Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 08, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Pair Tonight nnil Saturday.
Max. 8JJ.5; Mlii. JJ7.
NO. 171
fBTtyflfth Yenr.
ptly Tenth Yi'ar.
wiiMonnoTnARfir TO GRE
Worlds series
Beaton Americans Defeated hy Score
KfJThrcc to One, Despite the Fact
cy Outliil Piilllles Grounds a
Sea of Mud Neither Alexander
Nor Shore Pitch Sensational Ball.
IlEAdl'K PAUIC, Oct. 8. Tho Phil
adelphia Nationals won tho opening
Kama' of tho world's series hero this
afternoon, dofeatlng tho Ronton Am
inrkmiiH hy n score of 3 runs to 1, Dc
ifjiffi tho fact that tho lred Sox ottt
littltlio Phillies, errors' nnd a luck
offplnfliiK Judgment (t critical mo
jiient gnvo tho con(P8t to tho Na
tional League pcnnnnt winners.
JNFIUior Alexander nor Shoro pitched
geggallonnl hall, hut excellent defen
glVeu ork nt tholr hacks kept tho
poora'down. Paskort's great running
catch of Oardner'n long drlvo to csn
terjricld In tho eighth shut oft n Hod
Boxkrnlly, nnd was tho fielding foa
turolof tho day.
MHen vy rains during tho night nnd a
foggy, shy was dispelled hy hrlght
sunshine- nt noon, though tho grounds
were) n sea of mud. Tho official
llOiTON All R 11 PO A K
HofljTor, rf .., r 0 1 0 0 0
SeotT, ss 3 0 12 2 0
Speaker, rf 2 10 10 0
ilQJjiitzull, lh ....' 4 0 1 12 0 0
iJewSi, If 4 0 2 2 0 0
ftnrdncr, 3b .10 10 10
Jjarry. 2li I 0 l 1 1 0
!ca5y? c .2 0 0 " 3 2 0
JleHrlcknon, .... 10 0 0 0 0
Sljor?, p 3 . ff 1 0 I 1
ItTTtli? 10 0 0 0 0
ITptnls 32 1 8 21
IJlnHcd for Cady In iilntli.
SjjTfltted for Shoro in flth. .
iBtoek, 3b
'Ijaweroft, ss
iPaskort, cf ..
Cravnth, rr
iltmlorus, lh
aVliltted, If 2
iSfleiioff, 2h 3
IH urns, c ii
Alexander, p 3
LTptnls ... .27
3 r.
12 1
Illy innings:
Jloifon .0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 01
0 2 x 3
iphficdlphla 0 0 0
WfgHniinnn: Stolen basos, Whlttcd,
tllatillUol; earned runs, lloslon 1,
foitltadclphlo, 3; eacrlflco hits, Scott,
ffliirdncr. Cravnth. Loft on hasos,
petton 0, Philadelphia 5. First bifto
OHlw-roiB, Iloston J; Philadelphia 1,
jlleys on halls off Alexander 2; off
(She'ro Struck out, hy Alexauder
ClfShoro 2 Umpires, nt plate, Klein;
fmweB, O'l.auglflln; left field, Evans;
rfSIJ field, Hlgler. TJmo 1:58.
JTho official nttendnnco wag 19,313.
iTxtal receiplB $51,00(5. National
'coimulsslon'H shnro $5,1015.00. Play
SrSTbhare $27,575 01, Kach club's
R5?e $t 101 88.
iRETHOailAI), via London, Oct. S.
Ttecre is renewed military activity
roHlthf northeyi end of tho Ilusslan
ffront from Dvinsk to Novo Clrodok.
tTliehe.ivlest fighting is In tho neigh
iborhood of Dvinsk. to the feotitu of
Ewlilch the Germans have had somo
Rcccfcg On the whole, howovor, tho
(Xwslans hae been aulo to withstand
tSeTr jxsaultH.
The ii rniaiig have fHieeoedod in
Wftwli'tf II"' Vila worth of Smorgon,
mmUIii tin in to oo-orllnato thtdr
Jwces ii"i ih and outh of tbbi paint.
Co i,. . ntr.itioo of osaaiderable Oor-
fur.-.-, in the vicinity of Tar-
,'iwfpl in t.-tlK u, about ti mllM south
Mltli' iiontiiT, believed here to
IWMi.. to (..lineal iamIHIom In tka
B,- lath r than t iMHlien af
u .:.. Ki. i.p i arauv otiiei
m ...
ltiit ti luugiioint tn kuuihcrn
.. . oininiie to pour late Pe
, i . i i rai- of orral tbou
11F.1JMN', OCT. 8 (bv wirclcw
to Ttifkorton). "Tlio Gonnnn
"" government hns lodged a pro-
"" test in Athens tigninst the Intiil-
"" ing of troops on (Ireck torn-
tori" hy the entente powers,"
" sn.H the Ovcrens News agency. ""
"" "Tlio reply of Greece Iiiih not ""
licen leeciveil."
CLAKKSHUtO V. Vn., Oct. 8.
Telephone messages received hen-
soon nfter noon saitt n sheriffs pnsso
willi bloodliounds hnd sighted four
men in tho foothills near Central Htn
tion nnd were chasing them. Tlio
men are believed to bo members of
tho gang, two of whom robbed n Jlnl
limoii; & Ohio train near 'Central
station curly,! oduy.
WIIKHLING, W. Vn., Oct. 8 Two
masked men early today held up and
robbed n Hnltitiioro & Ohio express
trniu from New York !o St. Louis
near Cent nil, W. Vn. Their booty
was taken from mail oars, nuuordiuir
to rejiorts received here, and was bo
lieved to bo large.
Two hours elttp'.ed from the time
of the robbery, nbutit 2 o'qloeU, until
the news could be tent to division
httndqunrleifl at I'nrkorhliiirj,'. Possum
wero out before daybreak.
The train robbed is one of !ho best
on tho llaltimnre & Ohio system.
The amount 'of booty obtained is
unknown. One unverified repoit baid
that tlio express ear which tho rob
bers did not take with them down tho
track was .2,000,000 in gold.
County olliiials were informed
(hut tho robbers secured from the
mail enr about 300 registered pnek
nges and uiiielv packages.
PARIS, Oct. .V The supporters of
Former Piemicr Venizulos, who con
stitute n majority m the Greek cham
ber, it litis been learned on high Au
thority, mivs u IIiiviih dispatch from
Athens, will not oppoKO tho new min
istry so that added complications
may be avoided nt n critical period.
Ovoi throw of tho Zaimis cabinet
would ins oho tho dissolution in the
chmnhcr, which is considered x
tremelv haznnlons, as tho Greek con
stitution does not permit fixing n
date lor elections during mobilization
of the nnnv.
WASHINGTON', Oct. 8.-President
WiUon, necompanud bv his fiancee,
Mrs. Nonnnn Gait, and members of
his family, left for New York toda,
where the purtv will bo outertsiued
by Colon! li. M. Iloiue, tho prei
Utnt' cloe friend, tnniffht ut a the
liter Mrty iu honor of the nniiouueo
weut of the president's ongNfrwnont.
Ah umiMiallv Is rue crowd w waited
the pisilcnt' arrival nt the Uiiiun
t ul ion, where tin- urty lioanle.l the
rvitleulinl ti.
XkVr'YORK. (hi. 8-Tbc fir-t
trauMtriiwn iu Ihr $MMl,UUO A S)jrli
Prrrufi 1 1 v Mar ' M-r nt hot A-
tit N k -!. k rv h-iu' J
tor tltf Miuount of ftO.MM) ut N.
Tb lmU "wkm iuxl." wi'M lul-
.i on tin -i'i-l. i i'b.,ii' Iwr tin
lllt lOL ttla,
Germans Attempting to Seize Rail
road to South Russian Warships
Reported to Be Hurlinjj Shells at
Bulgarian Port as British nnd
French Troops Are Rushed North.
LONDON, Oct. 8. Tho new Ten
tonic invasion of Serbia in now in
full swing. In command of Field
Marshal Von, Oennnn and
Austrian forces are seeking to push
Ihcir wny'soulhward, with the Driun,
Ilanubo and Save rivers it I I heir
backs, in nil ntlempf lo seize lit.
trunk railwny sliclcbing' from Bel
grade to both Siiloniki tind Constan
tinople. Tlio nexl move lies wilh Iltilgaria.
Whether she will attack Serbia from
tho rear while central powers nro
hammering nt the noitheni and
northwestern gnlcs, or maintain for
tho moment n watchful attitude, is a
matter of surmise, but the situntiou
ill such thnt her entry into tho wnr
seems to bo .u matter only of hours.
Hussions Shell Vntiwi
Russian wnrships nro already re
ported to bo hurling shells nt the
Bulgarian port of Vnnin, on tho
HInek sea. French and British troops
nro being rushed northward from
Saloniki by cypress twins. .Mean
while nt tlio point where the railway
npproachos closest to Bulgarian ter
ritory, both an allied and Dulgurian
finny nro massing.
It is icported from llnltan sources
that ns n precaution tho Serbian
government is trnnsfcrritig nil rec
ords and archives from Nisb to Ifitip,
in southern Seibin, about fifty miles
from tho Greek frontior.
Virlually mndc-ovcr guns and
equipment, nnd stiffened by British
and French effectives, it is predict
ed here that ilia Serbians will offer
stubborn resistance to. tho Austro
Gonnnn advance. They will bo ns
sisted by the Horn conditions in (he
Mornvn vnlley, down which Field
Marshal Von Mackeuzcu hopes to
forco his way.
Tho official Geniion eommtinien
tion now carries tho sub-enplion,
"Balkan theater ol! war," indienling
thnt those operations nro to be
chronicled daily.
The- situation on the Russian fiou
tier is practically unchanged.
LONDON, Oct. S. - A great military
review planned in Peking in eolebm-.
tion of the nnniversary of the forma
tion of tho Chinese republic is said
by tho Peking correspondent of tho
ICveiiing .Standard to luue been aban
doned in cnuNcqiicuco of tho discov
ery thnt military leaders intended
forcibly to crown President Yuan
Shi Kui ns cmeror.
The correspondent adds (hat the
monnrchinl system is developing rnp
idly and thnt tho belief is growing
thnt the pn-sideut will bo proclaimed
emperor on New Year's cloy.
t 111 I II. mmmt
JUNNKAFOUK, 0-t. 8. - 1). laiN
of ii murder plot which the jxdice
bt-lteve bugnn in lltiffnlo, N. Y., ami
ended totfay iu the sitting of Kate
Arnold, SS yeun old, were nought
nfter the woman". IhmIv had bcoi;
found iu her riu in m hotel. Tho
men are thoitKht bv detectie to bae Ijor fi'iiiii Jtuff'ubi tor the
purMpc of cnihuif her lili.
LAItKDf), Tex., Oet. 8. F.wrtocii
VUxittcH ttnur wr kiUsd m a
lHnir trniu wreck between Salt-
lilu .IImI SxU !-. 1'utiml VIhmIm,
iii'i'or.'iiiir iu tfl-(niiiix rf-iii m
Nuu liUfdo I'mIuv. Tlic iv k .i In ult tru.k ttllrl u llvl
ATI I HNS, via London, Oct.
8. Tho official news agency
announced today that thcro
was no foundation for rum
ors circulated ,ln voma quar
ters that the now (Ireek cabi
net intended to protest
ngalnBt tho landing of allied
troop.t on Greek soil
PAIUS, Oct. S. Vorth of Arras
hint night tho cannouadlng continued
with both sldoB taking part, according
to an . announcement today by tho
French wnr office, Tltoro waB alno
artillery activity lit tho region ot
lloyo and to tho ndrth of the river
Alsne, '
In tho ChampagirQ district thcro
wan violent bomlinrdiucuton the part
of the" German artillery with very
enorgotlc replica from tho French
cannon. There wan also active fight
ing In tho trenches southeast ot Ta
hunt, Tho text follews:
"The cannonading continued last
night, both aides taking part to tho
north ot Anna; In tho direction of
Souchcz nnd Its environs, ns well ns
tho sector l.a Folio and near Hill
Ko. 140. I
"Thcro wan also considerably, ac
tivity on tho part of ho nrtlllery of
tho enemy, together with flro from
our guns In tho region of Itoyo nud to
tho north of tho river Almio In tho
direction of Trncy-Lc-Viil and at tho
forest of St. Mard.
"In tho Cunmpagno district tho
nermann violently bombarded our po
sitions between tho roads running
from St. llllaclo to SL Souplot, nnd
from Sounln to Soinine-I'y.
IMIOKNIN, Ariz., Oct. S. -Dyna-mlto
was found today In n lot ad
Joining tho homo of i:. A. G. I)ul
niago, business manager of tho Ari
zona Gazetto, which Is tho main ex
ponent In Arizona for tho operator's
sldo In tho Clifton niluo strlko,
Tlirco boys found tlio explosive,
which was comprised of fourteen
sticks of dynamite, 150 feet of fuse
and a box of detonators. Tho sack
was found Iu a pllo of cans nnd rub
bish and had evidently beeu In tlio
lot a long tlnio.
Tho Rtato corporation commission
received today n request from K. O.
Heck, mannger of tho Clifton Water
company, apprising tho commission
of alleged threats made to blow up
tho water platit If tho compnny turn
ed oft tho supply of any user becauso
ot non-payment of water roni, for an
nllownnco to tho ronipuny to offset
any loss occasioned by furnishing
wuter free.
PARIS, Oct. S Suvon American
volunteer aviators took part In uorlal
leconnalssaucos In tho bnttlo iu
Champagne. Tliey aro William Thaw
of Pittsburg; Burgoant Elliott C. Cow-
din of Now Yor; Sergeant Norman
Prime, Iloston; I). G. Jhtson, Bun
Fraucisito; Iiert Hull, Howling (lroen,
Ky ; Jaiiios J. llurh, Now York; II.
U. Gsrin.
Fiv mora American airmen are
scouting on other psrts ot ine FrsNch
lino aud olovon are in training Iu an
aviation sohool, Thsse 21 man form
tho I'ratiso"AmorleH flying oerfw,
which hM Just opcasd an office and
eUtb nmwut 011 ltu l)s I'ostMUu,
Tbroc of tbs Amsrlaaiu LIutB-
nnt Thaw and XerKMiit Prince aud
rodln--hsv bt-cn clid In the or
dsrs of the day.
Ministers of Britain, Russia, France,
Italy, Belgium and Serbia Leave
Sofia Dutch in Charge Bulgar
ian Reply to Russia Defiant, Verg
ing on the Insolent.
SOFIA,, Oct. S. Tho ministers
representing tho cnteuto powers ask
ed for their passports last night. Tho
Italian mlnlHtcr Joined with tho Brit
ish, French and Itusslau representa
tives In this action, although ho had
handed no liote to tho Bulgarian gov
ernment. Tho Belgian nnd Snrhlnn inlnlflters
applied for nnd received their jtnss
ports this morning, Tho Dutch min
ister has taken charge of tho Inter
ests of tho allied powers.
1'F.TIiOGRAI), Oel. 8. llulgnrinV
reply to the Russian ultimatum is do
moribed here ns "bold to tho verge of
insolence." Iu substance, llulgaria
donion Gnntinn officerH nro in tho
start's of the Iiulgurinii nrmics, but
sn,VH that if they nro present thnt
fact conceiiiH only Hulgnria, which
reserves the right to iuito whomso
ever it likes. Regarding ncccptauco
of finnncinl nssiHtnnco from Ger
many, ltulgnriii maintains tliu. right
lo make loans wheiover it pleases. Ah
lo the demand thnt relntioiw bo bro
ken with tho "cueiuieH of Slavdom,"
the liulgnrinii government iiHKertB it
is ,!Ih privilege to ehooso friends to
Htiit itself nnd join with imy groujt it
Tho gcnernl lonor of tlio reply is
Mteh ns to iudicatu'rho' Hitlgarian
goventment has 110 objection to with
drawal from Sofia of inch diplomats
iiH (Unapprove it conduct. Tho Mul
gnrinn minuter nt l'etrogrnd, Mich
ael Mndgariow, has not been n-kcd
lor or receded his pust-porH.
DKNVKIt, Oct. 8. John I). Itocko
feller, Jr., made today his firnl uh
lie uddroKK in Colorado, when ho wits
tho guost of honor nt tho weekly
luncheon of tho Denvor Chnmbor of
Commerce. Senkiug ns a lmsincss
man to an assemblage of businoss
men, he disoussed tho jiroblems of
the Ktate, partioiilarly with regard to
indtiHtrial tpioslions.
Mr, Rockefeller referred lo what
ho (tailed n misapprehension on tho
part of tho publio regit riling the
Rookefdlor nttitudo towurd orgnni.ed
labor. Ilo read cxtracta from his
own testimony beforo tho ' federal
commiMsiou on industrial relations,
which ho said proved that-ho believ
ed iu tlio right of labor to bo organ
ized. Ilo spoko of his recunlly promul
gated industrial plan us a further
proof of his friemlliiiosM (0 tho work
ing cluss.
Concluding, ho said thoro must
never bo another strike in tho coal
mining industry iu Colorado, beonttsu
when striken occurred nil paities woro
losers, including the public.
NUW YOHIC, Ort. R Konuntli ('..
Trlust, 19 yours old, who disappeared
from Princeton university last Jan
uary wnIIo a student there, Is a pris
oner in l-ottdos. aecuscd us a spy, ue
wrdloK to 'information his rlutlv
hsro havK rtvsil from the sUto de
prtNieNt In Washington. Trloat Is
a mh of W. a. Trieat, a Gorman by
birth, but a Naturalised el then of tlta
L'nltcMl Wataa.
Mr. TrkaU said t4ay that he had
prMHU4 to Becratary Jjiualng taa
liwony ot many of his son's nrcuain
tsnifa to aliow that tho boy was wen
Ullj uui'alanc.J
M ! J- 4 'l -t 4 4
ATIIKNS, Oct. S. Gonornl
: sentiment in Athens seems to
bo thnt King Constantino has
' saved Grecco from n war In
: which tho policy of formor
l'remlor Vonlzelos would liavo
hroughtthn country. Tho
king thorofore, Iu tho opinion
of promlnont Greeks, has
gained additional prestige.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.--Tndlcn-tions
today on tho ovo of (ho oonfer
enco of tho I'nii-Atuericiin diplomnts,
nre that tho Cnrnuizn government in
Moxieo will receivo enrly rceognition
fiom tho United Stales. Tho only
thing thnt can stand iu tlio way of
recognition, it is believed, would bo
sotno unseen development to compli
cate tho situation.
Recognition, if accorded, would ho
bused upon statements to tho United
States government from Cnrnuizn
nuthorities showing his military su
premacy in Moxieo, nnd promise of
protection to foreignets nud their
property nnd nssurances of nuincsty
to political prisoners nud of religious
freedom to nil. Thosn statements
nud'HKRuiiiucoH nre behoved to hnvo
virtually convinced administration
officials that Cnrnuizii hns mot both
the "material ond moral capacity"
required for tho orealioii of 11 stable
go eminent.
Announcement ns lo which of tho
revolutionary l'nctions in Moxieo
Miould be recognized mnv bo made
by tlio I'nii-Americnn conforonco,
which meets tomorrow.
CI.11TON, Ariz., Oct. 8.- Ono hun
dred soldiers from Tuoson arrived
about noon 11ml encamped ut 11 strat
egic point a milo from tlio town, com
manding tho railway and road to the
mining camps.
HI", ASO, To.x.. Oct. 8. If. C.
Mylos, Hrititsh eonstil, wired Gover
nor Hunt nt Arizona asking protec
tion for Itritish milling iutorcsta iu
Iho Clifton-Morenoi striko district. It
was based on the uompluint of twelve
Iiritit-li subjects.
rVunk Mel.enn, superintendent of
tho Detroit mines nt Dunenn, Ariz.,
arrived lioro and nseoitod that wom
en refugees at Diineau list wired
President WiNon asking pmtoetion
of fedeial troops.
I.OR ANOIJLUS, Oct. 8. -IJuth tho
prosecution nud tho defsno an
nounced when tlio noon rccs was
taken in tho trial of Msthew A.
Schmidt, chat ml with the murder of
Charity A. Ilsugyrty in iiuinootion
with the dynamiting of the Los An
geles Tnnoa hiiililiiujr, that they ox
pcted the oxamiuution of taleaiuan
In reach the peremptory stag todny.
l.levt'ii jurors were in tlm lux when
the n-et s ws taken.
NKW YORK. Oct. 8. INir the first
tlm In wohiIm, roprNHMiUllv rail
waya rulml today's market. ItMdliiK
and Uhlan Valley leading a two to
six iKiiut advance, while spsclultles
City Takes Over Outstanding Ban
croft Paving Bonds Assessments
Reduced to 60 Per Cent of Value
of Lots, Which Relieves Outlying
Residence Property.
Tho following proposed solution ot
Metirord'fl problem In connection with
paving nssesfliuonts la offered by
Councilman T, W. Miles and wilt np
pcar upon tho ballot at tho Bpcclal
olcctlou In November. Mr. Miles ex
plains his proposal ns follews:
"I will stato nt tho outset that t
do not claim this plan ns wholly orig
inal, but samo has boon carefully con
sidered nnd worked out lnrgoly from
suggestions tnado by citizens who nro
deoply Interested In tho wolfnro of
our city with tho only object In vlow
of securing the best poRslblo solution
of this most Important problem with
which tho city Is confronted nt this
"1st. Tho City of Medford shall
tnko ovor nnd ansttmo nB general city
obligations nil outstanding Ihvncroft
i'nvlng bonds, tho nggrcgnto amount
or which is approximately $Cf0,000.
All lntorcst horontter accruing 011
such bonds shall bo paid by gcnoral
taxation, nnd tho principal thorcof
shall bo paid by tho sale of refunding
bonds ns soon horcaftor as such bonds
can bo sold to ndvantngo.
Hellevcs Out.Milo Vropci ty
"2nd. Kvcry assessment which lin'8
been lovlod for Btroet paving shall
bo scaled down nnd reduced to nn
nmount not exceeding sixty per cont
of tho valito of tho lot, oxcliialvo ot
Improvements, ngnlnst which tho as
sessment stands, tho basis of valuo
to bo that fixed by tho county assess,
or for purposes of 191C taxation.
Tho effect of such n reduction will bo
lo wlpo out from two-thirds to threo-
fourtha ot tho paving assessments
against outlying resldenco property,
a somowhnt less proportion In enso
of tho mora vnlunblo insldo resldenco
proporty, In tho caso of cornor resl
donco lots, tho reduction will bo
much groator becnusn tho said as
sessment for 1015 which Is tnkon ns
a basis will not bo substantially lar
ger than on tusldo lots, nnd will re
sult In 110 reduction at all on tho
assessments against insldo business
'3rd. Tho city shall proceed vig
orously to collect all tho unpaid as
sosmonts remaining after making
such reductions,
"4lh. From tho funds so collected,
tho city shall repay to thoso proporty
ownors who havo heretoforo paid on
tholr assessments amounts Iu excess
of t such assesRinonts an so roduccd
tho full nmount of such excess with
lutorost nt G porcont from tho data
of such payment.
"Bill. Tho remaludor of tho funds
so colloctod from assessments, both
principal and Interest, shall bo placed
In a sinking fund to retlro tho bonds
Issuod to rotund tho present lluncroft
Advantage of This I'lnn
"(a) It Is prnctluablo. No doubt
whatevor oxlts hut that It could ha
carrlod Into effeot. It is not abso
lutely nocossary to Isstio or soil any
bonds at tho prosont tlmo. Tho re
funding bonds can ho Issued, If It Is
found poBslblo to sell thorn nt tho
prosont tlmo, nt ns low or a lower
rato of lutorost than tho prosont Dan
croft bonds, otherwise, tho city can
wait a moro favorablo tlmo for soil
ing such bonds, as most ot the out
standing lluncroft bonds havo from
tlvo to six years to run. It Is doubt
ful whothor It would bo lawful to
use collections from assessments to
make refund paymonts to property
owners until the Ilancroft bouds aro
retired should tho holders ot theso
(Continued on Page f.)
WINN'Il'i:(l. Ort. 8 -The olono of
the preliinii.m s hearing of Sir Rod
mtiud llobliii and three other former
eabiuet wuiitrs, elmiKud with eou
hpiraey to dafrwud the province in
denting Ike parliament buildings,
wax riMilmd tin utternooii. fugis
trale M... Donald eonnnitti'd the no
1 ucd ti'iatirs lur trial.
V . V