:-s , "S.. rh & J"N? T ;J TAHFi STX M V V K ftnCDFOttD MATTJ TKTT5TTNTC, MttDl'QRr), onEOpy. THI7KSDAV, PTFrBTCU FRENCH CAPT II FORTIFICATIONS N ADMITS NEAR RIPONT Footlnn Also Gained on German Sec ond Line of Defense Progress Re ported All Alonn Line Heavy Bombardment of New French Posi tions East of Souclicz. RUSSANSFORC E SUGAR COMPANY BAIIK GERMANS ALLIES GAIN IN SEVEREFIGHTING! EASTERN FRONT: ORGANIZED 0 LOCAL FACTORY cninpnten in the nlley toward secur ing iilTi'iirp nnd a site. . .. llljial nnnilKllin .... iL-l "In MIOW OI llio emit." r . lamette valley and Port "d Is b hg ff J J fM tft (f d crippled hccaiwo of he '""" J Enable facilities. Is having a tot Southern Pacific railroad compan to re Md the mesaK0 (urnl.li tho necessary cars, th O.e- rj c B w yonr gon Public Service commission today , Iurnlflh carB wired William Sprou.c, premium. . """'- ,,,.. nI1(. ais0 what SPROULE ASKED TO EXPLAIN CAR SHORTAGE : ' " " "" ""::' ':,::;" an for these shipments, an 8AH3M. Ore , Sept. 30,-Dcclarlng the company at San r ranclnco for an Jo wpcctcdf that the lumber IndiiBtry In the n- """ I'AltlS, Sept. 30. In continuation of the general offoiiHlvo movement on tho western front, tho French have captured an Important defensive work of the rjermanN Houth of Tllpont, It was officially announced by tho war office today. In the Champagne French troops have pained a footing at various points on tho German second line of defense, tho official statement adds. The text of tho communication fol fel fol eows: "The only renlstanco pf the enemy in tho Artols district Iibb boon a very violent bombardment of our now po sition to the east or Souchez. rroKiTuis In Oinuiwiio "In tho Champagne district wo have secured a footing lit ncveral points In the trenches of the (lermnn wcond line of dcfciiRO to tho west of llutto f)e Tuhurp, and to the west of tho Navarln farm. At this latter point certain detachments of our troops mado their nay thtoiiKh und resolutely advanced bevond tho (!or rnnii line, but It wns Impossible for them to maintain this advancq be muse or a curtain of fire maintained by the flerman nrtlljery an woll as a violent riaultlnK rlflo flro. Our men, however, hold firmly the points conquered by them on the second lino of the enemy. Complete JVwwMon "To the south or lllpont wo have qnlarxcd and completed our conquest of the first lino (lermnn positions by taking possession of a portion of the Important nppor(lng worlts lo cally known as the "Quvragu do J IJefnltc," ft"0 defeat earthworks.) "The night pashod quietly ulong the remainder nf tho front. "In spite of most unfavorable nt mospherlc conditions our nlrcrnft HqiludroiiK yesterday bombarded tho lines of communication behind the Herman front. SImiIIh were thrown down on the rallroa,a. Millions In tiio Valley of tint Hulppo ot IJnzancoiirt, Wunncrlvllle, Pont Kavcrger nnd Bt. Illlacc-Lc-Pctlt, as well as upon n (lermnn column marching near Boni-mc-Py." JOHN I MINTO P N WARDEN SA1.UM, Ore.. Sept 30 - - lly unan imous vote tho slate board of control today uppolntcd John W. Mluto of Portland to succeed lila brother, Harry P, .Mluto, who was killed liy no escaped convict near Albany Mon day nlKht, as warden ot tho Oregon Mate penitentiary. John W. Mlnto has served as chief of police of two cities, Portland and Salem. He also held tho office of bherlff of Marlon county nnd sa pohtuiasler at I'oi Hand. The appoint nient becomes effective Immedlatel). ! - , I Tlio Oiejjon-rinli Sinmr company, , , , ,.,,, . enpitiilifed lit $100,00(1, with n lioml I Capture of Hill 19 in Champagne Reg- Petrorjrad Claims Territorial Gains of j wHI, of .fj-,oo,ortO. hut been ineorM.r. , ntcd nt Suit l.nke, the object beinj to construct n beet snjinr factory in j he Itocuu Iliver valley in hme foi the J 01 (5 crop. George V.. Sunders, Ion hy French Conceded Else where Line Declared Held Suc cesses Reported Along Russian Front Heavy Battles in Progress. SUBMARIN E AT Iimtt.t.V, Sept. .10. I.orh of nn other posldon In Franco to tlio allies, as n result qf the Rreat battle now In proRress, Is nnnounced In the officii! statement fr.tm the war oWco today Tho Germans lout Hill No. 19. Hilt No. 10 Is n position In the ChnmpaRne region north or the town or MnsslRes. Tho text or the Herman orflelil stutement follews: "Western theater; Yesterday the enemy continued his nttejnpts to break throiiRh our lines In tho Chain, paRiie rcRlon. "Soulh of tho Mcnln-Yprcs road n position occupied by two Kngllflh companies wan blown up. Slow l'mjnrsM .Mndo "North or Loon our counter nttnok proRresscd slowly, "Southeast or Ronrhez the French succeeded In penclrutliiR our Hues Ju two small sections. Fighting cou. tlnucs. "A French attack south of Arras easily was repulsed. "liattlcn between Tlholms nnd the Argonno wero very bitter. South of St. Marlc-Py an enemy brlRndo broke through our outer IIiich of trencho.i Our reserves In counter nttack cap tured &00 prisoners and destroyed the others. "All French nttacks between the Sommy-Py-Soualu high road nnd the Challcrango-St. Menehoud ratlin were repulsed yesterday after blltor hand to hand fighting In whlc'i the enemy fliifforod heavy Incuts. Admit Hill Ciiiit.ii-.Ml "Karly today a slronn enemy at tack on the front northeast of Musi sIrck broke down. North ot l.assUner Hill No. 10 which was vmy much & posed to the euemy'ri flankluR (li'o wns lost. "On Hie other fronts nMlllery diiwh nnd mlntiiK enRnRoipents of var.vlnc Intensity took place. ' "lluiitern theater: Soulh of Dvlnnis wo fore-vl the enemy back Into th mnrshefl und lakes to the east of Wcsxmouo. Our cavalry enRiiuemeus In the rcKlon ot Postawy wero juc ressful. "Fast of KmorRon wo broke throuuh the enemy position by storm One thousand prlsoueri, lucludliK seven orllcers, were taken and sU lanuon nnd foir machine ruiis were captured. South of Suiomo'i the bat tle continues. Uushlans ItcpulMMl "Army or Prince Leopeld: ICueniy attacks ngalust mnny seclloiiH of the front were repulsed with ualiRiilnan losses, "Army of Field Marshal Von Mae kenzen: The situation Is unchanged. '"Army or Ocnoral Von Llnslncen Ou tho upper Kormln tho HiiHslanu wero driven back In an easterly dl lection About 800 pilsoners wyre taken. Two ItusMuu neroplnuoH were shot down.' Considerable Extent Enemy Push ed Back Twenty-five Miles Bat tles of Great Intensity Fought Germans Win Loral Success. IM"niOnH.n, Sepl. .'JO.- Tcnilor inl guilts of eonsiiU'inble ctutit by the KiirisiniiH ie inilli'iitCtl liv the Idlest infoniintlon recited at I lie war of fice. The Hermans have lieen pushed back Itvenly-l'ive miles to n point mid way Id the Vilnii-Uiliisk ruiltvny. West nnd south of .Molndeclino the (lerniniis have been foiced linek right milcH ucro-iH Die Lida-.Molodeehno rnilwny. At no patt nf Hie uorlherii lines liate (lermiiu tiius Ikcii aliiiouuced, nlilioiili bullies of reat intensity ate being fought nit the 80-milo line from K'nziauv, nn the lUsnn river, trt Krivo. The flormntis hate eoneentraled eonsii'ei'iible bodies or troops diawn from the 1'iipft icgimi along this line. South of the I'npel the (lermtiiH have won u local miicccss nt Cinrlo-lisk.-'JO"' miles west of-tlie railway junction nt Snrnv. They appear to have gained control of the Htyr to a point south of Lutsk. A strong effoit also is being made bv the Germans in the region of Xowo Aiexiniee, fifteen miles north of Tnr r.opo). The Hussinn authorities be liete this movement represents nn at tempt to reach the great highway be tween Kiemet. nnd Ostrog. Further south of the Stripn, tvost of Tamo pol, (lie lttissinin, have had, the best of the fighting. E bend of the Hogne River I'nblic Scr vice corpotntinu. is nnm-d as presi dent; Wilhird Smith, ice-president; Alex. Viblev nf -I'tirllimd, secretary, and Harold Smool, son of Fidlcd j Slates Seuiilnr Reed Smool, and Pan- j ield II. Thomas, directors. N'ibley is1 well known in this city, being hen several limes Inst spring with F. S. Ilrninwell. This is the' first wmd, dilcel or in direel, leeched from the beet sugar interest, since F. S. Ilrninwell tisit cd the city Inst August and went to Sail Lake, with samples of beets grown b'rc. It is belieted that with this important detail complete the company will nl once iuauuutnlc it .Much Ailler-r-lCn FmsI In MerifnKl It Is reported by I.. H. Hnsklns that much Atfler-I-Ka Is sold In Med ford. People have found nut that ONK SPOONFtTL of this simple buck thorn bark and glycerine mixture re lieves nlmost ANY CASIVor codMI patlon. sour or gassy stomach. It Is so powerful that It Is used success fully In appendicitis. ONK MIN UTE nftor you tnko It the gases rum ble and pass out. It is perfectly safe to use and cannot gripe. Time to Dress Up The loiiff-lookccl-for prosperity is here. Yc Men nnd Women of Mcdford bcing the best "people on earth, shonkl join the procession and dress up in tho . ? l host clothes, which are found at The Toggery, of course. Our JTart, fcelmrfiioi & Marx Suits and Overcoats for men and young men are. pertcetly. wonderful this season. You must see them. Not too cxti'avnjjnnt lm(,- Overcoats $18.50 t to $35 Suits . . . $20.00 1 to $35 Other Suits and Overcoats, $12 and up. Tho most, wonderful exhibit ever shown in Mcdford. Wo ean't describe thoin urouorlv. but our most effituent force of salesmen will be happy to show you- the latest models for well-dressed men. mighty welcome. . ntiit " . - r " The latchstring is out and you'll be ite ' ; v Jr?A v f -x 'f. '' I " & Henderson Corsets for Every Figure FULLY RECOVERED 10 W'ASIIIXCITOS', Sept. 110. llids . for building nivteeu uulmiiiunisj an tViorired by tint hit congress, tim opened today, I ho Viuou Iron WorU jf Kan Fninelhoo, nnd the Klis'tric Toritedobont comnnuv of Qniney, Mnhs., submitting the lowivt otfeih fur tho Pacific nnd'Atlunlic iohMi., rospcetively. Tlio Snn Fninciseo conccn hid for fho or piore nt $.". 0,000 each, the fjrnt to I"' completed in twelve nfonths nnd two cneli month 'tnrpnf ter. Tho lussncliusetti's cninpunv l)d for eight ot more nt f.V-,!l,'000. the find to he completed ubin sotc.i tccn months. ' NF.W 0U, Sept. .10. The in crease of WOO in Ihe slate hqiuu h cense fcs which hccoipcn eftectite tomorrow, will foue (100 saloon out of husiuesb in Mnnliiittnu und Itr.uik I,mi and educe the city's sliare in this iMtcnue ahoiil !?.1(i0,000, nceoiil inp to iwtiniatos of tho officeti. of re tail liquor denlotV insocialioii. The ineiease brings the cost of tho It licunxeti up tOfc$1500. The iwoike coiuiiuiHiui)r for Mun biitnn said todny he bcli.ntnl that peo ple nrc ,iiot dnnking n much now its in piut years nnd thai in his opinion moving inclines kisp men t'l.uu -.i-loon-. CARRANZA t WASIIINOTON, Sept .10 Most of the 1!00 Civil war veterans token to hospitals yer.terdny when they became eNh.tus.ted In tho Q. A II parnde, had fully rccoveied today and wero rendy for participation In the remainder of the annual reunion progrnpt. The oteraus had n busy day heforo them with n reception nt the white house b President Wilson to the sur viving orriceis or the Civil war, a business session tit Camp Emery, headquarters of tho O. A. It., and the dedication or tho'juhlleo tablet at Manassas, Va, FIND TRAIL OF MAN DEAD IN MOUNTAINS J. W. Warner of Trail, iiro Cri, was round dead near his homo Wednes day. Death was due to heart failure, lie went In search of horses In the, hills und was stricken. Ills son Hay found him dead after an nil night search The funeral services will be hold today at Trail, lie Is survived hy a widow and nine children. Br. Csler en 'Ii.terculcsis sir ttlhibiM tulrr, uur ul llic lure in ii I r lit lun mr.lli'iil in cu, fur. utrrl) ul J nli in. l,iikiua, llultiiuurr, Mini mil. IUhiu I'rul. nr of tlr.ll, t'lur m tltlncJ, ) In lila "1'rMi'llrr ul II. iII.Ihi-" (IMC), .in iMir Villi 'I lir UrMllUK ul iulii..iiiar lulirr . Illn-U U Mh.x.u i-IIhI.-mII) Ii) ihr rr.o.rrj ul uMllri.t In .lior npulj rlMll. lUaur Muil lutrllll lin.r lirrd luun.l. In (lie tcrMiuiUilitua uru.l.icl muiI Mk.H'l.ilr.l iur.iluul M.Mr llaaur la r.irnirit, tthllr Ihr amallrr .Martina nrrua lir.uuir lilt prriliiHlrU .lit. Ilini' anlla. Tu aui'h ciiuilllluna nluur almulil llir Irrni brall.ik lir Miillr.t." Muim rmhi.'iit infill, ul HUlli.irltlta li.iM' l.alitiril t tlif rlln'U.- of hinc ai.lla in li. lii'iiliiiKiii of tiilivuu limia uiul ie aunraa of K. Kimiiu'h AllvlallV.' hi lliln ami ulll.nl tin mil mill liiuii. Uml ulTv. Iluim inu li) line lii.rih ( llin fi.il tlt.it l I'uniHiiiM u lliu.i auli iu . iiililnra Willi oilier VmIuiiIiI Iiiki rillrni! ,ia I.. l rnalh MallllMtv,l Vld.'airi..il UN.t of Una i ..until, in nuiimroiiM .-Hki of IuIihi.'IiIumIii -lli.nl nf ulil. Ii HnpcMr tu klMte itilil rtl vmiilit to II -Jiutlflr uur be lief tlml It I wurtli u tlial, uulea iiiiiu ollivr ireMlniDiii nlioudi la nurrviKtliiK It coiiluiHK nu 0ihiUi, lmnnti. ur Imlilt-furinlui; ilrtiKn. We uiAkK no li(hu.i'a .(iik.tiiIih it any inoi tlutt riuUUIe phxli lam Kit promlaot wllh their irorli tlon, liut wi. know of iimii) ia. Iu winch IT HAS UKM'KD. Youi druKKUt Iiuii u ur .an cvt II. ot ou ...ii arml UiitHt l:.'Lmuu l.nlinrMtiiry, l'hMailrlihl, Prioo $1 nnd $2 a bottle. A V A Pictorial Pattenis Are the Best . Jioe& fit Y t t T t i Unsurpassed Offerings in New Season's Goods t JL . tmso iirv AiTAIITTrC ADP AAfl?T mA P'T. Y COMPAKlbUiN Ur rKiuH-& Jrsu yuAuio rxixi nwx Economical Shoppers Make This Store Headquarters i t X f X ? T T T Correct Fall and Winter KNIT Underwear for Particular Women Reliable qualities in the. lending make all styles and sizes in period fitting Yost. Pants and Union Suits at prices that will appeal to economic shoppers. -vTfc THE FOREST MILLS UNION SUIT AT $1.00 A complete new stocU of the celebiat cd Forest Mills Union Suits wor wo men. Mado with .seam in the sides that fit so snug and smooth under the corset; they come in all stylos in fall and winter weights and iu all sizes; garments made from the best grade selected cotton, priced at, suit, .$1.00 MISSES' WOOL UNION SUIT AT $1.00 A positive advantage for those who buv their tall and winter underwear at this sale. Sizes are complete from 2 to 14 years, made from fine white Australian wool mixed with a very small percentage of cotton, just enough to keep from shrinking, cut with Dutch neck, short sloovcs, ankle length: a perfect fitting garment for $1.00 CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS AT 59c & The well-known and reliable made Children's heavy elastic ribbed cotton fleeced Tnion Suits, in all sizes, a splendid garment at a low price, each, o,..y....59(' SLEEPING GARMENT 59c I ? ? t ? ? ? ? v r r x r f ! k4 Mi1-(V F7 r ? t t New Fall and Winter Coatings on Sale at S2 and $2.25 Yard Here is a Special underpricing of the new double-weight. all-wool Coatings & worthy of your best attention.. In- cludgd arc the new shadow and oinllro nlaids, Scotch 'mixtures, novelty hou- ;t eles, etc., in a full range of the best new colors. Fabrics of regular 2.f)0, " $0.00 and ...")0 qualities, especially priced for this sale. A NEW BROADCLOTHS AT Y $2.25 YARD .vl-inch Broadcloths in chiffon finish, X soft as velvet. They come sponged A and shrunk, ready for the needle all A the correct new colors, on sale at, per A . O OK 2 viil'a cjw.t ' r t x ! if if SPECIAL TO WOMEN X f x livery child should sleep out of doors in order to get the full benefit of the pure night air. Komembor, you T should supply them with a comfortable and warm sleeping garment made from soft cotton, heavy fleece V lined, per suit, only 59t4 A Special Showing of Comfort Materials i KU PABO, TM, Sejit So -An-umcInk tbo occupation of Torrcon, (fciex I'alaclo and Lerdo. jielKhbor iHjc rltr. mt'MMKO from (ieneral 15. uMto, dutod nt Torreou was trans urtlM t tVvn Carranxn couulate lure Ufjij- hy C. Kldoa MlreloH, Carrnn Itt W01f i Coahulln ntato. OF THE Tho most economical, cleaniluc and sormlcldal of ull untlaentica U ruvltn&' A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be duiolved in water as needed. r.ONIMIN SmiiI 10 .l.lltlQtlal " """ '"'. .v..,v .. uiwuh I.wmhia. ttiu 111 ..I.IHIUII.i ir,,aiiiiir i-aurrh. Inrtaniinallnn nr detail, of wliut re rharartiriitHl n ' lll,.,, , .., n,-,,, ,i ,i,,i "wIioIhmii nm..ucri or Armonlaii.l cn,uo,i by remiuluo' 111 It has uo equal in Aaia Minor ' air mini the Timen ppr Un ye-r. tho Lydla R I'lnkbatu ' Cairo eorrwiiioHiitui lit. HMtfrtk lh( MihIIcIiio Cu lian recommended Paxil no three oi Ummw l.lu had lunx twen In . w tlwir privato correaitondeuoo wun UiN( rrtMMta of Tahtat'Ilej. TurkUk nuiUMer of war In ihU ltt w Ih ilild.'il I'at-ti.i ln am Ktreiuti. Iu In. I J. if ,1 i it iiit'iii imeM, wkleh provM lu Nuoorlorlt, Wohin who have lncn etiro.1 nay Ii In -woriM it-. welRlu In Hold" At ilnirK'-' . lam.' Ui oi I y mull. X y y y y V f f y Time now to prenare for fall ami winter bedding requirements. Here ou will find unsurpassed as MU'tments of Comfort ma tt rials most moderately prim!, ns ou may judge from these items:" Challies at 5c Yard Ul-ini'h standard qualii Coiulort Chiillii'.s hown, in a ciMUpletc variety f stles, in li'lit and dark eoluriufjN, all in w good. Calicoes at 7c Yard Sewral hundred ards nf CuUil'i't I ( alii ins vm n . , A A ta a -A. J S. s A. A. in large floral patterns they come lull - incites wide and in protty mlnr. ings. Challies at 10c Yard M-ineh Comfort Challicij. shown in both large and small designs, il'weis and figures, in all A.iittod coloiv!. Rock River Cotton For eomfort lii.in.., made from nice pure a mle soft eiiiiiiu. i.-lb. halts .. US-oz. batt.s ... .Mb. halts ... A.Vf!a& A A. i oo laiiuu luiut . iioMou, mom vvvvvvvvvvvv;v?vvvvvvvv; 10 mHI NEW DRESS AND WAISTING SILKS AT $1.50 AND $2.00 YARD An endless variety of weaves and col orings to select iroiu .iru-wuit? Printed AVarp Faueies, Satin Stripes and Overplaids, etc , in rich color combinations all beautiful new goods, especial values tit, yard $1.50 and $2.00 NEW SWEATER DISPLAY In center aisle von will find we are offering some unusual values in high .rvniln Sweaters, values LITTLE DARLING KNIT SUITS i f t t t 3L fade from 2 to o years, f comes in red, white and "c J ) l2 Z.tl " if Oxford, cap, -jacket and A UptO.Tt.ou, una iiwiv mi. , . ' ., on sale Friday and Satur- leggings to match, per day at, each, only..?4.95 suit $2.50 A t Splendid Exhibit of New Fall Hats Tomorrow tho millinery salons conducted by Misses Kundlett and Stewart will feature a spe cial line of Trimmed Hats at from $(5.f0 to $9.75. Tailored Semi-Dress and Dress Models in splendid assortment. Many of b h- the hats aro duplicated iron. ' 2 sueh well-known makers as Hy v -O land. Vhipps and Iiawok. Vel vets, felts with velvet Jaemg and trimming ot tur, birds, beaded and metallic ornaments. Largo and sinailhats iu all new fall shapes to select from. TRIMMING DEPARTMENT New Laces New Braids New Furs AA.tMA!t!W!.H! TjLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVTL Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y :4!2h!!4hSI2m KOVVV"riVVVVVTVVVV7VV,A' If 1 1 9 j. r P - S V. tr