pr' " ampponp matl TimrnxE, medfokp, oiraooy. ftcttuy, October" tjfl --fi-i r vxav STX f. jQjt jj 04 jQ t A i " --- WW-.-w.-- ---------- V A T "W'f r A Wk "W" "IT yi ' M " " M m B 1 5 oto i rVvwJ i A asii$ isri yfr -w t i -m m ." I ' i I i I I l I j ijr w.' i . l& i mA w w m x a ?t r, i i vf i i hik i n - rM i w n , rv r r iv ti ri vi s jl.j V To jtt15 Opens Saturday, October 2, at 8:30 A. M. store TLMffVTO.0 .TWM I BIGGER STOCK, BRIGHTER STORE, BETTER SERVICE THAN EVERF0RE Five Years of Consistent, Honest Merchandising Has Put This Store to the Fi I We Appreciate, and Thank the Women ot Medford for Their Generous Jf'?e We Hope to Merit it More and More Each Year by Selling Merchandise of Mi Only I TO CELEBRATE OUR IIFTH BIRTHDAY WE WILL PUT ON A SALE THAT WILL OVERSHADOW EVERY I "RE EVENT THE GREAT UNDERPRICING OF EVERYTHING PRESENTED IS THE MAGNET THAT WILL DRAW TfROWDS $ THE GREAT SUCCESS THAT WE ANTICIPATE FOR THIS SALE IS DUE TO THE FACT THAT THE PN I OUR SALES ARE REAL, ARE GENUINE, ARE RELf3LE ANNIVERSARY SALE IN READ Y-TO-WEAK JWbr ak i ivicrN i V9 00 J f T T ? ? t ? ? Y ? To !o NEW PURS ON SALE A.t Attractive Prices $25 Suits $17.48 Some new Suits direct from New York, sonic trimmed with fur, real $'.'5.00 values. .Anniversary Sfi 17.48 25 Brand New Suits Made by New York's best tailors in navy, green and brown, up to the minute in style, pO 'faO C values, this sale , .mO $12Coats$6.98 25 of this season's latest styles of "Winter Coats, all sizes, val ues up to $.12, An niversary price... $6.98 Hcautiful Now Corduroy Coats in black, brown, green and navy, belted stles, a splendid $18coal,forthidM A AQ sale only B 11.4:0 New Styles American Model Waists ON SALE TODAY $1 Always One Dollar $1 We have received another ship ment of those dependable, reli able Waists in voiles and or gandies. 0!" such unusual beauty are these new style Hlouses that their stay with us will be very brief always $1, but worth more. Children's Coats 25 Children's Corduroy Coats' sizes 2 to (5 yeai;s, in the new colors for winter, ovcry coat worth H AimiversfflJ'l Q Q ary ftaie price......... w s or, nti;i1i.tii'i! AVinlnr PonfR? made of splendid materialsj n i - -, I ..1 ,....1? Sizes O lO J', UVIT.) ruin wji-ji $7..r)0,'on sale Sat n fa A Q Q day, each JiTC J Oa llrkmyow children in wo can fiijtlicin. I t Favorite Coating Materials ? oTo Velvets, Plushes, Astrachans and Corduroys V ll,..,.i...;iwli.lliinMv;nl(lAihn innilnrii V nl' i lll'SC llMlulsOllK! X coaiuiA- materials. M'bey will be worn by all those who follow X in style's footstiips. Y Mere will lie found a varietv anil sele'tion the superior of X which does'not exist. Prices, too, will be an added indui-e- V ment In, make vour heleetipns here.. y .'). jt 27-inch Corduroy, in all col- fiti-inch Zibeline, extra heavy, & ors, a spleiKlul .f i.L'j QUp worm .;iu, now,u I W X L'rade, sale iirice, vd.. O yard P ! O $4.48 X :m-inch Corduroy .$1.'18 , .")() inch Wide Wale Corduroy, kT. $3.48 no-inch Scalette lMush, very X i..lil:lt I'nil W'll.i.l. riVltv! (! Wj ol. I . i ' ' llll 1 m, '( w oto values, now at, per vard x ro f ? ? ? y f V T ? ? V ? T ? Women's line J4 rade Union X Suits, fleeced ,Jt4 lined, 7"r val X iH's. now, suit, 3 worth $2.")0, now, nO-ini'h Astrachans, in nlack and ftra.v, very fa A AQ .special, yard. . tPTC.TbO r(-ineh Zibaliue, in all colors, a splendid cloth for coats, worth $UH sale fatj y"0' price, yard U)ZoTtO Silks I nG-inch Black Taffetas, all silk, soft finish, worth $1.25 a yard, for t his sale only, per Q Q p vard Ov BLACK SILK SALE W inch niaelcDui'hdfr' ess. vard Wi-iii. Ulack Faille fat HC vard li J 'nii-in. hlaelc (Iros faf HC (train, yard.. wlii J 10-inch Satin de Tarie, yard. . . PLAID SILKS Uor waists, at, per QQ vard OL CREPE DE CHENE Our celebratinl '10-inch Crepe .le Chene, in all colors, $l.fiO rade, now at, per (J?1 1 Q vard . . Dpl.Zr) L.Lp Dress Goods Plaids and Fancy checks, val- 48c ues up to 7oc a yard, this sale, a yard Sjlk and Wool Popiin, -10 in. wide, a splendid $1,155 cloth', Anniversary Sale QQr Pice, yard yOv 56-inch Plaid firnnitc Suiting, tlie newest cloth ' for skirts, very special at, fa t iCQ per yard tjjj liU7 r)(i-inch Novelty ( hecks, for Suits, all wool, new colorings, very special at, fa 1 QO per' yard tfl) 1 J O 0 Domestic Bans Outing Flannel, a fortunate purchase enables us to give you in this sale 5000 yards of this season's choicest pattorns in a heavv cloth, worth up to . Q 12 ', this sale, yd OL 1 . I :, y Bed SpreadsTfull Size, worth 89c .$1.25, .sale price, 1 H, ( Cot ton Towels, good size, 'I worth 5c, this sale, each...3v 2& A LJy In x if yl f 7W A nrliji Y vr !' a i Y k t 1 r fP1.1 til ;.w.liAc m.1n JilUll' -AJj iiivuuoy jii,i j 43 worthjg 'iQr T specially O PillowE and 15 inch, V Bi oTo S.I..12c 72x90 j Sheets, (50c & 72xf)0BI!ieets,'2Qrfc V (iOc vafii O y L 1 X Fruit ogi Muslin Q X I.Vgraoird J- .T oto 1 vn (Mt O One-Clasp Cape Cloves, $1.25 val ues, sale price, pail 89c Harrison's Weill deer Cloves, wash able, pair, Anniversary Sale of New Fall Gloves Harrison's Leath- ?i One-Clasp locha Cloves, in tan and gray, nair, $1.48 Women's White Wasbable Kid Cloves, pair, $1.25 One-Clasp Cape X! loves, $1.75 grade, sale price, pair. $1.25 Perrin's Cloves, in all colors, pair, $1.75 erette Cloves, all colors, pair, 50c Pent 's Gloves, the best wearing glove made, pair, $2.25 Anniversary Sale of Notions Colgate's Talcum Powder, can, 10c HO-mcla our -regular 15cgm$ f)n saleohl. 1ZZ2C X . nap li'asteners, all sizes, do.en, 3c Clark 'sO.N.T. Spool Cotton, 7 for 25c Cood Pearl Hut- tons, dozen, 4c Luster Cotton, all colors, ball, 4c Linen Hanks, 10c values, special, ea., 5c Hair Ribbons, wide widths, vard, 10c Buccilla Crochet Cotton, ball, 9c NAIAD DRESS SHIELDS 25c values 20 aOc values, . . .23 15c values . .25 Will wash and iron ? o -lirlrv tint Bag nOlnd Bags, all Igaly lined, fitted X wi and pocket- V ' 1)01 v styles to ' hi, every bag $ .i wc, Anniversary cat. $1.19 Buy Your Underwear Now 48c OTO ! I.. j ouieii s Vnion Suits, J high neck, long t sleeves: low X neck, short X sleeves, $1.00 X values, 4 79c f Misses' and Children's I'nion Suits, sizes 2 to 10 years, 75c val ues, now, suit, 59c "Women's and Children's Klecced Lined Vents and Pants, M.V val ues, each, 29c Children's Knit Vests, god quality, each, 15c Women's Past P.laek Hose, a good 25c grade, all sixes, very special, pair, 15c Infants' Shirts, all sizes, special each, 29c AVonien's Out ing Flannel Skirts all sues, good quality, very special, each, 48c Blankets at Very Low Prices Cirav Cotton Blank- e.s, good size, very Special, per 4Q pair T.yjt Gmy and Tan Cotton ULankets, GOxTG, good 98c weight, spe cial, pair . Heavy JUankets, G4x 70, conie.s in pretty plaids, wool finish. ;;nS': T".:::'.,...$i.89 Heavy Wool Blank ets, in tail and white, worth $5.00, QO QC wile price, pr. $000 White Cotton Blan kets, (MxSO, good heavy weight, tf n MO special, pair....v0 Heavy Wool Nap 1 Blankets, GUnSO, in plain and fancy, .$11.00 .n corset oa Greatest Bargains Ever Of ' ' Women's Xew Model Corset t e'ry pair worth $1.00, this f saie,, pair,.. Women's New Model Corset cry pair worth $1.25,. this sale, pair , 0I0 t . Women's New Model Cors ery pair worth $1.50, this sale, pair IO w..i. ..,.. M....I 1 .. olo ,..,!.. ... n... ....... Illlllll III n K'Mli nnoutdi im . iiiiil'.n tor, sp Outing Flannel (biwiiH, full size, Wfi-th $1.00, Curtain S.-rim, 'M inches witle, in white ami iviu, wuHU 20c, sale pri.i-, -JCp Cutliui Cliallii' fur 4c eomf)rtels, Hest Prints, sale price. per 4c Cotton Malls for i-oinfoiters, very speeial, 8c (Jalatea Cloth for srhool dresses, 120 value, sale 16c FjlllrV Pllllilw ..!. 1 4 school dressis, Soduwt ToWfl- alues, now, OCl'v t : L..-fK J X ?i saHiff iivr x . vm n r 1 raiivxi 1, OTo llllVA X n - : . mrt f if 17 Wka8 r E ( x t X $2.39 79c .,,,.. ..25c I vanl I Cial..-.. mmmw 1 H,i- I II 11 V, TJI. " J n Mini ,..... f l...... ,, ., ...... , ., JIIll.. .. " MooXoooojoojoojoojoojooXoooojoooojoojoojoojoojoojootoojoo cn w- j- - . w 11' cial sale pni', ea sale pine, yd. vard per roll price, yard