Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Valv Tonight nni! Sunday.
.Mux. 77.5; Mln. KO.B.
Korty-flfth Tear.
Dnllv Tenth Year
NO. 178
British Warships Patrol Blockaded
Area Germans Ordered to Take
Dvinsk nt Any Cost, But Attacks
So Far Futile Heavy Losses In
Serbia, Small Gains for Teutons.
LONDON', Oct. 10.- A blockade o!
tlio Ilulgarlnn coast In tho Aegean
sen liy Drltlsh warships of tho eastern
Mediterranean Rqundron was put Into
effect today, nccordlng to nn an
nouncement mndo by tho official
lreH bureau.
Tho text of the communication fol
io wh:
"Tlio vice admiral commanding tho
eastern Mediterranean squadron of
the entente allied fleets has declared
n blockado of tho Bulgarian roast In
tho Ac-conn sea, commencing from f
n. in. on tho lOtli Inst.
"Forty clKlit hours grnco from tho
commencement of tho hlocltado has
been assigned for tho doparturo of
neutral vessels from tho blockaded
lllnclcntlcil Territory
Tito 'trip of llulgaiiun const bnr
loritiK tho Aegean Hen, ngninst which
xvnihips of tlio Anglo-French east
ern Mediterranean .squadron have cs
tnblished n blockade, runs from Snr
itelinlmn, (Irecee, to Knos, European
Turkey, n distnneo of nlout 80 miles.
It consists of territory obtained from
Turkey ns a result of the Ilnlknu
vwirs. Tlio chief senporls nlong the
const nro Dedonghutch, Porto Lago-i,
Marino mid Moohrio. Hunningpnral
lel willi the hhoie line at n distance
vnryiug from five to ten miles iq the
.Salonikt-Coiistniiliiiofiln railroad. Th.
const of Tin key l the oasf Mini
south of Ilulunrin hiiK been block
mleil by warships of the entente al
lies sint'o tho entrance of Turkey into
tho uuf last QTox ember.
Dilnsk nt Any Cost
Pl.TUOGItAD, Oct. 1C With tho
exception of Dxlnnk, on tho northern
end of tho Russian bnttlo front,
where flo'rco artillery battles contlnuo
tho Germans appear to bo on tho de
fensive nlong tho ontlro eastern front.
HiiRslon military officials say they
havo obtained information that tho
Gorman armies havo been ordered to
take Dvlnslt at any cost. Gorman at
tacks nt this point havo been niado
with tho utmost Impetuosity under
cover of n terrific artillery flro, but
so far they have been unablo to break
down tlto Russian defense Tho Gor.
man losses aro reported to havo been
extremely heavy.
Gci'iiuin f.osc.s Hcivy
PARIS, Oct. 1C. AuBtro-Gcrman
losses in tho campaign ngalnst Ser
bia, up to Thursday evening, Octo
ber 1 1, wore estimated at 25,000 of
ficer and men killed and 00,000
wounded, according to a dispatch re
ceived today by tho Temps from Nlsh,
tho Serbian .capital. Tho Serbian
nrmy operating In tho north, the mes
sage adds, also sustained heavy loss
es. Mnckcti7.en's Progivss
UKRLIX, Oct. 10. -Further pro.
gross of tho armies of Field Marshal
(Continued on page six)
LONDON', Oct. 10. Scarcity of
food and tho arlrval of groat num
bers of Serbian refugees have result
ed in pitiable conditions in Greok
Macedonia, says a dlspatoh received
by Router's Telogrum company today
form Athens. Tho Serbian govern
ment is urging all womon and ohtl
(Iron in Serbian Macedonia to emi
grate. Kven groator numbers arc ex
pected and It seems impotable at
present to make provision for theio.
The Greek government, tho me
ftagt says, alroadr oaring for hun
dreds or tMotuaniU of refugee from
Tirkoy and embarrawod by a higk
Mobilisation expenditure, It l look
I g for foreign aaUlanc to prevent
lUcitcneu famine and illwaic.
? AtMJr
WASHINGTON, pet. lfi. -It is
Icnmeil that Chief Justice While, will
soon resign nnd reports say that ex
President Taft will be nnineil to suo
eeoil him on the bench by President
Kh PASO, Tex., Oct. 1C Tho Arl
zona strlko peaco conferenco adjourn
ed after a brief preliminary session
to roconveno Monday. It was agreed
that next week tho demands of the
strikers shall be taken up separately.
Adjutant General Harris, who has
asked to bo permitted to remnln In
tho room ns representative of Gover
nor Hunt of Arizona, withdrew when
tho inlno managers objected. Attor
neys for the mien managers also wcro
Demand for a minimum wago of
S3 n day grading up to fl.fiO, and
willingness to walvo recognition of
tho Western Federation of Miners
were taken into conference hero to
day by representatives of strikers In
tho Clifton, Ariz., district, who met
mine managers In nu effort to reach
an ngrcemont.
Norman Carmlchnol, J. W. Rcnnlo
and Milton McLean, tho thrco mlno
managers who fled from tho Clifton
district to El Paso, claiming that they
wero in dnnger of personal violence,
gathered In a hotel room with . Hoi
llngsworth, J. S. Hughes, Henry Daly,
Rudolfo Palacios nnd Ruflno Garcia,
tho representatives of tho strikers.
Tho minors committee wan escorted
to tho meeting placo by Adjutant
Goneral C. "W. Harris of tho National
Guard of Arizona.
PAWS. Oct. 10.- French forces
huo repuUcu soxtjrnl coiinter-nttucks
in tho Lorraine dislrict ngninst
trenches occupied by them yostorduy,
uccording to tho official statement
issued by the Flench war office to
day. The text of Ihe eoinmiiniealioii fol fel fol
eows: "Wo repulsed hint night in Lorraine
sovorul countor-uttnoks ngninst the
trenches which wo oeonpied yesterday
to the north of Heillon. In' tho course
of theso engagements wo took 100
"In tho Vosgos the enemy under
took nn ntlnck in foroo between the
Lingo and tho Schralzmannele. This
attnek a completely repulsed.
"There has been nothing to rc)ort
from tlu remainder of the Iront."
PA HIS, Oft. lfi. Approval v..
jri wo by tin couucil uf imui-ti r "
day to I he new regulation fr.nn-.
bv Louw J. MmIxv, thi French nun
iHter of tb interior, governing the
wle e( uloohol throughout Franc.
Detail- uf the iv?ttlaiin ha u!
yet beou 4tM9lMl, but tl U toileted
thev will b of a further re-lndn
iliuriK ler, .10 u incuure of public uud
luuitur; tiitdiciK).
Administration Completes Program
Which Will Bring Army With Re
serves Up to 1,200,000 ami Add 12
Battleships, 55 Submarines, 50 De
stroyers and 15 Scout Cruisers.
WASHINGTON, Oct. t. Details
of tho ndmiuUt ration program foi
nntifinul defense bccnnie known of
ficially today. They include .n siv
yenr program which in that time will
bring the American .urniv with re
serves up lo 1,'JOO,(100 I mined men
mid have n building progrnm to add
sixteen capital ships ten ilicnd
nougliN nnd six battle cruisers fl'i
submarines, CO destroyers mid 15
scout orui-ors in fixo years, with
proportionate increases in personnel
and officers.
Kstimntes of appropriations needed
to begin the national defense pro
gram nro placed at $182,000,000 for
tho nrmy and $210,000,000 for the
navy. President Wilson has ap
proved tho program us submitted by
Sccretnries Dnniels nnd Harrison.
First Year's Program
In Ihe lirsl year's progrnm, Secre
tary Daniels has recommended the
building of tuo dreadnought;, two
bnttlo cruisers, twenty-fix o coast
submarines, five ocean-going submit
riues, twelve destroyers, threo scout
ships, nn increaso of 8000 enlisted
men nud legislation for the appoint
ment of 250 mole midshipmen to the
nnvnl academy.
For tho nniiv '72,000,000 more
than last year will be nsked, anil for
tho nnxy n $08,000,000 Increase,
mukij tly,' total increase for defense
over last year $1 -10,000,000.
Tho combined estimates of nppro
printions for national defense will bo
between .fimS.OOO.OOO nnd .f-100,000.-000,
the latter figure being tho esti
mate that has been kept in mind from
the beginning as the limit for ex
penditures. InrrvnM In Army
Secretary damson's plan to in
creaso the legular nrmy from 87,000
to 140,000 men uudor n six-year en
listment, requiring two years of ser
vice nnd four yeais in rosono, will
give nhout .'100,000 reserves in six
years, nrcoiding to war department
calculations. The continental nrmy
which is to bo created by means of u
six-year enlistment of two months
each year lor three years with the
colors nnd thtee years of rcsorve
subject to call, xvill nt the end of the
six years give n total of 800,000 men
This trained citizen army, together
xvith the regular, will give, with the
125,000 ualiounl guardsmen, a mo
bile army of more than 1,200,000 in
six years.
DALLAS, Tex., Oct. 1C Governor
James I', Ferguson, In Dallas to open
tho Texas state fair, said today ho
would pardon everyono of tho one
hundred friendless ronxicta now In
fitnto prisons, ns recoinmeuded by tho
board of pardons yosterdny.
"This Is my Idoa of llfo saving"
eald tho governor.
Tho governor added that ho xvould
hear tho story of ovoryono of tho
3800 convicts In Toxas prlsns and
that If njoro pardon recommendations
xvero ma.Uo, ho would givo thorn clem
ency also',
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) -UjuULUWllt
Favorable Replies Received From All
Nations Pat ticlpatlny in Confer
ence Mceliny Called Monday to
Arrange Fonn.of Recognition Em
bargo for Opposing Factions.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 10. -Favorable
responses wore locelxod today
from nil tho governmentR pnrticpat
Ing In tho J'nn-Amoricun conference
which decided to iecognl7o Goneral
Carranza. Hecietary Lansing has call
ed n meeting of the conferees nest
Monday to arrange (be form of recog
nition. Argentina, nollvla, Uruguay and
Guntemala replied jestordny. Today
fnvornblo xvoid eanie from Ilruzll and
Somo of tho countries still have
diplomatic representatives In Mex
ico. Ilccognltlon by tho United
Stnton and several other countries
probably will take tho form of the
presentation of n nolo to General
Carranza through tho medium of
Kllzo Arredondo, his representative
hero, who will depart for Mexico to
meet General Carranza.
With the picscntatlon of such n
nolo nn embargo on arms xvould go
Into effect against opposing factions
and an nmbassador or charge d'af
faires xvould be sent ag soon as n se
lection could be made.
MONIT.IM'.Y. Mcx., Oct. ().-Tliii
city, capital and metropolis of tho
state of Nuevo I.eon, today greetd'l
Venustiiuio Cnirann, xvho with u
largo paity ol military uud pitlitieul
Icailcr i'm making a tour of .Mexico.
CurrHiirn xvun ruteilained by tho civil
authorities and nn upon-nii' enruixal
wns given hero turnout in lib honor.
(leneral Cumin. i will xi.-it Snltillo
befnie moxinu x t -t to Tnitcon.
I T l
ilkU th-W. lt''fcHl' 1
The slide nt Ciirnratha; nud tlio
Job t'ol, (lOcthuN bus pltUcd out for
WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. lfl.
To di fv nature--lo hold up nnd keep
in place nine miles of slipping, sliding
mountains that is the iob thut Ma-jor-flenoml
nocthuls has just gone
bael; to Paiiiunii to tackle.
That is xvhy ho has withdrawn Ills
resignation us go vein or of the Pan
mini canal zone and become for nn
indefinite period simply General
Ooel hnls, engineer for Unelo Sum.
From tho time that tho xvork of
cutting n continent in two got xvell
under wax-, "slides" hnve given un
told trouble lo the engineers. The
iriegulurily of tho geological forma
tion of the isthmus is the reason, for
tho "big ditch" is cut through "moun
tains" consisting largely of sediment
ary xolenuio nsh.
It is of vnrying 1ngrcp of hard
iiosh, hut only in n fexv seutions is
of Ihe hardness that really can bo
culled rook. In many placos hugo
depends of enilh nud rock of vary
ing consistency rest on foundations
of harder material. Thono deposits,
as the excavating progrossod, hnvo
simply skidded inlo the ciinitl. In
innny ciues surfaeo xvntor lonkiu in
nlong the lino whore tho varying for
iinatious meet net ns a lubricant nnd
J thus "speed up" the slides.
j The rcnt nine-milo cut nt Culobrn,
, where the canal plows through to tho
ixeiv bono of tho continental divide,
j lut given the grentest trouble.
In 11)11 engineers hail to fight
, Iweuly-nne slides, nud at irregular iu
i lerxnls nn to the nrcxent one tbean
slides hnxu oontinued, whole moun
tain sides simply slipping into tho wa
terway. Sometimes from n holght oi
morn than GOO feet nboxo son level.
Tlio out at Cucnruchn, in tho Cut
ebru district, hue given the onginooi's
their greatest trouble. Night nflor
night when tho men wero nielug to
finioli the canal on time, ns much
(Continued on pago six)
S 11
- r j- 'r'srrjmnixaemmmimi'' - trrrw?';'
I i i Hi I
I. ,t U.
Thirteen Lives Lost When Union Pa
cific Motor Train at Randolph,
Kan., Crashes Through Brldgo Into
Swollen Waters of Fancy Creek-
Many Escape With Injuries.
.RANDOLPH, Kansas, Oct. 10.-
Union Pacific motor train No. 570,
consisting of ono bnggago coach and
a bngi;ni.Q nnd mall combination car,
crnshod through an undermined abut
ment, plunged Into Fancy Crcok nnd
burled about fifteen foot of tho for
ward ond of tho passongor car In
flood xvntors and mud, ono mllo south
of hero onrly today.
Four of tho ostlmntod soventy flvo
pastengors are known to bo dead and
nlno othor bodlos nro snld to bo
lodgod In tho hurlod ond of tho car.
All attempts to roach thecs bodlos
hnvo failed and tho consequent death
list probably xvill not bo known until
tho xvrecklng orow can reach tho
scene nnd lift tho car.
Fancy Creek, ordinarily nearly
dry, xvas sxvollon Into n torrent by
thrco Inchon of rain which foil yes
tordny nnd last night. Tho brldgo
proper xvltlutood tho ravages of tho
flood waters, but tho south nbutmout
xvas cut under so that tho charging
motor train carried it down.
A majority of tho pnssongcrs woro
young womon school teachers coming
to a teachers' meeting xvhlcu was to
hnvo been hold hero today. Savornl
of tlio young xvomon nro unaccount
ed for,
It was said few porsons In tho
wrockod car escaped Injuries. A cnll
xvas tont to Mnrysvlllo and to Man
hattnn for modlcnl asslstnncn. Tlio
homos of Randolph woro thrown open
to tho sufferers.
Tho Idontlflod dond nre:
DR. L15WIB ATWOOD, physlolan,
ALMA K. JI5LLIN, Garrison, ICnn.
Wnrron Knlttlo of Manhattan, con
ductor of tho wrooked train, ostlmnt
od that thirteen passengers probably
lost their lives. Ho snld 37 passen
gors hnd boon accounted for ns pllvo
from tho xvrock.
' I V I' I !' ii ui tukiHt.
ii I. i ... i... ...w i,i Luard all. I thu
Bramwell, Promoter of Utah-Oregon
Sugar Company states Half Mil
lion Dollars Re; for Investment,
Providing 5GT
for Planting.
cres "Signed Up
F. S. Urnmwcll, field rannnger o
tlio Utnh-Orcgon Sugar company in
the Roguo Itivor vnlloy, nrrived in
Meilfdrd this morning nnd nftcr 'a
conferenco with V. II", Goro nnd tho
local committee, nnnounccd that
$500,000 wns nvnilnblo for tho dovcl
opmonl of tho hoct 6iignr industry in
tho Hoguo River valley. Accompany
inp; Jlr. llrnmxvcll xx'ns a Japanese
contractor, xvhoso forco of men xvill
ho used to hnndlo tho prcliminnry
xrork incidental to tho cultivation of
tho'beets. Whito Inbor xx'ill ho em
ployed Inicclv, Oriental xvorkmun be
ing used only m thoso departments
rccpiiring long hours nnd infinito
enre nt n smull xvngo. Jlr. Brnmxvell
snid thnt the ncccptnnco or rejection
of n $000,000 beet sngnr factory xx'nn
entirely up to tho pcoplo of tho Hoguo
Ilixcr vnllej. All they naked of them
xvns C000 ncrcs for cultivation, un
der fivo-yenr contrnots.
Nlbley Is Coming
A letter xx-ns received by Secretary
Lnttn of tho Commorcinl club from
Alox Nibley, sccrelnrv of the Utnh
Orcgon compnny, staling thut ho xvns
in Portland awaiting word from Salt
Lake City, nud thnt upon its receipt
ho xvould conio to Medford for n con
ference, A meeting xvill likely bo held
enrly nest xveck botxveon tho bed su
gar committee nnd Messrs. Nibley
nnd Urnmxvoll to detcrmlno definitely
tho position of tho beet sugar people.
Most of tho officials nud diicctors
of the company nro sous of Mormon
millionaire?) xvhoso siren desire to es
tablish them in business.
Ono of the most importnnt matters
to bo decided nt tho forthcoming con
ferenco xvill ho tho location of tho
fnetory. If it is plnccd in closo prox
imity to this city, whoro tho cash
from tho beets nnd the payrolls xvouhl
flow through tho tills of local mer
chants, several havo guaranteed, to
secure tho 5000 ncros called for xx-ith-in
n. xveck. This, fenturo is tho only
l'hui Actlxo Campaign
Ilnrring complications" upon this
point, nu netivo campaign will bo
Innnclicd nt onco. Tho Commorcinl
club litis committees nppointcd ready
for xvork. Mr. llrnmxvcll nnnounccd
that offices xvould bo established in
this city nnd nt Grants Pass nnil a
thorough nnd painstaking campaign
xx'ngcd for tho roipurcd norengo. lid
nlso stnted thnt tho beet sugar fac
tory was u strictly business proposi
tion, xvithout tho taint of promotion,
xvilh tho development am! manufac
luo of ono of tho xx-orld's greatest
commodities tho only object. Tho
knisor's xvnr of eoiupiost lias dovnst
nled tho beet sugar nren of Holgium,
nnd Frunco, nnd for this renson nexv
fields nro boing rapidly opened.
Many culls hnvo been recoived nt
the Commercial club tho Inst xveek for
hint nugur eontrnots, nnd tho funn
ers uud Inudoxvners of tho vnlloy nro
mnnifosting a houlthv interest in n
project upon which hinges so much of
tho future industrial prosperity of
the x alley,
MILAN, Oct. 10. Tho Bulgarian
fovemment has boon obliged to re
sort to stern measures of repression
n n rosult of unrest among tho ioo
il, snys n dupatuh to tho Seeolo
from Sofia by xvny of Huchnrest.
Many offloore of pro-Kussinu fienti
uwnts havo boon retired from tho
"xrmy ami it u neted that ropris-
!- Ifgiiiiimr ngsinst Bubjoots oC
i' 'iieilriide entente nations.
i Athwi duHiteh to tho Seeolo
' that .10,000 Hulgnrians at
f .v. the Sttflimus on Ootob'or 14 In
tho uladovH region, olosu to the
Qrck froutir, nnd (lint de)rU
iHabtuij, i. now luoceodin,