n - kt"Vi -J-. jWjlV,' i . r I I PX0T3 SIX BEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, M13DFORD, ORISON. MONDAY, OCTOBER A. HM5 rp 34 HAN REPLY N ARABC CASE UNSATISFACTORY New Note Docs Not Satisfy President Because of Germany's Failure to Disavow the Acts Furtlier Negoti ations Impossible Situation Not Critical. " WASHIKOTOX, Oct. l.AlthbiiKh (Icrninn.v's new note on (he- Arabic cane is not entirely MllHfactory to the United HldtcH, llio situation' is not considered critical at thin time. This was fluted today ou high official tin lliority. The iew hrlil by I'reirlcut Wilson mid stiitc department officials on the nolo bunded to Hccrefary I.unsiiiK in Now York Hnlurdny Iv Count Von llcnihtorff, (hn Uonnnti iiinbiKsudor, is tlihl it wh not fipecilio enough on the- (MiintK inm'ttlcxl on by the presi dent. TIicho afo a (llhftvdwnl of .the hinliliuf, nsNiirhiu'crt tlujl the fift trotild not ho repented hhd proper fcpnrn lion. No roHlicr N"KjlltliMis direful rendinjj of tho note deliv ered by tlio (Icnrinn niubuf.Hnddr' hrtH (oinlncrd administration officials Hint further ncftitttuliviiN ou the ucK iion dro K)SNible( n ml that there is hi ill reiiKon to hope that Oerninny will in tho end accede to (hi) tehen of the Unilod States. Tim note will not. bo nnnwered fo iiuiily immediately, but Kei'retnry l.lintintf nt n conference later Dili week with the German ambassador will iufonn him of the point tho Unit ed SlntcH wiiutH cleared up. After the conference tho ambassador !h ok peeled to communicate iimhIu to his pivcmmciit llio view of tho United State. ApuMiilivt I'nltcd Klalri .. i rii. ..'., ......:i: . i. ............. ..I'iiiiiiiij a )niniiiiMi 1171, lfUiHv'. worn nearly npproaches the stand of the United Ktalcs Hum it did in the previous note op tho Mtino iichlon. It is understood that tho nolo frlvca Httlsfnctury iibHuranecs that Anicri ciiiih traveling on unarmed linero will lint be cndnnered by Milimririno nt tiick in Dm future, ,bnt a riatlsfnctory disa owal of tho Hinkinir of thu Arabic is not nivi'ii. The note wa the subject of a con ference botucMi I'reHident VUhoii and .Secretary LnnMiitf lact nljjhl. A nip. tin u of diplomatic lehitious over the cabo it considered unlikely. W0RLHI8 MANAGERS SCORE INFAVOR OF CATCHERASGOODTEAM LEADERS fa mMSm ' ' -MTt . WV ' ,B1B1bWL.jB1B1B1B1B1B1bW V l . H., .. .-WOA I TL,It W 1 "BILL." CA'R'RIOA.-K S $SH 'V1 - , .-, .iiiWi, .itKJV .' ' ?'i , RDBttL GRAND 1Y llltOWK HOLMKS Tho milliliters uho will meet in llio world series, Bill ( 'ampin, of I tip IIohIou Keil Box, mid 1'nt Moriin, of tho' i'liilnj pvo n-'bitf-booHt to thq chtchcr miiniiKCr proposition. Their HiicecsH nild tho mieceHs of other man nfrK who were catchers lends to the idea that men who t.cd tilings from tho bnekstoji's vieVMint niako Kd men to lend teams. Kino inn unburn who linve been sue 'PAT'MOaRK ecKsful in recent .cars ycro'catchers. Hesidcs L'urriKMi and Mo ran, there arc Connio 'iMnck, Wilbcrt Koliinson, KoKcr llrcsnnhau, Itrancli Hiukey, Frank Chance, Claicricc Koulaud and Leo Kohl. All of these managers hnvo not won iwunanls but the yhavc shown tho tfoods. Carrignn and .Morau represent two types of lenders the playing inmi iifCi and the bench uiauaKcr. Carrih'nu has been one of tho real Kood cntchors of the American league for jTiirs, and since ho became man after, succccdiiij; Jake .Mtahl, he has li(keu his regular turn with tho wind pad. Monin, after ho went to the Phils from the Cubs, beeaum coach, then succeeded Ited Doolu as njilnncr. Ho is nlwnyrt in unifonu dud tho biihc lines and his brtsubnll knowledge has been one of the club's bitf nsvetb. JURY MEETS IN CITY TOMORROW . Tho first federal rmihI Jury ovpr held In the state of Oregon outside of the city of Portland Will convene In this city tomorrow at the N'ata torllim. Thin afternoon njid tomor row thousand veniremen wlll. begin (o arrive irdm all pointi in southern Oregon. Tho grand Jury term will Inst for two weeks. Upon its clone a pctltVjuj-.wjH' l)? called. Tho term of tho foderaicourl will last a month. the sessions will bo held In tho small hall of the Natatqrlum, with Judge Volvcrtoiron tho bench, and District Attorney Clarence Rcamcs in chargo. Among the matters to como before tho. grand Jury will a murder caso and, several bootlegging canes from Klamath county, In which Indians jvllatienar as w.ltncsses. There will bo other matters Investigated by tho federal Inquisitorial, tho nature of which I a kept secret In accordance, with governmental rules. One of the, matters wjll "probably bo tho sales. of (and under the O-C land gran,t. "Tho federal court officials will ar rive tills afternoon and In tho morn ing to tako charge fo tho sessions. Klml Old Lazy Hones sat In tho sun, amov ing, fully tired, "Where 'cro thero's Rmoke thoro's fire," said tho boss, "so Lazy, you arc fired!'' RUSSIA SENDS ULTIMATUM (Continued from pngo ono) howL'wr, will not satisfy the allies, 'who demand that Ilulxnria slinll "op enly break ttith tho onemits of the Slav enusc." If the reports from J'aris, Unchur ch! and Athens of tho concrnlmlion of Teutonic trno)is ou tho Serbian fiontier hiv correct, the promptitude with which Ituvnt has token up llio (lernmn challciiKC in explained, Ac cordin kU thckc reports, Field ilur Mini Von Muckenseu has. quit the eiihtern front und is iow near the Serbian bonier nt the head of -oO,-111)11 (lennnn and AuMriuii troopi, with I'OOll itus. It is rrported Hint ho is ready to icpcal his campaign by which ho drove (lie Ituvsiaus out of (Inliciti. Allies .i liTtMirl If action by tho entente powers bhould bccouio necessary when llul jjiiria makes final disclosure of her intentions, this action would be tin deitakcn by troops which arc now in icndiucsH to take tho field simultane ously wilh the forces of (Ircece, The opinion is expressed hero that n prompt mocmcnt, such as would ho undertaken, would be likely to disen tangle the counsels of Itumania, which lor tho moment seem obscure. JJritibh military writers nftcvt to see in tliiu hituatioo u great dungttr to llio central power. They arguo that plans must luo been laid down vVcka ago when it was supposed Urn Ocriutm armies were likely to fon'o ti decibioti in thu cust mid before the iiucxiicotcd inobiliEutiou of flivct'e und tuo formidable oMcumvo of the allies in Uio west, fiipec tho plan-. tor tho Teutonic campaign uguiutt Hcrhia were i-nnechi'il Hussiu bus brought the fienn.iu odvanco almost to u standstill and claims now to hold .'tho injtiotito ulonmost o( tho trou.L Kitchener Wants lcu Tho results of the great recruiting rally in F,ngluud on iNutuiduv are not ,ct known, but it is gvnerullv bulicv- I'd that Lord Kitchener will Ret the nci'cssiiry men ly some nieaiih. "I know how munv men I waul," he told tho labor lenders "I know their niimcs andrthe npmbcrs of their doors, ijnd if tliJi'doi't como I will J'ctfh thwn. Oivo iu tho meu and munitronp I want wild Iuurunteo wc tdiull liijve tilt) way i" (ko hollow of obrflHiBdi" ... .'. ' . . PRESIDENI TO SEE E WASHINGTON', Ocl. I. -1'rcsi-dent Wilson plans to go to Philadel phia Knturduj (o seo tho second game o f the world's cltumpitriisltip baseball scries. Tho president will' be nceom jianied by Secretary Tumulty, Dr. Cnry T. (Irnjson, his navill aide, and Miss Ifelcn Woodrow Jloncs, his COtlfcill. WORLD'S HIGHEST DAM (Continued from i'lrot Page,) ALLIED AIRCRAFT completed a year1 In advance of the cstlmatod time. The dam reaches a height of 34S.S feet, tapering to a lG-foot crown. Tho concrete In the ditiu If loaded on a wagon train allowing twenty feot to each team and wagon would would reach from Han Francisco to Now York and double back to Cleve land. Tho reservoir rnrmed behind It Is eighteen miles long, the water In It reaching a maximum depth of 200 feet, enough to flood the city of llos tou with eight feet. There Is tribu tary to tho icservolr H.niiu, 000,000 feet of timber. It will take fifty .eurn to lift over the dam and drop through a cement chute to th erlvcr below. Tho value of this timber alone is s:tr.,ooo,ooo. A.MKTIWUAMi Oct. d. The Tele graf announces (hat fivo ticroplnpes of the allies yesterday bombarded Xfcbmggo on Hie llelgiau coast. Some f tho bombs which wcro dropped weight d 7. pounds. The neioplanes were attacked dy nuti-iilrcraft guns, which brought down one machine. Another was enniM'llcd by a defective motor to laud near N'ienwvlict, on Dutch terri tory. A Hritisli officer was in terned. FEDERALS CHALLENGE i HfcHIJN, Oi. 4 (by wireless to Sayville). -It was officially an nounced today that two Hntitsh niol) itors had bcc.ii dumodbeforo I Panne by (Icnnnn naval airships. Wltn Medford trafto ta Modtord rasde. Best Treatment for Catarrh S. S. S. Removes the Cause Specialists In Catarrh troubles have agreed thst It Is an Infection of the blood. Tlie laboratories ol iui j -j. , "ui " proven . Once jou get your blood free from lmpurltUs cleansed of tho Catarrhal poi sons, which It Is now a prey to becaua of It unhealthy state then you will be relieved of Catarrh tho drlpptn In the throat, hawking and spitting, raw sores In the nostrils, and tho disagreeable bad breath. It waa caused, In ihn flrf ninno. iionniiup voiir ImDOrerlahad Mood was easily Infected. Possi bly a alight cold or contact with aomeona who had a cdld. But tho point Is don't sufrcr with catarrn it is not uctsrr. lutKiura-o, o. a., uncor ered over fifty years ago, tested, trna and tried, Is always obtainable at any drug store. It has proven its valua Im thoasanda of cases. It will do no In your esse. Get S. S. S. at one and bajrta treatment. If yours Is a lonjt tandlng esse, be sure to wrlto the . a. 5. Co., Atlanta, Oa., for free expert ttedlcal Hdvlce. They will tell you hew this purely vegetable blood tonic! cleanses the Impurities from the blood .hy literally washing; It clean. They will prove to you that thousands of offerers from Catarrh, after consistent treatment with S. S. S., have been freed from tho trouble and all its dlsa greenble features and restored to perfect health and vigor1. Don't delay the trcntmont. Take S. S. S. at once. Don't use unknown materials Don't simply got a roof for that new building. Get ono that is guaranteed to last and will not bo affected by gases, vapors, acids or smoke. And when it comet to partitioning, use a Wall Board that ha strength, durability, good apprarancoand remitt ance to moliture. Aik your local dealer about Certain-teed Roofing made in three thlcCne s, pij-anterd 5 year for 1-plv, 10 yean frjr 2-ply and 1$ ear-for J-ply, backed by the reipon libility of the largest roofing and building piper industry in the world. It cm be laid ia strips, pointed in attrac tive colors and wjll rive the best service In any climate. Used the world over. Board . or ue Instead of lath and plvter in small residences, cottages, bungalows, offices, , bootlii, etc. IicanpotcraFkcirilust, and when p-opcrly painted and panelled, many nrthtic ellccts can be produced. Two great features about Cerlaln'ttrct i Hoard arc its great strength and its resist ancc to moliture. Sold by denlora everywhere nt reAaonnblo prices General Roofing Manufacturing Company UuiM'iif(in;ritiii(lllutclurrru Hoofing mul llulUUng Ilapfra New York Clly Chtojio Philadelphia Sl.Loult Bo, Ion Cleveland Pitttburih ueiroic aanrrancitrn t-incinnau Minneapon rvanMiviiT Seallln Atlanta Houtton Lomlon DOli, llamburg Sydney Two Important Points Cost and Fit Mother, do you pride yourself as being a good judge of your children's requirements ns to their Shoe needs? If you do, you expect good shoes, a correct fit .and right prices in purchasing your Children's Shoes. -, That being the case, there will be no argumont in buying youi' Shoes. " . d&faciett5 r k J At the Sign of "Good Shoes" "(iOOl) SlIOi:S" lluiU our luirincM Opposite Post Office SffiWK llIHAfiU, Ocl. I. A ch.illciir'c dircctcil lo nirnibera of the National It.ibcball Coiumi'.Nhiou lor n scrit's of Banics uitlt llic winnei'h of the Morbl's scries was bent toilnv by I'linrle H. Wcihnian, prosiilcut ol (lie C'Iiicoko club, I'hiunp.ioiib of the Fciltiral league. ChiciiKo'M triumph over 1'itslnii's: .NCNtculny in the final gallic of the chainpioiisliii) race, given this tuty its hi.xtcouth baseball uhainpioiisliip unc knows Pood , A e jam hind $$MX Perfeciion Oil Heater Tents in the Model Camp, U. S. Marine Corps, P. P. I. E., San Fran cisco, 1915, arc equipped with Pcr 1 fection Oil Heaters. Smokeless 1 and odorless. Dealers everywhere. l-or hat teMilh u Pearl Oil ' 'i Standard Oil Company t (CaliforalaJ Slf lfvtl AAAAAAAAAAA A A !: t t t T ? t t f t y t ? ? ? ? f ? t ? ? r y ? ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y t HHHfr4$H$HHfr PAGKARD 12 In Medford Tuesday .i sM 'tr&t i 4 'w J rfk.,aV m. i' ti . " '. . itik 1ft F. H. Reese, of the Frank C Riggs Co., Northwest representatives for the Pack- ;Li ard Motor Car Co., will be at our garage ALL DAY TUESDAY, Oct. 5 with a Packard 12 cylinder car. This 12 cylinder car is a revelation to the American public and should be seen f by every auto lover. Ti 4' y y y y y i T y T ,? 't- "- ,..Ia ft-i .y W-. .. M it. mat 1 t I J J-V- i VALLEY GARAGE t y t y t y f y t T y -y x y y y y y f $ y y f a X :ttf