Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 22, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Probably Itnln Saturday.
Maximum 77; Min. 33.
Forty-fifth Tear.
Dully Tenth Year.
Allies and Nish Admit Situation Seri
ous Move of Entente Troops Un
knownCzar's Star on Rise on
Lonji Eastern Front.
LONDON, Oct. 22. Serbia's mili
tary position la critical. Hammered
by superior forces on two sides, her
nrnilos aro thrcntcned -with being
crushed as no army has been crushed
during tho war.
Not only aro thesd facts admitted
In England, Franco and Russia, but
thoy aro reflected In official Serbian
statements. Tho key to escapo from
this situation Is tho speed with which
Franco and England can throw forces
north from Salonlkl, In tho hopo of
relieving prcssuro from tho Austrlans
and Germans In tho north and tho
Unitarians In tho cast.
Tho Ilulgarlans aro now buttling
under tho eyes of King Ferdinand.
Notwithstanding tho presumably su
perior artillery of tho Austrlans and
Oorninns, it Is tho flank nttack by tho
liulgarlans which scents tho most
menacing to tho Serbians. At fow
places aro tho Teutons as much as
twenty miles Bouth of tho Danube In
fact tho ground gained nvcrages a
depth of only ton miles. Tho liulgar
lans, for thulr part, nro displaying
trcmondotis energy, Indicative of caro.
fully laid plans preceding tho decla
ration of war. With twenty miles of
tho NiHh-Salonlki railway In their
hands, they liava n strategic advan
tage which It will bo difficult to over
do mo.
Tho movement of entente troops
from Salonlkl aro still unknown to
tho public, but If any considerable
force has been detailed for tho task
of doing for Serbia what Kngland at
tempted to do for Belgium, it must
bo heard from soon.
From Sofia and Salonlkl como do-
tilaln that tho llulgarlatiH havo lost
SlruinlUn. This moans that Bulgar
ian soil Is Htlll frco from invasion.
It Is reported that Turkish cavalry Is
co-operating with tho Ilulgarlans, mid
that a groat battle Is raging at tho
Macedonian town of Volozo, whoro
tho Sorbs won a victory over tho
Turks In tho nalkan war of 1912.
According to an unofficial report tho
Bulgarians havo taken tho town.
Crccco still hosltatos. England's
offer of Cyprus and, according to re
port, a consldcrablo extension of
(iri'ok territory along tho Aogean sen,
and of colon loo In Asia, havo brought
no outward ohango In tho situation.
On most of tho long eastern front
tho Russians seem to bo In tho as
cendancy, but both I'otrograd and
Berlin omphaslzo tho Increasing dan
ger of Riga's position. Front tho
southwest tho Germans nro Hearing
tho village- of Ola!, which is only 12
in II oa from Riga. Thoy nro also In
creasing their hold along tho Dvlna
river, to tho southeast of tho city, be
ing In that quarter within eight miles
of tholr goal. Tho Russians assert
that Gorma attacks In tho region of
Olal wero repulsed but tho Germans
aro bombarding tho Rlgu-Dvlnsk
railway beyond tho Dvlna, Interfering
with tho forwarding of Russian rein
forcomonts. According to dispatches front
Christiana, tho Russian port of Arch
angel already has been closed by Ice.
If this Is true, Russia -will bo depriv
ed of this moans, of bringing In sup
plies, unless lco broakers aro ablo to
work successfully.
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 22,-Leou
Done, special ugoHt of tho department
of jukticc, statlonod at Salt Lake
City, arrived hero today to pursue in
votigHtion of an allowed oroamery
trnst which U said to bo in control
of market! and Utah, Wyoming, No
vada, Washington. Oregun, Arizona
aati parts i inmomiu. i itrev or
four bif ereatnary eota)anie, it U
said, dominate the dairy market and
fu the prior of milk, fraam ami bat
tar. The ununator - irti.-ent eon
attaiaff tin- i-roKre-- t the milk in
quiry. hoUung m Ut, U t wrier
etood, he been prMat4 to the fed
eral j;raud jury.
Foes Forced Over Vardar River
Mackcnzen Advances Serbs Enter
Battle Singing for Joy at Chance
to Meet Ancient Foe on Field of
PARIS, Oct. 22 An Important bat
tlo between Serbians and Bulgarians
Is In progress at Koprttlu, in Serbia,
on tho Nlsh-Salotitkl railroad, about
30 miles south of Uskup. A message
from Athens to the I lavas News agen
cy says Information has been received
from Salonlkl that tho Ilulgarlans nro
being assisted In this battlo by Turk
ish cavalry. Tho Ilulgarlans, tho dis
patch says, nro fortifying tho passes
of Mount Rhodopo. A great number
of refugees front the north nro arriv
ing at Monastir in southwestern Ser
bia. LONDON, Oct. 22, 2:3." it. in. A
dispatch from Nih bays official an
nouncement hits been mnile there Hint
the losses of tho Atistro-Oermint
tirmv of invasion hnvc reached 00,000
(lend, wounded nnd prisoners. The
Serbians nro said to hnvc repulsed
the invaders.
IlEliLIN, Oct. 22, via wirolohs to
Snyville. lltilgnriiui troops havo ad
vanced south of Strumitzn anil hnvc
driven tliu forot'H opposing them
across the Vnrdnr river, it was offic
ially announced today by Gemm n
army headtpmrters.
Occupation of Kuituinova and Vcl
cze by Bulgarian troops is also nn
uou'iced. Field Marshal Von Mnckenzon's
Austro-Gominn forces linvo further
advanced in tho north, Gcnoral Von
Kocvcsh' troops having reached a line
running from Arnayovo to Slntinn
mountain wliilo tho army tinder Gen
eral Von (lallwitz has advanced to a
front running through Salevac, Snv
inovao and Ttuovea and to the north
of Itaiiovau.
SALONIKI, Oct. 'JO Only five
cannon of tho allies nnd.cight of the
Serbians weio lost around llelgrade,
notwithstanding German reports.
Seven of thoso cannon wero destroyed
before tho city was captured.
"Tho Unitarians occupied l'irot, on
tho rotito to Nish. They 1iomi to ef
fect a junction with tho Germans. At
the present into of progreoss it will
bo next yenr before this can be done.
"The Serbian troops who were din
patched to the eastern front to face
tho Bulgarians marched forward
singing, being pvorjoyed nt tho chanco
to como to grips with their ancient cu
ctny and confident of tho outcome.
"Throughout Serbia there is a con
spicuous sentiment of gratitude to
America, on account of tho assistance
extended by the medical commis
sions, which are believed to have
saved the people lrom annihilation by
tho typhus epidemic."
HOSTON, Oct 22 Probable catiso
was found against Former Governor
Kugeno N, Fobs in an action for crim
inal libel brought against hint by
Denlss D. Drlscoll, a labor leader, In
tho municipal court today. Fobs was
held for tho grand Jury In $100 bail.
Tho alleged libel was said to havo
been mado during tho recent primary
SEATTLE, Oct. 22. Putrolnmu
J. T. Ekuh, Mcnogrnpher a tpolice
hoadquHitervi, wa arretted and lock
ed in the cttv JHil today for failing to
report th killing of Andrew Johiuon,
a railroad bwiteiunan, by an automo
bile. Kgan, net-online to tho polioo,
was iutoxieated whan arm ted, and
t heart-hud and thrown into a ead
like an ordinary offwtdw. Tit poliew
are seekinn tku autoMolnlc that ran
Johnson tkwa. Ega, who toon
Joiinfioa te m hoHtal, admiu that ha
was a passenger on the ear. The po
liceman t booked for invetigatieD, '
Official Slav Report Tells of Surprise
Attack at Tarnapolc Berlin Tells
of Gains In Same Sector Ac
counts Conflict Both Claim Many
Prisoners Taken.
PETHOGKAD, Oct. 22, via Lon
don, 4:3i p. in. Further Russian
successes on the southern part of the
front were announced today by the
war office. It is slated that several
Austro-Gcnnnn positions nnd mor
than 7500 men linvo been captured.
The announcement follews:
"By nn energetic surpriso attack
in tho region of Novo Olcxinctz, thirty
versts (20 miles) notth of Tamopol
(eastern Gnliein) we captured por
tions of the enemy's positions yester
day. "Similnrly wo seized part of the
enemy's positions in the region of
Lopotischuo, which is north of Novo
"In tho course of the day we made
prisoners in these combats, 1-15 of
ficers and about 7500 soldiers. We
captured two howitzers and numerous
limchiuo guns."
UEHLIN, Oct. 22 (by wireless to
Sayvillo). Russian attacks north
cast, cast nttil southeast of Barano
vichi, have been repulsed liy the
troops of I'rinco Leopold, it was of
ficially announced by the German war
offico today. Tho capture of eight
officers and 11-10 men is recorded.
The anuy of General Von Linsitigcn
has Hindu a general counter-attack to
tho west of Cznrtorysk and thrown
hick tho Russians. During tho lust
few days 10 officers nnd 3000 men
hnvb been tuken prisoner in this dis
trict nnd ono cannon ami eight inn
chitiu guns captured, the official an
nouncement udds.
AMSTERDAM, Oct. 22. A repre
sentative of tho Lokal Auzelger at
tho Serbian front telegraphs that tho
desporato reslstanco of tho SorblniiR
Is responsible for tho relatively small
number of prisoners taken by tho
Austrlans and Germans.
"Sorblan troops rarely surrendor,
oven In hand to hand encounters,"
tho correspondent says. "Thoy fight
until tho laBt possible moment. Thus
thcor aro enacted in theso battles
horrible scones of tho wildest fight
ing, uupura'ilolcd on any other front."
LOS ANOKLKS, Oct. '.'. -Miss
Ivatheriiio Schmidt, young sister of
Matthew A. Schmidt, who is on trial
charged with murder in connection
with tho blowing tip of the Los An
geles Times building fivo yean, ago,
called upon her brother today in tho
county jail. Sho broujjht greetings
from his friends in Chicago and as
surances that organized labor there
"btood solidly behind him."
Schmidt's trial will be resumed
next Mondav after n delay of a week
caused by tho death of C'harlesa Fuir
all, Ins chief counsel.
PROVIDENCE. It. L, Oet. 'J2. A
motion to (Haah the indiutment
aHint Mrs. Iflizabuth Mohr, oli urged
iu an acwory before the fuet in
fonneetioa with the minder of bar
husband, Dr. C. Irankliu Mohr, on
Augttfet 01 last, was Made iu tho su
perior oourt hero today, on tiic
rroand that the statuto ander whioli
the indlctmont was drawn it unconstitutional,
5 JtLrst?-j0nBamt,'JrW: m
This splendid photograph was tak en during n fierce arlillcry duel on
the Gnllipoli pcninstih nt a considerable nsk to the matt villi the camera.
PORTLAND, Oct. 22 Clouds con
tinned to enfold Mount Hood today
above tho crater of which suioko or
steam was seen to ascend Into Wed
nesday by citizens at Tho Dalles, 37
miles north of tluUyoleunio punk. Eli
jah Coalman, a mountain guide, who
has ascended to the eralcr many
times, reported to Supervisor I. II.
Sherrard of the Oregon national for
est today Unit hn believed it was
steam which was seen above the peak.
According to Coalman, steam in
small quantity issues continually
from croviccs in (lie orator. Ilo doe
not bolievo that tho observation cabin
recently built on tho summit could
havo been destroyed by firo and huvo
given tho appearance of an eruption.
Sinco tho eruption in 1871, neither
steam nor smoke has issued from the
mountain in sufficient ipiautiU to bo
seen nt a distance.
8ACRAMI5NTO, Ca!., Oct. 22.
Four fires, started by arsonists, broko
out simultaneously at midnight lust
night at tho brewery hop ranch of
Worst brothers, east of this city, and
across tho Amorlcan river, causing
$35,000 in damages, Tolophono wlros
had lieon out and power lines sovored
so that tho pumps could not bo util
ized to extlngulxlt tho flames. A
messonger who hurried to town to
got nld was ordered to halt nour tho
ranch by seven armed men, but drovo
madly by them. Hop kilns, proas
rom and warchotiso wero fired.
VEHNOA, Italy, Oct. 22. -Tho
Italians aro' continuing tholr udvunco
In tho Trontino as a result of their
offensive movemont Inaugurated at
about tho tlmo tho Austro-darman
campaign ngulnst Serbia was launch
ed. Iteports reaching Verona today
stato that tho Italians In one district
havo ponotrated moro than soven
mllos north of the latltudo of tho lati
tude of tho city of Trent, passing to
the north of Mount Betoll.
Norwegian Bark Sunk
LONDON, ().t. 83, 7 02 p. m.
Tho NorweiriHii Imrk finale, ltT ton-,
yroea, from Hull, Ootoher 10, l'i
Port Arthur, ha foHndarwl iu a col
lieion off the Iie of. Wight. I'lfteen
iHowbere of her crow were landed to
d t Kew Haven. Seven other, are
msEsmBsmmmmzmsmm tit
LONDON, Oct. 22. Tho Times
says this morning It understands that
Qrccco Iiiih rejected tho offer of Great
Britain to ccdo tho Island of Cyprus
In return for participation lit tho
war by Greece on tho side of tho al
lies. i i
RO.MB, via I'arls, Oct. 22. From
rollablo Information avallnblo hero
today It apopars that tho Orcek gov
eminent Is likely to reply to tho rop
rosontntlons Just mado by tho utiles
that Grcoco will abide by hor policy
of armed neutrality.
LONDON, Oct. 22. Tho Greek
government hits Informed tho quad
ruplo entonto powers that It does not
seo Its way clear at present to accept
tho proposals, Including tho ceBalon
of Cyprus nnd other concessions of
fered In return for Greek military co
operation with Serbia.
HOSTON", Ocl. 22. An nll-ilny
demonstration in fuilheraiicu of it
omiipaiuu for iuurouuod menus of na
tional defence wiih a minted for to
day by the MawauchiiMclU branch of
tho National Security loagtic. A
demonstration camp on Ronton com
mon was the daytime feature.
flovcmor Walsh wan (o prosido at
an cubing mafau meeting, ut which
tho announced speakers include
United States Senator John Y.
Weeks mid President A. Lawrence
Lowell of Harvard uauci-Nity.
"VVASIUNCJTON, Oct. 22. Sccro
tnry Lansing hud no report toduy
either from Ambassador Page or Am
erican Minister Whltlock on tho ex
edition of Miss Kdlth Cavell. tho llrlt
lull nurno, by German military author
Itlos at Hruesols. Ho far as the Wash.
ington govornmont is concerned tho
case apopars closed, ovory diplomatic
effort apparently having boon ox-
,!iuuted provlous to tho cxecvutloit.
LOKOON, Oct. 2J. HrltHth oa
ualUei (Htbllihod tlmo October 1 to
,al "? ofJ,fl0r nnd 5?073 uoa
Austrian Uses Powerful Machinery to
Crush Out Life of Gcoroo Gray
Eyewitness Fears to Tell Story of
Brutal Crime War Hate Cause of
DEXVKIl, Oct. 22. Gcorgo Flura
grady, an Austrian, was arrested hero
today, charged with murder in con
nection with tho death of Qcorgo
Gray, nu Englishman, who was cruslu
ed in tho machinery ut tho Colorado &
Southern railroad shops licto August
10. According to tho police, Flarn
grady heard that n brother in tin)
Austrian nrmy had 'been killed, nnd
in revenge pushed Gray into tho ma
chinery. Gray is said to belong to u
wealthy English family.
Gray hnd bcon employed'n sa minot
"boss" ut tho shops for six months.
He nnd l'lnrngrady had quarreled fre
quently over tho war. Tho Ausl rinii'
bitterness boenmo intenso uhen ho
wits told that nn Englishman had
killed his brother in the European
Rlaok (old the district attorney that
on August 211 Gray was operating n
powerful drill pies, boring hole
through steel. Flarngrady, according
to Dlnck, beized Gray's sleeve, and
shouting, "I'll show you how tho
Austrlans kill tho English," drugged
tho Uritoa's ami into the drill press.
Then, Illack snid, tho Austrian pushed
Gray's head into tho machine. Thj
revolving drills crushed thu head,
killing Gray instantly.
Flarngrndy wns nrrcstcd Into today
and taken to tho city jail to nwnty
the filing of formal charges. Hlack
was held in custody as n niatorinl
According to his story as told to
tho prosouutor, Illack saw ovory do-
tail oi tho alleged crime. Ilo said he
was bo horrified that ho was afraid
to reveal it to any one, mid alter tho
coroner's jury had returned a ver
dict of accidental death ho btill kept
his secret, fearing that ho uould ho
punished for his previous silence.
DETHOrr, Oct. 22. "It Is prob
ablo that as many pooplo aro killed
In Africa ovory year as a result of
witchcraft as wero klllod in nil tho
nrinlos of Huropo during tho first
year of tho present war," wua ono
Htntomont mndo by Dr. J. B. Crowthcr
of tho Hoard of Missions of tho Meth
odist Episcopal church in Now York,
In on address at tho Rational Lay
men's .Missionary convention hero to
day. i
Mary Pamius, who confessed to tho
pollco "Wcdnosday that sho klllod
Michael Wolnutoln, a crlpplod pod
dlor, In hor npartmont Tuesday night,
mado a second confosslou today in
which sho said sho killed tho man
Monday night, secreted the body so
that her husband know nothing of
tho crime and cut tho body to pieces
tho following day. Husband and wife
Hlopt that night In tho bedroom whoro
tho peddler's body luy.
OTTAWA, Oet. 22.-Ai-plii-tion
Tor the trieeH of thu 00,000 war
pri-uu-r held in Canada ha been
made to the Domini tin Koveiinneut by
New liruuMwiek liunhtmueu.
Ubor aearee iu Canada and
MiMbenneii complain that they enu-
I not gt men fur the wood.
the application has not yet been
dalt Willi by ilie goveruuiejj,
HrniuHiiiunumri t-tz
mm than uap LEOPOLD S ARMY
NO. 383
United States Prohibits All Ship
ments From Northern Mexico to
Halt Revenue Sources of Pancho
Ban on Amis to Be Enforced Along
KL PASO, Tox., Ocl. 22. An em
bargo on shipments in nnd out of
Northern Mexico has been declared
by tho United States, cffcclivo today,
to bo enforced at tho discretion of
customs authorities for tho customs
district of El Paso, extending from
Jrarfa, Tex.,, to Columbus, N. M.
A now emergency embargo is ex
pected hourly along tho sntno lines.
Tho combination, il is bcliovcd hero,
will slop nil Villa sources of rovenuo
from tho snlo of confiscated prop
erly, Btich n8 hides, cattle, beef, oro,
bullion and other goods which havo
been rushed to tho border this vrcCk
for the purposo of funding tho army
operating from Cnsns Grnndcs, Chi
huahua, state.
Every carload o goods intended
for shipment to Juarez must bo un
loaded nnd rclondcd under tho oyci
of iv customs inspector. Every wngon
load must bo emptied nnd rclondcd
before nn inspector. Legitimnlo ship
ments may bo permitted nt tho dis
cretion of Collector Z. L. Cobb.
Every dealer iu El Pnso must sup
ply the custom houso with nn inven
tory of nnns nnd ammunition on
hand, expected, sold or sent out, with
details of destination. Shipment of
meat out of Juarez to tho United
States is stopped and tho Pioneer
Packing company f El Paso, con
tractors for tho Juarez packing
house, hnvo been ordered to closo
down nnd rcfttso shipments from tho
Juarez plant, without lodress of any
kind. Cattle shipments will bo Kera
tinized, particularly unbrnnded calves.
All carloads of hides will bo inspected
for brands of American nnd foreign
ownership. Hours of importation and
exportation nro limited to daylight.
Ammunition found on tho way to Mex
ico will subject tho carrier to nrrest,
whether iu carload or rounds for u
single rifle.
UEKLIN, Oct. 22. "Army of
I'rinco Leopeld: Tho Kussiuns at
tacked near Ilarnuovit and were re
pulsed. Eight officers and 11 10 men
were taken prisoners.
"Army of denernl von Linsingen:
Our countor-iittuok, begun on an cx
tciibUc scale wost of Czartorysk, wns
Hiiccosaful. Wo hnvo begun pttrbuit.
Nmotoon Jhissinn officers, 1)500 men,
ono cannon ami eight machino guns
weie captured. Tho loss of nix can
non, which wo captured yesterday,
win duo to an attack by Itiishiuti di
visions to thu roar of our artillery
"Ilalknn theater: Army of Field
Marshal von Mnekcnzcn: Tho army
of General von Koovcss is holding tho
Aniayuvo-Slutina line.
"Army of General von (lallwitz had
pushed forward us far as Salevac,
Snvinovnc and Trnovcn, iu tho region
north of Itanovnc.
"Annv of General ltoyndjieff is
making further progress north of
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22. Senator
Korti, tho democratic house leader,
dlsoiiBuod national defense, the ship
ping bill, and Mexican affairs today
with Prosidout Wllsou. Ho said after
seeing tho president, that ho would
Hiipport tho main feature ef the ad
ministration defenio protfraW
Prospects for passing alafcVfd&g-
blll, ho considered much better ti
at tho last scaiJoD.