Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 07, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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fc I H'.
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A largo crowd attended tho Page
tlicnlcr Inst night to boo Thoda Hara
in "Lady Audloy'u Becrct." Many
from out of town attended, 11 wad
tho beat (llm production in rhlch
Thcda Ilarn has appeared In this city,
and, 1b In three Intonscly interesting
parts. It -will he preHeuted again
tonlsht for tho last time.
Don't Oropo In tho Dork" get an
Kvor-roady flash light at Paul's Elec
tric Btoro this week.. 172
Elmer Lynch, charged with cattlo
ideating and Jack Palmer aeusod of
Introducing liquor on tho Klamath
reservation wero brought to thin city
this morning for appearance before
tho federal grand Jury.
Beo Dare Wood about that flra in
auranco policy. Office Mall Trlbuno
A. L. Olover, connected with the
nccrot service branch of tho treasury
department, In In tho city today at
tending to official business.
Try one of tlioso big Ice cold 5 cent
milkshakes at Do Voe'p,
There will be no regular meeting
of tho Woman's Home Missionary so
ciety of the M, K, church on Friday
afternoon, its the auxiliary Is to meet
with tho Ashland ladles that evening
when six ofonr national officers will
bo present. "It Is desired that a large
number attend ns tlibi Is an exception
al opportunity.
IlooniB papered at f.1,75 whllo
niirlug stock lasts. Phono fi H-M. 1G
IIOH.V A sou to Mr. and Mrs. It.
If. Lincoln at Fall Itlvcr, Mass. Doth
wero former, residents of Mcdford.
Last time tonight, Thcda llara,
Page theater.
Senator Von dor llollon loft this
morning for Corvallls to attend tho
quarterly mooting of tho O. A. C, re
gents. "No trespass" signs for sale at
Mall Trlbuno office,
Owners and rcsldcntn of Hlghcroff,
Blsklyott Heights, Queen Anne and
Laurelhurst additions at the eastern
CiIko of tho city, arc up In arum over
tho Invasion, of their promises by
trespassing hunters who wake them
before daylight In their bombardment
of pheasant, and who tear down and
disregard tho no hunting slgus. The
fow pheasants In this locality nro
neighborhood pets and havo been
tamed by being fed regularly. 1Mb
trlct Attorney Kelly was consulted
today and promised prompt prosecu
tion for hunters.
Drs. A. It. and Loutsn Hedges, chi
ropractic physicians, Stewart build
ing, 33G East Mnln St.
Karl Hubbard loft Wednesday to
work on tho Fish Lake dam.
Mrp. Leach, expert cnrsetlorre, ma
terial and fit guaranteed. 32G North
Dr. L. A. Salndo nud Mrs. Salrulo
havo returned from an extended visit
to tho Han Francisco exposition.
(let It at DoVae's.
Nothing that marked tho interest
of former years locally Is shown In
the opening gamo of the world series
tomorrow, llostou Is tho favorite,
though there oro n fow Phlliy nup
porters. Very few wagers havo been
placed on the game.
"No shooting" sIkiib for mo at
Mall Trlbuno office,
Coach Klum or the local high
school Is putting his team through
hard practice this week for tho first
regular game or tho season next Sat
urday with the Oranls Pass, and tho
squad Is hoglnulng to show tho re
sults of his training. Tho locals will
play 11 return game with Grants Pass
' October 2.12, and early In Novumbur
' begin 11 three gamo series with Ash
land. Job I'rlntjng In all its branches at
tho Mall Trlbiina offlro.
SnniuVl Walters of Hilt. Pal.. Is'
spending a few days In the city and
valley attending to business matters.
Hook binding of any kind at the
Mall Tribune offfee.
The open season for Chlitoso plump,
lints closes Sunday. Ootobcr 10th, and
limitm arc Mocking dally to the
country for h shot at the bird. The
liibt tin 00 days will sen nn exodus of
tOinoters to tho fields. The birds nro
netting scarce and wild. The quail
Houston will last until the end of the
Head the Portland Oregonlan,
!)oun Htllgratui of Hugono Is among
tin) out pf town visitor In tho city
this wio.k.
"No hunting" signs for sale at the
Mall Trlbuno office.
Frank l.owo of Ashland spent Wod
uoiiday in this city attending to bus
Iiiimmi mutters.
Hot Tii mules at tho Shasta.
It. W Ituhl. editor of the Morning
Hun, Is recovering from a severe at
tack of quinsy.
Weston (kwuera Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
Mrs. ThPHiu Young of Hague!
Uil city aliONtiiug to u4ut wai
ter Afiaruow tti with wafer 19c at
3& Kins of HUlH. CaL, (I
JJUHS a rw iu Uw U t
tending to buluo malted.
J. T. Sullivan tins returned from i
trip to Fish Lake, where 200 men are
busy night and day building tho dam.
When better Insurance Is sold
Holmes Tho Insurance Man will soil
Farmers of tho valley oro holding
their hogs for a higher price, there
being a wide dlffcrcnco between tho
prlco of pork on tho hoof and on tho
butcher's block, and between Port
land and Chicago markets. There Is
a strong demand for cattle, and an
other carload will he shipped out the
end of tho wcok.
Ladles I nra now prepared to make
your hair Into switches, Madamo L.
Hc-uncs, 240 North Oakdale.
Charles Prim, Jr., of Jacksonville
spent Wednesday In this city attend
ing to business matters,
Lottcr heads, envelopes, bill heads,
loose leaf systems, at the Mall Trl
buno offico.
Charles Utter of Grants Pass spent
Wednesday In this city attending to
Get your butter, eggs, milk, cream
and buttermilk nt Do Voo'a.
Miss Helen Itngtdalc or this city Is
spending n two weeks' vacation In
San Francisco visiting friends and
relatives and tho 1915 fair.
J. O, Gerking, tho boat all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives mado any
where, time or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 3 20-J.
Attorney 11, It, McCnbe attended to
professional matters In tho. county
scat this morning,
Do Voo delivers tho Oregonlan to
you ovory day for 75c a month.
County Assessor W. T, Grieve
spout Wednesday afternoon In Mcd
ford attending (0 business matters.
Uring those old mngazluca and pe
riodicals to tlo Mall Tribune, for
Tho city council will shortly mnke
up tho budget for tho coming year,
and the same must ho ready for pres
entation to the county clerk by De
cember 1st. This IncludcH tho ex
penses and malntonnnco fund of the
city for the year, upon which tho tax
levy Is based. Stops must bo taken
to roplaco the 1 12,000 per annum
lost to tho city through tho pnssago
of -prohibition. After Jnnunry 1st,
all license rovenuo from this nource
will bo lost,
Hud AnderKon, former pride of
Medford, hns announced Hint ho will
take part In no more ring bouts un
til nftor the first of tho year. An
derson has won no fights this year.
The Jury In the case of tho state
vs. George llarrou ehnrgod with reck
less driving on the Pacific highway, I
disagreed In Justice Taylor's court
this morning, after a trial lasting a
day. As n result of the accident Jus
tin Judy of Griffin Creek district
sustained Injuries. Ho was driving
n htiRgy at the time. Tliero was a
wide variance in tho testimony which
accounts for tho failure of tho Jury
to agree. The easn attracted consid
erable attention,
Faucy tokoy grapos, grown near
Jacksonville, In bunches weighing
from one to four pounds, nro being
shipped front tho public mnrket to
eastern cities.
Jonas Wold, druggist, ,1. W. Mitch
ell, blacksmith and former council
man, Kmll Schmidt, merchant, and
W, F. Qulseubury, accountant, havo
beu arrested upon complaint or Ralph
Cowglll, nrtlng for tho Itoguo Ulver
Cnnnl company, nllegelug tho four cit
izens trespassed on forbidden lands
In their quest for Chinese pheasants.
Their trial will be held In tho morning-
Further nrrests 011 the minto
Charge, Including a preacher, will be
NKW VORK. Oct. 7 Charlotte
Cushtnaii at one time America's fore
most tragedienne, has achieved the
distinction of being the first member
of tho theatrical profession to be
admitted to New York unlvorslty'H
hall of finite. Her unnio was among
seven chosen today at the fourth elec
tion held every five voars.
With the ae of tho actress, who 1
Reenll petitions lire reported in cir
culation tyilnv against ('ouneilmeij
Mann, .Mile, Sargent and llur
greuvo uccutiM of Uieir attitude op
posing tlio proposed ruboutliug plan.
The inH(igutorn of the recall nro tho.e
who circulated the rebuilding peti
tioim iihkitijr lor u special election,
und tho threat nl recall Inm been f r -(ucnll
made ns u iuciiuh of coercion
to whip the couneilnieii into line.
There is no pay uttnehed to the
office of councilman, and the pros nt
council was only induced to nei-opt
the office upon tiigent solicitation of
lending citizens.
Councilman Mcd.viikj states that
E. II. Kohl is the instigator ol the
Thomas A. Carlton und Gertrude
ririeli were united in marriage In
Key. K. Shields, pastor of the
I'resli.vterinii church, at tho home of
thij bride's iwienls at 1158 S. Oak
dnle, this city, at 2 p. in.. Wednesday.
October 0. Sir, (arltou is the sou of
11 pioneer of the Rogue River valley,
lie in n stockman and Is running 11
large ranch near Kaglo J'oint, where
he will take hi bride. .Mrs. Carlton
is the daughter of William I'lrich,
who is one of the hin'ccssful business
men of .Medford. Slices well known
in thix city (tnd county and is much
loved by her tniuiy friends.
As thee young people joyously
und hopefully take up life together,
the good wishes of nil go with them
They have been horn and raised in
this valley, and may till its blessings
he lliclrh,
(Continued from Page Ono.)
Hulgaiiii. The cabinet crisis has in
no miiuucr impeded the lauding of
allied troops at Salouiki, and 1 ho fact
that, tittle forpes nro on Greek soil
is considered lite best guarantee that
(IreT'i'd'nltlnmli'ly must nlign herself
with the eneijt powers, with which
I'reiiiier-Klm'UZuiiiiiK is in sympathy.
I'liampngue, in tho w?st, and
Dviusk, in the cast, nro now the
scenes of ihe struggle, most likely
lo bring decisive results. The Ger
mans still are onguged in conoutit rat
ing iiguiitst DvinsN, evidently bent op
n supreme of foil to take the city.
The Russian, however, are delivering
hard blow, all along the line, und the
Itrilish ami Ficneh pre, pivfcssos to
see general Kuitiii "iccovory," foi
which tlm itnlivitics of. the allies in
Ihe wit8nre given credit.
Gci-iimns ItepuNcd
The Krench report vtntes that the
Germniis bombarded violently last
nipht nil the Krench front lo the
north of La Kcnri, and lit the hiime
time delivered four counter-attaeks
against the positions leeeutly eon
( I lie red liv the I'rcueh neur Sotieheic.
They were ivpulscd ut nil points.
There wa furthermore intense nr
tillerv e.xehaime. at other points oil
the front.
lu the Clunnpiiiino district lust
iveuinir the Ocim,tit dclixcrrd n ser
ies of stubborn iittiiekk iixtiiiist tin
positions lust bv them to the I'teiicb
to the north of Tnhiiie. Tliem- at
tack everywhere tailed and the (lei
man suffered heavy los.ii..
At llimrvo the French exploded
I Mi miiie, cuiisinic serious damage to
(Iciuiiiu works.
tliioiigh the bankruptcy of her father
became a singer and later tho 111 out
prominent woman of her time 011 the
stage, were chosen the names ot
Daniel Uoone, hunter and pioneer,
and Khas Howe, Inventor or tho sew-
tug machine
mmmmmmmmmim .Jmmxm ' -ww&$fa?
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 7. The appointment or L. A. Vilas, n tutor,
to watch for forest fii.-s ui the region uround Hig Trout Luke, "Wis., is
the latest development in the forest lire fight. Vlhn., who i wotiing us
n volunteer nnd gives his scniees to the state free of eharg., recently
delected n lire thiitv miles off. lie is ti relative of the Into t'nilcd
States Seuntor William K. Vilas of
Application of the Southern Ore
gon Traction company for the right
to cross the tracks of the Southern
Pacific railway at Main street will
he heard by the tate public service
commission 11 C a session to he held in
this city Friday morning. This will
he purely uyonnal meeting, the
Southern Pacific already granting
the right contingent upon the ap
proval of the public utilities commis
sion. The work on the electrification
of the Jacksonville line is progress
ing rapidly, and work on the Mniit
strcet extension will begin nt once.
NKW ORLEANS, Oct. 7. Tho
French government, through Foreign
Minister Dolcasso. todav authorised
the French consul general horo to
contribute ffiUQ for relief of storm
sufferers lu Louisiana. The cable au
thorizing tho subscription contained
the following incssagei
"Please convey to the peoplo of
Louisiana tho Jiympnthles of the Re
public ot Franco, and assuro them
that It Ih our wish to aid them In this
time or distress."
Tho Owl OUly
(Many lendors ot tho Hong Kong
Koluui will remember tho. following
poont, written by .lainus T. Fields,
nnd which appe-ircd in the school
renders many years ago. It is re-
prlntod here to bring a smile to tho
ace of those who recall It. Kd. Hon
Kong Kolum.)
"Who stuffed that white owl?"
No one spoke in the shop;
The barber was busy, nud ho couldn't
The customers, wuitliiR their turns,
wore all reading
Tho -Dally. " tho "Herald" tho "Post."
little huqdlug
The yoiiutf man who blurted out such
a blunt utuMttou;
No one raised a head or even made
n suggestion;
And the Imrbor kept on shaving.
"Don't you see, Mister drawn,"
Cried the jouth, with a frown,
"How wrens the. whole thing Is,
How preposterous each wIur Is,
How (latlend tho head Is, how jam-
nud down the neck Is
lit short the whole owl, what nn Ig
norant wreck 'tis!
I mako no apolegy:
I've learned owl-oology.
I've piipssd days, und nights lu a hun
dred collections.
And cannot be blinded to any dcflcc
x tions
Arising trni unskilled fingers that
To atitlf a hint right, from his beak
to his tall.'
MMor Itrovtn' Mister Rrown!
Do take thut bird down.
Or you'll b the lauehlug stock all
tr tlie towu!"
Yaitaw colei(in, pimples and iis
ftaTVriHK bkutisfcs a the fact or bod
m kh gone rtd of by doctoring the
tlvw wfcttfi Is lorplil. HKRlttNK is u
Kwrful r orretMMt. U purlin
Ike 8ytw, HtlsMilaiM tke vlul or
ana ntuk puu tka Vwty l fm vinor
Mas MMHttttaii. P-flre Iftc Sold h Hi
MiM4 PkarwaJV I
ier r
-r rsrr-rs rr:
T ', .
Thirty tnblcH have 1j6i gtturan-
teed nlrcndy for tho luitluV bridge
parly and benefit ten for tho United
Red 'Cross society to he held ut the
Holland hotel Sntuiday afternoon nt
2:110 o'clock. The proceeds will he
used to alleviate tho suffering
brought about by the nets of nature
nnd European rulers. Knelt person
will be charged "0 cents, nnd the en
tire public is invited.' Donations for
the cntiso by business house or indi
vidual will be received either bv Mrs,
Charles II. Sehiel'folin or Mivi. George
U. Carpenter. The work of tho Ited
Cross knowB no houndnry or nation
in its work for the nlleyiution 'i the
suffering of imtiiljntu.!,'
- rn if
The fei'loral grand Jury this morn-
' '"K r.?t,,rnml "! Imllolmoiit unnliitt
1 .11111 iirnwu. a iMaiuniu inoiHii, on a
I charge of first degree munler, wliero
! lu lSiuoue Ikascs, a fellow tribesman
! was shot and killed following a ills-
I pule ovor tho rlxht to use a road
' through a hay rinld. No other Indict
I montH wero returned, more true bills
! being expected this afternoon. The
' trial or .llm Ilrown will begin nt once,
1 This nitoruoon Ihe court bagnu tho
trial or a bootlegger.
too uvn: to ciassii'v.
TO TI t A DHS8coLn"d TondTcnrs Tor
city property. Powell Auto Co. 171 j
FOR SAl.U Kxtra large sweet Mis
sion grapes at 2c per lb. Phone
say-Ji. i7:
FOR RUNT Modorn 3-room furnlsh
cd bungalow, cheap. Phone 1H-X.
Let 'er Rain! l
If you've a man's
-A, work to do. wear
$3.00 5
The coat that keeps
out all the rain. AV
fitx Edges stop every
drop from running
in at the front.
Protector Hat, 75 ctntt
SitiiUctlon Gutranlrcd rf 0VEA'f
ornu jtjT art fuiovff y
a ttowpr r.n
-.w, - r ,. -.
Smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Clgarcttea fifteen years ago
aro smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Cigarettes today I
fy I V 5S-UWjl
aifc 1 r
i A.J.TOWER CO. ' P1 "
1 1 . i-qston ftoiiwti I
I pflP
Kollowlng Jurors were drawn for
October term of circuit court;
Thomas 11. Klllott, llarrou; Wm.
W. Xewton, Ashlnnd: Waller Welti,
Sterling; Kdward C. Welch, Itoguo
Itlvor; Richard Ilalz, W. C. draff,
Ashland; John Cooper, Trail; It. Ij.
Wilson. J. H. Cnrlton, Central Point;
Robert Wntklns, Watklns; K. M.
Cnse.ntloch; tV, V. Heeler, Ashland;
It. W. Ruhl, Mcdford; Win. II. Mil
ton, Roguo Ulver; Thos. II. Thomp
son, K. T. Merrill, Ashland; Wm.
Stump, Talent: Austin Corbln, Knglo
Polnf; H. T. Itnughmnn, Ashland;
Thos. T. Ross. Central Point; W. K.
Hammell, Kaglo Point Court Hall,
Medford r Lewis J. Miller, Koots
Creek; W. 13. Money, Flounce Hock;
W. W. Williams, Winter; Harvey
Walter, Perrydale; K. O. Trowbridge,
Mcdford; Fred H. Wohl, Hock Point;
Win. Hates, Medford; Thomas It.
Stewart, Itoguo River; David S. Pow
ell, Ashlnnd.
WASIIIXOTUX, Oct. 7-No proc
lamation will bo issued bv President
Wilson formally closing to navigation
the Pniianiit cnnnl, blocked by earlli
slides. War department oflieiuU saiii
today there was no neeosity for
such action, us nature already closed
the waterway probably for it month
or more.
At his own idpiest, tho resignntion
of Major General Ooothals, governor
of the cnnnl zone, uill he held up
until tho earth slides have been clear
ed away. It was to have taken ef
fect Novembor 1.
How To Get Rid of a
Bad Cough
A llotn-Mmlr Ilrrapdr Hint Will 'j
Ho II (tilrkl)-. C'hrnii nnd
Kr.Nllj- .llnilc 1
'MsJ-IHf-lHH-l 1
If you have a bad cflugh or client cold
which 1 ('fuses tu jk'lil to ordiiuirv ii'nii
dies, cut fmiii any diiiugiKl 2t, ounces,
of I'iiiex (i")0 cents Mortli), pour into a
pint bottle and 1111 the bottln with plain
uninitiated sugar sni. Ktart taking
11 teaepiHinftil cer hour or two. in 'i
boms your cough will lie cnnfpieicii or
ory nearly 1.0. Rvcn , whooping cough Is,
greatly relieved lu this way. I
Jliu hIhjvu mi.vtuie iiinkes a full pint
a family supply of the llncst cougli ,
syrup that money could buy at a cost
of only 51 cents. KiimIv prepared in fi '
Itillitltt-H. lull ilirivtioiiH uilli I'nii.v.
ibis Pinex and Sugar Wvrup prepn
lation tnkes right bold of a cougli and
give ahnoht iintiUHliuto relief, ft loot
ens the dry, hoarse or tight cough in a
way thot it really remarkable. Aim
ipiicklv heals the inllnmcd nieuibrancH
which accompany a painful cough, and
Mops the formation of phlegm in the
throat and bronchia! tubed, thus ending
the persistent loo' cough. Excellent for
bronrliitiH. spaMiiodif croup and .winter
coughs. Keens iH'rfcctly and taetes good
children like It.
Plncx is a special anil hhjhlv conceit
trated compound of genuine Norway plnu
extract, rich in guaiacol, which is eo
healing to the membranes.
To avoid dl.pK)intinent, nek vour
uriigglbt for ":!$ ounces of Pinex," do
not accent nnvthing else. A guaranteo
of absolute satisfaction, or money nromnt.
WIWHSEr" 1 Imvo tin- oxi-lusivo n.'
Oct Mmr butter fresh from our .
churn, delixered to your door. In
spect our plant and see for yourself.
White Velvet Ice Cream Co.
So tVn1' J
IMiono 11 '
W 'S5u
r .- n VTVx
SSl '. "'MM.
Cold Duit on tlio
kitchen sink
Clean it quicker
than n wink.
THE acUoltu 0
x Gold Dust
mnkc3 it tho only
Scand larger
for tnle
ing powder you
Dissolve a tnblespoonful in hot
water, nnd it tfocs to work, re
moving dirt without marring
the brightest polislicu suriace
Use it on tho kitchen sink.
Tito Actlvo Cleanar
The Toggery
; 1 11 mi; 1 wmim:
1 our m - 1 ' d 1 il M ir ' -5
i VI Ion CI HOi'U j
1 All I.IV'U '1' IH' ' 1 MM (I '
I Kyo.slght Specialist
I Medford, ... Oret
' :.. M...H- 1 c... ii ,.m
jm. w
te 7t Afmi in nw71 r 1 r-
.v up fS
. --.,. in .ucuioru mr mr it"
UAIY , , ,...,;,
1 run w lieu, ijiiisi jiiimii' ii1
and Records
Tlio Kdison Diamond Oil
lici'oi'ils artt foiii'i'rirtl i I
RT1TTFD illio licm-wt pi'i'l't'cl npf
-'a-- idiu-tioii ol' tho liinimn "R'
Direct to the consumer at
33c per lb. j C'nll " (U,iiumslnitii
L A C El
!7N. (Vnh'.il
Medford Conservatory
I preNsIoii, Vlc Work, Public .SwUhk. PhyMcl Tiwinlng..
miw. Lvxirrn: noviois.
Piano, Musical History, Hiuinunj-, Comiwpjuii,u
Priv.t kMwu, r eimm of six r wore, niW b MranBt.l . r
at aay tint.
Office Hurt: ,. ..ii .. OQMJBOK W'll.DiW
i p. . . m. wi0M 1 .-v-i.