ItSSKSSSOtliiiMA n i'liKy.WM w:- r PACK FJOTTT ' fifEDFOttD -MATY, TTITBUNTC. BEDFORD, ORKGOX. FRTDAY. OCTOBER Iff. T9T5 5 l irTr TIMS 1 -.'X iliiJ(ZlkJL H jjvf4V BR W Hk W V nr" it, r It 1V K it- t'- ft t f y y v y y ? ? V V V Si $1.25 Ded Spreads now $1.00 H Sheets, 72x90, now $1.00 8 Pillow fuses, -J2 inch $1.00 .'I yards Mercerized $1.00 (j yds. Devonshire ('loth v. $1.00 5 vds. Pillow Tubing '....1...1 S1.00 12 yds. JOe Gingham for $1.00 p 7 yds. Serpentine frepe $1.00 I yMWKJMM matfs otor a PETTICOATS of all-silk messa- valucH $' THIS ' ' fci Iftl Al77fi0-4 v s a t.T! .t . v. .'w '- ,' -mr'mr am-m-. . z- .- . ?- . 1 . ... ., . i V,'M -Ji- - .X I y NEXT iWNyV TL ? WEEK MvM . The A ffi7fl S'.f sales -Your DOLLAR JVlfVr i&&& &i&&mSr Made "wtptiv El.f Jincs and near-sine, Kit P up to .oo, (I AA laSl HSI now y " :l ' ; A' A MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. EXPRESS PREPAID pSSflfYMM f 7--B mkW BBTBH 8 vds. 12.e Long f loth $1.00 A 8 yds. 15c Fine f amhrie $1.00 8 yds. 15c Zephyr Gingham $1.00 j 8 yds. 15c Dress Percale $1.00 ,. 7 yds. ISeDucklin Fleece $1.00 j 25 yds. Best Dress Prints $1.00 A G yds. Best CJalatea $1-00 ' O ...!.. IT... I ; '..nt:!! S1.00, ! o viia. icr jjiiiiii ' "I""" i i t It ; j ! DDLESBlHr! the neafeAt of jotf 1 1 IlflW - - Greatest Money Saving Sale in Our History day morning at 8:110 and continues for seven days don't fail to attend this, the greatest of all Dollar Money Will Buy Moro Dollar Woek. WAISTS Xew styles, long .sleeves, high collar, made of good voile, worth $1.50. now $1.00 HOUSE DRESSES Made of splendid grade percale, new .styles, everv size, real $1.25 (JM A A values, now.... w JL UU UMBRELLAS Steel frame, paragon rod, rainproof, new handles, worth $1.50, (UJ1 A A this sale.., iJD l.UU THIS SALE LASTS ALL NEXT WEEK DOLLAR WEEK r ? T f t t X t t t t y ?- y y The Greatest of All Sales in Suit Department! Women's Suits, last year's styles, up to $10.00 values, Dollar Sale (JJC A A price IJ) D J. U Women's Coats, made of good corduroy, alt colors, worth $12.00,- Dk-CiQ this sale $0.0 Women's Suits, all this sea son's styles, up to $25.00 val- $15.00 ues, this sale Women's Coats, made of 'Salts' plush, lined through out, worth $1 j QQ .$25, this sale Jlrr.yO Women's Suits, all our $22.50 and $25- Suits, this .season's latest (2 1 Q QQ 'styles, sale P 1 7.3 Women's Coats, made of heavy wool mixtures, helled hack, new stvle,(D T QQ worth $10, saie. JJ.yO TA Wninini'i Quite oil ii uuiiu o uiiiO) nil nun ova " son's styles, our rcg. $30 and t $24.98 1 $32.50 values, this sale Children's Coats, made of heav wool mixtures, new V style, worth $7, to A QQ Dollar Day prieetDfl. y O i A Dollar Day Bargains in Dress Goods Your Dollar Will Buy More This Week . TABLE NO. 1 y y 5000 yards All Wool J ; Serges, Checks, Plaids and Fancy Mixture, V in all colors, 38 inches f wide, values up to 7. J4 a yard, this fQr sale, yanl .... TcOL V t I TABLE NO. 2 Consisting of Poplins, Serges, (laherdines, Fancy Weaves and 1 Ma ids, '12 to 50 inches wide, values up to 98c $1.50, this sale, yard TABLE NO. 3 10-inch Popljus, in all colors, silk and wool mixtures, well worth $1.50, this sale, yard. 98c lO-ineh All Silk Crepe dm Chine, all colors, worth $1.50, this sale !r-vnv,,'$l.l9 Hand Bags 50 brand : new Hand Bag, made of all leather, fitted with pocket book and mirror, up to $2.00. values, Jj 1 aA this sale only, ea.. n( A .11 Kid Gloves 100 dozen new Kid Cloves. in cape and fine kid, all sizes, real $1.25 vnlue.s, (D AA this sale, Vniv ...Jj)l.ul' New Dresses Juat received a now lino of Wool Dresses ' which we place on sale tomorrow. Women's Dresses, made of all-wool .serge, col ors navy, brown, green and wine, j C QQ well worth $8.50, this sale ,.,l)i0 Some excellent new styles in Combination Taffeta and Wool Dresses, vevy stylish, worth $15.00, for this sale only, fQ QO TAFFETA PETTICOATS Just received a new line of Taffeta Petticoats, up to $5.00 values, this sale (jjj'l O f g 1 , -ViXL" T- mpv nM K t mim m m 1 B 9 1 Mm Underwear Sale Greatest Values in Mocfrorcl AVomen's Cuion Suits, real $1.25 to A A value, sale.. I,"" Women's Won! Pants, sold as high as $2.25. T..mW...... $1.00 Hoys' Wool JFIceeod l'n (h'rwear, worth up to Me, this sale, ') C cai h Women's Fleeced Lined Hose, 20c values, 7 pair for $1 Women's Union Suits, fleeced lined, worth 75e, this sale, A Q suit 4:0- Women's fine Silk Lisle Hose, worth 50c, special, 3 pair for $1 Blankets flood Sie Cotton Hlankets, worth 75c. this yAQc .sale, pair TcO-' lCxtra Largo Cotton Blanket.-, worth $1.25, l,QOr this sale, pair . . .70 pa N Fxtra large heavy Cotton Hlankets, well worth $2.25, this sale only, pair '.. $.1.69 Sweaters Hows' and II iris' Sweaters, $1.25 values, this to 1 A A Hoys' and Men's Sweaters, worth $1.25, ihis 7CJp sale, each' ..... OKs Women's AVool Sweaters, this sale, each. . lval $.50 values fi1 QQ JJc - vJ -; . & i.X A A. Corsets 100 Xew Coutil Corsets, an up-to-date model, all sizes, worth $1.00, per CQ pair J7t 100 Xew Fall Model Coutil Corsets, well worth lCs $1.25, this sale, pair. OVC Outing Flannel Gowns 100 extra fine grade Corsets, with elastic bands in hack, worth $1.50, sale price, pair 89c r ? y y All of our $1.25 Clowns, in white and fancy, go in this X sale, each, 'to A X at tH X t"" 5 Women's Outing Flannel y (jowns, worth $1.00, QQ Z now. each : OvL f y v miun'ii s wiiuug c launei z Gowns, worth 05c, now, each y ! r : 48c I ONT ELAV i. ) tills JS OLLAR See What Your Dollar Will Buy ia Notioa Department .1 yds. 25c Silk lith ium for 10 aus Sauitol TaU cum Powder $1.00 10 skeins Shetland Floss for $1.00 12 halls Hu. ilia Cro chet cotton $1.00 J) skeins German town Zephvr $1.00 20 All-Linen Hand kerchiefs for $1.00 10 bars Sauitol Soap tor $1.00 25 yds. Val. Lace, this sale $1.00 7 pairs I5e Hose Supporters for $1.00 11 yds. fine TMat Val. Lace for $1.00 $1.00 25 yds. fine Km broidery for $1.00 2 Collars, worth 0c each, fur $1.00 D BJ 1 u I KlrK ONT. HJLAY . ''- j i I U tills is .,. I OLLAfd r y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T JrL. W P 2Im;o;;;oh -