Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Showers Tonight Sunday Kn I r. Jlav. fll.B; Mitt. 80.3. Forty-fifth Tear. Dnllv Tenth Year. iMEDFORDt OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915 NO. 184 0 A OA B FLEET OF ALLIES British, French and Russian Ships Destroy Harbor Works Teutonic and Bulgar Invasion of Serbia Continues to Progress Greece and Rumania Likely to Remain Neutral. LONDON, Oct. 23. Tho British admiralty today issued the following .stnteinent: "Tliu bomburdmont oC tbo Bulgar ian const wns carried out by nn nllicd buiuidron composed of British. Itus niim mid Kreneh ships on tlio nfterl noon of the 21st . "A number of military positions wen shelled nnd serious damage wns in 1 lifted on the luulior works, the i ail way station nnd on shipping at Dcdenghateh. flrent euro wns uxer eiced by the nllicd squadron to avoid tiring upon any points other than thoxe Known to bo of military import ance." Driving Serbs Hack German, AiMro-Ilungnrinn nnd Bulgnrinn nnnios invading Serbia ocr the northeni nnd eastern iront icrs t()iitinuu to push back tho do fenders. necording to today's Herlin official btiitomcnl. Gonifnn troop- have forced a passage over tho Driim rivor and havo driven tho Serbians from the heights south of Yisegrad. On the caslcui section the Unitarians have captured tho towns of Negotin inn! Iloglyovo. Tho Geminn officinl statement also nM)its that Ititsfcinn warships havo bombarded several ports along the lio-tb coast of Coiirlnull nini hnvu landed some forces near Domenow. llulUnns Stlli Neutral The status of political affairs in Hit Balkans is nhnont equal in inter est to tho military situation. The be lief is growing here Hint neither Greet e nor Ktimnuia is likely to enter the wa at lcnt miiIoss the entire al lies tram some decisive attewm. 11 recce apparently regard this in more important than the offer of the island of C.vpiUB, and it is feared in Athens that tho nllicd troop have criuo too Into into the Malkun licld Bombardment of tho Iliilganaii coast bv an allied fleet raises hopes in Kic'lnnd that the entente powers vwll uol bo content witb landing troops in Saloniki, but may cause cnoimh of a diversion elsewhere t mrngc n considerable body of Mid gut inn troop. It is expected lion that the arrival nt the Dardanelles of (ieneral Sir (.'hallos Monro, the now eonimnndi r of tho e.kditionurv forces, will bo neeomanied with new military activity on the Gullipoli pen insula. IVe.ssiuv lTJMll filVCCO In the meant hue it is expected that the entento powers will eontinuo to ecrt prossiiro on Greece, mUing oh jcctioim to her present altitude. Tlw'so objeclioiU are based on both military and political ground. Greece's treaty obligntions to Serbia, it is held, wore, relied upon by the en tente power as one of the osential elements of maintaining in the Balk nns the equilibrium to the building up of which they contributed. They take the position that Greece is bound to support her treaty with Serbia. KAISER PRESENTS LONDON, Oct 23 Emperor Wil liam has conferred tho docoration of tho iron crois of tho first and second claa on King Ferdinand of Dulgnrla, according to a dispatch prlntod by the Amsterdam Telegraam, and forward er by the correspondent of Itoutor's Telegram company. T I r.rcHARKvr. l.,r ( ! here ilia! i li- i n (ini. r nn t i t r .- f ' . ' I K i ,. it is rf , i uf the Ser' . i f.iri-'. rr 1 MA INSURE SAFETY OF EXPORTS TO it Ulffi Government Unofficially Aids In For mation of American Trust Company to Handle American Products Abroad With Assurances That They Will Not Reach Belligerents. WASHINGTON, Oft. 2 H. Forma tion of nu American Trust company, similar In organization to Tho Neth erlands Overseas Trust, to handle American products nbrond with as surances that thoy will not reach tho belligerents, was announced today by Secretary Hodflold of tho dnpartment of commerce. Tho company will havo tho unofficial recognition of the gov ernment. Secretary Uedflold said that It was contomplnted to havo tho company handle nil export shipments from tho United States to neutral countries. Ho snld that whllo tho Rovernment would not officially Kuarantco to bol llgoront countries In Kuropo that tho goods shipped under agreement with tho American company would not reach their enemies, tho government would exorclso such supervision as would Insuro tho complete neutrality of tho commerco carried on by tho now American compnny. Secretary Uedflold said that tho compnny Itself, under tho unofficial recognition of tho Kovcrnment, would mack such arrangements with bellig erent European countries as would assure tho safety of American neutral bound commerce- from Interference by belligerents. In considering unofficial recogni tion by tho government for tho now coucoru, It was mndo a rndltlon thnt tho compny must hnudlo tho export husluoss of all American firms which might mako application, provided thoy could moot tho conditions laid down by tho belligerent countries with which tho concern might oper ate. Tho understanding was reach ed that fronts of tho tronsury depart ment In export cities In tho t nlted State and commercial agents of the department of commerco nbroad would co-oporato to assuro tho com plete noutrallty of all transactions handled through the concern. NEW YOItlC, Oct. 2.1. One reason why tho air craft of toh nations of tho entento aro not now making so many attacka on Herman cities ob linroto foro is that tho Germans havo Invent ed n now anti-air craft gun with an nccurato range of more than 10,000 'foot, according to Lloutonnnt Paul S. II. Arbon of tho Ilrltlsh army aviation corps. Lieutenant Arbon wns sent lioro to Inspect somo machines bolng constructed In tho United States and Cannda. HONEST, THIS IS HOW IT YJUN cAR. fft0WM,NOV POUV rAeAN TO sp SoO WAHT Poor TO GET IN HERE f Hoi)5E I 3?L pJ rf8. Y v I -Or ' W r ! ' tHj L tampaikI I YW6S ARE C0MIH6 AIOUG RfJB, FuHqAS THIS WILL OB TtlB IMT M0H&S WB. r , jgSggMgygjpjHHHH PyT WE. HEED MORE M& TO Villi THIS ELECT l WILL NBEP FoR VtAIR CAMPAIGN - ' RB$B&" " , . H g oncn n -rr- tihavmlkj uU Af?fiA5 UJOl A bwctbp j ' ' r ELECTION H IHOS. EDISON, y i i km. ! i i i . k&j' i'-i This Is Wilson's first vacation. He and Henry l'onl Join In incut to education ami enterprise. The ttio Jmvo been observing tho tr lie iiioi-o woik than pleasure. KAISER 10 SPEND M'DAPKST. Oct. 21. Tlio mili tary experts on tho tiowsoapors horo OHtlmnto thnt no moro than six months moro will bo required to es tablish communications with tho Turkish army. Tho l'oatl-Nnpolo, however, says: "Tho Gorman omperor will spond Chrlstmns In Coiistautlnoplo at tho hoad of his victorious troops." Tlio editorials In the uowspapors dwell on tho Iinportnneo of the Ilnl kan camimiKn as a moans of estab lishing bails for an early peee. The Pestl-Hlrlap sas: t "The stroke through the llslkans will bring peace nearer, for It is a Btroko aimed directly nt EiiKlnnd, which latoly has been the only obsta cle In the way of an early peace. As soon as her world nower Is threaten- jed, sho will nianlfeiit a wiHliiKMi'Ss to consider the qutlon of peace." XMASATTHEPORTE "7!'.r," " T2I1 -SEVERAL GEtTtttMOl 5KM0 EM ) tJ voi - -nils ii y 6b& yu m-&ro my k&Li iiviiriiiaii ' - - ' -( vaBBir 1 Uf id i m ". I IKK ' l ( 1.V I I IIJ-"MUI I i iw run Hf n i i . .rs. r i tvyits sz-- 'JHAPPEHEP 677 "1 X gr-ZlU Hlflj ( j&.3 7v.,. . v. nm&siX'VJ i ' Ji.'A- sl jtKm t : i-.,t ". ,!,- i -.m IS. EDISON m HENRY FORD SEE WORLD'S FAIR ' ftiL.'OnMt held I pro GERMANY CLOSES rtaiMoii r II OLNLVA, Oot. 2 1. Germany again is closed from llusrl in Constance to travelers. No aleameis are allowed to npproneh tho landing on the Gor man shore of Luke t'onalnuce. It i assumed tltHl tho ob-iug of the fion tier is to keep intelligeuoo of the movements of Gorman lroop fitnn es enpirg. Portland Livestock Market POItTINl), Or., OoL SKI. Cnttle, steady receipts, none. Steer, choice ffl.7."l(i?7.0f, good dffJIfJ.Sffl, medium 5.2SC f.7."i : cows, choiuo $.!(! . ').'.', good $-lMUTS, I'ltHlium $:i.75( i.V)'. heifera, clioiec $rM(jit(, good, fl.TWS; bulls, eluded 3..r)UCnl; slaus choice ifrl.IW" 1.25. I futf Steady, i" fipla 371. Piimc liubts $7(i7.fl, cboi'tt medium $(l..1t) f7' pigs, O.U'm.i i. 'il, rough $.i.7."( (1.10. HAPPENED! w PJ id a. nf. VUn6'ft''.'rCiraii. """'" 11 a, m. Morning Prayer. 7:30 p. in, Evening Prayer. WM. 11, HAMILTON, Vlcaf CO.MO, Italy, Oct. 23. Today's session of tho trial of Porter Churl ton, tho Amorlcnn who is charged with IihvIiik murdorod his wifo, wns given over largely to tho reports of alienists. The export for tho prosecu tion read a lengthy roport which reached tho conclusion thnt Charlton was entirely responsible mentally. The expert far the dofenso argued that tho prlsouor wns Irresponsible lloth desired to ompllfy tholr writton opinions by oral discourse, but tho Judge cut them short. Lcs Darcey Defeats Clahuy on Points SYDNEY, X. S. W., Oct. 23. Loa Ihtrccy, the Australian middleweight champion pugilist, today beul on points Jimmy Clnbhy of Hammond, I nd.. claimant of the world's middle- weight eluunnionshlp. r the itndtiim here. MR. Worn WB WAMT Not) TO BB A CrtHOlPATe 1-ZPyj ALt vje IN CHARLTON TRIAL V" i lAtloooK-rt, - r t. .v) ;,.n;d t isi s h J ff v it VM'' AT PARADE FORSUFFRAGE N NEW K HIT Nearly 50,000 Women and Men in Line in Greatest Demonstration In History for Votes for Women- Mother and Child Division a Long One Suffrage States Represented. XKW YOHIC, Oct. LM. Suffrngo lendera mohilired nearly fiO.OOO wo men and men for the mnreh up Fifth avenue thin atteruoon in the greatest demonstration ever mnde in fnvor of wonmn auffrngi'. Over 2.1,000 women wore in line at II o'clock, the hour scheduled for tho start from Wash ington Sipmre. In addition to the women, there were iiinrly n many men favoring suffrage registered to take pari in tlio pnrude. Jim elnet Jeature in this years march, aside from tho numerical strength, was tho mother and child division. Scores of children in bnltv carrlngea, decorated with yellow and white or purple, white nnd green rib bons, were included in this division. Miss Alberta Hull, as grand intir shut, led the parade. Miss Hill and her staff were on horseback. They wore black ridiuv habits, black derb ies nnd bioad sashes of puiple, white and green. Ten women representing, "Victory," "Liberty," "Kdiinllty" mid "Justice," nnd the siv contingents rodo on n "Victory" float in the main body of the parade. Oilier divisions repre sented the statci! whoro women now have tho franchise, countries having equal suffrage, professional women, business women, college, teachers, nurses, actresses, nrli-ts nnd various nationalities. TO SCENE OF VICTORY VKKONA. H..U. ()rt A. -Kin" Victor Kmmunuel climbed to the snow-covered crest of Iluuchkool mnuiituiu yesterday to congratulate tho Alpine troops who had just cap tured several Austrian positions. The ascent wns difficult and luthcilo lias been mulct taken only bv experienced luoiiuliiinecrs. T niMNDlSr, Itnly, Oct. 2.1. -The Italian fcqnndroii 'fe taking pint in the blockade mid bombardment by the entente ullied warships of the Ilul gNrlan const in tho Aegean sen, ac cording to a wireless message receiv ed here today. By Allman 6enTj.emeH.WoU ARe VBR K'IWdH ILL 6IVE 1Q) A CHECK AT Need is rv 'st. UN.t- i?J3 '"u' J TV ' RUSSANSCHECK QERMAN DRIVE 010 A Pfitroorad Reports Situation Along Entire Front of 675 Miles as Sat isfactoryCzar's Forces Victor ious In Center and Southern Sec tions Thrive Divisions Annihilated. LONDON", Oct. 23. Tho latest oE ficinl news from retrogrnd gives somo Indication that Held Marshal Von IiimlonlntrR'g drivo toward tho Ibiltio port of 11 iff a has ngnin been checked and that, nearer tho center of tho German line, Ocnnnn counter attacks havo been repulsed. Fighting on the left bank of tho Styrkim in in progress, nnd tho llussinns nssert they havo made further captures of latvc number of men. In tho Cau ensiiH lively notions, in which cnvnlty in taking nn important part, arc re ported. Vionnn acknowledges Auh Irian troops have tctircd in Qalicin under tho ptussuro of superior Hus 811111 forces. Danger 1h Aertel I'KTItOaitAl), Oot. 23. nusslnn military nutlioritto regard the situ ation nlonir Hie entire front of np proximntelv 07,"i milcH ns fnoni'd, front th ir point of view. Thrco dnys nt;o the Qcnnnn efforts between Mitnu nnd th Quit' of llisa presented n scri oiih problem. At tho present timo tho stntiiH in thnt sector is considered by tho HiiBslnuR ns satisfactory. Tho Germans linvo been checked nnd their sphcro of notion is being narrowed constantly. Eastward tho ltiisiians nro biic coMfefully prcssiiif? tho Oennnns, Knin injr ground in ninny jtlnccs. Thcii? most considornblo success recently has been at Postnvy. This town wns taken nnd the Germans wero driven westward through IJukn, iu n fiuruo bnltlo. r'rom that violnitv south to tho Hnrannvichi rogion there is littlo ac tivity at present. In tho iminedlutu vicinity of Harnitovichi tlio Husstuiis aro still on tho offeiitdve. Tlireo Divisions Cut Up In Galieln tho Russians nro follow iw; up their huccosscs nt Novo Alex inctz. It is stated that three German divisions wero out to pieces there. Tho Itussiuu authorities nttributo their succcsk to tho vigor of tho litis Man nttnek, the oxhnustion of Ger man troops nnd tho increasing diffi culties of tiansportntion with which tho Aufctiiiins and Germans havo to contend. It is stated, howover, that tho Gennnns havo detached two arm ies for sorvieo in Sorbin. Thcso nro the annicB of Gciiorals Von Gallwitz nnd Korevc-s. I. PRICE OF VICTUALS E UliltLlN, Oct. 23 (by wirelosa to Snyvlllo). The Gorman federal gov unnnimt today dcaided to assume, control of tho price and supply of vlntiinle throughout Germany, Up to tho prouout timo tho stuto proWnoittl nutboritioe have been con sidered eoinpetant to handle tho food situation. Tho Gsnunn govonimont now con sttlcni it necesnry, tbo Overseas Nuwa aneiiev says, to equnlizo tho ponUlnu of tho various sections of tho uwpiro as to the distribution and tho price of victuals whiolt nro abundant, but HiiiUtr different conditions in tho varioia states and provinces of Ger many. Xaw regulations will bo mndo in or Ur to avoid dtfureneivs nnd to dis Irlbut in nn oqual tnnnuor food tfcrmuglKmt GvniHuo', thereby nssur iiiir for the eomlug lnouths full sup plii" at rsuMinnblo pnutM in nil distil-1-. I.oNDON, Out. as. Tho Amstcr I nu . rrepondiMit f HwiteHs Tele nub 0omjmiy mvh that aecording to atlvic frtnn lloilin tho fcdoral coun cil has fotbidilen the huIo on two day- of cc eh au-cL ot diihcs cou&utiiuj of meat. EN RO GERMAN EMP1R Vii .?tj F c.