Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 5

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Freckles and His Friends
By Blosser
Mrs. Florence Stitdchnkcr, former
i oitli'iit who has been in the oast
and south for tonic time past, has
returned hoi i to niri' tor her lsitlior,
Kli N. i'cterw, nn aged iiil uur id
em n over 80 yen is old.
A mmi-ler Hqmiah, rii- f cl in cu
cuuifoietiee and woigliing 80 pounds,
is on oxhiljitiou at Lnmkin's icnlh
office. It win mined liv A. II.
I enchey, wlio ha a niodi'l ynrdtn
nnd fruit much nt ()() Lincoln Mfi't.
The lingo growf- contains ntw ma
lerinl enough to v nu fact tire 100
pics, who um-d iso thii variet.i
in Xfv Yoik nud the llawkcyc state.
Mix. II. O. l'tirncker returned on
Tuesday from Sun Diego, after nn
nbsence of nearly twb months visiting
in various -ectioiet of California.
"Love'rt Rival," words by Klizaheth
Yoekey,locnl poetess uud eoinMicr,
is the title of u new snug .just pub
lished hy the Murks-Goldsmith Co. of
'iishiii.lon, 1). f. One does not
lime lo rend helween the lines to
nolo that "Uel'' is love's rival. The
niti-ie is hy Claude Wellington.
Mr. and .Mrs. J. K. Case, their
daughters, Mrs. Carrie linrgndine
uud Helen Cnoy, and the Misses
Helen and Ucrtrudc Ilicde, leave Sun
day for San Franci-co exposition.
A ukase has been delivered bv the
eily uttorney, in line wilh a request
(roiu the council, on the. issue of
appropriating curtain moneys for im
provement purpose-, in territory out
side of the .ititisdietiou of the mun
icipality. The HH'c,ific conleution
i elides to work on the Dead lntliaiH
road. The officials' opinion is that
such expenditure will not stand the
legal test.
The recent lohhery from a leading
lesidence in th? Scenic Olive di-tricl
which rounded up three diamond
lint:'-, a -olid gujd necklace and a
gold ting all at one and the same
haul, might puss unnoticed hut for
the fact that the stock of valuable
jewelry was the property of a local
M.'thodist minister.
Leading papers are giving credit to
.1. K. Anderson of The Dalle as being
the father of the prohibition move
ment in Oregon, whereas it has here
tofore been generally conceded that
It. P. Iluttoii of Portland, who ad
dressed an audience at the Metho
dist church on a recent Sunday, wns
entitled to that distinction, even if
Ander-on did introduce the particu
lar bill in the legislature.
Miv. W. W. Hcvoner, visiting hero
t mm Klamath county, was ngreunbly
sinpii-cd on Thursday bv pienie
paity in the park given in her honor
bv Indie- of upper Granite street dis
liiet. Conductor lllulock of the S. I'.
left eailv in tho week on a trip to
r.diuoutoii, Alberta, concerning land
matt !. On his return Mr. WalneR
will meet him in Portland.
A musical attraction at the Vining,
October 11, will be a recital bv Miss
Don'-. Magley, a young lady of noted
vocal accomplishments, who-o tulunt
on this occasion will he tendered in
behalf of the Wednesday Afternoon
The local JiiaJi school will compete
this -en-on in the state league for
debuting honor-. The question at is
sue i- a resolution lo the effect that
"the Tinted States should adopt tli"
cs-ential features of lint Kwis sys
tem ot military sen ice and (ruining,"
iiiulil it'll of course to the .wteut tint
"Mamma don't want her boy to be a
Th Aiiih'riMiit-Myer-Walker - lku
idii clans picnicked in l.ilhiu park on
Wedne-dny, the families of the quar
ct of fainiliHi' name enjoying n
pl'.i-.uit reunion.
I.tieal (traud Aiuiv vi'lenina are in-tiie-tctl
in the election of one of their
i hi lomradcM, I'liu- It. Moiitfort. of
( oiciuiutti, O.. uud ex-postmaster of city, as coiiminuilor-iu-chicf of orgniiiratioii. lie won in the se
lection over William J. Patterson of
PiM-bura bv a lute of .':il to 'Jill.
Hob Ntanlei. "the chair doctor,"
ulio reef ally located on tho abandon
ed prciMst. at the comer ot Third
.ixl A streets, ha improved the ap
penranee ol tho property in a way
Hint mom than eomes up to civic
ulornment requirements.
M. C. Hielor, now located at
llairi-barg, i rovi-iting the scene of
ln fori a cr -usTKUiiding here and
liiuhagn particular note of the
-priii- and Hlik devcloHent. pat
terning nl'lvr which he i urgiwj -tcp-be
taken In lux adopted town.
A. It. Scotield i seriou-ly il' at
lii hnme on Xoitll Main street.
I lotl 1 o!rr lias iiirfhasel a
liunili f sioiW cow of Joe Itarier
and il! eagaae in raUinf a tev, cat
tle. The faimrrf ia tbta part of Oi
vallcN ar bgtaaln to worry about
tktir Nil uiwtag. Maay (Mr to aow
ta the 4ut u laai kai Mlteoi, If
ver bn 4on. ta tkla pai-t t Ore
gon 1 M
KuiaiU aal Wlbora Mawa of
Wajavr Cr tr J Tutoal Tuti-
M bUblfc. -W p l tsi YOU I t -M
AT ONCE' ffTi S rV,1 I I fX--y- : A ,)
RJT rlrS; -rL ji l-mJMitf)&f "TWEV WERE 1 T
Q B kk,,' 1 'W'W ffA TALKIN' ABOUT Wi
IB tS Wffify If rK te'imi t
day, Welbom having Just rettirnod
from a surveying trip on Applegnto.
C. Carey wns a liuslncsa visitor In
Talent Tuesday.
Tho crop of fine Newtown apples
In the Hnrgravo orchnrd Is being
gathered this week and hauled to
Mctlford for Bhlpmont.
Senator Von dor Ilollen and wife
nnd Mr. and .Mrs. George Von der
Ilcllcn were guests at the homo ot
Mr. and Mrs. Holnior of North Talent
TtieBtlny of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kuimett Deosuii of
Wngner Creek were plensnut nil lorn
at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Cnroy
S. S. Stephens bad the nilsfortuno
to loose u valuable milk cow from
alfalfa bloat this week.
Otto Caster Is hauling his grain to
Ashlnud mills, where he sold his sen
son's crop.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Under Intend to
start Saturday for tho San Francisco
exposition to bo gone n few weeks.
Grnndum Hughes of Ashlnnd Is
visiting hor son, L. K. Hughes nud
wlfo of Kern Vnlley this week.
Jim Hell of Lnngol vnlley Is visit
ing his fnthcr, Jeff Doll of Talent
H. C. High of Talent wns n busi
ness visitor in Mctlford Tuostlny aft
ernoon. K. M. Itonse of Ashlnnd made n
business visit to l'hoenlx Tuesday.
Kred Wcoks accompanied by his
mother nnd sister, Mrs. nnd Miss
Weeks, nnd Mrs. Hargrove, came out
to the Hargrove orchard Sunday ev
ening. llnrry Mathews nnd wlfo nnd n
f 1 lend or. two from Ashlnnd. visited'
friends In North I'hoonlx district
Quite a number of ln.Ilds from Tal-,
cut Saturday evening and enjoyed a
social evening.
Otto Cnttor as dolus UiwIiiom In
m.niv ino. t!niiv
There ieoms to bo qulto n wnsto
of valuable ammunition in this local
ity, ns the gamo bags look rathor
empty for tho amount of shooting
going on.
Miss l.otla Stephens of Talent went )
to the fnlr at Salem, bolng one of
tho lucky onos to win a frco tlckot
on her fine exhibits nt tho school
nnd county fairs. MIks Stephens hns
a right to be proud of her honors.
Hen Perry and I'amilv mocd to
Hold Hill this week, uheie Mr. Perry
will he employed at the cement hiut.
The Ilanptmun IiuiikhIow, whkb
Mr. Haiiptmaii i Imviny built on his
loeently aeiptiifd fa nil, h alm-t
eomJeted nud will be fltitHhed in an
up-to-date style.
,Otto Ttcsliaia ami family bate ic
cently nioxtsl unto tho Perry raiieh.
which Mr. Tiynmiiui lm rentctl for
the following year.
Apple piekiua ami Miekiiig U jjo
iug on in full force.
The fanners am all complaining of
(ho unusually dry wi'utlwr. Tlie
ground neetU rain hally for the fall
.Mr-. (ianluer left lut Saturday
for the San Franoiseo o.miIiou.
M. A. SehidU iwteived the ad
new last night ut h mother'- dentil.
Mr. Sehultz roaidad in Medfoid.
II. A. Tivlim wa doing biiine,5
in seeral of our towns v-tidn
W. W. Kibngton is m-tull'ie an
iii-to-dute water sv-tun 00 hi" tanu.
Fleti her Stout, pharma
Bowel- drug -toic" bu- been taking
hi- vacation the past week.'
Mi Millie Hodges wa a week-end
gue-t of Profe-or and Mrs. II. U.
Harding at Uogue Rier last woak.
Ifr. and Mr. lia U Harriek ioJ
Mi.soula. Mont.. M-ted Mr-. Wr-
riek's parm,. Mr. A Mr. CWg.j" " -
U ilrOUM. Wa4lMlv whil. ":"jj '
their wa, to the F1W0 fair. Thy'a- Sttda
their wa
will ratu
"'. ""' ,M '"' :,1 ," ,.., H;a.
will ratuni ut tm dav. fr a,
ore eitud4 viit
Xa.nen.a- Hold 11,11 ei.ire.,- nj-re,
vim ll baluidv. iu btteebrti ou,
as well ns the -Indents, cnuie home
wilh MirioiiH laurels.
Ocorge Iverson nttcndcd the Minis
terial association for southern Ore
gon at Kogue Kivcr Monday.
Or. It. ,C Kelsev was in (Irani s
Pass Tuesday on various biisiiiobK
V, K. Deuel of MedTord wiib ui our
city iMonday.
Mr. Fred Witt visited in (irants
Pass the first of the week.
Kev. aiul'JIrs. C. K. Wbarttui.wttre
in atenilaueo at the Southern Oregon
Ministerial association meeting at
llogue Hivcr .Monday. They left there
that evening for a visit of several
days at the ranch of their -on, How
ard, on upper Kvans creek.
The house and almost all of its
furui-hings and contents of the
Sleepy Hollow ranch, one mile west
of Gold Hill, were destroyed by fiiv
inrly Sunday. While partaking of
their morning meal II. A. Kn-ign,
manager of the ranch, mid others
became aware of a crackling sound.
On investigation it proved that a fire
bad already got beyond control
probably from 11 defective chimney.
Only by rapid work were they en
abled to save as much as they did,
as within about fifteen minutes there
wa.s nothing of the building left but
a few burning timbers. While nt
tempting to save a trunk of valu
ables Mr. Kusigu's mother had her
right hand liudly smashed. She is
now at Kagle Point with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Pelouze.
A. A. Kngels, 0110 of southern Ore
gon's pioneers, residing ut ltoschunor.
isited with his old comrade. C. C.
McClcndon, of this place the first of
jho c"k; TIh'v ,lu' l'1"''""
,Uf: ',UM.r ,",m' "-v "
, ' uunpso,, retuiuiMl H,,lay
!ht, !rom I'wHIm""!.. hhw h hud
i'H'i mniseii on inisiness
1. C. Ilurch, picfcidenl of the Hea
vcr Poillantl Cameni company, arriv
ed from Portland Friday.
On Wednesduy afternoon shortly
after .1 o'clock the air south of Hold
Hill was so filled with the sound of
the pins'' and "zing" ijf bullets one
would almost think the Kuropeaii
war was on here. Hut it was, in
stead, Mr. and .Mix. Ad Topperwein
giving their e.shibitiou of fanev as
well as tenia liable singling. When
they would hit ewn small matblitH
thrown into the air, or about luihiud
, themselves by looking inlo a minor,
jit brought forth' all kinds of praise.
I.oea shots Her there, yon can ln-t.
Charley Younir of Medford made 0
visit to Hold Hill Wisluesday.
That tho ortlers for I' lime
.might be delivered 011 liine, the con-
Utriietion eomiwiiy at lite cement
plant are now working night shifts.
A. WilliniUM' bar-nauiuier mill, winch
grindis (he rock for lertilmiig use,
was iiistidled this Week. Work on
the ueuient factory ia How in prog
,ieiM. The It. It. P. S. pyver plant near
tiuld Hill ia again in oMrutluu after
u two wek' aliMtdowu for lupuirs
ami other work. They aie now fiitn
illiuic Hvrer for the ISeutei Portland
Cement eiiiHiny.
The progressive Hilda elas, in or
der to maka pHjnienl on a piano re
cently purchased, gave a ery inter
cnting onteiluinweiit at the Comos
theater lust Mouduv uigbt. The pro
gram wa as follews:
Piano olo, 'Woodland Waiajwtv,"
Miss Ktbel Davis; piano duel, '()
Heauteoa- N'ighl," Misses I'lorenc?
and Marguerita Wltarton; vocal solo,
"The Wi.le, WWe Wnrhl." "I Uve
ou Truly," Mi. Mary H. Young;
monologue, "Our Wedding Joiiraay,"
jtiladv- Darling; girl-' iuai1t, 'Cold
u.ijri sic tiwill 'l ifioiii , ,M
i'i-t tir the'tal solo, "Somewhere a Voice i- Call
Murage, "the .lolly Muitiit- ; vo-
ing," "Dreamu." "Abcnt." Pr"fesor
J. S. Mae.Murra.
Time Talile
Leave Medford dally except Sun
day for Asaiaad, Talent and Phoenix
at 8 a. nt., 1:11, 3.u and 8:11 and
(Saturday at 11:16 p.
leave at S:00 and 11:00
Hi.. 1:00. 5:00 u e p. tn.
at 9:00 a. m . 1!:50, 2:10. 4:30 iid
'. ;nd ,0
00 a.
0 p. m.
tr r-ic v
x-. i, t--3it ;
Keported by Jncksou County Ab
trsct Co.. Sixth and Fir Bit.
Hotbchlld Ilros. vs. W. M. Kenne
dy, reply.
Clnrlc IJ. French vs. Arthur Fuller,
ot. tix, roturu ot summons,
Ulllo F. Furroy vs. W. Arthur
Furrey, sworn nftldSivIt of service.
Charles M. Tucker vs . John A.
Torney, ot al, motion.
It. It. Co-Op. F. O. Assn. vs. Ceo.
T. Hughes, return of summons.
I). II. Caro-vs. Jns. 11. Crautlall, et
u.v, action for money.
The Gilt Kdge Mfg. Co. vs. The
Continental Co. ot N. Y., action for
C.-O. Power Co. vs. II. C. Honnoy
et al, to recover money.
Graco Hlnslng vs. Win. Angle, net-.
Ion for dnmnges.
Ilort It. Greer vs. Jnokson county,
action to recover monoy.
Jackson Co. 11. & U nssn, vs. J. C.
Ilbodes et til, to declnro ducd a mort
gage and forecloso same.
Kstnto of Mnry W. Shnplelgh, order
of pub. of notice of settlomeiit nnd
final account,
Kstnto of It. V. lloafl. loiters tostn
moiitnry. Iteil Iv-lntt? '1'rausfura
W. II. Young ol nx to Jackson
County, light.- of way for
road, 21, 30, IW 1.00
Charloa I). SoMou ot u.v to
Jackson county, right of way
for road, 21. 30, IW 1.00
Jnmee N. Mansfield ot ux to
Jackson county, right of way
for road, ao. 30, SAY 1.00
Mario IS. Dennett et vlr to C.
IS. Whistler, pt. 37, IW S00.00
ISinina I.. Hall et vlr, to Jnok
son county, right of wny for
road, 20, SO, -tW
I-:. It. Davis ot ux to Jncksou
county, right of wny for
road, 80, SC, 2W
W. W. Taylor ot ux to h. h.
Simmons, land In 80, IW.... 10.00
Is tho first signal of disorder and
decay. The usual loss of appetite
hi often canted by functional disturb
anroa In the stomach. Tho stomach
falls to do the work required, the ap
petite Is gone, and tho body suffers
from lack of nourishment. Such a
stomach needs to bo cleaned hiiA
sweotnnod. Merltol Tonic Dlgoativu
Is niada especially lo assist tho stom
ach to digest food, and promote a
healthy appetite. This ronimly ia
sold on our positive guarantee, and
wo ask you to give It a trial. It la
a genuine toulc. Price JI.UU. Sole
Agents, Haskln's Drug Sloie.
FOR IHSNT 3 nicely furiilshwl
rooms including icgulnr kltelieu,
sloetilng porch, every convenience,
elose 1n 417 Jay St , cor. S. Oak
dnlonud 11th sts. 173
FOR RKNT-Nlcoly furnlshwl mod
urn bungalow, flvu rooms and bath,
porches, nice luwn, garngii, good
neighborhood. James Campbell,
Phona 311-H. 17!
FOR HUNT To young or middle
aged niMii. nkely furnished room,
In modern home, with or without
boat, good neighborhood, no child
ren In family. Room has solid
windows on two sides that can be j
thrown open muklug fine sleeping
room. Address 151, care Mail Trl- j
bune. 172 ,
FOR RKNT Modern 5-room furnish
ed bungalow, euap. Phone 13-X
FOR RKXT -To responsible party,
completely furnlahed modern bouso
Mrs. L. P. Illuok, 1501 V. Main,
Phona 7IM-R. 178
FOR RKNT Woll furnished modern
bungalow. 422 South Laurel.
FOIt RUNT 6'HHiBi bungalow,
$12. 50, water Pid. Phone 798. 177
FOR ItKNT-Six room modern bun
galow, east front, sleeping porch,
ttae shad; garage. Phone 4&S-X.
roil It K N'T KlVf room fnriiislied
housi 1 lift' III, $ lo ''. uli-r uM
t. u. (., Pbvue :w-J. 17
r- o
FOIt HUNT !r. items of young
orchard, -1 acres In full bearing.
For particulars nddrcss Uox 8, Mnll
Tribune. 173
FOIt ItHNT Store room In business
block, Ideal location. Phono flOR.
17 1
FOIt I.KASIS Knulppcd placer mlno.
Gold ltny ltealty Co.
. ,, . ,, ,, i rr.i .j ,j j, UW
FOIt S A 1.14 rtRAlj TCSTATH
FOIt BAI.K CO ncres Innd, fine, deep
soil, deeded water right, 7 room
liouso, electric lighted, modern,
4 0x30 bnrn, fenced Page wire, 40
ncres In alfalfa, corn, sugar boots
anil smnll garden truck, 20 ncres
In penra, llartlett nnd O'AnJou,
smnll pencil orchnrd, team horses,
cow, fnrtn Implements nnd nil crop
goes with place. For price nnd
pnrtlculnrs, address Ilox 55, It, K,
I), No, 2, 1,. M. 0. Central Point,
kinds of property for B.nlo or ex
change. Gold Hay Itonlty Co.
FOIt SAI.IC Fnrm lnnd, fruit land,
timber Innd, land from $5.00 por
ncro upwards on long tlmo. Gold
liny Ilenlty Co.
FOIt SAI.U Not 0110 cont of pur
clmgo monoy retiulred, to secure n
truck or chicken fnrm site, driving
dlstnnco from Jacksonville, Fla..
gootl fertile soil and title guaran
teed; possession whnnover you like
and pay for Innd whenever you
like, 25 yours or more If desired;
not more than 40 or Iobh than 10
aerea nlotted to ono person. Any
bnnk, city official, Chamber ot
Commerce, or Commercial Agency
In Jncksonvlllo our references.
Write for particulars. Jnckson
vlllo Heights improvement Co.,
Jacksonville, J' I a.
FOIt HA!ih--XilTK7TOCli;
TO1?A?.K Cholcorogliit'ered'nu
golts, young boars, and ucanlfngs.
h. II. Houston, 1 inllo west of Tal
ent, Phono 3-F12. 1S9
FOIt SALK 12 hoavy work marcs,
well broke. Vinson's Hum, North
lllvorsldo avenue. 188
FOR SALK Must sncrlflco several
good cows for lack ot feed. Address
Ilox K. G. H., Mnll Tribune 200
FOR SALK Angorn goats. Kd White
Climax, Ore. 181
FOR SALK 2 Jersey
West I lth St.
F( )1 PS A L K -" Auto mold o, V In I tin
7-iasonger, first class I'nndltlon,
or will exchange for smnll ear.
Phono IK7-.I. 1518 W. Main. 172
FOR SALK Tlwuroiishbrod Irish
setter for hunting nnd watch dog.
very chonp for good houie. Phone
IS7-J, 151S W. Main. 173
FOR SALK- Ford tow and dust
hoods, celluloid lights, nud saat
covers. Tent Factory, 1 00 North
Front. 170
FORBaTk slainii mill, mining cars
and track rail, pumpa, hoists, air
compressor, air drills, mining m-a
cbliier, tools and supplies, Iron
ami lodraullc pipe all sUes, at half
prlco. Address .M, caro Tribune.
FOR SALK Cholco alfalfa buy, first,
socoutl, third and fourth cuttings
In our lots at following prices per
tun at points named for cash: Mod
ford. $11.30; Contra! Point,
$11.30; Phnonlx, IH.30; Talent.
$1 1.30; Ashlnnd, $14. 50. Several
persons may join hands In pur
chase of a ten ton car uud thereby
secure uholesalo prices. Owing to
scarcity of alfalfa In Rogue River
valley this year, and high prices
for ulfalfa In California, we ndvlso
immediate purchase before ad
vance In prices. Sleepy Hollow
Farm, H- A. Knslgn, Mgr., tele
phone Gold Hill. Ore. 183
I cau sell Jeo acres with fine build
ings, pumping plant, nearly nil tho
land Is high grudo alfulfa land, close
to town and school for $7000. Im
provements almost worth It.
Also 1 10 acres, good building,
half hour's auto ride tmiii Medford,
a dandy ranch $7000. Some stock
goes with this one.
'oarly 300 acree well Improved,
fenced and eross feneeti, cau be irri
gated, close, to railroad tomi, $50.00
an aero Ideal stock ranch.
Rooui IP, Jacktoit County IkmU Hide,
Wetw they fi
mi wi,
pvur4 . y
1 J5p.
FoiPsAi'dJ liuggyamrslnglo'iinr
ncss. W. J. Drumhlll.
FOR SALK Huy shingles nt homo;
uinuufnclurcd from Jncksou county
timber, select stock, nt our now
mill In Hams Valley. Wo sell
shingles nt lowest prices obtain
able anywhere, nt mill or delivered
to order. AVo also manufacture
fruit boxes; prices nlwnya renson
nble, slock nlwnya tho best. Wrlto
for prices or pnrtlculnrs to Suiur
Valley Sblnglu Mill, SauiB Vnlley.
Oregon. 172
FOR SALK Kxtra largo nwcot Mis
sion grapes at 2c per lb. Phone
630-JI. 172
FOR SALK Polo mountain buggy,
good ns now. Palmer Investment
Co., Modoc Orchard.
FOR SALK Grain, bay, corn nnd
corn fodder. C. W. lsancs, Phono
WANTED Men or women to tako
ordora for a large portrait house;
good wages. Apply at 8 a. m. 522
Purk avo. 177
AGKNTS Fro lamp to nctlvo
agents, llcacon Kerosene Mnntlo
Lnmps, boat electricity; cost ono
cont six hours; 100 por cont profit;
exclusive territory free. Write
Mn nager, Home Supply Co., Knnsns
City, Mo.
WANTKD Agont In every locality,
tho best seller; wo bnvo It. To
prove it write C. Co. A. Ilox 41,
Onk Grove, Ore. 172
SALKS.MKN Callable specialty men
for Oregon. Staple line on now
and oxcopttotinl terms; vacancy
now; attractive commission con
tract, $35 weokly for expenses,
Miles V. Illxler Co., 229-41 Carlln
Illtlg., Cleveland, O.
SALKS.MKN Pocket sido lino, new
live proposition; nil merchants In
towns or 100,000. nud under want
It; pays $5 rommlsslou on each
sale; 110 collecting no risk to mer
chant; we tako back unsold goods;
easiest, blggost, paying sltlo lino
ever offered. Canflold Mfg. Co.,
208 Stgol St., Chicago.
WANTKD Orders for fancy work
and crocheting; reasonable prices.
Phono C55-Y. 172
for winter, 12 to 11 hundred lus,
Wrlto Mctlford, Routo I, Ilox 93.
WANTKD Lnrgo knitting mill ln
vltou correspoudonco from women
desirous ot earning money, part or
full tlmo. Gootl pay. Kxporleuco
unnecessary. International Mills,
lnc , Norrlstown, Pa. 200
-s.,T.rgr.Kri 1 v -i.
WANTKD Posit Ion us cook by Jap
auoso. IM10110 1UG, or addresH I'.
O. Ilox 210. 175
WANTKD Dressmaking. Phono
47U-.M. 141 South Central.
FOR K.M'lli.lljn,
FO R"tJ A I dM)i tT It A II IS -W I H trade
my plate fur nasturn uoiorty.
1150 W. Kth St. 173
of land all level, with free wator,
enough to Irrigate tho whole of It,
lying between Seven Mllo creak
and Odessa on Cherry creek, for
n small Improved place In Jnokson
county, Ore. It Is a gootl stock
ranch. Inquire of T. A. Swann,
L'nglu Point, Oro. 174
TO TIIADK- Mlleli eous for buy or
Kialn Phone :'17-R. Address 114
S Riverside 174
Decauso my stock, m trade Is to
have optlonod at tho lowest cash
price tho beat buy In this county.
I huvo been on tnu ground look-
'lng out for you for the past five
yoara. Nearly everyday I hav In
vestigated same "good thing." I huvo
eliminated everything oxcopt those
deals wliloh I am oonvlnecd will se
ruro me satisfied customers.
In a few hours time I can give you
the benefit ot this rosoarch. It Is my
business to show you over tho county
and Introduce you to the possibilities
and opportunities here. See Med
ford first and
J OH Wc4t Main fHrl
jptbt. 1
iuA I aflBK m )
f f iC - -A f A TA
S. '! SJ "
TUmlER PER . 1
nrm '
I (Q V15 ti -,
" &SiSZ-4
Auto Supplies
are operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Use our sprlhga
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 20 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Ore.
AttorueyH-nt-liaw, Rooms 8 and
9, Mctirord National Hank hldg.
A. K. RKAMK8, LAWYKR Garnett
Corcy bltlg.
Win. M. Colvlg. (loorgo M. Roberta
Medford National Dank Untitling.
Gnrnett-Corey Hldg., ulto
Medford, Oro. Phono 85G.
Collections and Rcjiorls
collected somo accounts 14 years
old. Wo know bow to got tho
money. Tho Uiiuock Mercantllo
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2. 3, Han
kins' Uldg., 216 K. Mnln st.
ICuglnccr ami Contractor
FRKD N CL'MMiNGS- Engineer ' ahd
contractor, 401 M. F. & II. Hldg.
Surreys,, estimates, Irrigation
drainage, orchard and laud Im
provement. 1
(Jul bngc
GARHAGK -- Got your premise:
cleaned up for tho milliliter. Call
on the city garbago wagons for
gootl Hervlco. Phone 274-L. F.
Y. Allen.
Instruction in MuMc
401, Gnrnntt-Coroy bltlg. Fred Al
ton Halgltt, piano; Mrs. Florunco
Hnlllduy Halgbt, voice. Phono
Physicians and Surgeons
DR? V. 'a. "CAIILO W, lilL KVA
MAINS CAR1JW Osteopathlo
physicians, 410-117 Garnctt-Corey
bltlg., phono 103C-L. Rcsldonco
20 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic,
physician, 303 Garnctt-Corey
building. Phono 901-M.
DR. J. J. K.MMKN8 Physlcluu nnd
surgeon. Practice limited to eyo,
onr. nose and throat. Kyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
It. It. Co Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bltlg., opposite V. O. Phone 5t7.
DR. It. W. CLANCY anil
surgeon Phones, office 30, resi
dence 721-J, Office hours. 10 lo
12, 2 to 5.
Physicians' ami surgeons. Offlto
.loy-Jio-Jli. M. R & . ,hlg.
Phonos, residence 314-J2, offlco
clan and surgeon. Headaches and
block, npposltu Nash hotel. Ilourd
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phonu 110-J
T. O. IIKINK. M. 1). Kyo. Kar.
Nose unit Throat. Headache ami
nervous conditions rolloved by
properly fitted glasses. Cross even
stialghtened. Office 228 K Main
st , phone 3U3. Consultation free.
Pihiteis utiil I'lilillslU'i-s
best equipped printing office in
southern Oregon; book binding,
loose loaf lodgers, billing systoius,
etc. poitlund prices. 27 North
Fir st
Public Stenographer
M T KinYARDS. StcogroiUfor
and Multlgraphlng, Rooms 409-410
Gaructt-Cnroy building. Offjpo
phone 709-J, residency phono
Olflce 4S North Front st. Phono
115. I'rlioB right. Service guar
Tako the right atop now; pleasant,
profltablo work not orordono; fow
months lenrnlng; positions guaran
teed; wrlto for references and par
ticulars. Portland Watchmaking.
Fngravlns & Optical School. 218 Com-
inonuealtli lllilg . Ul wild Anuety,
Portlaudi Ofogou. . .