Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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At high noon last Saturday Miss
Ruth M. Merrick, daughter of Mr.
nnd Mr. K. K. Merrick of this city
became tho wife of Mr. Raymond P.
Cnnfleld of Oregon City. Tho cere
mony which wns witnessed by only
tho Immediate family took placo at
the bride's homo. Rev. W. P. Shields
of the Presbyterian church officiat
ed. The parly consisted of Mr. and
Mrs. Canflold of Oregon Clly, parents
of the groom, MIhh Stella'Merrlck of
Long Roach, Calif,, and Mr. and Mrs.
1. K. Merrick.
A wedding breakfast followed tho
mnrrlagif norvlco and the bride and
groom left on the north bound train
for Government camp by Mt. Hood,
whero they will spend their honey
moon. Mrs. Cnnfleld it n gradtiato
of the local high school nnd nlso of
the University of Oregon nt Hugeno,
mid linn been a teacher In the local
high school for the past thteo years.
Mr. Canflold Is nlso a graduate of
the University of Oregon, nt which
institution the young couple became
acquainted, lie Is now associated
with his father In the banking busi
ness In Oregon City, whero they will
make their home.
These young people, so well quali
fied for life and with Hitch bright
prospects beforo them carry with
them the best wishes of their many
A number of quiet affairs compli
mentary to Miss Mcrilclc have- been
given tho last few weeks.
Last Prlday evening a surprlBO din
ner was given at tho 'home of Mr.
nnd Mrs. S. A. Nye In honor of tho
bride and groom. Th6 dinner was
tendered them by a company of
lrlends who have colobrnted Thanks
giving together for n numberof years.
Tho Morrlck family were ostensibly
invited over for nn informnl supper.
Tho first Intimation tho young couple
hnd of something unusual taking
plnco came when they found them
selves marching In to the strains of
n wedding march. During tho even
ing the customary tokens wero prc
Kcntcd to tho honor guests.
Those prosont wero .Miss Ituth Mor
llck, Mr. Raymond Cnnfleld, Mr. nnd
Mrs. P. 12. Merrick, Mr. nnd .Mrs. D.
V. Luke, Mrs. Allco Wntt, Mr. Jeff
Terry of Kingston, Ln.,Mr. and Mrs.
8. A. Nye, Miss Stella Morrlck, Miss
Holon Watt, Mr. Will Watt, Mr.
Stephen Nye and Miss Mildred Njo.
On Uio afternoon of October 0 the
Wednesday St inly club held its init
ial Hireling of the year in the homo
of Mr. Hutchison. The nffnir wns
in the nntiiio of 11 kofl'ee klalsch unil
thoroughly enjoyed by nil tlio mem
licrs. The Hutchison home was beau
tifully decorated with autumn foliage
mid flower. A social program with
jnntiv ninifing contests nnd diveis-
ioiiH was offered, and later delicious
lefrclmients wcie served by the fol
lowing good times cemmittee: Mrs.
Page, .Mrs. Palmer, Mi. Cntlicuit,
Mrs. Piokcl nnd Mrs. Hutchison. Mrs.
O. CV Hoggs was welcomed into the
rluli as n new member.
Mr. F. II. Ilohcits cntcrlniucd on
Rutuidny nltcmoon at her homo nn
North Peach street with a luncheon
dud bridge party in honor of Mrs. 1
II. Patterson, who has been spending
tho summer with hor parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Kdward Soulier. Tho gnosis
included Mrs F. II. Patterson, Mis.
II. C. Stoeekmnn, .Mrs. (leorge Col
lins, Mrs. F. G. Hyatt, Mrs. W. T.
Doiicr and Mrs. II. F. Antic.
Mrs. W. h. Hollo way enteitained
last Saturday uftornoon with 11 din
ner mid bridge nt hor ranch home
south of Medford for Mrs. A. Conro
Fioro, who left TuoHilnv lor New
York. Tho guests were: Mrs. A.
Conro Ficro, Mrs, Lincoln McCnr
niack, Mrs. Stownrt Patterson, Mrs.
Robert Iluhl, Mrs. William Sony-
Smith und Mrs. Coming Kouloy.
The Collide Women' club meets
tlii uftornoon in Phottnix with .Mr.
Malmgwn hotua and .Mr. Tlmsei
soeiiii ehtirwun. AiHuriun.ii art in
architecture will ho coiwidciod. Mr.
Wot dealt with it development, Mi
Mitckull nnd Mr. Moody telline of
IrjahardiHiii and llimt. After the
gflgit prof mm rfnhteU nnd a
froaUl hur Hill complete fit after-
Jdr. J. YiIm IUik-ith rt-iumd
kenm W4ii4av turn iit to
thm California t tU tx)i-
r. P It RoberU wm beatatt to
Le Sauwil dull Friday afternoon at
hw home on .Win Peach trwt.
A very pretty wedding occurred at
the residence of William I'lrlch at
338 South Oakdale nvcnuo Wednes
day, October C, flertrudo Ulrlch and
Thomas Carlton being the contract
Ing parties. Promptly at 2 o'clock,
to the strains of tho Lohengrin wed
ding inarch, that was plnyed by the
bride's sister, Lorain, the prospect
ive bride and groom took their places
before the assembled guests whero
Rev, Shields performed the ceremony
that united tho happy pair. The
rooms were beautifully decorated, the
color schema being pink and white.
Tho bride looked sweet nnd dainty
In a gown of whlto crepo do chine,
wearing n heoddress of orange blos
soms worn by Her mot hor nt lier
wedding. The groom woro the con
ventional black. A dainty luncheon
was served, after which tho newly
married pair left for Ashland, where
they took the train for San Prnn
clsco nnd will visit tho Pannmn ex
position for ten days, returning to
reside upon Mr. Carlton's farm near
Knglc Point.
The following guests wero present
nt the ceremeny: Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Carlton nnd two sons, Herbert nnd
Llo, Mrs. Hurry Carlton, Mrs. Vro
nian, Mrs. Purl Ulrlch, Mrs. L. K.
Rnyart, Wm. A. Young. Luke Itynn,
Misses Annie nnd LornlnW Ulrlch, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Win. Ulrlch nnd Mrs. Julln
The bride Is the second daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Ulrlch of Mod
ford, Oregon, and tho groom is tho
second son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Carlton of Ashland, Oregon.
The Foreign Missionary society of
the Presbyterian church held their
regular monthly meeting in the church
pnrlors Tuesday afternoon with
nbout fifty ladies fu utteiidnnce. A
very interesting nnd instructive pa
per on "The Conditions of Children
in Heathen Lands" wns given by Mrs.
W. f. Glasgow. The dcvotiojinl ex
crciscs were led by Mrs. 1'. Palmer,
taking ns the te.t, "Hnnest." A
plnylet entitled "Tho Mt'sucnjicr" wns
presented b" the following fixe la
dies: Mrs. L. L..Cathcart, Mrs. C. O.
Ilintt, Mrs. C. It. liny. Mrs. J. A. 'For
ney mid Mrs. 1. N. Winner. The la
dicu then adjourned to the chunel,
where n delicious luncheon was serv
ed by Mrs. W. It. Gore. Til table
decorations were s.vmholie of the 1111
1 11 id ti season, haiug autumn leaves
as place cards nnd fruit nnd flowers
for center decorations.
A good, attendance and a good tlmo
was the verdict of Ollvo Robcknh
lodge Tuesday evening. An enter
tnlnlng talk on flnnnclnl matters was
given by Mrs. Maud Stlckel of Gold
Hill.. Mr. Usher proved n good story
teller. Mrs. Lock wood gnvo a solo,
nnd also Mr. Ilennett. Mrs. Mines en
tertained with two flno readings.
The banquet rooom reminded 0110
.that fall was hero with Its beautiful
autumn leaves, vines und berries, for
decorations, Including pumpkin pic.
The regular business meeting of the
Itebckahs was held nt the 1. 0. 0. F.
hall Tuesilny evening, followed by n
social time spent with euids and 11
short program, which wns as follows
Solo, Mrs. K. J. Lockwood; reading,
Mrs. Heine j oenl solo, Mrs. Louis
Hcnnctt; musical number, V. W,
IVhcr; piano solo, Mrs. Hubler. Re
freshments were sened in tho ban
quet room nt the close of the even
ing. The tables wero tnslel'iillv dec
orated with autumn leaves nnd loses.
Dr. and Mrs. F. It. Patterson, who
hno been visiting Mi. Patterson's
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Kilwuid Soul
tor, on Ninth Orange street, left
Tuesday to visit the Panama-Pacific
exposition cu route to their home nt
Dodge, Neb.
The Catholic ladies enteitained
with n tea nt the palish hall Wed
nesday afternoon. Mrs. G. C. Gar
rett and Mrs. Henry C'nllahnn were
Dr. nnd .Mrs. L. A. Salade returned
Thursday from San Fianoiseb, where
they have spent the a8t ten days at
the exposition.
MiV. Homer Ilotliornusl entertained
the Girls' Thursday Ilridgc club at
hor home on Geneva avenue Thuixlav
Mr. Homer Rotfcormol entertained
tko girls Thursday Mrlilge olub at her
home on Geneva n venue Thm-aday nf-
Tin dial cluMrtw's pa r( the
tM wa h4i at the Count i club
TiMriMl)' aftuwwn.
Mm. A. A. Ilint f W-t T. nil
trlMl lt FriJii for Salt I..1L1 t t
Mm Reuin.ld and ton
uiorung 'or Swttle
leu Frida-
Miss Theone Carkln entertained
tho young ladles Amoma Hlble clnss
Wednesday evening, Oct. C, nt her
beautiful homo on Reddy avenue,
with a real New England dinner at
C:30 o'clock p. m., served cafeteria
fityle, tho guests finding their places
at n number of small tables to enjoy
the delicious menu of baked beans,
scalloped potatoes, brown bread,
pickles and sandwiches followed by
pumpkin pie nnd coffee and fancy
candles. Tho tables wero decorated
effectively with autumn leaves and
pink Ln Franco roses, the Hpaclous
rooms giving a lovely setting thnt
only can bo appreciated under the
soft shades of evening light.
After all had dond Justtco to the
splendid dinner the business meeting
was called to order by tho president,
Miss Carkln, Mrs. Desslo Medley lead
ing the opening prayer, then came tho
election of officers for tho ensuing
six months. Miss Theone Carkln was
again chosen president, Miss Piiulco
Davis, first vice-president, MIsb Jose
phine Clark, secretary and treasurer,
Miss Grace llratnoy, entertainer,
Miss Helen Lnwton, reporter. Pour
new memborn wero added to the class
roll. Reports given from tho teacher,
Mrs. K. J. Stewnit and officers' per
sonal work Including twenty-eight
call halng been made this month by
the different members nnd ten calls
by tho teacher during tho past month.
The Monday afternoons of each week
at Mrs. Stewart's home have proven
n great help and a social success. Alt
who have utteuded upprcclto Mrs.
Stowart's splendid offortn. Tho next
nible study meeting will bn held at
her home Wednesday evening, Octo
ber 21. Plans wero discussed to
raise the missionary money now duo
nnd local work started for tho winter
season. Tho business meeting ad
journed, Mrs. Stewnrt having chargo
of tho Illblo study program after
which music nnd a soclnl hour found
the ovonlug well spent. A rising voto
of thanks was given the hostess nnd
tho other members of her family who
had so helped make this delightful
party ono long to bo remembered by
nbout' twenty-eight girls of tho Amo
ma cluss. All strangers nnd visitors
to our city nro Invited to meet with
this cluss nt the First Iinptlst church
on Sunday mornings nt 9: Ifi o'clock.
Tho alumni hop which occurred
Tuesday evening in the huge hull of
the Nntatuiium, piowd to be one of
tho most pleasing nf fairs given by
tho younuer sut. The hull wns pret
tily decorated in red nnd bluck. The
stuge was partially concealed hv
network covered with ehryianthc-
iiiums. The patrons und patronesses
who served were: Mr. mid Mrs, M. L.
Alford, Mr. nnd Mr-. William Iliulgc,
Mrs. 11. F. Antic, Mis. F. W. Thome
mid Miss liny. .
The list of thoso who were piescnt
is as follews: Misses .limn Ander
son, Frances Heath,, Louise Will
iamsoii, .Mildred Antic, Ituth Winner,
.lean Iludgc, Ksther Winner, France i
ICenney, JJabo Cochran, Miss I)ais,
Flora Welch, lone Fljnn, Miss Lus
sen, Mmguict Ames, Gludys Pen it,
Gei tio TuyJnr, Laura Gates, Mildred
Gates and Mr. Percy Cochran;
Messrs. Heibert Alford, Horace
Ilroinley, .lames Vnuce, Kenneth lin
ker, Then. Fish, Tom Scuntlin, Hal
oid Huker, Call Tengvvald, Virgil
Strang, Mr. Tucker, Wesley Judy, I Id
Geary, John .Muff alt, Mr. Pratt, Ahm
Hopkins, Mr. Griuuell, .Myron Pow
(II, Ail Spnouer, Milton Schuihaid,
Flctchor Fish, Frank Fnrrcll, licit
Coffin, Frank liny, Walter Ilrown,
Charles Kay mid Adrian I lose.
Mrs. Fiedenck Hopkins enteitain
ed at her ranch home 011 the Suow
Huttv orchard Wednesday uftornoon
with mi iufonnul luncheon in honor
of her sister, Mrs. I). M. Pratt. The
guests were: Mrs. I). M. Pratt, Mr.
George Carpenter, Mrs, Phil Ilummil,
Mr. W. Tnylor, Mrs. Lincoln Mc
Cormfick, Mrs, Waller Itovvue mid
Mi. Stewart Patter-on.
The membeiH mid friends of the
Loyal Older of Mootio held a social
mid dunce Tuosday evening in the
Moose hull. Refreshment were serv
(d by the Indies nt the close of the
Mrs. II. C. Kuntner was hotc- to
tho N11II0 Iti-idge club at her home on
Geneva avciuif TIiuimIuv afternoon.
The Hew Baby
T.itrr rtsxvtant niotlxr tloulil lute
KjikI lulllr uf Muiiirrt t-f i ! It l
PliHttl urrr tlw muM-In mkui tl.rai tiurif
ILrf cl (Mini MillMUt utlue ttraiu, paiu i
rcAcfril. uu4 t uirtivmr awl tkc ikiu
thui preMrtrd at;iiit tent m.! ulUrr U
ln.-U to wwww vilttir Mutkcr hrlrwl ' It
bfn nrlrtrJ Write fur t rluMe Imut
M(tt fff- b)' llrillWM KffuUtur Cu.. It
Uwil m.f AlUnlj 1 1
It ll HHsl Willi l.mfl) inf.irnnllon an
wotulrrfut Irllrrt fnm rtilrf.,1 uiUlwri .b
rbl tkioufb tkt i.r If l auJ tUnr ran
fort Ut Uvlku t r(l(bil.n iwIJ It U drux
e. ?$vTr w .1 hJL. - i.iMErsrT i y-. , oEsr tHHaK. : --m-
aiiiani flntTHr MWlaMatVVWPgpJtWWalJ V&&KBBTmk2jBmrJlinmJ'w9MFiMrmnjmMb m 1 11
1 ti"rn'i - v - - m b 'rvTminik...
. r-T n,,, , ,, 1 1 1 1, ,,.
;i ?P)?CEDWOMhH!JtMEn01ULiiUILPIH&.u.tntviItcroucoK.
inn ' UniKi in lit lotfcii
gene, Oct. D. Tho nest egg for tho
proposed $100,000 women's memorial
building nt tho state university was
rnlsed esterday by tho students nnd
fnculty and by the town peoplo of
Eugene. Tho means used was a pro
gressive dinner, served In courses of
two circuits of five houses each, of
which 900 persons partook.
The regular monthly business meet
ing of the Grizzlies was held at the
library Thursdny evening, nt which
time it wns decided thnt beginning
with November theie will be mi nll
dnj'tf tup tho fitst Sunday of each
month und 11 luilf-day trip the third
Suii(la of each month. Following the
business session, tho club ndjourucd
to the largo hall of the Nntatorium,
where an informnl social evening wns
enjoyed. A short program, including
impersonntions by I.cRter Mcllonnld,
nnd it violin solo hv Piofessnr ). C.
Hoot wns given nnd very much en
joyed. The remainder of tho even
ing was spent with dancing, social
conversation and cards. Tho social
committee consisted of George
Treiehlcr, the Misses Lounsbcrry,
Treiehlcr, Fracr and Dnily.
Miss Dorothy Conner of Medford,
daughter of Mrs. Charles II. Conner
und sister of lloudmot Conner, who
survived the Lusitania disaster and
spent the ensuing five mouths in Kug-i
lish und French field hospitals, land
ed in New Yoik Tuesday mid will
leave for Oregon next week.
Dr. Howard Fisher of Washington,
I). C, Miss Conner's hrolher-in-lnvv,
who went nbrond with her nnd bus
been doing hospital iluty in France,
bus also retained.
Mis Conner, who is with iclntivcs
in New York, is in good henlth, not
withstanding her strenuous expen-
rro uti iLciiticit Ioitiup iiuom
Tho campaign for the women's me
morial bulUUng, which for many
L years has been n dream of ulumnae,
women students, and faculty women,
was finally begun over tho state by
Mrs. George T. Get linger of Dallas,
tho one woman on tho university
board of regents.
All tho money for this building Is
euce in the nnuv hospitals. She does
not expect to id urn to Europe.
Tho Woman's Auxiliary of tho Iinp
tlst church held a quarterly mission
ary meeting in tho church tent Prl
day evening. Tables wero set for CO
and promptly at K o'clock.
The program began with tho pas
tor, P. W. Carstens, presiding. Ev
eryone was called on for n newsy
nnd bright holpful snvlng along mis
sionary lines. Mont of thoso present
responded heartily, so a well worth
while evening was the result.
Tho Woman's Auxiliary of the Iinp
tlst church held a social meeting
Tuesday nftcrnoon nt tho homo of
Mrs. C. C. Johnson on South Onkdalo.
About 30 ladles were in nttendnnco.
After nn interesting program, de
licious refreshments woro served by
the hostesB nnd young lady assist
ants. Mrs. Annie Keliclmv nnd dnughters,
Annie mid Kutie, will lcno on Tucs
day to visit the fair nt Sun Fran
cisco. There they will he joined by
another of Mrs. Kellihor's daughters,
Mrs. Chiules C. Gidncy, und daugh
ter, Miss Daisy Gidncy, of Plainvicvv.
The oxcoutivo committee of llu
Parent-Teachers' uinilo of the Roose
velt school held n Meeting Thuindny
Cook With
Electric heat is fuel without
waste, ashes or dirt.
evenly and thoroughly, is Cleaner,
Better and Safer than other methods
of cooking.
Will bake, boil, roast or fry. All
the latest models of electric ranges
on display at our office.
California -Oregon Power Company
210 West Main Streot
' "T
to be rained from private sources It
possible. The bulbllng Is to house
all the social and Indoor athletic ac
tivities of tho university women. H
Is to contain a gymnnsluin, voclnl
rooms, rooms for corrective gymnas
tics, rest rooms and game rooniH, a
largo swimming pool, n running
track, locker rooms, dressing rooms,
u kitchen with supplementary quar
nftcrnoon to nrrnnge for n Hallow
e'n cnlcitniiinient, which will be
given Friday, October 20, at the
hchool building. There will he for
tune telling, fish ponds mid n vaude
ville performance. In fnct, some
thing of interest to both jming and
A lVrcvwll to Rev. Iluvvkitu iuul
I'u m I ly.
At the close of the prayer meeting
service last Thursday evening ut tho
First M. E. church of Medford, n
fnrovvell was given to Rev. J. IC.
Hawkins and family tipon their leav
ing for Oregon City, Oregon, whero
Rev, Hawkins taken up his new pas
torate, A largo concourse of members of
the church mid congregation and
friends wero present to say fnrovvell
and wish ho and his family tho best
of over) thing and tho greatest of suc
cess In their now charge. This af
fair was entirely formal, It not being
known until but a few hours before
that Rev. Hawkins would he vent to
tho new field.
Victoria music of well selected
pieces wnB rendered during tho oven
lug and nn Interesting talk wun mnd'o
by Mr. C. A. Meeker, president of
the Epvvorth Lcnguo of tho church,
In which ho called to mind a fow of
the excellent things, mid work tho
pastor had done during his one year's
stay In Medford, nnd on behalf of tho
L'iJti. ' " : ' tjVy r. ,. .
ters, and a suite of rooms for a ma
tron. .
Ulttn of )G00 or morn will entltln
the donor to one at the memorial
tablets In tho building, upon which
nny namo designated by tho donor
will bo Inscribed. Thces tablets will
ho pnrt 'of the permanent decorallvo
scheme and tho building will tako iti
name from them.
church und congregation, presented
Rev. Hawkins with hnndsomo trav
eling case as a remembrance
Rev. Hawkins renponded In his al
ways pleasing manner ami told of
the way ho hnd been taken from a
people to whom ho and his family
had become attached; of tho ups nnd
downs as -well ax the pleasures and
rewards ot ministers, also express
ing htfl appreciation of tho hludncs.t
to he und his family, by tho Medford
peoplo and of their cooperation with
htm in tils work.
Mr, 1). T. Law ton also sokc. n fow
words on behalf of the young peoplo
of tho church nnd .Uio pleasant asso
ciations with Rev. Hawkins and fam
ily, and their Influence -would bo a
lasting ono upon tho work In Med
ford. Not only the Me'dford church, but
tho feptiro city of .Medford, will great
ly miss Rev. Hawkins nnd family an
thin pastor's Influcnco wns far ex
tended outside ot the church as well
un within It, nnd lie leaven this city
at the close of ono of the most nuc
cessful yearn that the church has hud
in its entire history, but what In a
loss to this city will ho a gain to tho
city whero thin pastor and family
tako up thulr work.
No hunting or trespassing permit
ted en our lauds.
w x
11 i I