W alWIii i) ,, " -! -"- jy ytSXFfflto?) w Vf maw RTX KWDVOTVD -jfi i if ' " i1 j i MATTJ TOTBUNE. MEdFOHD. 017EOON. 111 ' ' ' MONDAY, OtfTOttEft '18. 101S LI1 J-l. I.'-LJ.La.l 3 "I " . ' W1 Is now preparing to tako the final examination. Another addition to our night Is doing regular stenographic work, and receiving actual office experience. Hazel M. Putney, one of our short hand students, has accepted a posi tion in tho ofrico of Neff & Mcaloy, attorneys, where she is doing steno graphic work. This wcelt'K 100 per cent spellers are Jean Anderson nnd Vada and Medran Altlmus. i 'i i ' -rrr TO ILL E MEDFORD COLLEGE NOTES Florence Dltswortb, who Is now holding a stenographic position, and who did some special work In pen manship In tho summer school, has been awarded a student's final certi ficate by tho A. N. Palmer company. Gracn Taylor has completed tho corporation set In bookkeeping, and Bcbool class Is Luclle York, who Is DESPERATE BATTLES IS KNOCKING AT VALLEY'S DOOR T studying bookkeeping. She Is doing very neat work and Is making rapid progress. Ituth Manning haa been transfer red from tho A dictation class to tho offlco practice department, where sho IT OF WILSON OPEN HANS WAGING SAYS OPPORTUNITY M NER CAMPAIGN FO OFFERED 0 PUPILS NATION'S DEFENSE N INVADERS HIGH SCHOOL i- II WASHINGTON, Oct. 18, Prrsl- AMHTKIIDAM, Oct. lfi. Tele (loot Wilson will open his campaign j graphing under ilnt of October 1. for hin nntloual defense program lu o fcpoccb before tho Manhattan Club In New York on the evening of No vember 4. It will be the president's first public utturnco on the subject since ho approved tho plnnii proparofl by ftcerutfr)' Harrison and Secretary flanttjls, and tho speech to expected to bo of significance bccauso the president 1. expected lo disclose tbn reasons ho will urge upon congress why the Urited Btntcs should bo more adequately prepared for defense. - Today tho president received a let ter from the Maryland pence delega tion for national defense, ftHlrinic hint to take atepR to innuro tho United Hlates against attach from abroad. Tho tetter wan signed by Governor Ooldsborougb and othern. The five year naval building pro gram which contemplates tho addi tion of Hlxteen capital' ships to the navy by 1926, will tax the normal capacity of tho American ship yards, in tho opinion of navy officers. Sec retary Daniels said bo anticipated tbnt efforts would bo madq when con gress assembled to un:o tho expendi ture of the whole $GOO,000,000 with in two year or less. the oorresjwndent with General Von Oalhvitz'nnny in Sorbin of the Col ogne flnectte, says: "The (lennnriM have to contend with severe buttles ngnhmt n stub born nmt desperately fighting enemy." After referring to the projrrcHH nl remly (U'hleved by the (lerrannn on Heihinn Hoil, he ceiilinuett: ''The iffieult mounlain country, with 11k biznrtc, rocky nnd steep liiiker formations, entiHCH our tmojs rnonnoni difficulties, which uIho lire nuginentcd by the frtet that the Oer mnns have to Jight continually higher on riing ffioiliid. The Kerb iaim facing them arc in nriniimbln de fensive poHitionK, which enable thctp to hold for ft long time the defensive Keelorrt when nttneked. Despite un favorable, mountain land and the ex tremely bin! condition of the vnlley roadw, the (Jcrman troops hnvo suo eecded in progressing." BAND CONCERT AND DANCE AT NAT THURSDAY NIGHT titAKT ULtbUht & AT? CENTRAL POINT Arthur M. flenry "bo Kpoko in the Medford public library before 'J.r6 RTowerH of the llogun llhrr valley last rinttinluy afternoon, will give bis illustrated lecture concerning Jlic tvnhtcm fniit aiietinn markets ut the 'city hall in Central Point on best Tiictfdny evening at 8 o'clock. In his addresK at the Mcrifofd pub lie library Mr. Geary stated that the growers of tho Itogno Itiver valley nhould ha CNpecially interested in the huetion H.VKtera, n nt the present time pnieticnlly all tho p'"H from this district that go into the great cities nro sold through (liojo dealing houses. t ' Mr. OenryVj employment with the American Fruit k Product Auction iisNoeiation comes to (in end with the lecture at Central Point tomorrow .(veiling. After spending t few dayi upou lilft father'rt fmm on Griffin .eieek ho will either go on lo New .lYork to sjund tliY winter nH a law lcrl; in one of the law offices there, or will return to work in Portland. ILIA GUARDS CAROLINA PROBERS niAIILKSTON'i N. C Oct. 18. pompanies of statu guardsmen weie Mill on guard today "bile cvil of ficers began their investigation of the shoot ii) lust Friday in the room of lio oily democratic, executive com mittee. Soldiers guarded the build ing where Coroner Mansfield began nu iiupiest into the death of Sidney .1. Cohen, a newspuper importer, shot during tho fight. Soldiers ulso Mere on guard at n slato couit for the habenn eorims jiroeeedingH in liehalf of Kdwurd J. MeDonahi nod llenrv J; Mrown,-ehaiwd rcsi'elivelv with muider and with conspiraev tti com jiiit murder, nst.ault and buttetv with intent to kill. Kvcry man present t the iuipiest nnd hubens corpux pro ceedings was today searched for wenjwns. FOOTBALL MS vra The concert nnd dance to be given by the Medford band nt tho Natator lum next Wednesday evening la going to bo much more of an entertainment than 11 generally realized by the pub lic. A number of most clever vaude ville featured are offered, and In ad dition to tho band of 30 ptecc.1 under Director Curnx, In a program which haa been fto Delected as to provide humbern to pleaxo different claitnen of muRlc lorerfl, thero will bo HOlecttons by the Hoot orchcxtra, HrtielrlitR or- chefltrn, Mlsa Hazelrlgg and other local favorites. After the concert proper, tin orchestra of nlxtovn piece will dlncourne (iwcet Htrnlns of melody (and harmony, It l hoped to whl'-h the young folltH, most of tho older onaii, and nomo of tho old onbft will dlHport theniBclvea in tho gracefu convolutions of tho taugo, tho inaxixo tho cornice, the pavement heultatlon, tho recall Kuvotto, the taxation pollen and other popular now movementH, This will afford un opportunity for the public to show tho appreciation The concert will bo at the Natator lum, Wednesday, Oct. JO, nt H: lfi p. m., and thn price of adiuUnln 2f ceutfl places It In reach of overyono. The danco will follow immediately after tho concert nnd will be conduct ed In the manner which tins made the Natntorlum dunces so popular, which the hum! committee and the members no well dewerve for their conscientious and Rucrcsitul offortH to kIvo Medford a flrsttclas.i band, as well, as for tho pleasure they havo given the public durlnic the past sum mer by their frc coneertn In the park. Let everybody turn out nnd give them a rouHlng reception. ALLIES INVADING, BULGARIA L Continued from pago one) I,.!-,. ..rthM-,,.... , I, MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct J 8 Floyd filbert, captain of tbo CranRcvllle hlli HChool football team, dliMl at a hosplUl hero today from u, broken ueck sustained in a game at Net perce Saturday. He collided with 7alph Syron. vho was rendered un Conscious. An X-ray examination Unclosed that Gllliert'it fourth xer tebra was fructuiel and the fifth dW lovijtcd. TfKlayV IJeHi-lnger A man was knocked 'down by a mo tor oar In New Jprk CJIty. Dazed, ho rose, slowly to ni fool . 'nviiere nm J?" ho asked. Hero you are, sir." came In n sharp rracked Yojen, "corajitWnTap of ov Vprli only 10 cents." Vfcr The UTiVfirinnT-fnnBtij- from (hi ebt lo form a .junction with thc'Teb' toifurcepomiugvom ibe north, have captured additional height, On WoMeHi Fiiuit Hard fighting has been in progn'SA iu hoveral Keetionti of the Vi'Mcrr front, llerlinobrnielcM the icpuK of repeated ultneks bv the llnti.tli n illitht rung. forccH in' lhn-Mcinty oJ Vcnnollc-t, kind the bnaLing up of French iidwiuccvi at Tiiliurc, in ih C'hninpapie. ( Defeat for'lhe IVeneh in nttcinpla to letnke lot posilioin. houih of I.e iutyrc mid ou the Schratyntnuuelc in the VosgcK in uUo icportcd by tlu Gemmu wnr office. In the offieinl report from Pari the only infantry clash of moment noted was in the nvighhoihood ot Souchez, where it k declared three Oennao attaelu against poMtiont. nt Dois-Pn-Uache wcixj eompletel.x cheeked. Ilomlto ou IWIfoit Ornnnn nitmeii dropped eight bombs ou th French tortious of Del- fort, Ilcrlin uiinouiicox, the nintor noting that n number ot fire fol lowed the exploiioin. In Iliihfeiu, Field Marhluil Vori llin (lenbur? ivpiti good prngivhs in his attack south ot Higw. ltut.Mun at tacks wekt of Jacobkitadt, und in tho Smorcea legion, were repuUel, while the Gormuilfc cUim to have eHpturi-d Kiutbiuu pAkitiqiik uu frgut marlx two mllok west of lUouUt. I'etixwud conuwwtiitdrv ngiiid thin to bo purely dc(Mitrttlvui cul etilatd to diolmej nt lent ion from the I)viHk rogiau and ftalicifl. xtliu-h kavti guiued grcutly ih iwporlun.v with the lUlkau development. It u clear thai uliaouah (ho battle which ijcwiraj n hiMiulf it fjbtiux con tinuui with vanvHls MM, lite OaN mans hate been nuablc l- etubliili tliMIKClecs nu the ra-tcin bank of the nui bUipa. To, tho lMlter: Opportunity Is knocking nt the doors pt tbo people of the Uogue Itiv er valley with nn offering of rare ad vantage. KotlilnR within tho ranRo of possibilities presents a- way for quick und substantial prosperity n does tho establishment of thn sugar beet Industry. There Is no guess Work about It. It has been demon strates! In Rcores of other localities throughout tho country, and In near ly every one of those localities has soon become the lea dim; Industry. The company now presenting tho opportunity to the people, of this val ley Is a reliable one. I havo seen tho same company, practically, fulfill Its promise) elsowhere. It will do an It says It will. Tbo statements It has sent forth to tbo people will I- lived up to. It Is now up to tbo people to accept the offering of this company by doing no more or less than uKrec lngtonubscrlbn their wlllliiKnesa to plant C000 ares to.HUR&r heels. Tho company askH for no bonuses, no pur chase of capital stock, no donation of lands, nor other Inducements which new enterprises generally require.. It simply asks tho people to nrow a cortuln crop and assures a rash salo for tbo product. Bugur beets havo a fixed market. Tbo Rrower known boforo he plows blH Kround what he is to rccetvo for hui crop when harvested. It Is prac tically as sure as to have money placed lu a bank to your credit to be paid out at some future time. It hlr surcs a poslttvo Income which may bo depended upon for future planri. It provides working and improvement capital. It creates a demand for wood und lime In largo quantities'. It creates and perpetuates other indus tries. I know whereof t speak. 1 will clto an Instance of Hcvlcr count)', Utah, where I resided for several years. A suiiar factory was built In that county In 1S0S. Sovler county had at that time n population of less than 12,000, It had not more than one-third of tho tillable land ot the Horuo river valley. For a few yoars previous to 1D0S fanners of tho .Sevier valley grew suRar beetn which were shipped to a factory near Salt Lake. They wnro familiar with the advantages of tho Industry. When conditions rencbed such a Blase that they demanded a factory In their owu locality, tbo uugar company, In which were lutereuted somn of tho name capitalists In thn company mahlnR the pierttnt offer to tho people of this ! valley, made practically the same of-i for as Is mudo to the people here. When these conditions were compiled wim, me factory was built as per agreement and schedule, As shown obovo Smrlrr county ban not a very luro population, and con nequeutly the factory Is a small one, compared wlh the factories else wbtrn. Last year the company paid llOfl.non lo tbo furmani of Hevler valjey for Ihelr sugar beet crop. Iu itjp few years since tho factory was bnltvlliq flfoplo. generally, and the towns hnvo become prosperous as never before. A field of sur.ar beets I J ftrnt-cluhs security for bank or store accommodations. Farm moit gages and delinquent Uxeg havo de creased a never before. Nearly ev eryliiody has money to spend for nec essities, comforts- and luxuries throughout tho winter season. Not withstanding varylni; conditions as they have existed throughout the country during tho past ten years, tho generally prosperous aud advancing condition of the people of Sevier county has been little disturbed. Kvcrythlng that the sugar Industry and a sugar factory have done for other communities will be dpullcuted hero In this valley. It should be (jver more marked hero because ot superior vantages of noil and cli mate. Of all thn Important projects which have been mooted for this vullcy, the beet sugar factory and Its Incidental Industries are second to none. Once bturted, the Industry will grow and expand until in a few- years It will mean an ftturcd Income of millions of dollars for the people. Opportunity Is not only knocking at our doors now- it u offering a goldeu tftt. U should. It must be accepted If we are to lift ourselves from our present condition Don't start any buguboos or Imaginary diawbaoks. If you are Inclined to be. skeptical, juM Investigate' the sugar m-ei tiiMury u oiuer iopaiiiir:aitei tunrv, iq a supreme moment, has loM many a valuable accomplishment Quirk, energetic action has made hu torv. Hero's ottr chance, (lrasp It A. II. WILLIAMS. Tot tho first .time In tbo hlRtoryi of tile Medford high school n course j in millinery Is being ottered In tho sewing department. The course Is not given with tho object-of making tho girls expert trimmers. The aim Is to teach the gtrla Uiecorrect apprecia tion Of. millinery by learning thn gen erali principles which are applied' in millinery as well an In dress, which consist tif rylhyid, balance, unity and color to wear what Is. becoming and adapted to their own style, rather than to follow tho extremes of fash ion. The Idea Is to Inculcate thn habit of economy In working over or renovating Inst season's hats aud old material. To do this effectively It Is necessary that tho student hecomn skillful In the use of thn noodle In order to handle tho more difficult material. Tho course offered Is proving to bo n popular oqc as tho students In tho advanced classes uro availing them selves of thin opportunity and aro fery enthusiastic over It. Whllo tho Work Jh. purely Industrial there is an Clement of tho vocatlpnal, flavor In It. A brief outline of tho course for the. year follews: Autumn: To cut a paper hat after selecting or designing tho desired style. To mnko n buckram frame from paper pattern. Cover with vel vet or suitable material. Select trim Ing and trim hat, mnko bown and ren ovate old material, .Spring: Mako wire frames, row on straw, design aud mnko flowers for decorative purposes. Special emphasis will be pjlawd on study of straw, Its various' uses both lu a material and artificial state. PARTICULAR v Of course! We expect you to have the say ns to tho style and price of your shoes, we thought ot all that and moro too when wo selected our now Fall Hoots. VK AUD PltKPAHKD TO I'MLISD OU AND AUSO KIT YOUIl KYK AND FJJKT IN SHOF.S HANGING IN I'HICK FltoSl 3.50- TO, $.1.00 At the Sign of "A FIT Oil NO JUMJ" Post Office Cooo Shoes" "GOOD HIIOKS" Dullt our nnslncs.1 1 !rrrH Jf 1 I tffffH t!r I fffH r I IfffKij' M J ( fffLwZr .H . I YfffFrvVvH r x " fffuI.V -fM flHBHkJCaiafafaHfjBaBBW' i"i"Z"ZZ"Z"Z"ZC"Z MRS. LYON'S ACHES AND PAINS Have All Gone Since Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Comfxmnd. Terro Hill, Pa.'4 Klfldly permit mo to give you my testimonial In favor of Lydla E. Pinkham's VoRotablo Com pound. When I first began taking it I was suffering from female troubles for sometime and hod almost nil kinds of aches pains in low er part of back and in sides, and press ing down paint. I could not sleep and hod po appetite. Since I hnvo taken Lydia E. Pinkhum's Vegetable Com pound the aches and pains ore all gone, and I feci like u new woman. I cannot praise your medicine too highly." Mr. t AIXSU8TUS Lyon, Terro Hill, Pa- It Is true that nuturo and a woman's work hns produced tho grandest remedy for 'woman's ills that the. world has ever known. From the roots and herbs of tho field, Lydia E. Pinkham, forty years ago, gave to womankind a remedy for their peculiar ills which has proved moro elhcacious than any other combination of drugs ever com pounded, and today Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound i.s recognized from coast to count as tho standard remedy for woman's Ills. In the Pinkham Laltoratory at Lynn, Mass., are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek ing health many of them openly stata over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; and in some cases that it haa saved them from suruical operations, 9 r r Y ? t r r ? ? i Coffee Facts . M- i X -n- t f f t t T J ? f Some months ago the effect of the European war was felt in tho coffee mar & ket. vast shipments usuallv consiffned to those foreiem countnes. now at war. y were dumped on American manufacturers for consumption. The result was an f oversupply and a consequent reduction in the cost of green coffee. V Most coffee roasters saw in this the opportunity to increase their own in dividual profits. They bought coffee at the reduced price roasted it and sold & it at the same price they had always charged. Y ? t G DRESS-UP WEEK Dress your taolc with DAISY lllBBg" wU t T T ? ? ? ? V ? ? t t t y ? T t I Y And, remember, these prices are not'alone for this week. They are perma- ; nent xeductions,,imado wBen 'the price of green coffee dropped, and they will j, be maintained until an advancing market makes necessary the reestablishing of the old retail prices. We guarantee no advance in our selling prices within 90 X days. It is therefore not neoedgary for you to "stock up" during "Coffee Week" at any so-called Coffee sale the prAsont prices on GERMAN-AMERICAN ,t and ROYAL GLU5 will be in effect next week and the week after. Buy fresh, y pungent, full-strength Coffee each week as you will need it. A If you have not tried ROYAL CLUB or GERMAN-AMERICAN, we want you to try it this week... Our Coffee is sold under the positive guranteo of sat- isfaction or your money back. 85c. The NiwYbrk Hv'ealng Mall, un der "War Qtiehtions Answered." re cently told a reader how to obtain a marrlajje license BUTTER Growing mora popular every day. Sweet ami a superior flavor. 65n PER ROLL White Velvet Ice Cream Co. 32 So Central Phono -(Si Believing tho Retail Grocer and the Consumer equally entitled to share in this reduced cost, Lang & Co. immediately reduced the wholesale and retail price of their ROYAL CLUB brand. For months past the public has shared in this saving to the extent of thou- sands of dollars, while all other coffee roasters on the Pacific Coast, without f exception, maintained the same retail prices as before the reduction in the cost of raw coffee. , Y This it National Coffee Week, and your grocer is stocked with fresh-roast- ed ROYAL CLUB and GERMAN-AMERICAN COFFEES at the reduced pri- ces, just as ho has been for months past and no better coffee can be bought at V any price. y Y If you approve those business methods methods which share with the pub- y lie any saving which comes to us then wo want you to celebrate National Cof- V fee Week with us by drinking ROYAL CLUB COFFEE, a 40c Coffee for 35c a y pound; 3-lb. tin, former price $1.10, now$1.00; 5-lb. tin, former price $1.75, V now $1.60; or GERMAN-AMERICAN COFFEE, l-lb. tin for 30c, 3-lb. tin for y t Y Y f Y $ Y t t t There may be some other Coffee which suits your individual taste better than either of our brands no Coffee can suit every taste but you will never & know until you try ours. ? t t Y ? r r f t r Y T f Y Y t r r Y Y Thousands of people now using our brands realize the extravagance of higher-priced Coffees when we sell these delicious steel-cut Coffees at 30c and 35c. . ' ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THEM. Lang & Ce: I The "Royal Club" House Portland, Oregon " 1