Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 04, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Bishop Sumner will meet tho mom
bors And friends of St. Mark's church
thin evening nt St. Mark's Ilnll, nt S
o'clock to dlsciiM matters relative to
tho now church building. Tho meot
Idg will bo informal nnd nil who nro
interested nro Invited to be present,
t Don't Oropo ih tho Dark" get nn
livor-rendr flash light nt Paul's Elec
tric Storo this wcok.. 172
Dr. Gcorgo Rebec and family have
moved from their ranch west of Con
tral Point to Ktigcno for tho school
yonr, and expect to roturn next spring
for tho summer.
First showing of Gago hats at Miss
Lounsbury's. Thoy nro always right.
M. M. Dopt. Sloro. 1C8
CarliVon dcr Hollcn of Wcltbn was
a Madford visitor Monday.
See Davo Wood about that fir In
surance policy. Office Mall Trlbuno
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alvnro Atwood of Av
nlon, Cal., nro recent hrrlvals In Mod
ford and hnvo coino to make this city
tliolr home. They have rented a
hotino nt 402 fewest Third street nnd
will nbottt November 1 open a box
alloy In the Men Icy building on (Irnpo
street between Main nnd Fifth street.
Packard Twin-Six In Mcdford Tues
day. ,A roprcncntatlvo of tho coast dis
tributors for the Packard cars will
be In Mcdford all day Tuesday, Octo
ber ", with ono of tho 1 U 10 twin-six
'Pncknrds, and will bo nt tho Valley
Garage, A. W. Walker, the proprietor
being thb local representative. This
is strictly ono of tho most up-to-dnto
cars on tho mnrkot and all lovers of
the latest ih auto construction nro re
quested to call at tho garngo and soo
the twin-six.
Try ono of thoso big Ico cbld 5 cent
milkshakes nt Do Voo's.
Tho alumni will glvo their first
dnnca of tho season, Tuesday evening,
October Cth. Tho affair will bo held
In tho largo hall of tho NataiorlUm,
teh music being in cbnrg6 of Clyde
linzelrlgg, who has secured tho latest
popular dnnca music for this occas
ion. Invltatlonii-h'rtTd been extended
to all alumni, collcgo nnd high school
students nnd n few outsider.
Itbnms papered at 3.76 whllo
spring stock lasts'. Phono G I l-M. 17G
Hunters of thli city and county nro
making full value of tho ten dnys al
lowed for tho phensftnt shooting, nnd
tho fowls wero targets for inn by guns
ngnlh Sunday. All day the sounds nf
musketry rould bo henrd ih the farm
districts. Tho birds are not as plen
tiful ns bbforo tho opening of tho (ten
son, and nro wild, and difficult to
shoot. Frequent violations of tho
law by persons shooting ctu tho high
ways nro roported
"Nn trespass" signs for snlo at
Mall Trlbuno office.
' Huston Is tho fnvorlto with Mod
ford fans, against Philadelphia In the
world's series games to bo started
next Friday, although tho Inttor has
plenty of supporters. Soma Iloston
supporters flguro tho Red Sox will
win tour straight Raines, which Is a
hard task, for champions against any
team, let nlono top notch.
Rest creamery butter at 30c per lb.
nt Jones' Cash Grocery.
Mrs. l.ouls IMrtch of Jacksonville
spent Sunday In this city visiting
friends and relatives.
DrsA. R. and Louise Hedges, chl
roprnctlc physicians, Stewart build
ing, 235 KnBt Main St.
Mind Helen Itnasdalo loft Saturday
fur San I'rHiirlsco to visit the fair nnd
friends and rolntlves.
Host cruumury butter at 3uc per lb
nt Jones' Casji lliocery.
llnney itlng of Ashland spent Sat
unlay In this city visiting frlonds and
Tlie cmud-jury term of the circuit
court will begin Tuesday. October 19
nnd the petit Jury the follow lug Tiit'fc.
day, Oeutober 2(1.
Mrs. I.ench, export corsetlerre, ma
terial and fit guaranteed. SJfl North
Mrs. A. J. Klooker of thu cltv vis
ited friends and relative in Grants
I'd km Sunday.
Host creamery butter at 30r per lb
at Jonoa' Cash Grocery.
The duck Mmwn npound October
1st In Klamath count) , and a num
ber of Mod font hunters nro planning
on a bunt. Shorty Miles will Iwne
hhortly for this puruoio.
Get It at DoVoe's.
Jhiiiwi O'Noll, a logner, en route
north. Wat shot through the flush
pun of the right leg Sturda night
li) an Ik-yoar old Ho who sitomptwi
to hold him up. ri;uun( It Mtiftfl
fired u eouplu of NoM evi' tho hMd
of tho holdup In aa effort to Mop
htm, whllo flonlu front arrost n few
uiiuutos lutw. O Natl was walking
around tho UroeU ton minute nftor
being shal, his wound lntlng slight
O'Nell sa that ho bought the holdup
Ills suppei. Hut Duty ylannod In bout
tliolr wv imriii lugather. WWIh
waiting for trin. the ynuih bhiMok-
hipped .iut a gua, ami doiiinniltHl
1 s non Tie toitttr refuse
as shot
shooiiiif . fa mU at
une oftiM.
i Attornoy F. J. Nowmnn nnd family
loft Saturday on nn auto (our to Port
land audi Wlllainollo valley points.
Hot Tamalcs at tho Bhnstn.
Mrs. Karl K. Knapp Is visiting
friends aiid relatives In Horiibrook,
China pheasant season opens Octo
ber 1st. Hotter hnvo ono or two
mounted by F. Tlrirtlott, Mcdford'A
taxidermist nnd furrier, Kwlns'n Gun
8tore. 1B
Chester Wilcox of Albany, Ore, In
among tho oilt of tdwn vlsltorn Ih tltu
city this week.
Hook binding nf any, kind nt .the
Mall Trlbuno offlcb.
G. P, Moore, nf tho high
fccbool Is suffering from n badly
wronched kne"o, silstalucd Whllo hunt
ing Inst weok.
Read tho Portland Oregorilan.
Uobert W. Rub!, editor of tho Sun,
In confined to his homo by nn attack
of qulnzy.
Any person wanting pheasants
phonsantn mounted should keep tho
pltimaga Jn as good condition ns pos
sible, carefully wrapping each bird
sepnrate In plenty of pnper. Thpn
tnkb to F. W. nartlott, taxidermist,
Rwlng's Gun Store. 1CD
Ruth St. Denis, the world's great
est artistic dancor, will nppenr at the
Page theater, Friday, October 16th.
"No hunting" signs for snlo nt the
Mall Trlbuno office,
James Hltchlngs of Colentln, Cal.,
Is spending tho day In this city nt
tending to business rdnttcrs. -
Weston Camera Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
Ross Kline of tho Little Rutte dis
trict spent Saturday in Mcdford on
When better Insurance is eold
Holmes Tho Insurance. Man will nell
Paul McDonald ban returned to
Kl.inwth county after spending a
week In thin city visiting friends nnd
Job Printing In all its branches nt
tho Mall Tribune office.
Frank Long of Roseburg was In
Medford Saturday, returning to his
home Stludny evening.
Ladles I nm now prepared to make
your hair Into switches. Madame L.
Renmcn, 24(1 North Oakdnlo,
Uriah Bwift or Redding, Cal., Is
spending n few days In the city1 nnd
valley attending to business matters.
Loiter heads, envelopes, bill heads,
looso leaf systems, nt the Mall Trl
buno officii.
Frank t.awsnn of Grants Pass spent
Sunday in this city visiting friends.
Afternoon tea with waters 10c, nt
tho Shastnt -
L. J. King of Wntklns, Oregon, wns
n business visitor In Medford and
Jacksonville Sunday.
Get your butter, eggs, milk, cream
and buttermilk nt Do Voo'a.
William Oakos of Olondale, Ore.,
spent Subdsy nnd Monday in this city
on business.
J. O. Gerklng, the best all around
photographer in southern Oregon,
Always reliable. Negatives made any
where, tltno or place. Studio 228
Mntn St. Phono 330-J.
Dr. F. C. Page has returned from
a ahort business trip to Han Fran
cisco. Do Voe dollvors tho Oregontan to
you ovory day for 7Go a month.
Sam Sundry of Rogue River, su
perintendent of screen, Is In tho city
today attending to business matters.
Hrllig thoso old magazines nnd pe
riodicals to the Mail Trlbuno for
The first regular gamo of tho foot
bnll season will bo played in this city
next Saturday botwocn Mcdford nud
Grants Pass. Tim games with Ash
land will be played In November, In
mind of this month as previously an
nouii't'd. HO UN To Mr. ami Mrs. George
Ktinaman, Monday, October t, 1913.
a seven pound baby girl.
II L Walt her-, nnd family nro vis
iting the San Francisco exposition.
I'.MMs, 0t. J - ( VntralUtition ot
llh' HulgHnun unnv bus begun, nf-
eonliux to ,i dispatch rrom Athuim un
der vtMrrdux k iluto to tho lluxas
N'cvxm iigemy. The eorrcixnident s
erts lu buh authoritatiic intoimu
tiou to this elleet.
The total t'fU-cti. o llie nulguv-
lun itiuiv euauKed m lhi immanent
i otiiuutwl Ml ;.jo.ouu.
Murned - At the home Of Mr. nnd
Mr.. J. T. rHrHittor. .M. N. Rurtlett
trvet. Mmllonl, iVt.rfier I, bv Hov.
I. I.. SiiujtuiHk. iwktoi o the llaptiht
flitirt-b. ruigte Point, Mr. H. ('ran
dll .. Nvowu I'Imco, utMir Fimle
l'.Mtn. nnd Min. Jettir (hinui of Hie
kituie ieutitY. Mr. mid Mn. t'rnn
tkll ltt m the 1 0 : 1 w. in. train Ht
M'f lui .San PtniH'kHjo- and u viwt
lO lh i'HHMIM--IMfu IVHWtton
himI M b hi lMie ujb'uwn IMnjo
fUr October .'0.
ff 350.000
District Attorney Kelley Monday
published tho following warning to
'For the reason that them has been
n great dent of reckless nnd promis
cuous shooting slnco the opening of
til a quail nnd pheasant season, arid
tor tnrt reason that many 'hjintorB do
not probably understand till' law, tho
attention of hunters Is called to S op
tions 22 nnd 33 of the Oregon Gamo
"It shall bo unlawful at any time
to shoot or dlschnrgo nny gun nt any
game bird or gamo animal from, or
whllo upon any railroad right of way
or any public rood or highway."
"No person pbnll hunt with h dog
or gun upon tho cultivated or enclos
ed land or the occupied unenclosed
land of another without first obtain
ing permission, of the owner, occu
pant, or'ngont thereof."
The minimum penalty for this vlo
latlon li extremely severe, being ?25
, . District Attorney.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. I. A county
option election to determine whether
MlnitenpoltH shnll remain wet is being
held todnyin thin (Hennepin) county.
The "wets'' predicted victory by over
Jjl.OUO, while tho "dry" insisted their
ido would win by nt lenst ten thous
nnd. Minneapolis, with n population
of .TJ.VMIU, im the lurgcst city in the
country to tui'klo the prohibition is
hup. Then; are about -100 suIooiih in
I he city,
UKKVtilt, Out. I. John D. Uwk
bfeller, Jr., toduy motored to Boulder,
when) hu inspecU'd n. stretch of public
highwny recently completed through
the oxM'nilitiii'e nf n part or the 10u
OyO given by tho Rockefeller Founda
tion, to provide fork for unemployed
coal miners nfter their strike of
llllll-lDll. lie expected to return
to Denver in tinpi to attend n meet
ing of tjiu director of the Colorado
Fuel nnd Iron company, called for
i o'oloelc this nftenioim. At this
meeting- filial nVtion will be taken, so
fur an tho company is concerned, on
tho adoption of tho Rockefeller indun-
trial plan. It wnrf predicted Unit
the directors would accept the plan
with lit lo or no opHdtioii,
At Colorndo Fuel nnd Iron com
pany cniupt nil oi cr I he eonl mining
diritrictH iodny balloting hcuon on u
referenda mvote on the Hoekel'ellei'
plan. The result of tho inincrti vote
wiift o.H'i'to(I to bo known in two or
three days.
Prlct 1'nlfl ty ie(rn'i
KOOS 30c.
HUTTKIt- Umrv, two pouudb 5Ho.
l'OTATOKS New, .f .M.
ONIONS 1e cr lb.
HONEY l'Jco cr lb.
CinP.R 2fir.
I'OItK 8fJ?8V..f.
1IKKP 0Uu.
nACON 13(W18o.
5ItOUI.Dt.RS 12jO.
HAM 10c.
MTTKK PAT illle.
HITTKK Uliolesule, Jlllo.
J10(1J -Alne, I' to .V.
STKKItN Alive, IVao.
COWS -Alive, IfJylVto.
VKAIi Dreascd, 8fJQ10.
l.lvo roultry
HHN8, over I Um., Ho;
under 4 lbs. ,01; old roosters, (!e;
broilers, 1 to - lbs., Ho; siinngh.
'2 lb, nnd over, Kb.
DUOKS Put, So.
TUHKKYS-1.1 In !.); rturdnlhnr lo
Hay nml Ontln--(Jtuving
WIIKAT KOf bushel.
OATS-25 ton.
HAY -Alfniru. in ton; giuui, $U.
BAHt.BY -Wholo m.
At n murtiug of the Rogue River
I'nlvorslt) club hold Saturday iilghi,
Dr L. A Sslade whs named prtvd
deal and Alfrwl Carpontor, Phil
llamlll and Dr. H. M. Hart named as
governors. The election of all other
officers will take plane at the nnxt
pisuUr meeilng of. the board of gov
NEW OHLEANS, Oct. I. Approx
imately 'Jo(K) pciMiiiK uloiig tin; Mis
sissippi river from New Orlonim to tho
mouth, n distance of about 1110 iu'iIuh,
arc in need of food, frcli wnler,
clothing nud otlier nsistuuee, ne
cordiug to the relief committee on the
slnte conservation commission's yncht
Daisy, which returned from n trip
down tho river. Almost nil t hu peo
ple were deelured to be homeless nnd
without funds us u rc-ult of the
storm. (
Tho Daisy distributed rations to
nbout MOO persons who had been
without food for two days Tlie. Duwy
will depart tomorrow with more pro
vInIohh for storm sufferers. Other
relief vessels ,iuo distributing food
nnd water to the needy ulong tho
liver nud in the lake and bayou dis
tricts. '
Refugees we're arriving in tlu rit,
Inst night nud today on boats. Prom
the most reliable information obtain
able todny it uns estimuted t lite t the
total dead will be in the neighborhood
of !).")(). Thiity persons reforted
dead ieur New I'luttoim luivi- ben
found nt Poydiiis, L. (
With Modford4rado Is ilcdfonl mndo.
gtM-WMBMM"MW"MW-WWWW A xfci-'aBS11!'
Experienced Smokers "Roll Their Own"
"Bull" Durham is not the smoke of novices or dabblers in tobacco
cnjoyntcnr, but of connoisseurs, smokers of experience, whose
tastes have been trained to a fine 'discrimination and appreciation
of tobacco quality. These men and their name is legion prefer
the fresh cigarettes they roll for themselves with mellow, delicious
"Bull Durham tobacco to any other kind. Their expert preference
has made it smart, fashionable, correct, to "roll your own" with
The. .delicate, rich, mellow-sweet fragrance of this leaf can
pniy be retained in the bulk of tobacco in the
"BulP' Durham sack, and enjoyed in the frcsh
rollcd cigarette. That is why "Bull" Durham
hand made cigarettes have a distinctive,
unique, delightful aroma, found in no other
cigareilqp oiid in no
nAn rS..L"
oaii u'uuiaiu &jvc3 experienced smoKers
throughout the world supreme enjoyment and
yhaj&jpnle satisfaction.
'!- An JftuiiiMai BmIUi, thawfex iml
wjr ta 'Rail
i rls tl
ni). h.
4'ii.l. AiUdii "BuU" LNithun.
.. &3&s&m
I1EIILIN, Oct. , liv wii-cless to
Soyvillo. "The Priinkturtcr Zeittuig
nnnounces that King Perdinniid of
Hulguriii placed his piivute railroad
ear nt the disposal of the tlcrmitti
ninbnssador to Turkey, Ihiron Hans
Yon Yuugeiiheim, on the trip to Con
stantinople," sn.VH the Overeus News
ngeney. "The royal ear ulso wns put
nt the service of Prince ' Ernst Von
Ilohonlohc-Lnngoiiburg on his return
through Turkey nud Ilulijiiria to Her
lin." Huron Von Wnngcnliciiu, who is
now returning to his post nt Con
stunlinoplc, bus been Hhscnt on ac
count of ill health since July Inst.
Prineo Von llohonlohe-Iiiigenburg
has been serving us acting .ambassa
dor. iXTEituitnAN Atrro cam en.
rri... ftt.t
Lcavo Medford dally except Sun
day for Asbiand, Talent and Phoonlz
nt S n. in., 1:1G, and G:1G and;
10: 15 p. in. 'Saturday at 11:15 p.
m.) Sunday loiivo at S:00 and 11:00
n. in., 1:00, 5:00 nnd 'J::i0 p. m.
Lenvo Ashland dally except Sunday
at 0:00 n. in., 1:GU, :30. 4:30 nnd
7:00 p. m. nnd Suiulny nt 10:00 a.
m., M noon. 4:00, (i mid lo:30 p. nn
other tobacco. That's why
i i
Your OW Cs-. J
eknie iMactt, wul biXti h
i 4Ur i U. S. oa
DurW... N. C.
gon fiesli l ml is cniisilig the thous
ands of vihitmx, nud CulifoiniuiiH in
pnrticUlur, to sit tip nnd luke notice.
Southern Oicgon peaches, eight to
ibo yurd nte ilbsOliilely beyond the
eoniprt'liousioii of Califoniinn-i.
Rut it has taken .Southern Oregon
Paekson county to clean up ev
erything on penis. Thoio bus been a
steady flow of pours from Hint sec
don, nil .of supeib fruit, nnd it ts
confidently expected that lhi fruit
is going to lund tho coveted award
for Southern Oregon. The onlv other
pours in this clns hnvo come fiom
Mosicr, n single shipment of excel
lent D'Anjous from the East Hood
Hivcr compuny. Southern Oregon
nlso boasts of the first shipment of
NewtoWns upples. A live box displuy
Is beautiful. As some mny not know,
the new Newtowns nro green in color,
u glorious green, while the ripened
fruit is u hciiutiful gold u yellow.
The new fruit is now on display bo
side the old, nml it is difficult to
convince visitors that the two up
ples a to tile same. The old fruit bus
been off the trees u year now, nnd
it is absolutely remarkable that it
suffers so little in comparison with
the new fruit. It is generally conced
ed hero that Oregon fruit elm Dot be
ixcelled for keeping quality.
Hood liivcrnud Ifogue River vnlley
hnvo really won the prize for Orego.i
for the be&t horticultural exhibit.
They hue done it nil so far us horti
culture is concerned. The Willam
ette nvlley hns nn insignificiint show
ing though it grows some" of the fin
est fruit to be found oil the const.
The Umpipin valley, especially ln
ored for fruit, scut nothing, nud the
offerings from other sections than
the two named have been insigiiificuiil
in iptet.tity nud u- ;-."v in general
worth yet thuy glow much tin fruit.
"Hut we should worry" the ribbon
Ijangs there and nil Oregon gets the
benefit. Tho nwnrd wns iiiiule sonic
time ago, but the ribbon just now
tl'roni tho l.ano, v Vn., Recorder.)
Allan Mnbel Worthy has returned
to her Iiqiiso after two months In
,t for FREE pack
age of "papers"
with oach Se tack
'r IUKg5S3ShVif
r-Am m&$sffls&
nr i-MZZSiM
Msny wonirti loriB for rlilldrcn. but bwauvi of
rome enraMAphyticn! derannrincirt are ilcprlvrd
o( this Kt-atcM ol all liappincM.
The women whoa nAtnri fo'Jow wrrr rrslorrtl
o normal, lia.iltti by Lrdls E I'lnkham'g Vcccta.
le Compound Write anil nek them about it.
"X took your Com
pound nnd hevn a fine,
stronc baby. " Mrs.
John Mitchell, Mns
sona, N, Y
"Lydla E. Plnkham's
Vegetfiblo Compound Is n
wonderful mcdiclno for
expectant mothers."
Mrs. A. M. Myurs, Gor
donvilte, Mo.
" I htghly recommend
Lydla E. I'inkham's Veg
ctablo Compound beforo
child-birth, it has done so
much for me." Mrs. E.
M.Docnn, R. R. 1, Con
shohocken, Pa.
t took I.ydinE. Pink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound to build up my
system and hnvo tho
dearest baby girl In tho
world." Mrs. Mosn
DLAKELEY, Coalport, I'n.
'1 npnltn llin Cnm.
pound whenever I havo
a chance. Itdidsomuch
lor mc ucioro my lima
girl wns born." Mrs.
E. V. Sanders, Rowhs
burg, W. Va.
"1 took your Com
pound beforo baby was
born nnd feel I owe my
ilfo to It. "-Mrs. Winnie
T1LL13, Winter Haven,
fi .
Now a Fact
All fear and pain ol' llio
denial clink1 banished.
You got the InMU'fil of our
long oxnorionce.
Vfi oxcouto your woi'k
with oaro and skill.
Special low rates until Oc
tober 15.
$10 GOLD CROWNS....$5.00
$15 PLATES $9.00
$2 FILLINGS $1.00
$2 CLEANING .. $1.00
Dr. Jones
102 Mum St.
I bnvo moved my
Shoe Repairing
mroHa tho shcot from my old loca
tion on Soulh Central and would bo
pleased to soo all old customers nud
tlios.0 needing uhoo repairing.
.Notlro (ho Illf Ited Hoot.
C k
112 South Riverside
Phono 150