Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 21, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Probably Ilrnlti Tonight nnd
lYlday. Max. 71; Mln. B3.
Forty-fifth Tear.
DAtly Tenth Year.
Railroad to Saloniki' Cut In Two
Rlaccs Britain Reported to Have
Offered Island of Crete to Greece
Ultimatums Sent by Entente Allies
to King Constantlne.
l'AKIS, Ocl. 21. An official Mole
went issued yesterday nt Nihil, as
forwarded by Iho HavaH Now
agency, says tbat llio Serbian array
is now menaced scriouoly. The Serb
inn war office Bays tbo railroad lino
to Saloniki bns been cut in two
"The situation grows more and
more erions. Tlio rcsUtuuco of llio
Serbian troops is desperate and
beioic, but lite strong pressure of the
Ausltions and the Germans from the
north and of masses of Unitarian
from tho east is menacing seriously
the Serbian army which is now cut off
from Saloniki. The arrival of allied
troops is awaited anxiously.
"The Serbians in the notth hold tho
Itnkhnnntz-Alexnndrovntz - Dnihgolo-
boi and tho Asagnn-Kosmni lines
and the right bank of the Kolounzn.
On the enstern front they held the
line, but tho Unitarians lutvo
taken the town of Vronyn.
LO.N'DO.V, Oct. 21. Tho entente
powers aro bringing all posslblo prcs
ruro to bear on Greeco In order to
elicit an unequivocal definition of her
policy toward tho other Ilalkan Btatcs
and tho European bclllgorcnts. They
liavo Intimated clearly that on ac
count of tho geographical position of
(Jreeco and hjr. treaty, objjgatlona to
Serbia, her announced'pollcy of'nou
trallty will be difficult, If not Impos
stblo to lhalntaln.
'it lias becomo a question In tho
opinion of allied diplomats, of not
jormltttng Greece to contlnuo what
Is considered an ambiguous policy
until their opponents In tho war aro
tmablo to utlllzo tho noutral position
of Greeco to her own advantage.
Tho Greek government Is now con
sidering tho Urltlsh offer of tho Island
ot Cyprus, which, according to an
Athena message, Britain will ccdo Im
mediately on condition that Greoco
Join tho allies, Tho Russian foreign
minister, Mr. Sazanoff, bos Issued a
htatcment that ho considers tho allies
Justified In adopting any measures to
provcut their enemies from taking
ndvantaga of tho neutral position of
a third power.
Tho fleets of tho allies already have
established a closo blockado of tho
Aegean coast of IJulgarla.
It has not boon established whether
tho llulgurlans havo occupied Vrunya
on tho Nlsh-Sallkl railroad, concern
ing which thoro aro conflicting re
ports. It Is a fact, nevertheless, that
railroad communication between Nlsh
and Uttkup has been Interrupted, and
it tho Unitarians havo not actually
crossod tho lino thoy havo at least
advanced far enough to Interrupt
traffic, which accomplishes tho same
Tho principal prossuro on Serbia
Ik now coming from tho Bulgarian
Bldo. Ilocont dispatches rovoal no fur
ther advances of Importance by Field
Marshal Von Mackensen'a German
and Austrian forces.
The two outstanding features on
tho nusslan front aro tho continued
offensive of tho Russians south of tho
1'rlpot and toh now German offensive
touth of Riga. In tho latter district
tho Germans aro making a most de
termined effort to force tho Wvlnn
(Continued on pago sir)
LONDON', Oct 21 It la announc
ed that shipments of sholls manufac
tured In private factories and work
shop in British India have begun.
Tho work having been carrlod out
hqc0m(ui1 in India through all pro.
coeaaa from tha Iron ore to tho fin
Isaod product
The work ailed far ro-operation of
railway ihosx. numerous private fae
torlM and workshops belonging; to
chiefs of native states. The quality
vt the shells U said to D5 excellent,
! Jn VvL.IIIbIi
Three American Troopers Killed and
Eight Wounded In Attack Upon
Outpost by Border Bandits Fif
teen Soldiers Give Battle Sixty
Miles North of Brownsville.
BHOWXSVILLE, Tex., Oct. 21.
About boventy-fivo Mexicans at 2
p'clock this morning nttacked fifteen
Amoiietiti soldiers nt Ojo do Agon, a
smnll Mexican settlement on tho
American side of the river, about
sixty miles up tho llio Grande from
bore. Three soldiers wcro killed and
six wounded nntl nt least five Mexi
cans killed in tbo forty-minute battle
which followed. Some of the Mcxi
cuns fled neross tho llio Grnndo into
Mexican tenitory when American
cavalry enmd up.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Oct. 21.
Threo United States holdiern wcro
killed nnd six others wounded in nu
engagement with Mexican bandit
near Ojo dc Agun, nbout2 o'clock
this morning. Tho troops gunrding
tho place, which is located near Mis
sion, Tux., nnd about sixty miles
north of Urovviwville, wcro attacked
by a Inrge band.
Fivo Mexicans Dead
Details of the fight aro lacking,
but in a preliminary report from Cnp.
tain Frank II. McCoy, received nt
southern department bendquarters at
.'1:15 oVloek this morning, the infor
mation was given that fivo dead Mux
ienns had been found in tbo dark af
ter tbo attacking party hud bocu
driven off.
Tho killed and" wounded were all
member of Troop 0, third cuvulry,
and company I), signal corps.
Tho dead arc:
Sergeant Shncfor, troop 0, third
cavalry, nnd First-Class Privntos
Joyco and McConnell, company I),
signal corps.
The list of wounded includes Pri
vates llouncr, Hchr, Lnnglandu and
Knble, troop Q, third cnvalry, and
First-Class Sergeant Smith nnd Cor
poral Cnnshnll, company 1), signal
eight wounded and nt least fivo Mexi
eorps. Priwitu Shellenbaek, troop
0, and Private Stewart, signal corps.
Troops Hushed to Scono
Cnptr.m McCoy arrived with reliev
ing troops nnd the bandits fell bnck
in tbo brush between Ojo do Agu.t
nnd tho llio Ornnde. Additional
troops wcro imbed to the bccno from
nearby border patrols und senrch
made for tho bandits.
Ojo de Agun is near tho river.
Dense brush afforded tho Mexicans
perfect cover as they Mattered and
mndo toward the Mexican boundary.
A picket reported tho presenco of
tho bandits in time to give tho troop
er, a chance to take positions for
their do-peruto roMtnuco against
The fifteen United States soldiers,
fighting fivo against one, held their
ground, although half of them were
put out of commission until relief
eumo from Mission, seven miles
nwny. Captain Frank II. .McCoy took
(Continued on page six)
NEW YOIIK, Oct. 21.- Under tbo
ruling ot Judgo Hunt that the gov
ernment prosecutors in tho conspir
acy ease against ton former directors
und the former eounsol of the New
Haven railroad, uro at liberty to
trace tho beginning of tbo alleged
conspiracy to monoolizo trnffio in
Now England, Charles, S. Mellon, foi
merly proaidont ot the road, was pro
puied today to continue bin testimony.
Counsel for the deleneo announced
today that they expwted that the
government would eall Forr Pruai
dent Taft a u witaew in connetiH
with a eoiifcrenee between Mr. Tuft
aud I.ewu Cum I.edyard in regard to
tho talon oxer of llotn A: Maw
stoek by tke New Haxea.
It. I Halts, attorney for tha gov
eminent. said that tho government
would, "if powible,' avoid calling: the
turner proajdgnt.
Hut they're not fWi. TIicms
a dry-dock at an Atlantic navy yard,
llio way theyVo put together look II
IJEIILIK, Oct. 21. Tho German
advance on the Hussion Hallic port of
Itign, for possession of which a great
battle has been under way for sev
eral weeks, bns been carried forward
further. This war office reported to
day that Field .Marshal Von llindcn
burg's army bnd occupied the bank
of the Dvina river, northeast of Mi
tan, from Uorkowitr. to UerhCinuenho.
Russian reports of succc-'ses on tbo
central and southern end of tho lino
received partial confiimution in to
day's German statement. German
forces on the Styr were compelled to
retrent, losing n few cannon.
The Austro.Gormnn nnny of invas
ion in Scibia is pushing back tho
Serbians over tho entire front, al
though tho Teutonic advance is slow.
The war office hinted today that the
Serbians bad been driven out of the
strongly fortified positions near Hi
pan j. Tho Ilulgarinns also have
made n further ndwuieo.
nnvv astimotos will ineludo )?1,(I00,
OOOfor a rttttrt on Iho .t-fi.OOO.OOO la
boratory lor tho navy advisory
board, headed by Thoninu A. Edison.
Democratic bouso lenders aie dis
cussing plans for an early caucus to
consolidato the majority for the pres
ident's plans. The leaders nro tnkinjr
into consideration that their majority
is much reduced below last session's
numbers, but tliev expect support
from tbo other parties.
NEW" YOIIK, Oct. 21. -Forty mon
and women wero injured today when
tho I.ackawunna forrybout Nctber
land crashed into tho Harrow-street
pier during a fog and hurled a niun
ber of passengers under tbo hoofs of
a dozen horaes which wotc on tho
The crash occurred during what
bay men described us the ort log of
tho ycur.
NEW YOHK. 0-t. 21. Oue bun
drud and fifty unni-rfcilu uud eol
logo wcro United bv the iwUonttl
AwurieHiiizAtiuN i oninailU today to
eo-eperato in a meiaent to develop
ideals of America citixeaahin. effie
icney and tbo eivilian ide of pfewr
edneaa tbrOMKbout thr country. Tlie
eotntaittee wua orijmiizid at a laeet
ing tn the home u invent A!vr,
nit tho notes of tw of our suliiiutriues, taken as thoy lay slde-by-slde In
Don't tbo hawser holes look like cyc.s, nnd don't tbo foruard plates nnd
ke great inoutlis'.'
1'AIMS, Oct. 21, 3:20 p. nt. A pro
longed meeting of this Greek cabinet
late Tuesday night, after which no
communication won issued lo tho
press, is being generally commented
upon by the Athens nuwspapers, says
n dispntcb filed yesterday at tjie
Greek capital by a correspondent of
tbo HnvaS'XewH agency. The message
adds: V -,. A
"It is reported this (Wednesday)
ovening that new propositions have
been mode by Iho quadruple entcuto td
induct) Greece to jbipnvt'from ber neu
trality. " Tho newspaper rfrhnod
says important concessions liftvc'been
offered by tho entente powers," to
gether with powerful military sup
port, if Greece will join tho allies. Tho
important journal Ilcstia. says tho en
tente nllies' offers would extend
Grceoo's frontiers nonrly to Constan
tinople nnd that tho offers also in
eludo the Island of Cyprus nnd tin
territory in Asin Minor.
SALT LAKE, City, Utah, Oct. 2t.
During tho week tho beet growers
In Utah and Idaho havo received cash
for all boots delivered lo tho threo
factories during tho month ot Sop
tomher, tho total amounting to nbotit
$175,000. Tho great disbursement
will como on November 15, when
most ot tho croji will havo been do
llvcred, and tho total payments for
which will amount to not lctta thau
VASITlTO Oct. 21. George
C. Cnrotbors, for the last three yoars
special agent of the state department
attached to General Villa's nnny, bus
been withdrawn as ono of tho conse
quences of tho recognition of Gen
eral Carrnnza. Hereafter the Amer
ican govornmont will havo no official
dcuhi with Villa. Cm others is on bin
way to Douglas, Ariz., njar whoro
tho Cnrranr.11 garruon is threatened
with attack by Villa hoops.
Aulo Kills Aned Pair
TACOMA, Vali., Ool. 21. Mr.
V. .1. Msukav, aed 78, died at a hos
pital today fioni injurioe received
when she and her buaband, He 7(1,
wer etruek by an auloinobila driven
by Andrew l'o lat iltgbt aa thoy
ware croaaing a strHt. Mr. MnKay
wn the mother of lira. . G. Ihek,
wife of Dr. Arched. Hh.
Tacoma Jurist Dead
TACOMA. Wah.. Get. Si. JubM C
Sulleaii, 71, romwr judgis of la an
Mnor court hn. aUo a fonnar
judge of the urciue court m t'olo
rado, dux! todu).
PETItOOHAI), Oct. 21,-An impor
tant IliiriMiin success in tho region of
tho llurauovichi, resulting in Iho cap
ture of several German positions,
3552 men nnd len machine guns nnd
one piece of artillery, was announced
today by the war office.
Unranoviehi is in tho central por
tion of thu llussiau liuu to tho uoitb
of the Pripct river.
Tho nntuninccmont follews:
"In tho districts southeast of Ilar
onovichi our troops, after n dnshing
fini-priso nilnek ycstciday, eaplurcd
Gennnn positions near tho villages of
Ekimovichi, Odnkporshohinu, Noviki
and Nagomin. In tho courso of tho
day wo took H5 Gcnnaii nnd Austrian fj
officers mitl 3552 nicen priRoncrs, in
addition to capturing ten quick-fir-eers
and one gun."
TIKL1S, Tranfl Caucasia, Oct. 13,
via l'otrograd and London, Oct. 21.
Tho cBtlmato Is mndo by tho Armen
ian newspaper Mshak that ot tho 1,
200,000 Armenian Inhnbltnnta ot
Turkey bwforo tho wnr, thoro remain
not moro thnn 200,000. This rcsl
duo, tho Mshnk says, may disappear
boforo tho end of tho war on account
of tho Turkish policy of extermina
tion. Tho figures of tho Mshak aro based
on tho cstimilo of tho Armenian pa-
trlarch at Constantinople that 860,'
000 Armenians havo bcon killed or
enslaved by tho Turks, In addition to
which 200,000 Armenians aro bollov.
cd to havo fled to Ilussla,
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 21.-Moro than
000 furs weer to bo sold nt auction
hero today on hohalf of tho federal
government. Tho furs camo from
Alaska and represent tho yearly catch
on tho government niesorvoB, Fur
buyors from all ovor tho world aro
hoio for tht) sulo.
Tho polls Ineludo 531 bluo fox, CS
whlto fox nnd 70 beavnr. TkousandH
of polts wero alio to be plaeod on
sale nt tho auction for prlvato ship
pers. Among theao wcro 10,000 er
mine, 10.000 olvot c-it. 15,000 uiun
quai,i, 187 silver fox, 2770 lynx and
000 wolf.
Rear Admiral Parker Dead
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. Ul.-llaiu
Admiral Joph Hdmom Parker, a ru-lirt-d
aiedieai diroetur of the United
HtaUia Navy, died at hia home here to
da v. In lbll.1 he wa prasident or tha
medical and fteiiiuiiug board of the
but. He ttu M cai vld.
President Issues Thanksgiving Day
Proclamation for November 25
Year One of Special Blessing to the
United States Year of Abundant
Crops mal Blessings of Peace.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. Prcfll
dent AVI I so n today In a proclamation
designating Thursday, November 25
as Thanksgiving day, called attention
to tho fact that tho Unltod States has
been nt pcaco white most ot Kuropo
linn hoon at war.
"Wo havo been nblo lo assert our
rights and tho rights ot mankind
without breach of friendship with tho
great nntlons with whom wo havo
had to deal," Raid tho president.
Tho text follews:
Text of Proclamation
"It has long been tho honored cus
tom of our pcoplo to turn In tho fruit
ful autumn of tho year In pralso and
thanksgiving to Almighty God for
lils many ulooslngn nnd morrlca to ua
aa n nation. Tho year that Is now
drawing to a closo slnco wo last ob
served our national thanksgiving Inis
been, while n year of dtsclpllno bo-
causo of tho mighty forces of war
and of changes which havo disturbed
tho world, also a year ot special
blosslng for us.
"Another year ot pcaco has been
vouchsafed uh; another year In which
not only to tnko thought of our duty
to ourselves and to mankind, but also
to adjust to tbo many responsibility
thrust upon uh by a war which has
Involved almost tho whole ot Eu
rope. Wo havo boon nblo to assert our
rights and tho rights ot mankind
without broach ot friendship with tho
groat nations with whom wo havo
unselfish sorvtco.
v MatiM'bil l'nvqx'rlty
'Our ability to sorvo all who could
avnll thomsolvcs of our services In
tho midst of a crisis, hns been In
crensod by a gracious Provldenco,
by moro and moro abundant crops;
our nmplo financial resources havo
enabled us to steady tho markets of
tho world nnd facilltnto necessary
inovomont of commorco which tho
war might othorwlso havo rendored
Impossible; and our pcoplo havo coma
moro and moro to a sober realization
of tho part thoy havo been called up
on to play In a tlmo when nil tho
world In shaken by Unparalleled dis
tresses and disasters.
"Tha extraordinary circumstances
of such n tlmo havo dono much to
quicken our national conscious
ness nnd deepen and confirm our con
fldonca In tho prlnclplo ot pence and
frocdom by which wo hnvo always
souKht to bo guldod. Out ot dark
ness and porploxttlcs havo como firm
er counsels of policy nnd clcaror per
ceptions of tho ossontlnl wolfaro of
tho nation. Wo havo prosporcd whilo
other pcoplo wero at war, but our
prosperity has bcon vouchsafed us,
wo bollovo, only that wo might tho
bolter perform tho functions which
war rendored It Impoeslblo for thorn
to porform,
Thursday, NoitiiiIkt 1W,
"Now, thoroforo, I, Woodrow Wil
son, president of tho United Statos of
America, do hereby doulgnato Thurs
day, tho Twonty-flfth ot Novombor
(Continued on pago six)
- : r , - rr" '7 a
THE UA1.LES, Or., (Ji-I. 21. (it
iuuia of Tho DhIIuh weru scauuing tin
horizon today, trying to pierco tin
mint tor a view of Mount Hood, 32
milo iouth of here, in an offort to
eunftrm a rejioit that the fnmoiia (teak
ia in eruption. I .ale yaatenlav ainolu
wn ieou Unuing HppHrautly fiotu tbo
cralfi'. The amoka viaa tirt noticed
at 5 p. in. and oontinucMl to 'iul up
in auuie quaiuitv uatil night bid tbo
lautiiUMiu. One theory for tbo stnoko
la that a ohIjiii, roeeutly built for th
1'nited StotuM forest eriuo at the
nurnuul, ui dvttrojvd by tue.
NO. 182
SupcrdrcndnouQhts and Six Bailie
Cruisers to Protect Nation Four
teen Battleships in Second Llney
Nino in Reserve Thirteen Scout
Cruisers, Ninety-six Destroyers.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. Whilo
tho general board of tho imvy has
approved plans for fii.t eight-gun
tbirty-fivo knot supcr-battlo cruisers
to bo built within tho next fivo yenrs,
navy officers nnd officials, it wn
learned today, uro not unnnimous in
favoring this typo of ship. Bcforo
Scerrtnry Daniels decided to recom
mend tho big ships an nllcniativo
plan for another typo of vessel to cost
about a third nH much bad many ad
horcnls. Tho chief reason for favor-
tho Biualler and lcs9 expensive
shins, it is said, was that for tbo
amount to bo expended on tbo bnttlo
cruisers, eighteen of tho other typo
could havo been built and equipped,
probably in considerably less time.
Tim nltornntivo plan suggested a,
typo of Biipcr-scout oruisors ranging
from 7500 to 10,000 tons displace
ment, wilb very light armor nnd
equipped wilb only two fourlccn-incb
guns each, ono mounted forward nnd
ono nft on tbo docks without turret
protection. Ily this grcnt saving ui
weight, vcssols of high speed, great
endurnnco nnd wido cruising radius
could hnvo been obtained to reinforce
tbo slower and tmallcr scout cruis
ers and destroyers in their mission of
brenking tin enemy's communication
linos, destroying her commerce nt sea
nnd overwhelming convoys composed
of light cruiser or dcslroyw,
157 Siipordrendnouglils
- What Iho United States nnvy will
Jo in 1025 if tho administration's dc-
5enso program is approved by coit-
(rcss was desoribod today by ittivnl
jxpcrtH. Tho btrcngtlt ot tlio navy
all be:
Uatllcehips of tho first lino, twen-
-soven. Tboso shins would all
arrv moro than eight big guns each,
most of them mounted; twelve, four-tccu-inch
50-cnbber rifles, tbo now
wcupons recently dovclopcd by thu
ordnance bureau and believed lo bo
tho equal or superior of any navy
gun now atloat. With two excep
tions, thoy would nil bu nblo to steam
moro thnn twenty knots an hour.
llattloships of tho second line, four
teen. Theso ships all carry four
heavy guns each and somo of them
havo speed of nearly twenty knots.
Ilosorvo battleships, nine. Theso
ships nro till now in commission or in
reserve, Tho oldest fchip is tho Iowa,
commissioned in 1807.
Slv llattlo Cruisers
Unttln cruisers, six. They will
mount eight fourtoen-ineli 50-cnlibcr
riflos and hiuo n speed of tbirty-fivo
Seoul oruisors, thirteen.
Destroyer, uintty-si.v. This fig
ure Uooa not tnko into account nine
teen torpodobonls, many of which nro
still in service.
Fleet submarines, eighteen. Tho
Sohlov, firnt votfsol of this typo do
eigned for nny navy, will bo launch
ed in u few months. Bho will mttko
twenty knots on Iho surfuco, whilo tho
othors will maku twonty-l'ivo knots or
Coast defensosubmnrinofl, 110.
Tiiis liguros all submersible of this
typo now built or building.
' Gunboats, tbirly-ono. Theso ves
sels nro, for rivor nnd shallow harbor.
In addition to tbo foregoing, thcto
uro lun urmored cniisors, fivo pro
tected cruifcera, four seuond-elasH
cruisers, twelve sccond-elass cruisers
and nine coast defmso inonitora
nvailablc for rcseno fleet duty,
imOWNSYH.I.E, Tex., Oct. 21.
Moxiumi ImndiU midud ranch prop
orly noar Sebnatinu today and foiiRht
with Town rtiiigiui and deputy shor
iff who purauud them. No iMbitultiod
wero reportoil on cither fcldo. Sebas
tian U Torty niiloa north ot hero und
fully fitly mlltw fi-om tbo Ojo Del
Agun batllegiouud, whoro Mexican
attacked I'uitcd Stilton troo3 thW
; !