Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 26, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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a- 91
,---- A
V . I lilM-tMHI-IH..!
Dr. W. II. Xudlntr, wlio lias licen
In tho Sacred Heart hospital for foiiio
time, will not bo nblo to bo out yet,
for several days.
J. O. GerlcItiR, tlio best nil around
nliotographcr In southern Oregon,
Alwnyu reliable. Negatives raado any
where, tlmo or plnco. Btudlo 228
, Wain St; Phono 320-.T.
MIrs Alia Knlps of Medford Bpont
Bunilny vUltlns rulcitlvou In Grants
Buy Medford nuulo candy nt tho
Kldor T. G. llunili, prosldont of tlio
Southern Oregon Savon Day Advent
Iit'ls, priBsod throuRh Medford Sunday
enrouto lo tho San Prnnrlaro expo
sition mid tho Imm l.linla confur
unco. WoBton Camora Shop for first cIiibh
Kodak flnlflhliiK and Kodak Huppllmi.
I'M AhIiIiiuiIi, tho tolmrco man,
and Mr. Maitholtnur, tho pipe man,
both of Portland, urn lenowlnn IiiimI-
noHfl arqiiiiliiliiiicoH In thlH city today.
Do Voo hujH boor liotllnn,
W. a ml Mrs. HopkliiH, Mr. and Mrs.
, B. B, IlopklnH and Miss IlapkliiH, of
iilngnrn FallH, reglstoroil ttt tlio llo
lfi"Medfonl tills morning for a brlof
visit to thin valloy.
' Shoo repairing gunrantrcd nt 131
den'fl. ' 20 1
W. S. John, of Auburn, MiiIiim, Ik
looking about tho illy and valloy thin
Kuril dunned nt tho I'untnrlum Dyo
V. Hornuin, of Seattle, Is a Mod
ford visitor today.
Tho best styles, tho best qualities
"tid tho boat prlcos aro found In tho
millinery doparttnont of tho M. M.
Dopt. Store. 100
'M. W. Frninn, a IiiihIiiosh man of
Spoknno, Wnshlngton, arrived In Med
ford for a brlof visit today.
" Ilutto Falls Wood Yard, Phono IS
nr 22.1; wood all kinds. 20.1
Albert Allwny, who lias been visit
ing dlfforont sertloiiK of the valley
this month, with a vlow to futuro In
ewttniont, loft this morning for his
lionii) In IIoIho valloy, Idaho.
Home inhile tnffy nt Do Voo'b, ,
-Attorney deo. W. Trefren, of Asli
lnid, Is In (ho city today on legal bus
iness, pasalng on to Jacksonville on
an early car In tho forenoon.
Will iwiyono who hns a Domorost
or W, 0. T. It. gold or sliver medal
please notify Phono 070-M, or taP
.115 llartlcet strott, 188
IVW. Iloko, proprietor of the
Itoguo Klver Valley cannery, accom
panied by bis son Nugent), left today
Tor a few days' sojourn In tho Klam
ath country.
yen Dnvn Wood about thnt firs In
tirnnro policy. Offlcn Mull Tribune
visitor to this city who found a
T luud gordon boot grown In the
bark yard of D. C. Hone, IIS Cottage
avenue, Mod ford, hnd to test the nut
urnlnenH of Its skin with n Imirobliide
tills morning to determine whether It
wns n real, Hiiro enough beet. Ho ad
mitted It was and conftwwed tabt It Is
oie pf the fluent specimens ho ever
Hldnn'H shoo ropalr shop moved
arroBS ntreot from old stnnd. 201
Kxrolleut Hpociuieui of sugar beets
grown in this valley, koim with culti
vation nml souio without It, nro on ex
hibit nt tlio CnminerrlNl club room.
Those nilsod without culllvAtioii
fliouliln't bo taken na an example of
what a lny former may do, however
Inquiry will develop the fuel thnt the
condition In which tboy grew wue
afferent from that found on most
farms. Cultivation Is wlmt gives
thum natural porfoetlon.
Olipcolato croa;ua, caniinols, chips,
peanuts, etc., only SOo n lb. nt Do
A sunflower "hood" grown In this
nlloy and now on exhibition at the
Coiuniorolal olub room miMiaurea IK
In oho In dlHiueter. A lndy visitor
who has a floek of burred rooks naked
whether or not the semi wan rwill
ood for an thing. As chicken feud
Hmv uro oapedally exewllaut when
round unit mixed with other gralttf.
They uorvo as a great sllmulaut to
egg production, besides cuntuliilng an
oU thnt Is eouUuetive t tho health uf
''Try one of tuoio big Ico cold S cent
inUkshnkes nt Do Voe'a.
'harbw K llslii, a vlaltor ft am
Portland, u looking about the alloy
today, tjiiminiiig rondltloua favor
able to tin 'I. mi buslllesa.
Wo proloiiK Hi- life of our olntlieaj
by en re nil ciianim-. pressing, repair
lUK or Wllnlnp Pantorlum De
Works. B Fr St Noith Phowe U
Judge Piling V Paint, r. from 2J4p
nesotn. elojUitfU nl Mfdford wstflay
to make Inquiry n to (niit ioiiUUIom
being ospoclullj' intt rt'KiH.t in MiiplM.
Ho will luavocil! Uio I'vi'imiK iruln for
Ban Krnucnsoo and nius rind tiui to
dovot9 n Vook to tills miuv (n his
return from Uio fnlr
. nuttti'rnut Utnnil'at Do Voe1.
a n. nahttQt to Ui 3)"'.in i-
lov. U this week Ipoklng ui prs
j.e t for a tat stork purchar- In thus
pud adjoining dlsrtlcts.
C. 13. Howell, who formerly owned
considerable stock nnd range In the
Illinois valley, but who hns made bis
homo for thrco years in Colorado, In
visiting Jnekson county's most at
tractive timber districts this week
His mission Is somewhat mysterious,
fllnco he conpeals its, plirposo; but
ho promises to come again, probably
with a buslneRH proposition up bis
When better insurance Is sold
Holmes Tho InHurnnco Man will roll
It. " .
Cirn. Hon mm nml Air ritiml ttt Itriil.
inc. Calif., iinssuil (limtiuh MdiirA!
this inortilng on tholr wuy home, nfter
i fortulgbt or hunting nnd sightseeing
In tho IIokiic river lounlry.
Hook binding of any kind nt tho
Mall Trlbuno offlco.
Amos White, of Albany, llils slate.
Is vlBltlug relatives in.JiieksonvllIe
mid friends In this city this week.
Christian Science books, booklets
and mailing curds. Medford Hook
Mm. Mary C. WoIIm routrned last
ovonlng rroni n nextended visit with
her shn mid dniigher In Cnllfornln,
having seen both of the big fairs
while In that state.
Polled haul and Itncon nt DnVoo's
At small cost with unexcelled set
vice wo muse your clothes look new
Ilecomo one of our satisfied patrons.
All workjgunrnnteoil. Pnntorium Dyn
Three new Itoyal typewriters have
Just been sold by (he Medford Hook
In tho circuit court nt Jacksonville
today the case of the Stuto vs. C. W.
Cnsebolt, Involving the removal of a
hondgnto from the canal of n private
water system, was railed mid, nt press
hour was still on trial.
"No trestinss" slcna for nnln nt
Mali Tribune offlco. '
I. A. Lunborgor nnd wife, of Koit
Worth, Toxns, nre tnrrylng In the city
Kvnryltody likon llox Hall nnd are
bonofltted by It, for It Invigorates
both mind and body. Kasclnntlng,
thrilling, healthful. jhu
Attorney (Ico. W. Chorry went to
Jacksonville Itoday on piorosslonnl
A free lesson with each purchimo
this week nt tho Handicraft Shop.
Threo bibulous tourists wero given
ton mlnutos to dlsnppoar today by
the poUqjj court. Othorwlso, quiet
rolgned In thnt tribunal.
Ilrlng thoso old mngnzlnos and pe
riodicals to tho Mall Trlbuno for
MIhb Ilortha Plttnian, now visiting
with the family of Plro Chief J. W
l.nwton, will lenvo next week for the
Snn Krnnclsco exposition, beforo she
returns to her home nt Kort Klnmnth.
Item! "Oct ltlcli Oiiick AVnlllnK-
ford" In tho Orogonlnn nnd San I-'mn-clsco
Nxnmluor nnd see tho pictures
nt the Star thentor beginning Kriday,
Nov. 12th.
Prank Houston of Trail was n city
visitor today.
We hao been compelled to move to
larger quarters ami you will now find
us at HI Si K. Main street with the lar
gest display of flue furs ever shown
in Mod ford. P. W. llartlell. 181
A verdict of not guilty was return
ed Monday in the clri'iilt rnuri mi
Incksouvllle In the case or tho stste
against C'hnrlos Austin, accused of
pulling a gun upon C P Angle, the
result of n neighborhood quarrel In
the Antelope valley Inst June.
Job Printing In mi Its branches nt
the Mali Trlbuno office.
City lleeordor Hlmer T. Posa will
have the city's budget In readiness for
the consideration of the budget com
mittee nt Ita meeting next Prlda
afternoon, providing ror the levy this
tsll for the -purpose of covering next
vesr's municipal expenses. Tentative
provision will mIio he theieiii for bond
Interest and Incidental expense pend
ing the result of the forthcoming
Do Voo dull vera the Orogonlnn to
you overy day for 75c a month.
Hco. Huts, local architect, Is io-
coverlug ver favoiMbl) fiom sit op-
erstloa perforuiwl last I'rldaj by Dr.
Htearns. the cause being a souiewhut
serious sf feci Ion of one of hie feet.
Drs. A. It. nnd Louise Hedges, chi
ropractic physicians, Stownrt build
ing, m Nnat Main St.
V a Itoseubamii came In from
the Peltou iamb Tuesday to look
after business mutter.
PreeU routed peanuts at Da Vot's
Postage staaAiHi at Vvs Voe'a.
Hot Tawnloa nt tho Shaetn.
"Xo hunting" signs for salo nt the
Mall Tribune offloe.
Letter heads, em elope, bill bonds,
ItMMM leaf syatetus, at the Mali Tri
bune office
ladles have voitr fuia cleaned, re-
iiiodelvd and re' I mil now, to avoid tb
rush. P. W Mart leu. au K. Main
Comets w4e m your ladivldwa
meainreaCMie, guaranteed. .
t.OVDON, Oct. (l. A repoit
rcnebjjd here today ibut Print e Von
Hiielow, former Dftinaii i-Iiimi -cllor,
Will hhoilly Kiilimil Ik Pictldeiil WJI
aiiii ami King Alfonso of Spam mi
outlinii of the condition- on which
(lennnuv jnislit lie dii"-ei to
teiniM rtl pence.
The rejiort Is eontniiied niit Heuter
ilii-pnteh from MfldriiJ mid lum not
been rorrtihornU'd from miv other
soiuee. 'I lie dinpalfi gitu iim mi
tlioiity Prince (.'Hinpotenle, mi Italian
nolileiiinn, m1io ii n blotlier-iii-luw of
Prince Von (inflow. The report wn
Jlrst iMiblinlied in .Madrid, the corre
jiondent .ny, in llie fonn of n lne
snye from Komi.
At lut report- Ptiiiee Vim Hiielow
wiih ill. A iiu-wme from Heilin on
Sliniliiv mild In' wns i'iiiiIimi'iI In In..
room in Colo'-me n the rc-iilt of n
liL'lit indisposition, Tlie innce whm
on In-. un to II.hIi-ii ll.'Hlen
LONDON', Oct 20, Correspondence
of the A P.- Surgeons In Ungllsh
hospltnls who huve attended victims
of eppolln raids give romnrkablo
rncts rognrdlng tho work of bombs
Inunchod rroni nlr craft. Apart from
their oxploslvo force, nilnsllcs dropped
from n height of n inllo or two gain
such momonttun thnt they do grcnt
damngo by their dlsturbiinco of tho
nlr. fctJif'U
Some of thoso killed have met their
death from the shock of explosions
without being hit by any fragments
of shell or sustaining wounds. A
'urge proportion of those killed In the
cl reels and a majority of the wound
ed hnvo received their wounds from
broken glass.
UK It LIN, Oct"' C. by wlrcmss'to
Snyvllle. Oerninn advances on nil
fronts nre, reported In today's, official
Oermnn positions over n front of
2bU meters In the Cliumpague north
of Lo Slosnll, which the French can-
tured Sundny, are ssid to havo heon
retnken. Five officers and 1T.0 French
soldiers wore captured. Only one
small French northeast of Le Mesnll
remains In the hands or the French.
On the northern part or tlfc Rus
sian front Field Marshal Von lllndon
burg's army has ngaln crossed the
Illoukst district nnd reconquered
Kaslnilrshlki rami.
Further south the army of Prince
Leopold repulsed Itusslan nttuclts
east of Harunovlchi and south of
Vygonovsltoyo lake.
The army of (lenernl Von Llnsen-
gen hns stormed the Husalmi position
east or Kolkl nnd west or C'Enrtorysk,
and repulsed n Itusslnn counter at
tack. Four offlcora nnd 1-lfiO men
and ten hiaqhlne guns were captured.
A further md vanre was mado yes
terday by the Oorman forces In Sor
bin. Fast of Vlscgrnd, Ilosnln, fur
ther progress was made and several
positions were occupied. South of
Palauka ground was gained on the
northern sldpo or tho linen vnlley.
Further east the (lerninns captured
Mnrkovatsh, Laopo nnd Kulhhovo.
During the last three days DUO Ser
bians have been captured.
CLIFTON, Ariz, Oct 2il Incom
plete count of tho vote cast todny by
mass meetings or strikers ami citizens
of the copper mining camps of Clif
ton, Morenci, and Metcnlf, upon n
proposition ror arbitration or the
wage scale dirreronces, showed only n
scattering vole had been cast against
the proposition. '
deicd for the Villa troops were -till
held on this -side of the bnundnn
awaiting pnvnicnt.
PIIOKNIX, Ariz., Oct. 20. One
hundred militiamen under command
or Mnjor N. P. (Irlmstend of Phoenix,
will lenvo Moan nnd Tempc tonight
for Clifton to reinforce the two hun
dred state troops already In the iop-
per strike district. Ohnrlos W. Har
ris, stnto adjutant general, nlreny
lias left ror Clifton.
"I do not look fpr nn eurly settle
ment of the present strike," said an
official "'Preparations are being
made to provide for the strikers. The
town of Miami alone has sent $ir.uo
to Clirton In the past five days."
ciMvmiii n..i -)fi fliiiniDii, " .. - i
nmong foreigner- 'cems to lie hugely
in favor of u return by China to the
iiKiimr. Iniil I'linn ill ''iivi-1 iniienl. fllic
of the principal iciimhis uuvnnceu i-
. i .t i li I.1....1 i...t
Hint Hie qiieniion oi riesnu-ni uuu
Shi Kni's Hiieces-or. to which sreitt
iniportuPce is ntiiiclied, would thus
he "cttlcd.
Some feeling has been aroused",
howevci, dy the presume which the
nioniirt'liieiil tiuty i- e.vertinir on the
veriiuMi!nr newspapers. Several
('nit i in IIHW-.IIIIIIIII-S bnVii been olillU-
eil lo censo mlvere critieiin of the
plan to restote the uiouuiehy, mid
piopiiclois of other pupers.hne lieeu
After a long controversy the Asto
rla cllty council voted unanimously
tto grant the Pacific light .fe Powei
Co. a street franchise on Franklin
LOS ANfin.KS, Oil. 21J.-A large
number of men were umped todny on
the 730."i-iicio (met in Impetial val
ley which vns rcilorcd to entry by
government land officials here yes.
teiiluy iiuilcr iitiiietiiiiis troui th-
eoinmissioi'er of the general laud of
ficii nt Washington, I). ('.
Aiinoiimenieiil ot the rotornliou of
the laud to entry stinted a nihil froin
Impuriitl alley (owns to the neteage.
('iniiiimit.i enl'ihlishcd guards an 1
built lion I ires during I he night to l.ecj
off trespassers.
A tense Mitiintiou is said to ha(
dcvelojicd, which may lesult in trou
ble between livul elaimmits.
'flic bind which lias been rislored
to entry lies west of the Sotithcwi
I'nciric railroad and is near the town
of lirawlcy, .N'iland mid l(oltil!e.
Some of it is said to be woitb-.'MOO 1111
Reported by Jackson Coqnty At
Tact Co.. Blxth and Fir BU.
LONDON', Oct. i0. flic report that
Tuikisb troops aie being: concentrated
M Hiirgns, V1111111 nml other points on
the Illiies sen oast of Bulgaria, is
reiterated 111 advices received horu
today from Athens. Renter's corre
spondent ways thut the Turks nro to
otipose Russian nltemnts lo lauo
trobM, liHviuir repbieed llulgurisim
beraiis4 it was leu led the hitter could
not be counted on to rcwl.t the Run
sinus, A diswle lo the Kxehange Tele
Krnph eoiuiMiuy siih:
"Fivq tlioiiMund (lennaii koblierw
from Coiistantiuople nre replscing
liulgmi.ins nt points m the (Hack himi
littei-id. Di'lciisc of (he coast has
been intiu-lcd to dermmiv."
It. Iloiiilebough vs. Ora Angle,
et al, receipt
I). M. Parry yt. Lillian Mac flluck,
Central Point Stnto Hank vs. dco.
Hut, notice; reply.
H. M. McFarloud vs. Henrv lltim-
pliroy et al, lOturn of suniiuons.
Hello Nlckell vs. It. ll. Ilrnilshnw.
et n), answer of '-:frio Mao Torrlll.
It. II. Toh vs. Ahnlo 11. Colby et
al, cost bill.
Marlon Tyer vsi H. L. Mend et al.
Sadlo Homlne vs. Cleveland Noml.
nle, prof of mailing: suniiuons.
israol J. Hanson vs. May Lewis,
et al, admission of service.
Don Cameron vs. .1. D. Jones, cost
Aurlo M. Draper vs. Hale.
ot al, suit In equity.
.1. H. Olson vs. H. K. Hull. 11. a.
flray, et nl, notlco of lien.
.lease Nenthunior vs. Addle ln
Jones Sherwood et al, cost bill.
Alexander McMillan vs. Henry 11
Sander et nl, cost bill.
2CAC0. Ariz.. Oct. 2(1. Fires have
been drawn from tlio big smelter nt
Cnnnncn, according to word brought
hero todny, tho entire force of smel
ter nnd initio workers of tho big cop
per district hnvo beon paid off mi 1 in
lieu of railroad service twenty auto
mobiles bae been transporting the
men to the border at this point.
Vnquis under (lenernl Fibalejo,
Villa chief in Honorn. nro m emit ml
of tho camp, but they nre snid to be
destitute, mid refuirees tin-ium? hen.
expressed the idea that the entire
camp would be looted. Supplies or-
. . , v4$$w'4-$.g',V
"r e XMjir
-7"TTwY""m t
rjvirnmnt YnPTf. rnmnrcri of Parlcard
........... ,w... v..r...T w... ...... . . .
and Ford companies, and oilier authori
ties, declare oil from asphalt-base crude
has greatest efficiency. And it was on
tJtfitirucy that Zerolene, the oil made from
California asphalt-base petroleum, was ,
awarded highest competitive honors, San
Frac'4.0 and San Diego Expositions.
Standard Oil Company
u.(.u bill
ilte Standard QH for tfolor Cars
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. St). Local
representative of Gtnurnor Hiram
V. Johneou mid the state administra
tion onrly today expiosnul the great
est confldenco that the olectorato of
Calironih at the polls today would
endorse the two so-called non-partisan
measures pHeevd b) the last ltgl
lwluie and loft to the people by the lu.
oMiik of the leferemlum.
With eleven nuxiaiiriw and no cn
dli'ales to ote on. tli olectorsto of
Csllfornla wms slow In Melting to the
polls tedy Advleee frem msny
towns In the coumo of tho morning
wore that (be vole v fur below the
iihuh! 11 mount
Kstate or Frank C. Roberts, peti
tion, order.
Kstnle or A. W. Selsby, proor or
publication or sale of real proper!
ICstate of Sarah I.owdeu, order for
final account.
Kstate of Ftinnlo .1. Dozler, lotter.i
of administration.
Kstate of Joshua Nenlheaiumer, In-
entory nnd npiiriilseinoiit.
ISstnte or Lyilla Powell Hoyd, bond;
order udmlttlng will: oider appoint
lug appraisers.
Kstate of Chns. K. Hiirgan, appoint
ment or npprlnsers: bond
How To Get Relief When Head
and Nobo are Muffed Up,
Count llttyl Ymjr ccd.l In lieml or
catarrh dlftpcars. Your r);rgnl not.
trlh will 0mii, tlio nlr passages of your
bend will clear and jou tin brcntliv
freely. No more MiaMiics, hawking,
mucous ilUclinrgc, dryiiect or ln-nlnoho;
no struggling for bnath ut niglit.
Get a fnaall little of lily's Cream
lluhn from jour druggUt an.l apply u
little of tliU frngrnnt nntioptlc ermni
In your ntrllH. It penetrates tliroiil
everj- air pas aca "f the li ol Koothlnr
ami lulling the w .Ren or inthuneJ
miicou nicinbranc, gimg aoii lastnnt
relief. Hctt.I c lis nnd ruturrli yield
llko 11 ng t P - tUy stuffed up and
lulsvrublv, P.e'iff Is urc
Medford Conservatory
Kxpres.'.loii, Video Wink, Public Speaking, Pliyslcnl Training..
mhs. iiYNirni: hovious.
Piano, Musluil History, Hannony, CoimteriHdnt.
Private lessons, or classes of six or more, may bo nrrangod for
at any tlmo.
Office Heurs: 9 n. m.-12 a. m. COLLEGE IHIILDINO
1 P. 111.- 5 p. in. Phone 1C-L
Ileal IChtnto Transfers
Geo. H. Itlckerson to .1. M.
Pensen et al. 2-3 Int mining
piopert in Steamboat Mln-
' lt j 1,00
Msud C. Kedeakor to K. s. 1U-
doekor. id. :7-2V QCD .. 1.00
Edgar F Wolcoll to Augusta
L. KKKleston, pt. ii-3l-7K .. 1.00
Dovter Hale nt u to D. K.
Green, l-s Int. In U3-SS-2W 10.00
Kredrleh Thlee ot u to T
Helmroth. QCD m.OO
J A. I.eHinan to It. F. I.ow-
iu, I t in in Hildge Ditch
Co.. in 7-:LS-tV ... 1 no
I. F. PrlttMW et u to Francis
L Kherniiiau. lot 11 Ash-
lend 1 1 mim toad Aeso. Tract,
U CIl 1 00
Pnlla lllheu to Horace n
llllven. pt 33-8S.IW QCD .'MO 00
r iK 4V '--'-'-
I i iivj. iii Ni'ni.usi bte perfect
ly by correcting refractive errors of
tho eyes w ith exact lenses
le.ilghl SpccinlUt
Medford. ... Orocon
Pulls onsiop than a walking' plow of tlio same width of
Runs at an even depth and turns the trash under bettor.
Come in and see them or ask the men that have them.
B order of the Noble lirun.l th.-r
will be a specie! uieetlim riuii.u
Oet. HUk, wbM the Assembh Pjt
dent win make us aa official viit
milt R. DAILY.
! Ucretar
ar-tiuol IHhtrljut No. 7 4. P O Trail,
Oriiua Warraule for sale. Amount
Que ThouMud Dollar, in $50 units,
te ruu from 0110 to fhe jours, with
lenrel Inter i.
r 1
, "1 i'ii wm) iiMt jjiiii 111 ilium seijii
" U-i i.i-i n a Witfcj kAmaiutf
.. u tk.i . .j JT r
... , urn. iw rannr h
ol'Uea timn Us evidence. U k
Kmmmmmmm 'l.l.. .l ikul 1.. 1.. k...u ..A
Wbj, ..--. . M ,. . ,, I " imm pihw in ejfan mmr iw
"W ""'""" -" ' wal tin tM . yHB v
Vllh l4U,r.l TrT. u M,1fnrt Mart.
mm w m
VAKTMI -KwralatMNt;
dMiMrv. sur:j.'",r,
Growlntj more popular every day.
Sweet ami a superior flavor.
White Velvet Ice Lream Co.
II Jfe. GMUruJ,
Phage. t$l
Is preferred to any other kind, bo
wiuse it is irodnced by the most of
t'ieient and up-to-date methods and
machinery known to the creamery in
Tnstet on your grocer sending vou
OOL1) SKAL Uutter, ll will please
you. There is nothing better nuulo.
The Jackson County Creamery
Medford, Oregon