f SIEDFOIID MATL TRTBUNR MT3DF.ORT). ORKaOfl, FftTOAV, ft-RPTflArTVTCR -11913. VACm TiraF.TC x c 'f f I '!' i T f T f i OH FALL OPENING; HARVEST SALE OPENS SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25--LASTS TEN DAYS A Considerable Saving on Fall and Winter Merchandise WE'VE BEEN MONTHS PREPARING FOR THIS EVENT, AND BEING THE FIRST SALE OF EARLY FALL WEARABLES, WE'VE SPARED NO EFFORT IN MAKING THIS THE BIG EVENT OF THE SEASON, FOR WE ARE HERE TO MAKE GOOD, AND REALIZE THAT ONLY VALUES COUNT IN BUILDING THE FOUNDATION OF A SUCCESSFUL RTTSTTrass WTVVP. PAffRinn TITT! -FTRST MILESTONE. THROUGH THE HOT SUMMER MONTHS. AND NOW VERGE ON THE FALL SEASON WITH COLORS FLYING AND A WITH A SENSE OF GRATIFICATION FOR THE HEARTY BUSINESS WE HAVE ENJOYED THE PAST FEW MONTHS. BUT IT'S NOW TIME FOR FALL MERCHANDISE, AND WP. TTAVP. PTTPnWASP.n MATJV T.TNT!K OF NF.W MATERIALS. BY THE YARD OR READY-MADE GARMENTS, THAT FOR THIS SPECIAL SA1.E MBAJN tfil bAVliMtra xun EVERY HOME. WE SELL ONLY REPUTABLE MERCHANDISE, AND THAT AT THE LOWEST CONSISTENT PRICE. "A GUARANTEE WITH EVERY PURCHASE AND YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT, IS OUR MOTTO." SALE BEGINS SATURDAY. FALL OPENING MONDAY. snLli Siiuw muwuAX jsviaruiau- rWILLED SHIRTING CRASHES 1 T Y T Y f FALL SUITS and COATS BUSIEST SECTION OF THE STORE We might say, "by a streak of good luck," we were fortunate in being able to buy 75 Suits, right at the last minute snappy, up-to-date stylos, which are all the rage in the large cities today. Through our knowledge of the New York shops we bought these garments from the coast representative at the eastern cost, and only one of a kind in the lot you get the benefit of this purchase. BUNGALOW APRONS 39c, 49c. 69c 1, roomy Uoumo Ap rons, nmilu oC good quality pon-ah', in tlucu 8lr.cs, light niul dark patterns. This Coupon with 1fio nml tho nbovo purch ase, entitles you to a 25e pkp. of Gold Dust. (Clin the Coupon) Comes HO nml 00 inches wide, in lienvy twill cloth, most- 1 A ly blue JL UL SUITS, $16.50, $19.50, $25.00 AND UP . Garments that arc distinctive and different, and embrace fashions of last decree of style. Jaunty Fur-Trimmed Russian Box Coats, with high "chin chin" collars, some arc belted, others arc perfectly loose back, come in blue, brown, green and black, materials arc gebordine, broadcloth, poplins and serges. NOTE Wo maintain an Alteration Department that gives absolute satisfaction in every fitting. Mrs. Riddle has charge of this department. COATS FOR MISSES AND LADIES A big showing of corduroys, plush and mixtures, some arc belled with large patch pockets and high button-up collars ,and come in brown, blues, greens, grays and black, also mixtures with fur trimmings, nt.... $6.50, $9.50 up to $25.00 COATS FOR CHILDREN Nobby chinchillas, corduroys and plush, lined and trimmed with materials to match, sizes'3 to 14 years, at ?L75 to $8.50 Crush, 2 to 3 yards in each pieiv .. 19c This Coupon with l."o and tho nbovo purclinsr, entitles you to n 2fic pkjj. of Gold Dust. (Clip tho Coupon.) LADIES' DRESSES, SILK OR WOOL 'All-Wool Serges, in navy and eolorsfsomc trimmed with silk to match Peter-Thomson Dresses; also a lot of;the new fall styles in silk, both black and colors, many have just been received. DRESSES PRICED $7.50 to $25.00 REMARKABLE SAVINGS IN THE SILK AND DRESS GOODS SECTION Hundreds of yards divided into three big lots, stacked high on tables. Y T ? Y Y f Y t T Y ? ? v $ xeliool wear, Hold regular to fiOtv yard f Y Y r Y Y X foreign prices, dozens of patterns, now in vogue for lace waists; also X up to IV, inches r QAn 1A Double Width Chiffons 1 O C wide vf j) XVKt m colors tJJJ JL J J jIABa DRESS GOODS LOT 1 Odd lots, short lengths nnd full bolts, plaids, plain colors, very suitable for children's 1 Ca HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASE A good quality Case, 42x30, hem si ii died with wide hems, f jl o well worth 20c 1a21 GERMAN VAL. LACES .American liumo jjjiuuh ul iuss iiuui DRESS GOODS LOT 2 This lot includes dozons of piece?,. s.od foiiuorly to $1.00 yard; wo' need tho roomj heneoQp the saciifico on such merchandise, yd. LtJKj HEMSTITCHED SHEETS A Seamed Sheet, good quality mus lin to match hemstitched A Qkf case, worth 7fe TC Jj WIDE LACES AND CHIFFONS Silk All-Over Laces, 40 inches wide, DRESS GOODS- LOT 3 J!oU any material yon could ask for in this lot, Kold regular to $2.f0 yard.Homo urn fcliorl AQp ItmgtliH, others us much as you like, yd.TcOL (mf) ? Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y T V Y y y Y ? ? t ? T Y ? Anui 1 1 1 win ""rr jjr WAYNE KNIT AND WONDER HOSE A For Ladies' and Children's J lose they can't be beat, every pair guaranteed Cp to givo satisfactory wear, at AD B A new All Silk Guaranteed Waj'iio H C Kuit Stocking in black at I D 0 Wunder Troso for Ladies and.Children, any size, in black only, guaranteed, 1 C p NOTE CLIP THE COUPONS IN THIS AD, THEY MEAN EXTRA SAVINGS WHEN PRESENTED WITH THAT PARTICULAR PURCHASE THEY REFER TO This Coupon, with 15o and the nbovo purchase, entitle yoii'to a 2.1c pkjj. Hold 'J'l"1- Woudtrlloso, Kiiarnntecd, Childrno's or I.adio-.' 7 Pairs 1. 00 Clip the Coupon) srfsr. CURTAIN SCRIMS AND NETS Just recoived a big lot of these curtain mater ials in plain white, cream and ecru, 3G inches wide, nothing nicer for bungalow windows, and at very reduced prices. 10, 121od, 15, 20 LADIES' GOWNS rado of good quality out ing, in white, or small pink and blue stripe, all sizes, at 69, S5, 98 CORSETS Royal Worcester Corsets, worth regular up to $1.50, late styles, most Q Q r any sr.e. Enough matcnul 112 yards calico or ehallie) with sufficient cotton for comfort, (H1 OQ This Coupon with 15c nnd tho above purcluibo cntitlos you to a 25c pkg. Hold Dust. (Clip the Coupon.) Y V , MILLINERY most anv color BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S PAJAMAS Good quality outing, in pink or blue stripe, always ICk sold $1 and $1.25 OC BLANKETS, COMFORTERS and PILLOWS Cotton Fleece Blankets, come in tan, gray and white, at". 49 and to $2.50 Comforters, made of good quality sillcoline and good quality filling, at $1.25 and up Pillows nl ."....75 each and up One lot of Blankets, slightly damaged, at 49c Also the Popular Pendleton Robes PETTICOATS BROWN MUSLINS All Jersey Silk Petticoats, A yard wide cloth, always sold up to $6.00, also !Mes- sold at 7.c and 8Vfjc, over saline Skirts in fl 1 OO stocked on this lot, C :.v 1,70 hence the price . v Y f t ,." All that is new in fillinery you will find on display here many new shapes received daily from largo eastern shops or wo will re-trim PI CHILDREN'S SCHOOL . HANDKERCHIEFS One big lot bought purposely for this sale, Lawn Handker chief with colored hem, limit 1 dozen to each ens- A tomer, dozen X U sold reg. to $1.50.. DRUG SUNDRIES At department Hloro prieos, nil fctnndard ffoodn, This Coupon with any 50c purcbami in the Drug .Sundry Dept. nnd 15e entitli's you to n '2'm pktf. of Cold Dust. (Clip tho Coupon.) THE MAY CO. Successors to F. K. Deuel . Co. Several pieces of Blenched nnd IJiown Crash, Buitnblo for roller line, sold regular to Ific, 10c OUTINO FLANNEL CRETONNES Good quality, such at you pay 12V&C for, in white, pink or bluo stripes or ehecka, 1 Ar n t 1 U t KIMONO CLOTH Roldft t 20c nnd 2fo, in n vari ety of patterns, pinks nnd blues, 27 and 3C inches wide, at. . 10 or 15 pieces o Fancy Fig ured Cretonnes, used for cur tains, draperies nnd tho like, regular VlYta and QJjr IHc, at 0Oj HEAVY CLOAKING $3.00 Grade f4 Inches wide, in good, heavy pinlity, for Hlldron'n contu, two patterns, blue JM ft C tQ nnd brown . Vi? J J SCHOOL RIBBONS CREPE DE CHINE All silk, 10 Inches wide, in white, black or colors, fort 1 C evening wear. .PA JU WASTE BASKETS A necessity for the homo, comu in neul crelonuu patterns, in different fihnpcs, " C- Two lotn, some are fanoy fig ured, others arn plain taffeta, any color, .IC A good Crochet llcdsprcad, E!H5S-$1.69 This Coupon, with lfic nnd the uliovo pnrehase, entitles you to a 2ro pkg. Onld Dust. (Clip tho Coupon.) GOJZS'ZTS Tiiylacc In Front fiedtt ta Health and Beauty SCHOOL MIDDIES Come in all whilo or while with blue trinnninggs, any size, M,1G, IS, QQ EXTRA SPECIAL With every pur chase oi $1.00 or more during this sale, your (moiro.ol' 10 bars Sunny .Mon day or .l''jury soap IW 25c Follow the Correct Fitting of a GOSSARD CORSET Health because this corset gives cor rect abdominal support, a natural waist line and a back line true to nature. Beauty follows, because the foun dation of Beauty is perfect health. Our observations convince us that the women who wear Gossard Cor sets enjoy good health. The models shown above are but four of the distinguished family of original Gossard Front-Lacing Corsets. They arc sold by us and are worn by the most particular women. Regardless of the price you pay for any Gossard Corset, you are assured of complete wearing satisfaction. Added to this you may have health and beauty. We suggest afittingu today. Various models to choose from at 2.00, $3.50, $5 (JO and up. rr V A ' t XMJUiitJ t 111 ll'lfl I A t II Iff li If iifA III 11,1 SlOdilMI Jotil ill WW? I -" Wl f Jaw fir n M m m mmmmmmm.i mm- i.ii.r . l criv r Y Y Y Y Y Y T t ? ? Y f Y V ? I mh 'SHn IsJ V m. 'Vtffl m '' r . fcW a. .4 '41 '- 4 k 1 ? f T Y Y ? r t t T T t Y Y t ? Y Y Y Y Y ? T Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y ? T Y Y Y Y Y Y I "4 t Y ? Y ? T Y Y Y Y T Y t T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T f Y Y f Y Y T Y Y X I nuir lisif in Rllif. von. 1 - ' ; f;.X;XXX:KKKK V-