Al MDKOItl) MATl. TROUPE, - MKDFORP. OKIWOX, SATTRDAY, OCTOnER 0, im") PAGE TWO V lv s W , Bj tOC ALAND J PERSONAL .----i. Mr. nnil Mrs. John T. ScnntllnK of Trinidad, Colotndo, who have boon RpcndliiR tho pant rIx weeks visiting the family of tliolr daughter, Mrs. John It. KtiKllfh or 329 Minnesota avenue, returned to their homo Kat tirilny nttomoon. Don't Grono In tho Dark" fict an Ever-ready flash light at Paul's Klec trie Storo this week.. 172 One of tho host Charllo Chaplin pictures over screened In this city v.ns shown at tho Page theater Fri day night. It was called "Tho Bank" nnd will bo rcpated tonight for tho last time. Nu Hone Guaranteed Cornels fitted In your homo. Mrs. Clark, Phono 17CJ. 172 Tho boot fltylcH, tho host n.unlltIos nnd tho beat prices arc found In tho millinery department o tho M. M. Dopt. Store. ' 1 !' Tho Medford hand will kIvo a so tIcb of serenades on tho Main street this evening uudor tho direction of Lender Corns, beginning nt tho Med ford Hotel and ending at tho Hear crock bridge. Numbers will bo play ed on the corners. Tho street lights will bo lighted and music will add new llfo to Saturday night. Ono of tho blggost ond of tho week crowds In mouths will bo downtown tonight. 8co Davo Wood about that flro In nuranco policy. Office Mall Trlbuno IlidK. V W. Watson n lid family of Ash land has moved to Medford, renting n cottage on South Illvorsldo. Mrs. Howard Albert Hill, teaohor ij vocal, Ileglnnors a specialty. Terms reasonable. SOS Dakota Avo., Phonu 221. 17-1 Try ono of thoio big' Ico cold C cent milkshakes nt Do Voo's. Miss Nan Fair or Corvallls is spending tho day In tho city visiting friends en rnuto homo from tho Sail Francisco fair. Itooms pnporod at J3.7." whllo spring stock lasts. Phono 6 1 l-M- 175 John arecn of tho Steamboat dis trict Is spending tho week In tho city attending to business matters and visiting friends. "No trespass" signs for salo nt Mnll Tribune of f Ico. A heavy brush flro burned Friday on tho Applegate, being placed under control last night by tho forestry nor- vice, without any damage to timber. Drs. A. It. and Louisa Hedges, chl roprnrtlc physicians, Stewart build ing, 235 Hast Main St. Scott Hubbard or Klamath FallH arrived last night, and will mako his future homo In this city. New Hue or Jiipaneso baskets at tho Handicraft Shop. State Superintendent or Screens Sam Sundry spent Friday In this city nltendln gto business matters. Mrs, Loach, export coraotlorro, ma terial and rit guarantood. 32C North UartloU. 8. L. Graham or Prlnevlllo, Ore gon, snout Thursday In this city at tending to hiislnnaH matters. Got It rtt DrtVoo'o. Judge 0. II. Vutenn or Ashland was a Saturday visitor lu Medford. "No hhoo'tlng" slcus for salo nt Mall Trlbuno office. Tho pheasant season for IIMR closes tomorrow night nt sundown, and scores or Mudford hunter will journey to the Molds and hills Sun day for a rinsl shot at tho birds. Many hunters luft this mornluic to spend tho day in tho rountry. Job Printing In all Its branches at (lie Mall Tribune offlt'o. Herbert Alton! or this city will hIiik hI the Page Mouda) slid Tuaaduy of next week us a special added attrac tion. Ton percent oft on trimmed hats, ornaments, untrlinnied shape, Satur day only at Ituudlett & Stwarl', Mow's store 171 Nlok ICttuo of the Grlfflu crook dis trict Is itidtug the day lu th city attending to IiusIhms matters. Hook binding of any kind t the Mall Tribune offlc. Court Hall and lf aud 1'ui .Jiuuoii aud wl( leturuad lust night irojn n ten days' auto trip through lCJnmalh count v. Got your butter, eggs, milk, cream nnd buttermilk at D VoeX Dr. II M Hart or Talawt to mh1- lug the da lu the cll atlwUiUI to business matters. 4 Ton won-eni of on trilMMOri kU, 'ornaments, untrliuiuvd saaaaa. $al- uirduy onb. t Rumllett A Stawarfs. Moo's store. 1T1 ' Do Voo doltvars iaa Orammtan to you nvory day fui 7oe h month. Wilbur AahuaW- iwnt 1'ilday. In tho Ifuslo Pofut duiMat atlaudiM U business matter. Weston Oamcra 8iom rur first alasa Kodak flrithInB and Kadak sapaUa. Deiiiity Hinia VttU"i ' Jlolius ropr that iln-r ra a i .nattering enstt of hog B4lam i. the valloy. Uiit tim r ' '" Control, with tio danger of prg No hunitiis" IJROS for sal ai lh Mull Trlbunw office, William. Farnhnm-or Marshflold Is j amongMtho o.ut of- town visitors lu j the city this week. j Urlng those old magazines and pe riodicals to tho Mall Trlbuno for binding. I Tho rootbnll team or tho high school Is playing the Grants Pass team In this city this nrternoon, In tho Nrst regular gamo of tho neason, ' borore a large crowd of students and football fans. Dr. llonry Dart w visiting tho San ( Francisco oxposllion. ( Afternoon ten with wafers 10c, at tho Shasta. ( Shorirr Lowe of Klamath Falls has , been spondlng a few clays In tho city attendance nt the siwsiotis of tho fed In attendance at tho sosslons ot tho federal court, loft Snturiln) for home When better insurance Is sotd j Holmes Tho lnsuranco Man will soil It.. i Tho University of Oregon plays Washington Stato college at Pullman today, and Whitman University plays O. A. C. at Corvallls. Much Interest Is being manifested among former students of the four Institutions in this city nur tho results of the first conference rootbnll gamoa of tho j cor. Hot Tnmalcs nt tho Shnsta. Jnmes Whltaker of Coqulllo is mending u low days lu tho city nnd valley attending to business. Head tho Portland Orogonlnn. A. 8. Itosonbnum, who has been In tho Southern Pnclflc hospital at San Francisco ror tho past Hvo weeks on arcount or Injuries sustained during the train collision nt Ashland last spring, Is expected to return Tuesdny or Wednesday. After a week or two spent In tho country ho will rosunio his duties, J. O. Gcrklng, tho tost all around photographer In southern Oregon. Always rollablo. Negatives mado any where, tlmo or placo. Btudlo 228 Main 3t. Phono 320-.I. Dr. ltolllns, the new paslor of the Methodist church will preach his first sermon tomorrow morning. Tho pub. He Is cordially Invited to nil tho ser vices of tho day. Letter heads, envelopes, bill heads, looso leaf systems, nt tho Mall Trl buno otrlco. THE PAGE SUNDAY ONLY, YANG SI DOLLY 'CALL OF THE DANCE '; ,a?9KEHMHHHHHHE3VHMErnHilHHHHlHWMWl jjggllWgnHBFggf 1 iPaflPfiB gHK Sc vmvv 1 ' fflTJUBwcst ' A TtT-JgggBfeHgl a , iflu' tJtimBk'' J4jguAtgHgBEiliKBMHV HH f'r,.r?immhlm &iwi&ji1$im&zz. Br - -JUR 1 1 ) I Lsfi il 4Lmm imaSMw- MBjjpllg8ilg J I G0IH1 CROWDS CHER USD rape .? At the Churches ,...-. "Mt-s Vfliu i I)oll, on of t lie n i D-r'S itc, Inn -i.nul a i-oi:-tnu-t to uppe-nr in "'llie ('nil of lli" Itli ." one of Kel. -. tmir-iii't "nionilWiiv Knvo'ites" IViitures. Min Dolly is one of Hivudwny's brijrlit tl pin ticiiliii' idols nnd u member of l'o nnd Dolly. eiiriileied mining' the most popular of wimlewllr's lieiiilliue net-. A u im-mlici of Ibis (emu, ."lis Dolly's salnix is of -ul.tiin(iiil propottioiiM. plomunl tho discourse of Inst Lord's Day. Kvoulng 7 :'tl), "Filendshlp, tho first stop In tho Triple Link." Urlng y,our friends to those ser vices. Sunday school ill 0:1. with able officers uud lonelier to answer your noods. , C. 1. Society at C::t0 p. m. with In creasing uttoiidnnco uud a fine spirit manifested. This Is where you ought to bo, fiioud, Mld-weok prayor meotliig 7:30 p. m. Thursday. You need this meeting. All sorvlcos to meet your need aud all strangers welcomed lu tho home like church. JIAilKY I. TUCKKIt, Minister. KpUcopul 8 n. m. Holy Communion, lU a, m. Sunday school. 1 1 a. In. Morning Prayer., 7: !!(! p. m. Hvenlng Prayer. ' W.M. II. HAMILTON, Vluar. Mltilsteilal Milling Ministerial meeting Monday morn ing nt 10 it. m. in tho library. All visiting ministers nre cordially Invit ed, Uy order of the president. II. K. TUCKKIt. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS .Mis. .Mnrgiieiile Simpson of Hiittlo l'oiul spent Fridnv nnd Siiturduy nl the home of her brotlur, ('huuiieey Vloiey. ntiler Ssiijt s at liiime iiKiiiu af ter ii ycnrV sojoiirii nl Hold I f ill wlieru lie wuh omployuil in u drug fctoio. Mru. Hurl Annpni'l nnil i-on wt. id tliroiutli town Siitiinliiv on th.-ir way to Ashland, whore they will jolutio. .Inliii l'eiuoll of ApplojcHlo win ii Iiukiucss eul lor (luring tho uwik. lid lloluiM ami nifler, .Mim Mnudii llelniti, have retiiined fnuii a tlirrv iiiotilhs' vii-it to.ynn Fniueiseo, Frank Neil wan lu fiom his I)urli.v niiicli this week. Miii Louis Ulrieh mid Mif. A. I. Ki'keWon nKendeil "nu nflenuion" Mieu by M. O. ('. Kin of Medfonl 'riiesday. Mr. Julia F.. lUieKinuu, MitM t'ar rie lleeKimin ami It. It. lU'okmnu are at limne ngiiiii, having peut the miiii mer months in 1'iirtlaiiil uud IliitUli roltimlua. Mr. (I. A. Oiirdnor ivhk hofctesa to Die Mouiitjr eluh Inst Weilniilny uf teiinion. lksides the legulur m'iu lici. Mi-s. A- I. KcIckIsoii uud. Mm. .Ion. I.egKett n I'orllund' were pies, ent. lack Sharp htu returned finui Weed, ("nl., where ho w ewidoyetl this Hummer. Th fnsmU ftf Mix Nellie Melii tyre and Kolicit I'liiney were Kurprif id to hear of their luuinnge, which occuried at (I'o'elock ShIuiiIhv iiioiii nijf. Mr. aud Ml. Finney left im mediately on n pumping trip to he Hone tun weeks, a Iter Which lb.' youiur ptMtH will tender them a iv ooption. Mr. Caarte Ctiuiier enl(rtalal tkr UdifM' AiiNiliarv and Miationary wmiiIv of tkr l'rrb.lirtau ekurdi ut tea Thnmlav nltprnoou. Aluo bilsa mui'o'il tht gvit to ".Sun do h link," tht btwiidirl ihmmUt home of Mr. mnai. und afltr a short husin iHealiMt t Ami l were -tid to ahoiM thirty acts', I'at llavau ot Kngvn" t avtml !a. in IttM'ii tin i-ek. Mis (Whim Luiii ha huiwhI ti'uiii a si tu Kmtfiw iiul SrtUd. Mr. I'JIa I'uok i kiidiug' the ftk itU Mn. Hh(!u' Kluw u( iled frd. ill". llotHh. ho K'stdi'd in Jack wtodle abtnit iairt earw agn. is m Mnlfnnl tlti wc.-k, uclmg t a tttt-gH-t, lc,.ire ilia fNl-t4l jurv. Mr. litMMlv livts iu Klamath Fatta ul 4Jr. Jo, lcmu oi I'urtlawi mi WeU4av with Mis. J. p. Watfa. t. Hull i" rrtis a- a lutwr in ilie iHWal Mirt uM n4 Vle4ffil tlM Tb Crrii Mar Mpr kaU a ,- wn ui.eling Thuriav ataoiiig ia li ) Me- niclin KImci li" i 1 i . lei,- 1 1 io Alhtmbrn, i u i Catholic (South Oakdale Avo) First mass Sunday at 8 a. m. Second mass at 10:30 a. in. Kvenlnx sorvlcos nt 7:30 p. m. IHSV. JOHN PONVIOItS, Koctor. Oakilale Ave. .MethodM Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Preaching at II a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Kpworth Leaguo at C : J! 0 p. in. Prayer ineolliig Thursday evening at 7130. .-s All are wolcomn to attend our ser vices. -. II..-.M. HUANHAM, Pastor. I'list CIiiiiiIi or flu 1st. Scientist Sunday service nt 1 1 o'clock. Sub Joel,, "Are Stu Dlionie and Death Ileal." Wednesday evening toatlmunlal inuellug ut 7:30. AH, aro cordially InVlled. Siindiiy sehuil al 10 o'nlork. All under tho age or 20 aro weleomo. Itoadlug loom lu church odirtco, I3 ,ot'ti Onkdala, open from I:. 10 to I -30 dally except Sundays and holidays. I'lisl MelhodUt Kplscopal The following musical number will bo Included lu tha aarvlow Sun day. At the morning service at 11 o'clock tho oholr will sing "Tho God or Abraham ln Prnlsad." by Dudley Muck, Mr. Heine, violinist, will play the orrertory. and Mrs. W. M. Van Scooo will slug. At tho ovoulng ser vice at 7:30 oVIoik tha choir will slug "Arise llo Culled! Thee," Uy Itoeskel, and a iuarttt coniiKwod or Mr. Clarence Muokar, Mr. Ud miNtilea, Mr.. Cuad and Mr. Yromuii VlU'lln"HoiHniiiMr Mo, O Mighty Qn"', Itav. Ttolllns. the nawh a poliltiAl iwafor or tlila ogurali will liroaeh at both sonic. ' a cordial Carateiis, llnpiisl '"Tho live eUitreh wltU woleume." Itv. W. Pallor. x Morulug aorvlto 1 1 o'clock. Sub lect. "ItraakliiK tho AlwUnalar Ilo or Presliylei'lan Commuiiluu service at 11 a. in. All mouthers or tho church aro urged to bo prosnnt at the communion. All christians who. so dcslro are Invited to Join with us in commemorating our Savior's lovo. Reception or moiu ber. Kvonlng service at 7:30. Subject, "Alaska." Our duty to this great part or our country as chrlstlnn peo ple will bo urged. The future of Alaska Is beyond description. Wo ought to ohtnbllsh the kingdom or God there now. A good lantern will ho used aud lit) views to illustrate Alaska aa aho In. and as she mn bo under tho power and blessing or Christ. Tho lacUire Is free to all, nnd nil are oordlall;i4uvltod. Stipilny school nt 10 a. m. Kindergarten at 1 1 a. m Y. P. S. C. IC. at 0:30 i m Sub Joct, "! a Leader, Ho a I'V'ower" Leader, .Mary (lorn. Prayer meeting Tliursdn at 7 M) p. in. Ladles' Aid tueata TiiomIuv lu the chap I at 1:30 p. hi. AND BRIDE-TO-BE NUW YOltK. Oct. a. President Wilson and hi flt'nda, Mr, Nurinnn (..lit, reinaliied In NNv York today for a faw hours before leaving ror Philadelphia to wltnoaii (ttit uiifond i Tame of th world'a serfdS. The (ircsldrnt had broakfast at the .ruse or K. M. House, while Mrs ' Call, bar mothar, Mrs. W. II. IJolIlng, and Miss llelan Woridrow HonOB, the president's cotialh, hroakfnutdd to gether In Mrs. Oalt'g uulto at nu up town hotel. , Tho president and Mrs. Gait ar ranged to spoil illho two hours In tho shopping district, llotli tho president and .Mrs. Clnlt received scoros or tole gratus or congratulation at breakfast. Many or those were from foreign countries. , When Mm. (Suit urpso to day she round lu hor siilto a Inrge bouquet of Dowers which tho pres ident hnd sent bcrr Tho two hours previous to their departuro, Mr. Wilson and Mrs. (Snlt nccompanlod by hor mother, was spent In an automobile drive. Thoy vorc almost everywhere greeted with dicers or linnd clapping. An, incldont which excited tho amusement of pedestrians on River side dtlvo nnd caused the president and Mr. (Salt flvo sailing, minutes 'was tho loss of his lint. A. -gust ofi wind from over tho Hudson blew It Into tho etrect. A socrot service man from tho car that followed Jumped to the rescue, but the lint took a Journey or several hundrod reet borore H was overtaken. Coming down Firth avenue, tho president's car lod n procession or nenrly flftj automobiles. Nono wns nllowrd to pass It until it turned off to go to the Pcnnnlvnnla station. 3CDOCZ3C 3ni p nph' man that starts out X with a candle to nnu a leak in tlr gas, gets quick re sults, but they ain't satisfac tory i AA'to Tl UtUti'V fa n3.nvv' v y NO TICK Nolle ta hereby fjlven that the uu derslgued will apply to the city conn ell al Ita meeting to bu hold N'oveui bar 3, 10 IS, for a license to sell malt, aplrltuoiia and vinous lhpiora lu MHlitltles less than a gallon at Its place of biistncMi on lot 1 1, block '.'u, ctl of Mwlfoid until Jnnuai) 1, 1010. Doled October 0, vl."i. fKI8HY KKNNHDY. Si Nwrtli Front St. A lllffoii'iiro "Your iiiethiMla," axola lined the In dlguaiit, "were simply IiIrIi wa. rohliei " "Aaalu mi wrong uie," said the sugar ImiHirtcr, tlie were low-weigh roblier..'' r j j 6" r f1 .JPE VELVET, ThoSinootlicatSmokingToLacco, is tho slowly acquired result of more than 2 years' curing of Kentucky "Burlcy do qdtfjiCfiXiJoCnuo G zin MXC. nnzDaciiii: c:c:t:c:e:c:e:t:t:t:s:c:s:5:5:c:c:c:c;::e:c o o o V i 4 o o 4 i 4 4 4 4l 4 4 4 o 4 i 4 o 4 4i 4 4 It I 4 O 4 i I I 4 4 i 4 4 i M 4 t 4 4 4 O 4 it 4 O 4 I 4 4 IV 4 4 is- MVMf Tlk ml vHJIr The ntftst cconoinii'itl ttixs for ilocns of reasons. Here is just one of them The few adjustment nucw-. sary arc mtidc oil the basts of 4,500 miles anil are figured on the )dr i'" , actually M -fqr in'attu Tires and. not on 11 list price iliat means nothing. . . Our Distributor will be glad to give ) .: many ' other reasons why ISavagC ,Tircs are best. . , Ask for Tire Booh. SAVAGE TIRE COMPANY San Diego, California Factory Distributor C. E. GATES - Medford f 4 4 , 4 0 4 4 M 0 4 t 4 it 4 o 4 ( 4 4 i 4 i 4 C H i I 4 4 4 4 4 4 O M 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 O 4 4 4t 4 O 4 4t v 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 " u.'i'Jii!! wmini: oiir cms, and make our Double Vision lilnHe8 1UFOOM. No dlvldlUK IitH" sIiowIuk! NO DHOI'S l'f?i:D. DR.. RICKERT KjivslKht Specialist Medford, OroKon IWILLWISIOO Mr. If I FAIL to CURt-H GAKCF 3 a. TUMOR t m bslors It POIiOMi tin fhiit rr il.a ti CONE Uluiwout or tha lwiHirtaHcaof Noble i Wit(inutKr.P,PJnjlgr8a, f?1'1"1 ma,!- i tin VH lift I felUlT v"Hl V v ()uartalt, tTboutas 1 Salu, '" Tamch l.ouls Hennatt. tvening Mrrica 7:91 o'clwok Jct. "Walking With ChMJ." Colo. "WalklH WKH 004," Ml ciladys Htnmaa. Sunday arbotU. orcaaatral music. innclal craynu ravlaw, 0: 13 a. m. B Y. P. V 3 P. m. 'fjtoll. "Ha a Kaaier. B a lAtea's .l.wadart tlii Misses Holdea. 'Lead Kl Hilly Uht. Ma t I'ray' Sub- iiu ii up. i !i,'-u, WRIIUN I JAKHi It N II i, i r 4MII. Ii' II I I'U.II II 4' Ai TUH0P UYP ' sestoii nu or ' l ' CANCER 7 Mill-'" l! i ' 1M-7MU tOCi. S U, .J-& JB &Hh wrv mi mi V'l'i i m AURIPWOMsh"SDBEAST IsOAHBEK Ol , w. t. ii I , ,l , l r v ! ftllfcflV-s i rl in I n 'til. " tl'l t ,,rlv a I Kill in S QU.CUY 'i in -I ill l nun II I'll-. I ChiUlbtit Toe iircrfehlna service will bln t 10: i;. Mubk I Ktery Chrislian a N Creature Thin una will ti Ik. & Mrs. Dr. :.H WIEY I CO. snSVl eitl ai . u-.M.t Stm .'nUal " 4340 t a fcf vjHiMia St, ; n iranoioa. CjI. Ki(IOL VVI IHI hsaillA CANCEH J' " ?fe" too inc to rifttssittv. WANTKI To mura uaMvoawm to KO In auto (roui bar to I'reacaat I'll Tuoarda) meralUM i'a al io t Souib K0tr, Pbone ;J3J roR HKNT -Park tmi c4afita ih4"wiim; lla kMftlM. ar ! r, mmakri for S. MH U44 fWMli Htvor- attfa VMMM. ran aii.K im i.iiMa. ada j ii,. o Ii. i ii- ii l"iaa' "''' i: i UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE J'ULT, EQUIPPED UVi:ilY STABLT. AjmVlAXCE SERVICE 112 K.nth litrM(lo G A UN YAW & BOSTWICK 1'ruprlutur. Tlio rciiuii'Ualilc lU'liicNt'iiHMil of siit'iicc lias tlcu'lopt'il .i New Painless System of Dentistry Medford Conservatory i:lircMdon, Voire Work, I'libllc SmhiMiik. 1'li.txtiiil TrflinliiK.. .MltS. LVNiriT'l'l JIOVIOI'S. I'lano', .'MiiI(.iI MUtor), llaiiiiouy, Coimlci point. .MISS IVADKI.Ii NWINDI.KU. l'rlvate laaaons, or classes ot alx or mora, may be arranged for nt a.ny tlmo. Orrieo lleura: a a. m.-18 a. m. COLl.ROK IU'ILDINO 1 p. m.- S i. iu. Phone 15-1 EDUCATE FOR BUSINESS nt tho "SCHOOL OK BEST RESULTS" Killer Now nnd Make Your Time Co nt for Sniiullilii Wottli While, t'-oiu-plete ltiiliiot.s, Sti'iiiiniplilc, (hll Sen lie, mid CnlUli ('oiiiTei Taught by Tearhcr Who Know How to (iet tho Met Kesults. Medford Commercial College Day nnil Muht Siliool, ;ti ir.iio Kt. The Liquid Air us ailit'd by our (U'lital ipo iUstN itlitvot mII l?ain in cxtiitftiiMr ami fUliuflr 4?Hh. Miki' your dpuliiiuM)i)U now wUiU the iw miv is oti. Dr. Jones LHII Main m Mi. I lWlll'1 ( On. iifr.'l. l"i IMBimMiiim in wiiwini'iwwiwii ui i i i in tow wmu THE UNIVERSAL CAR Il'i iit's lowiinl auaiu, hut tho twine l-'oril i-ar. Tlte rerord of sttfisfnetory l't ri'orinani-e i'ur more lli.tit DtK),()(il) iiwui'is sureh makes it the " LTniver "alCar" the ear you waut. UuioeU tlie ilemamLs of jn'ot'osunal and busi n' men and brings pleasure to the wli'l family. Simple, stroug, n?li : ! -economieal in operation, and iiiainti'imnee. Ihiuabniit f4Jl)U; Towr in Car $440; Town Car b'-10, f. o. b. 1 Diiioit. On .xule at C. E. GATES' II yij"' .' " ' ',?'irMm HI lE-!'"" ' i nunc m a im niMM jiuhjm tmJ (