astf i n v. .! Mge six mr flrEDFOTtT) MAIL TIITBUNE, MEDFORD, OttEOON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1035 SUGAR AND WATER CAMPA If IGN AIM Of L CLUB ''The Mcilfonl Couiuicrciiil dub cum- WEEKS IS WILLING 10 BE PRESIDENT; HE'S PROUD OF BEING IHE IAFI ID tupoiiA it nutitmii nnd winter Jii1kti with much uroim'su of tililir.itiK ' firt-nowcd cuthiiHinsiu in the produc ' tT?n of n renter volume of pffcclie Vork thnn thnt of nny preceding scn 'son for (some timu pnttl, notwithbtnml-im-j the general buxincHfl depression in 'jnnny standard linen tJironbout tli'f country," wild Seerclnry H. A. Lnttu todny to n Mnil Tribiinn rcprerientn five. "The club mcmberHlii) 1ms been jrrrntiT in point of number," contin ued tho Hi-erclnry, '"but fteldom stronger, I think, in the mutter of de termination to nroduco mnterinl re mits. The qunlity of membership in hny eivie body 1ms much to do with the quality of tho work it pcooiii Jf)lithes. For Hint reason I confi dently believe thnt the business no eutnuluted during tho pnnl summer months for exeeutloii during tho per Joe of thin campaign will be dono with a rest tliuL will compel result of n wont KtibHtiintial nntnre. , Hugnr Iktft Cninpnlmi ''Chief nmong the proportions now coniinnnilinc tho attention of tho htm iriesH men of the city and Niinound iiif vnllej oommunitieH nre the beet Bligitr and irrignUon enterprise. Tho club lifiH been made tho hcfldqunrtcM pf thow who nre foremost in promot ing the Huhscription of nugnr beet norcngt, including (ho committee thnt lias the matter in hand, with C. K. flutes iiiKlulleil an field mutineer, and Alex. Nibley w diieetor of tho inter cmIh of the Utnli-Orepuu .Sugar com pany, "HxpresHiouH of tho'i who are vit ally coneemrd in the production of Wo Huunr lieelrt hi the neeesxary quantity to insiiro the establishment of the bcej sugar factory an proof positive that tho farmers are deter mined to do their part well and quickly. That done, all doubt in re moved (hut tho factory will bo in stalled. The lending producer in the. proposition tho wiilistnntinl unsinnsi men of tho valley who know most about the value of rucIi an en terprise are coming in with nub HcriptioiiN of exfenhtvo nercngo, fol lowed cnthusin.stlc.illv by those of wuuller faniis. itcpil.i Knvnrnhto "HepoitN of tebls and tinnlyooH of Hiipar heels raised in tho valley dur Jut: the present year nic mora fnvor nhlo thnn nntiuipated, even by tlu ciunpony itself, the per cent of purity mid of sugar content in (ho beet, as well as tho yield per acre, hcing above the general nvorngo in th Hugnr beet districts anywhere. Thin is, indeed, very encouraging and ban bad tho very natural effect of en Inrgmg the individual acreage sub scribed last car, together with bringing in Mibbcriptious ,1'roin those who could not be interested at thai time. If the work continued as sue cessfully nM it has just hemw. Hogue Ilivcr volley wwy safely count on n million dollar beet sugar factory in operation next jcur. "The lull in the irrigation agitation is merely 'watchful waiting while the pri'ltiiiinar.v surveyors ore ohtuuung fiirurcs and other data on which to base n report ns to the volume of sup ply and tho cost of delivering the wa ter to the farms of tho valley. The interest in tho enterprise has not Inured, however. Kvery vestige of doubt apparently ban been removed aw to tho absolute necessity of installing a complete irrigation sjhtcni or sys tems for the valley, "Those enterprises, in action, mean millions of dollars for tho people of Jlogito ltivcr volley, while pinposi tioim of leaser importance will also engage the attention and keenest Milicitude of tho pubhe.spirited ele ment in tho population of Jackson county jjnnernHy," flBf K : Wm T ft (Senator Weeks of Massachusetts didn't net into tho presidential race; he was pushed In by his friends. Here's how our political expert sizes him up. Kditor.) 11 til f I v'AVfrw, r. a njiDiii.iuiu,'., p. i.., UCI. J.). John V. Weeks Kcw Knpland'y rtontribution to (lit. republican presi dentinl candidate collection 1ms not been swept off his feet by his pnvsi dentin ambitions. Not as yet. Hut ho feels the lido risinr at least ho thinks ho does and is yielding to it. Jus J Jos ton uendqiiartei'N not presidential headquarters. Ho told wc they were not. They nre merely an extra office where he can K' and bo and seo his friends. The office is at 08 Devonshire street, on tho ninth iloor. There are two offices, nu outer room where the public wait1 and an inner room where the public has its interview. On the door is the chaste inscriptien: .101 IK W. WKEKS Senator Weeks favors a revision of tho tariff upward a radical change in the prtsent tariiT law. Also ho is opposed to the initiative, refer endum and recall, and ban no partic ular use for "popular aovcrnmeut.' A lot of reform., he says, are not any good. He i not for all reforms. The senator has no presidential manager yet, .tbou;:h Louis Coolidtfc, fonucrly n Washington correspond ent, and now secretary to tb" shoo machinery trust, takes considerable personal interest in the growth of tho boom. He visits ot !8 Devonshire and doesn't have to wait in tho out side room. Weeks is the William Howard Taft type of candidate. He is just as safe and just nS sano as Tutt. In fact, his tniddlo name is safety. Uv the way, John W. Weeks is not connected with tho stock broking firm of HoinbloUei & Weeks. Ho snyj bo severed Iijh oonneotion with this firm and all other firms mid unvo up all his offices as trustee, etc., when he assumed his duties as senator. He has no visible means of supKrt ex cept his Hulory. And he decs not pi-cl'-nd to live on that alone; there fore his occupation may bo briefly described as "capitalist.'' Anyway, Weeks didn't inherit it. Ho was born and brouglit up on a farm and ho has made it all himself. Wcnks is n captain in tho Mnbsa- ebtisetls naval militia, and first be- cume a public fijnire as an organizer thereof. He wan born April 11, 1S00, and is therefore .r years old. He bt!llecH in business and knows that when business prospers the workinjtman pits work. He would pive tho kind of an administration that Smoot, Penrose or Tnft would give, and is proud of bis association with these gentlemen. FRENCH VICTORS IN HEAVY FIGHTING TF I ROW IMPORTATION OF SUGAR BEET PULP Those who arc foitiinalc enough to bo able to buv suuar-beet ntibi fur their slock in this valley pay .1-211 n ton for it. Many carloads are ship ped in from Dixon, ('!., the freight being; $8 n ton. Tho Hush Mills ship ped in 1(15 Ions of the-last j tar's out put at Dixon, puyiiu; theiefor ,f 1-1 u ton. That it is a first -class feed for dairy stock is well known by those who are informed oh to what ration is best for the production of milk. However thorough the piocess of ex tracting tho sugar content from thu beet, it is found that 11 pei cent of sugar remains. Thnt is one of tho chief elements of value in it as u feed. When the beet sugar laclorv MiaU have been established in this valley, tin first saving on siifrnr heel ptilpi win lie the $H a ton wc now pay as freight from California. Other feat ures of economy mny be found in I ho puichnse of the home product, snyini nothing of the fact that we pay home labor for producing it. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS END ANNUAL MEETING and Rlrls should bo In tho reform bcIiooIh." Why not keep tho boyn from i:olnn Into Bin rather thnn let them go Into sin nml then reclaim them. Tho net; led of tho child In tho sin of the fathers and mothers of our laud today. Tho obb or a nation In JiiHt an high as tho tide, that flown through tho homo. Tho ninlo quartot of tho M. K. church of Ashland gave two selec tions nt tho evening service. Tho next convention will bo he'd at Med ford, 1910, In tho llaptlst church. Tho following offlcorn wore elect ed: President, Dr. J. U, Hill of Mod ford: lce-prcnldcnt, F B. Shlnn or Ashlnud; nccrotary and treanurer, J. T. Carpenter of Medforrt; superinten dent of teen ago, J. M. nresnley, Med ford; superintendent adult depart ment, It. J, Kdwnrdn, Atihlnnd; super intendent evangelism, W. K. Smith, Mcdford; superintendent homo de partment, Mrs. Stownrt, Mcdford; superintendent elementary depart ment, Mm, M. O. Urnndheat, Centrnl Point; superintendent Institute work, Including tcaehors training class, temperance nnd missions, Mrs. A. J. Ilnnhy, Medfnrd. PAIMS, Oct. J.-.An important success by the French. troop in the Champagno district is announced by the French war office this afternoon. In spite of a fierce roidftancc, French troops occupied an important position known as Lacouriine. The losses of the Germans nre described as serious and the- French took 200 prisoners. The text of the communication fol lows : "In the Champagne district our troops yesterday won nu important success. The eiiemv occupied, in front of their second position, a sali ent veiy Mrongly organized, which had resisted all our previous attacks. In its southwestern part, on the northern slopes of Hill Xo. 100, nt a point two kilometers to the north of Musnil I.cs Hurliis, this salient in cluded a Aery important position call ed 'I.a Courtiro,' which wc hac cap tured after heavy fighting. 'I.a ('our tine' extended for a distance of 120U yards with an average depth of 'Jflll yards, anil included three or four lines of trenches connected up with under ground tunnels. Our men were suc cessful after n vigorous piepnratorv ortillcfv fire and fiH a result of vio lent fighting. Tho losses of the en emy were seiious and they left in our hands 200 prsonersi belonging to three different regiments. "There has been no other action of importance on the remainder of the front." DROUGHTS EFFECTS SEEN IN SHOR E RAGTIME OPERA AT THE PAGE THEATER t ' That Indescribably tunny follow Punch Jones and his Hag Time Opera company will offer tho big uolso at tho Page for two nights and two mat JncsB along with one of thu biggest "feature pictures of tho kcusou next Wednesday and Thursday. Punch Jones is a household word whore over thero Is a Pentagon thea tre bo Is ono of thoso versatile fellows with a eplendld singing voice, a groat 'dancer anil a monologulbt In a class by himself. , r Misses llertha Grant and Mabel Do Heard for two years were the big tea turo with Williams and Walker "In Dahomey" and are two of tho great est dancing girls of tlTelr race. Tress comments from California are loud In their praises of tho attrac tion. fTltb Mftdford. Traa u UedfQrd Mad Friday, Oct. L'2, prulso sorvlco, led by tho Itev. Stlllo of Centrnl Point. Ilev. J. K. llallllo of Phoenix gave a splendid talk on Methods ot Keeping up tho Sunday School, ono suggestion worthy of special mention was that or tho personal work of tho pastor during tho week calling upon tho ab sentees. It has been proven that per sonal work of both pastor and teacher Is most effective. An Indifferent pus tor makes an Indlfforent church and Sunday school. Ilev. A. 11. Hlack stono of tho Ashland Paptlst church, read an Interesting paper on "Kvan gcllsm. This wan followed by a lloly wide awako talk on Missions by tho Hev. H A. Carnahan of tho Ashland Prblerlan church. Tho Orgnnlicd ClnsH. Why and How? was ahlj dis cussed It) C A I'hlppn. This Is the age of co-operation, team work, co operation of pastor and school of old and oung In this great work makes a Sunday school worth while and this co-operation Is most contlal In the 'teen ago riaMoa. At tho afternoon sow Ion tho sub ject or "Kdurnttou" was discussed un der the leadership ot Mrs. V. S. Knglo of Ashland, livery Sunday school should have a good missionary library and In tho rouutry schools a library of good books should bo secured If posio The average boy and girl like to road or ereat in on and women lteATWfpT!f gSVe- a aplwdld addnw on "Tho Heritage of Youth" In tho evening lie said "mont or our ! delinquent bos and air1 In our re form schools came from delinquent GRECIAN CROWN PRINCE OFF TO VISIT SAL0NIKI J'AIUS, Oci. 2.'. The depaiture of Crown Prince fleoigv of fl recce hiit night for Salopiki is reported by the Hiivmh cot respondent at Athens. Tin piirjMJso of his trip was said to be to inspect tho garrison at Snlouiki. Judge Swear that witness. Witness Now judge, I eamo down hero to do my duty In a peaceable manner, and I don't want to bo cuss ed by anybody! Positive Proof, Should Convince the (JnvUot SkcjUlc in Modforil llecauso It Is tho evidence of a Mcd ford cltlien, Testimony easily Investigated. The strongest endorsement of mer it. Tho bout proof. Head It: Mrs. William Charley, SOi N. Drape St , Mcdford says: "I had much pain In the small of my bark and sometimes I could hardly bond or straighten. At night the troublo bothered me, too, and often I couldn't sleep. I tried plasters and liniments, hut nothing helped me. Whon almost discouraged, I heard ot Doan's Kidney Pills, in loos than two weeks after I bogan taking them, I felt better. Four bow ot Doan's Kidney Pills made mo woll." (Statement glon Sopt. 11. 1907 1 OVKU PIVK YKAItS LATUlt Mrs Charley said: "1 have had no kidney trouble since Dean's Kidney Pills freod me of it " Price 50c. at al dealers Don't simply ask (or a kidney reined net Doan's Kidney Pills the name tliatj Mrs i nariev nan. h WAS MISERABLE COULDN'T STAND Testifies She Was Restored to Health by Lydta E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lncknwnnnn, N. Y. "After my first shlld was barn I felt very miserable and could not stand on my feet- My sister-m-law wished rrio to try Lydiw E. Tink ham'a Yo jj c t o b I o Oemjiiund nnd my nerves bepamo firm, appetite good, tep clastic, nnd I lost that weak, tir'uil feeling-. That wtos six years ngo and I have had three fino healthy children since. For female trou bles I always tnko I.ydla K. Pinkham's' Vcgctnblo Compound and it works liko a charm. I do all my own work." Mrs. A. F. KnRAMEn, 1574 Electric Avenue, Lackawanna, N. Y. The success of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable. Compound, mode from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. It may bo used with perfect confldenco by women who suffer from displacements, inflam matlon,ulcorotlon,tumors,lrreRUlarit!es, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feellnB.flatulcncy.indlKcstion.diKlness, or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegotable Compound Is the stan dard remedy for female ills. Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced of tho ability of Lydia & Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re store their health by tho many genuine and truthful testimonials we nro con stantly publishing in tho newspapers. If you want special ndriro write to I.ydla P.PInkham Medicine Co.(couf. dentlal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and niisnered by a nontau and held In strict confidence. I OF VALLEY'S CROPS Although prime qunlity of corn may bo raised In Hoguc river valley, with an excellent yield per acre, tho crop Is very short In Jackson county thin year. Grinding of tho now crop will begin as soon as It shall have seasoned sufficiently. Corn on tho cob Is now soiling lo cally at f 1.25 a hundred, wh'lo shell ed corn of the last year's crop Is sell ing at $2.10. In view or tho shortago or the crop In the valley this season, much corn will necessarily bo shipped In this year, taking out or locnl cir culation mouoy received ror other products. The result of this policy mny clearly be seen. The same condition exists as to tho alfalfa crop. Its unusual shortago will ncccBsltato the Importation ot ninny carloads or alfalfa hay from California. For the local product now $14 a ton Is paid, tho wholesaler retailing It at $1C. Tho rise In chargo per ton may bo rigured when It Is known that It costs $8 a ton to ship It In from tho San Joaquin vallay. Local buyers In bulk of other homo products suggest that a similar short ago will bo noted In other products, Including such staples as potatoes, onions and cured meats. "Tho purchaso of theso staples abroad out of tho monoy wo count as profit on tho products of which wo do raise an amplo supply goes far toward Impoverishing tho rarmcnof tho valley," said ono of tho dealers today. "Put that down as nnn of tho parnmount reasons ror tho present shortago or money hero and tho con sequent complaint or depressed busi ness conditions," ho added. Theso conditions aro duo to tho drouth and will be ellmluatdo by Irrigation. With unorrlng Instinct tho ramlly's most persistent rocker seeks out In tho now rial tho one squeaky boan( In tho Door. Chicago Dally News. And tho bathroom hydrant easily tlnds tho exact anglo nt which It will drip with the most heartrending mo notony. "Early to bed and early to rise" Has made be very healthy, nut, very much to my surprise, It's never mado mo wealthy. Judge. w Exposition Crowds attest the surpassing beauty and inter est of San Francisco's great spectacle. Western Union Day Letters and Night Letters make it possible for you to enjoy the inspiration of this wonderful achieve ment yet keep in daily touch with home. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. f X" L 71 rs iB nW I- JX 1 Jrri. I'll ClL-j Bih m Vs. A .TRY THIS STORE FOR BETTER SHOES, PROPER FIT AND COMFORT Our aim is to make you "at home" hero and have those who wait upon you satisfy you in every re sped; in personal attention as well as in mer chandise. YOUR FIRST PAIR WILL SOLVE YOUR SHOE PROBLEM cucldt! pps,tc post uuice At the Olrm nf ' "tZfnt Cunrc" "GOOD SHOES" Built Our Business ' Aft' Ever-ready 'entertainment The unexpected guest is royally entertained with the music of the Victrola The world's best music always at your instant command .i pleasure to your friends as well as to your umiiy. Cor in and Ut u introduce ou to the Id) ol Inn ttunUfiitil nuruincnt. Yietrulai $15 tn J."iX), Victori $10 to Jl(i Termi to iuit )uur oomcnltncc. f!JJjMJMjJjM$$M$M$ . I homes; pureuts rat la r than, the box fe l'roin , Uutfalo, N np Hir Mini If f n V I ... i..ale s Piano House Panama Exposition Excursion Guaranteed Low Cost ,A elub is being formed in the Ivogue River Valley to visit the PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION On or About November 10th. By this means a very low rate is secured. The round-trip railroad fare, hotef room with bath, five admissions to the Exposition, eight admissions to tho most alt motive concessions, city sightseeing trip ALL FOR $31.00 6 DAYS IN SAN FRANCISCO Kvery person going on this excursion will know in advance just what the trip costs aside from meals and Pullman berths. Accommodations in sleeping cars on the special train may be secured in advance at the regular rates. Good meals can be had in San Francisco at as low a price as would be charged in Mod ford for similar service. A 50 MILLION DOLLAR EXPOSITION The Panama-Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco is the world's celebration of the opening of the Panama canal. Tt is the third exposi tion of its class held in the United States, and the twelfth in the history of expo sitions. It is essentially contemporaneous, no exhibit being eligible for award, unless produced since the St. Louis exposition ten years ago, or unless it is a product that has not boon improved upon within tliat period. The Panama Pacific International Exposition therefore represents a decade in the material progress of civilization. In order to receive rating as a universal exposition it must make a comprehensive showing of the achievements of all civilized na tions in all lines of human endeavor. The exposition does this. It is an epitome of civilization. The long step forward taken by the Panama-Pacific Interna tional exposition, overall expositions that have preceded it, is largely a reflec tion of lite advance made by the world in tho arts, sciences and industries since tho last exposition was hold. EXHIBITS Tho exhibits and their installation represent an expenditure of more than $10,000,000. In the eleven exhibit palaces are some 70,000 separate exhibits. More than fifty miles of exhibit aisles divide the interior of the palaces. The admissions to the exposition afford access freely to the 31 Main Ex hibit Palaces, of Varied Industries, Manufactures. Liberal Arts and Social Economy, Education, Mines and Metallurgy. Transportation, Agriculture, Food Products, Machinery, Fine Arts and Horticulture; also to the pavilions of foreign countries and sister states. See the magnificent towers, courts, gar dons, fountains, sculpture, paintings and illumination all included. Reservations Must Be Made Immediately Only a limited munber can bo nrooinmodntod. Sec us right awav PANAMA EXPOSITION EXCURSION ' SCWn. DAMS, Manager , .lackM'ii County Haul; Hunding, K'num J Mcdfui-l. , Ofti.'c Plu.iu- 10. lies. Phone 80S-h t ? ? T ? T t t t t T T t ? T ? ? ? $ T T T ? t t t f T T t t ? T ? T ? t ? T f r i Mti"$rtMtw$ r i