Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 25, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Fnlr Tonight, and Tuesday.
Max. HO; Mln. SJ2.
Forty-fifth Tear.
Dally Tenth Year.
Robert Fay, Saxon Officer, Sent to
New York by German Secret Serv
ice to Destroy Vessels Carrying
War Supplies Worked With De
vice of Own Invention.
NEW YORK, Oct. 23. Hubert Fny,
n lieuli'iwnt of the Sixteenth Snxony
infantry, admitted today tlmt lie cmuo
liere last April, through nn arrange
me:it with the (Jerninn secret fccrvico,
for the purpose of blowing tip or do
laying steamers sailing from this
country with nrms ami nmmunition
for tl'.c allins.
l'ny deelnred, however, that whilo
he bad been hero ho had acted inde
pendently of the Genunu ombitNiy or
other German ngonts here. Ho added
Hint he had told Captain Von I'npen.
military attache, and Captain K. Hoy
Kd, naval nttnchn of the German em
bassy, of his plans, but said thai both
men told him not to interfere with
hlcnmers s:iiliii2 from American ports
or American ammunition plants.
Invented n I)elco
l'ny Raid that while serving in the
field with the German rrmv ho in
vented n dovieo for blowing up hips.
The police announced that Fny had
Hindi' n complete confession of bin
activities and Inter the prisoner gave
out n statement to the newspapers. In
that he nnid:
"Sfy only object when I camo to
this country was to interfero with the
enormous shipments of nrtillery am
munition to the allies. Knowing that
nnv ordinary damage that may bo
dono to n factory may bo repaired
within n few hours, T decided it was
useless to bother with nmmunition
plants. Intimations that I have been
connoetcd with various explosions in
such plants in tho United State., is
"I hold tho diploma of nn efficiency
engineer from an American corre
spondence school and am interested in
a plant that is manufacturing binall
Eliminated Wiring
"I was sorviiig with my regiment
in thu Chnnipngno district mid saw
the terrible havoc mid loss caused by
the l'rench nrtillery fire.
"During my spaio lime I had in
M'nted a device to o.plodo mines by
doing away with electrical wiring. In
tliih uav I wns able to overcome the
fleet of daiiipnestt or water on the
wire. I applied to tho colonel of
jny regiment and he decided to giv
inn n chance. Ho put mo in touch
with tho secret service olfico nnd one
of tho agents ni'runged for my pass
hi:" to the United Stntes. I came
here on tho stenniship Hnttcrdum, ar
ris iug, I believe, on April '2', last. J
had no troublo in getting into the
count r." ,
Held Without Mali
1'av and his brothor-iiPdnw, Walter
It. Seholz, were nrruiincd at Wee
hawken earlier in tho day on charges
of conspiracy nnd were held without
bail for nn culmination tomorrow.
I'nv and Sdiolr were arretted by New
York and Now Jersey detectives near
Grantwood, K. J., Into yesterday
while tho two men weie experiment
in with explosives.
Vuul Daecho of .Toieev City, who
was arrested at hU home enilv today,
nlso was nrrnigned with l'ny nnd
.Seholz. He wns charged with t'on-
(Contlnucd on page three)
COMO, Italy, Oct. 23-The crown
proveoutor, Signor Mtdliui, dehered
hi urguinoiit to tho jur. today in Un
ease of Potter Charlton, tho Ameri
can, who i ou tul tor tho murder of
ii wife. Signer MeMiui denied tlmt
Charitou wi wUlly irnMiiill .
ctn uiuwf manly, at the time tL
deist w committed.
Th proM"Utot deuit-d tlmt Char
ton hud hn-t jtrovo.itnw far killing
hu wife, ml iii-iihi 'il hr mrnc(l
her for Iwr .. i v -d t.i it b hail
apfiroprMUm I" i- 't ,,,t hlliiu
her- II wmrlrnW i aadi with
(i dcnuuid for oUr.
Three Divisions Routed in Southeast
ern Serbia Brilliant Success by
French and Serbs at Krivolak
Nlsh Reports Entitre Austro-Ger-man
Offensive at Standstill.
LONDON, Oct. 25. French troops
routed threo divisions of Uulgnrlans
on Saturdny on tho front of Qradok-Volandovo-Ilnbrovo,
In southeastern
Sorbin, according to n dispatch filed
nt Snlonlkl, Occtobcr 21, to tho Hn
vas News ngency. Tho Rulgnrlan
forcoB, tho dlspntch adds, were deci
mated. PARIS, Oct. 25. French troops
gnlned a brilliant success by effecting
a Junction with tho Serbians nt Kriv
olak, snys n dispatch to tho Petit Pnr
Islcn from Athens. Tho dispatch,
dated Sunday, snys:
Unitarians llefcnteil
"Hulgnrlnn troops In forco woro at
tacked in threo columns when our
troops turned their right flank, whllo
tho Serbians launched a counter at
tack nil nlong tho front. At tho end
of tho day tho Unitarians retreated.
"Hulgnrlnn operations against PI
rot wero fruitless, thcreforo thoy
scoiu to Intend to concentrate efforts
on Vrnnyn nnd Vlnccnn.
"Tho Uulgnrlans nro stopped on
tho Tlmok whllo tho Aiistro-Oormnns
nro hold upon tho Savu nnd Danulio.
Military circles hero hellovo thnt tho
Austro'Gormnns will not rcsumo of
fensive In tho north until tho Uni
tarians nro nblo to affect a Junction
with thorn."
Invasion Is United
PARIS, Oct. 25. A dispatch filed
yesterday at Athens by tho llavns cor
respondent says tho Austro-aormnn
offensive In Serbia has been brought
to n standstill on tho outlro northern
front, according to advices rocolvcd
nt Athens from Nlsh. South of Poz
nrnvnc tho Serbians retired n few
miles to stronger positions. All Rul
garlan attacks on tho Tlmok and
I'lrot fronts nro paid to havo boon ro
pulsed so effectively that tho invad
ers wero compelled to flit In gaps
in their ranks and reform their units.
Tho dispatch adds thnt on this
northern part of tho front, which tho
Serbians considered liivulnornble,
tho operations of tho niilgiirlniiB huvo
been suspended. Tho Bulgarians nro
now making their principal efforts In
Serbian .Macedonia, whom tho Im
petus Is nnid to hnvo beon checked
by tho combined movoments of tho
French and Scrblnns,
OLYMPIA. Wii., Oct. 25. -Eight
supremo court Judges sitting en banc
today hoard tho opening arguments
for tho appellants In tho suit brought
by Mr, and K. Gottstoln, wholesale
liquor dealers of Seattle, In an effort
to hnvo tho stato wldo prohibition law
adopted at tho gonoral election In
1914 and which would put Washing
ton on the dry Hot January 1, 1U1C,
declared void. '
li"'iiilifiMW ' :
Teutonic neioplanes last night dropped
ROME, Oct. 25. Teutonic aero
planes Inst night made two soparnto
attacks with incendiary bombs on tho
city of Venice, according to nn offi
cial announcement given out hero to
day. Ono of tho bombs fell upon the
root of n church nnd crushed tho cell
ing, which wns ornamented with
sculpture Another missllu fell upon
tho Plnzzettn of tho Cathedral of St.
Mnrk and In front ot tho ducal pal
ace, Tho text of tho statomont follews:
"Enomy noroplanos mndo two at
tacks scpnratcd by a short Intorvn!
upon Vonlco last night, throwing
many bombs, boiuo of which woro In
ccndlnry. Tho first attack was ut
about 10 p. m.
"Ono bomb foil on tho root ot the
Church Degll Seulzl. It crushed tho
colling which was ornamented with
beautiful sculpturos of Tlopolo. An
Incendiary bomb foil upon tho plnz
zettn of tho Cathodral ot St. Mark,
In front of tho ducal palaco, without
doing nny damngo. FIvo nlr bombs
(Contlnuod on pngo threo)
KHH HDflBHMMlK' VJt mjSiUAwfmfffKf ft AfB
bolnbs on tho roof of the Church I)
St. Mn.rk.
PETROGRAI), Oct. 25. Successes
for tho Russians nro continuing along
tho ontlro front south of Dvliuk,
whllo tho onargptlo efforts being
mndo by tho (lormnns In tho vicinity
of Riga havo not succeeded In Blinking
the position of tho Russians.
Tho military nutborlllon horn re
gard tho Mtuntlon around Riga as
satisfactory and declare that tho cap
ture of illoukst by the Qormans has
not ultored conditions nt Dvlnsk, tho
position of which remains strong In
splto of a ronownl of tho battlo with
furious onorgy In tho lmmodlnto
vicinity to tho north and south.
RERUN', Oct. z5.-Ilonvy fighting
Is still In progroiM for possession of
tho Ilultlc port of RIkii. Tho official
report given out bore today mentions
no furthor progrow for tho (YrmnnB
nnd Indicates that tho Russluns nro
now on tho offouslve on ono part of
tho Riga front.
';'iihi' oflicuil t atunu'iil riis
Field .Mundial von lliiidenbuiv'"
truoH icpuUi'it (n--ian attnekx
southeiiKt r.f Iliga. lliiMian attack
ugaiiiHt positions nintliMast of l)in-l
egli Seal.i and upon tho Cathedral of
RERUN, Oct. 25 Only n small
pnrt of tho crow of tho Gcrmnn cruis
er Prlnz Adalbert, sunk by a Rrltlsh
suhmarlno In tho Ilnltlc, was rescued.
This wns mndo known In tho fol
lowing official statement today.
"A tologram from tho nnvnl goncr
ol stnff dntod October 23 states thnt
Tho complement of tho Prlnz Adal
by two shots from nn enemy sub
iiiarluo off Lilian. Unfortunately only
n small portion of tho crow could bo
i i
Tho complement o ftho Prlnz Adal
bert was 557 men. An official nn
noiiucemunt from Petrogrnd yester
day stated that sho had boon sunk.
It was said thnt cruiser formed part
of n squadron which probably had
been charged with n special mission.
which wero captutod by tho Gormaiil
on' October '2'., nUo weie beaten hauk.
Tho number of primmer wns lu
enumed to '11 officer nnd 3703 num.
Twoho machine guns and one miuo-
ihrnwor wero enpturod.
ciliU'i "league of Dealb." IliU klioiMt a dctiuliinent of I bo lllllo
Sbnlc iuIIoii'm tuinmii Mibllein, rtHcltliiK riflu liiitmitiou. Tho (igcl
IHNiNUit women In Ibo fnrcgntiiiul U (eh foumlcr of I ho Iimgini, MI),(MIU
iiwhIhji of which nro Mug enlHtiI to ipjosv (ho (tormnii nmrtli.
mm island
Mcncfce and Lc Monn Sentenced to
One Year and Ten Days at Federal
Penitentiary Other Officials Given
Jail Terms Convicted of Vlolatlna
Postal Fr.iuil Statute.
I'OHTTiAXI), Oct. L'.'j Six officer
anil galesmcn of thu defiiuet United
St'iles Cnshior coinpniiy, who lccently
wero found guilty of using tho mnib
to d'ifrnud, wero sentenced today in
the United Slates district court hero
to terms varying from ono year nnd
ten dnys in tho fedornl )ciiilentinry to
four mouths in jail.
Frank Menefee of 1'ortlund nnd
.Minneapolis, president, nnd V. M. Lo
Ment: of Los Angeles, hiiIcn manager,
each were sentenced to one year nnd
ten duyH in tho McNeil island peniten
tiary. Oscar A. Campbell of Eugene,
u director, nnd 0. E. Oemort, Senttlo;
11. Y. lhmncwell, Poitlaud, ami II. M.
Todd, HiHiugH, M.out Hulesnien, wore
given jail terms of four months ench.
All but I.e Monn niiiioiiuced thnt thoy
would appeal. Ho said that ho would
accept hcntoiieo.
Tho defcndautH weie indicted near
ly two onrs ago ou the charge of vio
luting tho postal fraud statute in Hell
ing stock of the company. It was al
leged that (he stock did not hnvo the
value represented and that hundreds
of poioiiH throughout tho United
Stntes wero defrauded of nearly
$1,000,000. The company wn. form
ed for the puiposo of manufacturing
various coin machine devices. It went
into the bunds' of n receiver in Feb
ruary n year nuo, and its niseis wero
sold to an Indianapolis firm.
COU'MM'S, O., Oct. 23. William
J. IJryan, foimcr secietary of state,
speaking nt Stotihouwllc, O., this
morning, bevrnn u six-day campaign
for the adoption of a proposed state
wide prohibition amendment, to tho
Ohio constitution, which will bo vote!
on in tho election of Nocmhor 'J.
The Jo mur sc,creturv will Ml foily.
ono eountioH mid deiuoi forly-six
speeches dining tho week.
A tomjiernnco rally will bo held
later in Columbus. Wet forces plan
to send out upoakeri.
HROWNSVILU:, Oct 25 Prlvnto
Herman E, Muoro ot tho fourth In
fantry, who wnB wounded In nn ou
gngouiout with Moxlcan bandits last
night, died today. Ills homo Is In
rronch Lick, Ind.
Monro was tho eleventh soldlor
killed In fights with bandits bIiico last
NO. 185
Box Factory Employes Incinerated
Many Leap From Upper Windows
and Are Injured Recovered Bod
ies So Badly Burned That Identifi
cation Is Impossible.
PITTSHITIIO, Pn., Oct. 23. Twelve
girls nnd ono innu employed in tho
factory of tho Union I'npor Box com
pnny on tho north side, nro known to
ho dend, eight girls nro badly injured
nnd a number of others missing, na
the result of n firo which this after
noon started in tho feed storo of Jan.
Drown & Co. nnd sprend to tho fac
tory. Firemen searching tho ruins of
tho thrco-sloiy building recovered
the bodies nnd reinforced by tho cn
tiro city depnrtment, continued their
search in thu dctiso smoke.
Ilunicd Itcyonil Recognition
Joseph h. Hash, employed ns snlcs
mnii by a stovo company ou tho sec
ond floor of tho building, saw fliuuci
shooting up tho elevator shaft. Run
ning to n window to givo tho nlnnn, ho
noticed n number of girls from tho
fnctory lcnning out of nn upper win
dow. Calling on them to jump, ho
caught them, one after tho other, low
ering thorn to tho ground until eight
wero Biwcd.
A. J. Scnglc, another stovo pnlcs
man, did the sumo thing nt another
window nnd aided n number to safety,
whilo Henry Schrncder of Cleveland
drovo a wagon to tho tear of tho
building nnd cmight others us they
jumped. Other girls sprang into tho
si reel, nnd seven of them woro taken
to n hospital, badly hurt.
Ilinry T. Sehnofer, mnnnier of tho
box fnctory, snid thnt twchty-slt
girls nnd six men wero nt work when
the firo In oka out. Tho bodies recov
ered weio so bndly burned n sto bo
Leap I'Yoni Windows
Milium llitlnor, ono of tho girls who
jumped from the burning building,
died whilo on tho way to tho hospital.
Loretto Ling, Margaret Kinsler, Kato
Hittner, Gcrtrudo Noidt, Mbllio Arn
old and Margnret Stcirgorwnld woro
taken to hospitals suffering from
burns and broken limbs. Tho driver
of a firo cugiuo on its way to tho firo
wns crushed when tho cngino over
turned, nnd it was fenred ho would
die. Another fuoinim was ocruomo
by smoke mid was said to bo in a
critical condition.
Boon after .1 o'clock firemen peno
t rated to tho girls' dressing room in
tho factory, whero thoy found threo
bodies ou tho floor. Tho girls hud
been Biiffounled. A few minutes Inter
threo mom bodios weio found, two of
them badly burned.
NEW ORK, Oct. 23. Itcbistunco
to Amuiicim authority in Haiti has en
tirely diauppoarod, neoordiug to V.
C. Wight, until recently n mouiher of
H10 crew of the battlobip Connecti
cut, and C. II. Knight, a privntu in tho
marine eoipd, who anived today.
"Whon tho foruos woro fifbt landed
wo found tho natives had been told
by thuir lendors that bullets from
Amerioun rifle would not hurt them,
that thoy wero simply bluffs," snid
Voight, "Tlmt ncoouuted, I believe,
for tho oiuly stand made against us,
Ati feoou us the news that Amerieati
builuU would kill upload about, re-sUtani-u
I dl off nmnzingly."
WASIIIN'UTON, Oct. 25.-Clmir-Hin
IIhv of liu houH uulitnry affairs
WHUiuilUd, WMil over tho dotailo of
Uiu army program with I'rcfildont
WliWN tO V "lid .lHIIHll)UUd lllllt it
w'oiiU tmr Inn luuitv npiujrt.
Coinriiiun Iluv -aid that ho (ion
MmmI Uie pnsrum eo conferva
U muI B-if no rea ou why thoro
alwtthl t ditti'uiti in Ml tuii; coa-
HrNM tu adopt it,
r i x