Vil PAGE TWO MJfiDFORD llAlh TllIBPNE, IKJJKOltlJ. OKKOOX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1. 191.1 ,. 4. TOC ALAND PERSONAL Itoporto Jinvo been rccolvgd by tho police of tho thofts of wheels nt night when they nro left Htnndlng on tho 'Ptrcot. Iioya nro blamed for Iobscb. Several docoy wheoln liavo boon pine cd In an effort to capturo tho youths but th by scorn to knowtho dlfforonco. Madam Dowd Jeffora linn moved her Now York hnfr dresslnK parlors to 210 Weat Mnln alroot nntl la now ready 'for business in tho now loca tion. ICC B. S. Hiillls returned Thurmlay from a two dny'n bunlnoss trip to San Francisco. First BhowJiiR of Gbro lints nt Miss Lounsbnry'a. They aro nlwnyn rlht. M. M. Dopt. Sloro. 108 Ilnrry L. Lewis, of Qnllre, lann lean cd tho Old Chnnncl ml no for tho win tor, nnd will got It In nhapo for oper ations at onco. Tho Ioiiho tloc not Interfero with negotlatlona for Halo of the proporty, however, iir It Is pro vided thai Lewis Is to rIvo Immediate possession should n mile hn mndn See Dave Wood about that flro In- auranco policy. Office Mall Trlbuno nidK. ' W. F. Isaacs, Chris (lotlllol) nnd Tom .Marshall of Chicago, Htory teller and crack shots, wero among the mnny Medford huntera who spent tho morning In the country hunting pheasants. Try one of tlioso big Ico cold C cent milkshakes nt Do Voo'n. TtoBUo Jllvor will hold Us first ven ison barbecue tomorrow, mid Is pio f paring for tho entertainment or a largo, crowd. Crack shots of Itoguu Itlvcr havo been out all week liapglng deer, to bo st'iro thnt no Rtiest of the town, will not receive venison, nnd 'tnnd helping ff ho wants It. in connection with tho bnrbecuo an In dustrial and school fair will bo held. Kvory resident of Iloguo Itlvcr Is busy helping and boosting for the bigger event In their town's history. A largo crowd Is assured. Drs. A. It. and Louise Hedges, chl roprar.tlo physicians, Stewart build ing, 235 Hast Main St. Carl-Y, Tengwald left Thursday for ntjycuUayHWVlalt to tho Htuto fair it Salonl.' Mrs. Loach, export corsetlorre, ma terlal'nnd "fit guaranteed. 320 North Hartlottrr Mrs. 11. K, Jonnlngs or (Irnnts 1'ass Is spoiidlng a few days In tho city vis iting friends. (lot It nt DoVoo'a.' Tho last trip oftho year to Crntor Lnko was niado yostorday by Seoloy Hall of the Crater Laka stagn route, Tho hotel nt the lake Is now rlosed and the until route discontinued. Mnny people, however, are going to tho scenic wonder, spondlng tho night nt JTonpoct. Tho lake Is at Its best at thin (lonsou. Hot TnmaU's nt tho Shasta. S. 1. Wilson nntl family of Talent spent Thursday evening In Metlfortl attending tho nddross of Governor Willis nt tho city pnrk. Chlnn pheasant season opens Octo ber 1st. Ilotter hnvo ono or two mounted by F. Ilurtlett, Medford's tnxlilormlst and fuirler, Kwlng's dun Store. 3CS John Wilson of I'olloivlllo, Cal Is nmong the out of town vUltora In the city this weelc. Any person wautlug phonHauts pheasnuts mounted should keep tho plumauo In ns good condition as pos sible, qoretiUly wrapping oaeli bird Feparnte In plenty of paper. Then tako to F. W. llartlett. taxidermist, M wing's dun Store. 1!! Kdwnrd West of Hut to, Mont., nnd one tlmo a football star of that state spont Thursday In this city visiting friends, en route to the 10 IB fair. Weston Camera Shop for first class Kodak finishing nnd Kodak supplies. Ooorgo Thompson of tho Wlilnke)' resk district Is spumllng the dny in the city attending to ImisIihkm) nwt tor. When bettor Is sold Holmes Tka liwurnnoo Man will sell It lln J. Lincoln. pioneer roltlotit o Uksvlew, Ore , xpjit TIiiii'm1h in Mmlford, tin lUw to I'oiIIhiiiI to atlMid to uuhIiipim mutter. LkdltM 1 hid uow prepared to mttko your Mr liUu Hwltrhwt. .Mmluinu L. Itonmes. m uni QstUie ,- AttuniHy u. il. KoborU spent' tllo afternoon or Thursday In Jw.Kson villo attending to btuliiDM mutter. Aftwuoow trs. with wafers loe. at Uie Sliast. PU WrlRhr or the Himitril i mi ga IWk Uro-k is piMm'-i ti vu ll 111 Ui tltx SttWHlllBK lo l.u-ii. mm tiara. IttMtl the l'ortlautl Oregnnlan MIkm Cir.v I'moa of cii Mil tptMit Tkurdl in Medfonl utiwni te bualHtMW lWHWm. ' Take your nittak U Johnson the Jowolur, you will rwelve unusuull) jtood Borvlco. PrMk Ctnom t YiU. '..l , I. "HOJIK tk 4Ut uf town vlsltiiih in ilm oily this ik. I take pride In nuklni; your watch koep porftMt tlmtj, I have every fa cility for doing Xqo wstob rotialrtng.l Johnson tho Jeweler. J 1 In responso to numerous queries of baseball fans regarding the world's series, the National Commlslon will meet In Now York tomorrow nnd fit tho tlntos for tho games, naliio the methods of dividing tho receipts, np polnt tho umpires, two from each of tho leagues, and formally declare Philadelphia tho winner In the Na tional league, and Iloston In tho Am erican. Tho first game has hereto fore been fixed by n flop of n coin, tho winner choosing the home grounds, this function being perform ed by tho captains of the two teams. Tho National Joague closes tomorrow, tho American' October 7, next Thurs day. Tho games therefore can not bo started before4 next Friday, and In nil probability not before n week from Monday. Johnson, at tho Hook Store, an expert watch ropalror. 'I he first football Rume of the sea son will bo played In this city tomor row between the IiIrIi school mid the .Mumui teiii). It will be In the na ture of a praetlrc game, hut will bo n sevoro tost for the high school. Cinch Kltim has the team in fine s'.npe, and (he members nro working together with flue spirit, tho object lielnR to produce a winner, thus kw Inn the Individual star in the back ground. Heretofore ono of the great est druwl"ic'tH to thtt locals Iiiih been two or three star players who ignor ed team work to show off. Cnaclt Kliim lias weeded out this fault, Oct your butter, eggs, milk, cream and buttermilk at Do Voo's. Anton Hoso, of Jacksonville, was belt! up nntl robbed about 1 1 o'clock Thursday evening while going home from a poo! room. The highwayman took all his span change, about three dollars, utapped Hone In the fnce and told him to "get the licl out of here." Itose went homo and Dili, morning re ported to tho sheriff. Jacksonville partlos nro ausplcloned, 1, O. Clerking, the best all around photographer in southern Oregon. Alwnys Tollable, Negatives mado any where, tlmo or plnco. Studio 228 Main St Phono 320-J I A special tin In bearing l.'lO mem bers of tho American Hallway asso ciation passed through the city this morning en route to the San Fran cisco fair. They wore prosontod with Hoguo Klvor valley literature and postago stampH by tho Commercial club, Most of thu parly came from the great rullway centers of tho New Knglniid atates. For flour or feed phono Medford Roller Mills. Phono G07. f Chnrlos (lay Is among tho .Medford people attending to state fair at Sa lem this week. ' Do Voo dollvcra' tlio Orcgonlnn to you every day for 7Co n month. ' K. II. I In ni lull of Kaglo Point was a business visitor In the city for a few hours Thursday afternoon. C. M. Thomas of Talent spont Thursday ovonlng In this city attend ing the address of (lev. Willis of Ohio. At a h6arliiK before County Judge Ton Velio Friday, L. A. Murphy, his brother-in-law, was appointed guar dian of Win., Whetstone, an Incompe tent. The application was contested by Franrls Whulstnnc, brother, who had entered into an agreement with hl mother that he would keep Wil liam In u suitable condition. He tie muudrtd that bo be appointed tniar tllan. KMdeure showed Hint the agieement hail ben ubrogated nnd that Francis Whetstone had ho Id Wil liam's share of the property without an amounting. Louis tllrlnh, John lleger) James Cniitroll and Dr. (loldeu have return ed from a hunting trip to Dutchpian's peak, Illeu Led country, bringing back elttlit dsnr bagged since Sunday. ENURE NATION ! REPORTSBUSINESS COND 0 NSBETTER WASHIXOTON, Oil. 1. Improve.! l)iHine-.s conditions in pnicijcnllv nil Heeti.uit of the country lire refleclfil in report from fetk-ral reserve agent in (he twelve ilhdriedt miulc p'iblie today Ii I'"' federal lexervc lioni.l. Till Hire.' .oiiiliorn itixlricfs, vvlieir eiitftui h (lii big fiit'lur, tepnr! proAeiil prii'i'H.nmt effiiil of the IVd .nil lioKril (it rimiiice llie crop lutve hud ti beiiellefnl. effect upon oilier lilll'M. New York' leporlg retail Imsim- poor in eertniu leetious, but wlitib mtlei'tt wiy Irode is expinitliiig anil the oullool; is good for full iiml v inter buiinexs. riiieiigo nole tlmt utiv eliane there in gcncml eouililioiiN is Tor the heller, ninl that there is upparenll.v it J'eeling of more eonfldi'iiee in the fill ore. Crops continue to look good. The' wlinlexale (raile of the SI. I.tiuis iliMlriel mIiuvv inerciweil tieliv ity Willi it large jobbing liiihiu.'ss and .omiuereiiil i'niluies ilcerciiMii in number. Minneapolis miivk (hat district will contribute between liOO.Ollll.OIIII and .100,000,000 huhhelR of li.ttrd wbeat to llie IDl.'i crop, enmpareil with ttlioiil '1(111,0(1(1,000 IiiikIicIs n yrnr ago. (leiienil luiHineHs it to he prosper tuiH nntl is moving nt iihout iionmil in the MiiinciiiulU ilint lift. From KimsnH if is reporietl llie wlit'tit farmerfi nil' inclined to holti for holler prieoK. If there is no kill ing frost ICuiiHii.s nnd N'elinihkn are expected lo show tine of the large-d corn crops in their history. The TexiiH eott,on crop is rsli'miit etl at not more tluiii .'lJ.'O.OOO bales. Kan Francisco Myn eeiiditions have not (linugeil greatly duriiig Kepteinber with the lumber business kIow. ror all shortening and Cottolene is supreme I1IIIIIIIIIIIII1111IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE1I11IR111 gllHUlIlHIllllllSlIIIRIIIIlIISIlIIIRIIfflll frying EZ HU I!HiHmBMMiiiiiiiii mBiBimmm F CAPIURE POWER PLANT WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 - Capture of the electric power plant on the out skirts of Mexico City by Cnrranra troops, who killed lot) of the Zapata HOdlers holding the plant, was an nounced In delated dispatches re ceived today at tho state department, Cottolene is an exact combina tion of the purest, richest, most carefully refined cottonseed oil and the choicest beef stearine obtained from selected, high grade leaf beef suet. Cottolene is itself one of the purest of pure foods. Cottolene makes foods more digestible more wholesome makes them taste better. Use it for every kind of shortening and frying and for making pies, cakes and pastries. Cottolene is not offered as a substitute or as being "just as good" as other shortening and frying fats. It is an original product and better than anything else that you can use for shortening or frying. A FtW HOURS-TRY IT! You can use Cottolene over and over for frying. It does not absorb tastes or odors. Always heat Cottolene slowly. Pails of various sizes. Arrange with with your grocer for a regular supply. Write our General' Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our real cook book "HOME HELPS." FhTnFAI R BAN K company .. .. i 4 E-mmn imj Mt m ft" KsULLUitzut: IUU.K.1Z& gutsu tuurccfg UCllCI .. r Mm J xoticu 1 have purchased the Central Point Meat .Market from Art Lewis and will take olmrae Oft. 1. IIusIiiwm will bo reminded on a strictly cash bniit. So. UeltltiK your pstioiwie, l will try to merit Its Oiintlniisnce by eourteoiis trtmtment and kIvIhr value received. ISO IIAHHY LHW1B. l.ONMlON. Oct. 1. (iineial Al.'.ei lviiiuiHtkui lilts been appointed chief if the Itiiv-uiii (Iretiinlit r cor), tie tonlitijr to it Renter .lisuiti b ftMie I'etn'irr.iii. TOO lfcTK m f'UXSSIl'Vi TO III'V ( riii-clusH .vtmuii mulek. no fsnev prl.v will he outldeivd Adllr M S.iM.'.i I ltiiM-ili TK. Med . ford in". I'lest Dtiso ttf l'eM's Cdtl (Niiisiuiiil Itelleves All the (iilp .Misery Contains no Quinine. Oon't stay Htuffed-iip! Quit blowtiiK ami snufriliiK! A tloso of "I'ape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three ilosos are taken will end grippe mis ery nnd break up u severe cold either In th head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens eloKKed-up nos trils ami air pamutKes; Htnps miHty discharge or nose runnliiK; relievos stck headache, ilulliiess, fuverishness, sore throat, snooxlin.', soreness nntl Htlffuess. "'Pnpo'ii Cobl Coiiipoiiiul ' Is the (iiltkest, surekt relief known nntl costs only 'ii cents at tlrtiK etori'H. It acts without asslslnuce, tuples nice, ami causes no lut'ouveiiluueo. Don't accept a substitute. Meats Road About 'Em ? t 4 i til i I M i W i j &ti 1 I0G9 jZf ? y i 35 Newest Fall Tailored Suits I JUST IN BY EXPRESS OUR NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVE EXPRESSED US A NEW SHIPMENT OF TAILORED SUITS, THE SEASON'S BEST AND APPROVED MODELS NEW RUSSIAN SUITS, NEW BELTED BOX SUITS AND A FEW BOX MOD ELS. BELTED SUITS CONTINUE TO BE THE VOGUE. SPECIALLY PRICED $18.50 TO $35.00. ! t X III w II America's Greatest Cigarette ! 1 - till ,Juimi)iA,hYtiviit(1ktiuA Ji ' Kiiv(-n?iss II) Chuck StiMk. l.K SUIT SALE $18.50 One lol of uovsi fall Tailored SuiUi in yiixturos, ziliclincs aiid poplins, tho sea son's best niodtils in belted effects, tail ored styles and box models, really worth to $25.00; speeial $18.50 A GREAT SHOWING OF COATS "Style Craft" Coats Phis label means so much in your garment, it means the best 'that can be put into a garment. Plushes are very popular. Corduroys, Velvet Cords, Velvets and a handsome line of mixtures, right lv priced $10.00 to $45.00. TAILORED SUIT SALE $25.00 Wo find a great many custonifis want to pay $25 for a suit no moie. 'o have prepared a very strong lino at this price, suits that are actually worth $27.50 and $:UK) to $32.50, thoseason'.s best Kuglish tweeds, cheviots, poplinn and serges. Stylo Craft models, all sizes and colors, speeial $25.00 Ifound Steaks, lb ?7e Choice Sirhlin, lb ISc Hrisket boil, lb He I Mate Boil, lb 10. Choitc lt li)iiBt,H. Me 13-' Shoulder Woaif Pork, Hi 12' M. I' 'HI, KM' II) IN' Oi!m r meats in proportion. Poultry alw.iys. Warner,Wortman t yi oc bore mi Pho(a y ? ? ? ? .. V TUS. " . J ' I -" . j V I t T CHILDREN'S COATS , Choose a coat for the girl while the asrtment is good. Coals for the little tot 2 to l veal's at i?2.9S to $5.95. Coats for the larger girls up to 1-1 vears, at $a.9S to $11.50 Also a good number in a (loodrich Pain Coat for the miss 0 to M years, at SI. 25 NEWEST FALL MILLINERY In all its splendor Von must see Ahreu's showing of Millinery. When there is a new st.le out it is shown here first a hat to suit every taste and ' puiM' hats for the school girls with the floppy brim, small hats and largo hats in tailored and dretes, priced $15.50 to $22.50. New Stock of Knit Under w'r New Stock of Outing Gowns New Stock of Sweaters New Silk Waists m '"VM i New Hand Bags Xcw Stock t.f GOLD STRIPE HOSE (Sartor proof, mil proof tops, bl.iek, white and co'or-, SJ.OOpair ip Ms-i now Xoelt. SilK Iltust; in black and white heck, black and white strmes. also bla.-k or while (Jivuadiiio, at $1.75 awi $2.00. fi THAT START5 AD0VE CAN PASS, WftTS Jnlli WW HOME OF KABO CORSETS (' THE DAYLIGHT STORE t ? V ? f ? ? ? T f Y V ? V f ? ? ? V t ? ? V f r r T ? ? V V V V x .!. j. i