Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Fnlr Tonight mid ThurMbiy.
Mnv. 7il; Mill. 30.
Forty-fifth Tear.
Dnlly Tenth Year.
a '
Armies of Enemies Likely io Over
whelm Balkan Nation Eight Bul
gar Annies Cross Border While
German Forces Advance Slowly
Railroad to Saloniki Cut.
LONDON, Oct. 20. Lnti'.st reports
from the nenr cast iudicalo Hint Sor
bin is in deadly dnngor of being ov
cnvliulmcd by tho armies of her
neighbor. No Iobh thun eight Bulgar
ian forecH hnvo crossed into Serbian
The Aiislro-Qeniinn forces nro nd
vnnuing slowly, but steadily, their lat
est claim being that a junction has
been effected to tho west of Scmcn
driii. The railroad between Nihil mid'
Saloniki has been cut by tho Bulgar
ians, sweeping over tho frontier in
Hiiperior numbers. No news has been
received of the movements of the
Anqlo-Frcneh army, although it is
known to have been in action, ns the
arrival of Fiench wounded nt Sal
oniki has been reported.
Along Itnttlo Lines
Alene: the eastern front activity is
confined to tho two tips of thu long
battle line. Tho Germans nro press
ing their offensive in tho northern
nre.i nenr Itign, while General Ivan
off claims several successes for his
KiiKsinn army in Galicia.
Hcjwrts from the entente allies on
the western front iudienlo that the
Germans have been reinforced heav
ily and nro hhowing a disposition to
iiwsiiniP the offensive. Field Marshal
French announces tho complete re
pulse north of Loos of Gununns who
mndo an attack after heavy artillery
Paris reports that cast of Kheinw
the Germans raado n fierce attack on
a largo scale, occupying bovcral
French trenches.
Asuulth's Illness
The illucsH of Premier Asntiitli hns
brought a lull in political activity and
the crisis which many persons ex
pected would develop in the cabinet
this week is baully likely to occur un
til tho premier is able to appear in
the lioiiho of commons. At that time
Sir Kdwnrd Carson may give a pub
lin explanation of his resignation of
the attorney generalship.
The British bubmnrincw, now re
ported to have been reinforced by
Hussion craft, continue to inflict feo
xero losses or Gcrmnn shipping in tho
Ilultio sea. A Copenhagen newspaper
asserts that eight steamships have
been prey of tho submarine binee
SALON1IU, Oct. 20 The entente
nllies nro marking time, poinding tho
concentration hero of a sufficient
number of troops for their operations
in tho Bnlkuns. A large French force
is on tho way to Saloniki. French
forces have succeeded thus far in
protecting the lower end of tho Nifah
Saloniki railway.
Tho capital of Serbia has been
transferred from Nisb to Pruicnd,
in western Serbia, ulono to tho Al-
l ...,..,.. I'mntinr Tim 1i:mk.s and niObt
IlllllUII ... " I" -
of tho legations nro being removed to
Prirrmui. J no ltusMun eonuui uv o
loniki haa sent an nntomobilo to bring
tho Kuiwian minister to Sorbin to thi
citv, but owing to the muddv condi
tion of tho roads it it. doubtful
vhethor this of fort will biiocoed.
The AuMro-Gnnuan expedition i
oompoiad nf whwl J0 of nbout
twche diuien. The Austrian
have ndaawd well HP the Morava
valla v Ritd r eAit" to ,,ffl!H
a jwwtian ith Uw Uulpiriani. who
are makiu altHk worth of tha
Nii-7ie-ar "or.
Amy oltVer. " tewe the
combined araiw, w miwtion
been cltectel, will ' nail-tied
with opening route uiron north -f
attorn Serbia, biU dl ub'
Trcaclirry of Monarch Declared to
Have Subordinated a Free People
to the German Yoke Beneficent
Aid of Russia in Establishing Bul
garian Independence Recalled .
PETROGHAD, Oct. 20. An imper
ial manifesto dcclnring war against
Bulgaria appeared toduy under date
nf October IS. It was accompanied
by n communication reviewing tho
friendly serviced of Russia for Hnl
iniria in tho nast and pointing out tho
"treachery" of King Ferdinand.
This communication says:
"When Turkey nnd Bulgaria worn
threatened with war on account of
finnncinl relations, the Russian kov-
enuncnt intervened in nn nmicnblo
manner. Part of the Turkish debt to
Russia was transferred to Bulgaria,
wherebv the latter, on advantageous
conditions, was freed of all obliga
tions to Turkey.
Hcrtnycri by Itulcr
"Thus having realized for Bulgaria
its actual independence, Russia fur
ther displayed magnanimity toward
the Bulgarian people by recognizing
Ferdinand as tho Bulgarian ruler.
"Tho victorious war of tho united
Balkan people ngninst their ancient
enemy, Turkey, assured to Bulgaria
an honorable place in tho Slavic fnm
ilv. But under Austro-Gormnn sug
gestion, contrary to the advice of tho
Russian emperor and without tho
kt'owledgo of the Bulgarian govern
ment, tho Coburg prince on Juno 'JO,
1013, moved Bulgarian armies against
the Serbians. This treacherous net
of King Ferdinand raided a gulf be
tween two fraternal allied peoples.
(Ivo GcmmiLS Control
"Tho defeat of Bulgaria nnd tho
punishment imposed upon that un
happy country by tho Bucharest
treaty, which deprived it of almost
nil tho fruits of victory, deeply
wounded Ferdinand's self-esteem. Ho
beenmo intent on regaining Mace
donia, which hu hint lot by ins own
folly, nnd extending his positions nt
the cost of other Balkan states. Con
sequently he completely and finally
subordinated n free country to Ger
man influence. For an entire year
tho nlhcs tiled to tree tho unhappy
Bulgarian jxjoplo from German hands,
but Ferdinand remained deaf to all
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 20. Caught
skulking among oniupo groves near
the old Son Gabriel mission, Harry
Duncan, alleged slayer of Police Ser
geant John Toolen, was taken pris
oner today. Ho admitted having
filed tho shot that killed Toolen be
fore dnj light yesterday morning, but
asterled he believed that tho police
sergeant nnd Patrolman W. B. White,
who was with Toolen, wcro burglars
trying to overpower his mother in the
durk hallway in tho Duncan home.
Duncan, who is 23 soars old and
fathor of two uhildren, cried several
times at central police btation while
undergoing examination.
Duncan snid ho wns born in Port
land, Or., and served a term in tho
Whittcr btnto school for an attempted
burglary nt BakortieId some years
NEW YOItK, Oct 20 Attorneys
tor the defense In the trial ot tho
eleven directors of tho New York.
New Haven and Hartford railroad,
under the Sherman anti-trust law,
lost a legal battle at tho outset of tho
Introduction of tho government's first
ovtdenco In the eauo today. They sot
up the .statute ot limitations against
tho consideration of evidence having
to do with acts committed prior to
1912. until acts committed within the
subsequent three ear period were
first placed before the Jury.
Will Not Assumo Presidency and
Might Not Accept Election None
Will Be Called Until Peace Is Es
tablishedProtection to Foreigners
Promised Accusations- Answered.
GOMEZ PALACIO. Coahuila, Mex.,
Oct. 20. First Chief Carrunzn, tour
ing northern states, wns informed
here today of his formal recognition
as executive of the dc facto govern
ment through Elizco Arredondo, his
confidential agent in Washington. As
to what titlo ho would bo recognized
under, tho first chief tnid he did not
"I presume," General Cnrranwi
snid, "that the title of 'in charge of
the executive power of tho republic'
Hint I have been using, will be the
one used. However, I do not wish to
bo npproved ns president of the re
public, because eo ninny men have
been named president when they were
not warranted in assuming Hint tine.
Still Conliulla Governor
r An nnl wish to lose the charac
ter I have. I supposo tho rcoognition
wilt bo of the do facto government,
but I do not know. I have received
no information of tho stntus. Of
onnrfiii it mnv ho tnken into consid
eration that I am the only legal au
thority in Mexico by reason ot tn
fnrt Hint I am vet gocnior of the
state of Coahuila the only legal au
thority of the old government lelt.
General Ciurnnzn was talking in
his private car with newspaper corrc-
imnmlpnta when llO WHS asked if llO
would become tho candidate for tho
"I do not know; I might accept it,
or I might not." ho said.
Mr. Carratun does not expect that
.M-ncJrtnntinl nWtimm will ho held im
mediately. However, ho expressed bin
opinion that tho leconstruclionai per
iod would continue for n year, more
or less.
Election After 1'caco
"There is still fighting going on,"
he continued. "I shall not call an
election mtil pence is entirely estab
lished. The first step will bo tho
municipal elections; in order that
general elections may bo supervised
properly. Congressional elections
will follow. This congress will bo
largely for tho purpose of passing
upon tho decrees nnd proclamations
promulgated by the constitutional
government. It will give way in timo
to n congress elected later.
"Finally wo will como to tho prci
Initial elections. Responsibility for
life and property will bo assured
throughout tho upublio, just as it
would bo In any othor country, and it
matters not that a part of the terri
tory is ocoupicd by Villa and Zapata.
The sanio protection will be extended
to foreign lives and propeily ns ut
other timC.
"I shall givo nil classes of guaran
tees, throughout n large area, and in
return 1 shall expect that foreigners
will do their part by minding their
own affairs nnd not mix in polities."
Answers Catholics Chaigo
Carraiua displayed a telegram in
which one of his agents told him
(Continued on page two.)
LONDON', Oct. 20 Advices from
Athens Indlcato that Turkey and Bul
garia aro undertaking energetic meas
ures to opposo tho land and sea op
erations of tho entente allies In tho
Balkans, Tho Athens correspondent
of tho Exchange Telegraph company
reports that Turkish forces are bejng
concentrated In the region of Dedea-
ghatch. la Southern Bulgaria In tho
Aegean sea. Large Bulgarian forces,
the correspondent states, are bolug
moved toward tho Rumanian frontier
The French and British ministers
at Athens, the dlsputeh also says, ask.
id tho Greek government to sanction
arrangements to provide for Sorblun
refugees on Greek territory. Premier
Zalmas agreed with tho stipulation
that Serbia guarantees maintenance
of the refugees,
rau ubnnrn rnum uftBunntuis
7Tj h HvV fl V 5 x I
sCdBK' alsv" 'vjr'TlT V
QR& 'y fc' v isVK sssssW sB V Hf' ;
sssHsBsKPBUHsHBsflssjsssEVs "?C3BsHsfijB '
I sHssBsssssViiDEuisVisssssssssssEJB SBHj'J' Si 4
DEKLLV, Oct. 20, hy wireless to
SayvlIIo. Capturo hy tho Bulgarians
of 2000 prisoners nnd twelvq cannon
In Sorfula wns announced toduy hy
tho Germnn war office
Tho report also states Hint llul
garlnn troops hnvo captured Sultnn
Austrian troops havo mndo n furth
er ndvanco on Shahatr on tho Save,
went of IJolgrado. Tho Sorhlans havo
been thrown hack south of Luclcla
and ltozovnc.
On tho Frnnco-Uolglan front tho
war offlco announces a Gorman ro
connolterlng party, ndvnnclng north
east of I'runny, captured four French
officers, HCt men, three mnchlno guun
nnd three mlno throwers. Near Mld
delkerko, Belgium, a British aero
piano wnB shot down and tho occu
pants captured.
In Ilussla tho army of Kleld Mar
shal Von Illndenhurg Is advancing
northeast and northwest of Milan.
Geuurnl Von Ltnslngon'B army still
Is fighting tho Ilusslans along tho
LONDON, 0-t. JO. -Coining diicct
from Jluekingham inluoo, whero .ho
hnudod to Kin? Oeorgo tlio ueuU of
his office on his rctfiguution from th-
enhinut, Sir Kdward Uimon nitpoareil
in tho hoiuio of commons this after
noon and tot at rent all ooiijwttui
regarding the reun for hi -retirement.
Hieing from hi old sent on the
fmnt opposition bench, tlio fanner at
tornoy goneml ir. few word made
tlif hnuo eonvenant with tho hmuka
of the wittw-tenal rriali, whih he
Haul was due entirely to the fa't that
h found him-e'f in enmplete van
Hiiee with th r.iliirnt on (titioua of
nenr extern i'ii He f-lt . thrc-
foto, that hi ir e in tin- mbinW
would b a "' "' "t wcukm and
not of atrsMUtn.
Sir Kdward added that he never
had had the xlichtext pentotiul dif tr
vncctf with (.n ot his eolleagm ,
0F PE:
HAN HHAXCIKC'O, Oet. 20.-JIrs.
SUny I'umins, wife of a street enr
eoiiduetor, Biirrendered to tho police
toduy mid wns hold in connection
with the murder of Michael Woin
Hteiiii n orimilcd jicddler, whoo inn-
tilateil hoilv wn found todnv in a
box couch in Mrs. I'nniia'H bedroom.
Tho nniiH. Ickh nnd bond wero hov-
errd and the trunk cut into hovernl
piocos. Kncb pieeo wns wrnpped in
newBpnpcrs. wcinstcin wooden Jeff
nnd crutch woro plnced on top. r rnK
monlrt of torn letters wcro found un
der tho couches. Charred pnpen
woio in a Move,
Mr. I'nininR told tho pollen plio
killed Wcinsloin with nn nxo lust
night when ho nttnakod her utter bhu
rofused to olopc with him.
Vlion she hnd bluffed Weinstoin's
hnekod body into the couch Mrs, I'a
inius fled from tho apartment nnd
rented uuothor two blocks awny, no-
cordiu to her story to tho polieo.
She telephoned hor liiihlininl wiicn no
relumed homo from work and tho
two fapent tho night nt tho newly
rented nnnrtinent. sho nniuiui! in fn-
or of flight, ho for mirrcudor to tho
noli co.
John I'limiaa won the nrtruinciit. Ho
iieeonipniiicd his wito to the pollen
tnti(.ii today and the two of tbcm
told tho storv.
Neither nemhboii. nor tho mnnoRor
of the i)nrtinent hou-c su-pootod tho
I.OMJON. Oct. 20 - It U roportod
from Frankfort that the Central pow
ers havo decided to undertako still
anothor oampalKn, this time against
Montoneero. Aovordlng to this report.
forwarded from Amsterdam, by a cor
respondent of tho Central Nows, 20,-
ooo Austrian and Uarman Infantry
men, with artillery, hava arrived from
(iallcla at iiarayoro. In Bosnia, about
sixty wile north of th .Montenegrin
border The troops, the eorre-pond-eut
says, will soon bo dlspatahod
against the Montenegrin, with whom
there has beon only dosultory fighting
for months.
NO. 181
nuns pi MtFtHY carranza
I , . .
Navy Secretary Asks Government to
Equip Itself to Build More Naval
Craft, Make Its Own Armor Plate
and Evtcnd Manufacture of Muni
tionsWould Restrain Grabbers.
UALEIGH, N. C, Oct. 20. What
tho navy expects to do toward pro
ventlnu private manufacturers from
reaping oxcesslvo profits on tho ex
penditure of hundreds ot millions In
volved In tho administration's nation
al dofonso program wns outlined hero
todny hy Secretary Daniels In n speech
at tho North Cnrollna stnto fair. Mr.
DanlelH tiald his annual report to con
gross would recommend loglslntlon
to onnblo tho government to equip
jtoolf to build tuoro naval craft, mako
Its own nrmor pinto nnd greatly ex
tend Its manufneturo of munitions.
"Tho government ban Invested
many millions of dollars In navy
yards,'" said tho secretary, "nnd un
less this Investment Is utilized for
now construction much of It Is wast
ed. If tho government Is repnrcd to
construct naval craft, prlvato ship
building companies In mnklng con
tracts must compete with government
yards. This tends to securo coinpotl
tlvo prices and prevent combinations
nmeni: nrlvato corporations to chnrgo
higher prices than conditions Justify."
Ileductlons Forcel
"Not only must tho yards bo nblo
to hulld ships, but, naval establish
monts should bo equipped to mako a
nortlon of all munitions of war."
In this connection Mr. Danlols
pointed out that tho government paid
80 cents a pound to a governmoni
manufacturer n fow years ago to
mako powder but tho navy was now
mnklng It nt a cost of about 25
cents n pound. Torpedoes nnd mines,
ho snld. wcro also bolng manufactur
ed by the govrnment at a great sav
ing of monoy.
"Thcso cases could bo multiplied,"
ho added. "Do not understand mo to
advocato any monopoly by tho gov
ernment In tho manufacture of muni
tions. Thero aro many things wo can
huv from nrlvnto manufacturers at a
reasonnblo price. Tho navy, ho wot or,
should bo freo to mnko a largo part
of Its own munitions If prlvato con
corns cluirgo oxcesslvo prices, as bus
hocn Bomo times tho caso.
Cuts lrlco in Half
"It has ben ascertained by a special
commission that tho navy, with a
modern plant, can mauufacluro ar
mor plato from J230 to S2C0 ns
ngninst tho non-compotltlvo prlcos of
$125 to $480 a ton chnrgod In tho
last contract. Kxpcrlenco In Kuropo
teaches that tho navy should no lon
ger rely on prlvato manufaclurorora
for projectiles. And it congress ap
proves wo will erect a largo factory
which will turn out a largo product
ot fourteen Inch armor plorclng shells
as well as Binnllor projectiles. This
will Insuro bottor shells nnd better
Tho secretary particularly directed
tho attention of southern farmers to
tho lack of ships In tho American
merchant marine to carry their pro
duct to thoHO who nod It and aro will
ing to pay for It.
"What tho navy needs, nnd Injcitso
of trouhlo -would ncod sorely," ho
nddod, "aro auxiliaries properly built
and equipped with trained Americans,
A morchant niarlno with forolgn
crows Is not an American need, cither
for commerco or defense."
DIkcuwcn Navy llojrrum
Kplnlnlng why a flvo year building
(Continued on pugo throe)
PAULS, (nt. 20.-Fit h two pi -(on
nit reported to huo been killed
in an uxploion tin nftonioou in
fnutory in tho Ituo do Tulbiae, wltiU
100 or more were injured.
Manv of tho iotim wore women
worker in the faetorv whuh wa
wrarked, uh were liuildiut' Ui the m-)iiiit-
Prfidtuit I'oiueari and Minuter of
Om Jntunor Malvy, who ware immwli
utely int'onnwl of the diaaater, viait
yd tho feeuo mid gne dirootiuns to
the rescuing foree.
President Wilson Declares Embargo
on the Shipment of Arms to Mex
ico, But Order for Exception In Fa
vor of necorjnized de Facto Gov
ernment Is Made.
WASHINGTON, Oot. 20. Presi
dent Wilson today declnred an cm
bnr(,'o on tho shipment of arms nnd
ammunition to Mexico. '
President Wilson signed a fiupplc
.montnry order, however, which ex
cepts Gcncrnl Cnrrnnra's e;ovoromont
from tho embargo and permits muni
tions to go through to him unham
pored. Tho prohibition applies to the
fuclions opposed to tho government,
which tho United Stales tins rccog
uir.ed. Tho nresidcnl's uroclnmation is
bused uiion tho authority given him
by congress in 11)1J.
Violation of tho cmbnrgo is punisli
ablo by a fino not to exceed .f 10,000
or impiisonmcnt for not moro titan
two yours, or both.
Inception Is Mndo
Tho ordor for nn exception to tho
etnbnrgo in fnvor of tho Cnrrnnza
government, was contained in a letter
from President Wilson to. Secretary
MoAdoo. It follows in pnrt:
"An oxeeption is hereby mndo to
tho prohibition ngninst exports cro
ntcd by tlio president's proclamation,
nnd you will pleiifio Instruct tho col
lectors of ports and other officers of
the trensury department to permit to
bo oxportcd through United Stnlcs
ntihtom house munitions oC war lor
tho nso of tho reoosnfecd de fnoto
government of Mexico, or for Indus
trial or commorcinl uses within tno
limits of tho torritory tindor its ef
fective control ns nbovo set forth.
Villa Agency Quits
"An embargo thoroforo will bo im
mndinfnlv nlnced ncuiuHt Hut border
ports in the states of Chihuahua nnd
Sonorn, ns well ns nil ports In tho
torritory of Lower California,
whether or not controlled by tho do
fnoto government of Mexico ,nnd you
will so instruct tho collectors of cus
toms nnd other officers of the trcus
tiry department.'1
Tho Villa agency horo closed its
doors today. It was announced that
in viow of tho recognition of General
Carrniua there wus no further need
of maiutniiiiug it.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 President
Wilson todny received a delegation oC
w onion and girls from California who
gavo him a ploco of gold from a Cal
ifornia mlno to mako a wedding ring;
for Mrs. Norman Gait, his ftaucco.
Tho delegation also brought optl
tlons signed by 300,000 Calliornlana
urging tho president to visit tho San
Francisco exposition boforo It closes
In Decombor. Later tho women gavo
Mrs. Gult a cluster ot California
orango blossoms,
Tho president told his callors ha
did not think ho could go but would
chango his plans it It woro possible
When tho bar of gold was given,
to tho prosldont ho accepted It smil
ingly. "That Is a very happy thought," ho (
uddod when told that a wedding ring
for Mrs. Gait could bo mudo of It.
WASHINGTON. Oit 20. Presi
dent WiUon toduy signed a procla
mation giving notice of tho neutral
ity of tho United Biatcs In tho war be.
twon Serbia and Bulgaria, Tho
proclamation wus along the same tea
oral lines as thoso already Issued ev
ering the war between other uattOM.