Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 19, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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r f Mwxrri?5tfigv3iw shist.:
.xwmr WW ., w ; ip.w; waya WHBW ' W iPWWWmiHWWH I P Will ' Kk
Ot'TOMICl? 1!), IMS
I "
,..'M''Hft'-lf A
- -mji
In a double homier Sunday bo
tweon Oakland and Vernon of tli
Coast league, Don Railer of this clt
secured three lilts In tho first gam
and two In tlio second, a total of five
Jlador s hnnulness with tho Imt ns
surci him n regular position for noxl
year, this year bolnj; one of the metal
consistent lilltors In tlio lcaKlio.
J, Or Gerltlnp, (he host ill riround
pliotofjfapher In .Ttoulhcrn Oregon.
Alwnyo reliable Negatives inndo nny
where, tlmo 6r ploco. Studio 223
Main St. .Phono 320-.T.
Mrs. Charles .T. Fry of Yrolcu, Cnl
passed through Medford Monday on
routo to Copper, Cal., to Join her hurt
band, a mlntir of Iho Illun I.odgo dis
trict. "Weston Camera Shop for first clasn
Kodnkfflnlshlng and' Kodak suppllos.
F. TiK Ulgelow lonvnn tonight for
Portland where he will remain until
the holidays.
Do Voo buys beer bolllos.
Miss Mabel Works .who has beon
vbiltlng her sister, Mrs. It. W. Iluhl,
tho last three months, left Monday
for her home In Koolcford, III.
Shoe repairing guaranteed nl Ill
don's., 201
J. K. Noll '(inn! Moso Ilarkdull loft
Sunday for n throo days squirrel
hunting trip In the Illtie Ledge dis
trict. Furs cleaned tit tho l'llntorluin Dyn
ri t. ..., . i.. . .. !
u. i. muu, pnsiiiinHiiT ni .ppor. wmi n piuinuing nont, sustaining n
Cnl., and ono of the pltnoer prospect-Hlht fracture of tho skull Is able to
or of tho Uluo Led go country, wos(bo about tmiiln.
n business visitor In this city nnd, Tliord will Jio a freo concert every
laPkypnvlllo Monday, returning to i dov this wcok on tho Kdlson diamond
his homo today. I disc -phonograph at I'almor'B Piano
The best styles, the best qualities
anil llin best prices nro found In -tho
millinery 'department of tho M. M.
Ilopt. Storo. IDC
Assistant Engineer Dlllor of the
government Irrigation board In the
stalo of Oregon left this morning for
a trip' to llutto Falls, and tributary
Hutlo Falls Wood Yard, Phono 48
or 223! wood All kinds. 203
1 Tho school board at Its noxt regu
lar meeting will nppolnt a successgr
to Atlornov u. F. Mii'lcoy who leaves
N'oveniber 1st, to practice law In Port
land. When n vneanov occurs the law
iiltfos the board tho power to ap
point At nmnll roit with unexcelled sor
vlcft'wnmnkrrjrourclollic look now.
Hoc6riio ono of "our Satisfied patrons.
All work guaranteed. Pautoriuin Dye
Works. '
Charlon Pursell of the A.pploghlo
It In tho city today attending to bus
iness matters.
Home inndo taffy at Do Voo's.
A horso driven by Mlko Welsh ran
away in front of the fire hall this
nftornoon. Tho animal Is an old fire
horso nnd nt tho sight of old scenes
and vistas ho stnrtod on u "run." IIo
slipped nnd fell on tho pavoment. Tho
horse was mustered out of sorvlce
with the coming of the auto truck.
Bee Dave Wood aiiout that fin In
sornnce policy. Offc Msll Tribune
CharloA Young oxpeets to lonvo in
a day or two for u month's cougar
nnd boar hunt In the Mule Creek dis
trict of Josephine county.
llldon'A shoo repair shop moved
across slreot from old stand. 201
Dorulco Cnmoron left TiiMday to
visit tho exposition.
Try oiitf of those big Ice cold 6 cent
milkshakes nt Do Voe's.
llornco Polton and wlfo nr expect
ed back from an automobile (rip to
llfiOT) to loan. It. A. Holme, In
surance man.
' llov. Frederick W. Clintons, pallor
of the Kind lluptlst chitroh, sustain
ed an atlnek of apoplexy while
preuehlng Sunday evening and whs
talen to the home of Will Davis. 11 Hi
nnd OentraLnvonuo, where he Is be
ing trestod. As the attack wnn not
a severe one. hope are entertained
for his iisedy reeovery.
W proloui the llf of your clothes
by earoful oIoniiIuk, preMlng, repair
ing or rellnlnif. Pautorlum Dyu
Worjyi. 6 Fir St. North. Phone 2 1 1.
llOUN To the wife of Delray
Gutcholl on Wednwfcd), October ISth
nn 814 pound daiiKhter.
Perry L. Ashcritft Jr. received
now Studebukor Six Monday end has
ijCpn, display t ,te Vl)ey xariuie.
it Is the lnteet productlou of I lie Htu
debaker factort' and la ohm of the feet
nnd most popular our on the market
today. Call and e It.
The fullnwtug mw booka have been
renive4 .at ttij. Hrar)', l Ul b
df tpetilAl lytrte bioe of tho war:
Notebook of au Attache (WwhI):
Paths of dory. (Tobb); Present Mil
itary Situation iu the Ualted gUtai
(Oreeiift. Sorrow h of Belglnm. a
nlav ( Andreli ffi . World la the Cni
il!l (Ollbert Parker).
When heti.-f nrwiee la' iU
VotvM Th- ! Mau m til toll
Lluevlu ilcCorni.iek it aMtml tk
sixbu of the au tfraaekM wpoal-
Oot It at DVee's.
Tho rogulnr mid monthly lllble
Study meeting of tho Aniotnn class of
tho Uaptlst church will be held Wed
nesday evening at the homo of Mrs.
R. J. Stewart 004 Pennsylvania n'o
riuo. All old and new nfambefs are
Invited to bo present.
' ' --. nljIH.Vn'1'
.-,.-.. for nalo ojf
Mall TrlbunTj effloo. v .
John A, Tofniiv of tills oil v In suf
fering from iurTn)ury to' hfn left eye
rce'olved Svb lie ifplJUIns'Wlildllug. Ono
of the sticks' flew1' tip ntd-struck him
n henvy blow. It will bo nooowary
for the Injured man to stay in a dark
room three or four days, nh a precau
tion against total loss of night.
Ground cherries, lots of 'em, city
market Thursday and Saturday, booth
!), 8c per lb. no
Thbro will be a mooting of the di
rectors of the Jaokson Comity Fulr
association this ovenlng at 8 o'clock.
Iltittornut bread at He Voe's.
Marvin Mltcholl of tlio high school
football loam Is suffering from a
slight attack of blood poisoning In
both hands, caused by scratches re
ceived In the Medford-Cirants Pass
game ten days ago. The lacerations
becamo filled with dirt In tho heat or
battlo, and this Is blamed for the In
Ilrlng those old magazines and pe
riodicals to tho Mall Tribune for
It. It. Mn ok ley, the electrician em
ployed on the federal building who
was Injured by being hit on the bond
... ...
Ham Heeling of Klamath Falls, n
stoekmnn of that section, Is spondlng
a few days In tho city and valley at
tending to business matters.
Do Voo delivers tho Orognnlnn lo
you every day for 7do n month.
A tralnload of cattle were shipped
Jrom this city Monday afternoon to
San Francisco, the purchasers being
Lux & Miller. The total number of
stock was (100, and tho nverage prlco
Wns $50 per hoad, meaning $30,000
of now money for tho ltoguo river
valley. This Is practically tho first
year that local stock has found u
mnrkot In California, most of the
shipments going to Portland. Prac
tically overy large stock raiser In the
rnlloy wnfl' represented In tho ship
ment, which wiih the largest of the
Ohocolnto creams, onrumols, chips,
pennutH, etc., only .10c n lb. nt De
II. O. Wortman, who Is In n sor
Ions condition ns the result of the re
currence of an old Injury, was taken
to Portland Moudny night, nnd will
bo operated upon In that oily by an
Intestinal specialist. The nerves and
muscles are paralyzed.
Drs. A. II. nnd Louise Hedges, chi
ropractic physicians, Stownrt build
ing. 26 Knst Mntn St.
The Medford band under the di
rection of Lender dims will give u
concert nt tho Nntatorlum Wednes
day evening nt 8 o'clock, Vaudeville
numbers will eh offered, followed by
a dance. Tin) prlco of ndmUslon Is
KB rents. A program of popular and
elasslonl numbers will be given, nnd
the public Is urged to give their sup
port to a worthy Institution. The
proceuds will be for the ebnoflt of tho
Frnah roasted peanuts nt Do Voe's.
The high school football team will
piny (runt Pnas at Grants Pass noxt
SiatHrilay. Ortolmr JO the looala will
piny Klamath Falls. Tho followliiK
Saturdays to the end of tho season
wilt be taken up with the Ashland
Special for ono woek nt the Marl
nolle Hnlr Shop, 60c Powder for :iic.
(trey wiulriols are reported thloker
than ftlea tit tne Applenate district.
d fatter than usual, besides being
of large ilie. They mix deliriously In
pot plea, and many local buntors have
given chase to the "orltter" the last
Poatnaje atampa nt De Voo's.
Martin L Itrlrksou of the forest rj
service left .Monday on a short bttsl
iee trip to Hun Frauclicn.
Mrs. Leaoh, expert corsetlerre. ma
terial nnd fit guaranteed. 32G North
Artemus Speiier ami Karl llub
larl have returned fro ma short trip
to th tun KranrUcu fair.
Afternoon tea with wafers 10c, at
the Shasta
Adrian flkre of (he Griffin creek
district spk( oijdiU iu IJedford at
tendia to bustneea matter and visit
Imi friends.
Job Printing In all Its branches at
the Mall Tribune office.
Mlaa Mollle Towne of Phoenix was
Hertford visitor Tueeda) .
Kftok blndlnc of any klud at the
I it' Trlhnne afflee '
Taweta rr embrolder Ike at the
iiaAdiarnft ttntn
UMdr aw. MivatoBM. kill heads,
looa (Mf ayatoaai. at to Mail Tri
bune office
poctrv; Service' Ilhynus of a Noll -
Ing Stono and three titles which
have Just been published, North of
lloston, by Itobert Trost, The Spoon
Urvor Anthrology, by Masters and
fill dob of Happiness by Kduln MnrK
lmjn. t
Hot Tanmloa nt the Shasta.
(Continued rrcm pngo one)
sood. Wo will xuarantee the labor
fand care. We also guarantee the
price. We will build our own lending
xtnilous. It's up to you gentlemen,
Will you give us the beets, Yes or
No 7"
Fill lory Slit) t'nclio'eii
The uponker snld Hint lliev wera
unililo In xtiite wlieio the factory
avouM heloenti'il, i thut win n iletuil
Hint wnutil nv.nil finitl nctitili liy Hie
oflleoN Of Ilie eoiiiiaiiy, who, iuni
iiuii'Ii art the I'oinpiiny paid the
freight, would piolmbly decide upon
tli" loeiiliiiu t'iiniiliing llu jfroutoM
nereujfe iu order to reduce frcigli;
clnu-gcH. Ah the compnnv paid for
the Ix'cIm ut the nearest siding, the
locution uiih immiiterinl to tie
ttrtw'i'r. Releetinn of it i'nctorv it"
now would only eomplieiite iiiiitlcr
iiml ereate rivalries that would in
jure the cnini'iiiKii.
J'reiiilcnt Hates, wlio prwideil at
Hie Inimpiet, nsured the Mpoukor
Hint the ineiiilierH of the f'limmeri'ii'l
emu would eo-oporaie in wiuuever
wny jiossiblo in nceiirintr the desired
nerenge, mid tool ready, eolleetivly
nnd individually, to do their shnre in
priimotiiiir Hie irojeet.
.. I'm Hand liuid Khow
Jiulge Win. M. Colvic nnd C.
Hnhisou, the latter PhNistiuit county
ntloruuy of Mullnoiniili, spoke in be
half of the Portland laud mIiow, ex
tcnili'ig n cordial invitation to south
ern Oregon to visit the metropolis nnd
tli hIiow.
Judge Colvif mode one of tli" elinr
ueteristie lioowter Hpeeehes for which
he is famoiiH, niilinting optimism. Mr,
Itobiaon said Hint he lepreseuted tin
reorgnnir.ed i'ortlnnd Clinniber of
Commerce, with 12000 young men,
I'rinkly ndmitted Hie uiistakeM of the
old order, hut wild that heiieefoitii
I'oillnnd would ho found eo-oirnt-iug
wtli southern Oregon mid work
ing for its upbuilding, renliyitig Hi"
need of team woik in upliiiililinir tin
Irrigation Project
.7. T. Sullivan, iniinngef of the
liogue lliver I'aniil eompany, outlined
the irriuntioii work iu progress by hi
eompnny mid nsked eo-opeiTilioii l
Miiire the "xtehsion ,if the vyHJein.
Ili 'aliftdil tint ,'IIJO men urcl'ujnleiii'
ployed nl Four-Mile lake, Fisli lake
(lain nnd tne riiocnix emini. i no
cmniMiny agrees to expend a miniter
milliiui mom tliii winter enlarging the
main enunls nnd extendiiiK the Cen
tral Point ennnl In 'I'olo, proidinc
:t0()0 nereu if the 30.0(10 Heres under
the system lire ninned np. Thi eom
my in offerinir n liberal contract for
the water; WO n nere, with no mV
mnt upon the prineipnl until the
sixth .M'tir, ami no interest clinrgen
the first two .veins, arivitijar the Inml
owner a elmnee to make the wntar
pnv I'm itarlf.
ilrief speeehen were made fnvorine
Hi.' Hii),nr hert fnctorv nnd irrigation
by J. A. Weetcrlnnil, C. M. Tlinmo
of Talent, S. 8. Mullis, JI. I'ipRme
nnd A. S. lloxenlinnm, while Arthur
Henry repoited Hint an evHminntion
of eoiidilions iu nil the frutiipowJHtf
dls(iirts of the northwest mtxto hi
faitli greiiter u the 'ui'ii of fruit
growing in the Rti;ue ellev.
An excellent ilio-hm t'i i er wai
Kirved by the Indie- nt St. frk'
. "J,,,J"l" .'WV . f .'
y Says Cream Applied In Notrl!.
Opens Air Pasilagufi Right Up.
.... j,
tVVf ?
Tnlant relief no w.dtlng. Y -ur
Mintl iKMtriN "'i rinNt up, tW air
isuMtges of n r ('Mil clmr and you cut
Urerttlir frei'lx. N inure lisuking. snuf
mix bluwing, lii'dilarlio, drt"-. No
truggliug (or I'teutli ut mglit. yuiir
nlil or ctiturrli duuiupnirai.
(Jet a small Iwttle of Klj' Cwsm
''aim from ymir dnigfl'l now. Apery
'i littb "of tbls friigrsnt. unllttle,
iwiilisg rrmiii in etir isitrll. It mn
t'lrute through every air t.ige id tkt
luMil. isMitlif tin i)tltm.s or idlu
'hiii'ihis and rcl cf cwms m
tantly. It's' Jut fine Don't tsy atittTed-up
l'h a void or lu-dv i.itjrrti.
A..siaannn ijiyJiay.
VkMMMi 1
fflRBIaSiaKElSK';! n?ffl
BBf aHHBl V 7 V 'Sri4 of'U
pig . tHKflKt&i'd
1IAHWHI), III O When. I.
r.liiiih. J!, i-lnpiil m"i M rv (ir.iz
lino, 11, he iluln' hKoii with Hi.
shotgun il' Mnr' father.
Hut Cupid diil, mid with more, loo.
Gitirimio lives on n farm nuny
here. Klnnli fa'his partner nndhwc
lefiised the llrtnd of Mury, though
she loved him, beeauxc (Imsiano
Ihouglit him too old.
Kliirdi dflermiii.d lo kidnap her,
and, enfcriiiK (lie liome ut midiiight,
seii'cd the pcrlectl Willing Marv mul
sliuted off.
The grand jury for the October
lerm session o Ilie cireuit com I
elosdl Monday nlteniooii, ntter hut
one dnv'ri iewiiu -the shortest in
yenrs iu Jnekeon county. Konr true
bills mid four nut true hills were re
turned. The gr.ind .inry report wn
hiief. Aside from the observations on
the "rimiiiiil mattere, it was round
Hint "the county olfices were con
ducted iu nn orderly milliner and that
tie! building was sanitary." Orris
Crawford of this eily wiih foreman.
Tlio trito hills returned were: Kred
Chipp, charged with liurgldry of the
Crnufill-Kobiuctl store ut Central
Point; Charles Austin, indicted for
pointing a gun at another; Harry
S'oung, indicted for larceny, tho pris
oner refusing to reveal his true name,
to protect thd good nnme of his 'fam
ily, mid (i "John Dee" indictment for
The pctil jnrv will open its ses
sions not Monday morninjr nt 10
o'elocl.. IlmmuKs upon applications
for citi.ensiip nper- will also he
heard this week.
The rpgultif iiiid-montb meptinz t
the eitv louneil will he Iu this eve
liinir nnd the most rnportnnt matter
I id ore the body will be the net ion
uiMti the paving iniiebteUneas contro
versy. Au oiilinanee Hiilnnittiiicr the .'iD-.'tfl
plan which bus the burkiiur of the.ii'.'o when l'dison announced the dis-
majority of the eitixein-, to a te will
he introduced, and net ion will be
taken on the .Medynaki rehnmliiiir
scheme, tlnoiigh the initiiitivo peti
tion. It is probable that both plans
will be ndevd placed upon the bal
lot for h do ul Ilie people.
The whistling of S. P. Irams and
(he jnvhawker i?u nt the Main
street crossing- will nl-o be riven eo.i
iiWation. I-'rod Hansen of the S.
I. will rwt"r todm with it olfic
inls on Hip -orpin- uln-tlmv'
COFFEE - uper-Qualiiy
is tha Coffee which SAtiafieB hc refined taste of those who
know the best. Its full, mellow blend puts it in a class by
The "Royal Club" House Portland, Ore.
IuUk the Bnfit
O tz.nei v i iiW.ib'iitMl. In hi-,
i i. hi cliithcs he ImiiRil out of his
room witli hi shotgun nnd fired nt
the fifing pair iu the hallway. The
shot, instead of hiltimr Klnidi, cut
Hie lelephone. With phone eoinmuni
eations cut off, the excited father,
iinnhle to roue his neighbors' nnd se
cure their aid iu etitting off Hie es
cape of the Hiir, could call onlv on
his fin in hands to give ehnse. They
lnr's name is now I'.lardi.
10 E
I propose to run a personally conv
ducted excursion to the Panama-Pacific
exposition nt San Kranclsco early
In November if u sufficient number
manifest a desire lo accompany same.
Kxcursion will he a special train of
coaches, tourist, standard nnd obter
vattou car, 8 day trip, expense $31,
and includes passage both ways, ho
tel accommodation first class in Snu
Prmicoisco, flvo ndmisBlons to expo
sition, eight leading Zone attractions
Including Panama cnual, au auto
sight seeing trip In and about San
Francisco, In other words practically
every oxponso taken enro of save
meals and sleopers on train, It de
sired. Meals In San Kranclsco can
bo had at any desired price. Address
or phone Scott V. Davis, Medford,
riii.ty-NiN ynrr- nio, on October
'-'1, ThoniMs A. Edison g-nvc to the
woiltl the first Hiieensfn ineniiile
eent eleetrie lump. Lest jear -i
movement wns slnrfed l eolebmle
October '-'1 ns lyli(iit day throughout
Hie (niiitry. Sim e then this date will
lie stmnped indelibly on the minds of
oeryone as the greatest winjtle
ehiivewent of this world genius.
I'p to (he very day thirty-six years
eoverv or Hie new iHinp, the sireatest
seieiilisti. nnd iiiveutow iu Hie world
Mini repeatedly that the inrtindeseent
lamp whs mi impossibility. Hut Hdi
son proved that it eould lie done, as
he has proved n hundred other things,
nnd save lo the world its first com
mercial eleetrie lamp hhlh.
On October lit a nation will honor
the genius who has done so much to
enlnrvrn our woiking tiny, to banish
ntffhl mid thus iiurei.sp (he scope ot
Ipidu-trv noil .irt.
National Coffea Week, October 18th to
& Co. Wert tke Only Coffae Blatters Who Gave the
Whan the Price of Raw Coffee
Topronnr AnncAPC i Made
eSSJB IU ULuUIAL nUhCnUL nn.ll IT,Vnrr.l In n Few Slln-
"7T JaBLiaT VK utvn, Chcnp hut rnruunfed
' JjJfSSLijfc-JKl I I 1 1 1 ft I If 1 A 1 1 III I I 000000()C',
? run ouuHn dcuo
V l,!?5ji'K3
T'oi mat ion o( n ciiiiipuuii lo "iili-t
acreage in the million dollar beet nn
fsHv project of the Orogon-l'tnh com
pany is tinder way. nnd the commit
lets are expected to be lit work Jie
fore Hie end of the .week. The eom
inittoos that conducted Iho campaign
lust spring ale still intact, with W.
II. (fore ns eliiiirnmn. Messrs.
Hraniwell nnd Kililey Avill hiio n
lull; wiih Mr. Ooie and other mem
bers, of the committee this afternoon.
This niternooii Hie beet sugar rep
reenlntivos were taken over Hie val
ley by W. IT. (lore nnd Pi. J. M.
Keene nnd viewed hirtfo land tracts
suitable for the growing of beets
upon which there will be irrigation
next year. There is n strong demand
for more industries anil moi'e divers
itud funnies', and for this reason the
licet sugar pioposnls nie received
with hiuh favor.
Mr. Nibley slated this mornincr that
nil the bonds of Ilie compnnv hnl
been sold lo Pall Lake nnd Denver
(Continued from page one)
In their first rush nt the uniformed
men the bandits paid little attention
I to other smoking ear pusnenrt.
McCain nnd Wallls managed to
hide. Klelber fell as If Bhot, while
Wright and Snuer hid under seats.
In the monntlme Sword brushed
aside n bandit's arm, proceeded Into
the first class coach, Dropping off
tho rear end, he ran threo miles to
n telephone.
Sword said that just before he left
tho coach a well dressed young Mex
ican told the bnndlts thero were two
"grlngoes" In the toilet. Thene were
Dr. McCain and Wallls. Wright, who
had hldilon under a sent, snld tho
bandits knocked ou the toilet door
and commanded the men to come out.
.McCain and Wallls refused, whero
iipnu the Mexicans fired through the
door, hitting McCain In tho abdomen
and wounding Wallls twlco. The
young Mexican, the Informer, was ar
rested. Later ho was taken from of
ficers by cltlxens and shot.
Five companies of Infantry and two
of cavalry wero sent today from Korb
JJrown lioro to tho district where tho
roblu-ry occurrod.
Thoro will bo nn all day trip Stin
day, loavlng city park nt S n. m.
sharp The trlji will Include n visit
to tho Champion dredger rand the
Ilradcn mine. A guide will conduct
tho party through the Ilrndnn mine.
The walking will cover n distance of
about r, miles In nil. Dinner will be
enjoyed along tho banks or tho llogue
at Foot's Creek.
Tlio committee In chnrgo Is very
desirous Hint nil the membors make n
special effort to go and help mnke It
u success. Notify the committee by
Thursday or Friday so that accom
modations can he mado accordingly.
The eommitteo aro Trcve Lumsdon,
Misses Kthol Curry nnd June Hlninnn
and Mr, Dnvles.
Further announcement will be
made later
Came Down.
Pome people arc constantly aiintved
from one Jciu'e end to tlio other with u
persistent lironcldal cough, which is who.
unnecessary. Here in a Iiuliie-mudc
rPtncdv that get rlglit nt the cniiHo and
will make oii wonder wlmt Ihmhiiic of it,
(JctUH oiinee 1'iiiux. 13(1 cents worth)
from niiv druggist, pour Into a pint bottld
and till (lie lioltle with pisui granulated
sugJr swim. Ntart tsklug it ut once.
(Iriulitallv fnit sitrelv ni will rmtire tlio
pbli-gm tliin out and then disappear nl
togvtlirr, thus ending a oougb that ton
siewr tboiiglit would end. It m!s loosens
tlie dry. bourse or tight emigli and heals
the iimninumtion in u painful cough with
tentarknble rnindltr. Ordinary conulm
tire pduiiuercd bv it in 24 hours i lens.
Nothing bettor for bronchitis, winter
coiijjIih and bronohisl asthma.
'J Ids inn nnd Sugar Sjriin In Kin re
innkc u full pint enough to hint a
family tHong time at a cost of onlv J51
cents. Ki4is perfect l and timleM ideas
ant. 1'JiHlly pii'psusl, 1 nil diicctioiH
with Piliev.
Plnpx Is n special and h'wldv cnncpii
trnted compound of genuine Nor plan
extract, rich In gunlucol. and Is fiimuus
the orld over for its cne. errtiiintv unit
prninilncfH iu overcoming bud coughs,
cbet and throat colds.
(icf (lie genuine. Ask vour druggist
for ' 2Vj ounces I'inox," nnd do nrt ncrcpt
nnvllilng else. gunrantie of nbsoluto
Kiitisfiiction, or uioiicv priinipth refunded,
goes with this preparation. Tlio i'lnux
Co., I U nvnc, I nd.
aaawaBaUauBaav )' aaaaaaV
'stlginatl in and Prc.ibopla of tho
oyes, cause tvrtr.iln unk correct
ed with Classes I can help you.
Hye.slght Specialist
Medford, ... Oregon
Dress your iaijlo with
Growing mora popular every day.
Sweet and a suportor flavor.
White Velvet Ice Cream Co.
32 So. Central.
Phone 4S1
V0B East Mam Streoi
The Onlj' IflxcluHive
Oonuiiorrtial Pliotogrnpher?.
in Snuthnrn Oregon
egativea Aladu any time or;
plaoo by appointment
Phone 147-J
We'll do the rest
San Francisco
Orcprni ins Head-
qjn'tcrs while in
t..n Francitco
it c Mi.x '
moderate rates
RiniiiiiiiJ di'llM.. , lnaBrnHt
i.e .Jltr .11 fi.ry i ?. KtUy
ruoni, Stial ni.m.
wjiilwn in K Ji.- '
iravuhit utinror
i. A Iu taru
Jimni ruuin.
JTOWfywrTia "TT3
i. 33mSf31
$ Hfity, v -fig
1 V LU4an
1 X v " J
v f t-t: t