PAGE JTIVE ' . , m Freckles and His Friends By Blosser AT COUNTY F, 4 it, "J M I m i ' i . Id 4 atEDFOBD MATL TRTDUtfTC, MTCDFORD, OR ISO ON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER. 21,1915. CHILDREN'S AWARD i OR BS DISPLAY r Tlio list of children's awards i t the county fair )h an follews: , Francis Hneon First, hit loweU, Ralph Ikllinger First, ingenious model. ' Ague Hcnnott First, nprntf. Iliimltl noimctl Si'coml garden nijr project. Sidney Jlelilley Scond, field corn. John HutltT -Tliinl, gnrdon collec lion; com pro Oct. Daniel Calhoun Kirsl, collection woods; second, bird house. .lames F. Campbell First, chickens OtpingtoiiH). Lucy Cnrk First, baking project, class A: second, canning project. Lolnnd Charlie First, field corn; second, llnbbnrd Mpinh, grnin col lection. Leslie Clnte Second, corn project. .Joe Collins First, watermelons, lomaloes, gnrden collection; second, onions. Kvelyn Coithell Second, towel (special). Kim Davis Second, loaf of biead. Do by school First, pressed flow crs. Ilael Dorn Second, chickens (leghorns). Kdgiir Knsele Thiid, laid coin. Kddie French Second, potatoes. Jitunita Furry First, canned fruit, cake. Wilbur Oodlove First, Ilok'inn bales (litter); second, pig-feeding contest. Jny flnre First, uphoNtoied chair. , Krnia Hamilton First, fruit juices. Zelinii Ilnmilton Third, canned fimt. , I.nverno Hamlin First, poncum, Fieua Hansen Firsl, biead, class II; second, ftuit cake; thitd, canning project. (Iladys I In i (ley First, needlework display. Ilcatrieo Henry Tliiul, canned vegetables. Percy Henry Second, slock Miiash. O-cnr Iliginbolhnni Fillh, coin project. Itcnnic Hitxlcr Fiist, slock siptnsh. Viola llogiui First, sugar beets. I. milt) Holdihhju-'Scfoud, lulling tolbir; thiid, sewing proiccl, cIiihh A. I land Hopkins Fourth, Mitring prcct, cbihs H. JuKsio Hopkins Fourth, setting project, class A. Mu, Hopkins Second, sotting pro ject. I'llish A. I Inn id Howclls First, linnd-nmdo dross : second, handmade apron, class It. Harold Hull- Fiist, piece of useful furniture. Velum Hull Second, Miss llnuley content. Climb's .Itiuksoii Second, poultry. Vein Jermstad First, emb. center niece. John Jones. Second, collection of wood. Willie Joiuw First, potatoes. Fdith .Johnson First, loaf bread, class A. Altu Knips Thiid, sewing project, class II, Wullei Liw First, onions. (leoigt K. Lotto Fiist, grain col lection. .Mildicd Lvnrlt -Second, baking piojcct, obisn 11. Vei a Lvnch First, jollie; fourth, cunning project. lla Mclntyw Second, baking pin biet, class A; fifth, milling project. Car) Mngoile- Second, sugar beets; third, oiiinn. llojlon Mcndows Second, garden collection. Muiv Meadows Fiist, niiichiue infido dross, IMber Miller Fir, JM. mouth Kocks, tuikeys; second. turkey; third, macbiuc-umdc dioi, wirier melon Lillian Mo'iio Fiist. cut flowers (ufctcr-, uprmiimtifO. Lucilc .Moihu Stscond, cake, class V C. K. Mnr-e Second, piece ttisctul furnitiiie. W. W. MornO -Third, piooe useful fiirnjtiii,e. Mnililn Odon Fiil, cuke, class II. Vorne Owens First, field coin. Anna Fibber smind, jellies. Maud Iict Firtot. cubbugis, gar dening pnot. (iladvs Hobuita Tliiul, Mis Han Icy eonlM. Vi.rml llobinsim FimL. poultry liiojtK't; lliinb tmiHtiM. Helen Si'hOPiii Firwt. binl homo Iwtliollu .SiobsrUun 11it, hmid nmdc apron, nuiehlflo-mail apron, cuke (fls- II). Ilufu SiiMon TWnl, potatoiH. MmIIII SlBlUt St0.ll4. fMHIMkl veg etable. Kuth L. Smith- Pint, aaanerf vug olbk; eoA, eamwtl fmit: third, Ktagcne Sltnrii Third, liiwd- pjude drts'j Uu P, Kdna Stcnnctt Second, cake, class A. Aiuhew Slovens Firsl, mnskmel on ; second, popcorn, watermelon. Ida Stevens Second, machine made dross, class A F.diiiuud Stillttcll Fir-t, Iklgjmi biitcs (pair). Jacob Stillwell First, iioultry. Ivan Storey Second, omatoes. Lorenn Strattou First, Miss Han ley contort. Lloyd Timmons Third, popcorn. l'carl Timmons First, 1'iuil pic aerrcs. Hoy Wakefield First, Ithodo Isl and Ilcds. Marjory Walterh Second, sewing project, class ll. Julius Wattcnborg First, Muck Minorca. Merle M. Willils First, potato pro ject; l'ouith, corn project. Alice Wilson Third, baking pro ject, class II. Krniinn Wilson Second, hand made, dress, class A. Willie Wilson Second, potato pro ject. Agaje school--First, school ml col lection, Lowell Ash First, corn project. Helen llagley First, canning pro ject. Viruie Donne First, sewing pin jret, class A. Sophie Louise l'iluliur First, pig fecdim: piojcct. Chloo Huberts First, baking pro ject, class II. Carmen Hose First, setting pio jcct, class D. Francis Wvnn Fiist, Ikesou corn contest. (Irand prizes industrial projects Verm' Owen. W. W. Morse, Leta Stevens, Mvrtle Stone, Mildred A. Tryker, Tillie Knips, Mary Mouia. ASHLAND Hi VICINITY Among tourists, railway and otlicr wIhc, passing through hero recently, liavo been Chnrlos Oliver Isollu, of Now York City, lendlno yuchtmnn and owner of tlio Vigilant, Defender and Reliance, speedy ynchts which gained International fumo. Ho was nlflo maniiRlug owner of the Columbia mid on various occasions tried con clusions with Hint notable i:ngll3h sportsman, Sir Thomas Upton. Karly In tlio weok nearly 100 passenger and ticket representatives of the leading railway Hues of tlio country went north, tlio party being chniieronod by an official of tlio Hrlo system. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cummins, of CIiIcoko, the fonnor being disbursing auditor of the Pullman company, wont south. Q. II. Tophaui of Sun Francisco, trav eling auditor of tlio Western Union, was a caller upon tlio local offices. Two girls, whoso names might liavo boeu Uernstorff or Dumba for all wo know, on an alleged hlko from Chi cago to San Frnnclsco, wore levying tribute on the suspecting and long suffering public, Wednesday, by re tailing their photos at the point of toy revolvers. Samuol J. Torrenco dloil on Wed nesday, following an operation for cancer of tlio stomach. Ho leaves a wife. The family residence Is at 843 I! street. Tlio deceased was 51 jears old, a natlro of Ohio, and by occupa tion a carpenter. Ho was a momber of Ashland Lodge, No. 213, Wood men of the World. Tlio funeral Is lelng delayed pending future arrange ments as to placo of burial. "The Oows" glvo their Initial per formance In magic at Chautauqua building, .September 2 1. Tho troupe consists of Tom Gow and wife, (lata receipts will no shared with the Chau tauqua Part Club. Ah it startling de. nouoinent, most of tho thrilling por form an cog as glvon by profosslonnl uiBglolana will bo oxposed for tho edi fication of the Inquisitive. Dr. Hertlia Sawyor has returned from an extended visit with relatives In Klamath county, several of whom accompanied her for an outing trip to this vlelnlty. In high school circle Halph Karris Has bea alMied president of tka Sen ior. Ksld Uarrdl of the Junior, and l!rnet Ai'oti of tli Sopbiuores. A tv3Clier' trftlulng Cla9 with Iweilty- thrco enrolled has been organized un der tho Instruction of Miss Wllmetto Ilasslngor. Alfred Itockfollow, natlvo son nnd who wan hero during the pioneer re union, loft for San Diego lost Tuesday by vlrttio of hla Job which Is Hint of traveling salesman. L. D. McKee, formerly deputy post master here, Is now tlmekcoper In one of tho leading manufacturing plants or Michigan City, Indiana. The cruising of timber which hns come to bo a perennial pursuit on tho Hopkins estate, southeast of Ash land, is now again going forward at tho hands of a crow who are jb se cretive regarding developments s tho average employe of the Weyerhausor interests. Mrs. Karl Shepherd of Klamath Kails, was In 'Ashland, Wednesday, on her way to Itoseburg, colled thero by tho illness of her mother, Mrs. Henry Schocnfcld, a former rcsldont here., Allan Pollock of San Francisco, Btiporlntcndont of the Southern Pacif ic dining car servlco, has been In town this week looking over tho springs development with n view of noting hotel requirements horo. This Is not his first trip to Ashland on n similar mission, nnd It Is confidently expected Hint results will bo forthcoming. Mr. and Mrs. . 11. IJnxtpr of Van couver, H. C. hnvo been visiting tho fnmlly of C. 11. Wolf whoso wlfo Is n slstor ot Mr. Maxtor. Samuel Pennlston, park commis sioner nnd floriculturist, lort for Port land, Wodncsdny, to attend a gather ing of tho National Dahlia Associa tion or which he is a member, llu took along n collection of rnro bios- it-nniH. Francis M. Worlhlngton, residing on Palm avenue, left for Southern California on Wednesday, Ho Is a Jtotoran of tho civil war, having served ' with distinction In the 30th Iowa reg iment mpl will enter the Nntlonnl Soldiers' Home nt Satvtello. Din wlfo accompanied htm. Sovernl old soldiers wero nt tho depot to hid them lion voynge. Linus A. Andrews and family, ac companied by friends, woro of a mo toring party horo on Thursday, hav ing been to Crator Lake, tho return tilp to soiithorn California being via Crescent City. Mr. Anderson Is a fonnor well Knuwn resident, and his father was at ouo tlmo foreman of tho old woolen mill, lie in now con ducting an extensive apiary in tho vicinity, of Corona, mid Is known ns the "Ueo King" of southern Califor nia, ninrketlng honey at tho rate of fifty tons In a sluglo year. Vorni V. .Mills, son of Mrs. Klla 11. Mills and a student of tho University of California nt Ilorkeley, has been elected prosldent ot tho Oregon club of that Institution. The organization Is giving some notablo functions nt tho university town and In San Fran cisco during the exposition period, Tho Wednesday Afternoon Club held Its first meeting of tho autumn season September 22. It was n de lightful Informal gathcilng, hold In tho parlors of tho Presbyterian church. In tho way of light refresh ments tho lino was drawn on ginger bread and elder, both sweot. A free will offering of canned fruits in bo half of tho pastor's family netted over SO quarts of tho home-made ar ticle Illils for tho painting ot tho ex hibit building resulted In a tlo oven down to dollars and tents. Tho sec retary of tho Commercial club was in a quandary over tho result, nnd for a tlmo boro tho expression of looking as wlso as a man over a "boss trade." Ovorturos looking towards a division of tho work between tvto bidders, or or drawing cuts as to who should so ouro the job, having boon rojectod, tho paint and brush woro handed over to Watson & Hlgg, who mo now spreading brilliant hues over tho structure. Not to be outdone by the ' Dollar Salo" prevailing in Portland, J. H. Mefleo, who conducts a dry goods es tablishment in the Kllcs' building, Is introduqlng an ""inr Hurvatt" sale. Kd Ilutlor ot the 1'1.,-t "nfeetlon- ery, Is In line boore the ell, cinnll for a permit to eroet garage for the purpose oi ueriiiug ms new tmi (car. U grautod, tuo Banio will bo built along the gothlc order of archi tecture In the midst of an Ideal en vironment on Ashland creek, rear of Masonic block, where water will bo handy to fill tho Mnxwcll radiator. Mrs. Kdward Hill, former resident mid who recently occupied tho Shor wln residence on Oak street, has re turned to Now York stnto, In tho vicinity of Pine Hush, Orange coun ty. Clcorgo Hoblnson, chief of tho flro department, hns been granted a fort night's hunting nnd fishing vacation spell, to take effect early In October. Glenn Gultey will probably fill tho vacancy temporarily. ""Emerson Howell hns perfected n quorum nt tho Comniorclnl clubs "solo" tnblo by returning troni n bus iness trip to northern centers. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Gregg aro" re ceiving a visit from Dr. F. P. Fitz gerald mid wife of London, Ohio, the latter being n ulster ot Mrs. Gregg. Mrs. Shirley Kceno has leased rooms In Masonic hall for a ntudlo, where ballroom, aesthetic and folk dancing will be taught. Mrs. Morris J. Duryca left for Hu gono ThUrsdny morning, for n visit with friends mid also to participate In mi Alpha Chi conference with lead ers In n Roctoty which ranks among tho highest In tho list ot nntlonnl no rarities. Miss Iliith Slioudy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. M, Slioudy, Is pursuing u final year of studies In tho Wash ington State college located at Pull man. Mr. nnd Mm. Chris. Holtcubcck of Shenoctady, New York, havo been vis iting coiihIub lu Hut families of Ira and Dert Slioudy, and on their way south vln San Francisco, will visit another cousin, Mrs. C. II. Cappellar, of Pacific Grove, Cal., who formorly resided here. Humors nro current that the city of Ashland will bo usked to mako nu ap propriation of J 10,000 for publicity purposes, the sumo to bo raised by a special levy Included In tho general budget which Is made up Inter In the year. It Is understood that there Is already $1000 in tho city treasury available for this purpose. Gcorgo Kubnnks, cashier of tho Stato bank of Ashland, accompanied by his wire, hns returned from a visit to Sun Frnnclsco and tho exposition. COURT HOUSE NEWS Keportod by Jackson County Ab tract Co., Sixth and Fir HU. Circuit Seymour II Hell vs. W. J. Ilurbldgo reply. World'H Slur Knitting Co. vs. L It. Soeley, motion for cost bond. Gornett-Corey Hdw. Co. vs. Gcorgo Latdley, suit in equity. Charles M. Tucker vs. John A. Tor noy, ot nl, return of summons. Central Point Stnto Hank vs. Geo. Ilutz, demurrer. Pn dm to KHlnlo of 15. IJ. Davis, order, Kstato of L. L. Odin, order dis charging administrator. Jistato of A. W. Sl'lsby, proof of publication of uotllo of sale of per sonal property. Ileal IvMafo Tiunsfcis K. K. Anderson to Jennie W. Young, lots In. Glenn Terrain add. Ashland, $1030.00 Jenny W. Young ot vlr to KHz abeth N. Anderson, lot 1 Glenn Terrace add. Ashland 00300 Dllzaboth Yockoy et vlr to Jos eph H. Woro., lot 2 Glonn Terrace add. Ashland, Q.C I). I 00 Kllzabeth Yookey et vlr to KHz abeth N. Andorsou, lot 1 Glonn Terrace add. Ashland, Q C. I) ... . 1.00 Mi lt. W.VrOHM.lKIXO Take tho right step now; pleasant, profitable work not ovordono; low months learning; positions guaran teed; write for roforonewi and par ticulars. Poitland Watchmaking. ldigratlnK & Optical SHuiol. 2 IS Coiii liiioiiveulih lllilg . Utli and Alikeii), Portland, Orogou, Nena: Notice Is hereby given that tho un lorslgiicd will nnply to tho city conn II nt Its mcctlnf to be held Octobor Hi, 1!US, for u license to sell malt, plrltuous nnd vinous liquors In lunntltfos less than a gallon on Its plnco of Luslncixi nt 13 South Front street, city ot Mod ford, until Jan uary 1,191(5. C. J. CAHSTKNS, Dated September 20, 1915. 1-OIt HUNT nou.NtCKKIU'lNG KOOM8 iUnicNT Two" or thrco nlcoiy furnished housqkcoplng rooms, cheap, S10 15. 11th St. 1C9 FOIt IU5NT Modern houso keeping suites, $C, $S a month, close in. 234 linsl 9th, FOIt HKNT FUltmsMhll HOOMH 'Oil HUNT Furnished rooms, 2 blks from federal building. 245 N. Grapo. 1-OIt HUNT MOUHJCS FOIUIKNT-Ataden 3"roon?f uniisii od bungalow. Inquire 2 IS N, Grapo. FOIt HUNT Mpdcrn D-room furnish ed house, paved street, water paid, $li. Phono J. W. Wakoriold. 100 FOIt'ltKNT TwobunBnIowB,""ona G rooms furnished on Park street. Ono unfurnished G room bungalow on King street. Inquire W. P. Dodge, 010 South Oakdale. 102 FOIt HKNT bungnlow. -AVell furnished modern 422 South Laurel. FOIt HKNT Modern G-room bunga low, cheap; closo In. Phono 13-X. FOH HKNT Six roonTniodorn bun galow, cant front, nleoplng porch, fno shade; garage. Phono 4SS-X. FOIt HKNT Modern H-room houso, 1021 West 10th st, $8.00, water paid. Henuott Investment Co. FOH HKNT Closo In G room houso with sleeping porch, modorn plumbing, electric lights, ccmont sidewalk, garago, on paved street, limit reasonable. Inquire ot II, C. Stoddard. Mcdford, Oregon. tf FOH 8ALI',-!jlTlv3'UJGK FcHrinu5taBTH good cows for lack of feed. Addioaa Uox K. G. H., Mall Tribune. 200 FOH BALK Angora, goasKd Wlilto Clliunx, Oro. 181 FOIt HAMtv-MtRCi'.MjAMCOUH FOH SALK oTTnuirrlmyTgralii or stoqk, good buggy, Phono oven ings, 778-J, 101 FOH BALK 1000 cedar posts at 12o. Von der Holleii Hdw, Co., Knglo Point. 105 FOH 8ALK Choice nlfalfa hay, first, second, third and fourth cuttings In car lots at following prices per ton at points named for cash: .Mod ford, $14.30; Corrfral Point, $14.30; Plmonlx, $11.30; Talent. $14 30; Ashland, $14. no. Several poisons, may Join hands in pur chase of n ten ton enr mid thereby sec tiro wholesale prices. Owing to scarcity of alfalfa In Hoguo Hirer valloy this year, and high prices for alfalfa in California, wo advlso luimodlnto purchaso before ad vnnco in prices, Slcopy Hollow Farm, II. A. Knslgn, Mgr., tele phono Gold Hill, Oie. 183 FOlffiALK Or tradiTror wood- 200 foot 2 feet wide, 1 Inch mesh chicken wire. M0 K. llth St. ll FOIl SALK Alfalfa hay, $10.00 por ton. W. R. Lamb, phono 5-F2, FOH SALK Pojo mountain buggy, good as now, Pnluior Investment Co., Modoo Orchard. WHY? IT 18 roUIt Hl'HIXKSS TO HKB SIB Decnuso my stock in trado Is to have optlonod at tho lowest cash prlco tho boat buy In this county. I have becu on tne ground look ing out for you for the past five years. Nearly ovorydny I have In vestigated soma "good thing." I have. eliminated evorything except those deals which I am convinced will te nure mo satisfied customers, In a fow hours tlmo 1 can giro you the benefit of thin research. It Is my business to show you over the county and Introduce you to the possibilities and opportunities here. See Med- ford firm and J. C. BARNES 10'J Wtt Main S(rt FOR niCXT MiSCKl, LAN HOUR FOH LB ASK- Kqulppcd placer mine. Gold Hny Hoalty Co. FOR SAMS ItfcAlj r-STATH FOH SALK GO acres land, fine, deep soli, dooded water right, 7 room houso, electric lighted, modern, 40x30 barn, fenced Page wlro, 40 ncros In nlfalfa, corn, sugnr boots mid small gnrdon truck, 20 ncres In pears, Hnrtlntt nnd D'AnJou, small pencil orchard, toani horsos, cow, farm Implements nnd nil crop goos with placo. For prlco mid particulars, address llox DC, R. F. D No. 2, L. M. U. Ccntrnl Potnt, Oro. IlKAL KSTATB FOR SALE All kinds of property tor sale or ex change Gold Hay Realty Co. FOR SALK Farm land, fruit land, timber land, land Trotn $C,00 por acre upwards on long time. Gold Ray Realty Co. lllihV WAXTKtt FKMALB WANTKO Womnn ot rofinoment mid education as housokoopor; good home. Address llox 222, caro Mnll Tribune WANTKn SITUATIONS WANTKD Position on ranch by man nnd wife; experienced. Address llox 99, caro Mall Tribune, 1G1 WANTED 'Kxperlcncod bookkeeper and offlco man desires position; best reforoncos. Address P. O. Hox 178, Central Point, Oro. 102 WANTKD nrossmaklng. Phono 479-M. 14.1 South Central. WANTKD Dressmaking. 210 Knight Btrect. 109 WANTKtl tllPICTjl.lyANtfOOB WANTKD Slide Trombone. Phono 19-F21. 109 WANTKD Hcsldenro for cash; must bo bargain. Uox AI1U, Mall Tri bune WANTKD Largo knitting mill ln vltea correspondence from women desirous of earning monoy, pnrt or full tlmo. Good pay. Kxporlenco unnecessary, international Mills, Inc., NorrlBtown, Pn, 200 MOXKV t LOAN MONKY TO LOAN On gonornl ranch security. Dennett Investment Co. LOST TAKKN VV Jvwcy helfor, ouo year, crop on ion ear. uwuur cun navo smno by paying charges. W. H. Lmiib, Medford. 104 . - - - FOH KAunArrtia FOR Tit A 1)15 Ten "lotB,"' cast front hIiihIii treoH, berries, water and sewer, huiiiII houso, for ncrongo. Hox 021, Medford. 104 FORIIIANGK Largo work htmio for hay, wheat, wood. CbbIi or tlmo. P. K. Wyulioop, 820 W. 12th. 104 FOR'XCIIANGK FJuo Portland huslnosH $0100 cloa,r, for rosldencea or liicomo property hero. Also sovornl nejv offerlnga In Wlllmii oltu valloy ranches. Clnrk Realty Co., 200 Phlpps JUIilif. WANTKD Local property to ex change for northern nnd enstoru. Clark Realty Co., 20G Phlpps llldg. WANTKD I'ruiifs, dried, ono mllo south and west of Medford. Phono 7-F4. mo UUHINKH. lUKKUTUItT Auto rtappiiva LAHER ADTO BPRING CO.wW aro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pa Clflo Qorthwest, Use our sprluu when otnori fall. Sold under guar ante. 26 North Fifteenth St. Portland, Ore. NEW TODAY A 125,000 general stock lu tho Wll lamotto valley togotbor with $15,000 building for exchange for a stock ranch horo. Somo toal bargains lu young or chards. Tho $22.50 land must all in culti vation, is still unsold and a great big bargain. C. D. HOON Room 10, Jackson County llmik Illdtf. IHJ8INKSS DIltKOTOKY Atterups PORTER J. NEFF. WM. r. MKALBT Attornoys-at-Law, Rooms S ant !. Medford National Dank bid. A. E. RBAMES, LAWYER Uaraetti Corey bhlg. Wm. M. Colvlg. Gcorgo M. Roberta COLVIO & ROUERT3. LAWYER& Medford National Bank Building. B. F. MULKBY & GEO. W. CHBRHT Attornoya at Law. Jackson Cona ty Bank Building. DeaOsta DR, W. M. VAN 8COTOO DR. O. O. VAN 8COYOU Dentists Garnett-Corey Bldg., aultt 811 Medford, 0r9. Phono 8C8. Collection anil Report COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS W colloctod some accounts 14 yeara old. Wo know how to got the monoy. Tho Bullock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, IIa kins' llldg., 210 B. Main St. Ctiiropracur PR. R. J. LOCKWOOD.. Chiropractor. servo specialist Rooms aes-ao-" 205. Garnett-Corey bldg., Vapor baths and scientific massage lvea aeedle- spray, bead and shoulder shower in connection; adflce la dietetics, medical gyBaaaetlea, hydropthorapy. Lady atteadaat Phone, office 643, retde Bll-R. Knglnoer ancl Contractor, FRKDN7culMMINuin contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldg. Burvoye, estimates, Irrlgatloa, dralnogo, orchard and Uad la provomont. Garuite OARBAGE Got your premise cleaned up tor the summer. CaU on tho city garbage wugoas lot good service. Phone 274-L. T, Y, Allen. Instruction la Masie HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO Hook 401, Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Fred Al ton Halght Piano, Mra. Florenee Hntllday Halght. voice. Phoae 72. Pliytwldaaa mas. rmrgeosi DR. F. U. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS OARLOW Osteopathia. physicians, 41C-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phono 1030-L. lUsldeata 26 South laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopaUU physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phono V04-M. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Fhyslclaa aa surgoon. Practice limited to eye, ear, uoso and throat, Byes scien tifically tcatod And glasses iuih piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. It. It. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co. Bldg., opposlto P. O. Phono C87. DR. R. W. CLANCY-Physician ana surgeon. Phoues, office 36, resi dence 724-J, Office hours 10 t 12, 2 to 6. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD DR, MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Otflea 309-310-311, M. F. & 11. Bldg;. Phonos residence, 814-J3; office, 814, DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon, Office Paint block, opposlto Nash Hotol. Iloura 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. T. G. HEINE. M. D SPECIALIST-. Eyo, ear, noso nnd throat, otflea 228 East Main; residence 1121 Bast Main; office hours 9 a. hi. to 12 m.; 130 to 0 p.m. Telephonea Offlco, 303; srosjdquco, aOjJ-JJL Printers anO I'uliUshert UEDFORD PRINTING CO, hat the best equipped printing otflee la soutuorn Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prleea. 7 North rtr at, TruasTor BADS TRANSFER & BTORAOB CO. Offlco 42 North Front St. Pfieat 316. Prices right. Hsrvtte ruar intend. Typewriters uh(I Happlles. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES New Remlneton, Smith Premier and Monarch typewriting, addtsg and subtracting niaolne, rehutH machluea for cash or easy ty wonts. Machines for reat, rlbaaa and supplies of all kiads, slwple re pairs tree o( charge. KaVger ft Bennett. I Oul (H ahea V. i ' J 3 V K5 4 wMssOsm