SfEDFORD MATT; TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, BltiPTEI&rBER 30, 19J5 PAGE THREE h t. FARMERSCONGRESS IKK DICE IS ON HIS LAST LEGS IN NEW YORK TANGO PARLORS UNCLE SAM TO ENDORSESWILSONS B isgrissia F EIN POLICY OMAHA, Sept. 30. -Tlio question or endorsing President Wilson's for eign policy In causing hented discus sion nt tho convention of tlio Farm ers' National congress meeting hero this weok. A resolution as follon-H was Intro duced by Frank G. O'Dell of Omaha: "Itcsolvcd, By the Farmers' Nation al congress, representing tho citizens of this country, who In tlem of poaco must feed our pcoplo, and in time of war must fight their battles, that wo commedn tho foreign policy of Pres ident Wilson, who hns stood nt tho hond of tho American nat!ondurlng ono of tho most critical and trying periods of Its history. "Resolved, That wo express abno luto confldcnco in his patriotism, courago and diplomatic nblllty. "Itcsolvcd, That wo pledge him our unswerving support In his endeavor to defend tho rights of American cit izens and to maintain Inviolable tho neutrality of this nation." Sir. O'DoU led tho fight for tho res olution and John Schmidt of Wahoo led tho opposition. Schmidt was sec onded by Charles Woostor, who de clared President Wilson's foreign pol icy to bo wenlc. "He's a big bully a bully of nations," declared Woostcr. A tost volo was taken on tho ques tion of tabling tin. amendment offered by Schmidt resulted In n volo of 215 to 4S, In favor of tho resolution sup porting Wilson. NEW MANAGER ASHLAND HOSTELRY ASHLAND, Sept. !). .Mnnngc nicnt of the Hotel Oregon in thin eity Iiiih been taken over lty .1. W. Dobbins of Sim Francisco, lie is u man of wiilo experienco in this line, liming been with tlio Portland of I'ortltind for two years, ii1m mnmiged tlio Mniiunoth in Yellowstone l'nrk, the Mnntiuiii nt A'liicoiitln, and fur sev eral yeurs was connected with the dining ear and hotul department of tlio Southeni Pacific. ' Jlr. Dobbins enters upon his new duties October 1. In tlio meantimo the lease, eulis for the entire remod eling of tho property ne.t spring, either by new eoiistruction of exten sive improvements at an expense of from .$2.',000 to $.10,000. Thih outlay will bo in line with n policy of making tlio house first class in every rospoct nntl in kcoping with Ashland's devel opment as n springs resort editor. Tho Oregon is ono of tho chief landmarks in tho southern section of the state, having been ereeted in tho '80's, In eonstruetivo failures it is extra duralilo and its Ideation is tut a situ that is unsurpassed. K. T. Staples is the retiring inaniiger. HAITIEN REBELS TO CEASE MING CAPE HAITIF.N, Sept. !I0. Rebels who have been reM-ding American troops, resulting in several fatal en eouuteis recently, have agreed to'lny thiwn their arms. A coiifeionco was held voxterdav at which tho rebels accepted the conditions offered by the Americans ami promised to cease armed resistance. PANAMA CANAL OPENED , ON OCOBEn FIFTH WASHINGTON, Kept. HO, The 1'anama ci.nal, closed because of earth slidos, will be reopened Octo ber 5. A new earth mowunent Tucs tlav delayed tlio opening. It was thought tho channel would bo.clcared Iiv October 1. SOLVING WI T PROBLEMS This New York tango 'uu lot ivliero formerly hundreds tf couples tllp'H-tl nntl swayed, Is now almost, do- sertetl save for tlie fringe or uiuertiH)iit (Ho elgcI Duly ono couple was iisinir mo floor mo nignt tills picture was Uikcn. 1 Tho dunce ho spring And Now York NUW YOIUC, Sept. 20 Is dead on Ilroadway. is getting ready to go to tho funeral on skates! Regular steel tikatos, not tho va riety which comes from mixing the festive cocktail .with tho inslduous Btlngcrl (It you don't know what n stinger Is 1 rofuso to corrupt your moralB by tolling you!) Castlcs-ln-tho-alr, on top of tho 14th street theater and for two years tho most oxcluslvo haunt of the tan go and tho lair of tho fox-trot, has just reopened ns an Ico palaco. Othor lessor emporiums which onco re-echoed tho riotous ragtlmo of tho "lamo duck" nntl tho kitchen "sink" have been slower to read tho hand writing on tho with. At least they havo not becomo tho Ico palaces of their own accord. IMt already they aro hung with tho Icicles of public In difference. Kvorywhoro in Now York the dancing luncheon Is n thing of tho nast. Tho tniiKo tea Is going. Tho festivals of savage trlbos o only memories. 'It has struck six o'clock In Am ra," says William Marlon Hccdy ft so long ngo. This may still bo uc or uio rest or mo country, out Tig Ilroadway It Is already half past I Broadway today Is for tho slmplo ft tho open air, tho frco sweep of fluttering floor or Ico atop of tho 'J street theater. Tho proud prlnco iIoaks and biiHb who might havo hjsecn any llmo tho Inst two years clilng his imrfcct thirty-six In a fr-Jc clutch that would linvo mndo a inkou sailor blush, now holds his lnflglitly by tlio finger tips ns they pcjin "grapo vino and figure 8's" ono frozen floor. They might bo Hnjand Jonu or 11111 Brynn and lilftmms soul-mato. IVvears ago I lunched nt Itelscn wo3 when tho first "dancing lun- chci And orgies of motion which onco rivaled' tub! . ... . .- 'inns given in .uw iors, the"oro so many entwined couples wrl-p In tho bunny hug thnt It was almfiuiiiosslblo to sot to your , r SOLVING BOND PROBLEMS UPON W L AN FRICH L DCRIBES BATTLE CHAMPAN E This week I lunched there again. Just as mnny people were eating. Ilut nobody was dancing. Thero was no ragtlmo. There were no pnid performers to guide tho twinkling foot of those who said then thnt they "would rather danco than cat." Ilut 2 1 months ngo tho Great Mau rice and FloroncoWnlton danced nt Itolsenwcbor's dally. Today thoy aro theatrical stars and tho hotel hns re verted to Its original function of feed ing tho inner mnii. "It has been n long tlmo stneo wo had any dancing nt luncheon," onlil a restaurant functionary to mo. "And wo aro about to glvo up tho dancing ten In tho afternoon. There Is noth ing In It for us any more. Tho crazo Is dead!" In every othor restaurant I havo visited I havo heard tho samo talo of dwindling dancers and rccolpts. At Cnstlo-In-tho-AIr dancing as well ns skating Is still going on. Hut as tho winter advances tho inorry skaters on tho Ico pond will grow In numbers. And tho tnngo will gasp it last un heeded among tho throng of New York men and women who havo ro verted to tho simple, healthful ox crclso of their schooldays! In n couplo of moons n person who admits ho dunces In Now York will bo classified an a hopeless hick. It simply Isn't doiio any more, Clarence WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. ail. Complying with numerous requests from the growers' councils, chnmbers of commerce, growers' ami shipper organizations in the states of Wash ington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, the office of tunrkels and rural or ganization of tho United States de partment of agriculture hits made plnns to establish,., temporary head quarters in the norltiwcst for tho study of tho distribution of the 11)15 boxed npple crop. The plan ns outlined h based upon nssuriiiico that tho office of markets and rural organization will receive the co-operation of nil those interest ed in tho npplo industry, for without this eo-opcrntion tho efforts of the office would not produce valuable re sults. It is probablo that tho field head quarters for this work will bo in Spo kane, becniiso of the neeessibility of that point to" tho npplo territory in the northwestern Rtntes. The work which tho office will do is not that of n telegraphic, market news service, but rather eontcmplntcs the collection by mail and thu com pilation of data mid issuunen ot weekly bullet Ins concerning the ship ments and destination of tho north western ho.ed apples. In this con nection similar work will be curried on to a certain extent in the npplo sections of Colorndo, Utah and California. I IBtfl .-j;-iiw8ito( iiwr".- vil t-r'SiVi 10 iV3ArtM0 Smokers ol Turkish Trophies Cigarettes fifteen years ago are smokers of Turkish Trophies Cigarettes today 1 . . - - -. .-fc. anitftptanOprrtltitntSiVMl Gold Duit brighten houtofiTei'liYet, A it brighten fork nnd knlvet. The Cold Duit Twins i.a l &m Five-cent nnd larger package for mJo everywhere For cleaning knives and forks, washing dishes, pots and pans add a tablcspoonful of Gold Dust to a panful of hot water. Gold Dust docs not. mar nor scratch. J You will find direc tions printed on cverjr packago of Gold Dust. HEl SEFAIRBANKjEfiAMsJ MAKERS Tlio Activm Glmmnmr GOLD DUS Oregon State, Fair Salem y Wcok Beginning Septombor 27th "w ' , 'Itncos, Fat Stockr Poultry, Agrtculliira "' ' Horticulture Manufacturing All tho activities wo' aro Interested in will bo rcprcBcntod i Itctluivrt Itnllrond Fares from nil points in Orogon , . - Sale Datos Sopt. 23d to Oct. 2d1 r ' Tickots limited to Oct. Cta' 4 I All trains direct to Uio Fair flroundj . - i Ank your local ngenta for trala - , t ' echcdiilca, nnd tickets. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John SI, Scott, Gen. l-nosongcr Agent, Portland, Oregon. 1'AH menus wound NUW YORK, Sept. HO - Hero aro homo of tho questions which tho com inlttco in chargo of tho Anglo-French commission sought to solvo nt their !Mgno conierenco 'eday: How much muBt an individual sub Bcrlbo In order to becomo tor admission to the syndicate, which will got tho bonds at DC? What term shall bo offcrod to the man who wants to buy tho so-called baby bonds thoso In denominations loss than $1000 by installments? When shall tho bonds bo placed on tho market? Other minor details concerning tho life of the syndlcato and tho llullng ot the bonds. ' Indications were that the life of tho underwriting syndicate would not ex ceed sixty or ninety days, or that tho bonds would bo listed possibly frco of charge on tho Now York stock exchniiKo very noon. Lord Heading and tho thrco other commissioners who spent two days in Chicago woor to bo dinner guests to night with Sir Henry Ilublngton Smith and Octave Homborg, tho rommlHlon ors who remnmlncd In New York, of l. .10. "It was by no u irk," said one of the he Grand Palais lioi)i- tal in iljbjnjj tlio battle of Cham- ay. "Never have we seen mi. !jt. the barbed wire en- i tllIlL'l(!lll Dill uIuiIIli llllll),ll1.1 111. Ollglblo ilif,i,. ,.., i...i t,". .... ' " winv" iMIi Liivat1 ur till iniiiimcnniiiniier lelt which we hntl to faultier the enemy's fire. Tho wire t thick it was extreme, ly Jmrd tR In many places our attaoKiiijjjiiiiins eaino iifjaiust Chevuux 'nt.?, behind which tho Germans T e ielted them with bombs uxfjis we could, and the snpperfc wmio hehiiul us did the rest. "Tho uu nt us tluiiy so many of us were hit in the Ifu-oro stmii put out of liusinecs. lour eavalry tiiriictl tip. lney rono so lon without banco l-fF .m horhcback that as I on nil sidesjnt (hev left lichind I in tho way iR-riiil, nryis, effecU I and MpiipinmiH uiiimauinalile. I Their flight ffiufn a panic when guns which t-lnrmeil ..,.. ,, 4V...J " " .....I.M.I u ehanco lf in horseback that they were kjjot into it. It was n fine thihliTlio (ioniums bolted the Pilgrim club. Lord Heading was to bo ono of tho speakers. t limy saw uurfnu contingents nf- NOTiru Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil ot tho city of Med ford, Oregon, at Its next regular meeting, October Cth, 1915, for a llccnso o soil malt, vinous and spirituous liquors at their plnco of business on North Fir street, Medford, Oregon, until Jan uary 1, 1916. Dated Sept. 23, 1915. HOOU13 JUVEK VALLKY UNIVKIt- SITY CLUH. ter I hem. Htj-iiiis cerlainlv cut nn . iTt'Illl them up frighrnith the bayonet." An officer fjiavtinel woiiiul in one nun spfmliatically of the dnrinjj mniiiiefnliifli the Kieneh infantry fouu! I havo puiclfjio Central Point Meat Market fjt Lowls nnd will tako cliargo Oenuslncss will bo conducted on n'g cash basis. So liciting your p.jo, I will try to merit Its contlrtr by courteous treatment and jaluo received. 100 HtY u:vis. 'MAY BLOSSOM," PARAMOUNT M ILITARY DRAMA, FEATURE FILM AT STAR THEiTODAY ONLY AaHg&lBHr jKft j.. . 'vAjHHKgha aBMiL vLe iv flBBBBLBSBK Si iVx a dapjaLjMy Vp fJt i.LiBff I V ? T t r f r T t r r r r r ? r r r r r r T r T ? ? ? ? t f r t t ? t ? ? ? t FRUIT LABELS Printed in any or all colors, designs or otherwise as you desire Wc have the best label press in Oregon there is no better anywhere, chased especially for this work. It was pur- -' -V r p ,. . SAMPLES SHOWN AND PRICES QUOTEDr ftv ij ? Vt Help us build up a payroll in the valley using Rogue River Labels on Rogue River Fn i'- ...' J MEDFORD PRINTING 2 7-29 NORTH FIR STREET f ' ' i f I . V 1 t ? t i t t t T r r r r t r X to. . -" i