Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 22, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
l'nlr tonight and Thursday
Max. 71); Mln. 15 j Hum. JU).
Forty-firth Year.
Dally Tonlh Year.
NO. 157
Military Authorities Take Possession
of Railroads and General Traffic Is
Suspended Klnn Ferdinand Dc
dares for Germany and Says En-
SOI'IA, Monthly, Sept. 20, via Lon
don, Sept. 22; Bulgaria, uppnruntly
is on (ho brink of war. Tho people
generally believe tlml hostilities nre
iniinini'iit. The military authorities
have (liken possession of (lie railways
mill oriliitury Irnffiii Jias been Sus
pended. Diplomatic representatives hero of
Hie entente power generally rocog
nie tlml llieir cause is a Iot one, mill
tlml Bulgaria is manifesting clenrly u
ti'inleney to want the ecntnil power.
This is iltic to the dissatisfaction of
thi! government nl Serbia's reply in
the negotiations for tertitorial concessions-
in Macedonia anil at the eon
duet of (Ireece.
To Join Clci'iiuuiy
Xone of tho alliei' represent a lives
here chorfahes longer the hope that
llulguria can be prevented from join
ing with (iorninny, Austria and Tur
key. In government circle the statement
miis made that all tho military meas
ures which havo buon taken nro of a
preventive nature. Thoi-o measures
consist in turning over the railroad
'to I he military authorities anad sus
pending ordinary truffle.
The formal cchmoii hv Turkey of
the territory nlong the Dedoughnleh
' milnniil has boon ilcluyiM bv the nr
(ion of the entente powers in notify
ing llulgitrin that Heeeptauee of this
territory would lw regarded as an
unfriendly net which would invite
King I'cnlliiunilV Staleiiieut
It was learned today that King
Ferdinand, replying last Friday to the
assertions of lenders of tho opposi
tion parlies that tho allied would be
victorious, said;
'Tho entente is not mire of winn
ing. Nothing indicate at this mo
ment that Mich will be the ease. If
Bulgaria's chances ol obtaining Mnco
doniu depend thereon they may never
be realized. Sly government it fol
lowing a policy which in positive in
action and cerium of good results,"
Rumors thai l'reinicr liadohlavol'l
is likely to icHigu aie clmnicleri.ed
in competent ipim'tom as unfounded.
Policy In IMci-ioIiiimI
Although the government's mill
tnry inonsuros aro chnractorlzod as
lirovcntlve, no attompt Ih mado to
hide tho fact that Bulgaria's policy
1m fixed nnd Hint it will bo followed
energetically to tho end, to obtain tho
purposo Hi view, nnmoly tho Incor
poration of Macedonia within Us
Tho Associated Proas is informod
from the highest qunrtor that tho
opposition now understands this, hav
ing been forcibly improsscd thorowlth
during a ronforonco with tho king.
Moreover tho opposition understands
(Continued on Page C)
NliW YOltK, Sept. 28.--Colonel
Kdward M. Houio, Pruldont Wilson's
friend and unofficial advisor, whoso
name apeparad in the lottor wrltton
b Dr. Dumba, tha Auatro-Hungur-iau
ambaaeader at Waokington, to
the Auatro-HiiAgartan minister of
foreign affairs, mada public Uat night
In Loudon, wtd teday:
"1 Nv spoken to Dr. Dumba on
several occmIbm. The only time 1
an racall wkw the qutMtlen af
munition cam up was mm Urn age
w ba I Mid 1 did not thlak the Unit
ed Statw would no,. th exBortaUOA
of aumualUoA Ui an country. 1
iut not Quote President Wilton but
ve (1 i tu i'trooal opinion ''
General Joffrc and Allied Comman
ders Dcvelopinrj New Plan of Cam
paign That Involves Use of Artil
lery on a Vast Scale Along Whole
Lljic Trenches Untenable.
PATHS, Sept. 22. General Joffro,
tho French commander In chief nnd
tho allied commantlora on this front
Field Marshal Sir John French and
King Albert of Ilolglum aro devel
oping n now plan of campaign that in
volves tho almost continuous use ot
nrtlllery on a vast' scnlo nlong tho
wholo lino.
Masses of artillery havo been em
ployed by both shies slnco tho begin
ning of operations In preparing for
infantry nttacks, pounding their ad
versaries works for an hour or two,
then suddenly suspending flr'o and
assaulting with infantry.
Maintaining I'iro for Days
Tho allies nro now methodically
maintaining their shell flro for days
at a timo without infantry nttacks,
dropping projectiles upon tho charred
front Into ovory fifty yard Hipinro and
repeating tho procoss n deadly, au
tomatic iinccaRlng pounding. Tho
heavy calibrcd guns send their storms
of shells upon encampments of first
rosorves behind tho lines, nnd upon
bridges nnd provision trains.
Official reports obtained by tho
French nrmy officers from their own
obsorvorn, from prisoners, nnd from
photographs inndo by nvlntors show
that parts of tho opposing lines which
hnvo boon subjected to this unceas
ing boinbnrdmont havo been render
ed entirely untonablo nnd that tho
host tho Germans cnu do Is to ro-oc-cupy
their abandoned works nftor tho
bombardments hnvo let up nnd then
loavo quickly whou tho showers of
projoctllos begin to fall again.
Spreads to ltelglmn
PARIS, Sept. 22. Tho nrtlllory
fighting nlong tho western front, so
prevalent in tho pnst few days, has
broken out In Belgium, according to
the French official reports given out
In this city this nftornoon.
Artillery fighting has taken jilnco
also near Arras, between tho Somnio
and Olsc, between tho Alsno and tho
Argontio region nnd in I.orrnlno.
A group of eight French aviators
have successfully bombarded a rail
road station on the lino from Verdun
to Metz
MKMPIIIS, Tcnn., Kept. 22.- Two
arrests in connection with the mys
tenons murder of Margento Favar,
an actress, and J. l Crow ell, in a
fashionable apartment boiiso here,
were made today when Thomas For
lor nnd Guy Palmer, negroes, were
taken into' custody by detectives'. No
formal charge "wus lodged against the
Palmer is janitor of the apartment
Accorrdiug to the police, it was his
dutv to go into the building about "
o'clock each morning and light a hot
water heater, but yeaterday, the
morning of the murder, bo olaimod to
havtf ovorslspt. Porter is the uhauf
four who drove tho automobile which
took Mrs. Vhvtkr and Crowoll to the
Women's Flub building, where she
gave h dancing exhibition the night
bofors h wus killed. Porter told
tlu iwlice that aft r the ieifontiunce
(rowell diuiisml Inin tor the night,
saying h would drive the car huuxolt
AMSTERDAM. Ssflt. 88 The
Dutek ataamer KmtnKn Kwwa, a
mii tbouaand ton vttatel from Data
via. Jam. strntk a wine wbllo on hor
va to this port. Her past oncers and
new wrra reicuej.
Germans Again Foiled In Plan of Sur
rounding Slavs, Who Withdraw
Safely in Orderly Retreat German
Left Flank Still In Air Moscow
Petitions for Recall nf Douma.
LONDON', Sept. 12. Special dis
patches from I'ctrogr.fd ngrco that
lltii IliisNintiH have withdrawn safely
frroni the Vilnn salient, the strategic
value of wliieh was considered so
great that the Russian staff felt jus.
tificd in risking some of the best
troops to defend it to the last pos
sible moment. In their withdrawal
tho Russians destroyed everything of
military utility.
While the main nrmy probably is
snfe, it is hardly likely that the whole
Russian force will escape without
heavy losses in mon and guns. Field
Marshal Von Ilinilenburg'8 cavalry,
which was o.pcetcd to complete the
encircling movement, is still held up
between Smorgon nnd Molodcehno.
On tho Vilnn. I.ida-Slonim flank the
Herman advanee is proceeding stead
ily, but Prince Leopold's program is
slower, while Field Mnndiul Von
Muckcnscu has come to n pause bu
yond the Frijiet mimlics.
Took Hugo ltlsks
LONDON, Sept. '". The Hussions
have escaped the coils of the Vilnn
salient and retired in good order, de
stroying all military works and a con
siderable portion of the railway, ac
cording to the Fetrograd correspond
ent of tho Post, who says:
"Tho strntegio vnluo of the Vilnn
salient bus hen enormous. It was
hold by some of Itussiu's best troops
and therefore risks weio taken profit
ably wliieh might have been fatal un
der other circumstances. The stub
born holding of this salient nullified
('cminn designs upon Itiga and tho
(I'enuan left Hank is still up m the
If tho Kiissian retreat is to he stop
ped successfully tho swiftest move
meut must oomo from the south, and
the Germans must roup tho full ad
vantage of their efforts within ii
For Itciiiil of Diiiiih
As was predicted, the Zemstvo con
ference at Moscow petitioned Km
pcror Nicholas to recall the dunia and
summon u cabinet responsive to the
wishes of the people.
The I'etrograd.artillerv duels nlong
the western front have been relieved
by hovernl infantry attacks.
LONDON, Sept. 'J'J. That the
lltissiau army in the Vilnn region will
be uble to el feet a successful retreat
is the opinion of tho Times Fetrogrnd
correspondent, who says that the
army has reached a point thirty miles
from Vilnu.
"Tho' Itiissinns," says tho corre
spondent, "make an effective stand
on the Vili.v.l river, which, nftor the
loss of the railway, secured the Rus
sian retreat by road. Hut in the face
(Continued on uaga two.)
PARIS, Sept. '22. The new Aus-tro-(ieenuaii
annv on the Serbian
frontier has continued the heavy bom
bardment of the positions across the
river wluoh form tho boundary line,
but' so far its is known has not et
attempted an invasion ol Serbian ter
ritory. Tho Istost official communi
cation from Nih, issued yestorduv
Mud telucraphed to tho Hnvtu agene.v,
brings thtu upsmtious to Sunday. It
follows :
'The susmy threw BOO tketU from
field artillery hhi! mortar, tteross the
DsNube and Save on Uie IDtk, tlirsot-
ing tkeui at our works. At the ame
tuns the eumay kspt un h vuilswt fre
with rifles and hmcJhko guns from 'i
u to. to 0 p. in., nompliahing Hutb
ing frum a inihUf- point of view. We
(nude uulj at'jht pl,"
Vis AIWA1 i J'BCaui H1M lK''. mm.
f iKdW66sk "
xSv dJH
Hero's Theodore Roosevelt III jn one of liH crjing niomctits, and
Theodora Roosevelt I in one of his speaking moments. The picture of the
youngster was snapped on the beach at South.inipton, L. I, Note tho
similnrity in the poise of the head nnd method of wrinkling the brow nnd
using the mouth.
ATIIKNS, via London, Sept. 22.
On receipt of nows that Bulgaria bad
ordered n general mobilisation of her
troops, King ronstantino summoned
to eonfeienco Premier Venielos and
tho members of the general stuff of
the nrmy. Tho premier subsequently
called a meeting of the cabinet,
Tho greatest activity prevails
among 'representatives of the ontoutu
powers. The Ilritish, French and
Russian ministers held u conference.
Tho Vcuizclos government faces the
situation confidently.
It is understood here thai the first,
sixth, seventh and tenth divisions, to
talling about 11)0,000 infantry and
several cavalry regiments will bo th5
ill's t mobilized. A number of cavalry
regiments already has left Sofia for
an unknown destination,
Merchandise traffic oh the Bulgar
ian railways had been suspended siuco
Saturday. All Bulgarians in Mneo
doniu and Thrace, who previously
served in the Bulgarian unny, num
bering about l.),OI)0, hnvo been re
called to the color-.
SACRAMENTO. ( ..I., Sc,4. .'.
SHporior Judge John L. Child of Dl
Norto eounty, who wss ths ul.jcct ol
iinpeaffhmoat proMedin at the lust
legislator, was upheld td,i bv the
apHillMtu court of ll.e thud di-tmt
Ut his fludina- of im nipt iimun-i ii
A. Webb, a Cm-' -t uv ntinriM
Wabi wm sfcuteu-cd tu Lie tuu
diiys in prison and a fine of $10 for
vvutsuipt ul i.v irt.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 22 Tho oppo
neuts of wutorwnys Improvements,
tho udvorso roport of Llout-Colonol
of Knglnoors Denkyuo on tho pro
posed Improvement of tho MIsBuurl
rtvor and tho persons who cry "Pork"
at every mention of rlvor Improve
ments In tho mlddlo west woro de
nounced by Speaker Champ Clurk of
the national house of representatives
In an address boforo tho Business
Mon's Loaguo horo toduy.
Ho culled uttontlon to tho vory
small gain in population throughout
tho mlddlo wost in recent yenrs and
advocated tho ru-ostabllshmont of
cheap water transportation as tho
principal romody for tho existing "dis
parity of growth botweon tho Miss
ippl valley and tho uoubourd, gulf
und lako statos,"
"If an appropriation Is for tho Im
provement of Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Now York or Now Knglnnd waters,"
tho spenkor doolurcd, "it is a pa
triotic oxjiondltunif Jiut If tho. ap
propriation Is tn bn need in Iowa.
Missouri or Arkansas or that roglon,
it is pork."
SAN KUANCISCO, Cal., Ktd. 22.
Dr. Hnrnb J. Tedfurd of Io An
i;ele mus today to fjvo
duvs in lor uiilcuipt of oouit in
fading U in. ike ii iuH MCpInill
III',' how sill- i. .mi nil.. piiDSMSJon of
in allcgrii di'lour.ilu' will of tho
lute John M Knib. 'flic 'ftniiNiee
ta bj . .. .1 I, L,,,,, " fii
. noa uunmm j uMf uwimw t uvi"
t iM th hufKjnr court witMout ul-tersMtn?'
ft K
Documents Taken From Archboltl
Show Contempt in Wliieh the Unit
ed States Is Held by Captain Von
PaiicnLetters From Dumba and
Bcrnstorff Awaited Before Action.
W'ASIIINOTON, Sept. 22.-Acting
Secretary of Slate Polk announced
today that the department is now in
possession of all but two of the docu
ments taken from lames F. J. Aieh
ibald, which resulted in the request
for the recall of the Austro-IIungar-iaii
ambassador. It was declared that
until the remaining letters, one from
Dr. Dumba to his foreign office "on
political subjects," and a loiter from
Count Von Hernstorff, ranch the de
partment no further action which
might affect other persons implicat
ed will ho taken.
In addition to correspondence al
ready published, the deparlmout di
vulged it translation of a letter ad
dressed to the "Royal Ministry of
War, Berlin," by Von Papon, dated
New York, August 20, regarding the
probable sale of war materials to the
Dutch mid Norwegian governments.
The translation of the letter was an
Von I'apeu's lc(lvt
"Recently news has eomo in hern
from various sources that tho Dutch
nnd Norwegian governments nro buy
ing war materials, such as powder,
to! ul, etc.
'I lospeelfully beg the royal min
istry of wnr to bo good enough to let
mo know whether there would ho nay
objection to u salo of war material by
us to the countries mentioned, in the
event of the governments or their
representatives hero guaranteeing
that no further sale of the goods shall
tuso place.
"On I lie Norwegian government I
could probably unload a largo portion
of the Loliigh Coko company's toluol
which is lying here useless in utor
u,re." Tliosu Idiot lo Yankees
Publication of some of tho letters
made public in Kngland has aroused
considerable speeulution here as to
what tho future etiurse of the govern
ment may bo with regard to some of
ficials of tho Austrian and Gorman
embassies. Officials would not com
ment on the letter of Captain Fritz
Von Papon, the (lenuan military at
tache, in wliieh ho said: "I alwiijs say
to llioso idiotic Yankees that they had
hotter hold thoir tongues." Vhelhor
any net ion would be taken by tho gov
ernment regarding Vou Papon, offic
ials would not disclose.
The copy of Dr. Dumba's letter, in
which tho AtiHtro-llungariau ambus
sudor comments on the attitude of
President Wilson ami Secretary Lan
sing, it was said, had not jet leached
the dcpuitmcnt.
IJUR LIN, via Wireless to Tucker
ton, Sept. 22. "According to private
icporls brought by a travelor who has
ranched Amsterdam from Kncbiud,"
says tho Overseas News agiliey, "the
Bank of Kngland was hit by Zeppelin
bombs during tho last air raid on
Loudon, The daiuave done was much
greater than bad been rcpoited,"
AM8Ti!lli)AM, Sept. 2S. -A semi
ofBoial rUtomont lssusd in Horlin
rtfds ut follews:
"After Inquiry the (lerman admir
alty tontriuIloMi tho statement of tho
Hrltlah admiralty and it oun now bo
a to tod that no German subinarlno was
responsible for (lis uttaok on the lies-1'erian."
0 AM
Dynamite Blast in Partially Con
structed Seventh Avenue Subway
Causes Entire Block of Pavement
to Cave In, Engulflnn Crowded
Trolley Cars and Pedestrians.
NI3W YORK, Sept. 2. Six per
sons woro klllod nndbotweon 8G nnd
100 others Injured today when a blast
of dynamito In a partly constructed
soctlon of tho Soventh avonuo sub
way caused nn cntlro block ot pavo
ment to envo In, engulfing a crowd
ed (rolloy car, a heavy truck and
many pedestrians,
A number of Inborors at work in
tho excavation woro burled undor
tonB of debris. Sovonty eight per
sons, a consldornbel portion of them
bolng women and girls on thoir way
to huslnoss, woro on tho surfaco car
which dropped thirty foot Into tho
excavation and was pnrtly burled un
dor concroto, mils, heavy timbers,
dirt nnd rocks.
Tho dend:
Louis Krugmnn, 22 years old, a
pnscngor on tho car. An unidenti
fied wnmnn about GO years old, ap
parently on hor way (o worlc. Four
Investigations Under W'ny
Sovcral investigations woro begun,
Tho mayor said tho inquiry had not
progressed far enough to dotormlno
whether criminal tiogllgonco was re
sponsible for (ho accident, or whoihor
nrrcsts would bo made
Tho accident happened a fow min
utes boforo 8 o'clock. Thousands of
persons on their way to business in
tho crowded shopping section rushod
to (ho scono of tho accident.
Two hundred pollco rcsorvos woro
rushod to tho sceno and (ho rcsorvo
dromon from six battalions, number
ing morn than CO, also wcra called
nut. A number of wntor and gas
mains woro broken by tho explosion
nnd rescuers woro handicapped by
(ho flow of gas.
Tho accldont occurrod shortly bo
foro 6 o'clock und moro (ban halt of
(ha Injured woro women and girls on
thoir way (o work.
Trolley Cur I)iiin
There wero 7S passengers on (ho
trolley enr which droppod 1G feet
Into tho subway oxcavatlon when tho
ontlro block on Seventh avenuo bo
tweon 2Kh and 25th streets col
lapsed, Although tho car romnlned
upright, it was partly burled under
nn avnluucho of ooncreto, rails, tim
ber nnd earth and many of tho pus
songors woro severely crushed,
Parsons who wero In u largo office
building cIohu to whom (ho car wont
dawn, said there wus a great roar as
tho nuvcnicnt niiit portions of tho
sldownlks sank. This was followed
a moment Inter by cries of tho part
ly entombed passengers and of pe
destrians who wero eltiior thrown In
to tho excavation or knocked down,
Men nnd women smashed tho car
windows with (hair baro hands in an
effort to oscupo, oyo witnesses said,
while podostrlans who had boon
(brown Into (ho liolo struggled (o
avoid (ho falling debris and regain
'ho stroot level.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22. Dr.
fonntnnliii T. Dumba, tho Aiibtro
Huiujiiii.iii nmhiitftMidor, notified tho
date department late today that hbt
government hud called him homo on
leave. Tho ambassador said ho ex
pected to bail September 28 on tho
Rotterdam. He advined tho state de
partment in u tologiiun from Lenov,
Dr. Dumb neeumpanicd the, nn
nouucouiont with a request that thin
Kovornmout iimingo for his safe con
duet through oueniy (ovrttory. This
request, it was nuuoiinuud, hud not
yet liMin granted, tho Mate, depart
ment having entered into negotiations
with the Vienna government regdTil
lug l(,