Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 27, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Tonight fair, cooler, with
light frost Tuesday warmer.
Forty-fifth Tear.
Dully Tenth Tear.
NO. 1G2
20,000 GERMANS
Great Drive Under Way on West
Front French and British Gain
More in Two Days of Fighting Than
in Year Previously Russia Also
Holding Enemy, Winning in Places.
LONDON, Sept. 27. In two days
tlio French nnd British havo Rained
greater results tluui in the proceding
twelve months of. fighting since- he
Imlllo of tiic Jhimc.. With upwards
of '20,000 Gcrinnn prisoners in their
hands and something liko 30 gnus,
without counting machine guns, nnd
with n formiduhlo hreach in tho Ger
man line, tho allies nppnrcntly hnvo
their long expected offensive move
ment well tinder way. The advance
hns heen general, nnd its effect is
emphasized by tho fact that on tho
cistern front a substantial gain for
tho HiiHsinns is recorded.
Ivnnhuff Also n Winner
Tetrogrnd stntcs that tho armv of
General Ivauhoff has won a sinking
victory over tho Germans and Aus
trians in tho southeastern thentor,
where 1000 prisoners are said to have
hern taken.
Tho lU'lginiiR nlso nro taking a
prominent part in tho new offensive
movement. Their official announce
ment reports tho capture of a Ger
man pnt on tho right hank of tho
Yserwitb the consequent cvacuiitiong
by the Gennnns of ndjoining trenches.
It is boliovrd in Loudon that the
new move in tho west will again bring
the Gennnns fnee to faco with the
necessity of making a choice between
the two fronts, as was the case ear
lier in tho war.
Bulgaria (Iocs Slow
Tlio feeling of optimism in Loudon
is enhanced by tho political effect
which the successes of tho ullifs np
pour to havo hnd on tho Balkan
stales. Dispatches from Sofia indi
cate that Ilulgniinii diplomats nro
eager to convince tho nllio. that mo
bilization of tho nnuy was nut
prompted by hostile motives.
Tho latest official notes from Pc
trograd is interpreted here as show
iiiir that tho Hussinns are distinctly
in a better position, even in tho re
gion of Dviiiik, whero Field Marshal
Von Ilindenbiirg bus concentrated
bis efforts. Tho Gennan attack now
seems to be slackening.
SOFIA, Sept. 20. Tho protocol
providing for tho handling over tho
torrltory ceded by Turkey to Bulgaria
In vlrtuo of tho Turco-Bulgarlan
ugrcomont, was slgucd by Turkish
and Bulgarian delegates at Demotlka,
twenty miles south of the Turkish
fortrosa of Adrlanople westcrday, ac
cording to tho semi-official Bulgarian
jio simper Nurodnl l'rava.
Tlio protocol Is understood to
transfer to Bulgaria all Turkish ter
ritory west of tho Marltza river. Tho
Marltza Is tho principal river In Kuro.
poun Turkey nnd formed tho bound
ary between Turkey and tho part of
Turkish territory ceded to Bulgaria
nftcr tho Balkan war.
WASHINGTON'. Sopt. 27 Ordors
lMive boon Iwuod to all American of
fletaU on tlio Moxlean border to bqUo
all htimonts of ammunition whon
the destination Is not doflnltoly
know a. Na embargo U lKlng laid on
wuorll hlptonUi of wan muni
tions to lb prtwtal factions but It
li the MrpM uf th gnvornmant to
provost war smpIIm fror. reaching
Iwndlt bands and raldirf operating
Further German Positions Occupied
in Champagne and All Gains in
Artols Maintained Bayonet Used
to Decide Day After Heavy Artil
lery Prepared Way.
PARIS, Sept. 27. The new offen
sive movement is continuing along tho
cnliro front in Champagne. The war
office nnnounced today Hint further
Gennan positions had been occupied.
Tho announcement also snys that nil
gains in tho Artois region in north
western Franco have been maintain
ed. There is intense cannonading be
tween the Mouse and Moselle nnd in
Lorraiit, on tho part of both allies
and tho Gennnns.
Only iiO Minutes Needed
Reports from the frpnt sny thnt
only twenty minutes was required for
tlio French infantry to complete tlio
victory prepared by sixty hours of
violent shelling and overrun tho first
lino of tho Gennan trenches north
of Perthes, in Clinnipngnc. While
awaiting tho moment for tho attack
tho French soldiers rested behind
their lines, joking nnd putting their
amis m perfect onlcr.
Tho bright glow from the slow burn
ing rockets and tho glaro uf exploding
projectiles lighted up tho entire zone
of action during two nights.
"After n few hours of intense fire,
our hopes that our batteries were
dominating tho situation were trans
formed to certain conviction," snvs
a wounded offiecr who took part in
tho battle. "Tho moment for tho at
tack was set for dawn. When tho
churgo sounded whole butnlious, re
inforced h" reserves, bounded for
ward. Tho rush wns so impetuous
Hint the Gennnns still alive nnd tin
wounded in tho battered rocks seem
ed dazed and tumble to resist. They
were disarmed nnd pushed bnck for
our reserves to pick up while the at
tacking lino went on.
Bayonet Does Woik
'There was little or no muskctrv.
Tho bayonet did most of the work.
Tho proportion of dead to wounded
and nrisoners was large. Wlmt was
left of entire companies threw up
their hands at tho sight of tho deadly
execution by tho Zouaves."
The general impression of wounded
men brought from the field is thnt
tho affair of Peithes is onl ya be
ginning of tho French effort.
Parisians received news of tho vic
tory soberly. The newspapers issued
unusually largo editions and official
bulletins were rend from the stuges
of theaters last night, tho orchestras
playing tho "Marscillaibc." There
wns no other public demonstrations.
A report was spread that many
trains carrying wounded soldiers
were arriving outside Paris, but later
it was learned that these trams were
filled with German prisoners.
25,000 CLAIMS
SAK FRANCISCO, Sept. 27. Fed
eral officials announced today that
approximately 25,000 claims had been
filed with tho Southern Pacific com
pany in tho alleged 'land fraud"
eases in which eighteen attorneys
and land agents were indicted Inst
week by tho United States grand jury.
An average fee of $150 was charged
clients, it was said, making a total
of approximately $3,7.')0,000 from
persons in all parts of tho United
States and Canada.
Thefco figuios were confirmed by
tho Iund department of the Southern
Elmer E. Paton, arretted today ut
Kuroku, Cal wus the sixth man taken
into oiwtody by federal authorities
in connection with tho t-n.e, Tlio
other were W. A. S. NiulioUou,
Fmukliii Bull and NonuMii I). Cook,
itll Sun FrmichrfH) attorney. I). J.
Coimer. mm HHloinehih; dwtler mid
Byron J. Sunferd, a kind agent, hIm
of Sun FranuWti. All but Suuford
Hero released ou bond uf $2000
HHRLIN, Sept. 27, by wire
less to Snyvillc. A dispntch
from Sofia, given out here today
snys it is rumored thnt Bulgaria
hns sent an ultimatum to Serbia,
nnd thnt diplomatic reprcsentn-
"" tives of tho entente powers nt
Bulgaria are preparing to depart,
Tho dispatch ndds that this ni'
mor hns not been continued.
BOSTON, Sept. 27. Tho Gcrma:
ambassador, Count Von Bernstortf, I
a letter mado public hero today, Ii
clnrcd reports concerning alleged a
rocltlcs In tho Ottoman emplro weio
"puro Inventions." Tho ambas
sador's lottor, written under dnto of
Sept. 23, nnd addressed to Mlran
Zvnsly of this city, chairman of tho
oxccutlvo committee of tho National
Defense Union of America, who naked
for a definite- statement, was as fol fel fol
eows: "In reply to your lottor I beg to In
form you that, according to roccnt of
ficial nnd authentic reports received
by tho German government and trans
mitted by this embassy to tho gov
eminent of tho United States, the al
lowed ntrooltlcs committed In tho Ot-
tomnn omplro appear to bo puro In
"Without doubting tho good faith
of tho Catholics I bog, however, to
call your attention to tho fact that
His Holllncss Is writing undor pres
sure of tho Russian censor.
"Yours very truly,
Tbls reference to tho Catholics or
primate of tho Armenian church was
bftbod on a roport recently published
In which ho declared thatt tho ex
termination of tho Armenian raco
throughout Turkey was being carried
on undor official direction by an or
ganized system ot pillage, deporta
tions, wholesale executions and mas
PARIS, Sopt. 27. -Mobilization of
twenty classes of Oreok troops will
call to tbo colors 400,000 men, This
Is tho official figures given by tho
Greek war ministry yesterday as for
warded by tho Athens correspondent
ot tho Ilavas News agency. Tlio war
ministry states theer Is an
abundance of equipment and muni
tions for these men. It King Con
stantino docs not take actlvo com
mand of his forces his brother, 1'rlnco
Nicholas, will bo placed In command.
PIRAEUS, Greece. Sunday, Sept,
26, via Paris, Sopt. 27, 9:27 a. m.
The Oreok government today requls
tloncd twenty merchant vessels for
the transportation of troops.
Among them are tho trans-Atlantic
liners Themlstoclcs, King Constantino
and Patrls.
LONDON, Sept. 27. Owing to tho
falluro of the Teutonic force to sur
round tho Russian army at Vllna.
thero have beon many changes in the
Gorman commands, says a dlspatch
from I'otrograd to Routers Telegram
company. liven General Von Mien
horn's name Is mentioned as being
anionic those In disfavor, according
to statements made by German prls-l
oners. '
CL S4 . T
Fierce German Counter Attacks Bring
New Offensive to Standstill Claims
Berlin British Warship Reported
Sunk During Bombardment of Ze
brugtje 5000 Prisoners Taken
BERLIN, Sept. 27. Tho Gennan
war office announced today that the
new offensive in tho neighborhood of
Lille, Northern France, had been
brought to a standstill by fierce Ger
man' counter attacks.
" i
oileusivc on land, iiecorlling to the
Gennan official stateiitent of Sep
tember 20. After tliesu losses the
British bliips withdrew.
Tho official statement enumerates
tho capture of more than fiOOO French
and British prisoners nnd a number
of machine guns in laud fighting at
various points along tho front.
Tho pnssages in the official stale
ment which refer to, llieso incidents
in tho fighting nro nM follews:
"British ships attacked tho Ger
man coast batteries, especially at
Zecbrugge. The attack failed and nf
tcr ouo ship bad bcciitsuuk and two
others were dumaged, the ships with
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. Detalla
of fighting botweon natives and Am
erican forces near Capo Hnltlon yos
torday In which ono marlno was killed
and ton wcro wounded nnd moro
than fifty Haltlens woro killed,
reached tho navy department today In
messages from Rear Admlra Captor
tno. Tho marine patrols had been
sent out to clear tho linen of supply
from Capo Hnltlon to tho Interior.
Tbo first oxpondltlon sent out on
Saturday afternoon to Haut Vu Cap
and Potlt Anso, closo to tho city, and
on the main lino ot nuppllcs, passed
native outposts, whoso commanders
objected to the expeditions but offer
cd no resistance. Next day two pa
trols went out again and after tho ex
pedition reached Haut Vu Cap, firing
became gonoral and both patrols woro
enagged, Abaut fifty natives wero
killed, Tho patrols returned to Capo
Hattlen last night and Admiral Caper-
ton reported tho supply routes had
been comp etely cleared of hostllo
A later messago said Captain Un
derwood led an expedition of fifty
mounted marines to Petit Rlvlero and
Palarte Bonlto Sunday, and encoun
tered 150 armed Haltlens, They wero
driven Into tho hills after a vigorous
skirmish In which ono marine and two
natives wero killed and thrco natives
wero wounded.
Tho marines are holding tho two
towns, uhoro quiet has beon restored.
Tho marlno killed In the fighting
near Capo Haltlon was Sergeant John
Piatt of Detroit, Mich., who had serv
ed long and honorably In tho corps.
LONDON, Sept. 27.-Every male
Gorman, Tuik and Austrian of mili
tary uge in London who lis not been
granted oxemption, will be required
today to urrauder to the police. Aus
trian undor 61 years of ago and Gar
man under 55 jour will be interned,
LIMA, O., Sept. 27. Tho
" first fatality during tho present
football season was rceonled
"" here today when Don Applus,
"" 15, prospective guard on tho ""
" Lima high fcohool lenm, died
from injuries received in n prac-
tico game. His teammates will
net its' pall bearers at tho funeral ""
"" Weducsdny moining.
PETROGRAD, Sept. 27. The fol
lowing official statement was issued
today at tho hcadipiartcrs of the gen
oral staff:
"Tho situation wns somewhat quiet
er along the Dvinsk front. Accord
ing to tho statement of prisoners, the
Germans suffered severe losses in the
recent encounters nnd uttneks which
wo repulsed. After n fight yester
day for the possession of tho village
og Drisvinty, on tho hike of tho samo
name, tho Germans wcie driven from
tho village.
"lit tho Viliyn region abovo Vileika,
desperato actions continue. Wo cap
tured tho village of Itcstoka. In tho
district northwest of Vileika our
troops curried by n bayonet churgo
the fdrtificd village of Ostroff. and
recaptured tho villugo of Qhirty.
"In tho region of Luzdouny, cast of
the villugo of die, tho enemy devel
oped a violent utack with hcuvv artil
lery. Our troops evacuated tho vil
lage. "With the bayonet wo crushed the
desperato resistancu of tho Genuuus
near tho village of I'orgurio, east of
Novo Grodek, taking prisoners four
oflicers nnd 02 men. An extremely
hot engagement wus fought nil day
yesterday near tho fann of Muris
sciio, also east of Novo Grodno, tho
trenches constantly changing bunds.
South of tho farm the enemy wns
driven from his trenches. Wo took
prisoner here about (100 Germans and
captured several machiuo guns, two
provision wagons, urtillery wagons
nnd ammunition. Tlio village of 1'ud-
lugio also fell into our hands.
"On tho StrumciiiQ river wo drove
back across tho stream tho Gonnaus
wh abandoned numerous wounded nnd
a largo quantities of ammunition."
WILKKSDAKRH, Pa.. Sopt. 27.
Kloven initio workors woro entombed
today al Coaldalu colliery ot tho Le
high Coal nnd Navigation company
at Coaldulo, as tho result of a fall ot
rock. Tho fall was caused by a heavy
blast, and oxtouds fully for 400 feet,
blocking tho slnglo passago leading
to tho chamber In which tho men
woro at work. Hopo of reaching any
of tho men allvo has been given up.
SIIRKVKI'ORT, La , Sopt. 27. Ad
Wolgast, former lightweight champ
Ion, and Bobby Waugh or Fort Worth,
Texas, will meet in u fifteen round
bout hero tonight. Both pugilists wl 1
weigh In at 135.
MAHSKILLKS, Kept. 27 The Ilrit-i-h
steamer Nutul Trunupurt wit
shelled ami Mink bv a Gorman milium
rino Seplombor 17, houth of Crutu.
It crew of 31 whs piukud up and
luuded at J'irouiiM, Groove.
Tho Nutul Trtuihport was a tann
er of 200ft tons net. Sbo wu but
rtortd as having arrived ut I'ort
Said ou Jul)- 15, '
Oklahoma Town Reported All Ablaze
as Result of Gigantic Explosion of
Car of Gasoline Which Wrecks
Many Buildings and Sets Town on
Fire Flaming Liquid Hurled
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 27. Forty
persons wcro killed nnd fifty others
woro injured when a carload of gos
olinu exploded at Anhnoro, Oklu.. ac
cording to tho report received hero
by tho local manager of a telcphouo
company. Tho town Is burning.
Communication with Anhnoro wus
sovered whilo tho rcKrt of tho tlnin
ngo wus being telephoned to ICnnsns
Tho gignntio explosion wrecked
many buildings nnd tho flaming gas-
olino was hurled in every direction.
Scores of fires immediately broke
Ten Blocks llla.lng
DALLAS, Tex., Sept. 27. Ten
blocks of business buildings nro burn
ing ut Ardmore, Oklu., according to
reports received hero Into today. Tlio
fire is said to havo stalled from u
gas explosion. All wiro communica
tion with Ardmore is reported out of
commission from points south of Ard
Lust reports from Anhnoro suit! a
big natural gus storage tank had ex
ploded, destroying the greater part
of tho town mid completely wrecking
tho passenger station, where tho tele
Tho Atchison, Topcka and Santa Fo
graph hues are located.
passenger slntion wns destroyed by
tho explosion, according to a report
received hero over railroad wires. H
is rcsir(ed every person in tho station
was killed.
Oiuso Is Unknown
GAINKSVILLK, Tex., Sept. 27 An
unknown niiiubcr of eoplo wero kill
ed and several score wero injured ut
2:115 this afternoon nt Ardmore, Oklu.,
wheir n IIOOO gallon tank cur filled
with gasoline oxuloded. Tho cause
is unknown. Tho Santa Fu passenger
mid f i eight depost wero completely
demolished whilo tho Humes quickl
spread to other .sections of thu town.
Nearly tho whole of the business sec
tion is on fire.
Tho force of tho explosion wus fell
ut other places. Tho telegraph wires
which aro located in tho demolished
depot, wcro wrecked boyoud immo
diuto ropnir nnd tho building in which
thu telcphouo exchange is located is
also reported wrecked and in flames.
F.vcry person in tho Santa Fo de
pot at tho timo was killed, according
to a rcpoit here.
ST. LOl'IS, Sopt. 27. A recotvor
was appointed toduy for thu Missouri,
Kansas and Toxus rational.
Tho recolvor wiih appointed by Kl
iner Adams, United States circuit
Judgo on tho filing ot two suits by
tho law firm ot Iloylo & Priest. Chas.
K. Scliuff, president of thu railroad,
wus mado receiver.
The petitions buy that thu road is
a Kansas corporation under a mort
gage of $120,000,000, not counting
equipment indohtoduofc.
Four of the great railway systems
which have their headquarter, in St
Louis aro now in reuoiverbip. Those
nro tho Misouri I'ucific, Iron Moun
tain, Wabash, St. Louis ami Sun
Fruneikoo, and (ho .Minboun. Kaiisun
and Toxiin. Another road whiuh has
a St. Loum terminus aUo is in the
hand of u receiver, the Itouk Island.
DALLAS, Toxas, Sept. 27. Chas.
H. Sohaff, president of tho Missouri,
Kalians and Toxas railway uystotu,
was appolntod recolvor for tho Mis
souri, Kamum uud Toxus railway of
Tuxan, by Judgo Mook In district
oiirt horo this afternoon. Tho ro
oelvorshlp Hult wus filed by attorneys
on behalf ot D B. Hussoy, who styles
himself a gonerul creditor ot tho com.
pauy, actluf tor himself uud. others.
Sensational Advances on Wall Street
of War Shares and Stock of Com
panies Holding Contracts With Al
liesLargest Day's Business Since
Beginning of the War Cotton Up
NKW YOniC, Sept. 27. Further
sensntioiinl advances woro scored by
specialties today on tho largest 'vol
ume of business record siitco tho bo
ginning of tho wnr. Hallways wcro n
ucgligiblo factor throughout.
War shares nnd stocks of other
companies particpating in contracts
with tho allies soared to now heights
in today's upward rindi of prices.
Tho movement was tho broadest of
nny witnessed sinco tho outbreak of
wnr and carried tho general list with
it. Latest developments in the west
ern thentor of war constituted ono of
tho strong factors of tho rise.
Cotton Also Advance
Baldwin Locomotive advanced in
tho first hour to 100j, n gain of It
points over Saturday nnd n now re
cord. Tho demand for this slook wns
attended by rumors that tho company
is to bo absorbed by ouo of tho larger
industrial corporations.
Other specialties making high rec
ords includo Cruciblo Steel, tip 7&
to KKI; ltcpublio Iron nnd Steel 5
to GU-lfi ; Gcuorul Motors 101i to
.'in.ri, nnd Luckuwntiuu Steel 1 to 8.
There was a further sensational ad
vance in tho cotton market today on n
continuance of the active gcuorul buy
ing movement which hns been in pro
gress for tho pnsl two or thrco weeks.
January contracts sold up to 12.-15
during tho middlo of tho morning, or
35 points nbovo Saturday's- closing
figures, nnd nearly $17 per bnlo
abovo tho low level of last summer.
This inndo an ndvanco of nearly $.'!
per halo over tho closing figures of
last Friday night and naturally at
tracted heavy realizing.
Bethlehem Ktl 1 Hours
Sales up to 12:30 when thu session
hud run half its cotirso wcro estimated
at 855,000 shares, showing only a
slight reduction of thu first hour's
Baldwin Locomotivo extended its
riso to 111, n gain of 11) ' from Inst
Saturday, and other specialties of tho
war class woro rushed to higher
prices, llethlehcm Steel mado tho
new record of U(H1, a gain of ten
points. American Locomotivo rose
() to 71 nnd Westiughotiso almost
3 to 121.
I'AltlS, Sept. 27. "Is it tlio great
offciiMVO ut lust," iit being u&kcd all
oter France. Sunday's official com
munications aroused thu liveliest sat
isfaction and woro tho subject of
animated discussion.
Tho continued boiubanlmunt of thu
pat mouth in the northern and Cham
paguo seutions of tho battle lino wus
generally believed to bo tho prcludo
to some important move mid tho pub
lic Into been ipiiek to infer thnt thu
patiently nwuited hour for a strung
offensive hns urihod ut hist.
Tho military observers, however,
aro moro caution than thu public
They admit tho operations carried out
by thu British and French wore bril
liant and assert that if 20,000 pris
oners wero taken tho total Gentian
Iosmok must huvu bucn at leust 50,000
or 00,000 men.
CONSTANTINOI'LB, Sept. 27, vhl
Berlin, by wlreloss to Tuckerton, X.
J I'urt of tho poultlonn on tho Tur
kish loft wing at Anafarta, which had
been occupied by tlio ontouto allies In
tho Oalllpoll peulusula operations,
had beon retaken by tho Turks, ac
cording to an official statement to
sued at Turkish army headquarters;