Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 12, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MlfiD-KOItl.) iUAlli TRIBITNIO, MKIWURD. 0tK0. Tl'KSDW. IKTOUKU 12. 101.")
Mr. nntl Mrs. A. I), nobbing loft
Sunday evening for a visit nt their
old homo In lJoston, JInsn. Thoy will
stop ovnr mid nno tho fair nntl will
nlfio visit In tbo mlddlo west, nt tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Sonntor (Inrd-n 8trny from, the flock Jibvorod ovori'
nor. Ti'hnrn mflnv ctiflnl fitnntlnna nrnl 11.. .... a a .. . . n. I
" ..wv. v.w. ......... luo cuy. ,or lwo ,i01, r nppnronnj
Oeorgo Richards of Grants Pass
Rpcnt Monday In this city attending
to business matters.
Get your butter, eggs, milk, cream
nnd buttermilk nt Do Voo'n.
Qcorgo Richards of Grants l'nss
spent Monday in this city attending
to business matters.
Do Voo delivers tbo Oregonlan to
you ovory day for 75c a month.
Tho bonking of ducks nnd goeso In
tholr southward, flight can bo hrnrd
nightly bverltho cljj. Mo.ildhy nlghtr
For drcsstip weok tho Indiofl should
call on Mrs. Jofforn In hor new loca
tion, "210 West Mhln. 178
Tho Alpha Dolta nocloly of tho
Christian church will hold tholr class
social Thursday nftornoori, at tho
homo of Mrs. O. 0. Alondorfcr, 701
Park Btrect.
Herbert Alford, barllono, will bo
beard Jn classical and popular nongs
nt tho Page theater tonight.
Tho many friends of Dr. Nudlng,
who undorwont a surgical operation
nt tho Sacrend llPiirt hospltul last
Thursday morning, will bo plnasod to
lenrn thnt ho In doing nicely. While
bo suffers soino pain occasionally Ms
jmlso nnd tenipnruliiro hnve remained
practically normal throughout and
be hopes lo be ublo (o bo out within
11 few days.
Tho best stylos, tho bcRt qualities
and tho best prices uro found in tho
millinery department of thq M. M,
Dopt. Store, . . mc
Judgo V. M. Calkins of tho circuit
court spont Monday In (Jrnnts Pass
beavlug nviilnnco In 11 divorce case
before tho Jnseplilnn (lOiinly court.
Sco Davo Wood about that fir In-
piirano policy. Office Mull Trlhuno
Mldg ,!., '.
In bonor of tho dlHCovoVy.of Anio'r
ca by Columbus In 1 ID!!, today Is n
legal holiday, nnd tho banks, public,
'ounty nnd city offices nro closed.
Thero nro no exorcises to mark tho
v Howard Alhort Hill, tcachor
1 vocal. Ileglnncrs n Hpcclnlty,
blinded by tho lights. Hunters ro
turning from tho Klamath district re
port tho birds to bo scarce.
Weston Camera Shop for first class
Kodak finishing nnd Kodak supplies.
i KAL.MAH; j$wertn. 1M. 12.VlV
.Oerninu tefliner Nii-iirneilin with a
IIiiMiiiili limits - li.iw bet 11 -eiMirwl 'niVo if 'iRflO ton of iron ore, l'rtmi
on lb.. petltjrutM V, vvi, (...uii-ilinoni'1 SwedHi pofl for Unniburjr, was.
mi , I, . , . -linn in rar inme ymrfnn n mc
Jl)r.iu in tluflrfyl l Joe llrtip, r, ,Miiiwiiicmiht randb Hh ilfti-r- hn. vjiJUu,tu -m -j .1...
n iMiiiiinin muinn, un inni rneini nmyi, nmi neiinv rnongTi mr 1110 ,pr, n,.s. o ni1, -;w.i.lw1i
Joe Iienniai of Gold JIJU Is In tb,o
ojly today nttnndlng to liusinnss mut
ters. "No hunting" signs for aIo nt thoj
Mall Trlhuno office.
Sid TJrown Is upending tho week
in Klamath county hunting dunks,
and atton'dliig to btislnOMS matters.
Afternoon toa with wnfors 10c, ntl
tho Shasta.
County Asso&or Orlovo of .laekiion-
vlllo wan n buslriess visitor In tho city
five ln.N in (he IViiiMiil court 011 11
elinrfcn f minder, di-itgrccd after
foil it cuii liiiiirt' ilclibcrntion', and
were iliHclinivcd lliin momiiur by
i Federal .udf Wolvi itui. Il mi
ioiiii1oi Uint Ihe omit Mood frum
tfi.e fYlnl eleven for neqiiittnl and one
i)r' I'flWvii'tion. 'Hie ri'Miilt mcnnx
llmt Hrflrwfi will oilliHi- lw irccrt p''w.
l('lWl nil bonds to NM'lltt furthiT -tion.
JJmwn was iiccuscd of killinir IJ11
Hene Imiuick, a niiinlir, with whom
there had liucit 11 i'eud for ten yearn
over ft line fence. Much of the evi
dence wilM ciuil licliiifr? Illc delVnup
wmc action -ura. , ml ('..uiicihiien ,v,i hiel. Klmar nonnd -'.-r .( -
Mann and Njiigciit. ru' M-titioii
will not lie filed perilling further de
velopment. The (ommkjlcf' appoint
ed to reaiodcl the MUlftft I:ui', .of
which Judfi- W. S. t'iti'11 11 chnir
innn. will holl ifn rtM' tlncting In-'
(from the mainland.
'Ilie enm- wtm ttfveii fifteen minute
to take to the Ixttttx. It 1- n n-!cil
tlini they all lnmli1 km I eh.
UO.MK, Oct. 12- Ilulgarla is on
tlrely In the hands of German offi
cers, says tho Glonale d'Halla's Iluch
njest correspondent. Major Uaron
Von Der Goltz. a son of tho German
field marshal who is inllllnr attache
a4 Soflo, quarreled with Premier Had
oilavotf, according to tho correspon
dent, because M mtdortlnvaff-nskcd '
I that Germany bo the first to attack
Serbia while lJuron Von Dor Goltz
'desired to hnve Uulgnrla utart tho
nirensUe. The correspondent adds
that seeral Uulgarlan regiments
have lnutlneod and loft their quarters
singing the Ilusslnnjinlloniil nnthom.
limintniiiitiK that the dcfcmlnnt a-lcd 1 liv coiiiiclitioii irt the jmll- nnd "in
only in pnworvntioii of hi own life. ' have 11 clcnr-ciit rcjrctii.u 01 in1
I'lie Oermnn wionmer Xicomeilia lie-
; Innued li tin. I Inmhuiv. A m.-n. m. i;....
tir.ricrH of 4h rdyiiKhi, - Sh.wmi rf IIUI1 ton pro.. :iHr IVei
liondiRK scheme i Ritwr .. bav-ij,, 0llgl, ,, wnM ,)uill in ,,,, .,,,
in- inu .much jnnn iiiwenicu 10 uic 1 iJ,-itiJ, sidmianuv V.-W
voters nt (lie wnm um and on tin-, !,(
name ballot. AccnruTNt to I lie cii-i
r-iilutor ot the initiithc iwtitinn,
most of the (ffld cifier- want (lie
Mcdvnski scheme to bo iiuluu(iM-ied
i 11 new
Evidence wiik intmdticcd to kIiow that
Terms reaBonnblo. K08 Dakota Ave.,
Phono 221-X. iiA
Dutch Leonard, tho great southpaw
of tho American leaguo wlio hod
riilladelphla to a thron hit gamo Mon
day, nnd who won to 1, Is a former
"inssmnto nt St. Miiry'o college Of
Itudy ScholtK, Jr., or this city. Throo
'cars ago Leonard, Tlslted yoiinj;
Srhnlti for n day In this city.
crv on., of thoio big Ice cold t cent
mltkrhnkes nt De Voo's ' .',
It h. Ottor of Mnntiiguo, Cnl. Is
"nemjlng a few days In tbo city and
vnlley attending to business" matters.
Itooms pnpored at ?.1.75 whlo
spring. stock lasts. Phono CHf. 175
8tockmen of tho vnlloy will nhlp
another trnln load of cattlo next Mon
day to California. Cows am bring
ing bents n pound On tho hoof, nnd
tccra run nrouud R to G 1-2 cents n
pound. Hogs nro bringing G cents
n jiound, undrossed, a vory low fig
ure, upd tho hog rniiiera nro holding
their stock for higher prices.
"Vo trespass" signs for snlo nt
un'i Triiumo orrico.
rmlornl officers In tho city this
week In ntendnuco nt tho scskIoiih of
he federal court nro keeping n close
wnlpli on their Indian ebargos mid
teifgor. to prevent tho noble rod
'n securing liquor. Considering
'editions thero has boon llttlo illicit
e'llng of boozo.
"" A H. and Louise Hedges, chl-
-""Me nhvalcliins. Htownrt build-
2.1S i:ast Main 8(.
Mrs. O. L. Mooro of thlu clt.t is
"wndliig tho week In Hui;oiio visit-,
"g trlends and relatives.
Mr I ench, export cnrsetlerro, ma
1 ' npil 'It guaranteed ,.12fi North
"iirtlett .
T L Hunter or Oleiulalo Is anion
" out of town vIsiTont In the olty
l''s week. .,');
Get It nt DeVoe's . ' ,- .
Col It C WiishburnofTabloitock
' onpnilliiK tbo da'jji tlt'p Olty nt
' "i 'Uig to buslnosM.
Vn bonlltt! .nu ((lr g,0 j
I' Tribune office n
The Octob. r tcim of the circuit
court for .IscUxou county will begin
next Monday, Ortobar IS. The grund
Jury will than meet. The following
M0111I10. October SIR. tho petit Jury
wl" meet
fob Printing In nil Its branches at
'o Mall Tribune office.
Tho work of bnllaelliiK the Grunts
Pa-s-Cresoont City .rallrosd uau
this week, it stwun shoxel bolug utll
led In the work. The grade has uow
been coinplotod to the foot of llnys
bill nnd Hubert Twoliy wl arrive
this week to ooiuldr pMtm tor thp
further extension of the mm I.'
Hook binding of nny'lcVud rit tho
Mall Tribune office. ' . '
Complaints were utiMle to tho po
Heo Mondnv thnt nuiu rt anil
vrrai had bn stolen from an nulo
belonging to Talent parties left stand
ing In (rant of tho Pa thwtter. The
wraps wore iifterwards found by the
Police, but tbe robes are still mlwlug
Tho police warn nutulsts to place ll
rulae in wfe places during the new
irn nioiillis. n the night are cold
snd traiejliif eltlteiit are not m, rxe
10 stofkllnK artle'cs that will W. out
the old.
Drlng thote oil macaMncK end nc
ilodloals to the Mall TrlLuue fur
When better insuranco Is soldi Ui' decenned mJ known a the n-h-
ervntion liully, nnd that hit alleged
.layer wits (1 peaceful, hard -working
indiiiii. Thii ii the mccoihI Julian
muiilcr I rial in .Medfonl to rcMifl in
liimg Jin .v, tlie firnt liefhfr ' .1 i r t . (
(iconic, who was irieii it .vcariiffo mill
nftonviu'il. relried ami convicted at
Ivliimiith Fulls. ... . .
Tii uiiiniinK I lie court liinn .the
ti'fhl of Djnl riiilciquiii, accuiM if
ftillililiitr l,lnyd Ilrown duriijr it1 jptun
ernl ihivufi of Indinns on Hut 'irteer
vittjou,, while nil Vein feeling tjiej of
,fptyM.oftoo- miieli liiiinir, The ffntX(
ncciirivii nnniii eiffiiteeii mouth ago
and lilts been bunging fire kIuco
work of impnnelliiiK n j 11 !-
Huh morning,
Holmes Tho Insurance Man will soil
It. ,
High school football games , In
Southern Oregon will he plnyed next
Hnturdny at Ashland and Klnmath
Kalis. Tho Medrord toiilu wlU jilay1
at Klnmath Falls and Grants Pass
at Ashland. Tho local team will oIuhIiI
with Ashland in November.
Hot Tninnles nt tho Hhnstn.
llaymond Whlto or Jliltto Falls Is
spending a few dnys in tho city at
'tending toibiinliess mutters,
Hoad the Portland Orogonlan. '
r,riinfes.loll'nB6iit6f,vVatl!ns has re
turned to his homo after upending n
wcok In this city with friends and
.1 O (lurking, the host all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Mwovs reliable N'ogatlvoB made any
where, time or plnco. Studio 22H
Mnln 8t Phone 320-.L
Coniplntnt was mndo to tho street
department this morning that root-
dents of West Tenth street wero burn-
llig leaves on the pavement. There
Is 11 city ordlnuuco iigalust this, also
against lenvng lenves on the ourbs.
Doth ordlnnuces will bo enforced.
Letter heads, envelopes, bill bonds,
loose leaf systems, at tho Mall Tri
bune nfflco
8. I. Wilson of Tnlont spent Mon
day afternoon In Medford attending
'to business mntters.
A ctirjond of Jloguo river vnlley
grapes is being shipped this wcok to
Now York by the Producers company,
tho third to dato this season. A crotn
of tho grapes are on display at the
Commercial club.
Alex Nlbloy, secretary ot the Ptnh
Oregon Hugnr company, and F. S.
llrnmwell associated with tho corn
puny, will arrive the end ot the wcok
to confer with local people on plans
for n campaign for the establishment
of a boot sugnr factory In this vnlloy.
They nro now In Portland.
W. V. Ussher or Ashlnnd is In the
olty today attending to business mat
tors. Charles Prim, Jr., ot Jacksonville
spent Monday afternoon In Medford
itlendlng to Ihislness matters.
Mrs. Kd 1 1 an ley leaves tomorrow
en a week's visit to oHnttlo
Attorney II. F. Mulkey or this clt,
former protcoutlng attorney and pres
ident of the Ashlnnd Normal school,
will short lv move to Portland, where
be will practice law with an old cs
tobllshcd firm
pcitaiici. If Uif Meiln !,i . In ti 1-
NimihI itmihil by Hie Minn,e eond,
tin 11 Ill's nil' wilieiy to- Mile iiiiiu
Hie Mile pleii.
A survey o
the Alaska .Stemlmliip otuiipHiiyV
liner MniijioHn, whicfi is ngroiind on
Pointer 1lnud, H. ('., di-clotMl'llmt
'liio tlin vchwcI was vory seriotmlv 1I11111-
hogiie ! ngpil fonvnrii, but wiik not injuiod
iincK 01 tne lorwnrd t engine, room
'ei... ......1 ....i.. .... ii... I....I...1 ...iti i.mIli,,.,,.!., mm.., ... ...!.... .. :
ant- in-Afc i-rit'n 1111 int.. imtTHi'i tvni uiiii.n-ti.i. 1 uti uiiiiit'i niii iiiiunui-
lie 11 mtmlier of bootlegging pluirjfe. aged. Tlie tmlvors guy tlie bout can
lliere lining fifteen indiclinents. patched and flb'ufed, but it will
ciikc IiikiUvm n 25-eent hottlo of lie tin o.xnonsive task. None of the
whiskey and cost for witness fccHJcnruo him been tnhoii.out. lueli of
nrnl expenses almiit $.100 iicuw on it. iuclitdiiiK 'j'fld.UOO leet of lumber
tlio average.
Inr the Alawku goNenunent railroad,
can ivifiljly he leuioveil to the bcucli.
I ' 1
ZI'IHSIL Swlts-orland, Oct. 12, vln
London The Austrian uovernment
j has Isiiued.Mii appeal to the public through all sorts of ol.tnles they
MiNMKAPOI.IS, .M,n., Oct. - -The
rnivoril. of Miiinc-olu .(.i((.
eonimittw ou thleti(it hu decided to
reeominnnd the qbolitiou of inlereol-
icginte bhHmll nt the iiiiivcimIv, it
became known tnht.v.
The rensoiis mlvnneed wh lme
linll with otlibf cidleires should lie
dropped nre:
Tin- inleresl of the Kludent lioih
does not .jiwtify tlio athielie uutliori
Uvh in kuejiinir up the spoil; the
gnnie n fiimncial dniwback to
oilier fcjiorls; tiuciMitv bnobiill
uvrviiH ni a training cnniii Kr tile
cummer player".
(Continued from Page One.)
tend to transmit destructive povor
through Hpnco arises from tho fact
that wiroloeB tolography is accom
plished through tbo production of a
I mlnusclo spark nt tho receiving stn-
11011. Timt spark lielng surriclont to
produce an erfeot upon extroinely son
sltivo Instruments at a grent distance,
thoy concluded thnt nt a llniltod'dls
tnupo, of n mllo for Instnnco, a niurb
stronger spark could bo preduced:
as tunc span: is supposed to ua
CICIUU IIAPIDS, lown, Oil. 12,-
Leo Penin, former paying teller or
the Cedar Uaplds National batik, was
sentenced today In federal court to
servo rhe. years In the ponltontlury
nt Lnavunwoith. Porrin was nceusod
or robbing the bank or approximately
$20,001) August I last. For several
dnys he unused tlio authorities to be
I lure that Jie had been help up by a
lone buudlt.
to take all gold and silver Jowelry,
plate and other article maduof those
'motals to the lulnt 'for conversion
Into coins or burs, ffio nwesslty or
strengthening tin goli' ronervu nnd
getting payments abroad for goods
tor military purposes Is glvon ns the
reasons tor thp npepal. Persons who
surrender gold or Hllver will receive
Inferred that It could also pierce tho
steel shell of engines or war.
"In tho first plnco no available
power could produce u spark of suf
ficient Jirtuuslt); tburo Isn't the
slightest cHlorlo power In the wireless
spark at the receiving end. In the
second piece It would be necessary
ror It to strike with absolute precision
rull paymont in bank notes end cer- ju Joint or rissure In the plutes In or
tiricates or honor for their putrlotit ,ler to get Into contact with tbo ex
acts, j idonlve "
I.UNPON'. O.t. 1-2. Pn-ii'i.
lieu of the grand iliili m
burg died at l.iixeuibuig lu-t m.'
secitnhiii: to a dispatch limn in-to;
duin t 1 lu l Nchk m .
My. lVM-beu In ni Ihe n
ruler of the grand ducbv of
kuiy since the ettalilinliiueiit nt it
independence, tie guo m.t nt In
life to bringing about nnd iiniuil.i i
iuir tlie t'leeilnui of Liueiiibuig.
VAMiH Vi:i. V.bli Dot 1.'
Fstlur l-Vlix Wrwilglicn, wear !
clal it the ilioct'M. at Stjiltle, die.
.it a local hu-itiil beic tmla. lie
wn iM-.ii.r ul the M. J.tnu - CmIIimIi,
church hue I'riMii ISilS t.i l!H I, inn.'
win. Mute cIhiIiuii ii i!ii Knight'. '
Coluniliiu ir.lil lliix Mnr Feih.r
WrwilgJien Ui cujk old h d 1
native of ltcluium.
w r
b -isM m
VSfHEN it comes to complex
ions and tobacco, any im
provement on Nature aint any
35 -
jy -
fOf( &,LtC Oreen ixtppora fur mon
gcMs Phoue ttlT-X. Mrs. Ww IImIii.
est Clrfc lit. 1::.
KOH gALR 110 )U.yq autw. good
ewdltiu. WlU take part mU
bnuiuce terms on geod oolUteral
Ho U itatl Tribune.
WAKTKO "jPrtiO jfMun. men.
Auiuvu ur fblldreu Geo. It Yeuni:
Pbouc 7 Ft
i x' t ...Kxr.gETtim w" .T-woi-i
ai-im- jAm
& X ' I
TAT U RE not man puts
flavor and smoothness into
Get "Back to Nature," you piptf
smokers. And that means smoking
tobacco that Nature not man has
mellowed out for you.
We select tlio finest Burlcy from the Kentucky field'
and stoic it irt wooden ageing casks.
Then for not less than two years Nature fmhhcs lief
rnarvelou gift. All the "rawness" of new tobacco is
replaced by a smoothness, fragrance and flavor that is
exclusive in VELVET, and concentrated in your pipe)
filled with VELVET.
10c Tins $ftlfyu3ctaaCx.
5c McUMiued Bays "
One Pound Glass Humidors
"'KVI (..Hrf 'smew.
m 1 1 "3? 4 Ub. ' . -
I g ft C L?t:y .-rrTTTT.
Hade from ike rUM cm&e
The Jury of Awards at both S;in Francisco
and Jjan Diego Impositions found an oil
made from California asphalt-base eruoW,
Mrhrit in lubricating cHh.iciilv. That oil was
Zerolene.Thcfact, too, that such unbiaredauthar
Itiet as a U S. Naval Engineer, rnjjincem of the
I'aikrd and Ford Mo'or Conipaili,ajl1rtfcW,
have also jtofe on feioid in favor of oilt rndtle
from atphalt-baie crmle fn accord with the dt'
clnon of the Expoition;uric! iirrnca tlwt Zero;
lene il nude of the rivj.t crude, ittul made right.
i(aliforrua) !
f i P1 Ml W
ihe Standard OH for Motor Csvs
Hi Millin
CMioico of Anv Unl in llu Shop jp5.J)S
.f Hats ...'. 98
t 0OU XI illS .... .,. ,. ..t9J-cCl
p I V XJ l lo ttatimiiiiiMi.. , (pMl0
$0.00 Hats .' $3.98
$7.50 Hats $4.98
$8.50 Hats $5.98
All Colors and Nlmjies.
About Fifty Trimmed Hats to Select From
These jive woiuhM-l'iil bavniiis fop so on ply in the
Home Millinery
1101 West Ninth Street ,
Prest-O-Lite Service
TiriiBimawi Mf -
We have doubled
our supply of
Service Tanks
"A tank when you want it always
The History of the World
From the Dawn of Creation
The Great War
Is depleted lu nrt, soloneo nd indus
try and nrosonted in wonderful colors
San Francisco
Tbls wonderful Imposition close Doc. ith .
Don't Miss It
Loet you always look bnck to l9lu with regret
Scenic Shasta Route
Through tho wonderful Valleys of the Wil
lamette, tho Sacrainonto, the I'mpqua and
tho Iloguo offers exceptional divfrlon.
Low Round Trip Pares
Full particulars with copy or booklet "WawWi
Notos, Shasta Route" or CallfornU and ita Twe
World HxposlUoiw" ou application to w,rft
Join, M. sco.t, Goueml IWonsor Acnt. IN.rtMiwl, Oivchn