Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 23, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mm. lllloy I), Hcnuon lian roturn
rd from Ashland whero sho repre
sented tho M. 12. South Sunday school
nt tho 3. S. convention held at that
J. O. Gorking, tho best nil around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always rollablo. Negatives mndo any
where, tlmo or placo. Studio 228
Main St. I'hono 320-.T.
Mre. A, J. Ilanby linn returned
from Auhland wlicro nho attended tho
Sunday school convention.
Dtiy Medford mnde candy at tho
Mian Smock of Mann's has hoon
confined to her homo UiIb week from
a badly ulcerated tooth.
Weston Camera Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
John F. llnnfton of Portland, Ore
gon, who has spent onr In Kurorm
during tho war, and is now on his
way Imck from tho ponce rongross nt
Han Prnnrlsco Jtint punt, will speak at
the llnptlnt church tomorrow (Hun
day night). Mr. Ilnnson Ib a minister
lii tho Socluty ot Friends (Qunkers),
lils riubjecl "Shall tho Hword Dovonr
rorcvori" will lio fronted from the
Illbllrnl and historical standpoint.
Do Voo buys beer bottles.
, W. V. II, Campbell and Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Hafnr hnvo returned from
n week's hunting trip In eastern Ore
gon, bringing back tho limit In duckn
anil gense.
After six months hard tost Molur
A Prank, havo traded out sovon typo
r(trrn of nnothor mako and Install
ed Hoynls. Medford Hook storo will
Don Chnso of this city, who Is at
tending tho National rlflo shoot at
Jacksonville, Kin., won fourth placo
In the rapid fire shooting contest in
n laid of r00 entries.
Shoe repairing guaranteed at III
den's. 201'
I). W. Whltttor of ltoaoburg Is
among the out of town visitors In
tliq city today.
Furs cleaned nt tho I'nntorlum Dyo
Works. '
A, IC. Utile of Klamath Falls spent
Friday In this city and Jackvonvlllo
uMcndlnR to business mnltors.
Hallo e',n ojl, rreim, cnp. etr.,
Al'-dlunl I nt Rtnre
Lincoln McCormiu-k haH returned
fwm rw.wouVw vlslt I.on Angoloa and
other Cnllforiiln cltlos.
Tho best styles, tho best qunlltlos
and tho best prices aro found In tho
millinery department of tho M. M.
Dopt. Storo. 19C
, Jno Kelly of tho (Irlffln creek dis
trict Is spondlng tho day In tho city
on biisluosH.
Ilutto Falls Wood Vnrd. Phono 4S
or 323: wood all kinds. 203
SprKue Itolgel nf (lold Hill Is
niidlnic tlw.dnv In Medford nttond
Iiik to hnglncee mnttors.
Home mnde taffy at Do Voo'b
Thomas A. Kdlson, tho world's
gronlosl Invoiitlve gonlus, who U nt
tomtlng tho Snn FrnnclRco fair, will
pnss through Medford next week en
roulo to Portland and Spittle on his
way to Now Jersey.
Chlqkon and Hoof Tamnliw at Cns
tllllnn (irlll, nurnott-Coroy Hldg. IS I
Cnttlonion of tho valley nro round
In tin thfllr ntook preparatory to a
Nhlpmrnt t rsiifornin ne.t week.
This m Vie thf fourth tralnlosd of
Kioe' 'hlitprd to San Francisco this
full, and oach shlpniHiit moans In tho
neighborhood of $30,000 dlstrlbutd
vor practically ovory lection of Jnok
son county.
Will anyone who hns n Domoroat
or W. C. T. V. Mold or alitor modal
plwmo notify Phone (170-M, or cuP
3H Hartleet at rod. 1KS
Tho Hoko fo-oporntlvo eRiiuery Is
busy on the etuinlng or tomatoes. It
U (wtlumled that 111,000 cane will
bo put up this aeaaou of this product
See Dave Wood annul that flra In
iirnnc poller Office Mall Trlbuno
l II. S. Stlno of this city spent Thurs
day In Ashland attending the sessions
of tho Jnckson county Sunday school
Tho Mooso lodgo ddslrcs to thnnk
thoso who so ably asslHted them In
their entertainment Tuesday, October
I). K. WatRon of ContorvlMo. Cnl.,
Is among tho out of town visitors In
tho city this week.
Wo prolong tho llfo of your clothes
by caroful cleaning, pressing, repair
ing or rollnlng. Pantorlum l)yo
Works, C Fir St. North. Phono 24 4.
A Btiuad of wanderers who Invaded
tho city Frldny afternoon, woro. or
dered out of town for begging on tho
Butternut broad nt Do Voo'u.
D. M. ilrowor, editor of tho Hogiio
Illver Argus Is spending tho day In
tho city attending to business mat
te th.
I1H00 to loan. It. A. Holmes, In-
surnnco ninn.
Jtldgo J. It. Nell of Jneksonvlllo Is
spondlng tho day In tho city attend
ing to business and visiting friends.
When better msurnnce Is sold
Holmos Tho Insuranco Man will soil
K. A. Illldrnth of Ilutto Falls spent
Friday In Medford on business.
Hailed ham and bacon at Do Voo's
Miss Alysso Jones returned Friday
aflornoon from a week's visit with
friends and relatives in Klamath
"No trespass" signs for calo at
Mall Trlbuno offlco.
Honjnmlu Farley of Vreka, Cal.,
Is spondlng n fow days In the city on
Hrlng thoso old magazines and po
rlndlcalB to tho Mall Trlbuno for
Tho Medford High school football
toam left today for Grants Pass,
where thoy will play tho team of that
rltv today. A largo dologatlon of
motors accompanied the team. Ash
land Is playing Klamath Falls today.
Do Voo delivers tho Oregonlnn to
you every day for 7fic a month.
In tho gamo Friday between Port
land and Vernon In tho Const Lcngtio
Don Itodcr of this city rapped out a
stnglo In tho ninth that brought vic
tory to his team.
Drs. A. R, and Loulso Hedges, chi
ropractic physicians, Stewart build
ing. Y.U Easl Main 8t: '-' "
Mrs. It. 1,. Conk or Central Point
who has been 111 at tho Sncrod Heart
'impitnl for the past four weeks, has
ifiovcnd ufflcentlv lo return home.
hh- wiik operated upon by Dr. Seoloy,
alntio when she lias recovered rapid
ly. Mr. ('oak will uccompany hor
oino tonight.
Frosh roasted peanutB nt Do Voo'b
Ladles or tho Elks hold their firm,
xoclnl session or tho season nt tin
Elks' club Friday afternoon, nm
those events will ho regular features
throughout tho winter. Thoro wns n
'nrgo attendance.
Postage stnmpa a: r.n Voo,
Brush fires that burned for three
dnvs on upper Griffin creek were ox-
Hntrii-lied Frldav night, but
riowor that fell over tho volley. Tho
flro was under control when tho rain
foil. About firteon Mors or wood
wero destroyed by tho flro. Some of
tho standing timber In tho district
wns scorched.
Hot Tamnlcs nt tho Shasta.
A. J. Itoso of tho Gtlffln creek dis
trict Is In tho city today attending to
business mnttors.
"No hunting" signs for sale nt tho
Mali Trillium office.
Knln fell gsnornlly ovor tho Koguo
ir.t" vsilev Friday night, nnd early
SjMoinnlu' Mem lonnid Hie .-e-euriiiK
rtf the $(100,(100 heel miiiiui' flic
torv in the rtogue Hivor nlky 'w'iv
lii'uun Friday with the nppuliituiniit of
('. J!, Onto, provident of tic Com
mcrViiil eluli, im eliiiiimnn of Hie heel
miiiui coiumiltee, ami Hio fixing of
thf t'ommercinl club nt heniliunrters
foi the I'lunpiiigii.
Tnilnv tlie Rogue l(iviif fminl eoni
piiny nignetl eonlrnets for J00 acres
of laud, mill will sign up for lis tunny
more neres ns llio beet hiigar eoiu
)nuy will ni'eupl iih Hiiitable for beet
eiilliire. The ennal eomjiany' will
agree nnd piumnlco to furnish water
to any uo wanting to plant bectx if
tliev will "igu up nl once for water.
W. II. '.lore, president of Hie .Medford
National IkhiI;, signed Hit1 first eon-
traet for Kill neien.
TeitH mnde upon heels grown this
year in Hie Hogue River volley show
them to contain mi average of KM'
per cent snssnr in Hie beef, witl nn uv
erige purify of 80.0 per eenl. This
i.s n Iiigli average in eonipniison wit!'
Hi? beet Kugnr distiii'tH of tin; west.
A letter linn been received from R.
T Stinnett of -I Lizzie, street, S'nii
Fnineiseo, showing how Hie proposi
tion is viewed in sections outride of
the valley. H rendu:
"Oonllemen: l'lense send me copy
of heel contract, I wish I could In
there nnd help von tell Hie landowners
of the Rogue River valley what n good
tiling you nro offering theni. I grew
licctn in Colorado, and know what it
will mean for the growers of the
Rogue River valley. If I had u thou
sand acres there I would plant it nil
to beets. Yours for hucccss,
1 The Southern Oregon I'resb.vtqry
held its annual meeting nt .Jackson
ville thi ear. about twenty fsiHii-terH
beiuu- in nttCiwfnnee. Meclinus wero
held both Ttiedny nnd Wednesday af
(ernoons iiml cA'ciiiuifs, for which spo
einl music had l'l,cn prefuired. The
Indies rif (he M'issionaf'y society
served lunch nnd ilinner in the base
ment ot the church. Among I hose
pi exeat Were: l(ev. Shield of Med
foid. Rev. Pamalina of Alilaml, llev
Kurd of Rlainalli Fttlls, ffev. An
ilbnion of Mi'irill, Rev. Vnler of
(Iranto Pn'mi'Riv. Howard of dJen
dnle, Rev. .Motjinn of Myrtle Creek.
Rev. Day of llutte Fnlls, Ruv. Spen
cer of HoiJruO River, Rev. Mohtgoinorv
of Poitlandi Rev. Ohicckner of
nriuits IMM, Mr. Huirinl of Ofanls
Pass, Mr. JJolsiic of Khimatli lNills
R. 1'. Neil,
Rev. Paul S. Haiidv was on A-h '
laud visitor rfferal days Hits week.
A bunling patfv eomposed of Dr.
R.K. Ooiden', Robett Finne, John
Dii'iiniiigtoii tefl for the liiiiiiii:i al
ley Tlmridav morning.
The fyincral of Mr. Clmrles Pnir
wliose death occuni'il Fmla iiiorn
iair. will he held from the fninili rei'
dunce nl 2 o'clock Suiidnv.
HOLLENHECK At Salem, Oregon,
October 22, Mr. Martha Hollen
beck, aged t!s enrs. She was a nn
tlvo of Iowa and hns been a resident
of Jackson county 27 years, and was
proprietor. of the hotel nt Prospect
for ten years. She was a resident
of Sams valley for a number of jears.
She leaves four children, Ed Hollen
beck, Mrs. Pearl Mooney, Prospect,
Oregon; Mrs. Hello Norton, Grnnge
vlllo, Idaho; Aco HoUenbeck, Fort
Wrangle, Alaska. Funeral services
will bo held at Perl undertaking par
lors at 11:. TO n. in. Sunday, October
24. Htlflnl at Antlofh cenietey.
Sculptor Story Dead
NEW YORICj Oct. '2i- -T. Waldo
Story, Hie sculptor, died hero todav.
Notlco Is heroby given that tho un
dersigned will apply to tho city conn
ell nt Its mooting to be held Novem
ber 2, 1915, forn license to sell' malt,
Spirituous and vinoud liquors In
quantities less than n gallon nt Its
place of business nt 32 North Front
street, In the city of Medford until
January 1, IMC
Dated Oct. is, 191"..
M. & E. J ADAMS.
r,Aoii snntuuuyp'
the: food-drink for all ages
take a package home
Medford Conservatory
Expression, Voico Work, Public Speaking, Physical Tinlulng..
rinno, Musical History, Hnnuony, ConnferiMiInt.
Prlvnto lessons, or classes of six or more, inny bo arranged for
at any tlmo.
Offlco Heurs: 9 a. m.-12 a. m. COLLEGE HUILDINa
1 p. in.- G p. m. Phono K.-L
Mrs. Amelia Elmer left for Los An-
geleH"Tli'iiiilitv utter a three months'
visit with friends living here. Mis;
P'Milin" Grieves, neenpnuied !ier and
i'i'" -pei,l-lbi' winter i . CiIiTornlft.
Mi-i Milh1 lliidee-, wlm bus Ihvm
1 .iaiu-j ill seo perfect
ly by correcting refractive errors of
the eyes with exuet lenses.
Eyesight Siccbillst
(ilvo "Caiifoniln Synip of Figs"
CJiiiW, Slckf Feverlsli,
Look back at your childhood days.
Remember the "doso" mother Insist
ed on castor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hated them, how you fought
against takliig them.
With our children It's different.
Mothers who cling to tho old form ot
phytic simply don't realize what thoy
do. The children's revolt Is well-
the jritewt of her nuut. XI r. A. L. (Still,, founded. Tiolr tender little
relumed to (lold Hill Wednesday ove-Jtsldes" aro Injured by tlioiu.
P'n" If your child's stomnch, liver nnd
bowels need cleansing, give only dell
slouii "California Syrup of Figs." Its
tctlou Is positive, but gentle. Mil-
tons of mothers keep this harmless
jMrult laxative" handy; they know
children lovo to tnko It; Hint It never
falls to clonu tho liver ami bowels
and sweeton tho stomach, anil that
a teaspoon fill given, today saves u
sick child tomorrow.
Ask your drugglBt for a Mi-cunt
bottle or "California Syrup of Figs,"
which hns full directions for bnblos,
children of all ages mid for grown
lips plainly on onch bottle. Hewaro of ,
counterfoils sold here. See that It i
Is made by "Cnllforiiln Fig Syrup !
Company " Refuse any other kind
with (ontempt.
Mr. ltruir.niTtPr" of lluneoni
wan a, Jnoksonvlllt' visitor Yodiintday.
Mri. Kretl Lay of Wellen lui been
pondlnx the pasl week in town.
Mr. and .Mb, ,Ihso Wilson Iihxo re-
uirncii ironi a two weeks oniiii"
tho, spent nt Conner. CmI. vlier-lbi" wr
the iruests 'f Mr. nnd Mrw. Port
Mrs. W. II. Jiowen visited Mix. Hai
lev of Medford Tui'sdnv al'tenioou.
Mrs. Deentiir IinvU retunnsl from
niade, Kan., Sunday, where she was
ealled by Hie serious illness of her
Rev. A. Coslct Mini fnniily huve
moved to the Willamette valley, where
(hev will spend the winler.
Mrs. Fred Owoiw of AMilaml has
beei n nes nt the homo of Mrs. (lav,
tlviw fur Hie it wtH'k.
"When you vallt some
thing from our store,
don't think of our store
ns so ninny minutes' or so
many blocks nwny it is
only ns far as your
Many persons think
they cannot order any
thing from our store ex
cept needful goods, or in
an emergency. Whether
it is drugs or something
to add to your comfort,
convenience or enter
tainment, don't hesitate
to call our number, 10
Pon't imagine you both
er us. We like to be
Phono 10
If you have Character, plus Determination.
If you have that rare quality, Stick-to-it-ive-nes3,
You are wanted at the
Medford Commercial College
"The School of Best Results."
Enroll NOAV and get ready to make the most of future op
portunities. PAY and Nl(l I IT .SCHOOL now in session
LLLBm i Pi m J ;l jC0I
We Would Appreciate
an opportunity to provo tho ninny ways In which your
banking Interests could bo better served by us.
A Commercial and Savings Department under Gov
ernment Supervision.
The fir! tneolirtir of the Ptuvnt-
iU morning, being tho nature of ' Tcnclior nn-oeintioir hii held the
prll showers. It was welcomed by
former, orobardlsts, nnd hunters.
Tho fall was Insufficient to soak Into
the ground very fnr. Tho weather
prediction for tonight nnd Sunday
Is more rain. Tho fall was quite
liPHVy In tho foothill districts and
will put the woods In fine shnpo for
the final woo); of tho deer hunting
Letter bonds, envelopes, bill heads,
looio lenf systems, nt tho Mnll Trl
buno offlco.
John II. Whlslor, government engi
neer In charge of tho Irrigation sur
vey of tho Hogue ltlvor valley will
lame Kmor of (Cugviie is among arlrve tho first of no.t week to com-1
tlo u( of town visitors In tho city
this wek.
nidop's shoe rotwlr shop moved
aeros street from old stand. JOl
Opntalii , T. C. N'Hib of Osklnud.
l'.. owner of tho Naah hotdl, Is
snondlug n few ayg in tho city on
Chill sud TauwlM, Cnstlllian drill.
Qaruod-i'orey tilda 1SI
Arthur Alldvr, innsUr or tho dis
trict achoel uu rvreat rrMk la apsnd
lua a few tUya in ta olty on bua-
CromUju eraanu. oaraweW, ohliw.
Pn1. eie.. oHly I0e a lb. at I)o
Tha faaarai aarvleaa of Mn. C. Q.
Prim, who ttMi at JackMHvMht VtU
day, win u held from ik hunlly reat
IrtdHf In thm rKv iauday artraoo
t t:80 nrlo-k. taa Rv. taul 4.
ftaady efflMuiii.t: Mra. lrla Hva4
all Itsr in. i, i, i sob county and
wns woll if i n ii, h known.
Try mm of wi uU i aem otfit
inllkahakos ut ie Vw'
Ooorgp Tliui - urhvla-
lttl frlOllUI 7UI1 aiiamiM to
"Into the work of collecting data on
the various projects under consider-
awteiniiiv nan 01 ine mi'i.,,iu m
Fridav aftenmon. (Mobwr ! The
meetinir was oK-ned with a .om. bv
the priniHi'v ela-n, followed bv a ten
minute )miliriiientarv drill led h. the
ptc-ideiit. Mm. CliHrles llsneii.
Mi1. K. ). Kick read a imper on
"Supen Won of tho Play (Imund-,"
niter which the meetinir wn opened
for dixeiiMMion.
The "Ametiein (litis" entertained
at tin home of .Mr. (War Dunford
WednedH,v eveiiint; in honor of Mr-.
Itoliert Kinney. Mr.. Kinney i n
ret-eiil bride and the iffir w in the
iiataiv of a shower. Tuoxo pi-enent
wi'iv: Mikxex Pauline (Irieve, Jewell
Huilev. l.Hiuii uiul i oni Tliomao, Mix
holii Willnuiix Kknm Hull, Mm. ()
Hilou in thla section. Survey work, ,rtl. j,,,,,,-,,,,!, m. .i,,),,, nulm,tfU,n,
la now being conducted in tho llutte
crooks district.
lob Printing In nil Its branches at
I ho .Mnll Trlbuno office.
Hook binding of any kind ut the
Mall Tribune offlco.
waiter In litis tti KriU aiieraoon o K reiulr)
A I'alr InMsltlnii
Tho iiinnufaotttrers of Morltol
It ban ma Usui Powders havo so much
confidence in t bla proiuirntlou that
the) autkoiisa ua to a-rll them to you
uu a iraattlve uaraale to give you
relief in all eaaae of ItaeuiuutUuu or
refund your money. Thla la eertalu
ly a fair (iropoaltlou Let ua show
taow to iqu. Prlre !0e. $1.00. lCx
elMalve Aavacy. llanklu'a Drug Storo.
Th runral earrk for ltobrt O
Morrow UI It held at Perl'a funerml
Marlon si 2 i. m. Suaday. tici II.
tats. NufW tha anofieao of th Uraari
Arm of Ho RottnbUr, Jov W. K. !
Hh lrlil. otrtrtatiNi Harlal In Ihv I
Mix. Waller eidler. Mr-. .elh
Stnii-ell. .Mr. Wordtui Knui. Mr.
TOO la'IK Tt CUSS11'.
WANTWD 1-ady with itloasnnt home
d oh I res one or two lady roomers.
Cull at it 11 S I'entrie av 1ST,
KOU IlKXT KurnNhed room 122
South Central ave lsu
You're Welcome '
Whether you need battery repairs or just i
want to ask for a helpful sueRfStlon -we're' r
here for both. Good advice it our specialty.
Free inspection of any battery at any time
South Central
i A
v i C"
pm1 e
Phone 22-J
Is preferred to any other kind, be
cause it is produced hy the most ef
ficient and up-to-date methods and
machinery known to the creamery in
dustry. fii order to put GOLD SHAL in
every home in Medford, we are put
ting one coupon iu a package of
COLD SWAL nUTTlSR each' week
until December 1st, which will en
title the holder to VOVR pounds of
butter I'MHSK. Coupons an' redeem
able at any grocery store where pur
chase is made.
The Jackson County Creamery
Medford, Oregon
Newost and Best in
KmlKJiiu'n wvr convenient e and
roiufort found la a Hwdurit hotel.
dot and old water, steam brat aad
tlehon In avers riKn Un
lirfiil loiili) with oro fire. Well
UbIiIciI Saiiiilt lliMHiiti. Hate
motlerali uti lnu to all tralna.
Modforil irad iihUII sollilled.
F. W. STREETS, Prop.
? jTOpy roaaa i . wti s ill-afeSa
I'ulk easier than a walking pl ct ili same width nf
Runi ntjin oven depth nnd turns tho trah under better.1
Onnio in and see tham or nk the men Unit liave them. 1
!Moiv extensive service for lord own
ers is assured by the addition of now
branches and more agents. Over
JIOO.OOO Kurds now in daily use 700(1
Kord agents to give service should
be eidcnce enough to any prospec
tive buyer of the stability, quality
and general popularity of this uni
versal car, and the prices lower than
ever. TJunahout $.in0; Tourimr Car
-lIO; Town Cnr .(M0, f. o. b. Detroit.
Whv pnv more? On sale a'
; .A4
m web'
- - t f 1 1 im am