to2( TO1TC fstx iwnimm mm VTtmvm, mtctvpotct). oktcgon1. ttnsday. ooTcmrcft fl. Y915 SCENIR FARMER ELS OF VALLEY'S WM NEDS HYSIEW MPS F DEATH 0 FORMER LIFE STORY OF NEXT FIRST LADY OF THE LAND PROGRAM , "I nnlf wlint tin1 Mnil Tribune xnid j'oMordny concerning- the shortiiKe f .tuple crops produced in this vnlley t this j-enr, assuming tm it did, (lint tin1 Ttrontli in roHpoiiKibltt fur the Iohh," observed .1. (. Whitloek, who in n. vis itor here from HIiiHtu vnlley, Cnlil'or niu. "It h true that tin- drouth litid (i uri'ut deul to do witli tlio shorUtKc in yield in all of the Ktapltm named, but it In not tlio only enuse for your complaint. I.ct me tell you, nir, there . never hns been a sufficient nomine of these RniwtliH planted in thin County not iu recent yrftrH, at all evcnln. You can rniw! prize eorn here and the loenl demand for it is inereasitiK all the time but the fann ers necleel it, just ft they neglect the alfalfa aereae, the. potatoes mid Vil lous arid the proper hog feed. "During my itinerary of the valley thm month I lined to live here, mind you- I nnke many farmer whv they neglected thene very creps: and the answer vvih: "UVih Shy nf Water" "'Why don't you get the water?' I lme ahked them. The mountains about vou .ire full of it. It will cost a little money to eorrnl It and get it to vour tieldn, to be miia; but there is birr money in doing that. It will Jia bigger diviuendrt on (ho invest ment than anything you ever did iih a permanent advancement. Don't charge everything to the drouth, Much of it is due to lack ol busiiKMi forcKight, bu.iiiesH ennnigt and biudneSH opera tioi on tho farm. (I.I the water and riii vour growling. Don't trust e.v ct.vlhing to Pnuideni c. The Lord helps those who help theinscIvcH. Don't yon see? "Some of my fanner neighbors Haiti to uiej 'We're going to have, the water thit time John. We've got to have it. Wo know that now, We truMed to tlio I.ortl twice (no often and got stuck both times while no sat around and wondcioil what to do iic.nI. We've found out and arc going to do it.' (Jot to Have Voter 'That spirit pleased me immense ly. I like Itoguo uver valley. lt' the finest region on earth, all things eon Mdcrcd. Hut you've got to have irrij gallon; ami you ve got lo plant nunc ol the tilings you need at home. Then you must cultivate them right; get down iutti tho virgin noil. You've been skinning it and, therefore, skinning yourselves long enough. You haven't plowed deep enough; you haven't cut tiwited enough some of you t nnd then Mm haven't put bunk into the soil Ilia wealth of organic life you'u taken out of it by your one uuuy-ono- irup blcill. "The people of many vnlleyu I know bate dime all of these things, villi le-s prospect of pjosperity but they've prospered, just tlio sninc. So will the people of this blessed valley, when Kiev get down to business in the right Ihimiicsh way; and let me tell you that it' about time they are do ing it. They bavti every inviting prospect to do it; all of their natural resources, now going lo waste, uige it Nature has been nmtv than gen erous to tho people of thin bountiful alley. Now, it's lime for Ibeni to be generous in their lieattiient of the things that nattiiu linn given them so bountifully," .Mr. Whitloel' is a scicntifir farmer nnd we'll be glad to welcome bun mining (he fannets of Itoguo lHer nlley in the near tuluiv. DRY CREEK WOMAN A letter Just received by fieo. W. Iteagan, 318 South Newtown street, this city, from a Mr. JeHtcr, of Jealer, Oklnhomn, to which plaeo Mr. nnd Her Girlhood in the Little Virginia Town of Wylhevllle, Where She Was Born--"Briino Up" by Old Ne fjro Nurse Her First Triumph at School. Mix CHAl'TKK 1 Onlt, --he waa 'J.'! years old ....... .. .. . i - urn. j. ai. AicnaniciH, formerly or;H)(, Thursdnv-was bom in. tho till valley, moveil some montliH nRO, Lt,.,,,,.. m H,,;,ti,nr t..u- r U'fli. ville.'Va., Oet. 11, IH7U. I lor father, conveys tho Impression that the mid den ilenth of .Mrs, McDnnlelH In her home Home.dayH iiko wan a tragedy In which the hiiHhund may be charged with murder. So definite details arc given. It appears that, at the time tho letter was written, nothing tlefl nlto had been done toward unraveling tho mystery. J. M. McDnnlcl will bo remembered aii having owned mi orchard on Dry eieelt, In the Antelope dlHlrlct. He traded It for property at Jester, Oklahoma, whero tho alleged tragedy In until to have occurred. Termor nelKhbora of the McDanloln family remember them well and tire anxloiiHly a waiting fuither Informa tion couceriilUK tliu apparently niyn- terloiiH death of Mrs. McDujilcln. RUMANIANS SEEK TO OUST PREMIER AMSTERDAM, via London, Oct, Ufi, -Callit for tho overthrow of Piomler Prattano of Itumaula were ahouted during a meeting yesterday In Nucha re&t preiilded over by former Mlnlft teru Taltejonencu and Klllptuico, at which n reKolutlon wan adonted fav- orlnR Itumanln'H intervention In tho war, according to n telegram from nucharcHt received here. The resolution tlcmandliiK mobili zation nnd "Immediate action to pre vent a junction of the Germans, Hun garlaiiH and UulgarlaiiH which Is threatening the existence of Human Iu," tho dispatch adds. A procession wan formed, II Is utat ed, hut tho police barred the road. the late Judge William II. Moiling, was a lawyer of distinction ami a iiiembei of a family distinguished iu the mi eial and political history of the old Dominion, 1'ioin the en i lies t colonial lays. The Hollings, in fact, trace their anecslry back to John Holfc, who man ied Pocahontas. So IMith Doll ing, the present Mrs. Noniuin Onll, is really a descendant of the fammm Indian maiden who figiucd so (immi nently in the early history of Amer ica. IMith Hulling waa the youngest of the four daughters. Her mother be fore her marriage was Miss Sallfe While, and tin- Whites wcto an old Hedford county family. Little IMith Dolling also had five brothers. She tlid not ;itleud public pchnol, but was educated by a governess and her maternal grandmother, ,Mrw, Log wood, who p reputed her Inter for college. She was also "brung up" by "Aunt Heeky"' AndeiHou, a negio mummy who served the Dolling family for thirty years. When she grew old enough she was mnt away to Martha Washington col lege at Abingdon and afterwards to tho then well-known finishing school Powell's School for Young Lubes, in Kiehmoiid. Dy this time the "Dolling girls" weie known in Wytheville and the surrounding country for their beauty, tact nnd social ehann and this in a eetion tif country famous lor gener ations lor its beautiful women. t Jhi' tirst real event or perhnps trijimph in her-life came while she was at' school 'At Iticlnnonil. She en lered a contest lor reading anil he- I'oie the e.vcH ol the entire school wtu. awarded first prixe. The selection she icad was Mrs, Drowning'H "I'ata nun lo CnnicoiiN." (Chapter II of the "Life Story of Hit Next First Lulj of Die l.nnd" will app"ar in the Daily Mad Tribune to- DEDICATION OF EW ARMORY STOMACH ACTS FINE! When she was I.". A kIiIIkxmI pic Jure of Dttltli IIoIIIiik, now Mrs. A'or. man (.'alt and tho iix',sldents lnhlcto. Ik-. Ilelow Ls a plrttirtMir Munt Mccky' Anderson, the old iickto nminiiiy who helHsl "hring up" tho next first lady of the laud. t The program for the dedicatory ex ercisos at the formal occupation of (the new nnaory of the Seventh com pany tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, !to which the public is invited, is us follews: I IL'tWi p. m. Arrival of Governor James Withyeombe, military staff and isitor.s. 1 p. m. Parade to armory, escort ed by Medford band, Seventh eoin paify ami Idtfh school students. 1:10 p. m. Dedication ceremonies nt annory; mastery til" eetcmonie.s, Captain A. J. Vance. Invocation, Hcv. Weston P. Shields. Solo, "Ah, Dlythsome and Gay," wall, song from "Faust," by ('buries Gounod, Miss Dcss Dryan. Address of welcome, W, II. Ooro. Address, Governor James Withy- combe. Solo, "Tosti's Good-Dye," Herbert Alford; Carter Drandon, accompan ist. Address. Hon. D. F. Mulkoy. Denedictiou, llev. Harry K. Tucker. HEARTBURN, ACIDITY "PaK.'.s l)InM'p.sln" l'les Sick, Sour, I'jiset Stomachs In FlVo .Minutes. L .Mariicd John Rolf Pocahontas and had ThomiiH Itolfe Married Jane Pnyth less, and had ' John Hulling MarriojlMari? ICcnnon and had ; John Hollin; II Mini ied Klizuboth, and had .Mhrried Cntherino iuorio.) "Toin ItlchardHon, ,Mannger-8ccre-tary tJnuth and Html TexaH Develop ment l.engue, Houston, Texas,'' Is Col Tom's new address, business nnd olherwlHO. Ho hi now happily In a territory broad ami long cnous'li to serve as a single sheet on which to spread ouo of bin boost speeches provided no questions are asked dur liiK the "dlseuHslon." It Is a big cou u try to boost unit It bus it hlg booster on the Job. Tlio many friends ami admirers of Tom Dlchaidsou, here ami elsewhere, will ho glad lo know that ho hint finally found a ter ritory sufficiently Ioiik and broad and auiimiauiiy repieto witn varied re iiources to keep tho redoubtable col onel delightfully busy as long us he cares to boost which will bo until ho iccelves the hlfih sign ftoiu Ga in lei. POPE DEPLORES WAR'S DEVASTATION LONGS FOR PEACE! Archibald Dolling- Gny and had Hoh.'it Dolling (Mi-k. father), who hud G.,ir rrnnd- WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. Samuel (lompers, president of tho American Federation of Labor, talked with President Wilson today In advocacy of lcKlslatlon to bo proposed In con- f'rlCU liilVt H'llllnH Iti f-lmiil.. n il.n . III in loleomb I lolbng (Mr-. Gall's Int)0r movomi.nt, (j0I.,t.I8 ,..., tho You don't want a Blow remedy when your stomach. Is bud or an unr certain one or a harmful one your stomach Is too valuable; you mustn't Injuro It with drastic drugs. Pope's Dlapopsln Is noted for Its speed In giving relief; Its harmless ness; Its certain, unfailing action In regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures In Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis nnd other stom ach trouble has made It famous tho worltl over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor In your home keep It handy got a largo flfty-ccnt case from any drug store and then if nnyotio should eat something which doesn't ngreo with them, If what they cat lays llko lead, ferments nnd sours nnd forms gns; causes headache, dizziness and nau sea; eructations of acid and undigest ed food remember as soon as Papo's Dlapepsln comes In contact with tho stomach nil such distress vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and cano in overcoming the worst stomach disor ders Is n revelation to those who try It. POCAHONTAS TO MRS. GALT father) who had l-Mitli Dolling (Gait) Who become-. Mrs. Wilton. Mrs. Gnlt' sisters are: Mis Der t'm Dolling, Mrs. Aliwnudcr Gait (wife of a eouin of Mrs. Gait's for mer hu-liand) ami Mrs. Matthew If. Maury. Mr-. Gall's In others- are: Diehard W. Dolling, Julian D. Dolling, Itolfe K. Helling apd Dr. William F..' Dolling. Her mother, Mrs. William 11. Doll iug, now lives iu Washington. Importance or Industrial education, vocational training, nnd general leg islation for conservation of llfo and human energy. the Illinois rier and theicbv makiii', n direct wnter loulo between the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mevico, weie tentatively approved today b, Sec re lur GnrriMin of Ihc war depart ueiit. Goeinoi- Dunne ami members of the Illinois waterway commis-.iou presented (he pians. How's This? We offer One lltimlml Dollar ItomrJ for mi r or Catarrh lint tamiut In- lurnl tir llall'i 1. CII:NI:V L CO., TuleJo, ro I'atarrli Curo. I O. Wr. tbp umlrrttcacil, bat knonn I', J. Ctiriirr for tlw lui Ift jrar. ami Wllcr Mm lirrtrcllj honorable In all l.u.ln.. tran.artlona on,l nnanrliillr able to catrr out any vbllKalluui tuadi. l bla linn. N.vr. iiaxk or ooMMintri:. Tulnlu, Oblo. TTair Catarrh Cur la tnkm Intrrnallr. artlnir rllriiUr iiiii Dip bloul ninl iuiii "in urfii nf tl ijalrm. Ti-atliuiHilala fnt ttrf. Crlie T." Crnla irr botll.-. SoM ,jr a rtitrsltai. Tako Hall's lamlljr l'lll. for cmi.IIiIK.h. The Corona Typewriter (Weight fl lbs.) Will do more work for the avcrago user than another machine because It Is portable and always nt hand. It has two color, ribbon, back spacer, stencil cutter, does very excellent carbon work, will do everything a big machine will, except tabulate. Wo will tako your old machine In trade. MEDFORD BOOK STORE I V I is PATENT FOR HANGER USES CHANCE FOR CYPRUS LONDON, Oct. 'JU.-Gicut Diitinn's oiler of tho island n ( ypiu to Onerti hub lapsed beeue Ihe condi tion under which the oiler whk wade lias not been tulfdled. .Sir Kdwaid Grey, the secictun of btute tor for- civn alluii-s, iul'oimed the luiuo of coiiniioiis thih ntteniooii. Dr. W II. Nmling has been u'lowed a patent on a doico that iiomists to become tpiilo popular. It u a com bination garment hanger ami eieaser Tho patent office at once rcconuixod the inoritH ami ptaetieul utility of the iineution by promptly gnmtiug the al- lownmm of a patent. It folds, is light, eomiMtcl and eas ily mid quickly ndjiihted to a pair of trnusoVs, winch it will offeetuallv ieae in n lailor-lil;e niMiinor while i'ii sleep. It should be iu the suit cne of mow trrtveling man niitl tour i-l. to him it will piovo invaluabli. when once ue.l, and no wil' be complete without it. AUSTRIA FIRST TO rOftfU.ON. M.. tria-Iliiiiv.'.i'N ttas the Uet. Jti An lllkl KiH'H- DIVIDENDS DECLARED DY FORD OWNERS VVALKHltVII.U:. Out. Oct. SG. -I)birlbiitlou of u nix hundred per tent .-iltopk dividend to sliarcliolderH of tho fKrt .Motor company of Chadu. t Sulvitluiit at tho prennnt prhtt of Ihc ' itftick'to I18.0UO.UO0 wan iwoiuiuond- ed by tho company's utoeUioldoni at ihaW annual nieutlng today. Mftllur lo .,.,;,, tho Kveiuiii.i.i ' This uctlon follows pasmont of a v.-wiMhuih .iroMti. N'.Mil.. ..lo.n fi)' per cent eflh dividend which urilu- r.-. .i.n...n w.., ivceived I.hIc 3fas luatlo by tho eonipuny to Its , m ., ,,.. rnun lh Aomii..-. tockholdeia within tho lust two wet)kj. The stock dividend Is icooiiiwoimI rd as pail of the Plan nnpravod kr tho Ntooliholdura for Increasing tho tompaaj '8 capital Ktocl; from l,0ee, 000 to IIOMF, Oct. Cf..Popo Dene.lict iu ni) interview published in Hie Aweii iie il'llulm, expressed his deep affile lion by the liajiie events niMslnnn r.uiope ami Ins sutlermg at bein oblinctl to look powt'ilfM. upon such a spectacle. Hut iu His I'm I her's htsnt, which cheri'-hetl alike all Ills chibluii, the iope xnid he thought onl of the day when the iiilcrs o warnng people- tin 1 1 umlerslaml the necessity and of ending the enruage which is ocrthi'owiug all human ami divine laws, The hol.v father ttbi-laiued, hi mui. fiom p.isnjnx judgments which have no pniclical result, but would, on the contrniy, eauite fiesh reeriminntiou ami sow fienh discords. He dcploru! Ihe violence ami the bnibaritic pnn lieetl in u war whetein the comiuests. of soieuce were pluced nt the sornee of murder. In conclusion, the pope dcclnied that hi, appeal for peace having been unheard, he would continue his char itable work her the bcuelit of the wounded. Y f at A Red Letter Day Tomorrow T"CTJ Y t ? ? X ? ? i4 1 10 Free S. 8c H. Green Stamps to All Vistors I iThe Pr LLINOIS PLANS FOR i WASHINGTON, tKl y Plnis tr the Mate 01 Illinois ir the building ol an eiht-tioi w.itivv.i t.iiniel i n it tl e ( hicni'i- ili uimjir i .in t uitii cluilVi .1 .il ' .HI.-- Itt UlMI'O t'llv. (iellilnl (nll'Hlua CutllUIUfxl ln i noli i. 0. . - ;,..l.iy willi IN inihiuiv .iili-ii .ii, i -i1 r . iiimwgiint ' t ul nf i'iiiii huh t.i .. :'..- tiri i.f tin eolUIIIV li il.U will ,n ,i i berv I ui .iIm'I in i i i n i i ui , i , The Real Suffrage Thought of Women M,,IIk-Ui ii mw)a u, iIIUtt in ii,.iu'i wmJ k. M'Ui i Dlur tlni.Ma ir !,. tt irdu '' ri,inc Im (Miiia auj ill Iim tit tl Di.lrai Ait ttiiuil irmnlir, "Mullet t trlrml.' It. kiM' miHHIUflHtnt. IIU'Hllnla t twiNf ' luultMrn Hill km ir)MtM IIn) wei at thr Im'U.' NHtruiii- aifliiMM. urniw.i.. M ulhrr UItiMa l U.IIU' nf '-.Vlotlwr'a Ktlnid" at amy JluC !" StonU IS( It tttrf tin. atwtui-ti HMairlM ami rwt .ii(l nt ucrrot .afrli khJ iiMtifiMt f4l 4l mM Wilt U, llia.lArM luUtr fu lot I 4,114. HMr. AlUMla Ik, fur tUdr Lulniu aiuj IsaUUitlX Uju. I f r r r r : Ul T 1 emium Pari y i & or Bring Your Books M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS Robe Blanket Sale. These Mlnnlcets comprise floral well as Indian designs, special.. $2.98 Men's Pant Sale 1.98 AVnul ( Vhmere Pants, hrown and na lniNtnics, S'J.oti regular, sale. Boys' Mackanaw Coats Hm AsKui'tiiicitt just received and marked at lt. pri.-cv $-1.50 tn (.50 &KrtW Three Day Hosiery Sale .")() Laendcr Top Onvx Hose 35c 20e Ladies' Fast Hlack Lisle 12- 120c Misses Fast Ulack, till .sizes 12 Fall Suit Coat and Dress Sale t i T T T f T ; T t t ? Y ? ? ? T T V T T ! Inst received, some and Whipcord Suits, todav heantifnl Broadcloth come and see them all S1S.50 to $JJ5.00 Velvet and Crepe de Cliche Dresses have iit-vtr lie it more i'ashioiiaMe, elnsive ieiicv for the famous Block Mftr. Company, at 15.00 t. $-15.00 f V T t T