Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Rumor Current at El Paso That Mex
ican Leader Killed In Revolt of
TroopsGeneral Flerro, Chief Aide
and Executioner, Drowned While
Fordlnjj a Stream.
Mosnatjes reaching Ihe. fituto do-
pailmont tnrl.v todity from Geo.
C. fiiiolhoin, its Nftccial agent
at Onw Grandes, made no
mention of anything happening
tci General Villa. f
1M PASO, Tex., Oct. 10. It-mtr4
current horo for twclvo hours that
( Krnnnlm-n Villa, chief of the
convention fniccs, had boon arrested
lv ltl nun iiH'ii at Tanas OmndoH,
convicted and put to death, rmild not
lie niilhoiilntively confirmed hero
early today. .Messages from General
Villa in his private code were locclv
oil at .Itinre- nt -I o'clock yesterday
afternoon. Tlip mciiiageH related to
business With his teprosontntivcH at
Tho report that his executioner,
General Hudolfn herro, was dend
was icfleivcd ner the militnrv wiles
from Casus flinndes. It Mated brief
ly that Herm hod heeii drowned
xihilo fording a river; that IiIh horso
(dipped and the general wan swept
down stream.
Konifo of Humor
A .Woxionn passenger front CnsnH
GrandeH arriving Thursday wiih wild
to have drought tin Hint word of
Villa's ilciifh! hut his story lieealno
public, only 'lhtu .Veitoiduy, when it
received apparent oonfiniiutiuii from
an Amerionn nrrival,whn said ho hnl
heeu so informed hy u railroad em
ploy. The Mcmooh's story wm that Gen
eral Villa had demanded money of n
subordinate, who, refusing, was shot
liv the northein ehicftaiii. A revolt
occurred, Ihn story continued, in
which 70(11) Mexicans nira.ved Ihom
selves ngnlnsl U000 that sided with
Villa. Ill the fight that ciiHtied Villa
wns killed, mi id the Mexican.
Plorro I'lrtiiroMpiu I'lKiiro
Ocuurul I'icrrn wan one rtf the most
pietiuesque and inotit audacioiiH
iendor produciul hy the Mexican revo
lutioii. I'ormeily ho wan n railroad
hrakoman, filially turning bandit und
rubbing nn o.prosrf train at litmpsns,
"SU'x., between Laredo nud Monterey.
Tor this he uevoi" was 'prosecuted,
eluding his pursueM and oscnping to
the hills.
When.tho revolution hrolio out Fi
eri o joined Villti's forces and won
the esteem ot liit commander at the
buttles of Torrcon and Zaentceas.
Subsequently ho hecapie known iik
Villa's "tight'hntid man."
Villa's f:crullmirr
It was fieri n who loot. William
Itrtitoii, nn Knglislninui, in ehnive
when tlio latter attempted to call
Villa to account (or the confiscation
of ItnntnV propoity. The donth nt
lleutou w"(ik attributed to Meno. II"
was with Villa on hi looont xisit to
the raueli of Tnnms Pi hum
iliirinit wliicli I'llonii wiih hilled.
IVito h n largo man physically,
alert, cunning nud apparently in-i-i'IisiIiIh
of tear. Iteceutly whilo in
n Junior u'wnl 1'icrro compelled a
paity of Americans to drink to
Villa's health -ind forced the women
in tile palt t iui. e villi nun.
rirntooriAn. Oct. i- iiussm
icgurds )ieielf in a state of war with
llulgnrin from Hie moment the latter
Hiiiitry attacked Soibia, according tit
it HtAleniuut isMied tuduv' bv the for
oipii office hero, 'I ho fonnal deohu
atlon of wnr is hmoUui the ouiicIiim
ion of nu o.vcliuHHo of teliinniu he
tween lltiMia nud lier allies.
?AN' VUXSi ltC. 0.t Ifl. -Fnink
Slomnn, a ban I'muuu hujh
siliool lo.i liiokw the wirtl'i uiter
selioluiie ItO-yuiil rmord lu-ro t
1nv on tlio l'i:iiiiaI'ci;ic ewi
lion tliH tiHiik. U.tfnu) 1 IS 1-0
t-wuiolM, thivo'iittljt stuioild frtitW
thn the tiKord hold Jy TpiI Mero-dith.
10 FIGOI 10
NCW YORK, Oct. lG.-Iord Hoad
InR, ehfiinnnn of the Aiijtlo-Prrtioli
lOnn commission, and two of his as
"Lstants, Sir Henry Hahinton Hmith
and Sir tMwaxl Holdeu, sailed for
hiieipool today on tlR Amenea'i
liner St. Louis.
llasil II. niaekell. ftcoielnrv of th
commission, and the French mem
hers, J'rnest Mnllot anil f)elni' Horn
herp, will remain in this countrv t
attend to nnv neccsaiy details in
connection with the actual plnrin of
the !oau.
Lord Heading nssertcd that th
Hiitish nation would accept no othci
inline of Die ptesoiil slrugnh' in I-iir
ope tlinn victory.
, "The people of llnphiud arc pre
pared to make any Hficriflce to nttnie
that end," he hii id.
Lord Heading's stntement was
made on the deck of the liner St
Louis a few moments hefore sh
sailed. He provinush had Kiieu a
mi'Hsiipo of thanks to the American
public to ho issued through th press.
Tlio commissioners wcic not listed
on the ship's passenger list. Al
though tentative lesenations had
been made for them under other
names, it was not known defimtclv
till hhl niuht that they would sail
on the SI. Louis today.
All Mann Hopes to Do Is Edge in;
He's Deemed a Model Third Choice
Auottici of the icpuMlcuii dink liorM-s is James It. Munn of Illinois.
Heiv's tlio way our piilitlcnl oH'i-t sixes liim ii. IMltor.
Tho Jackson County Har nssocia
lion tendered u farewell hmuiuot Fn
day niftht at the rniiersily cluh to
Attorney U. F. Mulkoy, who leaves
Noveinhct I for Portland, wlmro he
will t'liRnge in 'the practice of law.
A. E. Ilenmes, president of the liar
nssocintion, presided. Speeches worn
made hy Attorneys W. I. Vnwtei 13.
K. Kelly, Ilolhroolc Withinton, Lin
coln MoCormnck, and the Riicst of
honor. Attorney Mulkoy has Hied in
the Keno Itiier alloy foi the last
thirteen ycais, dutim; which time he
held the presidency of the Ashland
Statu Normal school, the pio.sieiitiiiu
attorneyship und has hi en promincnl
in IoiIkc circles und politics. Scion
yours uk I"' ran for conros
mjainst W, C. Hnwlev from this dis
trict, and Kfto tho Salem man the
tiKhtesl race of hlji career. Attornc
Mulkoy is one of the crcatost author
ities on Shakespeare in the noith-
wost, mid Ins lemlitioir of the mns.
torpicccs ot ihn haul of Axon h.-iu'
attracted wide attention.
MlWMlYSilOKO, HI, (i.i. Ji.
Joo IMictry, u noio, was hnnced
this inonnnif for the murder of Mi-.
L II. Mat tin. A crowd of outsiders
thioiiKod 111" (own. and '.'0(111 peisous
woie within tho sock.ide to witue
the oeeutim. Thiee lhUMtud mot
won on the sticcls, inn hit to j;,iin
(Continued finm pain one)
Von .Maekonien. IuvuiIIhk Stirlilu, Is
ropoiteil hy tlio war office today. The
KtormliiK of poHllloim noiilli of Scin
omlrln nud ismt of Ponnroiiic In an
uoiinced. Unitarian troom nio pniKrewiluR
also in their attack and haio taken
the oiiHtoin forts of Xnjcenr.
1'lVlllll A CO ItOplllMsl
MUltl.l.S', Qct. lit. An attempt by
tlio French to eapturo u Gorman po
sition onwt of Aubetlvo, In the Cham.
Piikiio was ropulied with a Ions to
tlio French of moio than 000 men In
prlMiners and tbreo mncblno kuiih,
tlorman army bixidniiartom aunonne
ed tiil.iy. Attacks near .Sounln, I.o
MoniiII und l.ulntroy aUo failed.
I'tmtluill Srtuvs
Harvard 0, iiyuiia 0.
Strionik 7, Hnovfflul 0.
Uartuxuith (10. Vrmiout (I
lUniiril FitliMMM 7, .Hdoor 0.
KnrhiMtft' 0, S.irnviuiii S'J.
li.r 13. Vni Wdtkima 0.
Xm 7, rHiuwHty of I'niHkyt.
"ni 7.
FriMiS'tflu dO, l4nfiivM 1
Yrl 11), SprtoufirW V. il
CoHvi& 0.
Ilhtiui. :l, (tin.. Ktti 3.
KiJiraolui I'.. W.isbiMim 0.
Widjii ,'t, Iii.wttoiu 0.
Fhm. tu jr. Octiishutr l.1
Miik(RN 1 1. L ate I
Ano 0. Potato Ft
Mulligan AjiK bU, C!Tll Col-
r. a.
(Another o the lepuhlicnu dark
hoini'S is iluiiies It. .Munn nt Illinois.
Ilcie'h the wa our political expeit
"Ucs him up. - Kditor.)
On tho thcor that in iolitics all
things am possible, .lames II. Mann
of Illinois is n lepuhlican presiden
tial possibility. Ho is in that laruo
class which follows Itoot nud Kur
ton the dark horso class. There
ivill bo a floek of daik horses at the
next lepuhlican eoniention pcrliaps
it would he bettor to say theic will
be a herd of dnik horses.
Mnnn may not ho Illinois' favorite
son, hit Fl Siiums, m tho Manpiettc
huildinjr, FlnciiKo, is oariyiiiK on au
active lit'lo campaign to net tho dele
gation from the sucker Mate. Ho is
looking for delcpntos also from some
sin rounding states, hko Indiana,
MicbiKiUi, Kansas, Minnesota and the
Tho Miiiiii onndidnoy is nut blow
ing tiny loud ti limpets or wielding
any biff bludpeons. Manager Simms
is frauklx willing to eilge in us a sec
ond, thiid or fotiith choico. Ho simp
ly wants to ho on liaml to be useful
in ease he is needed.
Siiums loreseos an open same at
tho com cation; no candidate with
enough nt the start to win, and much
trading necessary to get u innjoiity
of delegates, Ilig candidates un
likely to1 eat one another up. Thnt
is tho tradition of political conven
tions. Ami when Grandpa itoot has
been onion up by lluitoii and Uncle
Mil ton has been eaten up hv Ilrnkcr
Weeks, and Broker Weeks has been
on ton up by .op Cabin Fairbanks,
und when Log. Cabin Fail banks has
been en I en up liv somebody else, thi'i
the chiiueo iiomor. for dim Munn,
llnnih. Cummins, Shoriuan nud thu
tost of tho black horse hold.
dim Munn is republican house
londei. Ho has acted as such since
the republican became the miuoiity
in the house, und t'nolo .loo Cannon
wits defeated, llvoii when Canuou
was on tho jol), Mann, h his renter
indtistn', mnr and comparatixo
xouth and in the need for makinc
tnends among iho moio propwssive
lepublii in members ot the house, ho
came tu ie,tl lepuhlican lender.
Since the ilniocrnls hno been M
control and rndoiwood, Fityerald
and Clink haio dictated legismtion,
Mann has led an unliable nud per
functory opposition to this group,
Mnnn wns bom on u farm near
nioomiugton, III., Oetober 20, lH.r,l,
making him Till yenrs old. Ho was
paduntod from a Chicf.go law ool
Ygo in ISM, and bcgtin practicing;
law in that siibuib on the southern
uli;o of Chicago, which later merged
into Hyde I'ark, and still later was
gntherod into Chicago. lo began his
political career as n member of the
Oakland school board in the village
of Hyde I'ark; J hoi) was attorney for
the Milage, nnd on nntioxatiou be
came nldortnnn tor the Thirty-second
ward of Chicago. In the eitv coun
cil Mnnn and "Hilly" Kent (now in
congress from California) wore
known ns tho two "reform" aldermen
from the silk-stocking wards of the
south side.
Mann bocamo attorney for tho
South I'ark board of Chicago in '03,
and then by machine, n'omiuhtioii was
promoted to congress sixteen xears
ngo. Ho has scried eoidinuously
since then.
Mnnn wns n supporter of Cnuuon
dining the lattei's long reign. On
tho oilier hand, there are spots in
Mann's record that make him appear
almost like rt La Folletto. Ho has
taken up certain reform legislation,
such ns the pure fodd'nuii drug law
and tho statute now on tho books is
largely n result of Wiley, n thing
which will ulwnys bo astly'to Ins
credit. Ho is the uuth'or of the white
slave lnw, a well-inteluled moiisiiie
which produces mump good, though it
has also been u ready instrument lor
the- blackmailer. Ho aided in the
creation of the depni(ment of com
merce and labor under the vigorous
spur of Roosevelt.
Those ate his principal nohiove
uionts. Kouo mo so radical a-, to
alicnuto the nfie lioiiji' of those
boshes who want to npminntc Itoot.
N'oithor arc they so radical as to at
tract the following of Vie tot Aim -dock
and his group.
When the iiingnilxiiuj glass of the
searching bosses cits on tho man
I torn Illinois thoio is no tolling
max happen
COINEO $500,000
LONDON, Oit. It?. A copy of tlio
mnuiftito of MIiik Fordluniid to tho
Unitarian, portlouH of whleh woie
forwardiul rooeiitly by tcleKriiph,
itinoliml London today. The
to tmiilloN UiilKarla has no quairul
with the ontoiito poworti. It explains
that they, like fiormauy, wore pre
pared to Kivo UuUiarlu tho Kroator
part of Macedonia.
"Our trouchuiaus nelRlibor. Seihla,
alone romutned Infloxthlo In tho faco
of the advice of her friends and al
lies," the manifesto continues. "Far
fioni llsituulng to their eoiinsels, Ser
bia, In iniinolty stupidly attacked
our territory and our bravo troops
have, boon forced to flubt for dofenso
of their own boll."
In coiiolutlyn King Ferdinand sayst
"Tlio Ifuroiiean war Is uearlni; n
olnso. Tby vtitorlous urmlon of tho
eotltrftjj nviplro in Botbla are adxanc
UA rapidly. 1 commund our valiant
army to drive the enemy from tho
II Wilts of our KliiKdom and crush this
foltm neighbor. Wo Khali (IkIiI tho
SttrlM at tho Mtmo time m the brnio
artitiiMi of tho emplr "
(Contlnuod (ram iko one)
iWhri vtmA JhW into Ui rl
nW to JwWsl out bv tW' "t.
of intM dHriug tht- )v.
Ill till "in cut idolie Uii .',7.'.',
SAN FKANCISCO. Oct. lOlultcd
States Secret nervlco operatives aro
duo to nrrlio hero tonight with Hoi
He A York aud Kiln aril Carr of Oak
land,, whom they charge with
having made and ciiculated nearly a
half million dollurs in five dollar gold
pieces. York was a i rested In Ogdcn,
Ftuh, and Carr in Canada. Tho coun
terfeiting plant los yald to bo In Oak
laud. York and Carr, former Southern
Pacific , railroad conductors, have,
hetui pursued for months by Kecrot
service operatives, It wns said at tho
secret service offices here.
Tho amouut of tho buprlous money
put out by them. It was said, U be
tween $300,000 anil I5QO.QO0.
Harry Moffat, chief aKont here per
sonally arrest oil Carr in Canada, it
wan Mild, while M Cullahan, Salt
l.Mko nporatlvo, and Thomas Foster
of the San Fratuttco office, collab
urntod on tho arrot wf York In Og
4du. Tho ojtoratloii of York and Carr Is
aalii to bo tho utoM gig-antic ot any
Ih Uio htotorj of tlio wet,
Ifil niW vards of matflria had slip
l".d into Hit' uiwil hh U July of 1U13,
.tHtl nil tbik had l W shflioled out
After a reopito from its regular
monthly int'Ctitigtf for the transaction
of routine and regular business, tho
Medford" C'ommcnMal club Will re
sume that important feature of its
wmk nt a banquet assemblage in St.
Mark's hall next Monday evening nt
0-30, at which prominent speakers
from Portland and probably other
cities will ho present to ndd enthus
iasm, strength nud wisdom to the re
newed impulsive forces of local bus
iness lenders.
A spoeinl feature of tho evening
will be a spread served by the enter
prising ladies of Mcdfoi'd, at which
young chicken and hot biscuits will
lie nmoug the chief uttractions to
hungry gastronomes. The women of
Meilford nnd vicinity have achieved
enviable distinction nlready in this
respect at similar Commercial club
gatherings in the past. They need
no special conimuiilmiou at this time.
That the dinner will bo n gastronomic
tient is unnninioiisly conceded in ad
vance. Fifty cents n pinto will he
ihc charge. Cvcrv business man in
MeiH'onl and vicinity is invited, ir
respective of membership in the Com
mercial cluh.
Prominent among tho hankers
from Poillaud will bo County Com
missioner 'Unfits C. Holmaii, Judge
William M. Colvig nnd lion. F.if Wer
loin. Much local interest is being mani
fested in this opportune renewal of
club activities nud it is hoped Hint a
rousing meeting, inspired by timely
und optimistic speeches, Inislnesr
talks, discussions of proposed indus
trial enterprises nnd nu attractive
feast by the ladies, will result.
KUOF.NK. Or., Oct. UK Tho new
Oregon stnto armory, erected hero at
a cost of $81,0110, will he dedicated
this afternopu with its nccoptnnco for
the htnte h.v Adjutant-tleucnil White
of the nntiounl guard nnd speeches
bv I lilted States Senator (leorgo '..
How's This?
Wo cffir Our llun.lrf.l Dollar inward fr nj
rata of Caturrli lint nuiiol be lurrd tijr llll l
(jlirrb Curi-
I', 1. IIICNCV . CO.. Tolrdv. O,
Wf. Ihf iibilrtlxuril, bn Lnotfn l". J,
Cbinrjr lor Itif lol lb yrarn. nd brllrri- blai
prrlrrtlr bonvrabl In nil Iki.Idi- trn.ctloo
nil tloanrlallr able to carr out any ubllallui
ttiadu by bit tlrni.
N.vr, ham: or ronvintcj'.
TolrdJ. lib I J.
Iliir Catarrh Cur la UWn Intrrnall. arlln:
itlrrt'lljr hr bl.l mho urfaci- rt
,lb ajralru. Tratlmuulala rnt free I'rlra 7
il.t. (u.w (u.l,l kl.l l.v all ll.lli.l.fd
Tal lltll'a lamll I'llla for vuallpatlD.
Dr. Jones
204 Main Street, cor. Central Avenue
Methods niv brininsa larpe
munber ol new patrons.
We are extending the low
rates a few days longer.
SI 5 SETS $9.00
$2 FILLINGS . $1.00
$10 GOLD CROWNS $5.00
Chamberlain nnd Ooviinor Wilby-
eoinbe. ' . .
The csereiici will Ptnrt with the
arrival of a pccial tram buaringlhe
spankers nnd the special guosltt nt
12:'J." p. in. t'ivio and mililnry or
gnni7ntions of the eitv will o-cort the
arrivals to the unnorv. At 8 o'clock
tonight the governor will hold a re
ception, ufter which there will be a
military ball given b the officer of
the coast artillery conn.
VlnrHhnll Francos Baldwin, aged S'l
years at the homo of hw son in tin'
Applesrato valley. Mr. Hnldvvln was
born in New York stnte February 28,
1820. Ho was one of tho old ' 10 pio
neers, being n member of the Colonel
Hardin expedition. -He wnJ interest'
cd In mining while in California, mov
ing to Oregon in 18."1. Ho wns np
polnted I'nited States deputy marshal
for Orcjon in 1851. lie wan ap
pointed I'nited Stntes deputy marshal
rr Oreenn territory under Jno Meek.
He wan married to Kliza Ann Woody
in .March, 1 85M, whom ho hnfl long
survived. He moved to Williamsbuig,
.liisephinc county, in ISO I, mid was
elected judge of Josephine county.
Mr. Pnldwin wns tho fntlter ofniitd
childicn. three of whom survive
Mr. l'llen M. Abbott or Portland,
I'.lrl.e W. nnd Marshall h. Baldwin of
Vpplegate. His death was duo tp tho
ailments of old age. Interment in
Srnrlin cemetery. WMIinms creek.
Caution 7j
tcki s.mnuutfcl
0 "C.1,M1,U.I..
Withlt4S0O MileGurantd
i.i.ln SnTO . Xlri
1 '"" Crip UrutMe
Site. Tirad. 'Irrml 'I'ubrH.
aox I u.r.r.
no 354 ii.3 i.tss sumi
aaiav. !'. a. io
mx i so. a.t3
:uxi 4.ou
an xi, .i.'jn
a.-, x no I'l.oo is. in a. io
nu i Hi a...iH u-s-.ini n.vii
.17 i id yii.5 ao.o.i nio
HI x . 20. 10 3J..VI 0.20
AitJuittiiirnU nn IIknIm or CMIO llllrn. '
THE SAVAGE TIRE CO., San Diego, Cal.
Castles in the Air
Are bulldcd on upeculatlon and BCt-rlch-rjuick Bchomea
but real Houbcb, happy homes, aro bulldcd with mon
ey that'H been earned by persistent practice Quit
dreaming, and open a savings account hero, you may do
It with Ono Dollar, and every dollar you put Into It will
bo earning you I per cent, Interest payable Bcml-anniial.
Tho same strong, sorvioctiblo Ford 1
f.'tr htit ttt a lower price. Tho Ford llll
oar, whioh is giving satisfaction to I
moro than 900,000 owners, lias a roc- I
ord for utility and ocononiy that is I
worthy of your attention. Two and llll
two make four- there wouldn't be so I
many Ford oars if they didn't givo I
stti'li splendid service. ' Prices lower I
than ever. Runabout iifl0; Touring I
Car $ M0; Town Car $G40. f. 0. b. De
troit. On sale at I