Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 19, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Forty-fifth Ynr.
Daily Tenth Ti-ar.
Capture of Obrenovatz Claimed Bul-ga-s
Take Vranya Allies Inform
Greece That More Troops Arc Com
ing Bulgar Losses Heavy Italy
Declares War Upon Bulgaria.
NKIILIN, Oct. 19. The Auslrinn
nnntf, which is invading Serbia over
tho Save front nlonr tho northwest
ern border, apparently Iins its move
ment well under wny, after meeting
with determined opposition from tho
Serbians. Army headntmrters today
nnnouneed tho, capture of Obronovntz
South of ltolirrtuip, on the Danube
front, tho Austrinns have inndo a fur
ther advance. Tho troops ot General
Von Gnlhvitz hnvo occupied Mivornl
points of strategic importance.
Tho war office also announced that
tho Bulgarian army of. invasion had
captured tho Serbian town of Vranya
on tho railroad between Saloniki nnd
More Allied Trooiw
LONDON, Oct. 10. Tho decision
of tho entente powers to send largo
reinforcements to tho Dalkan front is
indicated in u dispatch from Athens
today to the Exchnngo Telegraph
company. It is said this decision has
been communicated to tiio Greek gov
eminent. This information was con
veyed, tho correspondent nsseils, in
the form of a friendly note from tho
British and Russian ministers nt Ath
up ro the Greek government, in wliie.
tho plans of the entente powers wero
outlined,. Tliu..nuta. ififllDO fnid to
hnvo iwVnei ont tliat tho quadruple
entente'Ki intcrpictntion of Greece's
treaty obligations to Sorbin appar
ently was. not in conformity to that
of the Gaek government.
llulgar Insos Heavy
PARIS, Oct. ID. Uc-aw losses for
the HulgaiiaiiH in thu fighting whieli
preceded the capture bv tho allies of
Struinitha is reported in n dispatch
from Saloniki to Milan, ns forwarded
to the Ilnviw News agency. It is as
Hcrted that en tiro battalions of Ilul
unrinns weio annihilated by tho
Franeo-Serhian forces.
Uritish as well as French troops,
the dispatch snjs, took an important
part in the engagement northwest of
the Doirnn.' near tho Vnrdar river,
and at Valanovo. in the northeastern
f.eelor. At tho latter point the IJul
pawns mndc a countcr-nttnok, but
Mibscriirntly fled ncros the frontier,
pursued by Serbians.
Italy Dcclams War
LONDON", Oct. ID. Italy has de
elared war against Dulgnrin, hut tlu
ipiostion whether she will send troops
to join the Uritish and French forces
in Serbia remains as obscure as tho
robiilts of tho fighting raging n Ser
bia's eastern frontier. The Austro
Goimnn armies which occupied Bel
grade appear to have advanced moro
than fitteen miles south or tho city,
but tho outcome of the fighting be
tween Uulgnrinns and Serbians along
tho important Soloniki-Nish railway
cannot be summed up so easily.
Al two points, the northernmost of
which is Vranya, tho Bulgarians ns
fcert thoy have loached this railroad,
while to tho south tho Serbians are
reported to have driven back tho in
vaders. Both Athens and Paris
maintain that French troops have oc
cupied StrumiUu, in southwestern
Bulgaria, but there arc availablo no
official reports relating to tho fit nig
gle in this quarter, nnd nono is e
(Continued from page six.)
llathor than permit another public
hanging t Murplosboro, Ills, noxt
Friday, It became known today, Gov
ernor Dunne w III roprlevo, orjpoiaibly
commute to life imprisonment the
sentence of KUton Scott, n negro con
vltted of murdorlng his sUter-ln-law.
Last Friday Joe Denorry, a nogro,
was hung at lurphboro tn tho
precenco of 1000 Epeitators. Tho
towns made a gala event o( tho hang-
Premier Asqulth Taken Suddenly III
Sir Edward Carson Resigns
Conscription on Issue Lloyd
George Losing Popularity Recon
struction Regarded as Calamity.
LONDON, Oct. ID. Premier As
quith has suddenly becomo ill. His
stny'of health will require withdrawal
from public activities, at least for a
few days.
Shortly before 1 o'clock the fol
lowing bulletin was issued at Down
ing street:
"The prime, minister is suffering
from an attack of gustio intestinal
catarrh, which will necessitate a few
days of complete rest."
Earlier in tiie day Mr. Asquith at
tended meetings of tho war commit
ter nnd the cabinet, both of them
held in his official residence.
Fnco Cabinet Crisis
LONDON, Oct. 10. Uritnin is
waiting anxiously to lenrn whether
the cabinet ministers will bo nblo to
compose their differences nnd con
tinue the government without swap
ping horses in midstream. Tho mili
tary difficulties which confront the
allies hnvo taken n position of sec
ondary importance for the timo be
ing. The cabinet has been holding long
and frequent meetings since tho Bal
kan crisis developed. Both newspa
pers and politicians agree that vital
differences of opinion hnvo arisen
on or tho conscription issuo nnd tho
nenr east question. In the meantime
parly newspapers aro carrying on a
bitter debate and exchanging accusa
tions of lack of patriotism nnd of
placing party and private interests
nhovo those of tho country.
Carson's Itcslgimlion
The resignation of Sir Edward
Corson, nttoniey general, was the
firat proof of differences in the cab
inet. The specific reason was with
held, as in tho ease of tho retirement
of Foreign Minister Delensso of
Speaking in Dublin last night, John
Redmond declared the position of the
coalition government was precarious.
"Any day wo may be faced will,
another reconstruction,'1 ho said, "or
with proposals which would cud in
stantly tho political tmco and would
rend the British pcoplo into contend
ing fact ions."
Klcctlnn n Calamity
The cabinet and tho country ns a
whole would regard a general olee-
tio non party lines ns a calamity. If
such a contest were fought on the
question of conscription it might be
expected to foment grent bitterness
and class dissension.
The anti-conscription newspapers
arc demanding that a fair trial bo
given to the plan of voluntary enlist
ment under tho direction of tho Earl
of Derby beforo there is any further
talk of a change.
Much discussion is heard of the
injection of fresh nnd younger blood
into tho cabinet. Only a few weeks
a?o David Lloyd Geoigo had a largo
following, but the anti-conscription-iats,
virtunlly all of whom are iu his
own party, now seem to bo lukewarm
toward him.
Ono complaint from the newspa
pers is that n cabinet of twenty-two
incuihors is too oumbersomo a body
to manage tho affaird of the gocm
I.ARKDO, Tex., Oct. 10. Venusti
nno Carrnn7a and party left Son Pe
dro do las Colonias early today for
Torreou, whero tho party i to spend
three day, and where General Obre
tfon i iu perfcoiml touch with hu
unity, ready to bejem ctio opern
tKWk ntHinkt tho rewnNntb of Yillu'
troojw in Chibnabua.
The reception, of CarrHnza and lu
jmrty nt San l'odro do la Colonial
was unuitunlty unthuiiMt.tie. IIuu-drt-dii
of little jcirlo beunnc br.iiquct
jiunctl in the reet-ptiuii ot Cirrnnza.
Turrion buidd be rtvtlud nomo tuuu
Cloud of war
Tho holy land tins 1mcoiuo a
nlt-slilps fljlng over the birthplace of
and Kngllsb, JYcurJi iukI BuKsbui con
bow a military ucroplnno and n war
tbo Cliiirch of tho Nathlty.
LOS'ANOELKS, Oct. 10. In tho
wnko of two hounds thnt followed a
trail Iradinpr into the foothills our
roundinp Pasadena, moro than 100
iwlice nffieerH, cowboys and deputies
wero in pursuit today of Harry Dun
can, alleged automobile thief and
Mayor, lit whose house l'olieo Serse
nut J. H. Tooleu was Mint to death
shortly boforo dawn.
Toolcn hnd pone to Duncan's home
iu South I'ucadcnn with Patrolman
W. 11. Wiite to nrreHt tho man iu
connection with other arrests previ
ously inndo for nutoniobilo thefts.
Two shots were fired from the head
of the stairs while White was talking
to Duncan's mother. One bullet
struck Toolcn in the chin. The othor
penetrated bis heart and his body lay
on the porch of tho Duncan house
until reinforcements, summoned b,
White, reached the place.
Two more shots weie fired nt White
from a window, lie emptied his re
volver in reply. Meanwhile Duncan
escaped through a rear door and fol
lowed the course of the Arroyo Seco
toward tho hills,
Mrs. Harry Duncan and her two-year-old
baby were at Central polio
station awaiting word of the man
Nearly 100 patrolmen, motorcycle
patrolmen, deputy sheriffs, insisted
by cowboys from a movinc-pieturo
plant, promptly took up tho ohnse un
der the direction of Georp,o Hume,
assistant chief of police.
JACKSONVILLE, 1'la., Oct. 19.
Sergeant James S. Stewart, Massa
chusetts National Guard, today won
tho National Individual championship
tbo first event of tho National Rifle
tournament bolnc hold at the stato
camp grounds here. Ills score was
S15 points out ot a possible 3S6.
Private T. B. Crawley, U. S. Marino
corps, was second with 315, and Pri
vate S. W. Pearson, Oregon National
Guard, third, with 311. Stewart, al
though his scoro was tho samo as
tliat of Crawloy , was awarded tho
championship because he hit tbo bulls
eye a greater number ot timos con
secutively. The titent ooncludod today Is re
garded its tbo most Important Indi
vidual rlflo competition In tho United
Mail Tribune
- "T j California
OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1915 awarded rj
-,. , ? Francisco
eclipses star
military camp. According to Jerusalem iMpntrlicH, wlilih tell of nrmel
tbo Prince of lVnrc, of troops iiume mcrlng jilly on tbo Mount of Olives,
vends tunusl Into lwiirnrK.M for tbo mi ItauV MiMlcrs. 'iliLs plctiiro Miown
llilgllile woiiltl Iki1c f I) lug over llio public square iu llctlilcbcin, beforo
NEWARK, N. J, Oct. 19. An
ideal autumn day throughout tho
stato brought votorfl to tho polls In
unexpected numbers today to cast
tholr ballots on tho proposed consti
tutional amendment to glvo tho wom
en tho voto.
At 1 p. m. tho larger proportloa of
tho registered voto than bad been
anticipated bad been cast In tho chief
cities and reports from tho suburbs
and rural communities llkowlso wero
that tho voting- was heavy. Up to
that hour tho election had been or
derly. Leaders of workers for and against
tho Btiffrago amendment wero both
clalmlnB victory early this afternoon.
Tho count will begin, In cities of moro
than flvo thousand Inhabitants at 0
o'clock tonight. In communities of
less than C000 Inhabitants tho polls
will closo and tho count begin at 7
o'clock. Tho earliest returns woro ex
pected beforo 8 o'clock.
SATTLE, Wn., Oct. 19 Two men
entered tho Citizen's Rank of Ronton,
nt Ronton, n manufacturing town six
miles south of Soattlo at 1; 10 o'clock
this afternoon, wbllo only ono per
son, a woman, was In tho bank lobby,
Ono of tho mon wont to tbo cashier's
cago, pointed n largo pistol at tho
cashier, It. W. Gllmnn, and said "glvo
mo that mopey or I'll kill you, Glvo
It to mo quick."
Cashier Gilhum did not parley with
tho man, but pushed out tho nionoy,
between 2000 aud $2600 In gold and
currency. Tho robber seized tho
money, and, with his companion, ran
down the street two blocks to whore
a large automobile was standing, with
tho ehauffour ovtdently watting for
tbo robbors. Tho maahino toro away
at full spood In tho direction of Seat
tle, tho thioves firing a fow shots as
thoy wont.
Word of tho robbory was telephon
ed in overy direction.
LOXDON", o. t 10. -Tho M.-mnMiip
AhpP" "' tl Wil-n line b.i- been
I sunk. It' prt- -.') that tb.- irev
WUs bucd.
of bethlehem.
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okln., Oqt. 19.
Six persons nro dead, two fatally
Injured and about eight others more
or loss Injured as tho result of a
hoad-on collision betweon Rock Isl
and southbound passenger train No.
Hand a northbound freight train,
which occurred at 2 o'clock this
morning nt tho Agawam curvo, 12
miles south of Chicknsha.
Tho trains wero traveling 30 miles
nn hour and ns a result of tho 1m
past tho passengor onglno was loft
on top of tho freight englnu and four
cars of cattlo woro piled over and
under them. Tho heavy stool mall
jar Jumped clear over tho onnlnes
and rolled thirty foot to ono side,
Thero woro four mall clerks In tbo
mall car that was hurled 30 foot from
tho trnck. Two woro Injured whllo
two escaped unhurt.
After tho wreck threo llvo cnttlo
wero sceu standing on tbo top ot tho
wreckago which was piled up about
30 feet In tbo air.
PARIS, Oct. 19. A mossago from
NIbIi says desorato fighting continues
along tho Bulgarian frontlor In tho
valley of tho Vlasslna. Serbian troops
south of Somendrln, on tho Dunubo
front, hnvo boon obliged to retire,
tho correspondent adds, In coneo-
quonco of tho rotrcat of tho forces do-
fending tho Helgrado district,
British and French trooos contlnuo
to disembark at Saloulkl.
Tho number ot theso troops Is so
largo that It Is Impossible to forward
them nil promptly by rail to Sorbia.
LONDON', Oct. Id S.t.m Robert
Her -t'onl, a former uim ol'ticer and
a brother of Lord Dcckx, iu uddroM
iiiK h trt meotinif in London todtiy,
sugKettttd that King George disuohe
puilintiieiit lorthwilh and niwuniu
command of tho armies in the liold
Ili Miti,'ction wuh put in tbo form
f a resolution, whh was adopted b
tho Uiv-liii0'.
Inspired by Race Hatred, as Well as
Desire for Loot, Twenty Mexicans
Hold Up and Rob Texas Train
Uniformed Soldiers Targets for
Bullets Trestle Burned.
BROWNSVILLE, Texas, Oct. 19.
Inspired by rnco hatred as well as do
slro for loot, twenty Mexicans who
claimed to bo followers ot Luis Do
La Rosa, leader ot tbo so-called Texas
revolution, held up and robbed a train
nenr Olmlto, seven miles north of
hero last night. As a result tbrco
men nro dond, onotber Is probably
fatally wounded nnd four others nro
seriously hurt. Tbo bandits nro be
lieved to hnvo escaped Into Moxlco.
Tho scene of tho robbery wns tbrco
miles from tho lllo Grande. Tho
Moxlcnns as thoy fired at tho train
crow nnd passengers sheuted:
"Viva Plznno, viva Carranzn!"
Plzano wns n co-loader with Do La
List of Tho Killed
CORPORAL M'BEE, Third United
Stntcs cavalry, shot.
ned boncnth engine
Unidentified young Mexican pas
sengor, shot by Americans for aiding
robbors. t
Tho robbery was tho boldest pleco
ot work by bnndlts slnco their raids
began tbrco months ngn.
Tho bandits romoved tho spikes
from a rail and lying concealed in
tbo noarby brush, Jerked thin rail
from under tho noso of tho onglno
with a long heavy wire Tho onglno,
bnggago, mnll nnd express cars Jump
ed tho trnck. Eow paBsongers woro
aboard. Tho robbory was conducted
by flvo or six Mexicans In khaki uni
forms, whllo outside tbo train somo
fifteen or twenty moro Moxlcnns kopt
up a constant flro. apparently shoot
ing either nbovo or beneath tho train.
Troxtlo Is Bunted
After tho robbory tho Mexicans
burned a trestlo north of tho wreck,
preventing prompt arrival of United
States soldiers from Snn Benito to
tnko up pursuit. Tho troops had to
Icavo tholr trnln nnd hlko a mllo to
rench tho wreck.
Tho hold-up ocurred on tho St.
Louis, Brownsvllla nnd Moxlco lino,
tho only rnllrond cntorlng tho lower
Rio Ornndo valloy.
John W. Sword of Plnesvlllo, Ky.,
n former United States soldier, said
that ho and tbrco soldiers occupied
n corner float In tho front end of tho
smoking car. Tho othor tbrco, Mc
Boo, Brlshoar and Laymon woro In
uniform but Sword was not. Ho said
thoro was a lurch nnd tho four mon
pitched forward. As tho train came
to a stop ho noticed flvo or six Mex
icans crowding Into tbo rear end of
tbo conch noxt to tho first class day
coach. Tho Moxlcans camo forward
with guiiB drawn nnd firing. Tho
first firing wns directed at tho United
States army uniforms worn by tho
companions of Sword. Two of tho
soldiers woro shot nt tho first flro
nnd Laymon was bit as bo dived for
tho front door. Tho soldiers woro
regular passongors without tholr
arms. Tho Moxlcans grow bold and
noisy when tho passongors failed to
shoot at them.
After tbo Gilngoos
In tho smoking compartment In ad
dition to Sword and tho threo sol
diers, woro Doctors- McCain and Wat
lls, District Attornoy John I. Klolbcr
of Brownsvlllo, R. Wright, a travel
ing man of Houston, and P. M. Sauor,
a traveling man of San Antonio.
A recent purchase, ot books for tho
library Includes four volumos of
(Continued on page two.)
KL PASO, Toxas, Oct. 19. Boot
and hides, tho products ot confiscat
ed cattle, valued nt $1,000,000, aro
awaiting exportation In Juarei, ac
cording to roporU recolvod by Am
erlonn custom officials horo. Pond
lug ndvloos from Washington upon
tho quosttou of closing tbo port, In
spectors are permitting examination
ot all hides (or American brands.
Fnlr Tonight ami Wednes
day. Mux. 73; Mill. 38.5.
NO. 180
Commercial Club Told by Utah-Ore
gon Officials That Company Is
Financed anil Investment Awaits
Only Signing of Required Acreage
Company Agrees to Pay Freight.
Tho proposal of tho Oregon-Utah
Sugnr company to build and operate
n $000,000 Bupir factory in tho
Itoguo River vnlley wns outlined by
Mctsn. Alex Nibley nnd P. S. Drnm
woll, field mnnngern, to the tncmbor
of tho Medford Commercinl club nt
the banquet given in St. Mark'ft hall
Mondny evening. A hundred mem-,
hers of tho club were present nnd
Ui' remnrks of tho speakers greeted
with npplanse. The company has
been fiunnccd and nil thnt remains U
tho Rifuiiu up of .1000 ncres to be
planted to mifjnr beets to secure tho
Nlbloy's Vroposnl
"Wo hnvo como hero to stay," said
Mr. Nibley, "If you will lot us. Wo
hnvo tho monoy, you have tho land,
all wo ask Is that you grow tho beets.
Wo will furnish tho sood, wo will In
spect tho land, wo will havo experts
to asslBt tho growors In cultivating
tho crop, nnd wo nro prepared to do
what has never been dono for tho
Utah grower, wo wll) absorb tbo
freight. No mattor whoro tho becto
aro grown wo will pay $5 per ton on
tho cars, Instead ot at tbo factory.
As to tbo location ot tho stto this Is a
mattor that has not boon decided. It
will dopend upon tho center of ths
ncrcngn. It Is n straight business
proposition with us. If the largest
proportion of acrongo Is signed up in
ono district tho factory will go In
thnt district, for It Is to our Interest
to havo tho freight charges to tho
factory as low as possible.
"Whon tho factory Is built wo will
havo a credit as high ns $400,000
with which to operate Attor tho
first factory Is a success wo will start
a second. Tho announcement by
Secretary McAdoo that tho dollar tar
iff on sugar will bo rotalncd should
bo good nows to tho pcoplo ot Oregon
for It means thnt tho beet sugar In
dustry will bo protected. It means
thnt sugar can bo sblppod to tho stato
of Washington for example from Oro
gon Inslond of Utah. Wo havo como
hero to stay, Wo'ro In dead carnost.
Wo need your holp. Will you holp
Seed Is Awaiting
Mr. Dramwcll said ho bad mado a
tour of tho valloy during tbo day aud
that somo ot tho experimental boots
wont as high ns from 30 to 35 tons
por acre Tho nvorago ho said would
bo about 15 but this with proper caro
would bo Increased from 25 to 40 per
cent (ho second year. Regarding
Importing labor ho said nono would
bo Imported If local labor was found
sufficient, but when tho locnl market
was exhausted, thoy would naturally
go olsowhero.
"A boot sugar factory" said ho,
"means hard work, It also means
prosperity. Wo ask for nothing but
boots. It you won't grow them wo
will havo to go whoro thoy will. Ho
cnuso ot tho war tho boet sugar seed
Is very scarco. Many factories In Colo
rado and other states will bo closod
bocaiiBo' ot this. But wo have the
(Continued on Page Two)
IllTTi:, Mont., Oct, 10. A wagon
load of dynamito to bo used for blast
ing blow up as it wns being- hauled
into the yard of tho Qrnnito Moun
tain mino of tho North llutto eoiu
puny on llutto hill today, and nt least
keen men woro killed and fivo seri
ously injur!, one of whom will die.
A number of building iu tho vicinity
of tho explosion woro destroyed.
Mont of tho men killed woro nt work,
in tho buildings of tho mine
Amnntr tho dond are:
JAMES IUIOWX and threo others.
Puur of theso men wtro blown to
atoms and it is iiiiKfe.iblo thnt their
bodies will bo lucntiticd.