Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 26, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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By A. Q. Howlott
Since I lust wrote 1 hiive been trav
eling tin- most Of tho time, mi have
hut very fow items of interest to
write of n local character.
Mr. opd Mrs. J. S. Qunckrnhush
niul family motored into town Satttr
ilny morning on n business trip. Mr.
Qimekenbiisli is the foreman on tlio
A. Cntbin orchard niul was in, the net
of spraying tlio orolmrd when thi nice
rnin eonimeneeil to lull yesterday
(Friday) afternoon, but he is snti
fieil with the 'long-looked-for and
imieh desired rain?
,On Tuesday ,the day that 1 loft for
the hills, William Hutler and his son,
John, were hero fop dinner. They
were engaged in sawing ut a lot of
wood fop F. M. Stewart rith their
wood-snwiiig machine. Hnlplt Richer
ht ed t was also a caller the same day.
Mr. Hitdreth. Sr., of Rutto Falls
eamo over on the 1'. & K. ear Satur
day morning and stopped off on bus
iness, John Greaves of l'rospeet was also
n passenger on his way homo from
Jacksonville, where he hnd been to
attend to the rondworking business
in tlio l'rospeet district, lie is the
boss roadbuilder in that sccion.
Al Mayfield passed through here
Saturday morning wilb a load or
grain and hay on his way to Hcd
lllmtkct for Hentnn Powers. Thoro
was n smnll hand of cattle going alon
with him.
Last Tuesday afternoon 1 started
in 'canvass the Derby, Trail and
l'rospeet country in the interest of
the Mail Tribune, and the first place
that I slopped was at the homo of
Mr. Vestal, but found that the ono
that 1 wanted in particular to site
was not at home, so done no business
there, but csjK'ct to hear from
Thomas before long. From there I
had to pass several places where the
men folks were not at home, so could
do no business, and finally reached
the Neil ranch and found Frank It.
Neil at home and he kindly renewed
his subscription to the I). M. T. From
there I went to A. It. Charlton's and
found Mrs. C. at home, and she re
newed the subscription to the M.
T. doing on to the home of John
Allen, where I spent the night, and
there I found his uncle, Allison Al
len, of Sixikane, Wash., who had just
arrived,- and we renewed our. ac
quaintance mid spent u very pleasant
evening with the family, and found
John to bo just as wholesnulcd and
accommodating as ever, but could not
jx'rsuade him to subM'ribe for the
Mail Tribune.
While. I was there the subject of
the drouth came up, when he
in the morning that I would have to
take "Ilabe" somewhoio else for wa
ter, as his two wells were so near
dry that it was about all he could do
to gel water enough for his horses'
and doincstie use, and that a large
spring he has on his farm that usu
ally has one and a half In two inches
of water had gone dry.
Stalling out from there Wednes
day morning I went zigzagging over
the country, nud the first one 1 found
to do business with was Mrs. Cora K.
Whitaker, who is living in the old
Derby schnolhoiiso with her mother,
and is wailing for the contractor to
finish the new schoolhoiise, so that
sho can commence to teach school.
There seemed to be a hitch in the
work or contract some way, as she
said that she was to have commenc
ed the school some weeks ago. The
citizens of that district have built a
nice, large two-roomed sehoolhouse
and when it is completed Mill reflect
credit on the enterprise of the com
munity, and while I, wns there Mrs.
Whilakcr icnewed her subscription to
the W. M. T. From there I went to
the home of II. K. Webb, found Mrs.
W. at home, but her hiishnud was
gone, so did no business then;. The
iiuxt place was Fred I Mutiny's,
Found him at home, but did no Ijiim
itesK. He has a homestead located on
Indian creek and was daubing his log
house. Ho seemed to have everything
fixed, convenient nround the plaoe. I
next stopped at W. k IMmoudsou's
sawmill, fed Habn and took dinner
with the futility, and had him renew
his subscription to the W. M. T. Mr.
I. has Ids Miwmill on the bank of
II ig Hutle oreow and Hon Is his logs
down to the mill. He says that he has
cut about one and n half million feet
this summer and now has but little
(limber in the yard. From there I
went to the home of f. C. Kelso, but
found that he was off on (ted Hlankct
fighting file, ho did no business there.
Retracing my stepi, I next Mopped
at IM lliginbntlinm'K faun, j'oiind htm
away, but his wife renewed the sub
scription to the W. M. T. doing on,
1 stopped at a house to try to set a
new MihM'iiption, but failed, then 1
Martd to go to Charles II. Tone's,
but found no one at home, hut on my
retarn tnp I drove hack out there
from the tccl bridge and found his
dMiightor mid she renewed the sub
script ion to the W. M. T- Loawtig Mr.
Tony', I rohtfd the bridge and met
W. It. Mcl.eod and he renewed his
BHhmio lu the D. M. T. He hud
Jt Itwi burn! h1 but a shml time,
a I did not mfc him, Witt jntt as I
ipi ratty t atari he tufcoU mo If I J
Freckles and His
u- 1 h ; tr ' NO.VOUVE
L -z- 00U6WMUTS ferlZI t'EKt in our , j'cof A
ffi JrL "us -- .CT ?TV? J $yi o'S
had my receipt book with mi and'said
that ho wanted to renew, thnt he al
ways paid as he went. He has n new
building in the course of construc
tion and is getting in a new stock of
goods, nnd from whnt I could lenrn
from his neighbors, is doing very well
and is the right man in the right place,
for they all speak favorably of him.
Leaving Mc Lend, I went .on up to T.
II. lliginbotham's nud spent the night
nnd had them renew their subscrip
tion to the W. M. T. The next morn
ing I started for l'rospeet, mid on tho
way lint Mr. nud Mrs. William
Lewis oC tho Flouuco Itock much.
Mrs. Lewis was waiting for,the l'ros-pect-Deiby
stage. This was about
8:30 a. in. and I met tho stage at
11:1.', about three miles this side of
Prospect. They had had tire trou
ble with their auto.' Give me "Old
IJabe" and the buggy instead. I did
no business with them, doing on, I
stopped at the F.vorgrteti ranch and
there met Mesdnmes Holer and Dion
diet, Tho men were off at work.
They have one of the best farms in
that section and hclPovurytliing they
raise right at the door. Did no bus
iness there. The next place I slop
ped was at the J. F. Ditsworth farm,
near the Hole in the Ground, but Mr.
and .Mrs. D. were both nwnv front
home, so did no business there. There,
I met Karl Ulricli and he told me that
the subscribers to tho Tribune were
paying James Oreever, but I went on
to the Nye farm and met Mrs. A.
Xyc. nnd she renewed her subscrip
tion to the W. M. T. I then went'Oit
to the Prospect power plant and met
J. ('. Embry and asked if I ,couhl get
dinner and horso feed mid lie kindly
made tho arrangements with Mrs.
Olenn fli Conwcll for my dinner mid
then cared foe Ilabe, and I fcoou mel
Mr. Walker, ami he invited mo to
take u ride down to the power plant
on an 80 per cent grade, 500 feet, in
which I gladly accepted, and there at
the ear I met Mr. Irwin nnd we went
down together, mid at the plant met
Mr. Lowery the chief electrician, nnd
had n good view of the works.
After dinner I retraced my steps
and on my way stoped to isit Miss
Mabel Hanson's school. She is teach
ing in the Flounce Itock district, has
u smnll school of nine pupils and is
giving very general satisfaction, and
the children told mo that they love
her very much. This is her second
term in that school. I stnpcd that
night at Mr. Iligitihothaiu's again, and
the next morning I stopped at the
beautiful mansion of Cleorge Mnns-
field. He hns one of the best farms
in that section nud has it gieatly im
proved, lie 1ms n transmitter in
stalled so that he has electric lights,
power and heaters, everything up to
date, but when I met and introduced
myself to Mrs, Mansfield and inquir
ed for Mr. M., was told that he wns
sick, hut when 1 told her my busi
ness she simply wrote mc out a cheek
and thereby renewed their subscrip
tion to the D. M. T.
My next stop was at the home of
Mrs. Gordon and It. K. iiimiii, but
found that Mr. V. was in Klamath
county, so did no business there. 1
next stopped at the Itoguc Hiver
ranch, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Opd.,kc, found him at home, but he
was very busy the stork had been
there the day befoie and lelt a 7Vt
pound hoy, aud I am glad to be able
to etiy that the boy and his mother are
doing fine. Did no business theic.
My next stop wns at tho Iwuit farm
of David Pence and .found him at
home and hnd dinner nud horse fed.
Had him renew' his subscription to tho
D. M. T. From there I stopped at the
home of A. C. Weeks, and he told me
that he hnd over fitly hogs that he
wns about to sell, and if he sold he
ninild leave the cash at the P.aglo
Point hank for inc. Next I went to
Dr. C. K. McDonald, but did no hiisi-ne-.
there. The doctor bus just com
pleted a erv neat five-room hoiue on
the McDounld place. From there I
went to whole one of the McDonald
brothers i putting up a lnio room
ing house for wuimier rnori, but
found that J. K. McDonald mid wife
wore both rwhv from home, so did no
huMitOMfe thoto. My next slop wh at
thu home of T. 11. Djwmw and bad
hiw piiiow bin wtJimJHpttuH U tJu W.
M. T. 1 Uuw watt t It tit ta'iy
and hnd J. II. Hlass renew his sub
scription to" the W. M. T., nnd then I
started for home in the rain.
Tho following persons renewed
their subscriptions to the M. T. on
Tuesday before I started out ui the
ceuntry: J. T. Zimmcrly, Trail; Geo.
Owens, Wellen; Wilbur Jack, F.aglc
Point, and Thomns F. Nichols of Lake
creek renewed his by check that 1
found when I returned home Friday
Miss Uerthu Ford of Soyth kDakota
spent the wcok end with Mrs. C. 11.
Mrs. Gay of Hock Point was calling
on friends here Saturday.
Kverett Untley and Vornoti Ilrophy
of Talent nptnt Sunday afternoou
with relatives in our city.
The Misses Norwood mado n picas
u ro trip to Ashland Saturday morn
ing. Lottie, Wllma, and Clarence McFall
in company with Perry ltobertnon,
who have been visiting J. P. Hook
land and family returned to their
homo at Klamath Falls on train 13
Saturday morning.
It. V. Uenlla returned from the San
Francisco exposition Sunday morn
ing after ten days stay in that city.
Mrs. F. 11. Hopkins and Ron Will
havo returned from n delightful visit
at San Francisco.
Hen Little and Olen Owens havo re
turned from a two weeks hunt In tho
Dead Indian country.
Sam "Whitney left with ,.bls cml
Krant car for North Yuldma, WuhIi
lngton, Sunday morning.
Victor Hursell loft with two car
loads of hogs for Portland Sunday
Mrs. N. J. McClerry, who has been
visiting Mr. und Mrs. Clule, returnod
to her home In Zlllali, Washington,
Saturday evening.
Lcnora Harnett has closed h very
successful term of school In the Ash
land district.
Fred Hill of Mcdford was visiting
friends hero Sunday.
Lawrenco Nichols of thntMIra Vista
orchards spent Sunday In Central
Point, tho guest of relatives and
Miss Cordon, of (leaglc, Is visiting
Mrs. Alfred Olllett In this city.
Airs. .1, F. Holmes and Mrs. Davis
of the Willow SprJnKs v(elnlty wen
transacting business lioro Saturday.
Doctor M. M. Dow nnd Lydla Dow
left Friday for thu exposition.
Tho yountt nien of Central Point
havo organized an athletic club which
shall he known as the Central Point
Athlotlc club.
F. M. Andrews was elected chair
man, and Hryco Nichols secretary;
Lowell Orlin, treahtiror. Fifteen
members woro enrolled at thu first
meotliiK. A foot hall team was or
Kitnlzed with Frank Mayfield, captain,
and F. M. Andrews, manager, and
coach. The hoys chulleiiKe any temp
In Southern Oregon within tho weight
of US pounds,
W. K. Kulilor returned Monday
morning from San Francisco.
J. W. Merrltt und Paulls Olssou
made u huslness trip to Gold Hill tho
first of the week.
Constublo A. K. Parker has return
ed from u trip to California.
The Ladles' Aid of the M. K. church
will giro a Hallowe'en supper In the
Hostel hulldlnK Saturday evening,
October 30, The menu will consUt of
pumpkin pie, baked beans, sundwltch
es, potato salad und hot tatnales. A
real witch will presldo over thu fish
Mr. and Mrs. Irsel Lewis spent Sun
day with Gold Hill relative.
V?. B. Prlro Sr. ond W B. Price Jr
Havo Grim and Dr. Mu I key left Sat
urday afternoon on a hunt nud re
turned Sunday nlcht.
Judge, Charley Gay and wife of
Medford spent a short time hero Sun
day with hU parent, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Gay.
Mrs. Freeman and daughter, Miss
Lola, and modtor, Mr. Inllu Owens,
were visiting rolutlvim, und irlads at
Medford FUtunla,.
Quito a nwiHW of our young $m-
pie attended the dance at neagle Sat
urday night aud ntl reports an enjoy
able time.
F.nrl Case and wife, Mrs. Then.
Glass and Mrs. Case returned home
Inst Wednesday from a visit lo tho
Tho Glass brothers hauled four
loads of hogs off last week.
Fred Mooro of tho Meadows, tho
vetch grower, wns doing" business in
town last week.
licit Chapman made it business trip
lo Mr. Day's at Sam's Valley Sunday.
William Pouteroy, Wallace Dunk
ens and ltnlph Kusscll, all of the
Meadows, hauled a hind of fat hogs
to town last week.
Mrs. llolletibeak, mi old pioneer of
Jackson county, died at Salem mid
was buried in the Autioch cemetery
October -21.
Claudo Chapman, Percy Chapman
and wifo and Hlnncho Kodgers mo
toied to Ashland Sunday on u pleas
ure trip.
Mr. llrooks and Mr. Oleson are cut
ting wood for Jim Vincent on Malby
The reports that, weie heard Sun
day were thnt Miss Mury dago was
married. We all wish the new couple
u happy nud successful life.
Those from here who were callers
at Lymoi)d'.s Saturday were: Miss 11.
C. Chapman, Mrs. Percy Chapman
mid Misses Viola mid Myrtle Chap
man. Clay Conley is wot king for Mr,
Deford, as ho has becn-hiek for this
last week.
The dance was well attended. Peo
ple i'rom all around for miles and
everyone seemed to he pleased, as
they ull had a good time.
Oscar Ilodgcrs mid family mndo n
trip to Mcdford one day last week.
Tho hunting season is nearly over
nnd everynno is going to the inottn
Utinft and returning with a deer.
Prlcwi 1'nia Dy Dcoiori
UUTTKH Dairy, two pnundH fide.
POTATOES Xc.w, l',c.
ONIONS lc per lb.
HONF.V IBo per lb.
CIDEIl Si'io.
POHK 88M!0.
IlBBF tlUo.
HAM -10c.
MVTTKH -Wholesale, 3O11.
HOGS -Alive, !. to r.e.
STF.F.US Alive, .,.(i)m
COWS Alive, -Ifa-HAc.
VKAIr-Dressed, Su'iJlOo.
LIvo 1'oullry
IIKNS Large, over 4 lbs., lie;
under ! lbs. ,0Do; old roosters, (Jo;
broilers, 1 to l'a lb., 10c; spring,
'J lbs. and under, J'2'e; stags, tic,
DUCKS Flit, 8c.
TDIIKKYS HI to Lie, accordiui,' to
Hay and Grain
(Huying Prices.)
WIIF.AT 80 bushel.
OATS -$'Jfi ton.
HAY Alfalfa, 1.T ton; grain, $11.
UAH LLT -Whole ftM.
With Medford Trdo i Mcdfon MmU
Newost and Best in
Bmbodles every convenience and
comfort found In a modern hotel
Hot and io'd water, steam heat and
telephone In every room- Largu
-heorful lobby with open flro, Well
Lighted Kiuupln Hihjiun. Hates
moderate. Auto-lius to all trains.
Medford trade ipccUlly sollcltod.
F. W. STREETS, Prop.
I fcS00M
i ftIP0U'LL
Nortec of SheilfTs Halo Under- Faccii
lion In Foivflomiiv
Lou D. Jones, 1'lnlntlff, vs. Judson
G. Goble, Hesslo M. Gohle, and F. 12.
Merrlclc, ns Trutec, Defendants.
Hy virtue of an execution and order
of sale duly Issued out of and under
the seal of tho circuit court of the
State of Oregon, In nnd for the Coun
ty of Jackson, dated the (Hit day of
October, 1015, In n certain foreclos
ure suit therein, wherein Lou D.
Jonen, as plaintiff, on tlio 2nd day of
Octoher, 1010, recovered a Judgment
ucalust tho defendant .1 ml ho 11 G,
Goble, In the sum of $.1,070.00 to
gether with 131.00 costs, and seemed
n decree against the other defendants
Puhlle notice Is hcrehy given that
in compliance with the commands of
suld execution nud order of sale, I
will 011 Tuesday, tho lUtli day of No
vember, lOl'i, at tho hour of 10
o'clock a. in. of said day, nt the front
door of the Court House In Jackson
ville, Jackson County, Oregon, offer
for sale und wilt sell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption us Is by
law provided, all of the right, title,
mid Interest of the defendants In and
to tho following real property to-wlt:
Commencing ut the Southeast cor
ner of tho 1. J. Phlpps reservation
oas u loot 001 X looj 001 tu
jo losjud u 2ito 'aittiU3on jo oaupl
oin o) jooj (oot) pajpumi ouo Ijoajpi
UIS J" oll 'UJOU oi) auoiu 'uo)onj
P .JO)KUJ IIU II I 03U3I() J00J) t(XS
o) loaj (00I) pojpumi ouo 'puoj .
uiioj iu i)M iiiiuml uoD.tjp .fjo
i)noH u ii uauoii) Mooj (uoi) P-l
tittti ouo 'p.uiH nuiK ni-vv 0puud
'UOH30Jp ,(J0)UOA U ll O.H!,)tJ iOOJ
rOOl) pjjpiuui ouo 'puo4 puu jo oppi
1.v oti auoju 'U0P0J1 A4lHV'OU tl
II) 001131(1 ' (tflllMAV 0) pUO)
.Ounoj oti tni.w h)d;ihjo)U iu.ijik
l(JXH OJ31IAV '(UojpniM JO .l0 Oil) 111
All of tho above land will bo sold
nt said time and place lu tho manner
provided by law for the sale of real
property to satisfy tho judgment,
costs nnd accruing costs of this sale.
Dated this 8th day of October, 1010,
W. H. HINGLUH, Sheriff.
Hy 12. W. Wilson. Deputy.
i'OH HTiNToTuTrti turnlslicd
housekeeping rooms, cheap; closa
in. 231 Bast 3th. , 208
FOH HBNT Six room modorn bun
uulow. Phono 3t9-J or Inquire
010 S. Oukdulo, 187
FOR HBNT -Furnished modern
house. W. II. Bverhard, 1013 W.
0th street.
FOH HBNT Modern fi-room bunga
low, 112.00. I'hone 130C. 187
FOR HBNT Woll furnished modorn
bungalow. 422 South Laurel. "
l-J.I ! T! ,TTI
pon itKvr fuiimnfiKii noosis
FOH HBNT Furnished rooms nnu
also liotiso keeping moms, close In.
3(M South Central.
FOH HBNT Furnished room, 322
South Central ave. 180
Tr""T'i . t '.Tr-mrr-i , i r j-jo r 1 1 r-rmri
FOH SAM: Tho ' Hazel Bnyart" 160
aero farm on the Hokuo river, ho
Iiik part Section .12. Township 33,
HatiKO 1 ICast, house, ham, alfalfa,
fruit trees, timber nnd pasture,
fishing, hunting and health; best
offer takes It. terms. Write Ken
neth Mncltae, Mcdford, Oiegon, tin.
(II Oct. 30th. 1S7
FOH SALE 00 acres land, fine, deep
soil, deeded wuter right, 7 room
house, electric lighted, modern,
4Cx3C barn, fenced Pugo wire, 40
acres lu alfalfa, corn, sugar beota
and suiull garden truck, 20 acres
In pears, Uartlett and D'Aujou,
small peach orchard, team horsos,
cow, farm Implements nnd all crop
goes with place. For price and
particulars, address Unx 00, It, F.
D, No. 2, L, M. C. Central Point,
kinds, of property for sale or ex
cnungo. Gold Hay Healty Co.
FOH SALE Farm land, fruit land,
timber land, laud from $5.00 per
aero ttpwurds on long tltno, Gold
Hay Healty Co.
Ten acres five miles from Medford.
close to Central Point, Great number
of commercial berries of all kinds
Home In trees and some farm land
IrrlKUtlon water used. House, barn,
horse and colt, cow, some plus anil
some chickens. All for $200.00 and
only $1000 cash required.
1 too m 10, Jaikmu County I Link llldj;,
I I, 1I
' t ; w ' !- " T
, M , ELLMA, i '
..ffrl : ;v' ' GRANOMi.ylS I
"' -' ' MA6O00 PEAL I . -
f ' OLDBR'THAN ! L r
FOH LEASE Equipped placer uilno.
Gold Hay Healty Co.
FOH SALE Hugs, sawing machine,
stoves, bed, kitchen cnblnet, dishes,
etc. Inuulro Mrs. C. P, llrown at
Golden Hula or 014 Vf. 11th.
FOH SALE Ono dresser, ono lounge,
4 rocking chairs, three quarter bed,
small rugs. Phono 328-H. Call
227 North Oakdale.
FOH SALE 8 vinegar barrels, cheap.
Taylor & Sons, Phone 314-11. 186
FOH SALE Thoroughbred new Ore.
gpn fall bearing strawberry plants.
40c per hundred, $3.00 per thous
and. Chns. J. Olsdn, box 11, H. 3,
' Mcdford. 180
FOH SALE Corn, beardless and
bearded barley. Phono 30, Dr.
FOH SALE Polo mountain buggy,
Reed as new. Palmer InYcatuieut
Co., Modoc Orchard.
FOH SALE Small housekeeping out
fit,, cheap, luqulro Mrs. O. P.
Hrowu ut Goldeu Utile or 014 W.
FOH SALE Stamp mill, mining cars
and track rull, pumps, hoists, air
compressor, air drills, mining m-a
chlnery, tools and supplies, Iron
and hydraulic pipe all sizes, at halt
prlco. Address M, care Tribune.
: ' -' - - -
rOJt 8At.K-ITKcmjCK
FOH SALE nuy mare, harness,
buggy, wagon, Bbot gun (Winches
ter), Klrl's bicycle, Jersey cow,
Frltscho, Hox 33-A, Honto 2, Med
ford. 191
FOH SALE Horse, one horso farm
wagon, uood slnulo harness tor
same, $45.00. 20 S. Peach at. 18S
FOH SALE Ono driylng nnd saddlo
horse, sound nnd komIo; ulso bun
gy und hurness. B. L. Lane, H. F.
I). No. 2, Central Point. ISO
FOH SALE Choice registered Duroo
golts, young boars, und weanlings,
L. II. Houston, 1 ralle west of Tal
ent, Phono 3-F12, 189
FOH SALE 12 heavy work mars,
w611 broke. Vlnson'u Uarn, North
Hlyerslde avenue. 188
FOH BALE Must tacrltlco soreral
cood cows for lade or feed. Address
Hox. B, G. S., Mall Trillium. 200
WANTED Fresh cows. O. E, lllack
Incton, Gold Hill, Ore. 188
WANTED Lady with pleosunt homo
desires ono or two lady rpopiem.
Call at 6 1 1 S, Central ave. 1 86
WANTED-Second hand 3-4 or 1-2
Inch water pipe; also to trado
wagon, buggy or horse for A-1
milk cows. Phono 148-X.
WANTED Largo knitting mill In
vites correspondence from Women
desirous of earning money, part or
full time. Good pay. Exporlenca
unnecessary. International Mills,
Inc., Norrlstown, Pa. 200
WANTED Dri'SstiaSn I'hone
479-M. 144 South Central.
von )c.uimn(va
WILL THADE Good ono ton unto
truck for cord wood. Phoue 390-J.
l-Z-iJJi'ZL M-ttJWjyjUST
LOST A ltid'M black handbag ho-
tween Tablo Itock stoio and Cen
tral Point- liberal reward for re
turn J I' Warren, H. F D. No.
2, Medford, I'hone 7HS-J4, or leave
nt this off ho 187
Uecause my riocn in trado la to
havo optlouod at the lowest cash
prlco the best buy In this county.
I havo been on toe ground look
ing out for you for the past five
years. Noarly voryduy I have In
vestigated sotno "good thing." I have
olltnlnatod evorythluc except those
deals which I am convinced will so
euro me satisfied customers.
In a few hours tlmo I can give you
thu benefit of this research. U Is my
business to show you over tho county
aud Introduce you to the possibilities
and opportunities her. Be Med
ford first and
100 Wct Mxlu HUvtt
By Blosser
Auto Hupidles
art operating the largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Uso our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 20 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Ore.
Attorneys-nt-Lnw, Hooiiih 8 and
9, Medford Nutlonal Hank bldg.
Coroy bldg.
O. M. HOHEHTS Lawyer.
.Mcdford National Hank nulldlng.
ur. w. ii. vam auuvuu
Garnett-Corey llldg., ulto 310
Medford, Ore. Phono 800.
Collection) nnd Itoports
collected some accounts 14 years
old. Wo know how to get tho
money. Tho Dunock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Hooiiih 1, 2, 3, Hns
klns' Dldg., 210 E. Main st.
' ' - -
JCnKlnecr nnd Contractor
FHED N. Cl'MMINGS Snglhecr and
contractor, 404 M. J'. &. II. Dldg.
Surveys., estimates, Irrigation
dralnago, orchard and laud lm
provement. nnrbuge
GAHDAOE Get your premlies
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on tho city garbago wagons for
wood sorvlce. Phono 274-L. F.
V, Allen.
Instruction In 'Mnslc
401, Gnrnctt-Coroy bldg. Fred Al
ton HalBht. piano; Mrs. Florence
Halllduy Halght, voice. Phone
Physicians nud Kurgcons
DH. i" O. CAHIiW, DH.'eVA
MAINS OAHLOW Osteopathic
Pbyolclans, 410-417 Garnett-Corey
bldg., phono 1030-L. Iti'sldcnco
26 South Lutircl st. '
DH. W. W. 1IOWAHD O.ilcoputbto
physician, 303 Garnett-Corey
building. Phono 904-M.
DH. J. J. EMMEN8 Physician and
surgeon, Practice limited to eye,
our, nose and throat. Byes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for 8. l
R. H. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposite v. Q. I'Jtono 607.
DH. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surKcon Phones, office 30, resi
dence 724-J. Office hours, 10 to
IS, 2 to 0.
Physicians und surgeons. Office
.109-310-311. M. F. & II. bldg.
Phones, residence 814-J2, office
rlati and surgeon. Headache nnd
block, opposite Nush hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
T. G. HEINE, M. I). .Eye, Bar.
Nosq and Throat. Headaches and
nervous conditions relieved by
properly fitted glasses. Cross eyes
straightened. Offlco 2d8 E, Main
at., phono 303. Consultation freo.
Printers nud I'ublMiors
ocbi equipped printing orflro In
southern Oregon; book binding,
loose leaf IcduOrs, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Public .Stenographer
M. T. EDWARDS, 8teogrnpher
and Mttltlgraphliig, Rooms 409-410
Gurnett-Corey hulldlnK. Office
phono 70U-J, residence phona
oinco 4 2 North Front st. Phone
313. Prices right. Service guar
anteed. rumni.,1.. i,j,gtr
Tuko tho right step now; pleasant,
profitable work not overdone; few
months learnliiK: nosltlons Kitaran-
teed; write ror ruforenees and partic
ulars. Portland Wutchmuklug, K11
gravlag.aiid OiUloal School, 218 Com
iliffnweatni nnig., QtU aud Aukeny,
I'nrflnnil Tr?L-fiii.
. ., .. ..