Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford mail Tribune
rnrtly Cloudy Tonight Mid
Tuesday. Mnx. 70; SUb. 87.
u I I
f T
Forty-fifth Tear.
Dnlly Tenth Year.
Anglo-French Troops Occupy Strum
Itza, Repel Bulgars at Vilamdovo
and Force Advance Into Retreat
German Invaders Make Further
Propress Hard Fighting In West.
PATHS, Oct. 18. Tho entire
Serbian line on tho -Bulgarian
frout is being- hcM ngninst tho
invaders, notwithstanding tlio ""
superiority of tho Bulgarinn
forces, according .to a dispatch
"t to tho Temps from Nish under ""
T date oL Uctober 10. it is uo- T
dared that the Bulgarian nnny
"" nt VInssinn ItaH been scattered. "
LONDON", Oct. 18. Serbian and
Anglo-French troops have, occupied
tho Bulgarian town of Stnimitza,
north of Saloniki, nceording to offio
ial telegrams from Athens. This fol
lows closely upon news that Serbians
with nllied assistance have repulsed
a Bulgarian attack at Vilandovo,
turning tho advunco of tho Bulgari
ans into ti retreat beyond their own
Thus the Anglo-French-Serbian ac
tion in the Balkans has leaped out ot
the field of into a vivid fore
ground of fact and is asserted by
London military observers to have
been crowned at tho outset with sue
At Psychological Moment
This arrival of French troops nt
tho psyobojogicul moment when the
Serbian (Wiggle with '10,000 newly'
arrived Bulgarians at Vilandovo and
Htmdovo still hung in tho balance
has dramatic qualities which for tb6
moment have completely eclipsed tha
military exploits in tho other the
Tho chief military importance ot
the allied-Serbian suceeiR is the dc
feat of tho Bulgarian project of cut'
ting tho Saloniki-Nish railroad, which
is known to have been the Bulgarian
objective. It is not clear whethei
British troops co-hpernted with thi
1'iench in this operation, but a mos
hago from Athens Mating they ban
left Saloniki Saturday for tho Sorbo
Bulgarian frontier indicated they nS
least were tho sceno of tho fighting
SoUo Htilfcnr Port
Bussian and Italian help thus fill
has been only indirectly exerted bt
increased aggressiveness against tbi
Austro-Germnns, which makes a fur
ther deflection of Teutonic forces 16
the Balkans impracticable.
Two-thirds of tho Serbian anuy i
Riinl in Athens advices to have been
sent against the Bulgarians, while thi
remaining third is resisting Field
Marshal Von Mnekenzen's big nnny
in tho north.
Tho entente allies have effected rt
lauding at F.nos, on tho Kiigcnn scjv,
in F.uropenn Turkey, close) 10 the Bul
garian border, and hnvo Seized Hit
railroad at that point, according to
n dispatch from Athens to the Mes
hoggoro of Itome, transmitted by thfi
Central News.
(icroum Adwuico Continues
While Bulgarian and Serbo-French
forces nro clushing for possession ot
tho Snloniki-Nish road, in southern
Serbia, the Austro-Oerman invader.-,
nro continuing their advance from th
north. Beilin today reported furthel
progress for tho Teutonic allies south
of Belgrade and in tho Pozarevao re
In tho Mucva district, on tho Save
Dvina front, where tho Serbians havti
apparently hardly budged since tli6
beginning of tho invasion, they arti
now beginuiug to give way, Berlin re
(Continued on page six)
ROME, via Paris. Oct IS. ItaU's
co-operation with her alllos In the
Balkans may now be considered as
absolutely eortaln, says tho Corres
pondent Italanl. Tbls probably will
begin with naval action In tho
Case Against New Haven Wreckers
Begun History of Railroad Out
lined Multimillionaires Accused of
Conspiracy to Monopolize Inter
state Commerce.
NEW YOIHC, Oct. 18. Tho jurors
chosen to try William Rockefeller,
Iicwis Cass Iicdyard, hdwnrd D. Bob
bins and eight other directors or for
mer directors of the New York, New
Haven & Hnrtford railroad, charged
with conspiracy to monopolize inter
stnlo commerce under tho Sherman
law, took their scats in tho federal
court today to hear tho opening nd-
dress of H. L. Baits, attorney foi
jhn government.
Mr. Batts planned to ontlino tho
ense in chronological order, beginning
in 1800, tho ditto of tho enactment of
tho Sherman law, and tracing tho
various transactions under which for
merly independent railroads, trolley
lines nnd steamship companies in
Now England were brought into Uio
New Haven fold.
Consider Combine- Methods
In his opening statement Mr. Baits
said that tho jury would bo asked to
consider the methods by which the
nlleKcd unlawful acts of the New Ha
ven were doue, as well as the acts
themselves. Ho declared ho wanted
to make it clear that there was no
suggestion intended by tho govern
ment that the component parts of tho
Now Hindi should bo returned to
their original status, ns tho combina
tion of these parts was not neces
sarily unlawful.
Tho government nnd tho law did
not deprecate and undertake to pun
Ish beneficial natural growths, lid
said, but tho Now Haven wns a com
bination which could hnve been
brought together and given good ser
vice without bringing nbout a situa
tion where "tho people of this New
England district are at tho mercy of
a powerful combination."
Mellon Star Witness
How Charles S. Mellen, who is ex
pected to be the government's star
witness in the case, firnt came to go
with tho New Haven wns described by
tho government. Mr. Mellen was then
qeneral manager of tho New York &
New England nnd had threatened
freight rate cuts ugaiust tho New
Tlrirc was, at tho time Mr. Mellen
joined the New Haven, a suit pond
ing against the New England to re
train n proposed issue of securities
bv which the Now England wonted to
rniso funds. The New Enabling di
rectors, Mr. Batts chnrged, acquired
this suit nnd caused its prosecution
"by nttomoys whoso relationship to
Ihe New Haven wns concealed."
Tho government would show, Mr.
Bntts said, that .7. P. Morgan, Will
iam Hockefcllcr, C. P. Clark and Lu
cius Tuttlo agreed to indemnify Aus
tin Corbin for tho consequences of
Uieir maintenance of tho suit.
trial of Matthew A. Schmidt, alleged
accomplice of tho MeNomnrn broth
ers, charged with the murder of Cbas.
Hapgerty, one of twenty men killed
bv tho bomb which blew up tho Los
Angeles Times fivo years ago, was
postponed today until next Monday,
October In, on account of the sudden
death last Friday of Charlos H. Fair
all, Schmidt's chief counsel. Funeral
services, largely uttended by members
of the bar, were held for Mr. Fuirall
this uftomoon. Lalcr the body was
cremated and the ashes will bo taken
to Snn Fruneibco tonight by Mr.
Fairull nnd her daughter, Nellie,
Judge Frank Willi, presiding, met
the rco,uet of n delay for thirty days
with the statement that be consid
ered ono week auffieiont.
EVANSYILLE. lad., Oet. IS.
Bobber today forced the wife in the
ot'tiuo of the United State internal
roruuo collator nnd Uok il.'i.OOO in
emergency war stamp. The theft
wac eommiited wbilo iKMteffiee em
ploye were buy on the floor below.'
lliiHten ivlx-ls lyliiR on tbele kiiiis
wlun-o they were Killed In lrnttlc with
Amei lean umriues.
-ir nTi.,r'.luwW'iyivn"BC
PAH1S, Oct. 18. French forces
repulsed completely Inst night three
Qermnn attacks, according to the an
nouncement given out this afternoon
by the French war office. These took
place nt Bois-En-Hacho to the north
east of Boucher..
"Three new nttneks on tho part of
tho enemy against our positions nt
Bois-En-Hnche, to tho northeast of
Souehcr. were completely checked
Inst night by curtains of fire in
which both artillery' and infantry par
ticipated. 'To tho south of the river Somme,
in the sector of Lihons, there has
been almost continual fighting with
trench weapons, while in the mean
time our batteries directed an effect
ive fire against the Geminn works.
"To tho noith of Verdun Gentian
forces have endeavored to occupy
the craters of certain mines recently
exploded between tho lines. They
hnve been lepulscd everywhere.
"nst night witnessed very spirit
ed infantry fire between tho trench
es in tho ivcinit yof Nomcmy. Our
nrtillery In the snmo region has dis
persed groups of sappers of tho en
emy, particularly to tho east of Ep
cly, and near Orcmccey, and Bion
court, nnd it has also bombarded the
railroad station nt Blamont."
DANVILLE, Cat., Oct. IS. Bob
hers worked tho combination of a
safe in the San Bamon Valley bank
early today nnd escaped with .tflOOO
in gold and currency. They left
$1000 in gold nnd silver in tho open
Tho robbery was not discoveied
until the bauk was opened for busi
ness today. Tho safe wns left open,
in its usual position, under nil clue
trio light, in plnin icw from the
street. Tho light wns turned off.
Four men were reported to have
becu seen driving rapidly out of town
in an nutomobile early today, but F,
A. Marshall, manager of the bank,
said thero wns no other clew to the
WASHINGTON, 0.-t. lh.-Con-traotj,
for sixteen subinurinen ami si
doatroyers were awarded toduy by
the navy dejwrt incut. One doatruyur
will bo built at the Norfolk imw uml
nnd one ut Mare Inland, Cal. Six ot
the submarine will be built on the
Pa cil io oi)at. The Bremerton,
Wak., and the PnrUmoiith, N. II.,
navy yards ohi-Ii will build ouo.
S5000 HAUL
rm .m. j. r-- uiaHPiii amu k; m. jtma
ctiwoenwooo ivwi'on'uM
iA. i. T. Waller, slpilng tlio peace loiupact with
charge of the 0tlltlnii of t'nlled Slates iiuiiIikns,
SAN FRAXCIM (. lift. 1S.--Si
men ami two women weie drownud
early today when llio Kntiolun'
schooner Alliance No. 'J wua smashed
to piices on Mnlpics ioek, twelve
miles north of Point Arena, Cut. A
surf boat from the Point Aienu liin
station picked up two moil.
Tlio sehooner wn .pounded into
wnjekago within tu miniitea attei
slin hit the roekk nl-2 o'clock thi
morning, necnidiiiK to report meeix
ed b.v the Hfe-naMiiK station, Itaph
nel Mudiua, one of the two men wived,
leached shnie thmiiKh the auif and
obtained nid. A telephoiio iiiohhhmc
did not reneh the Point Arena lifo
saxiiu atntiou until iienily four lioutx
after (ho wreck.
Tho people aboard the Allinnuo in
cluded tho owner, .K-an Abila, n wife
and Mith Luiih Millie, who went n it
companion to Mi-. Abibi. The ialtei
wns n Me.ieun ot ", who had livixl
in Vancouver for the last eight yeiirt.
Another pabseuiier waa II. ,1.
Jones, a mining eiiirineor, who lenvus
u wife and three ehildren in Vancou
ver. A third iwHM'tiaor wna Mr.
uBillie of Victoria, who waa icoing (o
Mexico and thence to rSiijeluud, wIihio
his wife arrived only u day or two
ago, having Jolt Metoiin two week
ago. The weie two ongiuccrn
aboard and n crew of about fie.
M,odinn, who n wl, whs Ailn'
man sorvnnt and had been in tin
Mexican's employ lor many enr
I lie Alliance hud no cargo alumni
BriOWNILLl , Tex., O. f 1m. -Tho
lirst liruifr toh the I(n
Grande in nioit- tli.m three wet-kn nr
eurred at I o'rl. u Sunday iiioniiug
near lae Mareaden iumpiir phtnt, '
tutlea ubote kera, whan MwxK'aa Jir
el from 35 to 40 bot. Tn Aiaen
en Mhlira returned th lire, but no
one wua hurt.
unwxwojA if vpfWooo
M !Sk . r.HR. .., 1. AM
lBTOk. - "X KsJAK " 1J. IB
.-mrrr-rwr.w, . . f, W.- flMV-AhiMMMMI , fc.HWlJ
tho rebels nt
SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 18 Jos-
oph IllUvtrom, convicted of tho mur
der of J. Q. Morrison nnd Morrison's
on here January 10, 1911, was tak
on beforo JudRO M. h, Rltchlo of tho
dlBtrlot court at 10:30 o'clock today
and re-snntonced to bo shot to death
Friday, November 19.
Hillstrom was brouuht t otho court
loom from the state prison In an nu
tomoblle. Kow porsona outsldo tho
offleors know hu wns to bo sentenced
today, nud only n small audlonco was
prnient. IlllUtrom (Inclined to nay
niolliliiK beforo sentence wns pro
nounceil. 1I undertook to say sonio
thlnn afterward but was not permit
ted to apoak,
lllllslrom wns originally sentenced
to be oxecutod October 1. A rcsnito
until last Saturday was granted by
(lovornor Spry nt tho requost of Prcs
ldont WIIhou, whoso action was taken
on a request of tho Swedish minister
to Ihe United State. Tho rosplto was
tormlntitod and Hlllstrotn's applica
tion for commutation of sentence was
denied by tho board of pardons Sat
urday, as no now cvldonco was pro
rented. LL PAHt), Tex., Oet. 18. The de-
round for reiiutttleiuiit of all the
-tiiking Ari4ona coper unuent im1 "IJuroif the .t few weeks Gor
oi mII the wen diaeharnwl by the I man Milumiruie, oh'iuIihk in the
imuinir eoiiinia between SedHlierJMediicrrniiein. luixe unk twenty
1 aud the 0ittg of the trikt, wn ! ilin-c m !., luuim; mi Hirgreptte
the firxt iua on which the mim loi.nau'e of Hui.diki oi tin- Mnela
muring i and the atriker' dk'"l
locked born in their hmic eaafrr
nee. The qNMllon wna UNaellled
when adjourinnwit waa taken aooti
uttar uoou.
0UANT3 PASS, Ore, Oct.
18. Word reached hero to- 4
day that J. I. Myers ot Orants 4
PnRs, waH shot through tho
liend and klllod Instantly lain
yesterday by .1. K. Mnnuol.
The men worn hunting near
Anchor on Cow Creek, B0
miles north of bero. Thoy had
Beparated, nnd Manuel nils-
took Myers for n deor Hllpplnir
throiiRli tho briiHh. Myorn i
was formerly mayor of flrants.'! .. . - . , , .,
lnRa .,.! .nnrl....,r of nWiTnnA,n0nCnU COllfCrCCS todfty deed-
ber Bhoj). 4
Tho hunters left filondalo :
Sunday mornlnp; nnd were
huntliiR near Anchor, a few
miles out of (llcnilulo when
tho accident occurred.
4 'h 4 4 !
Camp Unlit. Col. Wnller wns in
PAIIIS, Oct. 18. Tho Marseilles
corrospondont of tho Potlt Journal
toloKraphs that thojuall bout Kugono
rorlolro has arrlvod thero with XI
members of tho French steamship Ad
mlral Hamolln, sunk by a submarlno,
A provlous report from tho Havas
correspondent snld that sovonty ono
persons on board tho stonmor lost
thoir Uvea.
Tliq Admiral Hamolln was under
government requisition. According
to the Petit Journal correspondent
suh was torpedoed liy nu Austrian
submarlno without notlco and while
pasHongers nud crow woro being
transferred to tho boats tho subma
rlno bombnrdod tho steamer which
was struck by 40 shells.
Tho ouptnln ot the submnrlna nrC
sorted as Justification of bis attack
that tho ntoumor was armed but this
Is denied by tho corrospondont.
NIAV VOHK, Oct. 18. -Count Von
Beniatorff, the Gonunn nmbuaaudor,
uunnunoad today tljflt an official
communication from Bethn stated
German aiibmnriiitw had reueutly
uuk twenty-throa veaaela, Ineluding
four tnuiaporta of the alliea, in the
The ucMne tveemd by tho nm-
haaador n-ud -
-uuk. lour wire IiuiinuI- ( thu nl
li.,, No atatatneut was made an to the
lo of life uieidaut to the kiukuig oi
the unoun vowels.
NO. 179
Pnn-Amcrlcnn Conferees Decide to
Extend Formal Recognition to the
Chief Executive of De Facto Gov
ernment Embargo on Arms to
Either Faction With Recognition.
cd to extend formal lccognition to
morrow to General Cnrrnnra na "tho
chief executivo of tho do facto gov
eminent of Mexico," by presenting n
note to F.lizco Arrcdondo, his author
Ircd representative here.
All tho governments participating
hnvo instructed their diplomats hero
o uso virtunlly tho snmo fonn in rec
ognition ns that adopted b.v tho
United States. Mr. Arrcndondo on
receding the noto plans to lenvo im
mediately for Saltillo to meet Gen
eral Carranzn.
Tomorrow, however, with tho act
ual extension of recognition on cm
bnrgo on amis to cither, faction will
go into effect nnd diplomatic rela
tions of nn official character will be
resumed between tho United States
nnd Mexico, the Cnrrniu.a authorities
being treated ns tho Mexican govern
ment. A statement on conditions in Mex
ico hnsed on u report from General
Alvnro Obrcgon nnd given out by
Klucn Arrcndondo, dcelnrcd that tho
only orgnnized opposition to tho Cnr
rnnzn government wns confined to
portions of the 6tntcs of Sonotn ntul
Chihuahua, adding that an expedi
tion had been scut to Sonora to as
sist constitutionalist forces there in
smashing tho Mnytorcnn nnny.
Tho stntemcul nlsOi announces tho
surrender of many former Villa of
ficers. AT
rangements were being complotcd to
day for n grent popular demonstra
tion in honor of Tliomns A. Edison,
tho inventor, who was duo to nrrivo
fro nitlio east during tho day to visit
tho Pannuui-Pncifio exposition nt
which ho will be n notnblo guest of
Sun Francisco's reception of tho
"light wizard," is to take tho form
of a general illumination of tho city
which it is anticipated will surpass
anything of tho kind ever attempted.
It is planned that tomorrow night
Kau Frnnoisco shall blaze with light
from bay to ocean nud from the ex
position muriua on the north to tho
Han Mateo county lino on tho south.
'Jluiradny hits been set nsido as
IMison day, at tho Pannma-Pncifio
expoxition. Tomorrow night Kdison
is to ho the guest of honor at n bnu
nuet tendered by the telegraphers of
the city.
LA PANNH, Belgium, Oct. 18.
The Dclgitacho Stnudnrdt, published
bore, hiivs that a tcrriblo bombard
ment wiu in progross along the Yser
front Saturday and Sunday nights.
Tho firing wns especially violent near
Bixmudo and Yprcs.
This bombardment was tho prelude
to nn attempt by tho Germans to
break tho Belgian lines. The Belgian
artillery returned tho f iro, shelling tho
enemy's communication treuchos nnd
bciittering his infantry ns they lenp
oil from the trenchea. A second at
tack mi H Mueller soulj nl?o was ro
pulsed. Thbt offonwvo took )hico In tho
Dixuitide rogion nt n pot known as
Mdeaili'n hiuhwuy," whioh has been
tulbml.v deputed bv both hides. Al
though mowed down in rows, the Bel
tfiimt hiivu been holding their own
und not yielding nn inch of jrouaJ.