr licets,
wn covered Bomewhnt exhaustively
by the sixty-second congress ns
piiown in document 800. It includes
interesting nntl instructive ilntn nbout
the cheniifttry of beet ntul enne sugar.
For instnne.e, it is not uncommon to
bene n housewife declnre it to lie im
KissibIe to preserve fruit or mnke
confectionery with beet mtgnr. Others
elniin that beet supnr U not as sweet
as eane sugar and, hence, more o it
is required to render n given degree
of sweetness. Rome claim to bo ablo
to distinguish beet sugar from cane
sui?nr by the size of the erystnls, some
by the color, others by tlio length it
taken ii lump of sugar to dissolve in
a euji of coffee or other liquid.
Sugar Crystals Identical
All of these conclusions are falla
cious, for even a chemist, surrounded
by nil of his scientific laboratory
equipment, euuiiot distinguish one
fiom tlio other. Although derived
from diffeienl specie of plants, the
refined product from the juice of the
eane nnd the beet is the same in com
position, in, sweetening power, in
dietetic effect, in chemical renetjon,
in all other rcspccK Furthermore, if
maple sugar were icboilcd and pnsscd
thronuh the process of refining, it
Vould lose its nromn and flavor,
Mliich are wholly in the impolitic,
and the whito cryMuls would lie iden
tical with those derived from sugar
care nnd sugar beets.
Pme sugar, whether dciivcd from
beet or eane, is rs identical as is pure
gold, whether mined in the Koeky
mountains or the Transvaal. It'
Mould be as reasonable for the house
uife to nttrihttto the failure-of her
omeloito to tho fact that the hens
uhicli laid the egss uoro Uhodo-lsl-i
nnd Ucds instead of W'yandottes ns to
attiibute the failure of her preserves
to the use of beet Instead of eane
Inasmuch ns onc-hhif of the 17,
000,000 tons' annual sugar produc
tion of the world is derived from
European sugar beet, to assume that
this sugar cannot be used for pre
serving fruits or making confection
ery H to nssume that where beet sit
g'ir is produced tho people cither go
without confectionery nnd picserves
or that they import cane sugar with
which to make thorn.
Sold as Cane Sugar
Of the 1.900,000 tons annual sugar
consumption in Great llritnin, 1,1100,
000 tons are derived from sugar beet
of the continent. A few yenrs ago
10 per cent of the I'nitedvStntes im
portations of sugar was beet sugar,
and now, from lime to time, when ,
shoitnje of sugar occurs in the West
Indies, raw Kuropean beet sugar is
imported into the United States, and
it all emorges from our soubonrd ro
finories as ''pure cane aimar.'' This
is not a misbranding, as Webster's
definition or "wine sugar'' is "a
sugar obtained cbiellv fiom sugar
enne, or sugar maple, and beet root,
nnd contained in a great manv otlio
vegetables." Other standard diction
nries jmo practically the snmo defin
ition. From the foregoing- ituthoritntivc
definitions it will bo scon that thore U
no possibility of determining the
source from which a pure sugar crys
tal is deried. All the arts of chem-it-try
havo failed to develop a dif
ference between these crystal-.
Tho N'orth I'ole mlno In the Simili
ter dhtrlct has 10 men taking out
nnd shipping large quuutltlcs of high
gratia ore.
Lime Treatment
in Tuberculosis
lu thr Maj- -". 1013. I. wr uf the
Juurunl of thr .wrrlfHU Mrtllral .a.
aiK-litlluu airarrtl lula alMlriurul
ruuirriiliiu ralriuua tllmr) lunlli-a-lluu
lu tur trrmiiimt of iiuluiunarj
lulirrruluaU ruuauxiitluu 1 1
"l uilrr liar ayalriuallr, vuutluurtl
nud Mrralxrnt rrcluir ( ralrluiu
aa.liullatlou, au t.lrnun baa arm a
uuuiltrr uf lila iiatlrula l,iiirur, an.
IrrKU au rkuilatluu ur urllal run
aullilalluu In Ihr Iuuk. nalrb thru rr
oiiIWuk Mould apiirar tu rtiutrlliutr
lu llir nalllajc ulT and tlualuu; of Ihr
Iralolla. llauil lu Maud Milk Ikla
vuurar uf rtruta. llir awuluui rlrara
Ui uf tubrrrlr liarltll, Mhlra Dually
UlapH-ar. auil Ihr ialirula arr dla
rliartfrtl nltl, kralr.1 puluiuuarjr lu
lirrruloala. ineJnMl Journal aeldum
peak o pommel) uliuut remtiliul
OKI-nt. el tlila teatiliioii) tolnrlilra
with il.ut (loin Ii.mio loiuuiniititea
who Imw ara-ureil like reaulla
ItirouKu the UK of K kuun'i Altera-
kliutv calcium la a iolmtUUUt of
Ikla rrndy fur fiMlmouar) tttberru
loaU Mid allied throat anil bronchial
ttrt-tttku ila Mwlliif porr nwr In
,wc miMtur be kiiributrd to the
tmmnmtr m which thu tltnMil la
cniMi4 Klla lhar luErllti a
( hr asaily aaiwiiUld h lh vr-
lf frraon and It due not Irritate
fl9 BKtMIH h
(chMMu a Allrtlr cuntaiki mi
MlnfM. uirciMut i hauli formmr
oruea. m ii b tmt lo tr If r
drusKlal OKI of It uk hiw to
i4rr of a1 dire I tu
Krktaaa lhuralur, I'hlladrlakla.
Trice $1 and $2 a Lottie.
Returns from School In Richmond and
Becomes Belle of Her Home Town
From Host of Suitors She Picks
Wealthy Washington Jeweler Be
comes Bride at 24.
(This is the second chapter of the
"Life- Story of tho Ne.t First Lady
of the Land,' now appearing exclus
ively in the Daily Mail Tribune. EtU
When "finished'!, nt the exclusive
girls' school in Kichmotid, Edith Noll
imj (now Mrs. Norman flnlt and soon
to be President Wilson's bride), re
turned to Wythevillc her home town
where she nnd her three sisters,
tho "beautiful Hulling girls," soon be
came the belles of the little town.
In addition to her benuty, Edith
Rolling had gieat charm and sweet
ness of disosition, nnd she soon be
came a favorite. Tho Rollings, al
though not rich, were comfortably
well off, and Edith Rolling continued
her music studies, but to offset this
expense she made most of her own
Mrs. y. L, Hartley was In Med ford
Tuesday with some of his fine gropes.
Hob Furry hud to bo brought lu
from Head Indlnn last Thursday, be
ing tnken maidenly III, but soon re
covered after reaching Phoenix.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sinclair of
California and Thomas Sinclair and
wlfo arrived at C. Careys Tuesday.
They nre on their wny to Willamette'
valley, where they havo purchased a
fnrm. Mrs. Henry Sinclair Is a cousin
of Mrs. Carey.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. nruln of North
Tnlent were In Mcdford Saturday.
James Moreton of Phoenix was a
.Mcdford business caller Saturday.
Miss Juimlta Furry of Phoenix was
a week-end visitor with MIbs Flar
enco Trowbridge of Med ford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Itoberts and
family visited relaUves in "Phoenfx
Hob Purvis of Wagoner creek Is
hauling tomatoes to tho Hoko can
nery at Mcdford.
Mrs. Harry Lynch' and chlldrcn'o'f
Wagner creek spent Sunday with Mrs.
Lynch's mother, Mrs. Anderson of
( The Ladles' Aid at Phoenix will
servo n 15 cent ten at Knglo hall In
Phoenix Wednesday evening at C
o'clock, nnd ask a liberal patronago
to help church work.
13. Calhoun of Hocky Ford orchard,
was In Mcdford Saturday with some
nice pork.
Mrs. Joo Under spent Monday after
noon In Mcdford trading.
Lawrence French spent Sunday vis
iting relatives, on Wagner creek and
reports qulto heavy rain up there.
Kmmct Hecson was a business visi
tor In Mcdford Friday from Wagner
One of tho finest show pens of
Light Ilrahmn chickens on tho coast
may bo seen nt C. Carey's place.
These birds aro from eastern nnd San
Francisco stock, tho result of four
years' enrcful breeding and Mrs.
Carey Is very proud of them.
Halph Hayman of Phoenix had a
very narrow escape from tleath from
a falling rock wlillo working upon
the ditch last Saturday. An unus
ually heavy blast sent many stones
high in tho ulr and one struck young
liny man as It fell, Had It struck
him on top of the head, Instead of a
glancing blow, death would have been
the result. As It Is his face and one
shoulder woro badly cut. Ho was
rushed to Dr. Malmgren of Phoenix,
where his wounds were dressed.
She soon developed great repnla-1
tiou among her family nud girlhood
friends for her ability to buy, to cut
out, to fit and to make up different
frocks for different occasion.
This early training nlso gave hci
great skill nt tnnking lints. Today she
con "poise a wing" or twist n ribbon
into a bow with the skill of a trained
In addition, bhe was given thorough
training in the nrt pf housekeeping
nnd learned to cook many typical
southern dishes under tho direction
of "Old ninok Joe," a wrinkled negro,
who was "de Uollingses cook" for
twenty years.
She w,n.s now a young womnn of
'JO, and her beauty, charm and nlso
her cleverness nt prepnring Sunday
evening suppeis (n distinctive fen title
of southern households) soon made
Sunday evening nt tho Rollings' home
gala occasions, which attracted the
"quality folk' of town, pniticttlnily
the young men.
One after another sho graciously
rejected suitors, and
Then she met Nornmn Onlt. member
of the fnmous Onlt jewelry firm which
had been established in Washington
in Jefferson's time. Ardent eoutt
sbip followed nnd in 1800 she wns Jl
then they were married nt S.
John's Episcopal church in Wythe
villc by the How Merge P. Logan.
It wns n day of joy nnd sorrow in
the little town when the happy cou
ple left for their honeymoon nnd then
to inn he their home in Washington,
Helutivcs nnd friends of the Roll
ings from nil the surrounding country
nnd from Richmond as well, were on
hand, happy in the radiant bride's
happiness, and yet sad that "sweet
Edith Rolling'' was leaving home.
(Chapter III of the "Life Story of
tho Next First Lndv of the Laud" will
appear in tho Daily Mail Tribune tomorrow.)
y riT-jg'
ar iif 7 ' v
Father and mother of President's! .Mrs. Sullle Whlto Rolling
and the Lulo .Inilgo Win. II. Holllng.
ASHLAND, Oct. 27. Tho lid will
bo off lu tho old town during a series
of Hallowe'en Jolllflcntlons. Tho Civ
ic Improvements have chartered Odd
Fellows hall for Friday evening, nnd
those headquarters will assume tho
appearance of u casino, of course,
barring all liquid refreshments of tho
stronger kind. There will bo music,
card playing and dancing, In connect
ion with which diversions nmplo re
freshments will bo served, nil at a
nominal price, tho proceeds going to
wards tho upkeep of various munic
ipal uettcrmentB.
On Saturday night a spook dancn
will be given at tho Nntatorlum,
where revelers will whllo tho time
away amid wlcrd and fanciful sur
roundings, the grotesquo predominat
ing ns to costumes and tho beautiful
as to decorations.
Parent, teachers and pupils of tho
Ucllcvlow school, cast of city limits
aro also preparing an Ideal Hallow
e'en ohsorvanco on Friday evening.
On Friday at 3 p. nt. occurs tho
high school football gamo on local
grounds between Ashland and Klam
ath Falls. Upon recommendation of
the business Men's association, stores
will closo nt 2:30 on tho assumption
that business men desire to show In
terest In tho various activities of tho
high school.
Tho teacup club will hold a food
nalo at Hodgson & Heed's offlco on
Saturday, and tho ladles of tho Dap
tlst church will serve a dinner in the
basement of tho church on Saturday
at tho noon hour. All theso events
nre (pinsl connected with tho Hallow
e'en festival or anticipating It.
The "Know How"
is the result of long oxnoiioncp nnd study. For years export cooks havo
boon converting tho inner meats of ehoiro Indian corn into delicious, golden
lirMviT'ijri.sps POST TOASTIES.
'A constant endeavor to make Toast ios bolter has produced tho
which have a NEW flavour and form a true corn flavour and tender
crispness unknown to "corn flakes" of the past.
The new process raises tiny pearl-like "puffs" on each flakq a dis
tinguishing feature; also imparts substantial form -tho NEW Toasties
don't mush down when cream or milk is added.
They come factoiy-fresh in wax sealed packages as crisp and appe
tizing as when they leave the o ens- -and that's mighty good.
New Post Toasties
Your grocer has them now.
The Independent Market
Brisket of Hoof, lb 8c
Pinto, lb 10c
Pot "Roasts, lb 12i2c to 15c
Prime "Rib Koasts. II) 15c
Shoulder Steak, lb 15c
Jound iMoali, li) ...... -..........-...,. luc
("iiiioiii oteaic, id .M...M.....nMM..M.... lc
T-Hone Steak, lb ....... .... 20n
Hamburger Steak, lb ;..................... 13c
Pork Steak, lb .ST....- 12',.c
Pork lioasts and Thops, lb. 12lc to 15c
Puro Pork Sausage, lb 12 Vie
Pure Home K'ondeiftd hard 60c and $1.15
Homo-Made Minromcat, lb 15c
Free Delivery
Prest-olight Service
A Tank When You
Want It Always
We have doubled our supply
of exchange tanks and will
always have a generous supply
on hand.
How's Your
Robes and Gloves?
C. E. Gates
You ennnot rub out Rheumatism. You can Ret temporary relief,
but the blood must be cleansed to make it permanent.
It In nnlural to nib th npot thnt
hurts wlicn tlio Klnljlilni! inln nro
causing nRony, whan JolntH nml mus
cles nre mire nml stlfl; thnt In the time
when llnlmonlH nml ptnutors nre cnlloil
upon, to lollevo the UlstresB. Tlio fal
lacy of kucIi trciituients nml Its danger
!lea In tho fan thnt It may nffonl tern
porniy relief. II IiiIIh tho vletlm Into n
Bcnso of Botnrlty. monnwlille the In
ililious poison of Uric Aclil xlowly, but
Burcly, Id netting ft stronger prlp upon
the entire Hyntein. lU'eunintlRin Is one
Of the niOHt dungecoufl of blood dis
eased, for tho reason thnt It trans
form!) Its victims' llfu Into a period uf
misery nnd HUlYerlnK n veritable liv
ing torment. If you suffer from Acuto
Ilheuumtlxm, Rclntlca, Lumbago, Mum
tular IUicnmntlsm or this fateful treu
bio lu nny form, you Know that those
words nre true. There Is only one wny
to i;ot permanent relief from Rheuma
tism, Too much acid In thu blood is
one enue, stomach troubles, Indiges
tion, weak kidneys, constipation are
other enuses; but from wlmtover
Mourcit tho poisonous matter cornea It
uiTocts tho blood, Is carried through
tho entire system until muscles, ten
dons, and tho vital orKnnu themselves
nre dlsensed. Furthermore, certain se
cret discuses cause forms of Rheuma
tism. There Is no time like tho pres
ent to free yourself from tho sufforlnE
cnused by this dreadful mnlndy. As n
positive toilet for Khcumntlo t roubles,
S. S. S. has never been equalled. It
goes straight to the sent of trouble,
gently nets upon tho blood, tones' up
and re-vltnllzes literally niters out
from tho life Giving stream nil poison
ous ncldn and mutter. When S. H. 3.
has restored tho blood to Its natural
condltluu Rheumatism, with nil of Its
attendant fluttering nnd pains, Is like
wise bunlshed. You nro transformed
onco mote to thu realm of perfect
health, you wilt fact tho .vigor of re
newed youth, you nre well. If you nre
Ilhettmntlc, even In n mild way, take
S. 8. S. get It from your druggist.
Wo will deem It a favor If you will
write to us nud toll u about your pan
tlcular case Avoid substitutes. Wrlta
the Hwlft Hpeeltle Company, Medical
Department. Iloom 18, AtlantAdn
The History of the World &
' t 7i
From the Dnwn of Creation
The Great War - .
Ii depicted In art, sclouco and Indus
try nnd presented In wonderful colors
San Francisco
This wonderful Kxposltton closes llcq. 4th
Dnn't Miss It
Lost you nlwnys loolt b.tclc to 191.1 with renrot
Scenic Shasta Route
Thronch tho wonderful Valleys of tho Wil
lamette, tho Sacrnmonto, tho Umpqua and -
tho Itoguo offers exceptional diversion.
Low Round Trip Fares
Full pnrtlculnrfl with copy of booklet "Wnysltlo
Notes, Shastu Houto" or "Cnllfornln nnd Its Two
World Impositions" on application to nearc'at
John Jf. Kcott, Cetiernl PiissviiKcr Agent, roHlaiuI, Oregon
Oregon Day at Panama-Pacific
Exposition, October 30th. "
nxeWoiider Car
i i sa
f y aaaaa-vajMHBHaBaajaaajaaav St
S Baaaa " -'I
One-Man Mohair Top
The new Maxwell is equipped with a one
man real mohair top. It can be raised or low
ered almost in an instant, by one person.
There are no top bows near the driver's teat.
This gives tho driver and passenger beside
him an unobstructed view on both sides of
tho car.
The storm curtains are quick-adjustable.
Wo are waiting to take you for a
test ride in the car that has broken
all low "First-Cost" records, and is
breaking all low "After-Cot"rccord.
Demountable Jfir
Hiin Vision Windshield
KbM Jf &'
apiefo Itpiitioii